Putin says nobody thought Trump would win “nobody except us” (Russians) believed in his success. Of course Putin was conducting the fix like a conductor. Gamblers often know who is going to win after the fix is in.
“Asked what he thought about support among some Americans for him, Putin said “I don’t put it down to me, the fact that a large part of the Republican voters support the Russian president.“
“It’s good that there are people that sympathies with us in our concept of traditional values, he said, and that may be a good starting point in “building relations” between the United States and Russia.”
From an article: “Putin Nobody Believed Trump Would Win “Except Us”
Traditional values? Breaking into the Democratic National Committee and The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and stealing tens of thousands of secret documents might be the traditional values of the KBG but not the American people. Many people are now closing their eyes and covering their ears and ignoring what happened. They think if they can just pretend it didn’t happen that it will just go away, it won’t. Most Americans would not want to live in Russia letting them bring their way of life to America is a mistake. In America the CIA does not participate in our elections but in Russia the KBG is an active participant.
The fact that the Russians did not only take an active part in the presidential elections but also in the congressional elections tells us they will be back in 2018. A lot of the stolen information was background investigations of congressmen who are now in office. This damaging stolen information will be used in the 2018 elections. Blackmail is a distinct possibility where the Russians will be able to tell the congressmen to cooperate or face the release of damaging information.
“In Florida, Guccifer 2.0 most important partner was an obscure political website run by an anonymous Blogger called HelloFLA! Run by a former Florida legislative aide turned Republican lobbyist. The Blogger sent direct messages via Twitter to Guccifer 2.0 asking for any additional Florida documents.”
“I can send you some docs via email,” Guccifer 2.0 replied on Aug 22, according to the screen shots of the messages that the blogger, who writes under the pen name Mark Miewurd, provide to the New York Times. “Great
[email protected] I am just getting my kids from school but I’ll be able to get it up pretty quick after I get it. Thanks!”
“Do you have a size limit?” Guccifer 2.0 replied, a question that led to the Florida Blogger to set up a Dropbox account so he could take thousands of pages of stolen information from the Russian operative, data the Blogger immediately recognized would have an extremely high strategic value for the Republicans.”
“I don’t think you realize what you gave me,” the Blogger said, looking at the costly internal D.C.C.C. political research that he had just been provided. This is probably worth millions of dollars.”
Guccifer 2.0 wrote back: Hmmm. Ok. Send me a million.”
From an article: “Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking” New York Times
The actual screen shots of the republican’s blogger’s computer are included in the article. There is no doubt that the Republicans and the Russians worked together to steal the election like they stole the documents.