No, I don't buy this at all. He was not saying their judgement was 'flawed' and he was not saying they were 'damaged goods'. I am a woman. I was leered at, ogled, etc, for years. I don't consider myself damaged goods because of that... but it has certainly affected my opinions about what I see and I did not get that from his post at all - somehow, however, YOU got that opinion for your own reasons.
It is completely possible for two people to remember the same event and remember them very differently or remember different things about it. So then, is it not possible for two people to see someone's face and see two completely different things? For two people to hear the same thing and hear completely different things?
It's very subjective, especially without hearing tones, nuances, intonations and seeing facial and body expressions, etc.
Why can you not see that this is possible and you could simply be wrong about interpreting wandel's intentions?