Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 04:33 pm
The belligerent and repetitive hostility to women on this thread is boggling.
Telling women no need not be motivated by hostility towards women, it might be motivated by good sense and a desire for equality and fairness, and I argue that it is in the case of arguing for reform of the criminal law and in confronting the rape scare promotion efforts.

But I dont wish bad things to happen to you because you dont agree with me, which makes me the better person here.
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 04:55 pm
The belligerent and repetitive hostility to women on this thread is boggling.

I agree 100% with that osso. It's a disgrace. I've never seen so much anti-woman propaganda in one place in my life before. It's as even posh hotel cleaning women are yikkle baby ducklings which got their feet frozen to the ice.

Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 05:08 pm
But I dont wish bad things to happen to you because you dont agree with me, which makes me the better person here.

Yes--it was a bit over the top hoping that ff would be raped by a rhino. She is the one who is engaging in "belligerent and repetitive hostility to women". She is using the cleaning woman for her own gratification. As have a few others but who have had the sense to creep away.

And I have not wished that on anyone. And neither has Bill. We three obviously respect women. I know I do.

I'm even prepared to believe osso when she claims to have been raped.
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 05:30 pm
I'm even prepared to believe osso when she claims to have been raped.
There were a few years (60's-70's) ) where rape and other sexual assaults were indeed a problem in need of a better solution, so her assertion is likely true. Judging by the stories that my dad used to tell there was a lot of sex going on in the late 50's with young people that todays feminists would call rape/assualt, but absolutely no one back in the day considered it to be a problem in need of a solution..the women did not come away feeling violated.
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 05:39 pm
Yes, firefly does put out a lot of anti-woman propaganda in the form of women are children and have no responsibility for their own actions if there are men in the area that can and should act as their guardians.
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:08 pm
but absolutely no one back in the day considered it to be a problem in need of a solution..the women did not come away feeling violated.

How do you know whether women came away feeling violated? Do you just assume it because they didn't call the police 'back in the day'? Back in the day a good friend of mine was conceived through rape but he doesn't know that himself - I know it because his mother and my mother are best friends. Women talked to each other, or no one, when they felt violated and not to your dad or whoever your source of information is .
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:10 pm
spendius wrote:

Now it seems you expect the strong to abuse us and we'll applaude while they do if means they might help us one day, if it suits them.

There is no abuse yet in this case. Why do you continue arguing as if DSK is guilty. Can you not wait until the verdict gets here. The putative general was putatively guilty of rape wasn't he. DSK is guilty of nothing yet.

Because we are not discussing just this case but Bill's assertion that those in positions of power should enjoy broad immunity from prosecution. Here is a link back to my post.

spendius wrote:

I'm arguing against those who say that there should be no arrest, no charges, no trial because DSK was the head of the IMF.

Well-- I'm not saying that.

Then on that issue we agree?
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:18 pm
spendius wrote:

I'm even prepared to believe osso when she claims to have been raped.

Why is that? Why would you believe Osso when you've described what DSK has been accused of as a little horseplay?
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:24 pm
Belatedly, also thank you to the men who argue.
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:30 pm
One more version of Spendius word play.

All three of you treat rape as jolly follies.
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:31 pm
All three of you treat rape as jolly follies.
I treat rape as a violation that tends to harm people. I treat the collective response to rape as a driver of injustice that is in need of reform....but I see that you feel the need to piss all over those who dont agree with you.
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:52 pm
I don't know what happened with DSK and the hotel maid and I have not conjectured, if you review the thread.

In contrast, Hawkeye, Bill, and Spendius have conjectured endlessly - which is ok if a combo of annoying and boring - but also repetitively anti women. I could get obsessive and count the posts but I won't. Look at the post count and make a guess. None of them take any of their own posts as standing on their own, it's a battering sea.

Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 06:55 pm
ossobuco wrote:

I don't know what happened with DSK and the hotel maid and I have not conjectured if you review the thread.

In contrast, Hawkeye, Bill, and Spendius have conjectured endlessly - which is ok if a combo of annoying and boring - but also repetitively anti women. I could get obsessive and count the posts but I won't. Look at the post count and make a guess. None of them take any of their own posts as standing on their own, it's a battering sea.

Dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out....no one is keeping you here.
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2011 07:07 pm

DSK - Who? A royal sexual predator?
By Kathleen Brush, Seattle Business Insight Examiner
May 23, 2011

DSK is the nickname for Dominque Strauss Kahn in France. Until last week he was a virtual royal in France -- the heir apparent to the French presidential throne. Until last week he was a virtual unknown in the US.

In the French culture, according to the great Dutch researcher, Geerdt Hofstede, the French people accept that people in power take liberties and it is okay that they get away with taking them. That's one reason why the French are up in arms about DSK being filmed in a perp walk. After all, this wasn't DSKs first forced, excuse me, alleged forced sexual act. The others occurred in countries, like France, that despise America's puritanical ways and would never have thought to make this royal sexual predator look bad in the news.

The French may have been pleased to see that, at least, in Seattle, the lead story on DSK in the Sunday Seattle Times was "Many in France see ex-IMF chief as set up victim." Really that story fitted with the dribble on this topic coming out of France.

One French reporter said that he didn’t think the American's would have "the slightest atom of sympathy" for DSK. Why would anyone have sympathy for DSK? In the same French paper an editor wondered whether "the American people belong to the same civilization." I'm confused is he thinking that the French tolerance for DSKs behavior is more civilized than prosecuting what appears to be a serial sexual violator.

DSKs lawyers have said that the sex was consensual. I guess DSK was pretty sure they were going to find traces of his semen on her clothes which they did so they decided not to deny that sex did occur.

It just seems implausible. The victim is a 32 year old maid who comes from one of the poorest countries in the world. Guinea has a 29.5% literacy rates which is fourth worst in the world. With a literacy rate this low it makes sense that, according to the IMF, Guinea had a per capital income in 2010 of $448. Guinea was also a former French colony that kept French as the national language. It's hard to get around in the Bronx speaking French, much less learn the ropes for framing the now ex-IMF chief.

The victim was given asylum in the US seven years ago and lives in an apartment block for HIV/AIDs victims. Why was this maid given asylum in the US? I don't know. It may have to do with HIV, if she indeed has it. In Guinea, which does have an HIV/AIDs epidemic, people who have HIV/AIDs are seriously stigmatized. So much so it prevents integration into society. One of the very troubling aspects about the high incidences of HIV/AIDs in many African countries is that it is not uncommon for it to be transmitted during rape.

Is it really possible that this woman saw DSK in his $3000 a night suite and began acting like a "rutting chimpanzee." This is the term Tristane Banon's used to describe DSKs attempted rape on her in 2002. The two hotel clerks and one flight attendant in the past week that received unwanted advances from DSK simply said his behaviors were inappropriate.

There is a lot that just doesn't add up here. From DSK's defense of consensual sex to France's condemnation of America and Americans for acting responsibly. Another thing that doesn’t add up is how DSK kept his position as head of the IMF. It's one thing for the Europeans to have dusted under the carpet the 2008 complaint made by an underling of DSKs at the IMF that she was forced to have sex with him. It is another for the US who holds 17.75% of the voting power in the IMF, to not have vigorously called for him to step down.

France may give their "royals" special treatment, but the US does not. Hopefully an investigation will be forthcoming on why the US's representative to the IMF Executive Board failed to respond to that DSK accusation of rape back in 2008.

Let the French call us uncivilized, unsympathetic and puritans for allowing a black French-speaking maid recently granted asylum in the US to have her day in court against a white Jewish Frenchman who was one of the most powerful men in the world.

You have to wonder if the French really think they are better than Americans. If DSK had not been whisked off that Air France flight last week, his dirty "little weakness" as an alleged sexual predator might have remained a secret long enough for him to be France's next president where he would have had immunity from prosecution and no women in France would have been safe. Luckily the Americans may be protecting the French women in France too.
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2011 02:34 am
You have to wonder if the French really think they are better than Americans. If DSK had not been whisked off that Air France flight last week, his dirty "little weakness" as an alleged sexual predator might have remained a secret long enough for him to be France's next president where he would have had immunity from prosecution and no women in France would have been safe. Luckily the Americans may be protecting the French women in France too.

Guilty until proven innocent and as Firefly had pointed out not even a not guilty verdict can clear a man name under such a charge.

Oh it does not help that he dare to be rich as when the news took great delight in comparing his three thousands dollars a night hotel room cell.

So to sum in this article that Firefly had posted all men charge with such a crime should just be lock up as otherwise no women will be safe in France or any other country it would seem.
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Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2011 03:18 am
Yes Firefly we live in an ideal world by your lights as any man no matter how important to society can be ruin on the word of any woman.

If he is found innocent by a trial of his peers it does not matter as it will not clear his name or give him back his future.

There is one way or another a victim in whatever happen in that hotel room however the likelihood is great the victim is DSK and not the maid.

But even if it is proven somehow beyond question that the maid brought false charges for her own reasons($$$$$$$$$$) her punishment is only a misdemeanor crime that she is likely to walk away from.

I would suggest strongly to Bill Gates that the next time he visit New York without his wife along that he stay in the YMCA.
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Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2011 03:25 am
Because we are not discussing just this case but Bill's assertion that those in positions of power should enjoy broad immunity from prosecution.

No he didn't. And neither am I. He referred to the creation of instability in the IMF over "questions about the consensual foundations of a blow job".

There's too much emotion around here. The questions about difficulties of extradition from France are to do with US government and French government arrangements. They provide no excuse for an impulsive arrest before proper investigations have taken place. The responsibility for that state of affairs rests with the US and French governments. I assume the French can't extradite people from the US as well. Surely the MD of the IMF would have been returning to the US fairly soon. The headquaters are in Washington. The assumption that DSK was fleeing are ridiculous. He was going to a planned meeting in Europe.

Bill obviously meant a certain immunity from over zealous officers might be allowed to important people. In fact immunity from over zealous officers should be allowed to everybody. The fact that it isn't allowed everybody is cause for concern. Dreaming up the idea that DSK was fleeing as an excuse to do what was done is an obvious example of Dylan's "the riot squad are restless, they need somewhere to go." What evidence was there apart from the cleaning woman's accusations in the time between her making them and the arrest on the plane? Evidence turning up later, if there is any, has no bearing on that period of time. Had DSK been fleeing I'm sure he could have found a better method than getting on a plane in New York after a leisurely meal in a restaurant where he was presumably well known. It's pretty clear he didn't think he had scooted from the scene of a serious felony. He even called the hotel and told them where he was. In which case he would have returned to Washington later and the time needed to get any real evidence exists.
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2011 04:11 am
"questions about the consensual foundations of a blow job".
those words are mine.....
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2011 04:15 am
Why would you believe Osso when you've described what DSK has been accused of as a little horseplay?

I have not described what DSK has been accused of as a little horseplay. What he has been accused of is not necessarily what happened in the doorway of his room. Otherwise there is no need for a trial. You have got yourself completely mixed up engin.

I believe osso because I can't see any reason for her making it up at this stage. Nor can I see any reason for her making the allegation which does not call into question her judgment in doing so. Her eagerness to reveal that she was once raped can have a number of motives. It isn't something I understand actually. Some women like to tell everybody in the pub about their hysterectomy and some women will go to almost any length to prevent others knowing about such a thing. How many women will reveal they have had an abortion compared to how many who will hide it.

If I was a woman and had been raped I would hide it if possible. My guess is that most women do hide such an event in their lives. If I had been mugged in the street I would hide it. It's well known that men don't report being physically abused by their wives. Men will often claim they have fallen down stairs rather than admit to having been beaten up.

So why has osso chosen to make this revelation? It has no bearing on the thread that I can see. It does show that osso was so irresistably attractive that some bloke risked 25 years in jail for her. I wouldn't risk scuffing my shoes to rape any woman. It's as bad as stealing a baby's candies out of its pram. It's contemptible.

I'm prepared to believe her because there's no reason not to. I was being polite. There are no consequences in a legal sense.

Why do you not answer the question about the prevention of sexual assaults the Islamic way? It is painfully obvious that our social arrangements with regard to the sexes are the actual cause and that the economic benefits, to women as well as men, have a degree of sexual assault as one of their costs. If that cost is unacceptable then so are the economic benefits. You're just playing with words. Shove you in a corner and you have no answers.

You want chorus girls, strippers and the big come on and for nobody to actually come on. Every woman in the pub last night had part of her tits on display. And deliberately chose to have it so.

If a bank chose to leave all its doors and vaults unlocked would the cops investigate thefts from it? That says it all about the hypocrisy and sexual prurience on display in this case. Putting the maids in trousers after the so called event is a tacit admission that temptation was the previous policy. How can that be denied?
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2011 04:19 am
All three of you treat rape as jolly follies.

Not at all osso. There are degrees in this matter. Some alleged rapes are jolly follies and some call for draconian punishment. That you can't distinguish between the two is nothing to do with me or hawk or Bill. It's some problem of your's.
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