ahhhrrrrg. just started snowing outside. we are heading into another snowstorm. yay! lookout, work, here i come! yaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrh!
I have never had the luxury of a snow day, neither have my kids. They never close the schools here because of weather. I wanna move to the south, it seems more civilized.
Bright and sunny today, and headed for a high of about -5. Sub-zero temps are forecast to last at least through the coming week, but it doesn't look like any significant snow is on tap. Now I get to enjoy the weather ... do some snowmobiling, some ice fishing, and some cross-country skiing (The Puppies really love that; they don't get to participate much in ice fishing or snowmobiling). The Ponies are fat and shaggy, and standing in the open paddock, wreathed in breath-steam, contentedly nibbling at a fresh haybale broken open for them, then looking up, gazing around, then back to the hay, ignoring the oats and alfalfa in their stalls ... even they are enjoying the day. Damn, they're gettin' fat, though. Prolly oughtta ride 'em some, 'cause they won't do any exersize on their own. Now, if they just had handwarmers, like the snowmobiles ....
What a nice post, Timber, I can just picture the ponies..
Lovely pic of those fat ponies, timberwolf.
I've been digging out from the snowplow poop. I keep reminding myself that it's good for my abs and obliques and ... and I have lost weight and a size with the combo of being sick and shovelling ... so it's all good!
Well, losing weight from being sick ain't good. Sorry you're sick, too.

A friend said it's not the cold weather, it's the jumps -- it's been mostly cold, but there have been a few fairly abrupt shifts in temperature.
Losing a few pounds behind the flu is a good thing. Not only do you feel better, now you can wear that old favorite pair of jeans.
Here's hoping it was no worse than that, ehbeth.
Oh please . . . not that old pair of jeans . . .
Light Snow
Feels Like: 2°F
Wind: NW at 14 mph
Current Conditions
Feels Like -18°F
-40 again. The good news i finally got my car started today, the bad news, my plug broke off so now i can't plug it in. This is never ending.
It was -35C again today with light snow and thick floating ice crystals. Car exhaust blinded my view at every thickly, polished ice intersection. Cars and trucks are slipping and sliding everywhere. It's awful, at this moment if I could strangle the next warm weather reporter...
So sorry, I'm still nursing frostbitten hands, but at least my plug now works. I feel you pain, stand
New frostbite, Ceili? Serious or just synonym for "very cold?"
I just mentioned on another thread that a fingertip that was frostbitten many years ago is now really bothering me in the cold. Have to be careful. (I think last night's shoveling adventure is what did it -- had fun, but when I came in saw that it was -5 windchill, which I hadn't realized.)
Pretty close to 3 AM, -22 and dropping out there, windy and just plain unpleasant. Just to add a little entertainment, the circulating pump that moves the hot water to heat the house decided tonight was the night it was gonna die. Of course, nobody was home at the time, we'd gone up to the tavern for burgers and brews. We got back about 11. The thermometer in the livingroom read 55, the bedroom was like a meat locker. Stoked up the fireplace, which is in the livingroom. About an hour's worth of troubleshooting and swearing zeroed in on the problem. On the bright side, a freind-of-a-freind is a heating contractor, he was home when I called, and he had a suitable pump. He was agreeable to bringing it out and charging for an after-hours service call. The temperature in the livingroom had gotten up to about 65, thanks to the fireplace, but that wasn't gonna do much for the rest of the house. I took him up on his offer. He got here a little after midnight. Then, it was just the simple matter of shutting down the furnace, draining all the water out of the system, removing the ancient, failed pump, with its naturally solidly corroded nuts and bolts, scraping the old, rock-hard gaskets off, fitting the new pump, wiring it up, re-filling the system, bleeding all the radiators several times, topping off the water in the system, firing the furnace back up, and waiting for all that fresh, ice-cold water to heat up and start circulating. It'll be hours yet before the bedroom and bathroom warm up to tolerable, so we're camping in the livingroom. The Puppies are quite taken by the novelty of Mom and Dad in sleeping bags on the floor. They think its a wonderful new game. Mrs Timber is less thrilled than they.
At least it'll be warm in the rest of the house in a few hours. The creaking and groaning of the radiators and pipes will never seem irritating again, I expect. Of course, around here I never know what to expect. That's the fun, I guess, but I'm sure ready for a bout of boredom.
Maybe you should get yourself a little apartment somewhere, timber.
Our place is the top floor of an old house, all on one heating system (gfa), and the thermostat is downstairs. Naturally, our place gets all the heat, since there's not much insulation between floors, so it's always too warm in the apartment. Imagine, sitting around in the middle of winter in Wisconsin with all the heating grates closed and the living room windows open. Absurdity. (But an abundance of free heat, at least.)