Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:02 pm
And, she's no longer wearing her wedding ring...
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:13 pm
according to whom?
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:30 pm
The article in the New York Times I posted on the previous page of this thread.

Why are you having trouble believing they might have split up? It would hardly be surprising, all things considered...
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:43 pm
referring to the Huffington launch press conference in Jan, long before the alleged separation. Had she always before this in 20 years of marriage always worn it? I have no idea, but I do know that a lot of married folk do not wear wedding rings always or ever.

Supposedly DSK is a pariah but has anyone seconded the claim that there is a separation to the press even anonymously? It seems not, which makes me wonder how much stock should be put into the one and only claim. THere is good reason to fear that editors have run with this scandal sheet quality story because they think it will sell product, overlooking lack of journalistic quality off the claimed "news" for the Dollar and Euro signs.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:46 pm
Why are you having trouble believing they might have split up? It would hardly be surprising, all things considered.

I am not, I simply pointing out that what we have is rumor not fact. Who knows what goes on between couples.... Hell, their are probably only a dozen people who would even claim to understand the Bill and Hillary Clinton marriage, for example.
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Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:57 pm
has anyone seconded the claim that there is a separation to the press even anonymously?

A source close to Strauss-Kahn confirmed the report of the separation, saying it had happened approximately a month ago and that Strauss-Kahn was living at a separate residence in Paris.

If it wasn't true, they would have denied it.

Their threatening to sue the magazine for invasion of privacy, simply over a report of a separation, makes me wonder what else they are afraid will come out.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:54 pm
firefly wrote:

Their threatening to sue the magazine for invasion of privacy, simply over a report of a separation, makes me wonder what else they are afraid will come out.

I think it is more about the French tradition of privacy. It's not our business that his marriage is ending and French law support that. Bet Katie Holmes wishes the US had such a law.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2012 05:20 am
He turned out to be a bad investment.

I don't think we men have a duty to be a good investment. That sounds like whoring.

Have you any idea ff what the world would be like if we men conformed to your ideal of what we should be like. You would be collecting water with a jug on your head and beating the washing on the rocks in the river.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2012 06:14 am
Had he not had any sort of sexual contact with that maid, his life, and her ambitions for him, would not have fallen apart.

How do you know that? You don't have much time for the females in large parts of Africa or, I daresay, in many parts of the US. You just take media reports and speculations as the oil to grind your axe with.

Your axe would still be blunt if the event in the Sofitel had not taken place. Which it might very well have not have.

Your failure to respond to the Tammy Wynette sequence tells us all where you are coming from ff. Cheap, easy to find, DIY lubricant for your grindstone is the whole story. All selected in just as the TW sequence was selected out.

I bet you hate that song. The woman who only stands by her man when the going is good is obviously a whore.
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2012 08:42 am
And another thing ff--not only do you faff about over a French heiress whilst millions of women are suffering but you have no understanding of the lady.

She is almost certain to have read Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Choderos de Laclos. Plus a few other notorious productions of French literature.

A man who created the artillery school at Valence which Napoleon attended: and who numbered all the streets of Paris. A military officer of such renown that a large tomb built to house his remains was destroyed by a change of government and his bones thrown into the sea.

At 45 he married a lady 18 years his junior. One Marie-Soulange Duperre. I experienced a similar relationship in my mid 40s and it addled my wits for many years. Looking back on it I was completely barmy but I would never dream of regretting it.

Whether she was susceptible to his carnal advances, and I feel confident in asserting that they were carnal, because of the sensational success of his literary endevours or because of her fascination with the content of them and a mind that shaped it just so, or his approach to her or his promising investment possibilities, or his having a valet like Azolan, I cannot say. All five are quite lovable characteristics to a woman such as she must have been at 24 with sufficient chutzpah to interest such a gentleman. So it is fair enough to say that it was because she loved him. They met three years before the marriage

The masterpiece is so famous that it is virtually impossible to imagine that Ms Sinclair and Dominique have not read it and, being as cute as they both are, drawn the appropriate conclusions.

Choddie invented the artillery shell for which we are all eternally grateful. Azo is a name for chemical compounds containing nitrogen which are often used in explosives.

You can't apply Peyton Place standards to these sorts of people. Doing so implies a woeful appreciation of literature. Or a cynical use of them to grind your own axe. Neither is particularly edifying ff. In Mr Vance as well. I'll forgive the tabloids you showed us because they were just making hay while the sun was shining.

Wedding rings!!! Sheesh.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 01:28 pm
The maid lawyers are still working hard for the hope of getting something out of DSK.

I can almost feel sorry for them as this must be a money pit for them with at the very best a so so chance at this point of even breaking even.


Delay in maid's civil case against DSK
Updated: 15:43, Saturday August 4, 2012

The legal battle between a New York hotel maid and the man she accuses of sexual assault, former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has been indefinitely suspended, a court spokesman says.

The two parties were still negotiating in the civil suit and countersuit, and there was no need for a court appearance at the present time, David Bookstaver said.

The lawyers for Strauss-Kahn and the maid Nafissatour Diallo were to have appeared on Tuesday before Judge Douglas McKeon in the Superior Court of Bronx County.

Neither lawyer for the two sides was available to comment.

The one-time head of one of the world's most important international finance agencies was arrested on May 14, 2011, on charges he had attacked Diallo as she cleaned his room at the Sofitel near Times Square and forced her to perform oral sex on him.

He was held briefly in solitary confinement and then under house arrest, until the criminal case was dropped due to doubt about the reliability of the maid's account.

In May 2012, McKeon allowed Diallo's civil law suit to go forward and dismissed Strauss-Kahn's lawyers' appeal that he had diplomatic immunity at the time of the alleged assault on the housekeeper.

Strauss-Kahn has filed a 1-million-dollar countersuit against the maid.

Strauss-Kahn's arrest became an international scandal and forced him to step down from the IMF, to be replaced by countrywoman Christine LaGarde. Until the alleged assault, he was also considered the leading French socialist candidate for the presidency of France.

In addition to the civil suit in New York, Strauss-Kahn is facing other charges lodged against him in France involving a prostitution ring.


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Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 12:48 pm
Straus-Kahn's wife has now confirmed the split from her husband.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Wife Split Up
By Josh Voorhees
Friday, Aug. 31, 2012

We can't say this comes as a complete surprise: Anne Sinclair told a French newspaper this week that she and her husband, ex-IMF chief and one-time French presidential hopeful Dominique Strauss-Kahn, have split up.

The Associated Press with the details:

"Anne Sinclair, a famous French TV journalist and chief editor of the French Huffington Post, stood by her husband through months of public scrutiny after he was accused in New York last year of trying to rape a hotel maid. He is also being investigated in France for suspected links to a prostitution ring. He denies wrongdoing.

"The Le Parisien newspaper published an interview with Sinclair on Friday in which it asked how she's been doing since the split. Her response was: 'I'm working hard again ... I'm doing very well, thank you.'

I guess that means he'll now have to foot his own legal bills.
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 01:58 pm
"Guess" is the right word since you don't know and have no way to predict what the two of them have agreed to.
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 02:22 pm
Note Hawkeye how happy Firefly is over a fail marriage of a man not convicted of one wrong doing?
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 02:53 pm
Where did I say I was happy?

Personally, I don't care one way or the other.

You are absolutely unable to be honest--or accurate.
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Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 05:19 pm
Why don't you petition the NY prosecution service to have DSK staked out in the desert on top of an ant's nest ff?
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 07:13 pm
Why don't you petition the NY prosecution service to have DSK staked out in the desert on top of an ant's nest ff?

Do not forget the honey as I am sure that Firefly would wish him cover with honey with special note of his eyes and his private parts.
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Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2012 12:03 am
And, now the movie...
Depardieu, Adjani to star in France's Strauss-Kahn movie
PARIS | Fri Aug 31, 2012

PARIS (Reuters) - The disgraced power couple of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Anne Sinclair will be played by two of France's best-known actors, Gerard Depardieu and Isabelle Adjani, in an upcoming movie about sex, politics and love on the rocks.

Rape charges in New York, later dropped, against Strauss-Kahn in May 2011 shocked the world and shattered the reputation of the former International Monetary Fund head, costing him his job and his marriage to Sinclair, a popular TV journalist.

"It should be fascinating because we have a director who isn't French in charge and he's going to go where it hurts," Adjani said in a recent interview with the weekly Journal de Dimanche, speaking of U.S. director Abel Ferrara.

"With him, there's no risk of being politically correct," she added.

On Friday, Sinclair told Le Parisien daily she had not been contacted about the film inspired by the scandal, but that she respected the choice of Adjani, best known to international audiences for the lead role in the 1988 film "Camille Claudel."

"I like that woman a lot," Sinclair told the paper, adding that she wouldn't meet with her, however, "were it to talk about that specific subject."

Sinclair - who separated from Strauss-Kahn earlier this year and is thriving in a new job as a news editor of the Huffington Post's French edition - responded, "I'm doing very well, thank you," when asked how her life has been since the split.

Strauss Kahn, however, is said by people who know him to be dejected and frustrated following his fall from grace. He has kept a low profile in the past year but is currently the target of a French judicial investigation to determine whether he knew sex parties he attended were organized by pimps and frequented by prostitutes.

The film, due to start shooting soon and inspired by the famous couple's relationship, will go behind the "closed doors of a couple in torment," Adjani said.

"Even if we don't have the same names as the characters in question, who is fooled?" she added.

Depardieu said in March he found Strauss-Kahn "arrogant" and "self-satisfied," but because of that he would be an interesting character to play.

"Because I don't like him I'm going to do it," he told Swiss broadcaster RTS.

Ferrara is most famous for directing 1992's "Bad Lieutenant."
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2012 08:22 am
Do you think there is any chance that Ms Sinclair is "thriving in a new job as a news editor of the Huffington Post's French edition" because the Post wishes to cash in on the reputation she now enjoys as a result of DSK's performances.

Why wasn't she in the pay of the Post before DSK intervened to establish her international reputation?

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Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 04:11 pm
DSK cleared of gang rape after vice girl retracts allegations about Washington DC orgy
•Former IMF chief cleared after woman says 'sex games' were 'consensual'
•Strauss-Khan still stands accused of conspiring with pimps to procure girls for sex parties
By Ian Sparks
PUBLISHED: 07:46 EST, 2 October 2012 | UPDATED: 07:48 EST, 2 October 2012

Cleared: Dominique Strauss-Khan has had charges of gang rape dropped after the alleged victim changed her testimony
Shamed former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has escaped charges of gang rape after a vice girl told police they were playing 'sex games'.
The alleged victim had changed her story to tell police that the group sex with prostitutes at an orgy in Washington DC was 'consensual', prosecutors have revealed.
Strauss-Kahn, 64, had faced 20 years in prison over the claims by the prostitute named Marion that he used force against her and other girls during the sex session in December 2010.

The 800 pounds-a-night hooker had told police in initial interviews last year: 'He gripped my hands, he pulled my hair, he hurt me.'

She insisted he had tried to subject her to degrading acts, adding: 'I refused, telling him no. I said firmly and loudly several times that I did not want that.'
But judicial officials said today that the woman had now retracted her statement.
A judicial source added: 'She has retracted her deposition in a letter sent to judicial police.
'She said that in fact the sex was consensual and that the group was playing sexual games.
'The investigators, who believe they have gone as far as they can with their inquiries, have sent the file back to the prosecutors and a shelving of the inquiry will follow.'
But the man once tipped as a future president of France still stands accused of conspiring with pimps to procure girls for sex parties around the world.
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