The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 13 Nov, 2016 10:30 pm
What type of issues with Trump might make the electors switch who they were voting for in the Electoral College election on DEC 19th, which is the real Presidential election? On 60 Minutes this evening Trump walked back his campaign promises.
“If I were to run I would run as a republican. They are the dumbest voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they would eat it up. I’ll bet my numbers would still be terrific.”

Donald Trump before he bleached his hair blonde.
Social security which got very little attention in this election cycle should have been a major issue but it was like the elephant in the room everyone knew it was there but no one wanted to acknowledge it. In today’s paper Trump acknowledges the social security problem and he has decided that the solution is to privatize social security. Remember baby Bush photo opt beside the cabinet holding the $4 trillion dollar in US Treasury bonds that compose the social security trust fund and declared those bonds worthless paper Bush’s solution was to privatize social security. Bush’s wanted to gamble the social security that was being paid by those currently working. The market crashed shortly after Bush proposal losing $100s of billions in value but Bush’s privatization idea was unpopular even before the market crashed. Now Trump is already pushing to privatize social security he is about to appoint some of the biggest crooks on Wall Street to “solve” the social security problem.

Markets like ever other economic transaction in the world are governed by supply and demand. If demand is high and supply low the price goes through the roof. This will make the billionaires on Wall Street trillionaires overnight. But real value of stocks is the value of the company even though the price triples when all the social security is dumped in the market it is not based on real value. The stocks will gravitate back to their real value but the billionaire hedge fund mangers who are experts at the game will take those Fox News watchers’ money before they can say Trump. Those billionaire hedge mangers think just like Trump. “I could lie to them and they would eat it up.” It would be like playing chess with someone who never saw a chessboard.

Trump already seems to be taking all the campaign promises and you shouldn’t blame him because he told you before he ever ran for president, “I could lie to them and they would eat it up.

If I was a Trump elector and I knew now that all his campaign promises were just lies to get elected I would vote for Hillary Dec 19th Trump thinks the election is over but the Nov 8 election was just a preliminary event the real presidential election isn’t till Dec 19th. The fat lady hasn’t sung and only a few Trump elector need to change their vote.
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Reply Mon 14 Nov, 2016 10:20 pm
The Dump Trump movement is gaining strength among Republican electors. A couple of Trump electors have already decided they will not cast their vote for Trump when the Electoral College meets on DEC 19th. There was a large Dump Trump movement in the Republican Party after Trump got the nomination and many of the Republican electors deeply despise Trump. At this point it looks like Michigan is leaning toward Trump and its electoral votes have not been awarded yet. The dump Trump movement is asking other electors not to vote for Hillary but to write in John Kasich or Romney instead of Trump. If Trump fails to get 270 electoral votes the election will be decided by the House of Representative among the three highest vote getters. Kasich would make a much better President.

The Trump reality will set in way to late for many as Trump goes after those with the least to give to those with most, his fellow billionaires. A bill to cut social security 20% is moving at light speed through congress now and they will soon have a republican President to sign it. The retirement age is being moved up to 70. The billionaires think this should keep them from having to pay back the $4 trillion social security trust fund. The idea is to move the retirement age up to point that many people won’t be able to collect social security at all, the death rate for those between 66 and 70 is much higher than the general population and those that are lucky enough to live that long will cheated out of four years of their social security. Of course you can still retire at 66 but your benefits will be cut by 20%. The republicans count $1 for you and $63,000 for the billionaires, one dollar for you $63,000 for a billionaire.

Marco Rubio also wants to cut the benefits of “upper income seniors” the trouble is upper income to Rubio is any anybody that made over $40,000 a year meaning that 7 out of 10 would see their social security cut. Give me those good old Republicans times when the elderly had to eat out of trashcans.

Social Security was a pay go system until Reagan changed it to create the trust fund for the baby boomers generation. The trouble social security trust fund was not separate from the general revenue other than on paper. Reagan used the extra social security money to pay for massive 70% tax cuts for the richest people in America and he still tripled the national debt. Now the baby boomers have retired and the trust fund will be needed in the not to distant future to pay the promised social security benefits. The baby boomers provided the Republicans with a huge cash cow and baby Bush followed with even bigger tax cut for the ungodly greedy. Now that the baby boomers are retiring at 10,000 day the time has come to pay the piper. A decision must be made to pay the $4 trillion back by increasing taxes on the rich or cut social security benefits back so there will be a social security surplus to pay for Trumps huge round of tax cuts for the richest Americans. What do you think will happen? You can bet the billionaires are already spending the money because it a sure thing.

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Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2016 09:40 pm
What bothers me about Paul Ryan’s 20% social security cuts is that they are not receiving mainstream media attention. Ryan has buried the social security cuts in the thousands of pages of the budget bill so there will not be a separate vote on the social security cuts. If lawmakers vote for budget they have automatically voted for the social security cuts. I first heard about the social security cuts from my mom. She watches the financial channels all day and if social security is cut by 20% the market will feel the effect. I did an Internet search, which returned an article by an expert on social security and other articles. By the new Ryan rules some seniors will lose $50,000 over their lifetime. Many others seniors will live their golden years below the poverty line.

Working to 70 will be all but an impossibility to anyone who does manual labor. I keep myself in good shape running, swimming, and biking but I could not do the physical demanding jobs that I did when I was younger. Older people are not as sharp mentally either. Besides physical changes there are changes to memory and other brain functions. Those that shuffle paper for a living like congressman Ryan will likely be able to at least show up at work but the quality of their work will decline much like Trump. Ryan changers will create a permanent lower class of social security recipients living below the poverty line.

Those who do physical labor go to work right out of high school those who shuffle paper spend four years in college. Early retirement allows those who do physical work to retire at 62 they make less social security per year but draw it for a longer period. Those that went college work for the same period of time draw more but don’t draw it for as long. The social security system is not broken and doesn’t need fixed. It may need more revenue, which can be easily done just by making everyone pay the same percentage. The billionaires currently don’t pay that 6.2% on 99.9998% of their income. There is no $113,000 cap on Medicare taxes the rich must pay it on every dollar they make. The author referred to this as “soaking the rich.” I am sorry if I must pay that 6.2% on every dollar I earn I think it is no more than fair that the rich do also. If they were required to pay 90% social security tax they might be entitled to complain but they should pay the same as even the extremely pay. When I mowed lawns in college I paid social security on every dollar I earned. Trump wants to give another round of massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy and by cutting social security billions can be freed up for tax cuts for the rich. The billions of social security tax revenue is used to pay for basic services and social security is issued US Treasury bonds in the amount paid in and than the Republicans say those bonds are just “worthless paper.”

To follow the current bill to cut social security by 20% just Google “20% social security cuts.”
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Reply Wed 16 Nov, 2016 10:24 pm
Trump assures us he will not cut social security but at the same time a Republican backed bill to cut social security is quietly moving through congress. Trump will sign the bill when it passes Congress and say he did not cut social security because it will not cut the social security of those who are currently drawing it. Rubio’s cuts are targeted at the baby boomers children. Trump will say that he is not cutting social security he is just raising the retirement age to 70.
“Raising the full retirement age is a benefit cut for everyone in the age groups hit by the increase—no matter at which age they chose to retire and no matter how low their earnings. Going from 67 to 68 is a 7% cut. Going to 70 is a 20% cut.”

“Cutting benefits by changing how benefits are calculated. Although he has not revealed his specific changes to the benefit formula, Rubio’s description of his proposal matches proposals that cut benefits for working people who earn middle class wages and above.”

From an Internet article entitled “Marco Rubio’s Social Security Proposals will harm Florida’s Latinos” (and everyone else who plans to retire)
I was fortunate to retire last year before the Republican got control of the presidency and both houses of congress. Personally I think this is a reverse carrot and stick play. First comes the stick the Republicans will threaten that they will have to cut social security 40% but if they can invest all the social security dollars on Wall Street everyone will retire as multi-millionaires. That is the stock market fantasy that everybody gets but the reality is far different. The state WV at one time required that the pension plan be placed in safe investments a state wide election was held to allow them to gamble the money on Wall Street. The market collapsed soon after baby Bush was elected and they lost it in $500 million chunks. The employees contributed 4½ % and the state contributed 6% for thirty years but after the stock market losses the employee’s portion to 6% and the state and city’s portion was proposed to go to 18% to make up for the huge losses. The state people thought they were high stakes gamblers but the swindlers on Wall Street cleaned them out of 100s of millions in blink of an eye. The state also gave the teachers an option of opt out of state retirement system and let them invest their retirement on Wall Street. In a few years most of their money was lost and they begged their way to buy back into the state retirement system. A few did make money like lottery but the vast majority lost their ass. Moving social security into the stock market would only put the money where every thief in the country could get their hands on it. Look for a big republican push to gamble the social security on Wall Street instead of 40% social security they will offer people the option of giving their social security to the billionaires who do not pay social security on 99.998% of their income after all why should the rich not get it all they are entitled to it.
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Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2016 10:32 pm
Trump has asked congressional leaders to delay the budget bill containing the twenty percent cuts to social security till he takes office and congress agreed to put off any vote on c the budget bill until after he is inaugurated. What has come to light today is that disability social security trust fund is broke not only is it broke but it has been operating in the red for many years. Unlike the regular social security that has a multi-trillion dollar trust fund the disability social security trust fund is busted. The disability social security trust fund is held separately than the regular retirement trust fund. The Republican solution is to cut disability payments permanently by 20% to those who are currently receiving benefits. The Internet article entitled “Social Security Disability Cuts Proposed in 2016” advises the disabled to get ready for the 20% cuts to come.

They call it a honeymoon period when a President first takes office. This is the period when the President can get through most of his agenda with little or no opposition from congress. With a Republican congress and a Republican President these social security cuts will move swiftly and quietly through the legislative process. The 20% disability social security cuts are pretty much a done deal as the disability social security trust fund is gone. The last time that five major rate increases in social security and a twenty percent cuts were enacted there was a rich Republican president in office.

Anyone that doesn’t understand that the ungodly rich like Trump and Reagan have a vested self-interest in cutting social security have not been paying attention. Social security is an extremely regressive tax and Trump wants to make sure it stays that way. The workingman pays 6.2% of his income all his working life while a billionaire pay .0000014% all his life that is one 14 millionth of a dollar. They say never ever underestimate self interest as a motive and I believe that Trump’s reason for running for president was to make sure the ungodly rich do not have to repay social security trust fund for those huge tax cuts under Reagan. Reagan tripled the national debt when it would have been paid off in the early nineties. Even after tripling the national debt it took five social security increases to fund the huge tax cuts. Trump pays no federal taxes for twenty years but social security tax is different matter if your three casinos and airline go broke you can’t beat the social security tax no matter how smart your tax accountant is. Assuming a $5 billion yearly income for Trump if the social security is mandated on every dollar of his income instead of capped at $113,000 Trump would have paid $310,000,000 a year into social security or $6,200,000,000 over twenty years. The choice for Trump is simple would he like to pay $6.2 billion in social security taxes or cut those on social security by 20%? Social security is why Trump ran for President he is in office to represent your everyday billionaire. The reason the ungodly greedy don’t want to pay social security on all their income is there are no deductions and they can’t beat the tax.
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2016 10:15 pm
Finally a bill has been introduced in congress by, Barbara Boxer to eliminate the Electoral College. The bill will require a 2/3 majority in the house and senate plus approval of ¾ of the states, as it is an amendment to the Constitution. The longest journey starts with the first step. Trump lost the election by nearly 800,000 he will be appointed president on bases of a corrupt system steeped in racism. The system is corrupt and robs the majority of Americans of their vote. Most of people who voted in the last election should not have bothered because in a state that is solidly red or blue the opposition vote will never matter and the battle ground states decide the election. When a system is designed to let only a handful of states decide the Presidential elections it is unfair to the rest.

Now the Trump electors report that they are receiving multiple death threats if they don’t change their vote. It would be hard to make death threats or kill 120 million voters but when we cut that down to only 538 electors it is possible to intimidate them or kill them or their family. If you were one of Trumps electors and someone told you they were going to kill you if you voted for Trump would you be willing to die for a bigot and sexual predator? I know that I would not believe it was worth my life but then I like the other 61,329,657 Americans voted against Trump in the first place. Why would we want to continue with a system that could be so easily rigged?

With social security squarely in the cross hairs of Trump and the Republican Party there are going to be more angry people in America than any time since the Civil War. Reagan put the cuts in social security 25 years into the future. Trump will try implement social security changes now or in the near future. A perfect storm is forming an Trump is essentially an appointed President who thinks he has a mandate to cut the social security of millions and plunge them below the poverty line. The majority of Americans voted against Trump his great mandate is an illusion. The Republicans are making their move to cut social security as we speak. Why? Because they think they won by a landslide. Reince Priebus, the head of the Republican Party, said on the Today Show, “Donald Trump won by a landslide in the electoral college.” The Electoral College distorts not only the real vote but political reality to those who lost and think they won.
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Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2016 10:22 pm
The Republican 20% cut in disability social security sounds harsh but it is just history repeating itself. The Republican Party opposed passage of the social security bill to begin with and fought for its outright repeal for 20 years after it was law. The Republican Party official position on social security is that it is “entitlement” and needs to be eliminated. Rush Limbaugh always puts it quite concisely he frequently states, “That nobody should be paid if they are not working, you should work till the day you die.”

Reagan’s legend is quite a bit different than the reality of Reagan. We all know that Reagan raised social security tax five times outright by raising the percentage working people were required to pay at the same time he cut benefits by raising the retirement age. This trick cut the lifetime social security benefit by 14%. So the baby boomers paid more into social security and got less. Another Reagan trick was to raise the total wages subject to social security. Prior to Reagan working class people paid out of social security by September both my parents routinely paid out of social security by September. This provided a nice raise during the last quarter, which helped provide a nice Christmas for middle class families. An income of $113,000 is required to pay out of social security today but that is out of range of the middle class.

But these combinations of cuts in benefits, raises in social security percentage and raises in the amount of income subject to social security were not the most heinous and heartless cuts were made to the disability social security. Reagan mandated that a certain percentage of families receiving disability social security be arbitrarily removed from the social security roles. People were being told that as long as you can sell pencils on the street corner you would not get any social security disability. I had a neighbor in his late fifties that had worked for the local newspaper all his life and could hardly breathe. Sure enough the Reagan social security police showed up in the neighborhood to investigate this old man. They asked my wife if he cut his own lawn? My wife told them he did but he could only push the mower for a few feet before he had to stop and rest. Over a 106,000 families lost their social security benefits. Many committed suicide, many more died before they could get their benefits back. Those with major mental illnesses were targeted by the Reagan administration. At a time when Reagan raises in social security was being used to generate trillions in surpluses in social security those with the least ability to fight back were being targeted by Reagan and Gestapo. Where were the trillion dollar surpluses going? To fund huge tax cuts for richest Americans. Now we are in for round two. Every time I hear someone say what a good President Reagan was I cringe.
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Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2016 10:46 pm
The Republican are expected to stop Senator Barbara Boxer’s bill to do away with the Electoral College. When will this practice of racist origins finally be eliminated? The first time a Republican wins the popular vote by millions and loses the presidency in the Electoral College vote would be my guess. As it stands now Hillary will win the popular vote by more than two million votes that is a 2% margin. The Electoral College was designed to give the southern plantation owner states super votes and reduce the votes of others. The southern plantation owners at the time had the political power to pull the deal off but there is no longer any excuse to keep a corrupt practice other than show the will of the people means nothing.

If a candidate can win an election by 2 million votes and lose the Electoral College in a “landslide” the next election it is mathematically possible that the candidate win by 10 million votes and lose the Electoral College. The Electoral College was supposed to reflect the will of the people. It no longer does. America has often gone out to supervise elections in other countries to make sure they were fair. How corrupt we must seem when the candidate who wins by millions is labeled the loser and the loser is installed as President. It seems we don’t practice what we preach. I doubt other countries even have an understanding of the archaic practice of the Electoral College. My wife was being operated on the morning after the election and the news was breaking that Hillary had won the popular vote. The operating nurse could not understand how it was possible that her candidate won and lost the popular vote. She believed that you had to win the popular vote to win the electoral vote. I had to explain her that electoral votes are not apportioned that in most states if you win by one vote you get all of the state’s 29 electoral vote instead of one candidate getting 15 electoral votes an the other getting 14. The same candidate that won Florida by one vote could lose New York by 10 million votes and the other candidate would get New York’s 29 but the candidate that won Florida lost by nearly 10 million votes. America is far different than it was 200 years ago it is more divided than during the civil war because the 24-7 propaganda stations run by the right. Because of the Electoral College the majority of American votes are meaningless. If you are democrat that lives in a state that has voted republican for 50 years your vote is wasted. Every vote you cast for president in your life time was meaningless and the same holds true if you are a Republican living in a state that has voted democratic for 50 years. The Electoral College is system is unfair to everyone. Just like the polls that were wrong, when it comes to wrong conclusion it is broke and needs fixed. It is well within the states’ power to apportion the electoral votes to reflect the popular vote and that would be a small improvement.
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2016 10:06 pm
There is an old story about a scorpion and a frog that is going to be applicable to the Trump presidency. One day the scorpion approaches the frog and asks for a ride on the frogs back to the other side of the lake. The frog says oh no you will sting me and I will die. The scorpion assures the frog that he will not sting him he said if I sting you while we are crossing the lake we will both drown. The frog agrees to take him across the lake and when they get in the middle of the lake sure enough the scorpion stings the frog. The frogs says now we both going to die why did you do that. The scorpion replies, “it is my nature.” Trump just stung the frog.

For over a hundred years the Republican Party has done everything in its power to destroy labor unions but Trump won the Electoral College vote by courting union members. Trump courted the coal miners in West Virginia, Kentucky and most importantly Pennsylvania by saying that he would destroy the EPA air pollution regulations and let the coal operators pollute the air like China where the smog is so thick you can’t even see your feet. He appealed to the autoworkers telling them he would stop cars from being imported by instituting a 35% tariff. This was a promise he also made to other union workers in other manufacturing lines. Trump was going make America great again by bringing back good jobs to American union workers. That was his rhetoric.

The trump reality is quite different Trump administration has announced that they are going to destroy the Federal Employees Unions. Now that they have a republican congress and president they are going to repeal the civil service law that has protect civil service employees for a 133 years. Without that law you have political patronage where as soon as a new Presidents takes over all 2 million federal employees would be fired and replaced with those who worked for the incoming president election. This is how it was before the law and how it will be after the law is repealed. This was the standard operating procedure until we had a union locally. After the election was over the new administration would come to you and tell you this guy is taking your place show him what you do. They are going to eliminate the pension system for new employees telling them they can gamble their retirement on the stock market where crooks like Trump can steal it. Trump also wants to up the pension contribution 10% for current employees. No scheduled pay raises. There will be a suck system for pay raises only those belonging to the right political party and willing to work long hours during political campaigns need apply. This is how you build a political machine. When I was in college a friend applied for a state job he was required to sign a paper that he would campaign for the head of the state road in the next election. Trump also wants to remove any do process from employees. The system is called “will and pleasure” and I worked under that system when I was president of the union it was a terrible system. You can be fired simply because it is a bad day. We lost people with 30 years who were replaced with the drug-addicted relatives of people in the administration. They would be so drugged out they would just sit in a corner and slobber. We defeated that mayor in the next election and signed a contract with the incoming Mayor.

The article about the federal workers is: “Trump has a Plan for Government Workers. They’re Not Going to Like It.” It was on MSN but you can Google it.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2016 10:37 pm
There has been a war waged against labor unions by the Republican Party for the last fifty years. The democrats kept the Republicans form repealing the major legislation that makes labor unions possible in America but as Republicans get control of state government unions were the first too suffer. West Virginia had been a democratic state for a hundred years until fracking made an over abundance natural gas this made gas a cheaper alternative fuel. As power plants switched to natural gas and pollution regulation were tightened on older and dirtier power plants coal suffered. Careless and unfeeling remarks by both Obama and Hillary made them public enemy number one in the coalfields. This led to Republicans getting control of the state legislature here in West Virginia for the first time in a hundred years. First to fall was prevailing wage that insured that a good wage was paid on jobs funded with government money. After the repeal out of state construction companies that primarily use illegal aliens got the contracts that were once done with local companies with in state labor. The argument was that schools could be built cheaper which is true because illegals work for a fraction of prevailing wage but schools are built with property tax money and illegals pay no property taxes, local construction workers do. Illegals
send most of the money back to Mexico or South America. I don’t know how many construction jobs I checked in the last few years were no one spoke English.

The next thing to be outlawed was closed shops. Union contract require unions to represent everyone in the bargaining unit. So if a non-union person in a bargaining is fired the union must represent the non-union employee and spend thousands of dollars to arbitrate his case. If the nonunion employee feels union did not do a good job he can sue and be awarded 10s of thousands of dollars if he wasn’t represented correctly. There are always dead beats. Can you imagine the same deadbeat going into one of these rich Republicans law firms and telling them they must represent him for nothing. They would be outraged but have absolutely no problem requiring by law that others do the same.

Now that the Republicans have control of the federal government they will use it to make war against the middle class. When they take the defined pensions away they lower the middle classes standard of living. When they cut the social security by 20% they put seniors below the poverty level. When they take more out of the paycheck for pensions they lower the living standard of the middle class. Warren Buffet said, “If there is class warfare we won.” The middle class income has gone down for thirty years after adjustments for inflation and soar medical care costs with the exception of a few years under Clinton. The unions were the American workingman’s last line of defense and Trump and the Republicans have breeched the walls. The middle class is the backbone of America, destroy the middle class and you destroy America. Trump should be looking for a way to strengthen the middle class and make their standard of living better instead of robbing the middle class.
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Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2016 10:44 pm
Hillary vote total has surpassed Trump count by 2,015,210 in the most recent count. The Electoral College has coincided with the popular vote in the vast majority of presidential elections is there a reason this didn’t happen this time? However only 55,000 votes in three battle ground states determined the election. An official recount has been called for in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Michigan is still to close to call with Trump leading by only 0.3%. In Wisconsin Trump won by only 0.7%, in Pennsylvania Trump margin was only 1.2%. These are well within recount margins. Some of the voting machines used in the election are owned by a Russian company who also owned the server. These Russian owned voting machines came in with overwhelming majority of votes going to Trump when compared to voting machines that used paper ballots. In most American history voting machines were owned by the government but in the Republican race to privatize all government services the machines are now rented from private companies one of the major companies that rents voting machines to government agencies is Russian company which design and maintains them and no doubt provides the vote count to government agencies. It is outrageous that we have to rent voting machines from the Russians.

One polling company says the huge difference between machines using paper ballots and the Russian owned voting machines can be explained by the lack of education in some precincts. They also save race played a part in the difference.
“The developments follow Clinton’s defeat to Donald Trump in the 8 November vote and come after US Intelligence authorities released a public assessment that Russian hackers were behind intrusions into regional electoral computer systems and theft of emails from Democratic officials before the election.”

From an Internet article: Jill Stein Prepares to Request Election Recounts in Battleground States”
Stein was a third party presidential candidate at this point Hillary, after declaring the voting process was not fixed is reluctant to call for the recount. Money for the $2 million needed for the recounts is being raised on line.

What do we know? One we know that Trump called for the Russians to recover Hillary’s deleted emails and it is an accepted fact by US intelligence that the Russians did Trump’s bidding releasing a steady drip of drip of pirated emails to change the election’s outcome. So we know Trump publicly invited the Russians to get involved in America’s election process. If you were a super power that wanted to fix the American election how would you go about it? A Trump landslide would give you away and be hard to do. The Russian know the Electoral College election system in America can be easily fixed. The Russians know going in that the popular vote will not determine the election so they can concentrate their efforts on a few states. So many states are reliably blue and so many are reliably red you need only fix three battle ground states to win and since the popular vote is going to Hillary to avoid suspicion the winning margin should be held to under 1%.

Any Russian owned voting machine in the battleground states should seized, taken apart and studied by experts in cyber crime.

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Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2016 10:21 pm
The recount effort raised over $3 million overnight, fifty percent more than their goal. The recounts will take place and it will be interesting to see what they uncover.

Meanwhile back at the Whitehouse Trump has deemed the national security briefings as unimportant and not worth his time he has attended only two meetings since the election. The national security officers are alarmed to say the least.

Now Paul Ryan and the Republicans have decided to eliminate Medicare and replace it with a voucher program. Seniors would be given a voucher to purchase private health insurance. Seniors would be looking at private health insurance with premiums cost of $4,000 a month because the cost of a seniors health care far exceeds the cost of someone in their twenties. The Republicans will be more than happy to give you a voucher for $400 to purchase that $4,000 a month policy. Oh and preexisting conditions will not be covered because Republicans plan to eliminate the Affordable Healthcare Act. This will free up the Medicare tax money to provide big and better tax cuts for Trumps billionaire friends just like Reagan did with the five social security increases. Medicare will still be available but at a much higher price than the voucher you will receive. The Republicans believe the free market is the answer to every question and that increased competition among insurance companies will drive prices down all the while ignoring the facts that private insurance with all its competition went from $840 a year for a 100% health insurance policy in 1974 to over $21,000 for a 80% health insurance policy that only covers a fraction of what the $840 a year policy covered. What Republicans are ignoring is that no amount of competition will let the insurance company buy healthcare for less then what it actually costs. Let the free market set the cost of television sets. Television now cost a fraction of what they cost in 1974 when adjusted for inflation. A 23-inch television in 1974 cost $2913.19 in today’s dollars now you could buy a 23-inch television for under $200. The free market works for television sets but not for healthcare.
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Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2016 09:46 pm
The recount request in Wisconsin has officially been filed officials confirmed. Pennsylvania and Michigan will be filled on Monday. It will be interesting to see how the Russian company’s voting machines compare to others. We know the Russians hacked into the voter registration roles in Arizona and other states. This information would tell them who was likely to vote and who was not likely to vote. This would allow the Russians to vote people who didn’t vote in counties where there were Russian owned voting machines that used Russian owned servers. Trump’s attitude was that he would accept the election results only if he won this should tell you that he was aware Russian were going to fix the election.

We all know that Trump has been trying for years to build skyscrapers in Russia. I would not be surprised if the Russians put the idea of running for president into his head telling him that they would back him. Trump has already agreed to not interfere in Russian take over in the Crimea and to pull out Syria. Very early in the Presidential campaign Trump called on Russia for help to recover Hilary deleted emails. Never in the history of the United States has a Presidential candidate called on a foreign power to help him win the election this should tell you something. The Russians jumped right in there even though they could not recover the emails from Hillary’s server they did the next best thing hacking in to her political associate’s email accounts searching for any emails sent to them then from her private server. They dripped, dripped the release of the emails throughout the campaign. If the Russian would do this and there is very little doubt they did would they try to fix an election? Putin is a former KBG agent and has fixed elections in countries throughout the world just as the CIA has also done. Russia fixing an election in America would be the cherry atop the cake. The most coveted of all intelligence prizes. Could it be done without leaving tracks? We are about to find out.

It started with the Republican push to privatize everything. At one time all of America’s voting machines were owned and maintained by our government bodies. What percentage of our voting machines our owned by a Russian company? I doubt anyone knows. I doubt if many even know that the company they are renting voting machines from is Russian owned.

This recount may tell us far more than the number votes actually cast. It should be public knowledge what percentage of voting machines are owned by Russian company in their state.

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Reply Sat 26 Nov, 2016 10:25 pm
Everyday throughout the campaign Trump told the American people how crooked the American election system was now the time has come to put our money where Trump mouth was and find out what the truth actually is. Now Trump all of sudden has decided that the American election system is just fine. The real truth of the matter is he has no idea what those who helped him during the election actually did. Trump would not have been in the loop of those who were fixing the voting machines with no paper backup. So he may know that his buddies fixed the election but not the details. Trump is shaking in his boots about now look for a lot of 3 AM tweets because he can’t sleep.
“The people have spoken the election is over. Trump declared Saturday. He added, “We must accept this result and then look to the future.”

What Trump should have said is that he and the KBG stole this election fair and square. We know the KBG was responsible for the release of emails after they hacked into computer after computer and we are about to find out how the KBG hacked into the vulnerable voting machines and what they did once they showed up like thief in the night. Trump believes that he wins even if the recount shows he lost once the irregularities are found.

Many people think there is a liberal news media and red neck right news media in America but that is only half right. There is an established right wing propaganda network that has complete controls of the radio airwaves plus Fox News. There is no such thing as a liberal news media there is however a corporate news media that is owned by big corporations and represents their interests. You can take this morning’s Today Show for example the recount is a huge story it may change the outcome of the election. The Florida recount was stopped by the Supreme Court who had relatives in the Baby Bush administration so this may be the first recounts in a presidential election. The Today Show gave the recount story 20-second sound bite and devoted a full hour to Castro death.

The recent stories about Paul Ryan’s bill to cut social security by 20% and do away with Medicare and replace with vouchers received little to no airtime. These programs are vitally import to 99% of the American people and the sooner the American people realize the Republicans are out to destroy these vital programs they sooner they can mount a defense. Other than one mention on a finical channel I never saw one word about the impending destruction of these programs. Why? The social security trust fund is held in US Treasury bonds and the government will have to pay that $4 trillion back and there is only one way to do that raise taxes on corporations and the rich. Social security taxes provided huge tax surpluses for thirty years that were handed out in huge tax cuts for the richest Americans like Trump now social security needs the money paid back. You can never underestimate self-interest as a motive and the corporate media is up to its neck in self-interest in this case.

It is said the news media can’t tell you how to think but they can tell you what to think about and this morning that was Cuba.
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Reply Sun 27 Nov, 2016 09:04 pm
Trump now says he would have won the popular vote but the election was rigged. Trump says, “Millions of people voted illegally.” First for weeks we hear Trump tell us how crooked the election system in America is and he wants to put his white supremests at the polls in Pennsylvania to scare voters away. Once Trump saw that his Russian allies had handed the Electoral College vote to him by hacking into the email accounts of prominent Democrats and releasing them slowly in the months prior to the election and any other means they used, all of a sudden the election system was fine. Now Trump is back to his old song that he was cheated out of the popular vote by a rigged system. If the system is so crooked Mr. Trump why don’t you want it checked? At least the Democrats believe that only a few thousand votes were stolen in a few states but Trumps tells us it was “millions.”

Trump is wound up tighter than a watch spring and he is ready to explode. An article on MSN: “Trump Claims With No Evidence, That Millions Voted Illegally.” Trump say that he could have easily won the popular vote if he had campaigned in the most populous states. Trump admits that the campaigned in only 15 states and says without the Electoral College he would have never bothered with those small states as a justification for the Electoral College. Let me get this straight he did not campaign in 35 states because of the Electoral College and campaigning in only 15 small states is superior how? The article was also very carefully to note that Trump did not make his first tweet until 7:19. Trump up all night an on twitter raving about how he is portrayed on Saturday Night Live is telling people he doesn’t sleep at night and looks like someone on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Kanye West was recently hospitalized after making political rants at his concerts but at least he wasn’t seeing “millions of illegal voters voting.”

On “Meet the Press” this morning I watched as Trumps campaign manger, Kellyanne Conway was interviewed about the recall. She looked as all of the life had drained out of her. She is usually upbeat with a sunny personality but the few smiles she managed were forced. A genuine smile requires sixty facial muscles a forced smile takes 243 muscles. She hinted that there might not be a peaceful transfer of power if the recounts are allowed to continue. The last recount during a Presidential election when a Democrat won the popular vote and a Republican won the Electoral College vote was stopped by the Supreme Court and it is still debated to this day who would have won if the recount was allowed to continue.
“Son I’ve made a life
Out of reading people’s faces
Knowing what their cards were
By the way they held their eyes.”

The Gambler

Kellyanne knows something and it is not good for Trump
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Nov, 2016 10:47 pm
It seems hard to believe but Trump has found someone he can work with, Russia and the KBG, which, helped him “win” the election. If a democratic candidate for President had ask the Russians to hack into the emails of Republicans National Headquarters and Republican politicians there would have been an outcry still going on today. The Republicans would have claimed that the democratic candidate was an agent of a foreign enemy and they would have been right.
“I can tell you this, Russia: If you are listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.” (not to mention Trump himself).

Donald Trump 7/27/16

Inviting a foreign enemy to commit espionage during an election should disqualify Trump from ever holding the office of president or any other elected office America. The Republicans were rabid about impeaching Clinton for getting a little strange but not a word about Trump colluding with the Russians to win an election.

We know what happens if a President dies in office but was any provision made if a President suffers a nervous breakdown. If so who decides on his sanity. Back when the constitution was written a President acting strangely might have been considered possessed by evil spirits but now we know that evil spirits and other spirits are creatures of our imagination. Trump personality is not normal and it looks like there is a family history of it. Narcissism runs in families and Trump’s father a ruthless businessman encouraged Trump to be both a “killer” and “king.” There is a consensus that Trump is a narcissist, which is a personality disorder. Most psychiatrists asked about Trump’s personality disorder before the election declined comment because of the Goldwater Rule. In the 1964 election 1,100 psychiatrists stated that if Goldwater was elected he would be dangerous. The American Psychiatric Association later warned its members against diagnosing public figures. So now even if a dangerous madman is running for president the Psychiatric Association wants to make sure nothing is said to discredit him. Trump says his, “IQ is one of the highest,” that he has the world’s greatest memory,” and that he is “dazzled by his own creation.” Narcissism is most common trait of murders who like Trump know they are fare smarter than the police so there is really no reason not to kill.
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2016 10:28 pm
After the republicans’ bills before congress to cut social security by 20% and eliminate Medicare as we know it now it is time for Trump’s tax proposal or as it is otherwise known; “How to Pee on the Middle class’ legs and tell them it is raining.” Of all the tax deductions that Trump could eliminate such as the three martini lunch, use of the corporate jet to go to Paris for dinner, or billion dollar tax deduction for 20 years for being a complete and total business failure, Trump decides to eliminate the head of household tax deduction that will make 8 million middle class families actually pay more taxes. But wait there is an offset those making over $3 million will get an average tax cut of over a million dollars a year. Sounds fair the poorest of the middle class, single mothers with children will pay more in income tax and billionaires will receive millions in tax refunds. Do you have an idea how expensive fuel is for a sixty-foot yacht?

The republicans have been running around claiming the sky is falling because of huge national debt which was tripled by that old clown called Reagan and treated as the sky was the limit under baby Bush. Trump is Reagan round two huge tax cuts for the rich huge increases in military spending even though we already spend 10 times more on our military than any other country in the world. Reagan claimed his tax cuts caused increased tax revenue if it did why did he triple the national debt? However there were increased tax revenues under Reagan after all he raised social security taxes 5 times during his term in office and all the tax revenue is lumped together so yes technically tax revenue went up.

The head of household deduction is $9,300. That means if Trump is successful in eliminating one of the oldest deduction and there is no reason he shouldn’t be as a very similar proposal is already in congress, the middle class will have another $9,300 subject to income tax. At Trump proposed rate of 12% an additional $1,116 dollars in taxes on the eliminated $9,300 head of household deduction. Trump proposes “cutting” the percentage to 12% the current percentage is 10% that is an increase of 2% but not to worry there is nobody that voted for that idiot that will understand that. Those hit by both the 2% increase in taxes and the $9,300 deduction will see their taxes soar and these are the people that voted for him. Trump proposal also gives a real tax cut to billionaires like himself his tax bracket is 39.6% and it will be cut to 33% a 17% tax cut. Let’s see 17% cut for billionaires verses a 50% tax increase for the poor when the elimination of the deduction is factored in. That is fair someone has to pay for those billion dollar yachts.
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Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2016 10:32 pm
Good news for all you Trump voters out there the Republicans are going to repeal The Affordable Health Care Act and eliminate Medicare in one clean sweep.
Budget Chair Tom Price (R-GA) told reporters on Thursday that the house GOP will likely push next year for major changes and cuts in Medicare, the premier health care program for 57 million seniors that has been the bedrock of retirees’ health coverage since the mid sixties.”

“Price, who reportedly is being considered by Trump to head the Department of Health and Human Services, said that Republicans would likely move “within the first six to eight months” of Trumps administration to beginning implementing their plan. Key elements include raising the age of eligibility from 65 to 67 and gradually privatizing the system with government issued vouchers or “premium supports” to defray the cost of insurances policies purchased on the open market.”
Price has since been appointed by Trump to head the Department of Health and Human Services so Trump is on board with the Republican’s plan to eliminate Medicare. Currently The Affordable Health Care Acts limits the amount senior citizens can be charged to 3 times what a younger person pays for health insurance. Price wants this removed so that health insurance companies can chare as many times as they want, ten times, twenty times, thirty times what ever they want. This at the same time the Republicans are going to dump the Medicare recipients into the private insurance market. Last count I had a private insurance policy for young healthy people cost that only covered 80% with $2,000 deductible was well over $20,000 at three times that it would be $60,000 and Price and the generous Republicans will be glad to give you a few thousand to help pay for that policy.

Make no doubt this is class warfare and the ungodly greedy are going to do everything in their power to eliminate the middle class. Trump even wrote a book saying that the middle class was going to eliminated and only the ungodly greedy and the very poor will be left in America.

I always wondered why there was such an outcry against Affordable Health Care Act (AFCA) until I ran across the fact AFCA was funded by making the rich pay the same percentage of their income in Medicare taxes as even the poorest. Currently the rich pay social security tax on only the first $127,200 and at one time that was what they paid Medicare tax on also. But now they know how it feels to pay that percentage on all of their income. Using Trump as an example with $5 billion a year income for 6 years he would have paid $78 million in Medicare taxes since 2010 when AFCA mandated it. This is something Trump and his buddies can’t get out from under there are no crooked tax schemes to beat it. This is why billion was spent on Fox News and Talk Radio to make sure the poor and sick don’t get health care in America and next it will be the elderly who find themselves begging for even minimum health care. When the ungodly greedy rule it will be the darkest of days since the 19th century.

Reference “GOP Cuts in Medicare May Be Next After Dismantling Obamacare”
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Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2016 10:10 pm
During the campaign Trump assured us that he did not intend to cut social security or Medicare but as soon as he is elected he appoints the biggest enemy of Medicare and social security to his cabinet and his plans to destroy Medicare and social security have been in place for a long time. It is simple the taxes go up on the ungodly greedy or you destroy Medicare and social security. Guess what the Republicans are going to choose. Fifty-four millions seniors will now look for the democrats to stop the Republicans from destroying Medicare even though the democrats are a minority. Surely they can filibuster and stop it. The Republicans have figured out away to destroy Medicare with a simple majority vote. The political maneuver is called “reconciliation” this process is used for budget bills and debate is limited to 20 hours and it also outlaws the filibuster. Paul Ryan has included the changes in social security in the budget bill and no doubt the Medicare changes will be included in the budget bill also. A simple 51 vote majority will cut social security by 20% and raise the retirement age to70 and Medicare will become a voucher program giving back the money you paid into it 40 years ago it in a steady drip, drip.

The Republicans are overjoyed. This is their moment in time they have waited for 80 years for the opportunity to destroy social security and 50 years to destroy Medicare. Now there is no way to stop them according to Ryan and Tom Price (Trump’s pick to head The Department of Health and Human Services) this will be a done deal in six to eight months when the budget passes this will be done. The question is why would the Republicans do this? Simple it’s the National Debt. There will also be a tremendous tax cut for the ungodly greedy also and a huge tax increase for the working poor. This will be the third major tax cut for the ungodly greedy since Reagan was in office. Where did the National Debt come from in the first place? The national debt in our time stemmed from WWII but when Reagan took office the WWII debt was going to be completely paid off in the early nineties. Borrowing money to fund a World War understandable but when Reagan tripled the National Debt it was to give the ungodly greedy a huge tax cut. When baby Bush came into office Clinton handed him a balanced budget and despite a major war baby Bush and Republicans granted another huge round of tax cuts to the ungodly greedy but during war time the responsible thing is to raise taxes to fund the war. The completely unnecessary Iraq War and the Great Republican recession helped make the national debt a huge problem. The Republican solution is a third round of huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The National Debt was caused by the huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Every President since WWII paid the National Debt down until Reagan who tripled it. There is two ways to look at the National Debt. It was either caused by huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy or by social security, which even today has a several trillion-dollar surplus.

When America was in the longest sustained economic expansion in history taxes for ungodly greedy stood at 93%. It is not that paid that percentage but they had to invest that money back into America to get tax deductions. Once that incentive was removed the ungodly greedy invested their money overseas. Most people look at politics as a popularity contest with interchangeable people but politics is about political philosophy. When you vote for the people holding the daggers to slit your throat they will slit your throat just as soon as you turn your back even though they assured that it was not their intention. The scorpion always stings the frog. But the ungodly greedy know it is not about the man it is all about political philosophy. We are now fighting the battle of the Bulge and we don’t have any tanks.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2016 10:30 pm
As the vote count continues Hillary now leads the popular vote by 2.56 million a clear and decisive victory without the Electoral College. At this point Hillary has won the popular vote by 1.89% a far higher percentage then Trump won the three battle ground states of Michigan 0.3%, Wisconsin 0.7%, and Pennsylvania 1.2%. The Electoral College almost always reflects the popular vote only five times in history has the popular vote been different than the Electoral College vote.

Trump is doing his very best to stop the recounts in all thee states if he didn’t think the vote was fixed why spend millions of dollars in court costs to stop the recounts? The only possible reason is that something is wrong and Trump knows it. Trump did his best to get the American people to believe that American election system is crooked. It is extremely important that these recounts are done to restore faith in the system. These recounts were not triggered by closeness of the vote but by computer analysis of voting returns that showed on voting machines that didn’t have a paper ballot backup Clinton received 7% less votes than Trump. If this was reversed Clinton would win Wisconsin. At one time voting was done by punching a paper ballot now it is done on a computer and the computer records the vote. All computers do exactly as they are told it is called a program. A computer can be programmed so that every seventh vote for Clinton is recorded as a Trump vote. The computer can only do as it is programmed with no paper back up there is no way to tell without examining the machines programs whether the election was fixed. Trump wants to make sure this never happens.

If Trump had nothing to hide he has no reason to oppose a thorough recount in fact he should demand it. “In Wisconsin a lawsuit was filed in Federal District Court by the Great American PAC, the Stop Hillary PAC and Ronald R. Johnson, a Wisconsin resident to stop the recount. The lawsuits claims that the recount could “unjustifiably cast doubt” on Mr. Trump’s victory in that state.” Stopping the recount will cast doubt on Trump’s honesty and integrity.

Reference: New York Times “Trump Voters Go to Court to Block Vote Recounts in 3 States”
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