Oh dear not again!!
25.1°C at present! Heading for a top of 28°C. I just don't know how we put it with it....
and the long-term forecast?

with a top of 31°C, guess it's off to the beach to
cool down a little.
Here in Gotham City the air is filled with what the weather service describes as a "wintery mix" which my good friend and Tulsa weatherman Don Woods would have called 'sneet'.
Kinda snow with a lot of ice in it and then a few moments of icy water falling from the leadened skies.
The Empire State building is all lit up in white tonight, for what occasion I do not know, though it looks like the Snow Queen's palace as I walk across Eighth Avenue watching my step, avoiding the frozen manhole covers which are, in the words of another long lost friend, "slicker than deer guts on a doorknob."
"sneet" ... yeah, that's descriptive. I've had occasion to be in the open Dakota Plains in deepest winter, where there's a weather condition they call "snirt" ... blowing snow and dirt. Amazing stuff, and quite unpleasant to venture out into.
Lemme tell you where you can put those sunny gifs...
Actually, this is just what I like. It's 12 degrees, we had about 6 inches of wonderful light fluffy sparkly snow today, just shoveled with the sozlet's "help", which consisted mostly of making snow angels, rolling around, and sitting on the shovel (the shovel is curved and the snow was light enough that this worked, she became a little plow, she liked it.) Then we came inside for some nice warm pasta for dinner. Was great.
Sneet! That's a perfect description of what was coming down at the end of last night's dog walk. That stuff really sticks!
They closed the office a coupla hours early today. The walk from the subway was fine, except for having to dodge all the stuck cars and trucks, wheels spinning as their drivers clearly do not know how to handle this kind of snow/slush/guck. Shovelled for an hour and a half. Which is phenomenal when you realize what a small area I've got to shovel. We had about 8" of snow in a bit over an hour. I was shovelling in tandem with a neighbour (we share the shovelling duties for the neighbour between us) - we shovelled for just under an hour, and then realized the evidence was gone at the front end as about 6" had fallen. The snow in the front and back is now level with the porch. Quite a feat. That doesn't happen often. Gonna take the digicam out later (if I don't fall asleep) - it would make an interesting pic in relation to some of the summer garden pix.
Quote:Its a gorgeous night ... crystal clear, a brillaint moon and an awesome Mars hang directly overhead, alone in a yet-starless void of deepest indigo, while the entire western horizon still faintly glows with the deeping, darkening red of late twilight, rippled here and there by distant ridges.
I've been loving Mars. And the moon. And the rest of them lights. In four years in Seattle I forgot that there was stuff up there...
Yeah, please post some pix of your neighborhood! Our weather in VA is pretty mild compared to what many of y'all are dealing with; but the sleet and snow made things very treacherous by our standards.
sozobe wrote:Lemme tell you where you can put those sunny gifs...
Tetchy, tetchy - aint cha? Maybe you should loosen that 'cheesehead' hat a little... :wink:
Mikey sent me this. Wow!!!
A Coast Guard helicopter hoists crew member off fishing boat Nabby in Cape Cod Canal yesterday. The boat was stuck in ice. [Story]
(Staff photo by VINCENT DeWITT)
I fixed my block heater plug. The hot wire had come loose, it only took me half an hour with bare hands to fix the blasted thing, the copper wires were so brittle they kept breaking and then would poke into my skin, so needless to say, my hands are frostbitten and bleeding.
God I love winter.
Mr. Stillwater, I stand by my earlier feelings.............
It's been -40 for the past 2 days now, and it really bites the bullet.
You poor dears. My heart breaks for yall.
Don't cry, eoe. I like winter (except for the occasional case of damp tootsies). Having winter means I get spring, and summer and fall as well.
I need my seasons.
Partly Cloudy
Feels Like: 93°F
Humidity: 66%
Wind: E at 16 mph
waves are at about 5 feet, looks like another good day to cross the street.
Hey y'all, remember that typhoon that nearly wiped out the island of Guam.....?
i do
the last one, pongsona, was a doozy....
You can have it, ehbeth. I like the different seasons as well but I left that bonechilling cold behind when I blew like the wind out of Chicago.
I just couldn't bear it another year.
Down here in the southeast it gets a little cold but only for a day or two and then it's 50F again. I can handle that. What tickles me is, there was a CHANCE of freezing rain here yesterday and the schools were closed. Just in case.
ehBeth wrote:Don't cry, eoe. I like winter (except for the occasional case of damp tootsies). Having winter means I get spring, and summer and fall as well.
I need my seasons.
Me too Beth. The thing I like most about winter is how excited I get when spring rolls around :-D