OK, to start with, the list of winners so far:
Preliminary prediction -- Rob C.
I think this one is going to shape up to be a battle of the villains. Everyone has seen everyone else at work, they can't do some innocent act. There has already been a tendency in previous shows to approvingly say, "Well, he sure played the game", even when the person in question is a schmuck.
Either that or Colby, since it was purely due to his niceness that he didn't win the first time around. If he AND Tina both get a mil, that would feel karmically correct.
Purely demographically, which is what has worked for me before, I'd have to go with Rudy. He's an old guy (Richard was the last oldish guy, not a genuine old guy), he's nice (Jenna was evil), and he's a guy (guy-girl-guy-girl-guy-girl-girl-?).
In other words, I don't really have a clue.

I'll think about it more. (I want to go three for three!!) For now I think I will go with -- Rudy and at least 2 villains (Rob and Richard, Rob and Jerri, etc.) in the final 4. Rudy wins.