The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 3 Dec, 2016 10:19 pm
Trumps lawyers have managed to stop the statewide recount in Pennsylvania but efforts to force recounts in scattered precincts and analyze voting machines will continue
“Lawyers for Trump and the state Republican Party argued there was no evidence, or even an allegation, that tampering with Pennsylvania voting system has occurred.”

From an article on MSN “Green Party Drops Bid for Statewide Pennsylvania Recount”
No allegations? Before the election Trump made repeated allegations that the vote in Pennsylvania was being fixed and used this as an excuse to post his racist followers at the polls to “watch” them. Now Trump lawyers claim there were no allegations. This would be similar to a murder suspect baring the Police from going into his after he killed his wife and the police saying we can see blood on the walls, the suspect that is just red food coloring on the walls. Without the ability to obtain a search warrant most murders would go free. This is the case here the courts are denying anyone the ability to go into the house or into the voting machines as the case might be. The cops can’t testify to the evidence they can’t see and if the courts blocks forensic examination of the voting machines the real victim will be the trust that the American voters had in their voting system. If indeed the Russians fixed this elections with their Russian owned voting machines they will continue to do so in the future. The easiest thing to do is easy to sit back and say it can’t be done but for every lock or every safe that was ever invented someone figured out a way to defeat it and we are talking individuals here imagine what a country could do that travels into space. Many Americans will no longer bother to vote because the Russians are going to fix all future elections and the courts will make sure the evidence is buried forever. From now on we should just see who Putin has decided to appoint for President and no longer bother to vote or the courts need to let those voting machines be forensically examined to restore the damage done system by Trumps rants about the vote being fixed.
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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2016 09:31 pm
When Trump asked the Russians Communists to hack the Democratic Party’s emails should Hillary have asked the Chinese Communist to hack the Republican Party National committee emails? After all Trump asked half the communist to participate in the election why leave the Chinese Communist out. I am sure the Chinese Communist could have done every bit as good hacking Trumps email and the Russian Communists did hacking Hillary’ email. I suspect Trump’s email would have been very enlightening to his followers as it would have revealed his real agenda while he was telling his followers he would protect social security and Medicare his personal emails would show him searching for someone to head the Health and Human Services Department who has a long standing plan to eliminate Medicare and cut social security by 20%.

They are calling themselves the Hamilton Electors and they are not going to vote for Trump when the Electoral College Dec 19th.
“The renegade group believes it is the responsibility of the 538 electors who make up the electoral college to show moral courage in preventing demagogues and other threats to the nation from gaining the keys to the White House, as the founding fathers intended.”

From an article in “The Guardian”: “Teen Becomes Seventh ‘Faithless Elector’ to protest Trump as President elect”
There is still a very big dump Trump movement in the Republican Party he made an army of enemies in the primaries with his destroy the competition in a scorched earth march to the nomination. What comes around goes around.

“I stand behind the Hamilton electors,” Guerra said in a statement to Guardian. “I promise those who elected me that I would do everything I could to keep Donald Trump out of office.”

Same source
I participated in the local political process for over 40 years and there is one inescapable rule of politics and that is the enemy ratio. Once a politician accumulates enough enemies he’s done. Politician all go through the God syndrome after winning an election and believe they are invisible. I have never seen a local Mayor serve more than two terms because he has made enough enemies that will work to make sure he is not reelected. Trump has made enough enemies he will be lucky to make it to president. Even Dick Cheney believes Trump is in Putin pocket and publicly warned him not to trust the Russians but we all know Trump is beholden to Russians for his victory.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2016 10:24 pm
There was much made before the election that electorate wanted an outsider for President and Trump was the ultimate outsider. This would be like having brain surgery and saying I want the janitor to do it because I don’t trust doctors. Well I am sure that the janitor can cut your head open but your brains are likely to end up all over the table. Government is much more complex than business and that difference is likely to be as much apart as a janitor’s job and brain surgeon. A businessman is in business to serve his own interests and no one else’. A president is elected to represent the interests of 330 million Americans. Trump has always been in business to benefit Trump. Now the leading lights of the Republican Party are beginning to realize who they elected and are turning against him even Sarah Palin who was hoping for a job in the Trump administration is now accusing Trump of crony capitalism in the deal with Carrier stating that Trump is against everything the Republican Party stands for. Ann Coulter (author of In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome) is accusing Trump of selling out because he is appointing those who favor amnesty into cabinet positions. Red neck right talk show host Joe Walsh criticized Trump for appointing his Wall Street buddies to his cabinet after Trump repeatedly criticized Hillary for being to close to Wall St now Wall Street is being transplanted to Washington in a big way.

Each day more Trump electors are defecting today a Texas elector says he will not vote for Trump when the Electoral College meets Dec 19.


“Dallas paramedic Chris Suprun previously indicated he would support Trump. But now says the president- elect postelection attacks on the First Amendment and the country’s electoral process, as well as the billionaire businessman’s continued promotion of his brand and business interest overseas changed his mind.”

“I am here to elect a President not a king.”

Chris Spurn from an article from the Associated Press: Texas Republican Elector Says He Won’t Cast Ballot for Trump”

At last count there are at least eight Trump electors who have publicly declared they will not vote for Trump. That does not count those who have not publicly declared they are not voting for Trump. These electors are not likely to cast their vote for Hillary but for another Republican like Romney. If Trump does not get at least 270 electoral votes the election will be decided by the House of Representatives vote not just between Trump and Hillary but between the three highest vote getter in the Electoral College. The House of Representatives could choose Romney instead of Trump. This is one of the arguments for the Electoral College that if the public elects a madman the Electoral College will stop him from ever becoming president. Trump enemy ration is increasing faster than a speeding bullet.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2016 10:26 pm
The dump Trump movement is gaining strength. Today Ohio governor and presidential candidate, John Kasich, advised Ohio electors not to vote for him Dec 19 meeting of the Electoral College. This should tell you there is a very organized movement in the Republican Party to make sure Trump isn’t elected President in the Electoral College. Trump is against many of the established political positions of the Republican Party. Trump plan to drain the swamp has one glaring problem the gators still need to vote for him Dec 19th and the gators are beginning to have second thoughts. The fact that the faithless Republican electors are calling themselves the Hamilton electors has to do with the fact that Alexander Hamilton believed that if the public was deceived and elected a charlatan, conman or madman president the Electoral College could stop him from ever becoming President. Now if Florida delegates vote for Rubio instead of Trump and Texas Republican electors vote for Ted Cruz. Trump can forget about being president.

More and more Americans are seeing that Trump is running amok and he is just President elect.
“The country is divided and there are certainly raw emotions on both sides stemming from the election,” Kasich, in his second and last four-year term, said in a statement.

“But this approach, as well meaning as it is, will only to serve to further divide our nation, when unity is what we need,” he said. “The election is over. Now is time for us all to come together as Americans.”

From an article entitled “John Kasich, Ohio Governor, Tells Electors Not to Vote for Him Over Trump”
The nation cannot be further divided. In a nation where the majority rules the majority didn’t. It is evident Trump thinks he has been elected King his actions show he has no idea what is important. He doesn’t go to security briefings but watches Saturday Night Live. The Republicans were all for the Electoral College now if it functions as Alexander Hamilton intended it to work, will the Republicans be as pleased?

Today the Carrier Union President told the press that Trump lied his ass off and not one union man was interviewed by the press the day Trump was there. Trump declaration that he saved a 1,100 was an out and out lie. The Secret Service instructed workers to stay put so they could not talk to press. Chuck Jones, President of the United Steelworkers said only 730 of the production jobs would stay while 550 will be moved to Mexico. Trump claimed credit for saving another 350 research and development jobs that were never scheduled to leave. Trump is a pathological liar and that is only one of his good points
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Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2016 10:32 pm
Trump has managed to get the courts to stop the recount in Michigan where Trump’s margin of victory was razor thin only 0.2%. The Republicans used the courts to stop the Florida recount in 2000. The court said Stein was not an “aggrieved” candidate since she got only 1% of the vote. Many Americans felt aggrieved and contributed to the $7 million Stein raised for the recounts. The average contribution was $47 dollars meaning there are 149 thousand Americans who felt aggrieved enough to contribution their hard earned money. It is much like a poker player paying to see what the other player’s hand is. But in this case there is a third party (courts) saying even if you pay millions you shouldn’t be able to see the cards put on the table.

Now another recount is underway in Nevada at the request of another third party candidate, De La Fuente. The recount is underway in 92 precincts if a 1% difference is found in Clinton’s or Fuente’s totals it will trigger a full recount.

In Pennsylvania Trump’s lead over Clinton has shrunk to about 44,000 out of more than 6 million cast. Pennsylvania official refused to allow their voting machines to be checked independently and no doubt especially those supplied by the Russian owned company.
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Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2016 10:41 pm
The united Mine Workers sold out and decide to become traitors. They decided that they could get a better deal from the Republican Party and Trump. How sure and sweet the scorpion’s sting, I clearly remember a member of the United Mine Workers coming to our union meeting and explaining the plight of over 16,000 of his fellow union members. It seems the large coal companies sold off their liabilities. They created a new company and the larger profitable coal companies transferred many of the miners into that company knowing that the new company would bankrupt leaving the miners who had worked for the larger companies for a lifetime with no pensions or health benefits. The Republicans had promised that they would fund the coal miner’s pensions and health benefits if the coal miners would give them a ride across the elections but when you offer scorpions a ride you must remember no matter how much they assure you they will not sting you they are going to sting you.

The Republicans are planning to eliminate pensions for all federal employees why would they take on the liabilities for the coal miner’s pension and health benefits? Republicans are ideologically opposed to pensions, health benefits, social security, and Medicare. You are not going to get more you are going to get less. A politician can and will promise you anything to get elected. You need to look at the philosophy of the political party and that party’s history. Social security was created and maintained by the Democratic Party. The Republican Party tried to repeal social security for 20 years. The Republican have a simple political philosophy and that is more for me that is if you happen to be a millionaire. The compromise bill that was included in the continuing budget resolution does not protect the pensions of 16,500 miners but will protect health benefits for 4 months.

When the Rail Roads went bust and bankrupted in the early twenty century the government step up and created the Rail Road Retirement system but those days of seeing the country as an organization where we all had each others backs are long gone. America has become a nation of swindlers where the more you can swindle someone out of the better you are thought of. Now America can look forward to having a swindler and chief who swindled people out of a billion dollars and then used their losses as a tax deduction for twenty years further swindling the American people.
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Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 11:21 pm
I imagine the miners are going to know how the Indians felt after treaty after treaty was broken. The coal miners had a long and bloody history to obtain their benefits. In WV for years you didn’t cross a picket line. It was called the Battle of Blair Mountain where 10,000 armed coal miners confronted 3,000 lawmen and strikebreakers who were backed by the coal mine operators. Over a million rounds were fired. The Matewan Massacre preceded the Battle of Blair Mountain. Similar to the shoot out at the Ok Corral except it was between the local police chief and the Baldwin Felts agents, employed by the coal operators to break strikes. The incident was later made into a movie called “Matewan.” Now the coal miners are watching as they are swindled out of their hard earned benefits by big companies that bankrupt and close mines only to open up under another name. This ploy was used to beat the state out of over $500 million in workers compensation effectively bankrupting it. When lawsuits were filed to obtain the lost money a former coal executive was elected governor and he made sure the lawsuits was dropped.

The big coal companies are making billions and cheating every one else. After a big coal strike in 1941 Truman promised to secure the coal miners’ benefits.

“President Harry S. Truman ordered his secretary of the interior to negotiate agreement with the president of the union on pensions and healthcare benefits. “

The miners hold this as a sacred promise. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked legislation meant to make the pension system solvent but the United Mineworkers endorsed the Republicans. There is no such thing as a sacred promise to republicans there is only fraud in the inducement. Once they get what they want which, was elected they will forget about any and all promises. Mitch McConnell has not only forgot the promise he actively pulled the legislation though he let a four month temporary bill go forward. The average mineworkers pension is $530 a month enough to keep the retirees off of welfare.

Reference “A Huge Coal Miners’ Pension Plan Is On the Brink Failure. One Senator is Blocking a Fix, “Washington Post”

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Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2016 10:32 pm
Anybody that bothered to follow the election knows that Trump teamed up with the Russians to win the election. Trump openly called on the Russians to find Hillary’s missing emails and publish them. Trump is the first Presidential candidate in history to call on the help of a foreign enemy to win an election and the excrement is about to hit fan. The Obama administration was well aware that the Russians were taking an active part in the recent election but declined to publish the finding of the intelligence agencies and all 17 of our intelligence agency agree the Russian participated in the election on Trump’s behalf. Though there is some degree of disagreement on some of the relevant facts. The Obama administration did not want to make it look as if the intelligence agency were being partisan in the closing stages of the election.

Major investigations will now take place and even prominent Republicans like Lindsey Graham agree some thing must be done. Trump has not been elected President until the Electoral College meets Dec 19 and all electors should take into account the Russian participation in our election and not vote for Trump. If the Russians want Trump to be our President so bad that they were willing to take an active role in our presidential election there is a good reason. Trump has been to Moscow trying to put big business deals together before the election. Trump is a national embarrassment. Trumps first campaign manger ripped the Russian mafia off for $12 million.

Now Trump tells us his business assets will be transferred into a “blind trust” that his children will be in charge of. That is not a blind trust Trump would still make every business decision and his children would simply implement them. Trump has to go and Electoral College can easily do it. We cannot let the Russian select our president. It would be an extremely bad idea and would only embolden the Russians in next elections. Intelligence reports show not only was the Democratic National Committee hacked but the Republican National Committee was also hacked the difference was that not one single email from the Republican National Committee was released before the election.

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Reply Sun 11 Dec, 2016 09:32 pm
On July the 27, 2016 in Doral, Florida Donald Trump called on the Russian government to find Hillary missing emails and release them to the public and now he denies that the Russians participated in our election. Luckily he was filmed when he said it and he can’t deny the obvious but Trump believes he can shoot people in the street and he would not lose a vote. No sane person would deny what he very obviously said. It like the old joke where the woman goes home and finds her husband in bed with two women. Her husband looks at her and says, who are you going to believe me or lying eyes? Trump is asking the American people who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?
“Russia if you are listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Trump didn’t stutter, it is clearly an open invitation for the Russians to aid him in defeating Clinton in the election. Each time that Trump denies that the Russian took an active role in the election this clip should be played. Hitler said that Propaganda has to be repeated until the last member of the public understands it.
“The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous, in consequence of that fact, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on those points on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogans. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to make it many sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest or retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely canceled out.”

We now live in a vast sea of propaganda. Trump’s transition team was still pushing false news even after the election claiming that Clinton and her campaign manger were operating a child sex ring out of pizza parlor. Only after a gunman went into the pizza parlor did they deny it and fir the son of someone appointed to Trumps cabinet who also believes most conspiracy theories that are circulated on Facebook. Of course he doesn’t believe that Trump ask for the Russians help in winning the election. There is far more propaganda in America than Hitler ever dreamed of. We are literally drowning in a sea of propaganda. The rules that work for propaganda are rules for conveying information and if they work propaganda they must also work for the truth and the truth must now be repeated until the last member of the public understands it and the truth is Trump asked for the Russians help to win the election and the public must understand that.

Ref “Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails” from “The New York Times”

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Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2016 10:54 pm
“Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. The term originates from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.” Narcissism is a concept in psychoanalytic theory, which was popularly introduced in Sigmund Freud’s essay “On Narcissism” (1914). The American Psychiatric Association has had the classification narcissistic personality disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) since 1968, drawing on historical concept of megalomania.”

Trump’s metal illness is now on full display to the American people and it is a shame that it wasn’t more obvious to people before the election. The American Psychiatric Association hogtied its members with the “Goldwater Rule” telling them that no matter how mentally ill a presidential candidate is they are forbidden from publicly commenting on it. The classic picture of somebody with a major mental illness is a homeless person talking to himself as he wanders the streets but for the most part that is not true many people are fully functional and live productive lives. In many cases the mental illness actually propels them into the upper echelons of society. Those that have studied Abraham Lincoln believe he was bipolar. When his life was studied the highs and lows were obvious. To be sure there are degrees of mentally illness but some do prevent them from being functional in society. A number of people have serious physical illnesses yet they manage function and have productive lives.
“To me, and this is to me not an overstatement, this is the political equivalent of 9/11. It is huge and the fact that it hasn’t got more attention from the Obama Administration, Congress, and the mainstream news media, is just shocking to me.”
Former CIA Director Michael Morrell

Trump denies any cyber attacks by the Russians. What makes Trump so sure it didn’t happen when all 17 US intelligence agency agree it did? He asked his reflection in the pool of water of course. Today Trump destroyed another $4 billion in stock value of defense contractor by threatening to cancel the contract for fighter jets. At the end of the definition of narcissism you will see megalomania most of us were not around when a megalomaniac named Hitler ruled a major power. Trump says our intelligence agencies have no idea what is going on and he doesn’t even have to go to the meetings. Trump believes he is far smarter than anyone else. He thinks he is an expert and knows far more than anyone in the CIA else could possibly know and the sad part is his mentally illness makes him believes it.

The electors can and should vote against Trump on Dec 19th they don’t need to vote for Hillary but they shouldn’t vote for Trump.
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Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2016 11:05 pm
Fancy Bear, Cozy Bear and Trump teamed up to try and destroy America’s democracy. At a crime scene they tell you the criminal generally takes something and leave something. A trace of fiber, DNA, or fingerprints have served to put many a criminal in jail. Cyber crime is no different cyber criminals leave very distinct identifying clues as to who broke into computer network. Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear are professional computer hacking organization who work under the direction of the Russian military. They have been hacking into different American computer systems for at least 10 years. Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear’s techniques are so familiar to the CIA and other American intelligence agencies that they are easily recognizable. What is different about these attacks is they were not used to steal military secrets, for instance they have stolen the plans for the F-15 fighters planes and other top secret military weapons, but this time much like the Watergate break ins they stole political information to influence the presidential election.

Because professional cyber protection firm did not protect the Democratic National Committee computer system it was an easy target for a sophisticated Russian spies. The FBI had notified the Democrat National Committee that they had been hacked by the Russians in September 2015. “At least one computer system belonging to the D.N.C. had been compromised by hackers federal investigators had named the “Dukes,” a cyber espionage team linked to the Russian government.”

The Russians used WikiLeaks to release their stolen information. Roger Stone a key Trump operative would tweet about what WikiLeaks was going to publish three days before it was published showing that the Trump campaign had a direct tie back to the Russian hackers or WikiLeaks.

Now we know why Trump doesn’t want to attend the National Security briefings because they are all about the Russian cyber espionage and how we are going to retaliate. This is an extremely serious matter it is just short of a nuclear first strike. This was an attack on the most fundamental principal of our democracy. Obama has already told Putin in private to expect retaliation. Trump will not want any part of any retaliation against Russia he owes them. This is why Trump won’t attend National Security Briefings he does not want to hear about it.

Trump’s cabinet picks looks like a military coup not an election. Eisenhower warned the American people about a take over by the Military Industrial complex and at no time in history has so much military and industrial been placed in any cabinet.

Re “How Moscow Aimed a Perfect Weapon at the U.S. Elections”
New York Times
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Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2016 10:26 pm
The question is where is Trump? All of a sudden his big mouth is strangely quiet? No outrageous claims about a kid in New Jersey being responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee. Trump thinks of himself as the smartest man in the world and if he was America might not be in trouble. At various times Trump has claimed to know more about taxes than any accountants, more about war than any general, more about intelligence than the head of the CIA. That is just Trump’s mental illness talking but Trump believes it. Why is he all of a sudden so silent? On Monday the electors cast their vote at the Electoral College. It was reported today that 20 electors have consulted with a Harvard Law Professor a specialist in Constitutional Law about not voting for Trump. This is more than half of the electors needed to stop Trump from being elected president. Trump was recently bragging about his Electoral College landslide victory. It seems his landslide is on weak and shifting sand. This does include the Hamilton electors who went to court so they change their vote and other electors who have already declared they will not vote for Trump. Since it has come to light that Trump is Putin’s boy and Putin personally did the hard work to see that Trump was elected many republican don’t want to see a Russian puppet as president of the United State. Trump is no doubt tied up and gagged to make sure he makes no more major blunders like claiming Putin is from New Jersey. His staff knows he is one twitter away from being history.
“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

Donald Trump 6 Nov 2012. The smartest man in the world has figured it all out.
Trump staff announced today that Trump will attend National Security Briefings three days a week and will receive a briefing from “Mad Dog” on the other two days or when he has time from checking up on the Hillary and Podesta’s child sex ring at the pizza parlor.

If a Russian atomic hit Washington tomorrow Trump would claim it was a teenager from New Jersey that did it. When they showed Trump the radar trace Trump would tell them that he knows more about radar than any technician and it came from New Jersey.

This situation is exactly what the Electoral College was designed to prevent. It is the fail safe to prevent an obviously mentally ill president from taking office. Trump only won the election by a total of only 55 thousand votes in the three battleground states. We cannot let Russia be the deciding factor in our elections.

The retaliation for Putin’s meddling in our election looks like it will be aimed at Putin’s finical holding but there will be no retaliation if Trump takes office instead Putin will be richly rewarded by Trump for all of his help.

When I was a child Khrushchev came to the United Nations banged the heal of his shoe on the desk and said, “We will take over the United States without firing a shot.” And now that may come to pass.

Ref “Harvard Professor Says 20 GOP Voters may Flip Against Trump”
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Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:06 pm
“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within”

Nikita Krushchev
Now that America is faced with a Russian puppet becoming president it is indeed the time that tries men’s souls. America can simply not fight a foreign enemy divided. There will be no winners in this election the only winner will be Russia. We will have to unite to fight a foreign enemy. This is not a political issue it is a survival issue. How we deal with foreign influence in our election will determine our future. The “Washington Post” has asked the electors to vote against Trump in Monday’s Electoral College vote because of Trump collusion with the Russian government to win the election. We can simply not have a Russian puppet as president of the United States. This is unprecedented but the founding fathers knew that foreign enemies would try to put their puppet in as President.
“Moreover, one passage from Federalist 68 seems eerily relevant to the present circumstances. Hamilton wrote that electors could be a barrier against “the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.” Hamilton asked: How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the union?”

The electors can avert a foreign enemy from gaining control of America. If Trumps wins the Electoral College vote he should immediately be ask to step down as he is a tainted candidate as is his vice president. If he refuses he should be informed impeachment proceeding for colluding with a foreign enemy will commence on the first day of his presidency.

The time line of the investigation shows clearly that the material from the Democratic Nation Committee was stolen prior to Trump’s request, “Russia if you are listening, I hope your able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing” I think you will be rewarded mightily by the press.” Trump wanted the Russians to publish them. Once the Democratic National Committee was hacked a call was made to the Republican Party headquarters to request professional courtesy that they not use the stolen information and of course the used all 30,000 pages. So Trump knew the Russians were actively hacking the DNC when he requested the Russians publish the emails.

This is Watergate repeating itself with the help of the Russians. Trumps hands are all over this by his own public statements.

Ref: “The Electoral College Should Think Hard Before Handing Trump the Presidency” The Washington Post
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2016 10:17 pm
In Russia today the statues of Marx and Lenin are being taken down and replaced with statues of Trump, Russia new hero and greatest accomplishment. On NBC news this evening they showed Russian children painting pictures of Trump and saying how nice life in Russia will be after Trump takes office. It may take a while before the Trump statues are erected but the pictures were being painted today. What is wrong with this picture? Life in America will get much worse in America under Trump, we are looking at 80% social security cuts, elimination of Medicare being replaced with vouchers, and 40 million will lose health insurance and will not even be able to afford the most basic healthcare but life will get much better for Russians under Trump.

The electors had requested a security briefing about the Russians involvement in Trump election before the Electoral College votes on Monday. The request has been turned down but most of the information is public. An excellent source is the New York Times article: “Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets Of Russian Hacking” This article is long article but it gives the complete story with a time line. The electors should each secure a copy of the article and read it before they vote.

If the Russians had invaded New York we would counter attack and drive them into the ocean. The object of the Russian attack on America was to make Trump president. If we allow that it will be like letting the Russians keep New York and say well it was wrong but it all ready happened. They only way we can adequately retaliate is to deny the Russia their objective and that is for the Electoral College to deny Trump the Presidency. Trump knows he lost the election. Hillary won the popular vote by 2.8 million and he is depending on just 55,000 to give him the Electoral College victory. The Electoral College will thwart the will of the majority of Americans if they elect Trump and make for a big Russian victory. Trump wants to win by the Electoral College than he must understand he can die by the will of the Electoral College also.

If Trump was half a man he would say I have been shown proof that the Russians are responsible for my election with the full intent of damaging our democracy. Therefore I will step down and withdraw my candidacy so the Russian can do no more harm. Anybody that thinks all the documents stolen and leaked by the Russians resulted in less than 55,000 is foolish. The head of DNC had to resign and the Bernie Sanders voters were set against the Clinton voters and everyone agrees it is the millennium voters who stayed home, the Bernie Sanders voters.

It is nice that finally the mainstream media is running the clip of Trump offering the Russians huge rewards for Clinton’s hacked emails. Trump wants to deny he was an active participant with the Russians but even after Trump knew that the Russians were going to release a 100,000 pages of stolen documents from the DNC he wanted more because he thought he was losing.

The electors in the Electoral College should vote for three candidates other than Trump and let the House of Representatives make the selection per the constitution. The Russian however will be allowed to run Trump as a write in candidate.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2016 08:49 am
Does Trump really thinks that he can conspire with the Russian Government to win an America’s election and it will just be forgotten? This is the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States and Trump thinks he can wash out the stain. The American people need to start an online petition asking Trump and his vice-president to step aside for the good of America. The petition should be presented to the Electoral College prior to their vote Monday. As an example:
Donald Trump, the American people know that you were a willing participant with the Russian government to steal and disseminate stolen documents. How do we know? By your own words, ”Russia if you’re listening, I hope you find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” “You will be richly rewarded….” May we remind you that Nixon who sanctioned the break in of the Watergate Hotel to steal documents from the DNC resigned in disgrace and He didn’t involve Russia. The undersigned people ask that you and your vice President resign as soon as possible.
The technical skills to post an on line petition are way beyond my pay grade but it needs to be done as soon as possible.

A message to Donald Trump, Nixon thought that Watergate would just be forgotten, it wasn’t. Your sins are many times worse and they will not follow you to your grave. The stain will follow your children for untold generations. It is a simple question of pay the American people now or pay the American people later. We are just looking at the tip of the ice burg now. Nixon believed he could hide in plain sight but he couldn’t and you can’t either.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2016 11:11 pm
Soon the new chant will be Trump, loch him up. There is little doubt that Trump is guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors by publicly inducing the Russians to break in and steal confidential information and disseminate the information to do harm to his political opponent, Trump, lock him up. Trump enjoyed getting his racist followers to chant “loch her up” during his rallies because she used a private server. If Hillary Clinton had asked the Russians to break in to the Republican National committee steal confidential information and than disseminated the stolen information in an effort to win the election the Republicans and Trump would start impeachment proceeding immediately. The Republicans would immediately claim that Hillary had committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The law does not provide an exception for one political party.

As Dec 19th draws closer more Trump electors are realizing that they have a moral obligation to America and not Trump. The Trump electors are being terrorized by the Republicans to ensure they vote for Trump. The fact that the Republicans are now terrorizing their own electors tells you they know they are in trouble. Trump should have recruited Russians for his electors because they would be more loyal. The electors are now getting 50 letters and 3,000 emails a day.

John Kasich, the Ohio governor of Ohio advised the Ohio electors not to vote for him. Ohio has 18 electors and a change in that one state is half of Trump’s electoral vote lead. Originally I thought the Republican Dump Trump movement was going to push Romney but it looks like they have settled on John Kasich. Kasich was the runner up in the Republican primary.

The Republican know what a long impeachment process will damage their party for years to come. How the Republicans won election will be front-page news for months. The only way to avoid this to make sure Trump does not win in Electoral College. Whether Trumps wins or not he will not long be President because the facts released so far are only the tip of the ice burg.

One of my most vivid political memories was Nixon getting on helicopter in disgrace after he was impeached. I look forward to the day Trump does the same.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2016 11:14 pm
The headlines in today’s “Guardian” reads: The Republicans Are Delivering America Into Putin’s Hands” The newspaper is a British newspaper that started in 1939 during WWII. The articles details the similarities between a Russian take over of Poland in the 18th century and what is happening in America today. The world looks to America for leadership and protection. One of the first things that Trump wanted to do was drop out of NATO, which is in place to stop Russian expansion and aggression. Russian military aggression can clearly be seen in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Trump also decided not to oppose Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine and not to contest Russian occupation of Syria. Trump’s foreign policy will be whatever Putin tells him it is. You can clearly tell that from Trump’s campaign positions.
“The press is our chief ideological weapon.”

Nikita Khrushchev
In the last election America witnessed Russia using that weapon along with cyber technology. Unfortunately our laws have not kept pace with our technology. Snail mail privacy in America is protected. It is federal offence to get into someone’s mailbox or open their mail. I can remember being on a call when an angry man came out of the backyard and accused me of getting into his mail. I had not touched his mail. No doubt he was hiding something but I would never touch his mail to find out. In America it is not only illegal to steal but it is also illegal to be in possession of stolen goods. Email should have the same privacy guarantees as regular mail and both possession and dissemination of stolen email should be a federal offence and be aggressively prosecuted. This should apply to the press also the American press published what the Russian’s stole and disseminated.

Tomorrow the electors vote to decide the fate of America and our children are closely watching and will receive an important moral lesson that will follow them all of their lives. The lesson will be either be that we are a moral society and we will practice what we preach or that the best way to win is by cheating. Winning is all that is important and loyalty to political parties always trumps morals. At some point in time Americans no longer saw themselves as Americans. At some point in time Americans divided themselves into democrats and republicans like dividing into teams in gym class. The trouble is winning became more important than America. The point about Poland is that they had become so divide that they could no longer unite against a common enemy. America has reached that point we can no longer unite against a common enemy. We were attacked every bit as violently by Russians as we were attacked on 9/11 just because the bodies didn’t fall does not mean there was not far more damage done to America.

How do you destroy country? You divide and conquer. When Khrushchev said “we will bury you without firing shot.” He realized that the destruction of America would come from the American people themselves. There is a formula that predicts a revolution based on distribution of wealth. The ungodly greedy are mentally ill and they want everything and will do anything to get it when the bottom 96% finally begins to starve the revolution is on and the ungodly greedy are killed. The rich have held the political power in America since Reagan and have enriched themselves hundreds of times over the last 35 years. Now the Rich are no longer in the background pulling strings they are now running the train. They will cut their taxes until they don’t pay a cent of federal taxes. They plan to cut social security by 80% and eliminate Medicare and replace with a voucher program.
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Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2016 10:08 pm
The Electoral College cast only 304 of the 306 votes that were pledged to Trump. Two republican electors did what was good for the country instead of what was good for the Republican Party others tried but were either replaced or intimidated. This is not the end of this election, not even the end of beginning this election, this is just getting started. To be sure it is disappointing that the Republican electors could not do what was best for America instead what they think was best for the Republican Party. In the end Trump will do as much or more damage to the Republican Party than he will do to America. It will take twenty years to straighten out the mess he will make. It will be like asking the janitor at the hospital to do surgery on your brain because he has no experience and thinking that is a good thing.

Newt Gingrich went on Fox News and is already advising Trump to pardon his advisors. Newt’s advice is to just ignore all the laws and pardon his advisors after the fact when they are prosecuted. No need to worry about putting your children in government jobs after all you’re the president if they are prosecuted just pardon them. Why is Newt already talking about pardoning Trumps advisors? The Trump Impeachment hearings haven’t even started yet and Newt already wants them pardoned. What does he know that the public doesn’t? The Russian break-in took place and the Republican Party made extensive use of the stolen material. At least one Republican worker directly contacted the Russian hackers and asked for the stolen material there was so much material it could not be downloaded to his PC. He had to get a drop box and contact the Russian hacker again. This we know to be a fact from the CIA report. Does that rise to the level of treason? But Trump will just pardon him if he is prosecuted.

The professional employees in CIA and FBI know that Trump would much rather shoot the messenger than watch them expose him for what he really is. The most popular saying in Washington will be your fired. The Republicans intend to strip any and all Federal employees job protection from political reprisal. Political reprisal will be the rule not the exception. There are 10,000 federal employees fired each year so anyone that believes that they can’t be fired is a fool. The Republicans want to be able to fire career public employees for political retribution so bad they can taste it. No one should have enough power to intimidate federal employees and bury any scandal or wrongdoing.
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Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2016 10:34 pm
The final vote count is in and Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million so the presidential election wasn’t even close. But we got the loser for President in more ways than one. The official vote total was 65,844,610 for Clinton and 62,979,636 for Trump. In the 2,000 election Gore got 50,996,582 and baby Bush got 50,456,062. Gore’s winning margin was only 540,520. Everyone considered the 2,000 election an anomaly it had never occurred before in our lifetime where the winner lost and the loser won. Hillary’s margin was nearly six times Gore’s one has to wonder where the limit is. It is mathematical possible that a Presidential candidate could win by 20,00,000 votes and still lose the election. The next campaign mangers will do more to exploit the Electoral College catering to the lowest common denominator in the back woods. In order for the wisdom of crowds to work the each member of the crowd’s vote must carry the same weight.

I still cannot get over Newt Gingrich appearance on Fox News where he said Trump Advisors should be pardoned. Usually there is an investigation, a trial and a jail sentence first before a pardon is even considered. It sounds like a formula to make the law a joke.

“Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested that Donald Trump pardon members of his administration who break the law.”

“In the case of the president, he has a broad ability to organize the White House the way he wants to. He also has frankly, the power of the pardon,” Gingrich said on Diane Rehm show Monday.”

“It is a total open power, and he could simply say, ‘Look I want them to be my advisors. I pardon them if anyone finds them to have behaved against the rules. Period’ Technically, under the Constitution, he has that level of authority.”

From an article: “Trump suggests Trump Pardon Advisors Who Break the Law"

Gingrich goes on to explain because Trump is so rich, I understand he owes over $2 billion, that the rules should not apply to him and I can assure you Trump believes that. Some of the people that Trump nominated to his cabinet are ineligible because they recently retired from the military. The rule was put in place for a good reason to keep the military from taking over the government. Of course Trump the brain surgeon with no experience could care less.

A man had a flat tire on the interstate near Cleveland one day. While he is changing the tire he notices that someone had raised the hood. He asks the man what he was doing. The man replies I just want the battery you can have the tires. Trump is like the guy stealing the battery. His children had set up a scam where you could get your picture with Trump if you contributed a million dollars to his new charity. Of course Trump uses his charity to pay his legal settlements and buy six-foot portraits of himself. Don’t want your picture with Trump than maybe a hunting ting trip with Trump’s children, just you and Trumps children and a lot of high-powered rifles. The bad part is that it is rumored that they are worse shots then Dick Cheney.

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Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2016 10:36 pm
The most disturbing poll I have ever seen was published yesterday. It found that nearly 50% of the American people are undisturbed by the fact that the Russians played and active role in our recent election. You can bet Reagan is turning summersaults in his grave. Reagan called Russia the “evil empire” and you can bet it is the Republicans who are the ones who are unconcerned because the only reason they won the election was with the help of Russians. This shows how easy it to rationalize things after the fact. If the question had been asked before the election; “Should the Russians taking an active part in the upcoming election?” There would have been a resounding no by all of the Republicans polled with near a 100% saying definitely not. Since Trump’s only path to victory was with the active recruiting of the Russians to do the Watergate style break in and even that was not enough for Trump who publicly prodded the Russians to do even more. This type of political motivated thinking will destroy America.

The next candidates for President will have to go to Russia to get Putin’s blessing and try to recruit him to help their campaign. Putin was afraid of Hillary but he knew Trump was a complete fool that he could easily swindle. If Putin had decided he would rather have Hillary for president instead of Trump and took an active part in the election by breaking in to the Republican Nation Committee and taking all of the campaign secrets and giving them to the Democrats to spread across the country the Republicans would have her tried for treason and hung on the Whitehouse lawn and you know what, they would be right. The Republicans wanted Hillary jailed for having a private email server imagine if she asked the Russians to help her get elected. That is exactly what should happen to Trump. We cannot let the Russians be the last word in deciding our president.

Soon the Republicans will rewrite history and like the Holocaust deniers they will say it never happened as soon as they change the law to allow political firings all of the career intelligence officers who were involved will be fired or retiree and the new political appointees will swear it never happened.

“The poll found a significant partisan divide on the issue of Russian hacking; 86% of the Democrats were bothered by the interference, compared with to just 29% of the Republicans who said the same. According to the poll 49% of the independents said they were bothered. Divisions remained regarding Trump’s relationship with Russian Vladimir Putin---61% of Democrats say the two are too friendly, while just 8% of the Republicans said they believed the same.”

From a Time Magazine article: “More Than Half of Americans Are Concerned About Russian Election Interference”

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