littlek wrote:Cold that can make double layered double thick gloves of heavy duty fleece almost useless.
Fleece? Just fleece? Yeah, you need some ski gloves, nylon and leather and some sort of space-agey filler.
Wore mine sledding today, hands stayed toasty!
Sledding was GREAT!! Last year sozlet liked the concept but was a little leery about actually doing it, this year she wanted to do it over, and over, and over... stayed out there a couple of hours. That phrase "Freezing my butt off" became a lot less fanciful. Sozlet was done up in full penguin mufti, pink snowpants, pink Kamiks (snowboots), pink down jacket, pink stripey hat, pink stripey mittens, very round and waddly, and her cheeks/ face got cold (bringing a scarf next time) but otherwise she was pretty much impervious. I wore just regular pants (cotton velvet jeans) and old boots with thick wool socks, regular coat, scarf, and my ski gloves. The ski gloves saved the day, but my butt was COLD!!