The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2017 10:14 pm
At Trump’s press conference be finally begrudgingly admitted that the Russians were responsible for the break-ins at the Democratic National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and for the dissemination of the stolen material. His advisors must have forced to him admit the Russians were responsible and they should also get him to admit that the break-ins are responsible for his election. Trump called the report that the Russians had damaging personal and financial information “fake news” but it is not fake news it was done by a former British Intelligence officer who now has a private firm. Christopher Steele’s firm is called Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd. and his co-director is Christopher Burrows a former counselor in Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth office. The initial investigation and report was paid for by Trump’s fellow Republican’s during the primaries. Political parties have their prospective candidates investigated to make sure there will be no nasty surprises later. A political party makes a big investment in time and money in political candidates. These investigation and reports were part of what was stolen by the Russian from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and used against Congressional candidates to secure victory for the Republican opponents.

We all know that fake news is made up whole cloth. It is not the product of a professional intelligence firm. A professional intelligence firm has nothing to gain by given their clients false information and everything to lose. Once their reputation is ruined they are out of business. So we have to ask ourselves has Trump ever given false financial information? Yes we know he claimed to be a billionaire when he was actually broke in fact he was $295 million in the red. Count one in the British Intelligence firm’s report is likely true. People that have a history of financial lies usually continue on the same path. Count two Trump has a long history of sexual misbehavior that he has personally confirmed. There are even allegations of child molestation and a friend of Trump’s was jailed for holding underage sex parties for the rich and famous. People traveling overseas often do so to indulge their sexual proclivities, as laws are different in different countries. Would the Russians set Trump up with underage girls so they could get a hold on him? They would send him 2 year olds if that is what he wanted. Trump is not an intelligent man and his IQ is far below the average president and may be the lowest yet.

Trump’s defense was that one of his advisors was suppose to have met a Russian spy in Prague. Trump asked the advisor for his passport, which didn’t show a trip to Prague. What does this tell us? It tells that Trump believed it might be true or he would not have checked the passport. If you are going to meet a Russian spy you are not likely that you will travel under your right name. False documents are easy to come by. You would not want to be caught helping the Russians fixing an American election. Also not many people carry their passport with them all the time but in Trump’s tale the advisor immediately produces his passport like he knew he needed proof.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2017 10:29 pm
Trump was all over the intelligence agencies for leaking the report about Russian compromising material on him. But that report was not done by the by US intelligence agencies it was done by a former British M16 spy considered to be one of the foremost experts on Russia. The original report was commissioned and paid for by a Republican donor. So it was public information if the person who paid for it chose to make it public. The report was circulated in Washington for three months. John McCain had a copy and turned it over to the FBI. For Trump to pretend that he had not seen the report previously shows how good a conman he is. The report had been passed back and forth between political operatives, congressmen and reporters and there was nothing secret about it. It would have been impossible for Trump not to know about it and most likely he didn’t have just the two page summary the intelligence agencies gave him but the full 35 page report.

The major news agencies had this report long before the election and never printed one word of it. They had a report from one of the most respected spies in the world an expert on Russia that the Republican candidate had been compromised by Russia and they kept the information from the American people. The New York Times said that they don’t print unverified material but yet they printed every unverified email of Hillary Clinton and her campaign manger John Podesta that the Russian gave them.
“BBC correspondent Paul Wood came forward Wednesday to reveal that there are multiple intelligence sources alleging Russia is in possession of potentially embarrassing or compromising material regarding president-elect Donald Trump. Formerly, only a single source was known to have been aware of the alleged material.

“A member of the US intelligence community also told Wood that “at least one East European intelligence service was aware ‘that the Russian had kompromat or compromising material on Mr. Trump, Raw Story reports.

From an article “BBC Claims a Second Source Backs up Trump Dossier”

The Week.
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Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2017 10:17 pm
It was reported today that many of America’s top intelligence officers have already written their resignations but have not yet dated them. These are the most experienced intelligence officers with over twenty years in and five years overseas. This will make it difficult to protect the country from terrorists. Those that remain will have to realize that Trump knows far more than the 10,000 intelligence officers and they would not be able to tell him anything. It will be impossible for the intelligence agencies to do their job under Captain Blowhard.

Buzz feed did post the full 35-page report on Trump Russian involvement. It makes interesting reading tracing Trump’s involvement with the Russians can be traced back to the 80’s. It seems the Russians have been actively grooming Trump for 5 years just as a child molester grooms a child he is going to molest. Trump is not a smart man as can be seen by his virtual bankruptcy. In fact this is the same time period when Trump was found to be $295 million in the red and Trump was going to Russia trying to make a deal.

Trump does not look at Russia like other Americans do. Trump believes Russia is just another business opportunity and he could care less if the Russian military overrun other countries. He is pragmatist and all he wants is his deal. He is focused only on what is good for him and this is the way his whole life has been focused. His charity was sham and after he raised money for Veterans he had to be shamed into turning it over.
“Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 Years. Aim, endorsed by Putin, has been to encourage splits and divisions in the Western alliance.”

From the 35 page report on Trump entitled “ US Presidential Election: Republican Candidate Donald Trump’s Activities in Russia and Compromising Relationship With the Kremlin”
We now know who commissioned the report it was the Jeb Bush campaign and you will recall that Jeb’s dad headed the CIA before he became president. It was simply a matter of getting a hold of his old contacts in the intelligence business.

The Russian have a dossier on Trump as well as Hillary Clinton but the difference there is no real damaging information on Clinton. Trump spent so much time in Russia over the last 40 years trying to make a deal I am surprised he was not awarded Russian citizenship.

The report states that while he was in Russia Trump insisted he stay in the presidential sweet where the Obamas had stayed. He hired prostitutes to take yellow showers on the bed where the Obamas had slept and even the maid who had clean up the mess corroborated the story.
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Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2017 09:47 pm
Trump pay back to mafia is going to be the legalization of silencers. There is currently a bill to legalize silencers in front of Congress and Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., appears in a film endorsing the legalization of silencers. The bill is named, the Hearing Protection Act it should be called the Murder Made Easy Act. By reducing the noise a gun makes below the background noise level it will double the kill rate for terrorist and mass murders because you will not know which direction the gun fire is coming from. You will only notice something is wrong after a number people fall to the ground and begin bleeding out and by then it will be two late. Now when you are in a mall or an airport you have the option of running for cover but I guess it has its good points and people will no longer be injured by the stampede they will just be silently slaughtered. The NRA stands to make hundreds of millions on this bill

Why now after all these years would it be necessary to legalize silencers? The explanation is simple, gun sales are down and legalizing silencer would be extremely good for the Gun Manufacturers Association. If it kills a few thousand a year so be it as long as a good profit can be made. Now it seems the gun nuts are getting older and are finding they need hearing aids because of the loud noise of the thousands of rounds they have fired off. Ear protection is of course easy to come by a good set of ear protectors will solve the problem but the gun nuts say they make their ears sweat and make conversation at the gun range difficult.

So it comes down to whose rights are violated those who just want to live or those who don’t want to have their ears sweat. In a world gone mad look for this bill to sail through congress and Captain Blow Hard will be more than happy to sign it.
“They hope to position the bill the same way this time—not as a second Amendment issue, but as a public-health effort to safeguard the eardrums of the nations 55 million gun owners. They even named it the Hearing Protection Act. It would end treating silencers as the same category as machine guns and grenades, thus eliminating a $200 tax and a nine-month approval process.”

From: The Washington Post, article: “Gun Silencers Are Hard to Buy. Donald Trump Jr. and Silencer Makers Want to Change That.

Did you notice it said only 55 million gun owners out of 330 million Americans? The tail has been wagging the dog for too long.
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Reply Sun 15 Jan, 2017 10:35 pm
Just five days until life as we have known it comes to end. Just five days before we become colony of Russia. When Putin says jump Trump will not only ask how high but get a yardstick to make sure he gets it right. Corruption will no longer be the exception it will be the rule.
“Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who is currently one of President-elect Donald Trump’s closest advisors, seems to think that corruption is okay as long as the republicans are the ones doing it.”

From an article: “Problem? What Problem: Newt Gingrich Says Donald Trump Should Just Pardon Advisors Who Break the Law”
From the first time I ran across this article it bothered me. Pardons aren’t discussed until after someone has been investigated and convicted of a crime. Newt is advocating blanket pardons for the Trump administration before the investigations even begin. This would be a way to quash investigations. The real damage that led to Nixon being impeached wasn’t the Watergate break-in but the cover up during the investigation.

This article came out on Dec 20th long before the intelligence report about the Russian and Trump administration’s collaboration to win the election. After reading that report it is obvious what Newt Gingrich envisioned that pardons would be necessary. Like James Bond has a license to kill the Trump administration would have a license to break any and all laws if someone tried to prosecute Trump’s advisors he would just grant them a pardon. The real beauty of granting pardons before the fact is to establish an elite group of untouchables who know they need not follow the law.

The real reason the Republicans need pardons can be found in the 35-page report from a private British Intelligence agency.
“Further evidence of extensive conspiracy between Trump campaign team and the Kremlin, sanctioned at highest levels and involving the Russian diplomatic staff in the US.”

From the 35-page British intelligence report
Trump can call it fake news all he wants but there are other ways to know whether it is true or not. When the conclusions of the all 17 US intelligence agencies were reached these Russian diplomats who the 35-page report said conspired with the Trump administration were expelled from the US.

“Agreed exchange of information established in both directions. Trump’s team using moles within the DNC and hackers in the US as well as outside in Russia. Putin motivated by fear and hatred of Hillary Clinton. Russians receiving intel from Trump’s team on Russian oligarches and their families in the US.

“Mechanism for transmitting this intelligence involves “pension” disbursements to Russian émigrés living in the US as cover, using counsular officials in New York, DC and Miami.”

Source 35-page British intelligence report
Trump says just move on but “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Nixon thought we should just move on from Watergate break-in. This election stealing will never go away 2,000 years from now Trump will only be remembered for conspiring with a foreign enemy to steal an election.
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Reply Mon 16 Jan, 2017 10:28 pm
Going into the inauguration 55% of the American people have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, a historical low. Trump’s favorability rating was never over 38% on the campaign trail. How does a Presidential candidate who never had a favorability rating more than 38% get elected? The Russian break-ins and help during the election. Only 38% of Americans believed he could be a competent president. Trump’s inauguration has been scaled way back the Russians diplomats/spies had planed to attend but Obama had them deported for fixing the election. I am surprised Putin didn’t come to put his arm around Trump and tell the American people what a fine choice they made in fact Putin could not have picked a better man for the job. Trump raised $90 million for the inauguration, most in million dollar contributions, but has no place to spend it. All of the A List performers turned them down. The inauguration has been scaled way back. However the Trump people were able to sign a singer who came in second on The Ted Mack Amateur Hour or something similar.

“There are 100 United States Senators. Amy Klobuchar is on the trip with us. She’s a Democrat from Minnesota. I would say that 99% of us believe the Russians did this and we are going to do something about it,” said Graham, who is planning hearings with McCain on Russian interference with US elections. We’re going to put the sanctions together that hit Putin as an individual and his inner circle for interfering in our election, and they are doing it all over the world---not just in the United States.”

From an article: “Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump Disagrees with Senate Consensus on Russia” CNN
Lindsey Graham, a republican has vowed to bring down President elect Donald Trump.” According to “RealTimePolitics.” The plot thickens, Mr. Knowitall really believed that he could lie and tell the American people that a teenager from New Jersey was responsible for the break-inns at the DNC and DCCC and when that trial balloon didn’t fly he opted for the 400 lb fat man sitting on the edge of his bed. Only after he was faced with undisputable facts did he finally admitted it was the Russians and then he tried to scatter blame pointing a finger at any other instance of hacking.

The Russian interfering with our elections is bad but if the Republicans actively participate in the interference with Russians and we know that at least one Republican contacted a Russian spy and asked for the stolen documents and used them for political advantage. The Republicans who actively took part and those who sanctioned it in by sending information back and forth open themselves to chares of espionage and could be executed like the Rosenbergs were in the 50s. No wonder Newt Gingrich wants Trump to pardon them.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2017 09:56 pm
I finally finished reading the 35 page intelligence report by a former British M-16 agent it details the infighting in the Russian government over whether to interfere in the American election. I want to include the hyper link to the report:


I think anyone that reads report will be impressed with the details of conflict that was going on in Russian government. One of the surprise findings is that Russia had their claws into Trump for 8 years. Trump has been sending Russia information on Russian Oligarchs in America for that period time. The hackers that were responsible for break-ins were Romanian and were jointly paid by the Russians and the Trump’s team though they remain loyal to Russia.

What was surprising was the lack of information on Trump’s sexual perversions. It receives barely a mention. Of
course Trump has reached the age of the old joke where the one old man says to other I went to the doctor today and he says I have to give up half my sex life. His friend asks him which half he is going to give up, think about it or talking about it? Trump spends a good deal of his time talking about his sex life. But this is what you would expect to find the Russian would keep the information about Trump’s sexual improprieties top secret because if it gets out it has no value to them but the hacking conspiracy involved so many people it was impossible to cover it all up plus it was ongoing and Trump’s sexual exploits are in the past.

One cannot read the intelligence report and not realize there are way to many details that would not appear in fake news. Trump is businessman and he makes deal. The essence of deal is that you want something from me and I want something from you. What did the Russian want from Trump? The removal of the sanctions put in place after the Russians took Crimea and invaded the Ukraine. What did Trump want? He wanted the Russian to break-in to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and give the stolen information to Trump team to use in the election. This would give Trump plausible deniability. He could simply say the Russian did it and hide the Trump teams participation. But the Trump team believed they were invisible and that the American people are so stupid they would never figure it out and if Trump says it didn’t happen it didn’t happen.

As soon as Obama expelled the diplomats that were running the operation over here and put more sanctions on Russia. Putin said he would retaliate in kind. But once team Trump called the Russians that day the Russian reversed their course. The Trump team denied any such calls were placed to Russians but finally admitted that Mad Dog had been on the phone with the Russians but they say he was just discussing the football game.

The report also states the Trump team is to receive a 19% share in the public part of a Russian company for removing the sanctions. It what Trump does he makes deals.
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Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2017 10:10 pm
“But we have some big enemies out there in this country, very big and in some cases strong enemies.”

Trump quoted on the Today Show this morning.

Who are these enemies? Not the Russians for sure, the enemies are the American people. Trump’s personal hero, Putin, routinely kills journalists who publish things he doesn’t like and you have to remember Trump’s boast during the campaign, “That he could kill people in the middle of the street and not lose a vote.” The sad part of that is that it is it true, his cult like followers would still vote for him Just as Jim Jones followers would have still followed him if he was alive even after he killed 900 people.

As more comes out about Trump he like all leaders of his type begins to become paranoid. At the ball Wednesday night all he could talk about was how safe it was. When you chose to make an enemy out of 17 intelligence agencies you will always look over your shoulder. Now Trump is so worried about his safety at inauguration because of the demonstrators have vowed to shut it down Trump has enlisted the help “The Bikers for Trump” Trump has said they are really rough. Trump was not stable in the first place and he is going to be like that commercial “this is your brains on drugs.” Trump is about to get in the frying pan it won’t be pretty.
On Trump favorite Internet site, Twitter, the hacker group “Anonymous” declared open warfare on Trump they tweeted:

“This isn’t the 80s any longer, information doesn’t vanish, it is all out there. You are going to regret the next four years”

Followed by

“You have financial and personal ties with Russian mobsters, child traffickers, and money launderers.”
There is an old saying that “If you live by the gun you die by the gun.” Trump won the election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee now the American hackers are coming after Trump. One of the best techniques I found when I was president of the union was to tell someone that you were coming after them in advance and watch them sweat. Trump can’t take the heat. After Trump blamed the Democrats for not keeping their information secure let’s see how secure Trump’s information is.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2017 10:08 pm
I do hereby declare Jan 20th to be hence forth to be “Swindler and Chief Day.” So Americans will forever remember the day they made a world-class swindler President of the United States.

The Trump family motto is: The family that swindles together stays together. Very few people have any idea who they actually voted for. The public persona and the actual man are far different. The court records in several states show Trump to be nothing more than a conman. Trump spends more time with mafia members than he does with his family. Most people look at a building with Trumps name on it and think it belongs to him. It does not, Trump sells his name like McDonalds sells franchises. A developer in Mexico paid Trump two million so he could call his development the “Trump Ocean Resort.” Trump and his family come in and tell people that they are “developing” the property and Ivanka and his son are going to buy condos in the building and they will be the neighbors. People spend their life savings buying into the Trump building and they are sent letters that the building is under construction but construction never started and the lawsuits ensue. It seems the “developer” could not secure the loans necessary to build the building. When goes to court Trump says I am not the “developer” I just sold the developer the use of my name.

Trump has pulled this same or similar scam in several states including Hawaii. This is why he has been in 3,500 lawsuits.
“On page 23 of the brochure in what a lawsuit later described in court as “micro-script that can barely be read without a magnifying glass.” People who had already signed sales contracts received troubling news: the Waikiki tower bearing the Trump name, in which many had invested their life savings, “is not owned, operated, developed or sold by Donald J Trump, the Trump Organization or any affiliated business. Trump had merely licensed the name.”

From the book “The Making of Donald Trump”

Happy Swindler and Chief Day.
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Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2017 09:53 pm
“It is easier to believe a lie than look for the truth.”

Unfortunately that has become a way of life in America. In a political discussion in the barbershop the other day I was discussing how Trump swindled thousands of Americans out of their life savings and his extensive ties to the mafia a Trump supporter was outraged and stated that Trump was no worse than any other President. It seems in his mind all Presidents are equally corrupt. The truth is available to anyone there are court records. When Trump takes office all his mafia friends take office also. Trump tried to lie about one of his mafia friends that he was in business with by giving the reporters a misspelled version of his name because a correct spelling would yield an Internet search showing his business associate had been convicted in a $40 million dollar scam. Trump lied in order to swindle others out of their life saving.

I am sorry but I don’t know of one other President that made a living by swindling people out of their life savings. So please show me the other presidential candidates that the court found guilty of swindling people. The Trump supporters will spend the next 4 years or until he is impeached which ever comes first hiding from the truth.

The mafia likes to brag about the biggest heist ever and now the doors to the White House will be open to the worst criminals in America. The Mafia may make the multi-trillion social security trust fund their next target it is held in Treasury Bonds. Than Trump can be pictured with an empty filing cabinet say sorry but it is all gone. This will be even better than baby Bush who called the Treasury bonds worthless paper if they are gone that will accomplish Bush’s goal.

Who is to blame for a swindler becoming President? The Russian of course did all they could possible do but the real blame should be laid on the door step of the American news media that was to intimidated by Trumps lawyers to even print the court records of the Trump scams. His mafia associates he did business with should have been named on the evening news along with their long criminal records. The evening news should have interviewed at least three Trump scam victims every evening for six months and there would be thousands left.

The news media did a proper lynching of Hillary Clinton with emails that were never verified while they had easily verified information criminal information on the part of Trump. In fact Trump verified his criminal activity by bragging about sexually assaulting women, which is a felony in all 50 states. If you don’t believe it just go out in the street and grab the first woman you see by her pus and see if you don’t go to jail. But even women who would be outraged if a man grabbed them voted for Trump. A mother who voted for Trump said it wasn’t Trump’s job to be a good moral example it was her job to teach her boy morals. From that we can see the moral majority is dead and no politician from now on should worry about having morals at all.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2017 10:00 pm
“As you know I have a running war with the media,” Trump said.

“They are the most dishonest people on earth. And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community. And just to let you know that you’re the No. 1 stop is exactly the opposite.”
I wonder if we could find even one member of the media who cheated one person out of their life savings. Trump can truthfully say he has cheated thousands out of their life savings and yet he accuses others of “being the most dishonest people on earth.”

Reporters simply report what is actually happening but politicians want to control what is written about them. They would like to see only the good things reported and the bad things kept from sight. Why the war on media characterizing them as “the most dishonest people on earth?” This is to impeach the news media as a source of information and convince the public there is only one reliable source of information and that is Donald Trump himself. The war on the American media is not new it has been going on since Regan and the red neck right did away with the “Fairness Doctrine.” Fox news was built on this principal telling the public that the mainstream news media was lying and only Fox News would tell them the “real truth.”

If you can impeach all media outlets in the minds of the American people than you have the perfect condition to create a Hitler style propaganda network. If Trump were to say tomorrow the army is going door to door and all Muslims will be taken to concentration camps because they are a danger to the American people half of the American people would cheer and because the American main stream media has been impeached by the radical right it would not be able to change the minds of the cult like Trump supporters. And when Trump announces that it is simply too expensive to deport the illegal Mexican immigrants and that they will be gathered up and sent to gas chambers the Trump supporters would cheer because in their mind he can do no wrong.

We can all agree that first hand information is the best but we will always have to depend on the media for information. Psychology studies tell us the most undependable source is self-reporting. When people are ask they report being the best driver, best lovers, hardest working etc. Trump has convinced nearly half the American that he is the most honest person on the face of the earth and the mainstream media is the most dishonest. This is an extremely dangerous situation. Trump has convinced his cult like followers that not only that the mainstream news media dishonest but they are actively attacking him.
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2017 10:11 pm
On Meet the Press this morning Chuck Todd asked Trump’s campaign manger, Kellyanne Conway, why the first press briefing by the Trump administration Press Secretary Sean Spicer told boldfaced lies to the public and refused to be questioned about their very obvious lies? Kellyanne tried running all over left field trying to change the subject to any subject but the Trump lies. For about twenty minutes Todd try to real her in and make her answer the question. Trump claimed in his speech at the CIA that the crowd at his inauguration was the biggest crowd for any Presidential inauguration in history. Trump employees estimated the crowd at 1.6 million but admitted on Meet the Press they did not have a clue as how to estimate the crowd. The actual numbers were only 200,000 according to experts. Trump then claimed that the news media took a picture of a vacant field and that is why it looked like there were so few people at his inauguration but when blown up pictures of the Trump inauguration, the 2009 Obama inauguration, and Saturday’s Women’s march were placed side by side they were of exactly the same area in all pictures. It was very obvious that the crowd at the Trump inauguration was not even half of the other crowds.

Kellyanne would not be swayed and despite the pictures claimed that the Trump administration was in possession of “alternative facts.” Sorry Kellyanne but in our society we already have a name for “alternative facts” they have long been called lies. Henceforth we will refer to the lies coming out of the Trump administration as “alternative facts” formerly known as lies. Todd was amazed that the Trump administration would tell such an obvious lie over a trivial matter. He pressed Kellyanne on that also and she had no explanation.

Why did the Press Secretary tell the obvious and easily impeachable lie? Because Trump told him to, Trump is an egomaniac and his ego needs to be continually fed. Facts don’t matter to Trump he lives in fantasy world where he believes he is superior in every way to Jesus. Remember he has never had to ask for forgiveness. If the facts don’t fit Trump will change them to feed his ego. In Trump’s $5 billion lawsuit against the author and publisher of a book that placed Trump’s net worth less than what he believed it to be Trump actually testified that his net worth was what he felt it was. In other words Trump expected the judge to grant damages based on what Trump believed his net worth to be in his fantasy world. Trump suit was thrown out of court by the appeals court.

Trump looked at the half million protestors at the women’s march, and there were two and half times as many protestors as attended Trump’s inauguration, and said, “Why didn’t these people vote?” They did vote and in fact you would have to multiply that number by six to cover the margin of 3 million that you lost the popular vote. There are 65 million Americans who voted against you and they are mad as hell that you and the Russians stole the election. Genetically even primates have inborn sense of fair play. Of course Trump does not have that portion of his brain and he will never understand it. Trump is a genetic throwback he will never be a fully functioning human being.
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Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2017 10:44 pm
The origin of morality has been debated since the beginning of history. Religion claimed that all men are bad and can be saved only through religion but even small children have a sense of what is fair and what is not. Studies of monkeys and chimps that live in cooperative groups show that they have developed a sort of crude morality. If they didn’t the group would not survive. If every member cheated say by cheating the elderly out of their life saving the group would not survive. In our society most people are honest and follow societies rules but there are a few throwbacks that do not have a moral sense. They look at the rest of the population as prey. Just as Trump looked at all the fools who purchased in property he sold his name too.

Sociopath’s brains are fundamentally different than the general population and that difference is easily observable on fMRI. If society were made up primarily sociopaths it would be dysfunctional and not likely to survive long. These people are fundamentally very different than the generally population and they have no sense of fair play whatsoever. I watched the sociopaths in town victimized the elderly for quarter a century and I put as many as I could in jail.

Now we have sociopath as President and it should be evident to everyone by the lies he tells and not only is he sociopath he is also a narcissist. This is an extremely dangerous combination. Even some of the chimps studied by primatologist, Frans de Waal show a higher developed moral sense than Trump. In all the presidential races that the candidate I supported lost I was never scared. They might not support my political agenda but I never though that they were dangerous. Trump may be the first sociopath ever elected President of the United States but he is not the first sociopath to run a country. Most classic dictators like Saddam Hussein, Hitler Mussolini, Putin and any number of South American dictators were sociopaths. Dictators have no problem killing thousands of opposition members to stay power. A couple a weeks ago on Meet the Press members of the press were upset because Trump idolizes Putin who routinely has members of the press killed when they write things he doesn’t like. If the American media is intimidated by a sociopath we are all in trouble. It already looks like the mainstream media may be intimidated during the election as the most harmful information about Trump’s many swindles were never published nor was the information about Trump’s cooperation with the Russian to win the election even though they had the intelligence report in their possession for at least three months ago.

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Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2017 10:21 pm
Trump continued to stand behind his lies today even though he has no proof but he has “alternative facts.” One hand Trump wants to say that he is not illegitimate President even though the Russians did everything in their power to get him elected but still claims the election was rigged because Hillary won the popular vote by nearly three million. Now Trump claims that three million illegal aliens voted and that is why he lost the popular vote. Why claim that specific number of votes because that is number of votes he would need to win the popular vote. Isn’t that convenient it couldn’t have been just a million or two because then Trump still loses. What Trump wants to do is create an alternative reality that is constructed from his lies and have the American people believe it.

What makes a sociopath? Their brains functions differently from the general population. Most people have a well-developed sense of fair play and even when you observe children playing you will often hear them say, “that’s not fair.” Our laws simply encodes that inborn sense of fair play into explicit laws but those laws have their origin in our sense of fair play. Morality is our sense of fair play at work. But imagine being born like Donald Trump, a sociopath, without this innate sense of fair play. It is much like playing football and having no idea what the rules are. You might take the ball and run behind the bench with it and then not understand why you didn’t get a touchdown. Sociopaths have only one goal and that is what they want and while they may have to abide by rules that are rigidly enforced by others they will look for a way around them and where laws are not rigidly enforced they will take full advantage. This is the reason Trump could not get along with others when he was a child and had to be sent to military school.

Though sociopaths can be easily spotted with a fMRI scientists should be close to finding the specific genes that leads to sociopaths. Trump the narcissist will surround himself with yes men. He really believes he is far smarter than anyone else and anyone that has a different opinion other than his is wrong. Trump’s press secretary report on the number of people that attended his inauguration was a blatant lie and he knew it but Trump ordered him not only to tell it but tell the public “who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes.” The sad part is that Trump cult like followers believe every lie out of his mouth.
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Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2017 10:38 pm
Why would Donald Trump want to have a big investigation into voter fraud? Because he can’t stand to hear that he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. His ego can’t stand the fact that the majority of American people voted against him. Why does he not call for a big investigation into the Russian interference into the election and if substantial effect is found promise that he would resign on the spot?

The Trump lies are getting worse and worse. Trump told House and Senate leaders a story and I do mean “story” to illustrate why he believes was proof of massive voter fraud. It seems Trump was told by a very famous golfer, named Bernard Langer, who is a Germany citizen but he has permanent resident status in the US that he witnessed voter fraud. When Langer goes to vote he is not allowed to vote but people in front of him “who look like they should not be able to vote” are allowed to vote provisional ballots. This to Trump is proof beyond a shadow of doubt that 3 million illegal aliens committed vote voter fraud.

Do you see the problem here? Langer was a German citizen and should not be able to vote. Trump’s grandfather was German but that doesn’t mean Germans can vote in America. Trump story illustrates exactly the opposite of what Trump contends. The poll works stopped a citizen of another country from voting. The system worked.
When Langer’s daughter was questioned about Trump’s story she stated:

“He is a citizen of Germany,” she said, when reached on her father’s cell phone. “He is not a friend of president Trump’s, and I don’t know why he would talk about him.”

She said her father was “very busy” and would not be able to answer any questions.

From The New York Times
When Trump told the story the senators and house members looked at him blankly and Reince Priebus “prodded him” to get him to change the subject. That is exactly how you treat senile old men who is embarrassing themselves.

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Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2017 10:33 pm
To Trump lying is a way of life, it is something he has always done and always will. With Trump being rich few people would ever question his lies but Trump’s life is different now every one of his lies will be fact checked and reported on. The trouble is that Trump still believes he can lie and everybody will believe him.

Trump had the head of the Park Service in DC call him Saturday and ordered him to send over more pictures of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration. It seems Trump was looking for a way to lie with pictures. The Park Service was ordered to take down the pictures that compared the 1.6 million who had attended the Obama inauguration with the 200,000 that attended the Trump inauguration from their Twitter account. Showing the truth in any way shape or form is considered to be critical of the Trump Administration.

The Trump Administration has shown that they have declared war on the truth. For Trump’s next inauguration look for them to use the Hollywood green screen technique that makes a few people look like a few hundred thousand. This technique is used in films where it appears that massive armies meeting on the battlefield. Movie producers could not afford to hire a half million extras and outfit them in period garb. Trump should have thought of this before the inauguration but his super ego made him underestimate how unpopular he really is.

Many people would question whether Trump is just another Hitler but he is going to be the closest thing we have seen in the last 75 years. Trump has already stated that he will take federal funds away from sanctuary cities. In order to enforce the law in large cities with large illegal emigrant populations they don’t deport crime victim because if you do that no one will report crimes for fear that they will be deported. This will make the crime rate to go through the roof in those communities. It will be open season on emigrants.

Trump put forth his plan to make Mexico pay for the wall today. The trouble is Mexico won’t be paying for the wall under the Trump plan. Trump wants to place a 20% tariff on goods from Mexico. If an American bought a $20,000 car from Mexico he would pay an extra $4,000 under the Trump proposal to build the wall. Sounds like a very lame plan.
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Reply Fri 27 Jan, 2017 10:35 pm
The New York Times reported 4 hours ago that the arrests had begun in Russia of the intelligence officers who were responsible for the break-in of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign. The arrest was made during a meeting of high placed Russian intelligence officers. The Russian was arrested for treason his head was bagged and he was led out of the meeting. The only question now is how soon do the arrests start in America and how soon is Trump is arrested. In the Russian trials the full details of the Trump campaign participation will be made public.

First the Russian denied trying to change the outcome of the American election and now they have arrested several Russian for the interference. What changed? The Russian are having buyer’s remorse. The Russian didn’t realize how truly crazy Trump was. Trump is the classic bull in a china shop the Russians know Trump is likely to start a trade war that ends in a world depression harming the Russian. There were two factions in the Russian government one faction supported the hacking of the American election but the other side was against interfering in the American election. The former faction had control before the election but the latter’s case against interfering has been strengthened as Trump threatens to begin waging trade wars.
“But the virtually simultaneous appearance of at least four prominent news reports on the hacking and several related arrests, citing numerous anonymous sources, suggests that normally opaque Russian government intends to reveal more information about the matter, though it is unclear why.”

From an article named” Russian Charged With Treason Worked in Office Liked to Election Hacking” in “The New York Times”

I for one look forward to the arrest and impeachment of president Trump, the sooner the better.

The women’s march drew over a half a million demonstrated the inborn sense of fair play because the winner lost even though she had 3 million more votes and the loser won. Trump cannot understand why anyone wants fair play. Trump does not have a sense of fair play to him it is just winning by any means possible.
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Reply Sat 28 Jan, 2017 10:20 pm
Trump tells the country that the mainstream news media is the opposition party. Should we expect to see Lester Holt run for president in 2020? Will NBC, ABC and CBS form separate political parties or will they combine forces into one mainstream media party? If Trump can convince the American public that the mainstream media is the opposition than it sets the Trump administration up as a major source of news and a good deal of the public is already willing to accept this. What Trump is attempting to do is impeach any other news source and become both the government and the media. In just one day during the campaign the Washington Post caught Trump in over 25 obvious lies and listed the facts to show they were lies. There are three branches to our government but the media is integral to our form of government without a reliable, trustworthy source of information our government cannot function correctly.

Trump is a would be dictator and he would like to assume control of the media. He would like to dictate what is written and reported about him and his administration. He deeply admires Putin who has members of the press killed who write things about him he does not like. Because Trump is a class one narcissist he deeply resent any and all unfavorable press. Trump really believes he is the greatest human being walking on the face of the earth and he believes any criticism of him is highly unfair.

Most people think that Trump will not succeed in convincing the public that mainstream media is the opposition party but you have to remember that Fox News used the exact same game plan convince the public that the mainstream news media was biased and only Fox News was the only unbiased source of news in America while it is by far the most biased news source in America. But it worked and it became the first propaganda network in America. The ratings on Fox News are often higher than the legitimate established networks so the strategy works.

While Trump may not gain full control of the mainstream media he has been able to frighten the mainstream media from airing stories that show him in a bad light. The most important news story in the last 24 was the New York Times article about the arrest of hackers and intelligence agents in Russia that changed the outcome of the election. This shows that the 35-page report from the British Intelligence agent was not “fake news” as Trump publicly claimed and that the report contained actual facts. But if the mainstream media reports on the arrests it makes Trump look like a liar or worse and if the mainstream media does not report it, it never happened in the minds of most Americans and the Trump lie stands as the truth.
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Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2017 11:07 pm
A week into the Trump presidency and we are seeing protests reminiscent of the 60s. Chaos will not be the exception it will be rule under the Trump administration. Trump picked the 7 Arab countries where he had no business interests for his Muslim ban Christian and other minority religions will not be banned. In the countries where Trump has business interests it will be business as usual no bans there. Saudi Arabia, where 15 of terrorists responsible for killing over 3,000 in the 9/11 attacks, is not on Trump’s list even though the Saudi started making America the most attractive target of terrorists. Trump’s blind trust is not a blind trust, nothing changed, Trump’s children will get Trump’s permission for all major business decisions. Trump will advance his business interest at every opportunity.

Courts have already started to roll back Trump executive order saying that Trump could not prevent people with permanent resident status, those with green cards from entering the country. Trump is going to find out there are three branches to government. The courts can find that his executive orders are illegal and unenforceable. Trump frequently lost court cases by settling them but the settlements are sealed and he can just lie about them. When Trump is taken court now the case out come will not be sealed to protect the guilty.

The bright side is that Trump only has 3 years and 51 weeks left before he is out of office if he makes it that long. Impeachment is still a very strong possibility narcissists can never abide obeying the law. They always believe they are so much smarter than everyone else. Many narcissists think they can get away with murder because they just know they are smarter than the police. Trump remark that he could kill someone in the middle of the street and his popularity would not go down shows that he doesn’t even consider that he might be arrested and jailed for murder and his popularity wouldn’t make a difference. It just doesn’t occur to him. Now that he is president he thinks he can get away with anything and that may be his downfall.
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Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2017 10:56 pm
At one time the KKK was widely popular in America. The KKK was portrayed as heroes even in the movies as they lynched their way across America. Once you have lived long enough you realize there is and ebb and flow to life. Racism never dies it just changes form. You can find a thousand and one reasons to discriminate from skin color, sexual orientation, country of origin and religion are among just a few of the reasons used to rationalize discrimination.

Discrimination is especially attractive to narcissists since they believe they are superior to everyone else but at heart narcissists are frightened little children. Fear is to racism like gasoline and matches it consumes reason in an inferno. Racism usually involves a majority that holds political power. Trump’s second in command, his real second in command, Steve Bannon, may not be the Grand Wizard of the KKK yet but he is more than qualified. This is a man who sees himself as the dark side. He looks out at America and he sees that it changing for the first time since this country was founded white people are becoming a minority. Whites make up less than 50% of the population in many parts of America even now. Trump was endorsed by members of the KKK and head of the American Nazi Party. Trump did not renounce those endorsements.
“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again,” wrote Rocky J Suhayda, the head of the American Nazi Party, last fall. Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are not so ‘unpopular‘ as Political Correctness have told everyone they are!”

From an article named: “Meet the Horde of Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Other Extremist Leaders Endorsing Donald Trump”

Tom Brokaw called them America’s Greatest Generation but we also have to remember that was also a generation who openly embraced racism where lynchings passed for justice. History has been known to repeat itself for those who fail to lean from it. Racism is seductive philosophy, scapegoating is as old as time it is much easier to blame others for your problems than solving them.

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