eurocelticyankee wrote:Here idiot.
More childishness from the anti-Semite.....
eurocelticyankee wrote:TO DEFEND Israel today is to be either callous or wilfully ignorant.
Ah. You think that cut-n-pasting an anti-Semitic screed from someone else will work in place of the argument that you can't come up with on your own?
eurocelticyankee wrote:Had Julie Burchill bothered during her visit there to cross the few miles from Israel to Gaza or the West Bank, she would have seen such human suffering as to disturb even her frenetic adulation of Israel. She might have seen the daily lot of nearly three million Palestinians as they battle with army checkpoints, curfews, random shootings, arbitrary arrests and air raids.
This Julie Burchill person probably remembers the peace process, and understands that the only reason the Palestinians are in the situation they're in now is because they prefer "trying to murder people" over "making peace".
eurocelticyankee wrote:Since September 2000, Israel has killed more than 660 Palestinian children and wounded 9,000 — such as little Iman, sprayed with bullets when walking to school in Rafah last month, even after she died.
"Children" is a Palestinian codeword for a 16-year-old who was killed while firing a machinegun at Israeli soldiers.
It is hardly comparable to a 3-year-old child intentionally murdered by a Palestinian.
eurocelticyankee wrote:It is difficult to convey the scale and effect of Israel’s abuses of Palestinian lives through statistics alone. But these are horrifying enough: since 2000, nearly 4,000 Palestinians killed, and 30,000 injured; 400 were assassinated; and 25,000 homes were demolished. In addition, hundreds of acres of farmland were destroyed. No state on earth, except Israel, could get away with these atrocities, now routinely justified as “defence” against Palestinian “ terrorism”.
It is neither an "atrocity" nor an "abuse" when a Jew defends themselves from a murderer.
Self defense is indeed justified, even when it's a Jew who is defending themselves.
eurocelticyankee wrote:The truth is that the West, which created Israel, cannot bear to see what it has done.
Looks fine to my eyes.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Most Palestinians are Muslims who do not accept the Biblical version of events. So why were they sacrificed to assuage European guilt and fulfil Zionist ambitions?
The fact that Muslims deny history and try to steal other religions' holy sites does not at all make their position legitimate.
The Palestinians were sacrificed because the original landowners came back to claim their stolen property. If anyone is at fault, it is the ancestors of the Palestinians for invading land that didn't belong to them.
eurocelticyankee wrote:The web is full of videos of the IDF abusing, torturing and killing Palestinian
men, women and children many of the videos uploaded by the IDF soldiers themselves
as if their proud of their brutality.
Fake videos. Anti-Semitic propaganda.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Now i know this means nothing to you O because to you Palestinians are sub
human or even animals, a lot like the way the Nazi's viewed the Jews.
I'm not the person who has espoused Nazi-like views in the thread.
The reason it means nothing to me is because I understand that most of it is a lie.
And what little of it is true is because the Palestinians refuse to make peace, and insist on trying to murder innocent Israelis.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Unlike you I acknowledge there are two sides to this conflict, and neither side is free from blame.
And you are lying when you suggest Israel is doing anything wrong.
eurocelticyankee wrote:I am in no doubt the Palestinians have also committed atrocities. But it's sticks and stones against tanks and F-19's.
Sticks and stones can be quite deadly when Palestinians use them against children.
And the suicide bombs and artillery fire that the Palestinians use to try to kill innocent Israelis are hardly sticks and stones.
eurocelticyankee wrote:Anyway I am in no doubt none of this will mean anything to a demi-god like yourself.
Falsehoods are indeed meaningless.