Setanta wrote:
Wandel was wrong. ... I know that he is intelligent and perceptive, but i also now know that he is incapable of admitting that he might have been wrong.
He wouldn't admit he was wrong if he didn't think he was - who would? I knew where he was coming from in his original statement and though he tried to explain himself to you and others, he either didn't do a good job or others weren't listening. You and DD took up your stance and nothing would waver you from it; no matter what he said in his defense/explanation, you were both adamant you were right.
What exactly were you right about? You think you were right that he was shitty and patronizing. I certainly didn't see him as patronizing or shitty, so I think YOU TWO were wrong. I think he was merely trying to find a reason why Chai and Arella were so staunch in their 'scared' and 'creepy' viewpoint. He didn't try to guess what that might be - he merely offered the possibility that they could have that viewpoint because of something in their past. She did not look remotely scared shitless to me and obviously not to him; hence his attempt to explain their (to some) misplaced over-reaction.
He never implied that the two were damaged goods or exhibited defective reasoning. YOU attributed that to him all by yourself. Please go back and re-read the first few pages.
I projected my past onto that picture in my opinion of it, GW mentioned something similar - that's all he was trying to do - offer the possibility that these two were doing that. In no way was he saying they were defective or damaged, etc. He has never said anything like that anywhere here, yet he's been defiled by many, in particular, you and DD. You two are guilty of the behaviour you're convicting him of.