Lets hear from Jews themselves, normal people, both right and left wing.
Heard enough bullshit from O to last a lifetime.
It's weird how thousands of Jews worldwide are unhappy and unsatisfied
with Israeli policy concerning the Palestinians, yet we have to put up with
a sycophantic mad man who is in complete denial of the dreadful situation
in the occupied territories.
I bet you never even heard of J Street you idiot.
Like it or not this is a Jewish organisation run by Jewish people, although
I suppose you'll dismiss them as well.
I dare you to contact them, give them your details and then call them anti semitic.
You'd have the real world knocking at your door all of a sudden and you wouldn't want that, would you. Idiotic coward.
Quote:Hiroshima and Nagasaki were awesome. Shame we never got to loose the ICBMs on the Commies.
The Nazi in you keeps getting out. Yet another armchair general.
You'd piss your pants in the face of any real danger. Nazi coward.