The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2017 10:23 pm
It is apparent that history is about to repeat itself. The break in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the Watergate Hotel was done to steal information from the Democratic Party. Trump publicly called for the Russians to break into Hillary Clinton’s private server and release her deleted emails. The Russian did break into the DNC and they did release the private emails of Democratic officials. When Trump was asked at his news conference if any of his staff was in contact with the Russians during the lead up to election he answered very carefully, “Not to the best of my recollection.” Why answer that particular way? That is how a lawyer advises a client to lie. If Trump’s staff is found to have been in contact with the Russians and it shown that Trump was aware of it, if he says he does not recall it gives him wiggle room. You can show what the facts are but remembering is an internal process that cannot be determined with certainty. If Trump’s staff told him they were working with the Russians on such a date there is no way to prove he did not forget the conversation. If Trump has answered the question with an unqualified “no” and the investigation later uncovers the fact that his staff had been involved with the Russians and he knew it then Trump would have told a lie that would hang him.

“It is now readily apparent that General Flynn’s resignation is not the end of the story. It is merely a beginning of a much longer story.”

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Senate floor.
Trump publicly asked the Russians to recover and publish Hillary’s emails but now it is Trump who suddenly wants to start deleting emails but Congress has warned the Trump administration not to delete any emails. Like Watergate the first man is down and many more will follow. Like most of us when we are on cell phones or computers we assume we have privacy but we are always leaving electronic tracks. A Forensic Specialist in yesterday’s paper at a seminar for law enforcement told police officers that a cars blue tooth system retained a record of calls made, whether you were texting, who the calls were made to and the length of the conversation even when disconnected from the phone and the good thing was unlike the cell phone no warrant was needed to obtain the information. Say you are going down the road texting and you hit two pedestrians and kill them. You give your phone to a buddy and have him throw it in ocean. You feel certain that you are safe but your car will tell on you. The cars now also have a black box if you are going down the road at 100 mph and someone pulls out in front of you and you tell the police you were only doing 55 your car’s black box will give the police your exact speed. The black boxes have been in cars for several years. Whenever a Police car is wrecked the black box is routinely read to see what speed the car was traveling when wrecked.

While the Watergate break in was physical in nature the DNC break in was electronic and the pursuit will be in high tech electronics using techniques that the public can’t even imagine done by a modern day Sherlock Homes.’

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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2017 10:40 pm
Trump continues to deny his campaign staff was in touch with the Russians during the period they were actively interfering with our election. Trumps official statement about his campaign staff being in touch with the Russians was, “To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does.” The trouble is that the Russians have openly admitted that there was contact. Now who are we going to believe Trump who lies with almost every breath or the Russian deputy foreign minister, Sergei A. Ryabkov? Ryabkov said his government had maintained contacts with members of Mr. Trump’s “immediate entourage” during the campaign.
“I cannot say that all, but a number of the them maintained contacts with the Russians representatives,” Mr. Ryabkov said during an interview with the Interfax news agency.”

From an article entitled “Contradicting Trump on Russia: Russian Officials” “New York Times


Trump expects us to believe that all these contact with the Russian government during his presidential campaign was going on without Trump’s personal knowledge. This is simply not creditable Trump is aware of ever detail of his businesses and he was aware of the details of his campaign.

The Russians are compiling a dossier on Trumps mental stability before he meets with Putin. Putin believes Trump’s mental deficits will make him easy to manipulate. People with overblown egos are easy to manipulate by appealing to their overblown egos.

The reason that incidence of hate crimes are up exponentially in America since Trump election is that Trump never refused the support of any racists or hate mongers during his campaign. When Trump won the racists and hate mongers believed they won also. Trump did not want to distance himself from any hate group because he needed the votes. The Neo Nazi are now calling in bomb threats at an alarming rate there have been 69 bomb threats at 54 Jewish Community Centers in 27 states. Soon the bombs will start going off. The Neon Nazis think they won the election because Trump would not take a stand against them however he did say, “Just stop it.”
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Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2017 10:14 pm
They always say follow the money and it seems now even a Republican Senator is prepared to subpoena Trump’s tax returns. Trump claims to have no businesses in Russia or not to have borrowed money from Russian banks but the same Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has publicly bragged about all of Trump’s businesses in Russia and about how much money they are making in Russia. By the late 80s Trump had loans from over 80 banks worldwide and they were hot on his heels trying to collect I doubt Trump discriminated against the Russian as he borrowed every cent he could and the banks put leans on his inheritance. Trump is known to be the biggest liar in America so the only way that Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine believes they will get a straight answer out of Trump for the Senate committee investigating Trump’s ties with Russia is get the tax returns he has been so carefully hiding.

The problem with the Trump campaign when it was conspiring with Russians to win the election is that they never stopped to consider that calls between Russia and America are routinely recorded and though it may be months before they are studied. The recordings are on file and now the frequent phone conversations between the Trump campaign and high placed placed Russian intelligence officials are being carefully analyzed.

Trump campaign staff will be called by the committee investigating the Trump-Russian connection if they lie they will be prosecuted. As soon as Trump was elected Newt Gingrich called on Trump to go ahead and pardon his aids now I know why. We all knew how extensive the Russian involvement in our election was when Obama put the sanctions on Russia but I had no idea how extensive the Trump campaign participation was and as the investigation precedes the American people will be surprised. It is one thing to question a witness about a conversation when you don’t know what was said to whom but it is quite another when you question someone with a transcript in your hand and you know exactly what was said and which Russian agent he was talking to. This is going to make good television for months to come and the million-dollar question will be what day Trump is forced to do a Flynn and resign? Las Vegas should s
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2017 09:59 pm
When you lie you need others to back up your lies and sure enough the Whitehouse asked the FBI to back up Trumps lies. The problem was that the FBI absolutely refused to back up Trump lies so Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was sent out to lie to the Sunday news shows. Trump must be absolutely furious that the FBI refused to lie for him. How is he to run a government based on lies if the FBI won’t lie for him? At issue are the New York Times and CNN reporting of the constant contact between Trump campaign and Russian intelligence officials. How stupid is it for the Trump administration to keep lying about something that is a matter of record. Trump believes he can lie reality away and defy gravity while he is lying. Jesus could only walk on water but Trump thinks he can defy gravity.

The FBI not only refused to lie for Trump they made sure the news media knew that the Whitehouse expected the FBI to commit perjury. Trump lies constantly and he best learn there are consequences for lying while you are in government office.
“Reince Priebus on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday that a story in the New York Times reporting contacts by four senior Trump advisors “was total baloney.”

The New York Times and CNN are standing behind their stories.

What got Nixon in trouble in 1972 was that he discussed with his aides using the CIA to stop the FBI investigation of Watergate breaks in. Since Trump now knows the FBI will not lie for him look for him to order the CIA to stop the investigation into the Trump/Russian effort to fix the election.

Trump will no doubt introduce a bill in congress that requires other government departments to back up his lies or face the consequences.

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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2017 10:27 pm
How do you get someone to lie with a straight face? You march out someone who does not actually know what the truth is. Trump could not send Mad Dog Flynn out to the Sunday news shows to lie because they would have known he was lying about his Russian contacts. No matter how good a liar you are it always shows in your body language. What did the Trump administration do? They sent Vice President Pence to lie to the press. When it was pointed out that Mad Dog had been talking to the Russians and that Pence had lied. Pence took no responsibility and blamed Mad Dog for lying to him. It was such an apparent lie because everybody knew the Russians had already announced they would retaliate for the sanctions Obama had imposed against Russia but after Mad Dog’s conversations with the Russian Putin reversed course.

This past weekend the Whitehouse sent Chief of Staff Reince Priebus out to lie for Trump. I suspect Vice President Pence didn’t like being used to lie for Trump and refused to go tell more lies for Trump. Priebus asked the FBI to go tell the lies for Trump on the Sunday news shows. The FBI flatly refused. The FBI is currently investigating Trump’s campaign contacts with high level Russian intelligence operatives. So this is an ongoing investigation by not only the FBI but Congress.

Priebus believes that the FBI should now be used to police the news media and watch every story printed in the United States and be the arbitrator of truth. Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference that new articles should not be able to use anonymous sources and should have to name the sources for the story that way it would make it easy for Trump to send his mafia friends out after anyone who said anything Trump didn’t like. The Washington Post notes that the Trump administration not only tried to use the FBI to discredit the New York Times article it comes to light they used the CIA to call media sources and try to discredit the stories on CNN, The Washington Post, The Hill and the New York Times. The Trump surrogates claimed the Russian contacts were infrequent and inconsequential but when faced with substantive questions refused to answer. Involving the CIA in domestic politics has always been avoided.

An article on the web that I missed before I could read it states that Trump has now fulfilled the first for steps in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” for establishing a dictatorship. Using the CIA to manipulate the news media may be step five.
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2017 10:17 pm
It is interesting to see the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. What has been one of the most evasive pieces of the Trump puzzle that has been long buried has come to light recently. How did Trump capture the imagination of so many? Trump is a low life and always has been but he was able to suck in a good portion of the population to vote for him. The question was how? A long lost Vanity Fair article has come to light where Trump admits to owning a copy of “My New Order: Hitler’s Own Sequel to Mein Kampf” “The program for world conquest offered by Hitler in his only utterance since Mein Kampf—his speeches (now in the public domain), with complete commentary and historical background.” The quotes are taken from the cover of the book.

Trump’s first wife, Ivana, told her lawyer that Trump kept the Hitler’s book on the table beside the bed. The author of the Vanity Fair article, Marie Brenner, asked Trump about the Hitler book and Trump asked her were she herd that? She said she didn’t remember. Then Trump continued to tell her that Marty Davis, a Jew, from Paramount gave him the book.
“In the Vanity Fair article, Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband cousin, John Walter, “clicks his heels and says, ‘Heil Hitler, when visiting Trump’s office.”

Several years ago I bought a copy of “Mein Kampf “ I didn’t expect much but for such an evil man but I thought it might provide some insight into his actions. Hitler may have been one of the most evil men ever to walk the earth but he was also one of the most brilliant and his insights into human nature were only verified by science a half century after his death. I often book mark passages that show extraordinary insight. Mein Kampf has far more bookmarks than most of my books.

Hitler always believed that his skills as an orator were the source of his political power. I believe that if you could study Hitler’s speeches that you could understand where the manipulations took place and a update Hitler speeches may be as effective today as they were in 1930’s Germany. Times change but human nature remains the same and Hitler was probably the foremost self-taught expert on human nature.

I will see if I can secure a copy of Hitler Sequel and compare Trump speeches to see if Trump plagiarized them.

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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2017 09:54 pm
The Trump Whitehouse has begun locking out some of the biggest and most prestigious news agencies in America from Whitehouse briefings. CNN, The New York Times, politico and others were barred from attending the Whitehouse press briefing Friday. Hitler would be so proud of Trump he could not of done it better himself. Barring the legitimate news media and only letting the “fake news media” do the reporting to America is Trump’s objective. Trump his move to bar legitimate news sources is just one step removed from sending the Army into to take over any news media outlet that dares to print the truth about the Trump’s collusion with the Russians to win the election. Trump’s message is loud and clear either print his lies or you will have no access to the briefings, This sends a strong message to not only the news outlets that were locked out but to other news media outlets that were aloud to attend Friday’s briefing the message print only what Trump wants printed or you will be banned also.

At no point in history has American democracy been in such peril it is literally hanging by a thread. Trump is a man that truly admires Hitler and how Hitler took control of Germany. Trump also greatly admires Putin and how Putin abuse his power in Russia. Trump is a true megalomaniac and wants desperately to control every American. Most of America population could clearly see this before the election but the majority did not rule in the last election. Like most would be dictators Trump surrounded himself with Generals so he could control America’s military might. The quicker Trump can be removed from office the better off America will be. The longer Trump stays in office the more damage he will do. It was hard to force Nixon out of office but then Nixon was not a sociopath when the heat comes down on Trump it is hard to tell what he will do. Sociopaths have no rules, no conscious, there is only what they want, nothing else matters. Trump will have to be taken out of office kicking and screaming and at the point of a gun.
A free press is the only thing that makes a democracy possible when government gains control over the free press we all lose. One thing about Trump you think it can’t get worse but every day it gets worse.
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Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2017 10:49 pm
When it comes down to it if you give people a choice between fact or fiction most will pick fiction. When most people look for a book to read they will pick a work of fiction rather than a factually accurate one. Fictional movies are many times more popular than documentaries. People are just more comfortable with fiction. Another advantage to fiction is you can choose what type fiction you want to view. One of the sources of factual information in our society has been the news media at least up until the conservatives took control of our government in the 80s. One of their first objectives was to eliminate the “Fairness Doctrine” which allowed the creation of a propaganda network in America. Reagan was not above lying much of his campaign was based on a fictions welfare queen who drove a new Cadillac. Now there would be choice between reality and facts and a fictional news media that could ignore the facts and customize the “news” with fiction to benefit a particular political movement. Given the choice between fictional “news” source and a fact based news source the predictable happened Fox News has an average rating 3.4 million viewers while MSNBC has 1.6 million viewers and CNN has 1.3 million viewers.

I would not go as far as the accepted view of Fox News, that if you hear on Fox News it is a lie and if it was true when Fox News broadcasts it, it becomes a lie but if truth is not the standard it allows you customize the news for a certain view point. Fictional writers write for particular audiences they are well aware of their audience’s point of view and write to reinforce it. This past week there were very marked differences between the fact based news media and the fictional based news at Fox. The old saying is that the news media can’t tell you how to think but they can tell you what to think about is true. A lot of times it is not what is reported but what is not reported. Fox News completely ignored the Trump administration effort to get the FBI officials and others over the investigation to discredit stories in the mainstream news media. Using the Republican head of the committee charged with the investigation to call the news media to discredit the stories borders on criminal actions. Jeff Sessions campaigned for Trump and now he is suppose to be responsible for investigating a campaign he participated in. The other story is the overwhelming negative town hall meetings that have been held by Republicans returning home. A brief clip was played on one Fox program of one meeting with the sound blocked out and without comment from the shows’ host. Picking a news show is somewhat like picking out a suit you look for one that fits your already existing views.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:22 pm
Beware of Trumps bearing gifts. Trump touts a massive tax cut for the middle class when a fact check is done what Trump is offering is a massive tax cut alright but it is for the richest 1% averaging $215 thousand, for the middle class the tax cut would be only $1010. And even that fails to mention that one of the biggest middle class tax exemptions would be eliminated. The personal exemption will be eliminated making thousands more of middle class and poor income subject to taxation. But the biggest winners of all are the ungodly wealthy like Trump. To finance Obama Care the super rich for the first time had to pay the 3.8% Medicare tax on all of their income instead of just a 100,000 of their income this personally cost Trump $65 million in the last 5 years if you can believe his self reported income. This tax cut is in addition to the $215 thousand tax cut to rich. The Medicare tax cannot be offset by exemptions this is why the ungodly greedy hate it so.

The Medicare tax imposed on wealthy was the wind beneath the Tea Party’s wings. Why would the average American oppose 20 million people being able to afford health care that they had no chance of doing before? The middle class had long paid for those who didn’t have health insurance through higher medical bills and increasing medical insurance premiums. Under Obama Care that burden would have to be shouldered in part by the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy financed the Tea Party it was not a grass roots movement. The average American was not hurt by anyone getting insurance but the ungodly rich were squealing like stuck pigs. The ungodly greedy did not go after Obama Care based on their real agenda. They never went out and said we want to eliminate Obama care because we now have to pay 3.8% Medicare tax on all their income just like the middle class.

Paul Ryan said on the Today Show this morning that Medicare is in real trouble. The Republican solution is to give the ungodly greedy back their money and cut the living daylights out of Medicare benefits. There are indeed two Americas the America of the ungodly greedy, like Trump and friends and the middle class. In most games the rules are the same for all players but not for the ungodly greedy in America. This would be like playing a game of monopoly and when the middle class player rolled thee dice and got a six he moved six places but when the ungodly greedy player rolled dice and got a six he could move 24 spaces one at a time and buy every property he landed on. I have paid social security tax and Medicare tax on every cent I earned. Donald Trump can’t say that he kept another 10% of his income because he paid social security tax and Medicare tax only on a tiny portion of his income. Medicare tax will be the only federal tax Trump has paid in the last twenty years. Making Trump pay Medicare tax on all of his income for these last 5 years let Trump know what it is like to be middle class. All of Trump tax lawyers couldn’t come up with a way to beat the Medicare tax so he had to become President to eliminate it.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:04 pm
It has come to light that Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions was in contact with the Russians during the Trump campaign. Sessions campaigned for Trump and according to Sessions served as a campaign surrogate for Trump. When Sessions was asked during his confirmation hearing what he would do if he found out any evidence that anyone with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign?

Sessions replied, “I am not aware of any of those activities,” He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Now we know Sessions was in contact with the Russian Government during the Trump campaign one meeting with the Russian Ambassador was held in his office during the height of Russia cyber campaign to give the election to Trump. Visitor to congressmen are logged in and Sessions knew that and lied anyway. Sessions spokesperson, Sarah Isgur said, “There was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer.” He told a direct lie to congress during his confirmation hearings and there is absolutely nothing wrong with lying? That is standard operating procedure for the Trump administration according to Donald there is nothing wrong with lying the problem is there are laws against lying in congressional hearings and those that lie face jail sentences.

Sessions as Attorney General is responsible for the investigation into the Russian cyber attack. Sessions is involved in the Russian cyber scandal and can’t be investigating his own involvement with the Russian. A special prosecutor must now be named to handle the ever-expanding investigation.

The real question is not who in the Trump campaign was working with the Russians but who wasn’t working with the Russians. A few days ago Reince Priebus was telling Meet the Press that there had only been a couple casual contacts with the Russians and it seems even the part time staff was in contact with the Russians during the height of Russia cyber attack.
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Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2017 10:21 pm
The Whitehouse now says that Mad Dog Flynn did more than call the Russians he met with the Russian Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak in Trump Towers in December. So now Trump is telling us the Russians were coming and going from Trump Towers at least the month before his inauguration. Not only was Mad Dog in the meeting Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was also in the meeting. Since the Meeting was held in Trump Towers where Trump was staying I would not be surprised to find out later that Trump himself was in the meeting. Trump admires the Russian so much how could he not meet with the Russian when they came a calling at his place of residence?

USA Today reported that even more of Trump’s National Security Team met with the Russian Ambassador in July at the Republican National Convention. Besides Sessions at least two other members of the Trump campaign met with the Russian. This is the time the Russian cyber attacks were being planned and executed. J.D. Gordon and Carter Page were the two members of Trump campaign staff who met with the Russian.

That now makes a liar out of Reince Priebus. He was sent out the Sunday News Shows to deny the Trump’s campaign numerous contacts with the Russian government. Priebus claimed there were only a couple casual contacts and we now know that was a lie. Why would the Whitehouse release the information about the campaign staff meeting with the Russians after they denied it? Simple, they knew it was going to come out anyway and they thought they could spin it. It is killing Trump that the Russian contact stories are blowing him off of the Front Page. The real crime according to Trump is not the Trump campaign and Russian teaming up to fix the election it is the leaks. Obama feared that the Trump administration would destroy all evidence of the Russian conspiracy as soon as they took office so results of the investigation of the Trump administration was placed in many different hands to ensure that didn’t happen. Now Trump lies and the truth is leaked out, Trump lies again and the facts come rolling out. Four more Trump cronies were outted today, how many tomorrow? Sometimes when you think you won you have actually lost. Trump is already dead he just hasn’t got the decency to keel over.

Trump stated publicly that Sessions did nothing wrong by lying about his Russian government meetings during his conformations hearings. Trump sees nothing wrong with lying he has lied all his life.

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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2017 10:40 pm
Trump is trying to defend his close connection with the Russians by showing several years old pictures of Democrats who at one time met a Russian ambassador this act of misdirection is not going to work. To start with the Russians were not engaged in an active cyber attack to change the outcome of the election at the time those pictures were taken. Also no one lied under oath about meeting with the Russians. So no Donald they are not the same thing. The Trump campaign has done nothing but lie, lie and lie some more about their close association with the Russian intelligence agents. A Russian official proudly announced to reporter just two days after the election that the “The Kremlin had been in contact with Donald Trump campaign. Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks told the Associated Press, “There was no communications between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.” We now know now that may be one of the biggest lies ever told.
“Obviously we know most of the people from his entourage.”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov referring to Trump campaign officials
Trump’s campaign staffers were being groomed by the Russians like a child molester grooms a child. The child never realizes he is being groomed until it is too late. Russia was paying for some of the Trump campaign officials trips to Russia and paying them generous speaking fees. Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, was awarded Russia highest honor. In 2015 Michael Flynn was flown to Russia by the Russians and attended a function for television network that played a key role in the Russian hacking and sat beside Putin at the event. Flynn may have also accepted unconstitutional payments from a foreign government. The Pentagon informed lawmakers that there were no records of former security advisor Michael Flynn 2015 trip to Moscow. Flynn a retired general Moscow trip should be a matter record since Russia is still considered an enemy state. If Flynn’s trip is not on record how many other Trump officials trips are not on the record and why not?
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Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2017 10:50 pm
How do we tell when someone is lying? The only way we know when someone is lying is if we know the actual facts. The problem is that we seldom have all the facts at our disposal and the liar knows that and takes advantage of it. How do we protect ourselves from liars? Generally people get a reputation for lying and we do not trust anything they say without first checking another source. It is just necessary self-defense.

Trump has been recorded telling as many as 25 easily debunked lies in a day in just one day. I have been patiently waiting for common sense to take over and the majority of the American people stop believing anything he says. If Trump tells you the sun came up this morning you better go outside and see for yourself. When you go to a movie or read a good fictional book in order to enjoy it you must employee what is called a suspension of disbelief. Most of us could easily pick apart the details of most movies as unbelievable but to enjoy the movie we don’t.

The other situation where we see a suspension of disbelief is employed in real life situation is in cults. Cult leaders feed their followers a steady stream of lies. When David Koresh told his followers that God told him that only he could sleep with their wives and daughters they suspended their disbelief. When Jim Jones told his followers that they should feed their babies poison they suspended their disbelief. None of the Branch Davidians stopped to ask themselves would God actually say such a thing? Jim Jones followers in the People’s Temple could have used their common sense to save the bibles says that killing is wrong. Clearly they voluntarily decided not to use their common sense.

One other situation is politics. Politicians have been known to tell an occasional lie but Trump tells nothing but lies. For one lie the Republicans spent a billion taxpayer dollars to try and impeach Clinton lying was the worst offense that a president could possibly commit. Trump is going to try and bury his collusion with the Russians in a mountain of lies and his followers will swear each and everyone is the God’s honest truth. When the facts show he is lying that won’t matter they will suspend their disbelief. When Trumps tells them that God told him that he was the only one that was to sleep with their wives and daughters they will believe. Though I don’t think Trump is sleeping very well and all he would be capable of is the sleeping part.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2017 10:31 pm
If Trump came out tomorrow and told his followers that they were to take a poisonous mixture of barbiturates and alcohol and then tie a plastic bag around their head because he was going to save them and take them to live on the Hale Bop comment there would be significant decline in the population of America. So many people in America have suspended their disbelief to the point that this scenario is likely. Trump ran as a messiah he told people on more than one occasion that “only he could save America.” The trouble is that many people believed that this criminal who had swindled thousands could save anything. The reference is of course the Heavens Gate Cult and 39 people did just that many were doctors and lawyers. They were not stupid people they simply chose to suspend their disbelief and believe Marshall Applewhite. Applewhite was an assistant professor at the University of Alabama. He was a good public speaker.

Trump got his story about the wiretaps from listening to conservative talk shows the same type conservative talk shows that claim the moon landing never happened and was just staged on a Hollywood sound stage. But the 35-page dossier compiled by one of Briton’s top spies stated the Trump had been an active spy for the Russian government for years. This dossier had been in the hands of the Justice Department for months before the election. Trump spied on Russian Oligarchs in America. Trump moved in those circles and would have access to information about those Russians. Trump is no stranger to Federal investigation either. Like Bannon Trump is an avid racists and violated the Fair Housing laws with many of his apartment building being white only and others black only. The Federal government went after him. He violated that settlement order and Feds took him back into court four later. The second federal investigation involved his business dealing. I suspect there have been many more state and local investigations of this criminal and I would not be surprised if a number of law enforcement agencies did not have wire taps on Trump towers in addition Trump gave mafia apartments in Trump towers as payoffs. Anyone of his mafia friends may be the subject of a current investigation. Many of the cases that took down mafia dons were done with wiretaps. Most Americans have no idea who Trump actually is. Trump grew up and lived in the most corrupt city America and he was a good part of that corruption. If he was not wiretapped he should have been long before now he would have been in jail instead of running for president.
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Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2017 10:28 pm
Reports say Trump was throwing a temper tantrum last Friday after Sessions recused himself from the Trump/Russian investigation. Film shot through Whitehouse window showed and angry confrontation between Trump and Steve Bannon, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus, and San Spicer. Trump left the Whitehouse still raging and flew to Mar-a- Lago. Reince Priebus was previously invited to go with Trump but Trump withdrew the invitation. Saturday morning bought a panic in Washington as the old man was up and raging on Twitter. Bannon had to fly to Florida to stop Trump from tweeting anymore. Trump is showing signs of early dementia and if he stays on Twitter long enough he will sink his ship. Bannon and others had did a good job keeping Trump off of Twitter last week though he did manage to get on Face Book once. Bannon will find out you can’t leave someone with dementia alone because it is hard to tell what they will post. The only way they will keep Trump off of Twitter is to break all his fingers and then Trump will type with his nose.

Every time Trump throws one of his temper tantrums the whole world cringes because they know a nuclear war is only one tantrum away. The FBI asked the Justice Department to public deny Trump’s wiretap allegation but they did not. The Washington Post said that there was no wiretapping but red neck right news sources in England claim a FISA warrant was issued to gain accessed to a computer server to track a secret channel of e-mail communication between Russian Banks and Trump Towers. The Washington Post and other media outlets have been trying to confirm the reports of the FISA warrant for months without success.

There have always been those who believe they are above the law that they are free to do anything and not only should they not be punished but they should not even be investigated. Now that congress has agreed to investigate Trump may be very upset with what they find. If there is FISA warrant it is being kept secret but the investigation will make it very public and the Judge that issued it fully believed there was sufficient evidence of wrong doing. Trump believes that he can be a traitor and spy for Russia and no one should be able to investigate him. This is the clearest evidence of his dementia yet.
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Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2017 09:32 am
On the Today Show this morning it was revealed that WikiLeaks has made more of the nations secrets public. There were two things Trump absolutely loved during his campaign Russia and WikiLeaks. Trump heaped high praise on WikiLeaks for releasing secret information during the campaign. Now after WikiLeaks latest release of secret information Trump is no longer proclaiming, “I love WikiLeaks.” Leakers are among Trump’s worst enemies. White House spokesman, Sean Spicer, did not criticize WikiLeaks directly but said leakers, “are threatening our national security.”

Trump has sent to congress the much-touted republican replacement for Obama Care and the opposition is fierce and that is just the Republicans. This is where the rubber meets the road and the problem for the Republicans is how you can get something for nothing. The biggest objective of Republicans is cut out Medicare tax on the ungodly greedy, the political donor class that funded Obamacare subsidies. How do you get something for nothing? The answer is you don’t but you can shift the cost from one group to another. That is what is being done with the Republican Replacement Bill.

To fund Obama Care a number of tax increase were put on the political donor class and the screaming was heard from coast to coast it was called the Tea Party a political movement financed by the ungodly greedy that had those who benefited the most screaming the most against their benefits. Since the ungodly greedy make up less than 1% of the population they aren’t enough of them for a popular movement but they could pay for people to demonstrate for them but it could not be about taxes on the ungodly greedy. That is where the manipulation came in. It wasn’t about higher taxes on the wealthy it was about “death panels” that decide whether you live or die. Every insurance company requires preapproval for expensive medical services and can and does deny medical services, saying they are not denying care just payment for the service. “You wont be able to choose your own doctor.” You can’t under your $20,000 health insurance policy either. However insurance companies will let you choose your own doctor as long as you don’t mind paying for it otherwise you can pick a doctor your insurance company has a contract with. I have paid for a $20,000 insurance policy and paid for every doctor’s visit because the insurance company doesn’t have a contract with my doctor. The Tea Party dimwits were just pawns in the ongoing tax war the ungodly greedy declared on Washington ____________________________________________________
“$123 Billion: Surtax on investment Income (Takes effect Jan. 2013) A new, 3.8% surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single) this would result in the following tax rates on investment income.

Capital Gains Dividends Other

2012 15% 15% 35%

2013+ 23.8% 43.4% 43.4%

Taken from and article “ Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes: Listed by Size of Tax Hike”
The figures don’t seem quite right but they come from the website of Jeff Duncan, congressman from South Carolina. The article says the CBO scores the tax hikes at $500 billion plus over 10 years. Do you really think you can cut out $500 billion in taxes and still provide decent health care?

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Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2017 10:34 pm
This morning’s post looked good when it was sent but for some reason the table scrambled when it was posted. In the table the capital gains tax was increased to fund the Affordable Act from 15% in 2012 to 23.8% in 2013 on those making over $250,000 this hits the ungodly greedy where they live. The tax on dividends went from 15% to 43.4% this also hits the ungodly greedy where they live. The tax increase to pay for Obamacare totaled $500 billion over ten years. When the Republicans say they want to repeal Obamacare it is the taxes they want to repeal they would love for all Americans to have healthcare as long as it was free and they didn’t have to tax the ungodly to pay for it. Obamacare is not the enemy higher taxes on the ungodly greedy are the enemy.

As union president I sat on many insurance committees meeting and there is a simple way to reduce insurance cost and that is to make the employee pay more for less. Every insurance company solution to lower healthcare is to increase deductibles to thousands of dollars and increase premiums 500-600% at a time. Like Reagan fictions welfare queen insurance companies believe people go to the doctor far to often so the idea is to stop anybody from going to the doctor whenever possible. In their meetings they advised to always avoid going to the emergency and go to your doctor instead. I tried this when I wrecked a bike getting ready for a triathlon it. I hit hard and knew I was hurt but it was Sunday and I decided wait and to go to the doctor the next day instead of going to the emergency room. I was in so much pain I barely slept. I went doctor Monday and he said you need to go to the emergency room because you have a collapsed lung and a separated shoulder. I spent the next day in the hospital and got a $900 bill from the doctor in addition bill from hospital. If I had died it would have saved the insurance company money. I told city council when you make it difficult for people to go doctor they often put off going until a doctor can only make their death a little less painful. I watched many people die at the city because they waited to go to the doctor. Some conditions are so serious it is important that you seek treatment at the earliest possible time. When large cuts are made in insurance coverage the cost of insurance goes down for a brief time and then the cost goes up 40% in a year. A treatable problem put off can easily cost the employer $500,000 for cancer and the employee often dies. We have been playing this game for far to long. You take more money out of the employee’s pocket for insurance and run the deductible up more than the employee can afford. When I went to work for the city we had a 100% policy with a hundred dollars deductible and the insurance was paid by the city. This week the city announced they are switching to an Obamacare style policy and the employees will get much less for their buck and the cost of insurance will triple in a few years. That is what happened the last time the city slashed the insurance.

Do the insurance care? The higher the cost of healthcare the more money the insurance company gets a 10% cut the more health care costs the more they make. The first step in solving the healthcare problem is to eliminate the insurance companies. The city is self-insured meaning and the insurance company gets percent. If you buy insurance the insurance company cut is 20%.

The Republicans can’t do away with the funding and maintain the benefits. The Republican plan calls for a $4000 tax credit for a couple over sixty even a poor health insurance policy will cost at least $20,000. A four thousand tax credit is meaningless to couple making $25,000 a year. They would have to spend at least 66% of their income on insurance. It won’t happen and we will have another 20 million without health insurance and they will go to the doctor and the hospital and cost will be shifted onto the few who are lucky enough to have employer provided insurance and the cost of that insurance will keep going up at double digit pace it has maintained for years.
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Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2017 10:29 pm
Suddenly the Republicans have manage to do what Democrats couldn’t do in 7 years they have made Obamacare popular now 60% of Americans are in favor of Obamacare. When people compare what the Republicans have to offer to Obamacare they realize what is about to happen it is estimated that 15 million will lose health insurance under the Republican replacement plan.

One of the provisions of Obamacare that the Republicans are anxious to repeal is one that limits the amount an insurance company can deduct from their taxes for executive salaries to $500,000. If an insurance company pays $17.3 million to its CEO like Cigna does then the Insurance company must pay tax on the additional $16.8 million and all the other top executive with 7 figure incomes. This is one of the reasons that health insurance is so expensive. Insurance CEO’ can raise the price of health insurance so they have multi-million dollar incomes. In order to have a free market transaction you must be able to decline the good or service. If you go to buy a TV and they cost too much you can decline. Health insurance if you can afford it can make the difference between life and death. I knew a local contractor for many years. When he got sick and went to the hospital he sat in great pain for many hours in the Hospital without help because he had no health insurance. He asked the hospital staff how much money they needed? He told them he would send his wife to the bank. He died the next morning and the doctor that signed the death certificate said that he was a middle aged white man the trouble was that he was quite black. The Doctor talked to his wife who was white so he inferred her husband must also be white.

The Republicans believe that health insurance is a free market problem and it is not. I was fortunate to have employer provided health insurance. There would have been no way to buy health insurance on my own. Health insurance already exceeds what many in the middle class can afford. Obamacare recognized the fact that they had to subsidize even the middleclass purchase of healthy insurance. When people leave a job the human resource director tells them that they can continue their health insurance with the COBRA program and the cost was $1,305 month. I wondered why they bothered. These people were laid off or fired and that exceeded my take home pay working.

Another part of Obamacare state that older people could be charged no more than three times the cost of health insurance for a young person. The new Republican replacement allows insurance companies to charge 5 times as much. A policy for a young person is around $20,000 so a policy for couple age 55 would cost a $100,000 under Republicancare but the Republicans will give you a $4,000 tax credit to buy the policy so you will only need to come up with $96,000 out of pocket but then that policy has a $10,000 deductible and co pay provision. How many people can afford that?
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Reply Fri 10 Mar, 2017 11:05 pm
Whatever you hear about the current debate in congress being about healthcare don’t believe it this is about cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy. The Republican’s objection to Obamacare is only their objections to higher taxes placed on the political donor class. If the political donor class pays higher taxes it leaves less money for political donations to Republicans. Republicans would like to put the whole tax burden on wages and make other forms of income derived from stocks, dividends, bonds, royalties, interest, income from partnerships and rents tax free. One of the most unfair things about the tax code is that the poor and middle class 8.65% of their income in social security and Medicare taxes on each and every dollar they make they can’t take any deductions from these taxes. The Obamacare legislation made all of those other forms of income subject to Medicare tax of 3.8%. Say Rush Limbaugh gets $2,000,000 in royalties before Obamacare he would not pay any Medicare tax on that $2,000,000 in income after the law was passed he would have to pay $78,000 in Medicare tax. If you asked Rush he wouldn’t care if half of America died.

The Medicare tax rate on a working man is 1.45% and the employer pays the additional 1.45% but the Obamacare legislation raised that to 3.8% on those who are self employed and make over $250,000 however if they are employed they pay 1.45% rate and the employer pays 2.35%. The rich hate these tax hikes because Medicare is not subject to tax deductions. That means a smart tax lawyer can’t find any deductions to offset your Medicare tax.

Rep Roger Marshall, (R-Kan) said that poor people “just don’t want health care and are not going to take care of themselves.” It seems he has found the Republican solution for health care. After all if poor people don’t want health care why should they offer it and we know the ungodly greedy would much rather have their money and the poor people are going to just die anyway.

If you cut the $500 billion in taxes increases that is paying for an additional 20 million people’s healthcare there will be no way to insure those people. Being able to buy health insurance across state lines is meaningless as most of the cost of health insurance is the cost of medical care and that applies to all insurance companies out of state or not. Insurance companies aren’t like TV manufactures that make a product and can reduce the cost of manufacture insurance companies don’t supply what the consumers is buying they simply pay bills and take a huge cut.

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Reply Sat 11 Mar, 2017 10:11 pm
Trump fired all the US Attorneys in the United States even one that he personally asked to stay. If Trump is being investigated it is likely that one of the US Attorney is responsible for the investigation into Trump’s close relationship with the Russians. The Attorneys were asked to resign but one refused. Preet Bharara, the very one that Trump personally asked to stay, he was then fired. Bharara was the US Attorney responsible for New York. If Trump Towers or his criminal associates were wire tapped Bharara would likely be involved. A Trump political appointee will now take Bharara place and destroy any and all evidence of Trump collaboration with the Russians.

US Attorney are political appointees and are usually replaced over a period of time but they are not fired so quickly and without a reasonable time to clean out their offices. Though the FBI director was quick to deny that Trump Towers was wire tapped after a discussion with the Justice Department when asked the question a few days later the FBI Director declined comment. Like Nixon Trump will now try and destroy all evidence of his collusion with the Russians to win the election. The question is can he do it?

I am well in to my second Trump biography now and this one is far more detailed than the first. Entitled “Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth” by Wayne Barrett.” The first 70 pages are devoted to Donald’s dad, Fred Trump, business dealings and how he ripped off FHA for $4 million and was investigate by congress and was never allowed to do business with FHA again. It wasn’t daddy’s money that made Donald as much as it was his dad’s mob and political connections. I recognized some of Trump’s scams immediately because I had run into one that were modeled after Trump’s Hotel scam. One weekend I noticed a local department store parking lot had been paved over the weekend without a permit. We researched the owner of property to send citation for lack of a permit. What we found surprised even the Mayor. The property was owned by City Of Huntington and no one knew it because there a 99 year lease had been signed decades ago. The property was at interstate interchange and was valuable property. The 99-year lease was for a dollar. What this did was make the property tax exempt because the city owned it. It also allowed the private owner to use the city’s bonding authority to finance site development and construction. The owner lived in New England and defaulted on the bonds. Donald’s first big deal, the Hyatt Hotel, was very similar though he did have to pay for the lease. People like Trump are parasites when his $140 million hotel comes off the tax roles other people’s taxes are raised to offset the lose and remember Trump is not an owner of the hotel he is merely a tenet who has lease.
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