At this point in the discussion, there is one particular issue that stands out to me.
I realize, at this point, you probably wish to terminate the relationship with this friend, and I certainly don't blame you.
However, I am curious as to whether this episode is/isn't out of character for your friend. Over the ten years of your relationship, has your friend given any indication of a tendency toward this type of behavior?
In the case of this being an isolated incident, given the length of the relationship and apparent closeness, I think it might be worth trying to get to the root of the problem. This incident is extremely serious, yet friendships are not always wine and roses.
On the other hand, one of your previous posts contained a litany of faults pertaining to this friend. If that is the case, and not simply the view from your present state of hurt feelings, it probably isn't necessary to attempt an understanding of your exfriend's state of mind.
This is a bad situation all around, but I would hesitate to categorize an isolated incident as abuse. At least, this person acted with disproportionate aggression, constituting assault.