@reasoning logic,
Quote:I do not need to have blind belief in something to understand the evidence based research that is available to study.
What is blind belief, and what is not? How do you know what evidence is, unless you test to see if this evidence is correct? You can not...And to even embrace evidence itself, takes faith itself, in what you are embracing...Unless someone is the first to invent, or "prove" something...Which would STILL point to every person is born for a reason that no one else can do...Unlike that nonsensical statement by many atheists that we are just not that important...And are by chance...
Quote:I would not be so certain that many more people than yourself understood what you explained. I know I cant say I did with certainty.
Don't worry about everyone else...Concentrate on you and I...If you think my grammar sucks, and wish to tell me that because you are upset at me...Then do it! At least I will know you are thinking on your own...And speaking from the heart...Is everyone else talking with me? Nope, I don't care what most of them think...You give me the time of day...So I care what YOU THINK...I have had to have said that maybe 5 times already....
I know you got the gist of what I was saying...
If you can say that you have a rejection of a belief, or do not believe you would absolutely, positively get better at video games, BEFORE you decided to play them, and pick up a controller...Then you can't be anywhere as smart or superior of a thinker as any atheist actually thinks that they are...And that is just the truth about it...
If you can honestly say that you think that you do not know with certainty if you would get better at games if you played more or not (Or any other BS Tautology that is applied here...But is fully understood) ...Or not KNOW you would for certain...It is the SAME EXACT THING with telling people what you "think" a psychosis is...Without being able to KNOW what it is...And then turning around in another breath...And making a false bold statement, like you have a rejection of a belief in Gods, But you also DO NOT BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS....Or you are huge hypocrites...Cause you can not understand something that you do not know...(psychosis) Then think you fully understand something else...That NO ONE can explain...(the existence of Gods) That is just a false, arrogant, ignorant statement on all accounts...
Quote:Many people can misunderstand me. Superior thinking? Interesting.
Mate, you can't seriously be trying to pin that one on me?? Can you???...That is crazy, I can name 4 atheists who have said these exact words, and one even admitted that it is unfounded...Not only that...You said to me you BELIEVE that atheists are like this, or think this way when it comes to supernatural things...So I said really??? Then what sorts of things do they NOT think they are superior in their thinking about? If they think they KNOW more about Gods, and the afterlife etc...When they do not even have a belief or faith? But theists try to devote their whole lives in understanding? Can you please answer a question I have asked?
Quote:Atheists are not the ones passing an offering plate around so I am not sure if I would be claiming the atheists as the ones selling BS.
That is just a cheep shot mate...Cause you find validity to what I have said, and you are upset...Fine with me...I have said before, and will say again...I do not believe you have to go to the Catholic Church...Or donate 10% of your money...And people who think like that...DO NOT see God clearly...I will give 10% of everything I can, to reap it back...And the ones who wish to reap money back in can have it...
I do not believe you must be married in a Church...
I do not believe you must go every single week to be faithful...As God can see you always...It is the intent that matters....
I do not believe you must go to confession every 6 months or a year...
Go in your house, and in your own room...And shut the door behind you, and reveal in secrecy to me, is what the Bible actually says...
I do not believe you have to give 10% alms giving....
I do not even believe you must receive the bread, the actual piece itself, and can receive it just by watching TV or asking God for the blessing...
And I do not believe you have to go to a building to be confirmed...Matter of fact, when I was hit with the Spirit, I asked God about a confirmation, and an Adult Baptism...And he said do not do any such thing...The day I hit you with the Spirit of I, is the very day you were baptized by ME, in my name sake, and the day I confirmed you in MY OWN EYES...
I have told you before, I don't find my salvation in an actual church...But on my hands and knees praying to God...That was just cheep shot, and you know it was...All is well mate...I forgive you for that one, as I hope you forgive me....As well...
Have a great day mate...I am gonna watch football now...
Peace be with you mate...