The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2017 09:05 pm
It looks like Trump was lying again. When asked to provide proof of Trump Tower being “wiretapped” Trump refused. Not only did he refuse to provide proof he began to change his lie. Now instead of wiretapped Trump says he was under surveillance instead of wire tapped. “But Kellyanne Conway told Fox News that” credible news sources” suggested there might have been politically motivated activity during the campaign that has yet to be divulged.” Credible News sources to Trump and Kellyanne are the ones that claim that the moon landing never happened that it was fake and happened on a Hollywood sound stage. Trump loves that type of “news shows” they keep him in the known. If he only knew those shows were almost as big a liar as Trump is.

Obama tapped my wires! Obama tapped my wires! Trump sounds just like Jimbo on South Park Trump proof is that the he saw it on the same shows that “proved” the moon landing never took place.
“He is the president of the United States, Conway,” said of Trump “He has information that the rest of us do not.”

Who put the Con in Conway? Kelly you can get all kinds of information from those “news sources” the trouble is most of it is just outright lies. Congress is telling Trump it is time to put or shut up.

Trump now claims instead of wiretapping it was microwaves that were being used. There is a simple solution you just ware a pyramid hat covered in aluminum foil on your head and that protects you form all microwaves. I heard on good authority the same “news station” where Trump got his proof is doing a special next week on the proper way to construct your pyramid hat. Trump the white house is not safe. Maybe it has been microwaves all along that were responsible for all those leaks you can’t stop. You might want to consider pyramid hats for all the white house staff. But even then I have on good authority that Obama was able to secure some top-secret surveillance equipment from a crashed flying saucer and the technology is so advanced aluminum hats can’t protect from it. I think that story ran on the same news program where you got your “proof.” Wouldn’t you know it life is a bitch.

I missed a few day being under the weather.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:11 pm
Trump called a press conference today to announce the unbelievable had finally happened. At 12:01 PM at Roswell, New Mexico a flying saucer landed. When the press asked what proof he had, Trump replied he had it from reliable sources that it took place. When the reporters checked it out they could find no proof whatsoever that the landing took place. The press again asked Trump to provide proof. Trump said he read it in a newspaper. When the press checked for any reports of flying saucer landing in the United States they found none. They returned to the White House and asked which news paper it was reported in and Trump said it wasn’t a flying saucer that landed in New Mexico it was just a saucer (small plate) that landed but he was correct because someone had thrown it therefore technically it was flying. One reporter from Fox News pointed out that he in fact had found a newspaper that had a headline that read “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell region.” But a reporter from NBC pointed out the paper was from July 8, 1947. The reporter from Fox said a copy of the paper must still have been lying around the Whitehouse.

“ For who want to believe no proof is necessary.” Meanwhile the 62,979,879 people that voted for Trump planned trips to New Mexico to see a real flying saucer. They might be somewhat disappointed like the members of the Branch Davidians cult were when they returned home to find David Koresh having a threesome with his wife and teenage daughter Koresh felt sorry for the cult member and told him to bend over and drop his pants. But still through it all they still believed. That is not quite what is going on with the American public but it is very close.

Of course the facts in the above story have been altered to protect the guilty but they are a close parallel to what is actually going on.

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Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2017 08:49 pm
There is an old truism that states, “Figures do not lie but liars do figure.” Trump falls under the latter classification. In New York under the Donald’s first big real estate deal Trump had agreement with the city that his rent on the property would be based on a percentage of the profits on the Hotel. Trump than agreed with city that he would give the city a small portion of the land the Hotel was built on for expanding a subway stairway if the city would condemn the surround property to get rid of a sporting goods store Trump wanted to get rid of. Mind you all of the property belonged to the city in first place and was just being leased by Trump. In reality Trump was only relinquishing his lease on the small portion of property he was not selling the property. When the city completed the condemnation Trump reneged on his offer and demanded he be paid for the small portion of property. The city was upset but fighting Trump in court would take valuable time and the construction needed to start soon. They decided to pay Trump over a half million for Trump’s lease on the small portion of property. They folded to Trump’s blackmail. But that wasn’t the bad part when Trump submitted his profit statement for his lease payment the half million Trump was paid was listed as a loss on the statement to lower his lease payment.

Today Trump stated that his organization has determined a way to calculate what profits on Hotel room rented to foreign diplomats in the hotel he is leasing from the federal government in Washington DC and Trump will donate the profits to the Treasury Department in 2018. The Treasury Department should check with the former Mayor of New York to see how Trump plays the game. Trump is a world-class swindler and his dad before him swindled the FHA out of $4 million dollars in the 40s. That would be $54,000,000 in today’s dollars and that was on just one deal. The swindle was so big Congressional hearings were held. There is another truism and that is: “That fruit does not fall far from the tree.” Trump is a national embarrassment. Don’t look for Trump to donate a single dime to Treasury Department next year he will do just like he did in New York he will renege on the deal. Remember there is no written contract just Trump’s word. This is just another publicity stunt by Trump.
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Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2017 09:01 pm
One of the main concerns when Trump got elected was with his temperament he would start a nuclear war but we did not know it was the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals he planed to destroy. Trump told a screaming crowd of cult members in Nashville that the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals should be “destroyed” because they ruled against him. The crowd of cult members soon started chanting, “Break up the Ninth Circuit!” This is how it started in Germany with a bunch of cult member followers of Dictator that thought he should be king. It is clear Trump thinks he is king and the others branches of government are simply there to do his bidding and follow his every whim. Trump truly believes he holds all the power of government that was intentionally divided by the founding fathers among the three branches of government to keep any one many from being too powerful. Trump thoroughly despises this important principal of our government and isn’t ashamed to show it. Trump is far more dangerous to the American way of life then most people realize.
”Hence today I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting the work of the Lord”

Replace the word Jew with the word Muslim and we are listening to a modern day reincarnation of Hitler. Today he wants to usurp the power of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals tomorrow it will be to override Congress to get his way. But listen carefully to chants in Nashville crowd and carefully look at the faces of the crowd. They are as old as time they are the ones to throw the first stones they are the same faces in every witch burning and they are the same faces and types of people that made up every lynch mob in America. Times change but human nature remains much the same as our distant ancestors it may be hidden more easily now but it still alive well in the darkest corner of our soul. Trump likes to flout the irrational behavior of the crowds that follow him like a man waving a pistol Hitler did the same. It is a short walk from a charismatic leader calling for a lynching and crowd of followers doing his bidding.

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Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:23 pm
Trump’s approval rating hit a new low this afternoon according to the Gallop poll. Trump approval rating is in freefall going from 45% last week to 37% today. What is driving the sharp fall? What is causing people to wake up? The reality of the Republican Party’s health insurance plan is setting in and many people realize they will be among those 24 million that will lose their health insurance plan under the “Republican Party’s Health Insurance Plan. “In fact the Republican Party Health Insurance Plan” is just a thinly disguised massive $500 billion tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The Republicans by ideology are simply opposed to any and all entitlements such as social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and unemployment among others. Trump’s budget takes money from meals on wheels, the program that provides assistance to fund heating for the elderly and poor while increasing the military budget by $54 billion and we are already spending ten times more on military than the second highest country’s military budget. Money spent on a million dollar bombs does not turn over in the economy when it explodes that million dollar goes up in smoke. Trump will slash the State Department, which provides money for peaceful solutions, and make more efforts to bully countries with military force. Trump has associated with mobsters for so long that bullying is a way of life.

When Trump first hired a lawyer for his business dealings he hired the Mob’s Attorney, Roy Cohn, who was Trump’s attorney until Cohn’s death. Cohn became famous during Joseph McCarthy communist witch hunt Cohn was his right hand man, another sociopath with no morals, Cohn took Donald under his wing and taught him how to use the mob’s political clout to swindle taxpayers. When Trump built something he was awarded huge tax abatements that lasted for decades. The risk on Trump’s projects was taken by the public but the profit was privatized into Trump’s pocket.

When my sister was small we had a little boy that lived next door when she got close to the fence he would pull her hair no matter how many times she was told to stay away from the fence she would invariably go back until the boy moved away. Trump voters act the same way. Most Americans that know anything about history know that democrats are responsible for social security, Medicare, unemployment, Medicaid, the Affordable Healthcare Act and that Republicans have tried to abolish all of those programs. Why would you want your hair pulled? But they just can’t help themselves they just keep going back to fence.

One morning at work I answered the phone an a old lady from out of state had called to ask me about a local “contractor” she was considering to do work for her. She said he had ripped her off the first four times she used him. She wanted to know if she should use him again? The con in contractor was a good description. The woman worked with his wife. I told her not to deal with him and that she should stay as far away from him as possible. I later encountered him in town up to his old tricks and he had a sad song about how he had cancer. I never believed that con until I saw the obituary. But like that woman many voters even after they know they been taken advantage of will go back again and again. If they finally lose all their hair maybe they will stay away from the fence.
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Reply Mon 20 Mar, 2017 09:09 pm
Trump’s great investigation into Obama wire tapping of Trump Tower seems to be just more Trump lies. Will it bother Trump’s cult like followers? Will it bother them that he lied? Not for minute. After Trump’s lascivious comments broke about him grabbing the pu*** of women some of his cult followers were actually caught wearing tee shirts with an arrow pointing between their legs saying Trump can grab mine. To a cult follower their leader can never do any thing wrong. Like Trump said he could kill someone on main-street and not lose a vote. It is that kind of power arrangement that led to the mass suicide of the People’s Temple followers and the fiery end of the Branch Davidians cult. When people no longer worry about their leader crossing lines it encourages the leader to cross the next line. After the leader crosses that line he will cross the next line it becomes a fed back loop that reinforces itself. If there are no checks and balances a cult leader or politician no longer need worry about boundaries. Did you every drive on new fallen snow on a four lane road and notice many drivers when the lines are covered drive all over the place?

When the public disapproves of a politicians actions it gives the politician an idea where the lanes are. Early in Trump’s campaign he got the idea he could tell any lie and commit any crime and his voters would still vote for him. Trump not only sexually assaulted women he also bragged about sexually assaulting them. If a man went up to a strange woman on the street and grabbed her pus** would be arrested and deserve it. You simply don’t treat people that way you respect personal boundaries. Trump does not respect personal boundaries and brags about it. It is not Trump that bothers me as much as it his followers that don’t care whether he is a criminal or not. They believe they can use him when in fact it is he that is using them. A leader drives his power from those who follow him.
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Reply Tue 21 Mar, 2017 09:11 pm
What do you know Donald Trump was right Trump Towers was actually wire tapped but it was years before Trump ran for president. It seems the Russian Mafia was operating only three floors below Trump’s apartment. According to ABC “The FBI had a warrant from 2011 to 2013 to monitor a Russian crime organization working out of an apartment three floors below Trump’s penthouse.” I don’t know but I am beginning to see a pattern here and they all seem to speak Russian. Well that might not be fair the American mafia was on the floor below Trump. I am currently reading one of the most detailed biographies of Trump first released in 1992 long before Trump ran for President no one can say this book was a political hack job. The book “Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth the Deals, the Downfalls, the Reinvention” by Wayne Barrett. Trump was a control freak no one got an apartment in Trump Tower without his personal approval. If the Russian Mafia was operating out of Trump knew and was making a big profit.

Once the union mafia leader whose girl friend was being kept in the $10 million apartment complex below his Trump went to jail. Trump sued to get his girl friend out of the apartment. She had paid $1.9 million for remodeling including the only indoor swimming pool in Trump Tower. He sued for an additional $390,000 in remodeling expense at which time she sued Trump for taking kickbacks. Trump required tenets to use his personal architect and Trump got a 10% kickback. She counter sued and Trump had to pay her of course he made millions in kickbacks and should have been jailed but he skated again.

Trump kept it up and kept it about Trump Tower being wiretapped and now I bet he wished he kept his mouth shut. “Former Nixon council, John Dean, who was at the center of the Watergate scandal told MSNBC that the White House is cover up mode.”
“There’s just never been any question in my mind about that. I’ve been inside a cover up. I know how they look and feel. And every signal they’re are sending is: we’re covering this thing up,” Dean said

The tree has been cut, timber has been yelled, we are just waiting on the tree to fall.
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Reply Wed 22 Mar, 2017 09:47 pm
Trump had sold so many apartments in Trump Tower to criminals that the honest tenants in the building were beginning to complaining about having to ride the elevators with the criminals.
“Rounding out the list of rogues was Robert Hopkins, a Lucchese crime family associate who was arrested in Trump Tower suite of apartments for ordering a mob murder of a gambling competitor. While the murder count was dismissed, Hopkins was convicted of running one of the city’s biggest illegal gambling operations---taking in up to a half million a week and running numbers out of as many as a hundred locations. State investigators maintained a tap on Trump Tower phone for months, concluding that he “controlled the enterprise” from the tower apartment.”

From the book “Trump: the Greatest Show on Earth”
Another of Trump tenants was Joe Weichselbaum a convicted cocaine smuggler. He was convicted in a multi state drug ring. He was not only Trump’s tenant he was in business with Trump. Trump allowed Weichselbaum to pay for his multi-million dollar apartment half in cash for and took the rest out in trade. Weichselbaum owned a helicopter business that delivered Trump high rollers to his casinos.

Trump rented another apartment to David Bogatin a high level Russian mobster and Trump personally attended the closing on the $6 million dollar apartment. Bogatin was convicted in a gasoline tax evasion scheme and agreed to pay a $5 million fine Bogatin was working with Colombo capo Michael Franzese. Bogatin fled the country or was “retired” by the mob. When the Mafia and the Russian Mob start working together there is nothing they can’t achieve even putting a criminal in the White House.

The list of criminals taking up residence in Trump towers is too long to list in a short post you need a 500-page book to do justice to it. The family was having a heated political discussion tonight about the health insurance mess. My brother-in-law is hard right and in the discussion the topic of Thursday vote on the repeal of The Affordable Healthcare came up. My mom said that from looks of it, Trump Care might not pass. Even though at last count as many as 40 Republicans were saying they would vote against it I believe they will vote for it because Trump will get $65 million tax cut when the Obamacare tax on the ungodly greedy is cut out. I would not want to be a Republican that voted against it. Trump’s mafia friends will be very offended. Trump’s mafia friends will be calling them and telling them they know where they live and where their children go to school. It may take a few “accidents” to convince them but all things are possible when criminals work together. Americans politics has reached a 200 year low with Trump.
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Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2017 09:09 pm
Rep Maxine Waters (D-Calif) called for the quick impeachment of Donald Trump. CNN reports that evidence in place to tie Trump directly to the collusion with the Russian to fix the election. This begins to look more like Watergate each and every day both began with a break in of Democratic Nation Headquarters one physical and one electronic. It is like the remake of an old movie and usually the remake does not live up to the original. The remake of “Halloween” which was classic horror flick was terrible it was all gore without being scary. In this case the addition of the Russian looks to make the remake of Watergate even better than the original. Many Americans felt sorry for Nixon and I am sure the cult followers of Trump will morn his impeachment but the world at large will cheer, except for Russia.

Trumps great healthcare vote and $500 billion dollar tax cut for the ungodly greedy never took place. When the Republicans had to put their money where their mouth is they began shying away. Trump told them they needed to do something “for the American people” but the correct terminology would be to “do something to the American people.” The Republicans are being asked to vote away medical insurance for 24 million people and call it healthcare. Of course the conservative wing won’t vote for it because it doesn’t take away insurance for a 100 million people but moderates won’t vote for because it doesn’t cover enough. Trump says to vote and if it fails he will leave the Affordable Healthcare Act in place.

The Republicans plan to separate the $500 billion in tax cuts from healthcare plan and just repeal the tax increases which this has always been about. By leaving the Affordable Health Act in place the $500 billion needed to fund it would have to come from the general fund. This would break the budget and than they could eliminate the Affordable Healthcare Act next year because there was no money to fund it. Reagan cut the taxes on the rich from 70% to 28% and tripled the national debt. Baby Bush made two more massive cuts for the ungodly greedy that doubled the national debt now Trump tax cuts will likely quadruple the National Debt. All we heard about during Obama’s term was how we needed to do something about the National Debt. Have you heard one single word about the National Debt sine Trump was elected? When the Republicans want to give massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy it doesn’t matter how high the National Debt goes. Funny how the National Debt is no longer a problem.
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Reply Fri 24 Mar, 2017 08:58 pm
Did anyone notice Stock Market? The stock market had its worst week since Trump was elected. Why would the market fall? Trump tried and failed to eliminate the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Wall Street billionaires had counted on Trump eliminating healthcare in America and the 3.9% Medicare tax that the Affordable Healthcare Act put on billionaires. When the billionaires found out that they would not be getting multi million dollar tax cuts they stopped buying as much stock. They knew at the end of the day that they will still have to pay the 3.9% Medicare tax. With a good tax lawyer they can get out of paying a dime of taxes on their $5 billion dollar income but they can’t beat one penny of the Medicare tax.

Trump attempt to take the healthcare away from 24 million Americans and put an end to the Medicare tax on billionaires failed and in the end it was the Republicans that kept it from passing. Trump when asked by a Time magazine how he was doing with all his failures. Trump replied tersely better than you I am President. He may not be able say that much longer. Most of the big battles over the last 40 years have been about shifting the tax burden from the rich to the workingman. When Reagan eliminated the federal revenue sharing, a federal program that returned a share of income taxes collected in a community to that community, the cities had to impose regressive local taxes to replace the lost federal revenue. This is what is happening with healthcare the billionaires currently fund The Affordable Act but the Trump plans eliminates the Medicare tax on all forms of the billionaires income. Since Trump eliminates the $500 billion in Medicare tax how is the Trump plan going to replace it? Simple have 24 million go without health insurance. That is fine they will go without health insurance but not without medical care. They will still go to doctor when their child is sick and to the hospital when they are sick. I recently spent four days in the hospital for a minor problem and I am expecting a $50,000 bill. So the uninsured can’t afford health insurance and the certainly can’t pay for medical services. When they don’t pay their $50,000 bill it doesn’t go away those with insurance will pay the uninsured bill. So Trumps objects was to shift the cost of medical care of the uninsured to those with insurance. The more costs that are shifted the higher the insurance cost and the fewer people who can afford health insurance it is like a snake eating its own tail. Ultimately our healthcare system in America will collapse under a mountain of unpaid bills. At one time there were six hospitals in town now there are only two. Most rural hospitals in the state have already closed it is not hard to see the future.
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Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2017 09:18 pm
They had a rally for Trump in Long Beach California and only 40 people showed up in a state Hillary won by 10 million. The rally was one of many organized across the country for today but the rally was not just about Trump it was for first responders and the military along with the vice President. It seems organizer were afraid that if the rally was for Trump alone not enough people would show up. The anti-Trump rallies draw massive crowds the Trump rallies not so much.

The failure of Trumpcare didn’t help. There was at least one woman who wanted to change her vote because her husband was being deported. I heard at one point that 30% Hispanics voted for Trump. That was really hard to believe but such is the power of a cult. Trump blamed the Democrats for the failure of Trumpcare or as the reality of it was no care. My brother-in-law was all for Trumpcare even though Trump care would have increased my sister health insure cost 200%. For our government to work people are supposed to vote for their economic interests but Trump voters voted against their economic interests.

I tried to show my brother-in law why the cost of medical care can never solved by free market forces. One the classic free market forces simply don’t apply to most medical services. A couple of weeks ago I woke up with vertigo the room was spinning and I was very sick. Now if I had been buying a new television I would have checked several different sellers and either bought a television or decided not to buy a television and the market would adjust. But the only question was how I was going to get to hospital either by ambulance or car. My daughter who works in the ER and she had my wife check me for signs of stroke. I passed the tests and made to hospital. What was missing from this transaction? There was absolutely no consideration of how much it would cost at that moment when you are terribly ill there is no consideration of the cost what so every. When I walked into the ER I didn’t ask how much it would cost the primary ingredient of any free market transaction. As you walk through a store you carefully consider the cost of any purchase with healthcare you don’t. At that point you will pay any price to get better. That is an unequal bargaining position. I had good insurance and my portion of a $50,000 won’t be too bad. But if I was uninsured this would be a severe financial hardship. The position we have put ourselves is that we are making purchase of healthcare that we would otherwise be unable to afford. Imagine that you had television insurance when your television went bad you could go anywhere and the insurance would have to buy you the most expensive television. The price of televisions would go up like the cost of health insurance and do you know what else would go up? Television insurance. “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.” Mine turned out to be an inner ear problem but the tests revealed other problems that I didn’t want to know about. Once I got in hospital I couldn’t get out the doctor would not sign me out because he was not working that day and the next day I was there until 7 PM. Like it or not political ideology will have to be set aside and National Healthcare will be the reality sooner or later. Right now the conservatives are focused on the cost of health insurance but that is not the problem the cost of healthcare is the problem.

When it comes to purchasing a television I know what I want to buy a 50” 4K smart television but when I woke up sick I had no idea what kind of medical services I needed so that would preclude me from calling around to see who had cardiac or stroke services on sale that week. At that point I don’t even know what medical services I need and even if the services could be obtained for 50% less if I drove 50 miles would I do that? No you go to nearest hospital so you are more or less a captive audience.
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Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2017 09:10 pm
My nephew recently stated that he planned to retire when he was 55. That was the retirement age for many in this generation but now that is fast becoming an unattainable dream. Why is it now an unattainable dream? The main reason is the cost of healthcare. Health insurance premiums, deductibles and out of pocket expenses has now reached 25% of the income of those between 55-64. Insurance companies are now allowed to charge someone in the 55-64-age group three times as much for health insurance as they charge a young person. Trumpcare would have made that five times as much if it passed. When you reach 55 you are much more likely to have serious and expensive health problems. I did not even have a physical from the time I ran track in junior high until I was 63 but time has away of catching up with you.

In 1974 when I started to work healthcare was only 5% of the GNP but by 2013 healthcare was 17.4% of GNP. The cost of healthcare has almost tripled. Wages in real dollars for the middle class have not gone up significantly for 36 years, since Reagan took office but that is not the bad part. The bad part was the increased bite that healthcare took out of a static income. This has significantly lowered the middleclass standard of living. In the 70s I was the only one that worked in the family. My wife stayed home and raised my daughter. I had two racecars and a large truck to haul them. We took vacations and enjoyed life by the time I retired you were lucky to pay the medical bills that the insurance didn’t pay. The ever-increasing cost of healthcare lowered the quality of life for the middle class. Had wages in real dollars continued to increase as in previous decades some of the healthcare cost would have been offset by those increases but without the increases healthcare costs were especially bitter pill for the middle class.
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Reply Mon 27 Mar, 2017 08:59 pm
Former vice president Dick Cheney called Russia’s tampering with our election and “act of war.” But Trump can’t wait to accommodate Russia in every way possible even before Trump took office. His administration was assuring Russia they would roll back the sanctions when they took office. The Trump Russia collusion story has been coming out slowly in bits and pieces. Today another piece came to light it seems that that when Trump son-in-law met with the Russian Ambassador in Trump Tower that wasn’t the only Russian he met with. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, remained in control of the family business even after he took the job in Trump’s administration. It seems Kushner is upside down on one of New York’s skyscrapers and badly needs bailed out. So who was the second meeting with a Russian that day? Mr. Gorkov the head of Vnesheconombank. The bank has been hurt by the sanctions Obama put in place. Do you think Russian’s and Kushner might come to a reasonable accommodation that benefits both parties? Gorkov is a close friend and business associate of Putin. The plot thickens.
“Mr. Kushner has not yet stepped aside as chief executive of Kushner Companies, his family real estate empire, and was trying to attract investment for the company’s crown jewel, an overleveraged Manhattan office tower on Fifth Ave. He was in the midst of negotiations to redevelop the building with Anbang Insurance Group, a Chinese company with ties to the Beijing government.

From an article: “Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meeting with Russians” New York Times

Trump has a history of self-serving press releases. Trump calls up the press and pretends to be somebody else and tells them that Madonna and the wife of the President of France are knocking down his door to sleep with him. He actually did that and they recognized his voice. David Nunes, House Intelligence Chairman” was summoned to the White House where he was taken to a secure room near the White House and briefed by an “intelligence agent” probably Trump in his secret agent costume. Then Nunes makes a big deal of informing Trump of this secret information and calls a press conference. If this was made into a movie it would definitely be comedy.
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Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2017 09:18 pm
My recent hospital visit was an eye opener. I can now understand why medical care is so much more expensive than in years past. I went to emergency with vertigo. After a check in the emergency room found an inner problem, which was quickly, corrected but in the meantime a cat scan uncovered some arties that had some blockages. They decided to hold me overnight to do an MRI the next day at which time I would be released. Monday came and went with no MRI. It seems they had so many MRI scheduled that by eleven that night they couldn’t get to it. Tuesday comes and finally they did the MRI and neurologists released me but the general practitioner must also release me. The general practitioner was not working that day and the doctor that filled in for him would not write the release. I am held prisoner at$10,000 a day by the insurance company because if I leave without being released the insurance company would refuse to pay. Wednesday comes and the GP shows up that morning and tells me I should be released by noon. Noon comes and goes and I am still prisoner. The nurses tell me the paper work from the doctor has still not arrived at 7 PM. The nurses paged the doctor 7 times and they are under order not to page the doctor.

If my experience is typical the medical care system in America is so inefficient because of health insurance. The doctor that filled in for the GP that day will be paid for that day even though he refused the responsibility to write a release. If a doctor fills in when one doctor is off he should take the same responsibility. This would be like calling in an autoworker to replace another autoworker that bolts the wheels on cars and he would just stand there and watch as the cars go down the assembly line without wheels and get paid for it. Doctors are paid for the number of days you are in the hospital so they have an incentive to keep you in the hospital. The city is self-insured and the insurance gets a 10% cut so it is in the insurance companies best interest for you to stay in the Hospital. In our medical system the financial incentives are all wrong. Why not pay a flat fee for a certain diagnoses and not on a per day incentive. Some would need to stay longer but many would not need to remain hospitalized. If we are serious about the cost of medical care we need to remove the incentives to be inefficient.

My stay in the hospital for four days to get an MRI left a bad taste in my mouth. My wife and I even asked if the insurance company would pay for the extra days. Imagine if you had no insurance and lost your house for an extra $30,000 because you were warehoused.
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Reply Wed 29 Mar, 2017 09:05 pm
Let the lawsuits begin. Trumps has been involved in as many as 4,000 lawsuits many of which he has lost. He recently paid $25 million to settle three fraud lawsuits over Trump University just before he took office. An article on MSN pointed out that after Trump’s pus*y grabbing was made public Trump invited Paula Jones and two other women who had accused President Clinton of sexual misconduct to the next debate. When Clinton tried to delay Jones lawsuit until after he was out of office she went to Supreme Court and won. Clinton could not delay Jones’s lawsuit until he was out of office. Jones’ case proceeded and the investigation led to uncovering Monica Lewinsky.

Jones could not afford a lawyer on her own let alone a Supreme Court case but a group of conservatives who called themselves the “elves” contributed their time to harass Clinton. In fact Kellyanne Conway helped write the Supreme Court brief for Paula Jones’s case. The result of the Jones’s case was that a sitting president cannot assert executive privilege as a defense to a lawsuit. There are many lawsuits now pending against Trump and many more will most likely be filed. The other shoe will now be on the “elves” foot. Gloria Allred was assembling the women who Trump sexually assaulted for a major lawsuit that Trump could never win since he has already bragged about doing just that. Allred has stated “I’ll hunt Trump into the White House.”

When I worked for the City when someone was arrested they often threatened, “to sue the City.” I would tell them to just take their place at the end of the line but just remember it is a long line. The line suing Trump is no doubt much longer. No doubt Trump could spend every day for the rest of his term in court and still not cover all his pending suits you have to remember Trump is a major swindler. Clinton no doubt was a womanizer but Trump’s problems don’t stop with women. We had a local restaurant owner who was accused of sexually assaulting his help after the Human Rights Commission heard his case they told him to just bring his checkbook to the next meeting. Trump has already paid off three lawsuits for fraud maybe he can just pay all his other lawsuits.
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Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2017 09:13 pm
Trump claims to be a deal maker but how does he make his deals? The recent HealthCare bill shows how Trump makes deal. The House Freedom Caucus came out against Trumpcare and refused to vote for it. Trump sent his henchmen to the House to start twisting arms. Budget director Mick Mulvaney told Rep. Mark Sanford, “The president asked me to look you square in the eyes and to say that he hoped you would vote ‘no’ on this bill so he can run (a primary challenger) against you in 2018.” Who deals this way? The mafia and Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn the mob’s lawyer.
“With clients who ranged from John Gotti to the sons of Carlo Gambino, Cohn reportedly hosted gatherings of the commission itself--- which included the heads of five crime families-- at his town house. His closest mob confidant, Tony Salerno, was so involved in Atlantic city that he was believed to have sanctioned the murders of the hit men who killed Scarfo’s predecessor, boasting on federal tape: I’m the fuc*** boss, that who I am. Connecticut is mine; New Jersey is mine.” One Cohn aide specifically remembers a 1983 get together at Cohn’s townhouse living room that supposedly included the lawyer and his two clients—Trump and Salenro--- right around the time Salenro’ S&A Concrete was building Trump Plaza, the Third Ave residential tower.”

From the book: “Trump the Greatest Show on Earth.”

What Trump didn’t say to Sanford was not only would Trump run a candidate against him in the primary but the Russians would help. The Russians also actively worked in several House of Representatives elections in the last election. Trump’s mob connections are responsible for much of Trump’s wealth.

In Atlantic City Hilton Hotels had built a $300 million Hotel Casino, it was almost finished but they were going to be denied a license to operate it because they had at one time used a mob lawyer in Chicago but Trump with all of his mob associations scooped it up and got his operating license.
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Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2017 09:13 pm
Would you believe Obama didn’t trust Russia candidate for president? The intelligence documents that show the collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia were given serial numbers and the serial numbers were given to the senior members Senate Intelligence Committee to insure Trump would not have them destroyed. Usually the way to solve a crime is to follow the money but not in this case the way to solve this crime according to expert in intelligence on NBC Today Show the key to solving this crime is to follow the trail of dead Russians.
“Follow the trail of dead Russians.” Clinton Watts, of the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University, told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

“There have been more dead Russians in the past three months that are tied investigation, he added. “They are dropping dead even in Western countries.”

From an article titled, “Follow the Money and the Trail of ‘dead Russians,’ experts urges Senators from the “Los Angles Times.”

And now Michael Flynn wants to come in from the cold and spill his guts. Trumps former National Security advisor is counting dead Russians by now and wants to tell all. Do you know who else is known for killings witnesses? The mafia and the Trump administration is the closest the mafia ever came to being in control of America. You simply could not write fiction this good.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2017 09:05 pm
The often talk about home court advantage but in Trump’s case it doesn’t apply. Trump got only 18% of the vote from the City that knows him best. This has to be some sort of Guinness World Record for the least votes from his hometown. New York, New York was Trump’s home he would fly thousands of miles when he was campaign to sleep in his own bed. Since he has been inaugurated he avoids New York like the plague. Massive demonstrations greet him when he goes home. The old saying, “You can’t go home again.” Certainly applies to Trump. I wonder why he is so disliked by his hometown. Could it be they know him best?

Trump calls the Russian investigation “fake news” but the investigation has been going on since July. The investigation has already consumed 10s of thousands of man-hours by 17 different government intelligence agencies and billions of dollars. If every “fake news story” were investigated like this the country would be broke. Trump thinks the ‘fake news” tag is like a magic wand. Trump thinks all he has to say about any news story that he doesn’t like is that it is “fake” and that is the end of the story but it isn’t working. I am sure his cult followers will believe every word that pathological liar has to say but many others won’t.

Meanwhile back in Indiana the company that Trump “saved the jobs” shipped Mexicans in for the 350 employees that are losing their jobs to train the Mexicans to do their job. The employees were offered a few dollars an hour to train the Mexicans so when the company opens in Mexico it will have trained employees. No doubt the $7 million the company was given to “save the jobs” was used to fly the Mexicans to Indiana. If the Indiana workers refuse to train the Mexicans they lose their severance pay. Has anyone heard anymore about Trumps 20% tariff? You are not going too like his tax return he is counting on people to just forget. Remember Hitler said that the “(great masses) power of forgetting is enormous” and Trump is a student of Hitler.
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2017 09:06 pm
Trump’s unpopularity now seems to be spreading to Republican members of Congress. At a town hall meeting Lindsey Graham was greeted with loud boos when he announced he was supporting Trump’s pick for Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. Usually the party in power can expect to become unpopular but usually not this soon. The fact that Trump is a minority president, he lacked 3 million votes, has something to do with it. The majority of Americans were both sadden and disappointed the morning after the election. When the Russia scandal is added to the mix as well as a surge in hate across America it is hard to believe that America is headed in the right direction.

This is a period when the country is getting to know Mr. Trump and most don’t like what they are seeing. Trump is far more unpopular now then on Election Day. There were many that were convinced that putting a businessman in as president would solve America problems but it would be like making a brain surgeon the quarterback of the New England Patriots before the Super Bowl. The brain surgeon is no doubt far smarter but he might not be able to throw the ball more than 10 yards. Each job require certain skills and just because you are good at swindling people doesn’t make you good at being a politician. To rule any country a politician must be able to build bridges, to be able to persuade others in such a way they don’t lose respect. In a business deal you have two gorillas trying to destroy each other one become dominate the other submissive. It is a game where two men enter but only one walks out. In government everybody is suppose to win or at least benefit from government.

In the Trump biography I am reading Trumps is trying to swindle a group of 60+ widows out of their apartments so he can tear down their building and replace it with one with million dollar apartments. The state had stepped in to protect the widows but I already know the end of the story Trump demolished the building I just don’t know whether he used crooked politicians or started moving his mob buddies into the building. Just something to look forward to.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2017 09:22 pm
If Trump did nothing else for America he gave hate a seat at the table. Now in Florida they are seeing black dummies hung from trees. It is only matter of time before the dummies are replaced with people. Trumps approvals ratings have reached a new record low for the third straight week. I can remember clearly the day after the election while the country was still in shock from Trump being elected. My wife was having back surgery that morning and her sister accompanied us to hospital early that morning. My sister-in-law was elated that Trump was elected. The returns were still coming in and the commentators were as shocked as the rest of the country. The question that morning was how could all those pre-election polls be wrong? I told my sister-in-law the reason the polls were wrong was simply many of the people that voted for Trump were ashamed of the fact. My sister-in-law couldn’t understand why anyone would be ashamed to vote for Trump. A lot of people who didn’t publicly support Trump felt safe voting for him in secret.

This has a lot to do with hate that is taking hold in America. Most people will conceal their racism and hate in public but when they see a black dummy hanging in Florida there will be those who secretly believe that lynching kept black people in “their place.” One man has applied to the courts to have his name legally changed to Adolf Hitler and has already named his Adolf Hitler Johnson. “Vanity Fair” showed the hate groups using the Hitler style salute for Trump. While those that openly show their hate may not be the real problem those who don’t openly show their hate may make the difference like those who were ashamed to say they were going to vote for Trump.

The baby boomers generation successfully used social pressure to change America. When we came of age lynching was not uncommon and usually no one was held accountable. We changed that and social pressure was applied to anyone who supported lynching. There were laws against lynching then also but it took social pressure to put a stop to it.

We came of age when racism was common where black children were banned from going to “white school” we watched on the evening news as large angry crowds of whites tried to stop them from entering the school. The governor of the state tried to stop the black children but social pressure changed America and there are only schools now.

When I reached 18 I had to register for the military draft and many of my generation died in rice patties in Vietnam. This generation stood up to the establishment. There were demonstrations all across America. This generation applied the social pressure and an unjust war ended.

The social pressure fermenting in America now is not that of ideals of striving to be better than you are but to embrace the dark side of human nature.
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