The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2017 08:51 pm
Trump’s approval rating reached a new low again this week and now stands at just 34%. An article from “News Week” entitled “As White Men Flee Trump’s Approval Rating Dips Again” tells the story. White men who were Trump’s best demographic are now deserting him in droves. Trump’s approval rating tumbled by 11% among white men. Republican approval of Trump has dropped 14% since last month. But only 29% of independents approve of Trump also falling by 11%. The country is just beginning to realize whom they elected.

The wall is coming if Trump has his way but a portion of the wall was built in 2006. I watched a program that went to Texas and showed the wall that was already in place. Many think the wall will be built right on the border but it wasn’t. The best route for the wall was not along border but cuts through farms and residences. One of the families found most of their farm on the Mexico side of the wall. When their barn caught on fire the fire department could not find their way through the locked wall gates and the barn burnt to the ground as the animals ran out on fire.

The property owners saw their property condemned for the wall and taken by the government. Suits were filed because they believed the property was taken too cheaply. All the property owners lost their suits. I don’t know about you but I would be awfully upset to find my property on the Mexico side of the fence. The fence in 2006 was put in isolated desert and farming areas. Trump proposed fence will go through highly populated areas and the lawsuits will be plentifully as neighborhoods are ruined.

Would you feel safe if you were on the Mexico side of the wall and had the keys? Human traffickers would go after you and your family to obtain the keys. The cost of the Trump wall will be at least three times the estimate.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2017 09:33 pm
Trump has said, “He loves war.” With Trumps approval ratings headed toward zero Trump badly needs to start a war to run his numbers up. A war with North Korea would be just what Trump needs. The United States has recently deployed missile-capable drones across the border from North Korea and China has moved 30,000 Troops to the North Korean border. Kim Jung-un killed his half brother Kim Jung-nam who had been living in China and was being groomed to take Kim Jung-um place as leader of North Korea. That explains why he killed his half brother.

After North Korea test fired their latest missile the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, said,

“North Korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea we have no further comment.”

Trump badly needs a war and this is going to be it. China will invade from the north and the United States will invade from the south. The Korean War was one of the bloodiest wars ever waged by America. There were 62,000 Americans soldiers that were killed or unaccounted for. Going into Korea will not be like going into Iraq. North Korea is a militaristic society and much of their gross national product is invested in their military. Casualties may be as much as ten times higher do to the efficient weapons. But this will make Trump a hero no matter how many American soldiers die. Trump is a natural bully and there is nothing like blood and guts to make people cheer for hometown team and the coach.

Trump can’t wait as long as he does not have to go over and do the fighting. This war lover got five deferments to keep from going to Vietnam. If Trump had to go there would never be another war. Did he mention he loves war at a distance a few thousand miles or so. Bullies are natural born cowards. When I was out one night a bully was going to start a fight but ran out of courage before the fight but he did send a proxy who would have been dangerous if he had a pocketbook. So much for the West end gang I never had a problem with them after that. All bullies are cowards at heart.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:29 pm
Trump hasn’t used the missile capable drones to bomb North Korea yet but he did he did attack Syria with missiles. I guess it doesn’t matter where Trump starts a war just so he starts a war. The last Republican president gave us two of the longest wars in history. Two wars are better than one after all we need someplace to spend that extra $54 million going for “defense.” While Trump was campaign Trump insisted we should stay out of Syria. Bombing a foreign airbase is after all an act of war. From the looks of the pictures of the Syrian airbase we spent millions of dollars to bomb put a six-inch pothole in runway.

Trump became outraged because chemical weapons killed a 100 people but there were no tears shed for the 10s of thousands of Syrian children killed by conventional weapons. Children are just as dead when killed by conventional weapons. The United States can never prevent all the civil wars in the world let alone all the killing that goes with them. We cannot be morally responsible for all the killings. We cannot right every wrong we are not superman. America had its own Civil War and over 620,000 men died.

“There will always be wars and rumors of war.” There will be wars that it may be in our best interest to intervene in but to believe that it is our moral duty to intervene in every civil war is not practical. There is evil in the world and people will continue to die whether or not we intervene. Sure we can save some but most will continue to die. Dose death by conventional weapons cause any less suffering? Chemical weapons were used during the WWI. I still clearly remember the picture of the Vietnamese girl running down the road with her clothes burned off after she was hit by napalm. We used a lot of napalm in Vietnam, white phosphorus napalm, and phosphorus burns especially hot, was there any outrage in America when we were the ones do the bombing? Is it a perfect world? Could we ever make it a perfect world?
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Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2017 08:51 pm
Trump finally managed to get the Russian investigation out of the news cycle. It only cost the taxpayers $70 million for the 59 cruise missiles that blew a six-inch pothole in the Syrian’s land strip. There were claims that 20 planes were destroyed but the Russian films of the aftermath didn’t show any wreckage of planes but the film do show many planes parked out of harms way in the grass many yards from the landing strip like the Syrians had been warned, oh that’s right they were warned. The Russians were warned the attack was coming do you think they might warn the Syrians also?

The chemicals weapons were stored at the air base but Trump administration decided against destroying them. If we were offended by Syrians use of chemical weapons we should destroy them. The Trump administration believed that if the chemical weapons were blown up others might be killed by those chemical weapons. The people at this air base dumped chemical weapon on civilians if they were killed by chemical weapons so be it.

When Trump was insisting that America stay out of Syria even after 400,000 had been killed but suddenly after a 100 people were killed Trump suddenly wants to go badass. I think Trump was more worried about the news cycle than any children killed in Syria. Trump is a sociopath and his budget proposal takes money for more missiles from the meals on wheels program and the supplemental utilities program. People in America will starve to death while others will freeze to death. If we kill 50,000 Americans because of budget cuts to buy more bombs do you think Trump and is friends will shed a tear? Maybe if we stacked the bodies up in the town square and told them they were killed with chemical weapons, a chemical weapon called conservatism do you think it might make a difference? Dead is dead whether you die from chemical weapons or starve to death. Dose Trump thinks starving to death is any better than dying from chemical weapons? I guess the elderly starving to death just doesn’t make for a good photo opportunity. Trump can’t ride in on a white horse to the rescue.

What ever happened to America first? That didn’t last long. Trumps budget is clear and convincing proof that America comes last in Trump’s budget proposal.
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Reply Sat 8 Apr, 2017 09:10 pm
Americans are fleeing to Canada to get away from Trump. At no point in history can I remember it being bad enough that people left the country to get away from a president. There were 4,635 e-mails inquiring about moving to Canada on just one site. The site began as a joke for a radio station but it seems many people are interested in moving to Canada to get away from Trump. Myself I would rather fight then switch. As a generation that began with such promise, ending the Vietnam War and making major strides against racism I can’t see handing the country back to racists and homophobes.

It is easy to be racist; it is easy to incite hate against any group. Racist attitudes propelled Ronald Reagan to the presidency sure they were not as overt as Strom Thurmond’s but racist all the same. It was called the Southern Strategy. The Southern States had been democratic strong holds since the Civil War was waged by the Republican President no self respecting southern voted Republican for a 100 years but when Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats passed civil rights legislation it put the southern states in play. The code word most often used was “States Rights.” The argument was if the southern states wanted to lynch black people it was their right and the federal government should not interfere. If southern states wanted all white school system the government should not interfere. The south wanted to bring back that good old days racism and they wanted blacks in their place. Republicans still to this day preach state rights. The Trump healthcare plan compromise is the state rights solution. Each state would be allowed to decide how the healthcare would be administered. The state would decide what healthcare polices would cover. Pregnancies and mental would not be covered. When you decide to run down the states rights road the United States would be like living in 50 different countries.
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Reply Sun 9 Apr, 2017 09:00 pm
Trump is a true sociopath so why would it bother him if 5,000 children were gassed with chemical weapons? It would not bother him a bit. So why would he first warn and then bomb the Syria? It was a political maneuver and a very successful one. You have not heard one more word about the investigation of Trump’s collusion with the Russians. I figured Trump would have taken action against North Korea first. But the chemical bombing in Syria was a gift for Trump. Once the country is in a war mode the people will fall in behind the president.

Images of suffering children can be used to manipulate the population the same way the images of suffering animals raises millions of dollars each year. This appeals to those with a hero complex who want to come to the rescue. Coming to the rescue of the children of the Syrian bombing will appeal to the anti abortion crowd who see themselves as heroes rescuing babies. But ask yourself if Trump would allow those same babies into the United States for proper medical treatment? Trump is not interested in helping the children in Syria they could be flown to United States tomorrow. Trump is only interested in the good publicity the bombing generated. It is not about the children or the chemical weapons it is only about Trump.

Last night Saturday Night Live skit about Trump was very telling. In the skit Trump flies to Kentucky to thank those that voted for him and some counties voted 90%. In the town meeting a local coal miner tells Trump they need more jobs. Trump tells him market forces have eroded a good portion of coal market share and the jobs are not coming back. The man asks about job training and Trump tells him that money for job training has been eliminated in his budget. The man tells Trump how great he is and sits down. The next person complains that they have to drive an hour for medical care. Trump tells him no problem he has done away with medical care in his budget so the would no longer need to drive for and hour. The woman thanks him and sits down. The next man tells Trump his wife has a drug problem and it is hard to get treatment. Trump tells him not to worry because he has written drug treatments out of the budget. The man thanks Trump profusely and tells him that Trump knows best. Do you think Trump cares about the people that will die for lack of care or heat? Maybe if there were front-page pictures of those who will freeze to death on the news each night people might actually care about what is going on in America. How many homes of the elderly in America would $70 million dollars spent on cruise heat? Charity begins at home but Trump would not be a hero if he could point and say those 80 seniors didn’t freeze to death because money was budgeted to help them.
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Reply Mon 10 Apr, 2017 09:06 pm
According to the Gallup poll Trump did not get the bounce in his approval ratings for bombing Syria. The Gallup poll showed Trump at a 40% approval on last Tuesday and at 40% on this Monday. This is curious because other Republican presidents got a significant bounce when they bombed another country. Reagan saw a sharp increase in his approval rating when he took action in Grenade and Panama. George Bush saw a big increase in his approval rating at the beginning of the Gulf War. George W Bush experienced sharp increases in his approval ratings after starting the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Why did Trump not benefit from the bombing in Syria? His approval rating has been going down steadily and the bombing just offset his continuing approval rating freefall.

If the election were held tomorrow Trump would not be president. The American people are just now getting to know who Trump actually is. Anyone running for president can promise you the moon but when it comes to delivering the moon that is the problem. The president counts on the enormous power of the masses to forget. But in an electronic age film never forgets a promise and the masses will be reminded each and every time Trump breaks a promise. Trump promised healthcare for all while he was campaigning but when it came time to deliver he delivered a health care bill that would see 25 million Americans loss their health insurance. Trump promised health insurance at a reasonable cost but seniors would have to pay 5 times as much as what a young person paid. Trump has gone past the I can give you anything stage into the stage where he has to face the political reality of what he can deliver. The republicans had promised they could solve the health insurance problem for 7 years but the republican plan didn’t solve anything they would only make matters worse. They had no solutions only pipe dreams. The republicans rode Obamacare to victory but that horse is about to buck them off.
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Reply Tue 11 Apr, 2017 09:22 pm
Trump says we are not going to war with Syria. It was just the pictures of those children killed with chemical weapons that drove him to act. Trump is a hypocrite there were 80 people killed in the chemical bomb attack but there were 400,000 killed by conventional weapons. They say the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep but in war there are no good ways to die. War is not noble in war people die in the most hideous and painful ways imaginable and the side that can kill the most is winner. We are the only ones that have ever used atomic weapons to win a war and compared to Assad 80 killed. The death toll in Hiroshima was 90,000—146,000 who died within 4 months of the bombing and another 39,000---80,000 in Nagasaki. Many of these people were children and they died in prolonged agony. We deliberately target civilians, women and children to end the war sooner. We would have won the war but it would have taken longer and cost more American lives so the decision was to kill and maim children to accomplish a goal.

We come to this situation with our hands literally soaked in blood. If we were faced with a similar situation like Japan today we not hesitate to kill a few hundred thousand children and watch as they burned to death or die slowly of radiation poisoning. War is quite simply kill or be killed and we have all played the game. It would be nice if we lived in a world where every puppy could be saved and there was no war but we don’t our animal “shelters” kill millions of dogs each year. How can we say killing 80 people is horrible but turn heads when 400,000 are killed conventional weapons? It is complete hypocrisy. We don’t have to condone any of the killing but any retaliation for the use of chemical weapons should come from the United Nations.

A German General said the most brutal form of war is the most humane because it ends the war sooner. The bombing of Japan demonstrated this principal so before we climb up on our soapbox we have to remember what we did and why.
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Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2017 09:21 pm
The tea Party is missing in action. In 2009 the Tea Party was the all the rage. The tea Party movement was financed by the ungodly greedy to stop the 3.9% Medicare tax imposed on those making over $250,000 a year. This was the first tax in history that taxed every cent of income of the ungodly greedy without some escape clause. It was not just wages that were being taxed by this tax but capital gains, dividends, and rents along with any other form of income. This hit Donald Trump where it hurts most in his pocket bock. Trump is of course a landlord. Landlords can offset any profit simply by using deprecation to offset tax liability. When we bought the second house we rented the first. You were allowed to use the fire insurance valuation as a point to start your deprecation. The purchase price was originally $13,000 but fire insurance valuation was three times that and at the time write off period had recently been moved to 27 years but prior to that it was 10 years. This means Trump can take 10s of million in income tax free but not from the 3.9% Medicare tax. The money from the 3.9% Medicare tax was what made Obamacare possible it paid the subsidies that let people afford to buy health insurance.

The Tea Party was the biggest manipulation in history. The ungodly greedy could not complain about the Medicare tax increase themselves because those making under a hundred thousand paid on every dollar they made. They needed surrogates to do the fighting for them and they could not make the fight about taxes they made it about death panels, which every insurance company already has and about choosing your doctor which insurance companies already had also. The insurance companies give you a list of participating provider and you must chose one of the doctors the insurance company has a contract with. The stupid are easily led you can see them in every lynch mob.

But now there is some poetic justice as the people the Tea Party elected are confronted with angry crowds wherever they go. Joe Wilson Rep from South Carolina yelled, “you lie” at Obama 2009 State of the Union Address. At a town hall meeting with his constituents he was faced with signs saying “You Lie!” and loud chants of “You Lie!” when he started talking about Trumpcare. “

”A 64 year old making $26,500 would pay an average of $12,900 more for year in premium costs, according to the CBO and their insurance would not cover as much.

From the article “Congressman’s ‘You Lie’ Line Used Against Him at Town Hall” NBC

That $12,900 was the increase under Trumpcare not the total cost of health insurance, which would exceed the income of many of those in that age bracket. Many of those who were manipulate are beginning to figure out they were had by the billionaires like Trump.

“You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.”
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Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2017 09:10 pm
During the uprising over Obamacare we heard a lot about death panels. The death panels would decide who would live and who would die. They would decide who would get care and who would not. It was like a heard of cattle hearing a particularly loud thunder clap and stampeding was on. But as the heard of conservatives ran to and fro there was only one problem death panels had already been put in place with no fanfare years earlier as designated profit centers for insurance companies. I remember when the city’s insurance company started them. One day and insurance company representative came to city and explained they had made a change to our policy and from this point forward we were to get pre-approval for medical procedures. If we did not secure pre-approval from the insurance company payment would be denied. If the insurance company denied the procedure you had a choice you could not have the procedure and possible die or pay for it out of pocket.

All private insurance companies employ “death panels” a panel of doctors who decide if a policyholder will get medical care. Congress held hearings on these death panels and one of the doctors that testified before congress told congress that members were paid bonuses based on the number of medical procedures they could find a reason to turn down. At least a government is unlikely to pay large bonuses for the number of patients denied care. The female physician testified before congress explained that the insurance company told her in order to assuage her conscious that she should remember that she was not denying care she was only denying payment.

When death panel charge was leveled against Obamacare I found it hard to believe that most people didn’t know “death panels” had been around years but what is worse than “death panels?” Private death panels that are greed driven where every medical procedure they turn down increase the CEO bottom line and enriches those who denying medical care. I would rather be subjected to a government death panel where the members of the panel were not richly rewarded for turning down my medical care.

Wherever ignorance thrives there is room for a good profit.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2017 09:26 pm
In Palm Beach Trump is referred to as “Trump the chump” over some of his real estate dealings. After Trump bought Mar-a-Lago he decided to go to West Palm Beach and bought a thirty two-story condominium for $41 million. The problem was that the condo was built on the wrong side of Palm Beach where the Haitian maids live. The condo had a beach frontage but its likely Voodoo was being openly practiced behind it. The original developer had been able to sell only six of the 221 condos before he defaulted. After all this was the side of town where the city of Palm Beach parked their garbage trucks.

In two years Trump was only able to sell 93 out of the 221 condos.
“Trump the Chump” was the headline in the Palm Beech Review in September 1988. Now “Trump the Chump” is president but I have to wonder how many people in Palm Beach voted for Trump in his hometown of New York only 18% voted for Trump. And like New York Trump was not well liked in Palm Beach either. He was not even invited to join the Bath and Tennis Club, which was located on property that formerly belonged to the Mar-a-Lago Foundation. It seems the better you know Trump the more you dislike him maybe that is why his approval rating continue to fall. The better the America people know Trump the more they dislike him.
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Reply Sat 15 Apr, 2017 09:11 pm
The man that has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits now claims that he is immune to lawsuits. Sorry Trump but your Kellyanne Conway was already involved in taking presidential immunity to the highest court in the land and the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Paula Jones vs. Bill Clinton that a sitting President can be sued in a civil court while he is in office. The Paula Jones case led to impeachment of Clinton. Now the same Republicans that took the Clinton claim of presidential immunity to court want to use the presidential immunity they worked so hard to destroy.

The lawsuit against Trump alleges that he incited violence against demonstrators in his Louisville, KY. Trump, a natural bully, tried on many occasions to incite violence reminiscent of Hitler’s rallies where anyone with dissenting opinions would be violently beaten. Had Trump lost the election he would have incited violence all over America claiming the election was fixed and it would have been far worse than the civil rights riots of the 60s and when Trump is impeached we can look forward to that. Trump had security that could have quietly removed any protester but he chose to incite a lynch mob crowd to remove them knowing full well that the rowdy crowd would respond to his commands.

Trump attorneys are claiming presidential immunity, which no longer exists, and that when the protesters bought tickets they waved their right to sue. That is an interest concept by buying a ticket to an event you gave blanket immunity to the operator of the event. If you went to a civic arena and a poorly mounted light broke lose from the ceiling and injured you so badly that you could not work the rest of your life by the Trump attorneys theory of law you gave up any claim of liability by buying a ticket for the advent. Our right to sue creates a second set of laws by judicial decision that holds each of us to a standard that are not covered by formal laws. We have both civil and criminal courts for a reason. Without civil litigation our world would be far less safe. When tenants burned up in a substandard building because there was no heat and they were using the stove to heat with the landlord would assert like Trump’s lawyers, that by paying rent they waved their rights to sue. A politician who recklessly enrages a crowd should be held accountable because experience teaches us how fast a crowd can be stirred up to turn on a minority.
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Reply Sun 16 Apr, 2017 09:18 pm
Now for all the people that voted for Trump you are about to see why a majority of over 3 million voted against him. Trump got five different deferments during the Vietnam War to make sure he got out of going to Vietnam. From a distance war is a noble, heroic adventure that makes men out of boys. Books and movies glamorize war to make it almost attractive but from close up war is hell whether your job is to haul ammunition to the front and take a load of dismembered bodies back or watch your buddies blown up in real time. The experience profoundly affects many so deeply that they are homeless wandering the streets for a lifetime.

Trump says he loves war while he was campaigning but Trump never saw war close up. No member of his family were killed in Vietnam because the rich simply buy their way out of the draft. Baby Bush’s family bought his way into a home based National Guard unit and when they asked Bush to go overseas he signed the coward pledge stating he would not go overseas to fight. Since a president is going to make a decision to put our military in peril he should be required to have spent at least two years in an active combat zone.

Trump will not see the men be blown apart because he is a blowhard. He will spend his weekends at Mar-a-logo while the families bury the dead. Korea is not a paper tiger like Iraq they are armed to teeth. Korea fought America to a standstill once and we will not be able to use nuclear weapons because North Korea is so close to China and a radioactive cloud floating over China will be something China will not put up with. Any war will be fought in close proximity with the most efficient weapons imaginable. It will be hell the devil could not imagine in his worst nightmares.

On one side we know that the leader of North Korea is nuts and then we have “Trump the chump” on our side who has failure after failure. He tried to own a football team and sunk not just his franchise but the whole entire league. He bought three casinos and went broke? How does the house possibly lose? Trump can do it. He started an airline and it went belly up. Now Trump wants to bring his vast list of failures to war.
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Reply Mon 17 Apr, 2017 08:50 pm
“You have to give credit where credit is due,” even to Trump. Trump almost single handedly destroyed the USFL, a start up football league. Trump not only destroyed the USFL but destroyed 100s of millions of dollars invested by other owners. It is a wonder the other owners did not seek revenge. Trump early on had plans of using the other owners to get a NFL franchise for his team.

The USFL played its season during the spring as a start up league it could not compete with the NFL in the fall. But after Trump bought the “Generals” he convinced the other owners that they should switch their season to the fall and go in direct competition with the NFL. Trump’s intentions were to get a television contract with ABC for the USFL and if he couldn’t get a contract then his mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, would file an Anti-Trust suit. Trump leadership was an unmitigated disaster.

This was an example of Trump’s standard operating procedure he bullies everyone around him and threatens to sue them and all along he intends to double cross them. Trump’s double cross didn’t work the “Generals” never became a NFL team. Trump actually met with Pete Rozelle and tried to shake him down offering to make the lawsuit go away if Rozelle would grant Trump’s team an NFL franchise.

Remember Trump’s pledge of healthcare for everyone during the campaign and the reality of 24 million Americans losing health insurance under Trumpcare? Trump really intended all along to cut the American people’s hands off when they reached for their chips. Just like the USFL deal Trump had a huge dog in health care fight. Trump paid $65 million in increased Medicare taxes over the last five years (based on a $5 million a year income estimate.) Trump hopes to kill that tax by repealing Obamacare. Trump as usual is selling out everybody to benefit himself. People don’t ever stray far from their character.
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Reply Tue 18 Apr, 2017 09:10 pm
Trump lied to the North Koreans telling them a nuclear strike force was being deployed in the area. Today we learned the aircraft carrier was not headed to Korea as Trump said but to Hawaii to participate in war games. Lying comes as second nature to Trump he has always lied to take advantage of business associates and voters but now Trump’s lies are being carried to a whole new level. The aircraft carrier Trump said was sailing toward North Korea was capable of launching a first strike in a nuclear conflict. Now Trump is bringing the world to the brink of a nuclear war with his lies. Those who vote for Trump still believe that his lies are harmless but they are no longer just harmless boasts.

This crisis is being compared to a slow motion Cuban Missile Crisis. Imagine if Kennedy had started telling the Russians a bunch of lies when that was going on. If Kennedy had started lying it is likely that none of us would be here today. Once the world figures out that Trump does nothing but lie no other country will trust a word from his mouth. If Trump tells them the sky is blue they will bring in experts to confirm whether it is blue or not.

There was a time not to long ago when a man’s word was his bond those that lied were looked down on and considered untrustworthy now lying is just another technique to gain the upper hand. Dishonesty is now openly admired by little less than half of America’s people if the last election is any measure. Politicians have had a reputation for lying but never close to anything on this scale. The average American knows Trump has a history of lying and that he is likely to lie even more in the future. Once America was known for its world-class manufacturing but now we will be known for a world-class liar.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2017 09:29 pm
Dick Cheney had what he called the 1% doctrine, if there was even a 1% chance that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction then an all out war should be waged. We all now know that there were no weapons of mass destruction they were just a figment of Cheney’s imagination. America lost 4,124 men with 31,952 wounded. A war of aggression waged for the imagination of a few Chicken hawks. Cheney was another draft dodger trying to prove how brave he was by sending others to die.

Why is this important now? Cheney 1% policy was also suppose to apply to North Korea so if there was a 1% chance that North Korea had a nuclear bomb Cheney was going to start a war with North Korea. Trump is another coward who badly needs to prove he is a man by killing people from thousands of miles away. I don’t know whether all republicans are draft dodgers or that all draft dodgers decided to become Republican but the baby Bush administration was full of draft dodgers that wanted to prove how much courage they had by sending others to die a horrible death.

During the baby Bush/Cheney administration a bomb was being readied for use on North Korea. Now that the Republicans are back in power the bombing is ready to be used and it will be flown out of Missouri on a Stealth Bomber
“Not that the 11-ton Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB) fuel-air bomb that the U.S. forces dropped on suspected ISIS positions in eastern Afghanistan on April 13.th Rather, an even bigger munition.”

From an article entitled “ Trump’s Got a Mega-Bomb Designed to Hit North Korea”
The bomb dropped in Afghanistan was just a test for the one to be dropped on North Korea. The republicans believe that all problems can be solved by starting a war.

Trump is doing everything in his power to break the Iran Treaty and you can bet Trump and the Israelis can wait to start bombing Iraq. The military stocks have soared since Trump went into office.
Trump, Cheney, baby Bush and others Republicans like them have been considered cowards all their lives because they went to such extraordinary measures to avoid the draft in their old age they hope to recover their manhood by starting wars and if they would grab a rifle and be on the front line they might but sending others to die in their place will never make them a man. They will be cowards till the day they die no matter if they kill off a whole generation.
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Reply Thu 20 Apr, 2017 09:23 pm
I watched an old Twilight Zone about a Hitler wanabee. The story was from 1963 but it is relevant today as it was 54 years ago. The episode is called “He Is alive.” In the story the would be Hitler is not able to sell his message on street corners until a strange man that is always in the shadows advise him how to understand and manipulate mobs. You never see the stranger face but he sounds very much like Hitler. The stranger advises him “that if people are poor you talk them about poverty. “If people are afraid you talk to them about their fears.” If people are angry you give them objects to be angry at.” “They say we hate minorities but we are the minorities. “

Dennis Hopper does a good job as the wanabee Hitler. The story of Trump could be the same. Hitler indeed came to Trump but not via the Twilight Zone. There was no man standing in the shadows advising Trump. Hitler came to Trump through a book of Hitler’s speeches. The book conveyed Hitler’s message and more importantly it conveyed Hitler’s technique better than any stranger from the Twilight Zone. Trump was so infatuated with the Hitler book he kept on his nightstand according to his ex-wife. People that knew Trumps would salute him by clicking their heels and using the Hitler style salute with their hand raised and saying Heil Trump.

No one can now argue that Hitler’ techniques and understanding of crowds were not spectacularly effective. It would be fool hearted to believe that someone could not master Hitler’s techniques today and use them to get elected to political office today. The parallels between the Twilight Zone and Trump’s methods to get elected are striking it is almost as if the Twilight Zone episode was written today not 54 years ago. Trump talked to those who had no job and talked about jobs. Trump certainly talked to those who were angry and focused their anger on Washington. Trump strummed the anger against minorities and convinced the white people they were the minority under attack. You can almost seeing the stranger in the shadows teaching Trump everything he knows about politics.

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Reply Fri 21 Apr, 2017 09:07 pm
Most people learn to deal with bullies in the schoolyard. Bullies are common and just an unpleasant reality that we all have to deal with but having a president that is a bully is a new problem. When most bullies are faced down they will usually turn tail and run. Trump has been a bully all his life. We usually think of bullies as threatening us physically but as bully age their threats go from physical to legal. Trump routinely threatens to sue people. Early on Trump’s daddy’s money and lawyers made it possible to threaten people or sue them. The legal system is designed for the rich as the common man cannot afford to sue because of the high legal fees. The mere threat could intimidate some just as a bullies’ threat intimidate those on the schoolyard.

Authors that have written books about Trump were called by Trump to tell them that if he didn’t like what they wrote he would sue them. Other authors have been sued after writing things Trump didn’t like. The problem now is that the bully (Trump) is in command of the mightiest military force on earth and he is still acting like a schoolyard bully. Bullies accomplish their goals by threats if you call them on their threats they back down and if you expect to fight them you will usually need to run them down. Trump plans on dealing with North Korea that way telling Kim Jong Un that he had sent an “Armada” to North Korea. Trump in typically bully style expected Kim Jong Un to be intimidated and give up North Korea nuclear program. The problem is that North Korea is already a nuclear power and can send nuclear bombs to our air bases in Japan and South Korea and wipe them out.

I always heard that the most dangerous man in any bar is a coward backed into a corner he will not hesitate to kill. Trump is slowly backing Kim Jong Un into a corner and he will not hesitate to use all 30 of his nuclear bombs. Russia is getting ready to supply Kim Jong Un as many Russian Tanks are being sent into North Korea and our currently on China/North Korea border for the up coming war. When Russia used their vast influence to get Trump elected they had extensive psychological profile done on Trump. They knew he was a bully and they knew how he would react to North Korea. Trump is as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.
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Reply Sat 22 Apr, 2017 09:15 pm
It was Earth Day today and Donald Trump pledged to protect the environment. I am sure that puts all our minds at ease. Who else to better protect the environment? Trump never ran into an environment regulation he didn’t want to eliminate. Many of Trump’s projects were held up because of required environmental impact statements. What do you want to bet Trump will make those requirements disappear?

Trump says he will protect environment but not in ways that harms “working families.” Of course breathing 100s of extra tons of coal emissions will not “harm” working families. It is a little known fact that breathing tons of coal emission is actually good for you. Just ask all the miners dying of black lung and that is before the coal is burnt.

Trump also has a solution for global warming. He is going to decommission the satellites that are used to measure the increasing temperature of the earth. See how simple that solution was? If you can’t accurately measure the temperature how can anyone say global warming exists? With Trump in charge we will soon be like Mars with no atmosphere. The increased carbon emissions will heat the atmosphere until it disappears and evaporates into space.

Trump has hired experts to show that global warming isn’t take place of course Trump’s expert is not a scientists but he is sure he knows more than any 100,000 scientist. To Trump global warming is just an ideology like believing in the free market. Trump’s expert says after all global warming is good for the earth as many more people die in cold climates than warm ones. Who knew that global warming was a good thing? Of course that is only if he believed it were actually happening.

Trump says his environmental policies are making sure they don’t harm the working man but that is an obvious lie because they will make billion of extra dollars for big coal and big oil and that is the real reason. What will not harm the workingman is clean air. Letting the big coal and oil companies dump hundreds of tons of extra pollution will not help the working man after all it is hard to come to work when you are dying of emphysema caused by air pollution.
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Reply Sun 23 Apr, 2017 08:50 pm
We always say the mentally live in their own little world and that is in fact a test of someone’s mental stability. We all have an internal narrative that makes up our core self and we each decide how we will modify incoming information to fit our internal narrative. To be sure none of us is completely truthful and sometimes modify information to conform with our narrative. We all recognize that others modify incoming information to suit their purposes but we are less likely to notice that we do the same thing.

The mentally ill are far more likely to use “alternative facts” to construct a world that is far different than others. One day a veteran of the Vietnam War rolled his shopping buggy into city hall. Among his possessions in his buggy was an American flag, which he unfurled and placed on the floor he began to undress before the administration had him removed. He wandered the streets of Huntington for years and did not seem to realize where he was. I encountered him in the park during a run one day. He saluted me and addressed me as Captain and asked who I wanted him to kill? He was small man and they say he was a tunnel rat in Vietnam they would put him down in the Vietnamese tunnels to kill the enemy. His experience completely altered his reality for a lifetime.

Trump’s tendency to live in a world full of “alternative facts” is not quite as bad as the tunnel rat’s but it is far worse than a normal person. When the popular vote showed that Hillary won by 3 million votes and that 11 million more Americans voted against Trump than for him Trump just got his shopping buggy and shoved into the twilight Zone insisting that he had actually won the popular vote because 3-5 million illegal aliens had vote illegally. Trump was just as oblivious to the truth as the tunnel rat. The tunnel rat thinks reality is just “fake news” that should be ignored and Trump use “fake news” to ban any information that he does not want to include in his internal narrative. Trump now has labeled the polls that show he has low approval ratings as “fake news” but is quick to believe the same polls that show 53% think he is a strong leader. Trump not only shows that he can’t accept reality but that he must protect himself from it by ignoring it. The fact that it is so easy for Trump to edit reality puts us all in danger. For a president to make good decisions he must be able to look at reality as a whole and not edit out unpleasant parts that bother him.
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