The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2017 10:17 pm
By studying how hate spreads through a lynch mob it gives you insight how hate spreads through a country. Trump has empowered the American Nazi Party and the KKK by embracing their philosophy of hate driven by fear. Most people that don’t attend their local American Nazi or KKK meetings might not recognize Trump’ policies but the American Nazis and KKK have long pushed for the policies Trump is now putting in place with executive orders. The American Nazi Party embraces Hitler’s philosophy of a white master race. The dream of the American Nazi party has always been to make it mainstream political party. At one time the American Nazi Party was renamed “The National Socialist White People’s Party.”

Trump is now playing to this crowd and like the lynch mob the ideas spread easily. Most of the people in any lynch were normal everyday mom and pop type without the instigators they would never consider hanging a black woman who was upset that her husband had been lynched. The pregnant woman was lynched and her near term baby was cut out of her and the nice pop type takes his heel and crushes the baby head. The next morning he would be just a simple pop type again.

Once a person embraces a philosophy driven by hate they believe that it is all about their rights being violated and they become blind to violating even the most basic rights of others. There is nothing that cements a crowd together faster than hate. Lynch mobs spring up quickly. Trump hopes to build a political base built on common hate of Mexicans and Muslims and it is working. Trumps campaign started accusing most Mexican emigrants, as being criminals and rapists and those who voted for him absolutely loved it. Now all Muslims are considered potential terrorists. This doesn’t even mention the mainstream news media that the thugs attending the Trump rallies would have beaten to death if there weren’t security after Trump pointed them out as enemies. Don’t think for a moment that if there weren’t security that Trump Nazi and KKK friends would have lynched them. Trump likes to threaten what his crowd of thugs would do if he lost the election. The Nazis and Trump are a natural as Trump is of German decent.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2017 10:36 pm
One of the biggest problems facing the country today is drug addiction but what if we had a president who was addicted to drugs? There are no outward signs that Trump is addicted to illegal drugs but our bodies can manufacture a variety of different drugs and in fact most illegal drugs simply imitate some of the drugs found in our body naturally. I never used any drugs or alcohol. I never smoked or even drank coffee. My favorite drug of choice was adrenaline but it didn’t cost anything. I got high when I strapped my self into a racecar at the time I had no idea the way I felt involved drugs. I still remember my first race like it was yesterday, the details are still very clear even though it has been almost 40 years. The hundreds of races since that are somewhat of a blur but each and everyone I enjoyed. I still get a kick out of my new 370z but it is not the same.

My mom was head of the intensive care unit at a local hospital. She retired from that unit. I can remember her coming home with blood on her after working on somebody that was dying. I could never understand why anyone would want to work a job where so many people died day after day. Intensive care provided that same shot of adrenaline my racecars did. When a code blue went off and someone heart had stopped the adrenaline flowed.

Psychiatrists now believe Trump’s brain chemistry may be responsible for his irrational behavior. Trump is addicted to certain chemicals in his brain. Certain actions cause his brain to manufacture that particular chemical. Trump actions have been so irrational since he became president that psychiatrists, despite the “Goldwater Rule” are venturing an explanation as why he is so irrational. So basically when Trump is admired or adored by others it generates a cascade of feel good brain chemicals but when Trump was confronted with the fact that he only had a fraction of the crowd that attended Obama’s inauguration he needs to alter reality to get his “high.” Trump is not addicted to adrenaline but to other brain chemicals. The brain is wired to look for pleasure and avoid pain, it is called the “Pleasure Principal.” Experiments with mice show that they will chose drugs over food. As more psychiatrists venture opinions we will learn why Trump acts as he does.

The dangerous part about Trump is not that he is addicted to his brain chemicals but like addict ripping off his supplier Trump tries to rip of his high by creating a false reality.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2017 10:01 pm
The article on Trump’s mental deficits was entitled ‘Crazy like a Fox’ Mental Health Experts Try to Get inside Trump’s Mind.” There has been a fox around the house for the last couple of years trying to nab one of our cats. So far he has not succeeded. The fox might be crazy but he isn’t very bright. He always shows up about twilight to stock one of the cats. When we hear a noise outside that time of day we would go out to scare him off. He would back up about 5 feet and just stop and stare at you. I had to throw a lawn chair at him to get him to move. One of the cats was 20 years old and barely able to walk I looked out the patio doors and the fox was within a few inches of nabbing the elderly cat. I startled him and he missed again. We finally ended up putting the cat to sleep. In the end it was cats three fox zero.

The article was from an internet site called “Stat” and if anything it shows there is as much politics in psychiatry as there is in anything else. The psychiatrists who voted for Trump rationalize their action by refusing to believe there is anything wrong with him while those who were convinced early on that Trump not only had mental problems but was a danger to the country. “Stat” interviewed ten psychiatrists for the article.
“Still, even at arms-length, the analyses were striking consistent. Several of the experts, for instance, advanced the view that, New York University psychologist, John Montgomery put it, Trump shows “compulsive “more ‘than behavior’ behavior,” meaning a desperate need to keep from feeling, even fleetingly, that he might not be superior to everyone else.”

“I think it completely fits with him making up the millions of illegal votes idea.. and not being able to accept the clear data about Obama’s [first] inauguration having a far bigger crowd.” said Montgomery, who voted for Hillary Clinton.

From the above referenced article

“A diagnosis of mental illness requires that they individual to suffer clinically significant distress or impairment.” I wonder if that would apply to the country? Would insisting that 200,000 people are greater than a 1,500,000 meet the requirement or that 3 million imaginary voters voted to deny Trump a popular vote win? Often a serial killer appears as a normal member of the community with children and kills for years. He has no “significant distress or impairment.” Are they mentally ill?
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Reply Fri 3 Feb, 2017 10:17 pm
Psychiatrists and Psychologists are now questioning whether the “Goldwater Rule” violates their right to free speech. I had never heard of the “Goldwater Rule” until doing research after Trump was elected. The “Goldwater Rule” came in 1964 after a poll taken among psychiatrists and psychologists as to whether Goldwater was fit to be president. The poll showed that Goldwater was not fit to be president and he lost the election he later sued and was awarded $75,000. The rule is part of the APA’ code of ethics.

“On occasion psychiatrists are asked for an opinion about an individual who is in the light of public attention or has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media. In such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such statements”

In other words if psychiatrist knew that a political candidates mental defects would make if far more likely that he would provoke a nuclear war that psychiatrist should say nothing because of the ethics rule. This is mirror image of the situation where yelling fire in a crowed theater is not free speech. If a man was in a crowed theater and noticed a fire had started in the theater but decided to say nothing and walk out of the theater even though he was well aware 100s of people would die in the fire e would be outraged even though we know yelling fire in theater is a violation if there is no fire. This is political correctness carried to the extreme does the rights of one man exceeds the rights of 330 million?

It does not take a psychiatrist to see Trump’s obvious shortcomings but many are blind by a cult like leader.

To show just how Trump mind works it is only necessary to take a look at how Trump behaved at his father’s funeral. On that day Trump focused on himself –“It was the toughest day of my life”---and on how Fred’s greatest achievement was raising the famous, brilliant, mega-successful Donald.

Even psychiatrists who voted for Trump and thought he wasn’t dangerous enough to be locked up said they would not be shocked if came to them for psychiatric help.
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Reply Sat 4 Feb, 2017 10:02 pm
I watched a series of programs on the History Channel today about Hitler’s rise to power and his eventual downfall. The parallels between Hitler and Trump are striking. To start they are both of German descent. Neurologists now know that genetics plays a much more important part in our behavior than most of us believe possible. Most of us believe that we are a product of our environment, it is how we were raised but now we know that not only is the structure of a psychopath’s brain is different but it process information differently. At one time courts would blame a defendant’s crimes on their environment. Now a neurologist goes to court for a serial killer and shows the court the fMRI scans of the criminals brain and that of a normal person. Courts will shortly be faced wit a defense much like that of insanity. As a country we don’t treat the mentally defective as responsible for their crimes as others.

Hitler was a narcissist like Trump when the German army was stopped in Russia Hitler fired one of his generals and told him that he had served in WWI and that he knew far more than the General who had never been on the front lines. When the Germany army was surrounded and running out of ammunition the general one the ground asked if they could surrender? Hitler told them to fight to the death. Hitler was considered a messianic leader and when Hitler committed suicide hundreds of Germans did likewise. If you listened to Trump on the campaign trail he insisted that he and only he could save America. Trump truly believes he is a messiah and so did Hitler. Hitler took total control of the war and fired or executed any general that questioned his orders. He surrounded himself with yes men. Hitler may have known the trenches of WWI but he had no idea of the theory of war and the great battles fought and lost throughout history. It was not America who defeated Hitler it was Hitler’s narcissism that led to his downfall.

One of the key statements I have put a lot of stock in is: “There will always be greater and lesser men.” And that is indeed true for all of us. In our complex society one man may be vastly superior in one field of study and totally inadequate in another. That is a basic fact of life and Trump’s inability to accept that may have more to do with his brain structure than his environment.
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Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2017 10:06 pm
Trump exhibits both narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies, as did Hitler. We know that Hitler was a sociopath because he had six million Jews among many others killed. How do we know that Trump is also a sociopath? The public record clearly shows that Trump was involved in several different scams where people were swindled out of their life savings. Trump would come in and promote a big development and lead people to believe he was the developer when in fact he had only licensed his name to the real developer. If the “developer” could not raise the capital the deal fell through and the money paid by the clients was lost. They often sued Trump because fraud was used in the inducement. That is why Trump has been sued more than 3,500 times.

Most Americans could not swindle people out of their life savings anymore than they could send six million Jews to gas chambers. Most people’s paradigm is that everybody is pretty much like them when people do bad things that it is just someone behaving badly but that is far from the truth. Neuroscientists now know that is an old wives tale. They know that the mental processes of sociopaths and psychopaths are far different and that they lack a very important ability, empathy. They simply cannot empathize; put themselves in the other person shoes. Even as small children the sociopaths are obviously different many abuse animals like pouring gasoline on cats and dogs and setting them on fire to watch them suffer. Most people couldn’t or wouldn’t do that.

Sociopaths like Trump often rise to the top of their profession because they are not hindered by rules and they have absolutely no sense of fair play. Trump is not bothered at all that the Russians are responsible for his “winning” the election. That would be deeply troubling to a candidate who had a sense of fair play.

What other world leader is narcissist and a sociopath? Putin and Trump deeply admires him. When Trump was asked about Putin’s murderous ways he simply rationalized them by saying America had done the same. There is some truth to that but there are also major differences also. The CIA has killed or had foreign dictators killed but the American government has never killed members of the news media or political opponents killed. Trump is simply not capable of grasping the difference and as a narcissist he believe he is vastly superior to others and killing them would not bother him as much as someone killing an ant. Don’t believe for a minute Trump would not like to have every member of the media who writes anything he doesn’t like killed. He would like to have Saturday Night Live bombed and blame it on terrorists. He admires Putin for killing members of the media. The key to taking over a country is controlling the national media. To Putin’s credit he can’t hold a candle to Trump as a narcissist.
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Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2017 10:35 pm
Trump claims the dishonest news media is not giving enough coverage covering to ISIS inspired terrorist attacks. Trump listed 78 terrorist attacks including the Paris attack, the San Bernardo, CA and the Orlando, FL attacks among others. But Trump left out the worst terrorist attack of all, Trump’s executive counselor and spokesman Kellyanne Conway told Chris Matthews on “Hardball With Chris Matthews” on MSNBC about the “Bowling Breen Massacre.” Kellyanne was right it received absolutely no press. I live with in a hundred miles of Bowling Green and I never herd of it. Kellyanne was using the Bowling Green Massacre to justify Trump’s travel ban.

I wonder how many were killed in this terrible attack and why the dishonest news media never covered the story. There is a good reason the news media never covered it, it never happened Kellyanne was again manufacturing “alternative facts.” Trump’s campaign lied their way into power and now when they tell very obvious lies they claim the news media is dishonest. When they manufacture alternative facts they claim they are just as valid as the real facts. The belief that there is an alternative reality is nonsense. There may be differences in opinions but there is never a difference in facts.

Kellyanne after she could not sell her lies went to Twitter and claimed she just misspoke and it should have been “Bowling Green Terrorists” instead of “Bowling Green Massacre.” The trouble with telling one lie to cover another is this was the third time she repeated the same lie. She had also told the same exact lie to Cosmopolitan and TMZ. Very little of Kellyanne has been seen this week after she was caught for the second time making up that big lies.

Good advice for liars don’t stare straight into the eye of the camera and tell obvious lies. There is film in them there cameras and when you deny you said it the film clip of you lying will be shown right alongside of the film clip where you lied about lying.
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Reply Tue 7 Feb, 2017 10:28 pm
Why does Trump admire Putin so much? Trump admires the fact that Putin can murder who ever he wants and Trump envies him. Trump has heard tales about murder from all his mafia friends. Trump believes he is God but is now faced with the courts overturning his orders. Trump believed as President he would have absolute power but is having a hard time coming to term that our government is a government by committee instead of a dictatorship. Trump will have an especially hard time accepting this.

It looks like the Trump campaign staff can’t even get along with each other as a there was a knock down drag out brawl between a couple of attendees in their tuxes at the inauguration ball until Kellyanne Conway showed up and started throwing punches and put a stop to it. The Fox reporter who related the incidence swears he was not exaggerating. I am sure Trump was not involved he is after all a natural born coward I sure he still has a copy of all 5 of draft deferments. We have to remember Trump says he loves war but as a spectator evidently not a participant.

At least Trump hasn’t managed to start a major war in his first 18 days in office.

Meanwhile locally the city finds itself $5 million in the red and they must have a balanced the budget by the end of June. To solve the problem they called on the modern day witch doctors to say magic words over the Mayor, Police Chief and Fire Chief on the alter. I doubt even the modern witch doctors can rectify 5 years of mismanagement. A couple of years ago they had national day of prayers to pray the drugs out of Huntington. I don’t think God likes them very much because after the prayout the drugs got much worse. They would have done better hiring the Piped Piper.

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Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 10:12 pm
Respect they tell us we should "respect" Donald Trump. We owe him respect. We owe no one or no institution respect. Respect must be earned it is not given. To respect Trump we would have to ignore the first 69 years of his life and even if we could do that we would still have to deal with 70th. Do you respect anyone who would just go up and grab a woman's pu***? Do you respect someone that swindles people out of their life savings? How about a man that walks into women's dressing rooms unannounced? How about a man who brags about doing those things? There is no way that Trump will ever be respected. He can never do enough in the future to makeup for his past. Are their people who respect him? Yes there are some one woman at a Trump rally had a tee shirt saying that Trump can grab her pu***.

Institutions are the same they tell us we must respect religion. Why? Is it because they burned so many people at the stake and tortured tens of thousands of others? Respect keeps institutions in power that should have allowed to die out on its own. In our society it seems some philosophies are open to attack, communism and Nazism for instance but religious philosophies are protected like endangered species. Even people who don't believe in religion believe it should be "protected" that it should never be downgraded like communism.

Sex is the antithesis to religion, mix the two and the religious holier than thou crowd believes there should be a public lynching. The only way that a society can decide which philosophies are valid is for those philosophies to be open to arguments even the most offensive arguments. The arguments that offend true believers the most are those that ring of truth. All is fair in love and war and their cannot be any sacred cows in philosophy.
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 10:08 pm
We are taught to respect religion and not to challenge religious ideas and for the most part that is exactly what happens. What possible harm could come from respecting religion? I will admit it has been a few centuries since burning people at the stake was a popular religious sport but what about today are there any good examples of respect for religion causing real damage? Jim Jones's Peoples Temple and David Koresh's Branch Davidians comes to mind. The Branch Davidians were even roasted just like in the days of old. But those instances only affected members of those religions not the public at large. But surely respect for religion does not affect the public at large. Remember the Oklahoma City bombing where a 168 people incinerated? The motive was how the Federal Government handled the Branch Davidians incident.

Respect is what all religions are built on. If members of a religious movement lose respect for their religious concepts the religions crumbles. Respect is the most important ingredient in any religious organization and requiring the public at large to give religious respect helps spread religion. There is absolutely no reason any member of the public should show respect to the supernatural.

Maybe if people had not had to show respect to Jim Jones some of the 909 people died might have been talked out of the cult. But what about now? I watched a documentary about the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Saints. Warren Jeffs was "Prophet" the highest position in that community of 10,000. He got the position because God chose him by way of his father. At 17 he was made principal of the school where he would routinely take children out of class and molest them. This went on for years and no one would say anything. Why? Respect as the leader of the church his followers owed him respect. The number of children molested by Jeffs would make even the worst Catholic Priest green with envy. Jeffs was turned in only after the brother of one of his victims committed suicide and that brother had also been molested by Jeffs. Jeffs was convicted and sentenced to life plus twenty years but he continues to run the church from prison by issuing edicts. One of his edicts was that all marriages in the community were here by annulled, all sex was to cease. Fifteen men were selected as seed bearers these fifteen men and only those fifteen men were the only ones permitted to have sex. In a community of 10,000 those fifteen men are going to be busy. That community continues to follow a madman's edicts because they have "respect" for religion. Blind respect for religion keeps the most insidious ideas alive.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2017 10:38 pm
Can you spell “impeachment?” We got a step closer today when CNN broke the story that parts of the 35-page intelligence document on Trump campaign involvement with the Russian to win the election have now been verified by the US intelligence agencies. When White House Spokesman, Sean Spicer was approached for comment he said, “He continues to be disgusted with CNN reports of fake news.” When the FBI, Justice Department CIA and Office Director of National Intelligence were asked for a comment they declined to comment on the White House’s “fake news” comment. The parts of the 35-page dossier that have been checked are very accurate as to the persons involved and the time they took place. The FBI was able to verify the Russian’s conversation because the foreign calls were intercepted. Trump figured that he and the Russians could fix the American election and never leave any tracks. But as criminals often find out too late that when you into a room you leave something and you take something. It may microscopic but it there and sophisticated electronic allow tracking of individuals.

The Trump administration thinks they can continue to call the verified intelligence “fake news” and the American people will believe it. Trump will say, Who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? His followers will believe the whole world is a lie and Trump is the only source of truth. His followers will believe that the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and the Office National Intelligence are just conspiring against him that it is all just politics. In fact Trump is already using that excuse, claiming his losses in the courts were caused by “politics.”

Trump wanted to be president so bad he made a deal with the devil but in the classic deal with the devil the devil always extracts his price and price is always higher than one wants to pay. Now the Russians can play Trump like he is a fish on a line. They will enjoy watching him twist and turn in the wind. The prosecutions and removal of high placed officials in Russia who fixed the American election has already started with some having their heads bagged and removed from intelligence meetings. Trump should have realized when one sociopath deals with another sociopath two men enter but only one man leaves and Putin is the better sociopath.
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2017 10:27 pm
An article in the Washington Post speculates that the Trump presidency will end in 2 years if not before. Trump has already provided legitimate grounds to impeach ten presidents. How do you tell when Trump is lying? If his mouth is moving Trump is lying. The Republican House impeached Bill Clinton for telling one lie with Trump there will be a buffet of lies to chose from so many in fact it will be hard to choose. The backlash from the Trump election has now reached tsunami proportions far bigger than the Tea Party movement that bought the Republicans to power. In the next midterm election the Democrats will take back both the Senate and the House and House and the first order of business will be the impeachment of Trump.

Republicans have a chance only if they remove Trump first. Section 4 to the 25th Amendment of the Constitution spells out a provision that allows a President to be removed if a majority of the cabinet and the vice President decide that the President is unfit to serve because injury, illness or incompetence. While it is unlikely to happen the longer Trump is in power the more damage he will do. It is like the end the movie “Doctor Strange Love” as Slim Pickens rides the bomb to the ground. That is what the Republicans are doing Trump is like an atomic bomb and the Republicans are straddling him. The experts believe that the Republicans are well aware of this and decided to go for the ride so they can blow everything up along the way before Trump explodes.

It is Saturday Night and time for Saturday Night Live people have been lined up for days in winter weather to get tickets. It is going to be a bad night for Trump as Baldwin is hosting the program and his Trump impression is right on. Trump is a narcissist and he can’t laugh at himself. At some point a narcissist will reach a breaking point when his cognitive dissonance becomes more than he can handle. Trump has very carefully created his public image and bragged about the reporters he ruined who wrote things he didn’t like not that they were not true just that he didn’t like them. Now Trump must confront the truth his real reflection in the public eyes. Trump sees himself as a hero but the American people see a budding Hitler.

The Washington Post writer recommend that Trump watch the “West Wing” so he will have a remote idea of what the White House is about.

At a town hall meeting in Utah Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz was booed every time he mentioned Trumps name. Trump was the most unpopular president ever elected and he is losing popularity everyday.
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Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2017 09:58 pm
One of the main things Trump campaigned on was eliminating regulations. A recent change in coal regulations eliminated a regulation that kept coal piles from being a hundred feet from a waterway. WV just had a massive disaster a couple of years ago where chemical leaked from an aging storage tank into river upstream of a water intake for the water system in Charleston. By the time the leak was found the whole water system was polluted and it took weeks to flush out the system before the people had water service again and even then there were still chemicals in the water. Anyone knows that the water runoff after a major storm will easily go a 100 feet into the waterway and it is likely coal is not the only thing that is dug up during a strip mining operation. Keep coal more than 100 feet from a public stream is no more than reasonable. Why not just pour any harmful chemical being used on a strip mine site directly into the stream?

It was reported by the Washington Post that the Agriculture Department is taking down animal abuse case reports from its web site, “leaving puppies, kittens, horses and other to fend for themselves.” Law against animal abuse are just useless regulations which should be eliminated according to the Trump administration. .

This administration has decided to roll back the air pollution regulations on coal they should study the 12,000 killed and 200,000 injured by air pollution in 1952. It is easy to forget the disasters that created the EPA in the first place.
“The Great Smog of 1952, sometimes called the big smoke, was a severe air-pollution event that affected the British of London in December 1952. A period of cold weather, combined with an anticyclone and windless conditions, collected airborne pollutants---mostly arising from the use of coal----to form a thick layer of smog over the city. It lasted from Friday 5 December to Tuesday, 9 December1952 and then dispersed quickly when the weather changed.”


The Chinese have recently sent people to study the event because they know that it is likely to happen there. Our society is built and sustained on a series of regulations we call them laws. It is easy to find a few outmoded regulations to set up a straw man to attack and then go after the import regulations.

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Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2017 10:09 pm
Trump has already told more lies than any president in history and he is like the Energizer Bunny with one difference he just keeps lying and lying. Trump’s latest lie, well maybe not his latest he has probably told 10 more by now, Trump was asked about Mad Dog Flynn lying about his conversation with the Russians after Obama put sanctions on Russia. The Trump administration is not only lying to public they are lying to each other. Michael Flynn, otherwise known as Mad Dog, is Trump’s National Security Advisor. Mad Dog told Vice President Pence that he did not discuss sanctions that Obama put on the Russians and Pence went on all the Sunday news shows told them Mad Dog did not discuss sanctions with Russian. First they lied about the calling even taking place than they lied about the subject of the calls with the Russians. On Feb 8 interview with the Washington Post Mad Dog categorically denied discussing sanctions with the Russians. The problems is that calls to Russian Diplomats are routinely recorded by American Intelligence agencies so we now know Mad Dog not only discussed sanctions with the Russian but that was the main topic of conversation. When Trump was asked for comment about the situation he said he was not familiar with the situation and would have to read up on it. I guess it is not the fact that Trump lies every time he opens his mouth it that they tell such obvious lies and expects the public to believe it.

The legacy of the Trump presidency will be that he taught all the children in America that there is nothing wrong with lying as long as you get what you want after all the president does it. How long will the American people tolerate being lied to by their president? They are not even good lies he doesn’t put any thought into them. Trump disrespect the American public with his lies. We are better than this.
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Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2017 09:52 pm
Mad Dog has resigned but left the question open of who authorized him to speak to the Russians about eliminating the sanctions imposed by Obama on the Russians for interfering in the US elections. We all know who authorized Mad Dog Flynn’s to tell the Russians that Trump would roll back the sanctions. Since that commitment was above Mad Dog pay grade we know that only one person could have authorized that. Trump says the conversation about removing the sanctions was not illegal but still wants to deny any responsibility saying Mad Dog was forced to resign not because of the conversation but because he lied to Vice President Pence. What Trump was careful not to say was that it was perfectly alright to lie to American people it just bad to lie to members of the administration.

Trump further stated the lying was not the real problem that the truth leaking out is the real problem. In the future Trump will try to make sure that the truth does not leak out to the public. If the text of Mad Dog’s conversation wasn’t leaked Trump could have lied about it forever. A liar biggest enemy is the truth and the truth will stalking Trump all the days of his life.

Now the articles are beginning to run in the media that Trump is actually “mad” and not in the angry sense of the word. A good article was run on the “Daily Intelligencer” entitled “The Madness of King Donald” a few days ago It is a well thought out article that asks the question what would you do if you had a neighbor that acted like Trump? Say you walk into the neighbor’s house and he asks, how you like his newly painted living room walls and how you liked the scarlet color? He insists manically that the walls are scarlet even though they are deep blue. When you tell him they are blue he summons his wife who also insists the walls are scarlet. (Think inauguration crowd size.) If he continued to insist the walls were red you would avoid him because it is obvious he is deranged. Just because someone is president it does not excuse them from meeting a reasonable standard of reality test. Trump flunked the reality test.
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Reply Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:19 pm
The day Trump had to fire Mad Dog was the day Trump found out he was not elected King. When you own a business you don’t answer to anyone you can do whatever you please but government is completely different the power is shared between all three branches and the press is the watchdog to make sure that the players are following the rules. Now Trump has decided to play hardball with the press he is no longer answering question from the mainstream news media in his last three news conferences he has taken questions only from conservative news outlets like the Christian Broadcasting Network, Townhall, Daily Caller, Sinclair Broadcasting and Fox News. These questions are often not even about current events and the questions are designed to gain favor with Trump.

When the conservatives first came to power Reagan eliminated the “Fairness Doctrine” so propaganda networks could be set up in America. Prior to that time equal time was allotted to those who held different opinions. In the 70s a local television station would run editorials at the end of the news program at the end of the editorial they would let listeners with different opinions know they would have equal time to respond. You could report the news but once it became political opinion the Fairness Doctrine applied.

The first step to an authoritarian government is to take control of the press. Reporters who do not write favorable stories about Trump are now being threatened by the Trump Administration it seems Putin has taught Trump how you make the press do as you say. A story appeared today that the Trump Administration is putting together dossier on reporters with the intent of blackmailing them into writing favorable stories about Trump. Hey that is the way it done in Russia and if that doesn’t work you might just wake up dead. The conversation with the Whitehouse was recorded by the Whitehouse. When the story broke the Whitehouse played the tape to prove it never happened the trouble was there were inaudible parts of the tape. The tape was no doubt edited.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2017 10:08 pm
Trump had a press conference today and after a three-week draught did allow some question from the mainstream news media he also allowed questions from some right wing news outlets I never even heard of. Trump made it perfectly clear that he had absolutely no problem with Mad Dog lying to the American people. Trump continued to heap high praise on Mad Dog Flynn and blame the press for his firing. Trump finally admitted to demanding Mad Dog’s resignation. If Mad Dog did nothing wrong why would Trump demand his resignation? Trump continued to blame the leaks for Mad Dog having to resign not his lying to American people. It is like the child molester being upset when the child reports him. The child molester swore the child he molested to secrecy and it is a violation of trust for the child to tell on him. After all child molesters and the Trump administration are entitled to do anything they want in secret and then lie their ass off about it in public.

Trump continued to pedal the lie that he did not authorize Mad Dog’s conversation with the Russians about Obama’s imposing the sanctions on Russia. After Obama announced the sanctions Putin immediately responded by saying the Russians would retaliate in kind after Mad Dog’s conversation with the Russians Putin reversed course and said Russia would do nothing. Russia would not have backed out of imposing their sanctions by just talking with a mere cabinet member if he was not authorized by the president to tell the Russians the sanctions would be lifted when Trump took over. Russia would not have changed course in less they had full faith that the Trump administration was not going to lift the sanctions. Trump continues to lie his ass off but the intelligence agencies have the full transcript of the conservation with the Russian ambassador, which has to say Trump will lift the sanctions. How does Trump figure he can continue to lie and get away with it? Trump is confident that he can keep the transcript of conversation from ever seeing the light of day. Trump is a born bully and he thinks he can intimidate anyone. He is threatening anyone that leaks the transcript of the phone call with jail time. This was not a discussion about what the Russian ambassador would like for dinner the next time they met. It is a fact that the Russians interfered with our election the question is will punish the Russians for their actions or as Trump says just move on and forget it.

You have to remember that Trump has lied all his life and because of his millions of dollars people would not stand up to him and call him a liar when he is telling obvious lies but Trump doesn’t understand that he is in a different world now and when he tells lies that put 300 million people’s lives in jeopardy every comma and period will be closely examined and fact checked. Trump will never be able to stop lying he has done it all his life and it is a habit he can’t break.
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2017 10:10 pm
Trump’s press conference yesterday preempted my wife soap opera. She records it so I had a recording of most of Trump’s conference. There was one reporter who caught Trump telling big obvious lies and made him pay a public price for his lying. I use to love to do that in front of the judge. They tell one obvious lie and you shoot it down with facts and then they change their lie and get shot down again. Trump was telling a lie about the election to blow his own ego up but the reporter quickly busted Trump’s bubble. Trump the egotist he is said that his electoral margin victory was the biggest since Reagan. The Reporter called him on his lie and pointed out that both Bill Clinton, in 1992 and 1996 and Obama in 2008 and 2012 had won by more. Trump was quick on his feet and changed his lie quickly saying that he was talking only about Republicans the reporter for NBC, Peter Alexander, pointed that was also a lie as George Bush won by more in 1988. Liars do not like facts and Trump then abandoned his lie and said he won by a good margin but that he had read somewhere that he won by the biggest margin in 30 years. Trump was shifting responsibility saying he wasn’t lying he just been given false information.

Was Trump embarrassed? No, people that lie all the time are use to being called on their lies occasionally but the big reward is getting away with them. Just as a gambler gets hooked to the occasional win a liar gets hooked on getting away with their lies. They get a chemical reward in their brain when they get people to believe their lies. I worked with a fellow employee who would tell the most outrageous lies for no apparent reason. He didn’t tell lies to hurt people or benefit himself he just told lies that were unbelievable. Even if he knew people knew he was lying he would still lie. He was not a bad guy he would do anything for you but he was just addicted to lying.

Peter Alexander asked Trump an import question, How can we trust you? If we can’t trust Trump no other country can, even his Russian buddies can’t believe anything he says.
Trump had 304 electoral votes

Obama had 332 in 2012

Bill Clinton had 370 in 1992

Obama had 365 in 2008

Bill Clinton had 379 in 1996

George H W Bush 426 in 1988

Trump lies because he needs to lie to get his chemical reward in his brain lying is a compulsion with him.
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Reply Sat 18 Feb, 2017 10:05 pm
I always like to read articles from different sides of the political spectrum. I use to spend many hours a day listening to red neck right radio mostly because they are the only political programs on the air in this area. This always gave me a chance to hear the right wing lies up front. The right wing always uses the radio for their test balloons. This lets you research their lies before they are argued on the Internet. Yesterday I read an article entitled “News Flash: America Isn’t Crying Over the Plight of the Whitehouse Press Corp” published by the ‘The Hill.’ The point of the article was that the author believed that the public was not upset with Trump calling any of the news media that did not publish his lies ‘fake news.’ No President has ever told as many bold faced lies and then call those who print the actual facts ‘fake news.’

The author of this article, Joseph Bordello, doesn’t see a problem with the President telling any number of bold face lies everyday. Trump lies are not the problem, according to the author; it is the media reporting Trump’s lies that is the problem. It is just media bias when they report Trump’s lies.

But that wasn’t the most disturbing part of the article, he like many other republicans sees nothing at all wrong with the Trump campaign staff teaming up with the Russians to steal the election. Borelli goes on to state that Obama did the same thing and the press said nothing about it. He refers to a press conference where Obama made a remark to a Russian Diplomat when the mike was left on after the conference and Obama said; “He will be more flexible after his election.” This author sees absolute nothing wrong with Trump colluding with the Russian government and calling for Russia to hack the emails of Trump’s opponent and make the stolen information public. Each day more and more of that 35-page dossier about Trump and his campaign staff is confirmed. If Trump is not thoroughly investigated and if the Russian allegations show that the Trump campaign was an active participant with the Russians he must be impeached. If he is not then we have accepted foreign participation in our elections as normal. In the next election the Russian will run another candidate, the Red Chinese will have a candidate, the Japanese will have a candidate and it is hard to tell how many other countries will find a political candidate of their choice for president of America. It is just not what has happened this election but what will happen in the future.
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Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2017 10:21 pm
Did everyone hear about that terrible terrorist attack in Sweden? Officials in Sweden were taken by surprise when Trump told a campaign rally about the terrible terrorist attack in Sweden. The liar and chief is at it again confabulating lies from fragments of information. Just when we were beginning to feel safe from the terrible terrorist attacks in Bowling Green, KY the terrorists up an attack Sweden. At his campaign rally Trump held his hands up in the air and said, “can you believe a terrorist attack in Sweden?” No Mr. President we don’t believe it because even though you may believe that since Sweden is thousands of miles away and on another continent no one will call you on your lies. The trouble is news travels near the speed of light on the Internet. You could not get away with the Bowling Green lie but what continent it was on was not the problem your continuing and perpetual lying is the problem. Trump has no credibility.

Trump has already kicked off his 2020 presidential campaign only one month into his first term. He will spend more time campaigning than being president. Why? Because it feeds his massive ego when he surrounds himself with adoring fans. The word fan is derived fanatic and that applies to those who go to his campaign rallies. When Trump looks out at the country he knows that only 38% of Americans approve of him. When he looks out at a campaign rally all he sees is smiling faces who believe each and every lie he tells. For those brief hours Trump can convince himself that the approval poles are wrong and that every American loves a liar. But Trumps ego is like a black hole no matter how much he feeds it he knows how worthless a human being he is and no amount of money; no amount of fame and no amount of political power can ever fill the hole. When Trump lays down at night he cannot escape the truth.

Trump now calls the media “the enemy of the American people” if he changed that to the “the media is an enemy of the state.” He would have Hitler quote correct. It is very clear that Trump has decided to declare war on the mainstream news that is the typical attitude of any dictator. Trump as a businessman is use to being an absolute dictator in his business and he has no understanding of how government functions. One of Hitler’s first objectives was to get control of the news media.
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