-Waking up at 8:00 a.m. to run outside and play with friends.
-Not caring what I looked like.
-Not worrying if he would like me.
-Getting dirty and coming home and taking a bubble bath.
-When swearing was such a bad thing.
-When there wasn't such a thing as a rumor.
-When getting in trouble at school was only because you wouldn't share your crayons.
-When my sister was my bestfriend.
-When we didn't spend five hours a day on the internet.
-When the only reason a girl ever cried was when she got hurt or someone died.
-When not having a mom around didnt hurt soo much.
-When the only music we listened to was on Disney.
-When our dad would plan who we hung out with.
-When we did whatever we wanted without being judged.
-When we had nap time at school.
-When having a boyfriend just meant holding hands and sharing snacks.
-When everyone believed in Santa.
-When life was easier.

Wanna share?
-List form please!