Nice to hear that you're enjoying the cold, makemeshiver! I do, too, until a certain point is reached. Like now in this part of the world.
After yesterday's snow, it's been a s-l-o-w thaw with icy rain. Came to work after trudging through frigid puddles and riding three buses, each of which took a creative alternate route to avoid the worst hills. Made it in with wet boots and found no internet or email because the transmitter froze last night.
Things sort of back to normal now. Sounds pathetic, I know, compared to real winter (in Canada, say), but this town is really not suited to snow and ice!
Uh-oh, Shiver... suddenly your name is coming true! Stay warm... build a bigger fire.
We're in a wet, gloopy mess now with rain falling from othe sky, snow melting off the trees... it could hardly get more wet except they now predict urban flooding. <That's got a nasty sound to it.> We're over 32F for the first time in more than a week... tomorrow they say we'll be up to 50F which is a more normal daytime temperature for Western Washington. Hurray!
Wilso wrote:The temperature has been rising steadily since midday. I don't know what it is now, but it's very hot and humid for 9:20 pm. Gonna be hard to get to sleep tonight.
So true. At midnight I was still tossing and turning, it was still hot - not warm, but HOT!
And we still gotta get thru February!
temperature dropped 30 degrees in a day here in God's country...feels like typical winter now...still not too bad the 40's it's still comfortable to go out running....
I loved ceili's list. Parts of it are soooooo familiar. I recall a trip to a friend's cottage in September with mrs. hamburger some years ago. She and I went swimming in the lake. Having a great time. A small motorboat approaches. Three men in wool jackets and down vests and hats. Americans visiting for the weekend. They couldn't believe it when mrs. hamburger said 'the water's great! c'mon in!' Another year, we were the only people using the small outdoor pool at a resort in Hilton Head in early March. Everyone else was in long pants and jackets.
Gotta admit parts of me found it a bit cold this morning. I have about a 20 minute walk to the subway. It was -26 windchill. For some reason, my eyes felt cold about 15 minutes into the walk. Weird.
It's getting kinda chilly here too! Temp dropped to 18F last nite. Brrrrrr. Back in the early 80's, in Chicago, we had an incredible cold spell and one day we had a wind chill factor of -60. I just had to know what that felt like and walked two blocks to the store to buy catfood. The sidewalks were smoking. It was otherworldly. Tears froze on my face.
Not terribly pleasant in Boston, but it's still dealable. It was 17º when I woke up. And there was an icy, gusty wind to boot. Brr. It's supposed to be this cold for a few days.
How funny, I just got some photos from family outside Seattle. They've gotten a pretty amazing ice-storm.
We like to think of ourselves as being stalwart here. Perhaps we're not, but my sisters & I used to regularly swim in Puget Sound. THAT is not for the faint of heart with temperatures commonly described as frigid. I still take a swim at least once a year in August. Even then, dang, it's cold!
I once spent some time in Fairbanks where we had a -60 windchill. It IS otherworldly, eoe. There was talk at the time about some local who left a bottle of booze in the trunk of his car. He took a swig and dropped dead (they say). The booze was liquid, but it froze his throat and he couldn't breathe or some such thing.
Littlek -- isn't your sister in Portland? They're expecting another bad night according to the forecasters. It's 28F but there's a lot of wind -- 30-40 mph at the Gorge. Sounds miserable. We're back up to nearly balmy 37F. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
ossobuco wrote:Gee, I feel guilty when I push mine up to 66. Ahhh, I had this horribly inefficient heater when I bought this house, and had gas/elec bills nearing $500. a month that first Jan and Feb. I sprung for a new efficient heater and the bill is way way down. I need to be warm or I just crawl in bed and read, not a great way to live over time.
I have the thermostat set at 62º during the day when I'm out and at about 64º while I sleep. We have radiator heaters, those big cast-iron things. I don't think they're terribly efficient, but what's worse are the old drafty windows. Need to get them covered in plastic....
Weatber report from Gotham City:
It's freezinass cold here tonight.
Anyone unlucky enough to be homeless
and on the street
will not see morning's light
although the moon is beaming over the city
a series of gentle waves of lunacy
that may congeal into a kind of calm before dawn.
Hunker down gentle souls,
play some sweet music in your phones,
wait for the next train
if you want to get some place to sit,
then watch the station numbers through the night.
J Nation
Quote:SUMMER 2002/2003: Sydney has recorded its 7th warmest summer on record. The average temperature for the season was 23.0 deg which is nearly 1 deg above the long term average. The warmest summer was in 1990-91 with an average temperature of 24.6 deg. Our summer nights were relatively warm with an average minimum temperature of 19.4 deg, the 6th warmest on record. The highest temperature recorded was 39 deg on 18 January, the hottest Sydney day since December 1994. On this day Parramatta and Bankstown reached 45 deg, both the highest temperatures on record.
Gosh, my hand musta slipped on the keyboard...
Hot out there today, Stilly?
It looks magnificent, clear blue skies, but I'm not leaving the aircon!
This is
VERY frustrating..........................
you're just trying to make me feel bad about being stuck in this cage!
What beach is that?
margo wrote:It looks magnificent, clear blue skies, but I'm not leaving the aircon!
Indeedy, but no storm yet. Guess I'd better check out Gus's 'Most Despicable' Poll and see how many votes I've gotten from Nth America :wink:
Stillwater, that beach looks small.
littlek wrote:Not terribly pleasant in Boston, but it's still dealable.
Yeah, I'll be thinking of you come Saturday. This is just one of the many, many, many, many magnificent beaches that I have to choose from! Or maybe I'll just have myself a coupla cold beers to help bring the temperature down.... Still got months and months of good swimming weather.....

<p.s. Margo - pretty sure that it's Coogee>
sorry, stillwater, try to bug me with this next month. I'm not sick of winter quite yet.