Woollies just made their debut at a small party.
On the whole they behaved very well. Sebastian had to be banished to the study for a while for unruliness, but overall they were quite charming.
Viola ignored all the food until the orange and almond liqueur birthday cake came out, when she suddenly became desperate for her share. She loved it!
I now have a huge chocolate mud cake in the fridge, as there were several birthdays, and the patisserie gave me bigger ones than I wanted. Only a couple of slices have gone from it....I think I'll take it to work. It'll be gone in no time! Helen took the remains of her gluten free almond and orange cake home with her. It was wonderfu! I am glad it's out of the house, or I fear I would have eaten it.
I also have a much larger stock of wine than I began with.