Youre really not doing anything important in the cause of personal freedom. All youre doing is , showing thw rest of us, along with all the rest of your bretheren and cisteren ,that you will march like lemmings off a cliff just to show us all that its your choice to do so. You dont see any humor there?
In HArrisburg Pa Last month, A guy was leading a bike parade to liberalize helmet laws(The state had already caved to the biker boys by repealing the helmet laws). He wanted "Freedom" for all others who had to wear safety helmets while riding their schwinns or flying ultra lights.
So this guy drives his bike head-on into a truck's ass and kills hinself. The verdict was that this was easily a survivable contact between bike and semi had this guy only been wearing a helmet.
I think most of us got his point that "often doing something really stupid is needed to demonstrate that some people need to have it reinforced that running with scissors can have negative effects on ones health". It turns out that it was this guys week to show us all that fact.
Similarly, reducing the salt content in soup was a very good business thing when it was thought that this compound was having a negative effect on survivability. Class action suits were beginning to show up to seek relief against the evil Camp[bell soup company for knowingly poisoning our little fat kids and offing our elderly.
"extreem freedom lemmings" are fun to listen to. They do their damndest to preach against something when they rarely have any ideas about what real freedom is all about.
As I learned in Catholic SChool, "Freedom isnt licence" and "freedom doesnt include suicide pacts"