The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 23 Dec, 2016 09:10 am
The political cartoon in today’s paper showed the donkey reading the headline that Trump won the Electoral College and saying that the Russians must have fixed that election also. This is an effort to make a joke out of the Russians fixing America’s election. Well as far as the Electoral College being fixed it was fix because it followed the fixed elections in each state. This is serious business, it is no joke, we were invaded by the Russians even if it was only in cyber space. The secret documents stolen were just as stolen as the documents stolen by the Watergate burglars. If the Russians had sent a spy team to physically break in into Democratic National Committee’s building and steal the same documents we would feel much more violated by that but there is not one bit of difference in the results. Then after the Russians broke in the Republicans looked them up in effort to get their hands on those documents. As soon as the Republicans got the documents from the Russians they used them to steal the election. Big joke isn’t.
“Whitehouse spokesman Josh Earnest said Wednesday that President elect Donald Trump knew before Election Day that Russia was behind a series of hacks on Democrats during the campaign.”

“There is ample evidence that was known long before the election and in most cases long before October about the Trump campaign and Russia – everything from the Republican nominee himself calling on Russia to hack his opponent” Earnest said. It might be an indication that that he was obviously aware and concluded, based on whatever facts or sources he had available to him, that Russia was involved and their involvement having a negative impact on his opponent’s campaign.”

Earnest added that might have been a reason Trump “was encouraging them to keep doing it.” In a reference to a speech Trump gave in July in which he asked Russia to reveal to find and publicly disclose emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server, a request he later called sarcastic.

From an article: “White House: Trump Knew Russia Was Behind Hacks Before Election Day”
The Republican Party knew well in advance of July that the Russia hacked both the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (D.C.C.C.) and The Democratic National Committee (D.N.C.), responsible for electing the President. The hacking took place in late April or early May.

The Russian bragged about the breaks ins and openly offered the 10s of thousands of stolen documents on line. They targeted not only the Presidential race but many congressional races also. They targeted house races were in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico and North Carolina among others.
“Its time for new revelations now,” the Guccifer website proclaimed, as it began to pass out the D.C.C.C. documents, trying to entice reporters to look at them on their own. All of you may have heard about the D.C.C.C. hack. As you see I wasn’t wasting my time! It was easier than the D.N.C. breach.

From an article in the New York Times: “Democratic House Candidates Were Also Hacked’
As you can clearly see it was the Russians and the Republicans vs the American people in the last election and the Russians won far more than most people realize. The Republicans once went on a communist witch hunt in America now you can’t tell the Russians from the republicans after all they are both on the same team and their team colors are both red. Turning America red certainly has a new meaning now.
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Reply Fri 23 Dec, 2016 10:59 pm
Putin says nobody thought Trump would win “nobody except us” (Russians) believed in his success. Of course Putin was conducting the fix like a conductor. Gamblers often know who is going to win after the fix is in.
“Asked what he thought about support among some Americans for him, Putin said “I don’t put it down to me, the fact that a large part of the Republican voters support the Russian president.“

“It’s good that there are people that sympathies with us in our concept of traditional values, he said, and that may be a good starting point in “building relations” between the United States and Russia.”

From an article: “Putin Nobody Believed Trump Would Win “Except Us”

Traditional values? Breaking into the Democratic National Committee and The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and stealing tens of thousands of secret documents might be the traditional values of the KBG but not the American people. Many people are now closing their eyes and covering their ears and ignoring what happened. They think if they can just pretend it didn’t happen that it will just go away, it won’t. Most Americans would not want to live in Russia letting them bring their way of life to America is a mistake. In America the CIA does not participate in our elections but in Russia the KBG is an active participant.

The fact that the Russians did not only take an active part in the presidential elections but also in the congressional elections tells us they will be back in 2018. A lot of the stolen information was background investigations of congressmen who are now in office. This damaging stolen information will be used in the 2018 elections. Blackmail is a distinct possibility where the Russians will be able to tell the congressmen to cooperate or face the release of damaging information.

“In Florida, Guccifer 2.0 most important partner was an obscure political website run by an anonymous Blogger called HelloFLA! Run by a former Florida legislative aide turned Republican lobbyist. The Blogger sent direct messages via Twitter to Guccifer 2.0 asking for any additional Florida documents.”

“I can send you some docs via email,” Guccifer 2.0 replied on Aug 22, according to the screen shots of the messages that the blogger, who writes under the pen name Mark Miewurd, provide to the New York Times. “Great [email protected] I am just getting my kids from school but I’ll be able to get it up pretty quick after I get it. Thanks!”

“Do you have a size limit?” Guccifer 2.0 replied, a question that led to the Florida Blogger to set up a Dropbox account so he could take thousands of pages of stolen information from the Russian operative, data the Blogger immediately recognized would have an extremely high strategic value for the Republicans.”

“I don’t think you realize what you gave me,” the Blogger said, looking at the costly internal D.C.C.C. political research that he had just been provided. This is probably worth millions of dollars.”

Guccifer 2.0 wrote back: Hmmm. Ok. Send me a million.”

From an article: “Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking” New York Times
The actual screen shots of the republican’s blogger’s computer are included in the article. There is no doubt that the Republicans and the Russians worked together to steal the election like they stole the documents.

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Reply Sat 24 Dec, 2016 11:10 pm
Trump hasn’t done a formal press conference in 148 days, not since he asked the Russian to hack Hillary’s email and release it. Though he has done a few interviews he has not done a press conference. Trump thinks he can avoid the press, which he alienated, by using his Twitter account and being limited to a 140 characters. Since the last time there was a press conference Trump was asking the Russian’s to help him win the election his handlers have made sure the press hasn’t had a good chance to question him. This is a form of propaganda where they can control what information is given to the public. Trump is lucky that he didn’t get members of the press killed by stirring up hate at his rallies against the press.

The biggest loss to our democracy was the elimination of the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987, which put us on the path to where we are now. Prior to the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine when political issues were presented both sides were presented. When the local television pushed a particular political issue they would offer time to people with opposing views. This allowed the general public to be exposed to both sides of political issues. Elimination of the Fairness Doctrine allowed for the establishment of propaganda stations like Fox News that have a political agenda. Their political agenda is to promote the good and welfare, not of the American people but of their sponsors. On commercial television you pay to play and if you can’t pay to play your opinion is meaningless but not to worry they will supply you with the opinion they want you to have. The workingman no longer has a voice in America or an access to the national media and the result was predictable. For those with the money to buy access to the media their income has spiraled out of sight and for those who don’t their income has remained static for over thirty years.

While the middle class continue to advance in other countries America’s middle class has gone into a tailspin. In America unions became public enemy number one to the Republican Party. The Unions gave a voice to the workingman. They provided good jobs and good benefits to their members and soon the benefits they won went to nonunion shops, which had to compete for employees. The Republicans have gained complete control of several state legislatures that have been democratic for almost a hundred years and with Republican governors they can implement their political agenda unopposed. There is much being made by Trump about shipping jobs to Mexico but there are far more harmfully things taking place in America and the Republicans are actively pushing that agenda. There are certain jobs that are not subject to be sent to Mexico but the American workers are being replaced by Mexicans all the same. The Republicans are going after the jobs that pay a good wage and replacing them with minimum wage Mexicans by eliminating prevailing wage jobs. Of course the beauty of this maneuver is the jobs don’t go Mexico the Mexicans just come to the jobs but the people that earned a decent living are just as out of work as those that their factory was moved to Mexico. I policed the construction for nearly a quarter a century and for the first ten years you never saw a Mexican on a job. But soon when you went on a job site it was difficult to find anyone who spoke or understood English. Now even local companies have Mexicans crews. The Prevailing wage jobs were some of the last jobs to be done by American Construction workers and the Republicans eliminate prevailing wage laws as soon as they take control. Of course any American can take those jobs for $3.25 an hour as long as he speaks Spanish (on Mexicans jobs you have to kick back to your foreman for having the job)
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Reply Sun 25 Dec, 2016 10:13 pm
The news conference where Donald Trump asked the Russians to find the Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails and further tells the Russians that they will richly rewarded by the press took place in Florida on July 27. Trump request for Russian help did not go unanswered by Aug 28 an active pipeline between KBG hackers and republican operative in Florida had been established.
“There is ample evidence that was known long before the election and in most cases long before October about Trump campaign and Russia—everything from the Republican nominee himself calling on Russia to hack his opponent“ Earnest said. “It might be an indication that he (Trump) was obviously aware and concluded, based on whatever facts or sources he had available to him, that Russia was involved and their involvement was having a negative impact on his opponent’s campaign.”

White House Spokesmen Josh Earnest

Does anyone believe that once the Russians gave the Republican operative the stolen information that he didn’t send the 10s of thousands of pages of stolen documents to top of the Republican Party so Trump could have access to the damaging material? Trump knew he was dealing with the devil and believed it was better than ending up a loser. This would be much like asking a favor of a mafia Don once the favor is granted you are obligated to return favor when the Don asks.
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Reply Mon 26 Dec, 2016 10:48 pm
Trump announced he was going to shut down his charity but the New York General said that Trump cannot disband his charity until the investigation into fraud is complete. No million dollar photographs with Trump no hunting trips with Trumps children what is the world coming to? Of course we know that Trump broke the law with the charity using it to make political contributions and purchase six-foot portraits of himself. He also used it to settle his lawsuits offering to settle his lawsuits by making charitable contributions and than using the charity’s money to settle the suit. It is also important to point that Trump hadn’t contributed to his own charity in several years. So Trump was making withdraws without making any deposits.

What does that tell us? Trump has a criminal mentality and his celebrity and political influence has kept him from being prosecuted. This is why he was not bothered by getting the Russian help to win the presidency. He does not have a sense of fair play, which is important for a president. When Trump was asked about the ongoing investigation of his charity he never bothered to apologize for his obvious wrongdoing. He only said that it was a partisan attack. Trump is a natural born criminal. Trump’s bragging about sexually assaulting women and saying he got away with it because of his celebrity is correct. Sexual assault is clearly defined in state laws and Trump’s action should have resulted in jail time and being listed as a sex offender.

If this is what he did when he was just a celebrity what can we expect when he is president? Will he grab the pus of all of the foreign dignitaries’ wives? Once Trump is President he will feel even more untouchable. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear and Trump is a leopard that won’t change his spots.
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 11:22 pm
There is little doubt that Trump has a narcissistic personality disorder. His Twitter account alone would place him very high on the scale but is there evidence that he has even more severe mental problems? Most of the American people could see the warning signs before the election and realized if Trump was elected it would endanger our way of life.

“Sociopaths are liars, whether to accomplish a goal or just for the fun of it. The Huffington Post says at the same time, they are “charismatic and friendly---because they know it will get them what they want.” And because they are so good at conning others, no one may ever find out that they have a personality disorder. “due to their manipulative tendencies, it is difficult to separate what they say about themselves that is true from what is not,” Psychology Today says.”
Trump is a pathological liar and lies so much Journalism students are now being taught how to interview extreme narcissists like Trump. When Trump was asked about the drought in California he replied there was no drought. Though Trump may not rise to the level of a psychopath it is a pretty good bet he is a sociopath.

“A man who will literally have life and death power over much of humanity seems not to understand or care about the difference between truth or lies. Is there any way for democratic institution to cope?

From an article entitled “How to Deal With the Lies of Donald Trump”
“Trump shares many extreme traits with cult leaders, Ross noted,
including extreme narcissism, but, “We are not talking about a compound with a thousand people,” referring to reverend Jim Jones. Jones gave cyanide laced Kool-Aide to 900 of his followers in Jonestown---some 300 of them children. We’re talking about a nation of 300 million people. So the consequences could affect in a way Jim Jones never did.”

From an article entitled: What an FBI Profiler Taught Me About Extreme Narcissists Like Donald Trump”
One of the other traits of an extreme narcissist is:

9) “Takes sexual advantage of members of his sect or cult.

Trump not only took sexual advantage of women but bragged about it.
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2016 10:08 pm
What makes a cult leader? What makes a Jim Jones or a David Koresh? Is it something they possess or is it something in their followers? In the Trump rallies you could see the shadows of a Jim Jones up preaching to his congregation. The people at the Trump rallies began to think of Trump as more than a politician. He could do no wrong in eyes of his followers. No matter what he did wrong. When David Koresh’s told his followers that only he could sleep with their wives and daughters they quietly accepted it. If another man had told them that they were going to sleeping with their wives they might have murdered him or at least given him a severe beating. But they accepted Koresh’s abuse of their women because they believed Koresh was on a different plain and rules did not apply to him.

A sex scandal usually brings down a politician; remember in past elections the Republican Party was all about family values that is why they were so against gay marriage. Trump has no values family or otherwise. He is completely amoral as most big businessmen are. When Trump bragged about sexual assaulting women it was much like David Koresh telling his followers that only he would sleep with their wives and daughters. Sexual assault is one of the most grievous crimes that are committed on women in our society. Where were the family value people? They were not bothered by Trump’s committing crimes against women nor are they worried that Russia was responsible for his election. In the past the discovery of girl friend completely wrecked a politician career just ask Gary Hart. Trump was not treated like every other politician. It is like the Republicans have placed him on a higher plain where regular rules do not apply. Trump was a well-known serial adultery but the rules don’t apply to him. The rules did not apply to Jim Jones who slept with both his male and female followers, Jim Baker did the same.

What is a savior? I guess that is someone who is uniquely qualified to save us. Trump said he was our savior during the Republican convention when he said, “I alone can fix it.” This Country has been here for over 200 years but now it is only Trump who can save us he is the only one. This is why Trump is an extreme narcissist. We all know we are mortal and one day we will die but no matter how good we are at our job someone will have to take over they may do the job worse or they may do it better. Jim Jones wasn’t not a savior neither was David Koresh and Trump would better pretend to be the devil after all Trump’s racist buddy wants Trump’s administration to be considered the dark side. I for one believe he got it right
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Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2016 10:15 pm
America retaliated against Russia today for their interference in the recent presidential election. Obama ordered 35 Russian diplomats expelled from the US, they are members of the Main Intelligence Directorate, as the Russian military intelligence is know. “Sanctions were imposed against two suspected hackers and three companies that allegedly provided support to cyber operations by the intelligence directorate.” The Russian’s reply was that they would retaliate in kind and that it didn’t matter anyway because as soon as Trump took office their man would do whatever they wanted. Trump owes them big time he would not be President without the Russian interference. Trump for his part just says, “time for the country to move on to bigger and better things.” The biggest attack against America by a foreign power since 9/11 and Trumps says, “time for the country to move on to bigger and better things”

The Russians have Trump right where they want him if he doesn’t remove the sanctions Trump will find the door swings both ways no doubt the Russians have far more damaging material showing the Trump campaign’s collaboration with the Russians. When you dance with the devil you eventually pay the price. It like the old story when someone wants something so bad the devil shows up to grant their wish but when the devil comes to collect the price is too high. Congress will put the heat on Trump to keep the sanctions on Russia; congress will not want to just “move on.” There are 16 other Republican’s Trump beat in the primaries and if the Russians helped Trump in the general election it is likely the Russians helped Trump win the primaries also.

Putin had an outstanding understanding of the America electorate far better than most foreign leaders the kind of understanding that could only be obtained by a comprehensive study undertaken by a foreign intelligence agency. Trump, like all good cult leaders leaned to customize his speeches by what the crowed reacted to. Recently Trump got on Newt Gingrich for using the “drain the swamp” on Twitter it seems Trump no longer likes the phrase. Newt was kicked out of the swamp years ago.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2016 08:49 am
Trump doubled down on his hero telling the American people how smart Putin is. This morning NBC news tells us that Russian hackers have compromised America’s electric grid by penetrating a Vermont Electric Utility Company. The same malicious code used to steal confidential information from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) resulting in Trump’s and several congressmen’s election is showed up in a laptop. This has resulted in Russian’s gaining a beachhead in our government because Trump and the congressmen are beholden to the Russians for their election. Trump will always deny that the Russian were responsible for hacking the DNC and the DCCC and now he will also deny that the Russians are responsible for hacking the Vermont Electric Utility Company. Trump for his part is no longer trying to sell the American people the cover story that the hacking was done by 400 lb man setting on the edge of his bed or a teenager from New Jersey but remember the Trump cult members will believe anything he has to say. Now Trump say:
“Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with the leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation.”
Trump is going to do us a favor and get a security briefing but whatever the intelligence experts tell Trump he for one knows that he is far smarter than they are and he can’t possibly believe a word of it because if he does than he would have to admit the Russians were responsible for his election. When it was first revealed that the Russian’s were the ones responsible for his election Trump claimed that all 17 US intelligence agency were incompetent because no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. There are two types of employees in US intelligence agencies; the career employees and the political appointees that answer to the president the career employee never believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but the Bush/Cheney political appointees manufactured the evidence. As soon as Trump takes over his political appointees will take control of the intelligence agencies and make the evidence of hacking disappear much like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2016 10:55 pm
Can we trust Trump to protect America from Russian aggression?
Trump is so enamored with Putin and all things Russian that he has a blind spot you could fit a double semi truck and trailers into. The Russians have gone from interfering with our elections to trying to access the electric grid through cyber espionage and all Trump can do is say it was probably a 400 lb fat or a teenager from New Jersey.

David Kay Johnson has written the definitive book about Trump tracing the Trump family back to Germany where Trump’s grandfather fled to America to avoid the German draft. It seems draft dodging is a long and honored tradition in the Trump family. Trump got five deferments during the Vietnam War. You were allowed one deferment and then you had to fulfill your mandatory military obligation. For instance if you received a student deferment and got married while you were in college you were not eligible for a marriage deferment. Once Trump’s grandfather got to America he looked for a profitable business and began operating a Dairy restaurant with a whorehouse in the back you could get ice cream in the front and a whore in the back a combination of businesses I have never encountered. Trump’s grandfather then went to the build another whorehouse on property he didn’t own much like Trump built Mar-a-Lago on property he didn’t own and with a mortgage that Chase Bank agreed in writing not to record. Trump’s Grandfather Fredrick then heard about the gold rush in Canada’ Yukon Territory. Friedrich decided not to mine gold but to mine the miners. Arriving at the height the gold rush the whore business was extremely profitable. Now rich, his fortune made Friedrich returned to Germany and married a buxom blonde to start another family tradition. Friedrich lied about his time in America and had two witnesses lie for to gain his American citizenship. Friedrich new wife soon became home sick and wanted to return to Germany so they returned but Germany would not let the draft dodger back in Germany. Friedrich thought by bringing his fortune back to Germany that they would overlook his draft dodging. Germany can’t abide cowards and let the coward he was not welcome in Germany. Draft dodging was responsible for America getting stuck with the Trumps and now the coward is about to be President. Trump has said he loves war but that is evidently a long distance love affair.

The Trump family fortune was founded on the backs of whores and white slavery. This may explain why Donald treats women as he does. I wonder if any other President’s family fortune was made running whores.
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Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2017 10:07 pm
Trump will always be a majority of one he will always know more than any general will know about war. He will always know more about taxes than any tax accountant. He will always know more about computer hacking than any career intelligence officer and on Tuesday he has promised to tell the American people how he knows the Russians were not responsible for the break in and looting of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Quite simply by the age of four Trump knew more than anyone else in the world. Trump is the reason that civil service protection should not be removed from federal jobs. Anyone that disagrees with Trump would be replaced. All 17 of the United States intelligence agencies agree the Russian were responsible for the cyber attacks but Trump will declare it didn’t happen.

“Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer in an interview aired on Sunday that the White House may have disproportionately punished Russia by ordering the expulsion of 35 suspected Russian spies.” Disproportionately punished? The Russians didn’t jay walk they fixed a presidential election. Even the Republicans congress have come out and said the punishment is not severe enough but than Trump is an army of one. Trump has said computers can’t be trusted and information henceforth should be hand written on paper and sent by courier. This will be good for unemployment as millions will be needed to hand deliver hand written communication. See how simple the solution is we need not worry about the Russians cyber espionage when we can simply stop using computers. I think they should also start using the wax seals on the messages like they did 500 years ago.

Trump had a troubled childhood so troubled that he was sent away to military school. Trump was known to throw rocks at small children in playpens when he was younger. In Trump’s book “Heart of the Deal” “he boasts about slugging his music teacher in second grade because he didn’t think the teacher knew his subject.” Can you imagine a 7 year old knew more than the teacher? Trump provoked disputes with other children enough disputes he had to be shipped off to military school. Trump admits to “getting into a lot of trouble.” Trump was simply a maladjusted child who grew up to be a maladjusted adult.

Of course Trump had a poor role model. Trump’s dad was arrested in New York for marching with the KKK many of the 10 thousand demonstrators had their pointed hats and white robes on. When the story was uncovered in 2015 Trump did what all Trumps do lie through his teeth. Trump claimed it wasn’t his dad though it was his dad’s address. Even though his dad was arrested he was not charged. Arresting protestors helps break up the demonstration. According to Trump if his dad was not charged it never happened. What a family to be proud of a coward kicked out of hi country birth because he was a drat dodger and a Dad demonstrating with the KKK.
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2017 10:16 pm
It is so nice to have a president who knows it all. Think of the money we will save on advisers. When Trump meets with the leaders of the intelligence agencies this week he will probably just slug them in the face like he did his second grade music teacher because to a man like him he already knows they don’t know what they are talking about. However word has leaked out about what Trumps knows about the Russian hacking it seems the KBG secured a psychic for Trump and the psychic told Trump it indeed was a teenage from New Jersey that did the break in at the Democratic National Committee and a 400 lb fat guy did the break in at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Who knew? Did I mention the Psychic was Russian they make the best psychics.

It is always enlightening to watch a know it all at work they always think they can BS their way through anything and Trump is about to try and BS his way through the next four years. During the Republican presidential debate in December 15 Trump was asked, what’s is your priority among our nuclear triad?

First of all, I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who really knows what he is doing.” Trump responded. That is so powerful and so important. And one of the things that I am frankly most proud of is that in 2003, and 2004, I was totally against going into Iraq because you are going to destabilize the Middle East. But we had to be extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear. Nuclear changes the whole ball game. Frankly, I would have said get out Syria—if we didn’t have the power of weaponry today. The power is just so massive that we just can’t leave areas that fifty years ago or seventy-five years ago we wouldn’t care about. It was hand to hand combat…”

Does anybody remember what the question was? Cliff from Cheers could not have done it better.

The debate host followed up the question, “Of the three legs of the triad, though do you have a priority?

Trump responded, “I think –I Think, for me nuclear is just the power the devastation is very important to me.”

Hugh Hewitt, the debate host, than asked Rubio the same question. Rubio responded, “First let me explain to the people at home what the triad is, Rubio said. “The triad is our ability in the United States to conduct nuclear attacks using airplanes, using missiles launched from silos or from the ground, or from our nuclear subs.”

This was not the first time Trump was asked the same question he had been asked the same question previously on talk radio and responded with the same BS answer. The problem is that know-it-alls see no reason to learn anything they already know everything. When you are a know it all you have to believe that others know nothing and you can simply BS your way through. Trump has made that is lifetime vocation.
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2017 11:03 pm
Tuesday came and Tuesday went and Trump has not let us in on what he knows about the Russian hacking that no one else knows. Trump said he would clue us in on Tuesday or Wednesday. What do you want to bet that Trump will not say a word on Wednesday either? This will be much like his tax returns that he would make public as soon as the audit was over, guess what the audit will be never ending. Then there is his wife who is an illegal alien Trump told the press he would hold a press conference and produce the proper paper work, which he never did. This is Trump’s best trick tell people you will produce proof in the future and than not bother. How many times can Trump pull this trick on the American people before they call him on it? Trump has not held a press conference since he famously asked the Russian to hack into Hillary’s emails and release them to the press. Now Trump under pressure from press has agreed to hold a press conference on Jan 11th. This has to be his handler’s worst nightmare. When you put a know it all up in front of the press who can ask questions the know it all will start the BS factory going. The press will soon make the BS obvious to the public. If Trump is asked about the nuclear triad he will no doubt respond as he did in the primary and on talk radio.

An honest businessman may be sued a few times in his career Trump has been sued 3,500 times including being sued by the federal government for discrimination in housing and by his nephews. Trump was a whites only landlord with local political pull. He had some building that he allowed blacks and Hispanics to rent but others were strictly whites only and since daddy was a KKK supporter it was a family tradition. Trump’s employees would use a secret code on rent applications to keep the blacks from renting apartments. Trump, the liar that he is, told the public that the federal government was trying to make him rent to welfare people. Trump lost that suit.

When Trump’s dad died at 93 the money grubbing Trump siblings tried to cheat their dead brother’s children out of their share. There were five Trump siblings but Trump’s older brother had died before their father. All the Grandchildren were left $200,000 but the Trump and his siblings would receive millions. At 93 undo influence and greed can and does change wills. The grandchildren of the older brother sued the estate. Trump responded quickly by cutting his nephews medical insurance off. Medical insurance for the Trump brood was provided through the company. One of Trump’s nephew’s children was extremely ill with hundreds of thousands of medical bills. Would Trump cut off medical insurance for a gravely ill child? In a New York minute. A suit ensued out of Trump area of political influence and a judge required Trump to provide medical insurance for the child until the suit over the estate was settled. The suit was settled and you can bet the grandchildren came out far better.

Do you think Trump would eliminate Medicare so he could have a few dollars more? The best predictor of a man’s future actions are his actions in the past. This was a conflict of interest either there would be more for Trump and less for his relatives. If Trump made $5 billion a year he would have paid $65 million in Medicare taxes over the last five years. You don’t want to stand in the way of Trump and the almighty dollar you are likely to get hurt. The rich now have to pay Medicare tax on all their earnings they want that stopped and only the first 130,000 taxed. Income tax is laughable for the rich they simply don’t pay it because they can deduct their $10 billion dollar yacht as a business expense but there are no deductions for Medicare taxes.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2017 10:40 pm
I wonder if it is possible to impeach a president before he takes office. That might save some time and trouble later on. Trump continues to embrace enemies of the United States and his new best friend is Julian Assange, who is described by conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt as a” sycophant for Russia [who] … steals data compromises national security.” If Trump thinks he is going to win the argument that the Russians didn’t do it by using this Russian mouthpiece Assange he is badly mistaken. Even Republican congressmen who support Trump don’t believe it. Trump at one time even called for Assange to be hung over stealing military secrets and publishing them. Assange is a rapist who fled to a foreign embassy to keep from being prosecuted.

Assange wasn’t the first criminal that Trump buddied up to organized crime is big in New York and if you are going to build in New York you have to do business with the mob who control the unions and building materials. When all of concrete suppliers in New York were on strike one builder and one builder alone continued to be supplied concrete, Trump. Trump’s lawyer, Roy Cohen, was also the Mob’s attorney. Cohen was famous being Joseph McCarthy attorney during the communist witch hunts in the 50s. Trump held meeting with Fat Tony Salerno in Cohen office

John Cody was the corrupt head of the Teamsters union that controlled the construction trades in New York. If you didn’t want strikes on your construction site you needed to cooperate with Cody. Trump Towers was concrete construction instead of steal. It counted on concrete being delivered on time. One way Cody was paid was that he was given a free apartment in the new building. In the case of Trump Towers a woman who was frequently visited by Cody received three apartments directly below Trump. She did not work and depended on the “goodness” of “others.” She was allowed an indoor swimming pool even though no others were allowed in the building. After Cody was convicted Trump sued the woman for $250,000 for renovations. She counter sued and showed that Trump kicked back to contractors and she won $500,000. It is a wonder Trump wasn’t found dead in the Hudson River. I doubt that there are many successful suits against the Mob or their friends. The American people have no idea who this man is.

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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 10:56 pm
Trump stated, “That he has world’s greatest memory.” But when it comes to being sued in court Trump doesn’t seem to remember even documents he signed. The report from the intelligence agencies was released to congress today. It seems Trump’s biggest after election party was held in Moscow. The Russians were overjoyed that they helped Trump win the election. The Russians believed the political polls and did not think Trump had a chance but they knew that they had done everything in their power to get him elected. The Russians were absolutely overjoyed and their chatter after the election shows it. So how did even the Russians get it wrong? When Kennedy was elected his dad Joseph Kennedy remarked, “Don’t buy a single vote more than necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landside.” Joe Kennedy was referring to WV, which was key to Kennedy’s victory in the primary and general election. WV was a protestant state and Kennedy a catholic had to prove he could win in a protestant state. There was a long-standing practice of buying votes at election time in WV. My grandfather regularly sold his vote for a bottle whiskey. Someone inside the polling place would watch to see you voted for the right people and signal someone outside the polling place to see you got your reward. The Kennedy fortune was made running liquor during prohibition just as the original Trump fortune was made in prostitution. Once Kennedy was elected they his brother, Robert Kennedy, aggressively targeted the mob for prosecution and some theories blame the mob for Kennedy’s assignation.

Trump may not be a made man, he is not an Italian, but his dealing with mob are documented in court records. It is not 1960 anymore and people no longer customarily sell their votes but one would still have to wonder if the mob could still influence the outcome of a presidential election.

Trump is the bully in the schoolyard who always threatens people. That is how he gets his way. He has been threatening the intelligence agencies calling them “intelligence” agencies. He is making more and more enemies everyday. His mob friends protected him from a lot of consequences other New York builders had to deal with but Washington is not New York.

Trump called David Cay Johnson, the writer of the book “The Making of Donald Trump,” at home while Johnson was writing the book and threatened to sue him if he did not like what he read. Johnson told him he has never been sued in 50 years of writing and reminded Trump that a public personality cannot sue if there is a written source for the material. Johnson has not been sued that I know of. This shows how Trump controls what is written about him many writers could not fight even a bogus lawsuit.

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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 10:16 pm
Commander and Blowhard elect got his briefing from the Intelligence agencies today and changed his story again to try and deflect the blame from the Russian attack to China and other countries. We are all still anxiously awaiting Trumps release of what he knows that no one else knows and that was suppose to happen Tuesday or Wednesday. Trump is a pathological liar that will tell one lie after another because he actually believes he is the smartest man on earth. I have prosecuted a number of people that are sociopath and they will tell one lie after another as soon as you shoot down one lie with facts they will craft a new lie to fit that set of facts. What about the previous lie they told they hope that you will forget about that lie and believe the next. I got to the point I knew which ones would lie in this manner. Once most liars saw their lies shot down in court they would give up but not sociopath they always believed they could lie their way out of any situation.

Sociopaths are excellent manipulators they have the gift of gab and can convince most people that they are honest. You have to pay close attention to their actions instead of their words. We received a complaint about a company called Great Expectations and it was owned by an equal opportunity sociopath he cheated the homeowners, the suppliers, the newspaper and his employees. At the time he was remolding a house that the city loaned the money on. The owner not only complained but showed up with the man’s long criminal record hand. Talking to contractor he assured that even though he had a criminal record that he was now reformed. He sounded genuine but his next ad in newspaper offered a free roof for the first one hundred callers. The caller count started at 101. He did a lot of damage in three states before we put him in prison. The full page add for the free roof cost $40,000 which the newspaper collects up front except he never paid for it. While the ad was being designed an employee came into the office and her supervisor berated her in front of him. He leveraged that situation into the ad being published without paying up front.

Dealing with sociopath is different than dealing with ordinary people you have to assume they are going to lie and you don’t want to be blindsided. Trump like all true sociopath counts on you to forget about his previous lies. Trump now insists that the Russians didn’t do the hacking but in July Trump was doing everything in his power to induce the Russians to hack into Hillary’s missing emails. To deal with a sociopath you must contrast his actions with his words every time there is a news conference. You can never believe what a sociopath says, to the sociopath speech is just a way to manipulate others.
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Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2017 09:40 pm
What can we expect in the next four years? One thing for sure is that we will never hear a word of truth, as a Trump administration will reflect the man who runs it. Since he is a pathological liar that is what we can expect from his administration. There was another book written about Trump, which was not written by Trump or his lackies.

What is Trump real net worth? Trump has told so many different stories to so many different people that no one knows. What we do know was that a report was commissioned by his bankers in 90s and used in court that showed that the Donald while claiming to be a billionaire was actually $300 million in the red.

Another book about Trump is “TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald” by Timothy L. O’Brien. Trump sued O’Brien for $5 billion because Trump disliked what O’Brien said Trump’s net worth was. This coming from Trump who tells different people different figures for his net wealth on different days. “ In the spring of 2015, as he prepared to run for the Republican presidential nomination, Trump declared his net worth, on different days, to be $8.7 billion, $10 billion, and in one case $11 billion.” In his book O’Brien estimated Trump net worth to be between a $150 million to $250 million. Trump sued and claimed that his net worth was what he felt it to be. Trump testified in court that, ”So yeah, even my own feelings effect my value to myself.” Trump believes “his feelings” are major determining factors in setting his net worth. Net worth is a fairly simple calculation, what you own minus what you owe. So Trump’s net worth shouldn’t be all that hard to calculate and everyone should agree on that figure. Trump’s $5 billion lawsuit was thrown out on appeal. Trump lied so much in court that it was hard to tell what he owned and what owed. He bragged about paying cash for one $5 million cash for the Post property but when the record was checked a bank loaned all $5 million to him. The fact is when Trump gets an opportunity he lies to make himself look big.
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Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2017 11:26 pm
If congress turns down Trump nominee for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, it is rumored his second choice is Vladimir Putin for all of his help with Trump’s election. It is unknown at this time whether Putin will accept.

On Meet the Press this morning two republican senators, John McCain Lindsey Graham were interviewed about the Russian interference in election on Trump’s behalf. Congress is going to recommend much more severe sanctions on the Russians for their interference. McCain wanted a full congressional investigation but other Republicans are going to block it. Trump will not do anything to Russian and will lift the sanctions Obama put on. But they alluded to an investigation into whether the Trump campaign collaborated with the Russians during the campaign. We already know for a fact that there was collaboration with at least one Republican operative they even have the screen shots off his computer. Meet the Press ran several clips of Trump cheering WikiLeaks on during his campaign rallies. At one campaign rally he told the audience he could not hardly tear himself away from reading the recent leaks from WikiLeaks to attend the rally. If the investigation finds that Trump’s campaign did collaborate with the Russians, can you say impeachment?

You may have a bigger net worth then Donald Trump. The headline of the Philadelphia Inquirer read at one time “Bankers Say Trump May Be Worth Less Than Zero.” At one point Trump owed big money to over 70 banks all over the world. Before the Wall Street banks were considered to big to fail there was Donald Trump that many banks considered to big to fail. After Trump had failed to pay 100s of vendors. The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) found Trump owed over $3 billion ($5.6 in today’s dollars) to banks all over the world and has personally guaranteed over $800 million.
“The Leventhal report showed that Trump was no billionaire he had a net worth of minus $295 million.”

From the book “The Making of Donald Trump”
Leventhal was hired by the 70 banks to ascertain what Trump was worth at the time. We have all heard of check kiting Trump was loan kiting borrowing from 70 different banks world wide and now he is set to wreck America just as he wrecked his own finances. Thought these figures come from the 1990s Trump tells so many lies about his net worth that his net worth may still be less than zero. He filed not one but six bankruptcies were his investors lost $1.5 million of their money while he continued to draw a huge salary.

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Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2017 10:44 pm
Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, interviewed on Meet the Press yesterday stressed that the Russian break in and release of stolen information was only an “attempt” to interfere with the election. She used the phrase the Russians “attempted to interfere with the election” at least three times. If someone is charged with “attempted murder” the victim is still alive. This was not an “attempt” to interfere with the election the Russians made a prolonged effort to interfere with the election by the break in to both the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Was this an “attempt” or did the Russians accomplish their mission? We know the mission was accomplished because the Republicans were given the secret information to use in their campaign and they used it. The republican’s motto was don’t look a gift Russian in the mouth. The only question remaining is if all your best-kept secrets were given to the opposition would it make a difference in the election? For all those people who believe it wouldn’t make a difference lets have the Chinese break into the Republican’s Nation Committee and Congressional Campaign Committee and release all the information and see if it makes a difference.

Trump like to say that it was the Democrat’s fault for not having higher security but Trump’s blaming the rape victim because her skirt was an inch above her ankle defense for crime is ridiculous. To start with for every know lock ever invented someone always finds a way to defeat it, every safe even with three foot thick doors can be broken into. Most of the Internet giants that spend millions of dollars to secure their sights are routinely hacked. The Russian have unlimited dollars and experts that can hack any sight and the report tells us that the Republicans were hacked but not one word was made public.

Kellyanne told USA there should be no independent investigation of Russian interference and that Trump will roll back the sanctions as soon as he takes office. Trump electoral victor is based on winning three states by 55,000 votes. How thin is that margin? If 27,501 people change their vote Trump would have lost. That is 27,501 out of 128,824,833 votes. Trump won by 2 thousands of a percent a razor thin margin. Could all the Russian effort including planting false news stories and releasing secret email every day drip, drip style have made a 2 thousandth difference? Moscow is the only reason Trump got elected and he knows it and his campaign staff knows it. They are like cat cover up s***.

To interfere win the election all that was necessary was to drive a wedge between the Clinton supporters and the Sanders supports. The oldest strategy in the world is divide and conquer and when Russians release of stolen information forced the head of the Democratic Nation Committee to resign during the Convention it gave Trump the edge. A post election analysis showed that the difference was that the Sanders voters stayed home.
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2017 10:36 pm
Trump calls the Russian break ins “a political witch hunt.” One has to remember that witches were not real however Russians are very real as is the fact that Trump could only have won the election with Russian help. Trump was also informed during the meeting with the top National Security experts that there are allegations that the Russians hold compromising personal and financial information about him.
“Several US media published--- without corroborating its contents----a 35 page dossier on which the synopsis is based, which includes the salacious material and had been circulating in Washington circles for months.”

From the AEP

As Russian aggression was increasing Trump was pushing get rid of NATO or weakening it signficantly. WWII began by Hitler’s Germany invading its neighbor Poland now Russia has not only invaded its neighbor but has annexed the Crimea. Would Franklin Roosevelt have decided it was time for the United States to have better relations with Hitler after Poland was invaded?

Could the Russians have damaging information on Trump? Just as 70 banks that had Trump investigated in the 90s found that Trump was not a billionaire he was just a conman who was pretending to be a billionaire he was actually $295 million in the red. Just as the commercials say that I am not really a doctor I just play one on TV, Trump just plays a billionaire on television. Conmen have a lot to hide and can easily be blackmailed. If the truth about Trump’s real finances comes out his house of cards will collapse. It is easy to hide financial information from banks if they are half way around world. Just as Trump asked the Chase Bank to not record his $11 million dollar loan on Mar Lago so he could tell other banks he paid cash for it and barrow more money on it.
“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

Nikita Krushchev
It took more than half century for Krushchev words to come true but on Jan 20 Russia will have “destroyed the United States from within.”

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