The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2016 09:04 pm
Religions come and religions go but the mechanical messiah is a one of a kind. In 1850s Massachusetts the right Reverend John Murray Spears set out to build a messiah out of wood and metal. After the mechanical messiah was finished “it would be infused with life and revolutionize the world and raise the human race to an exalted level of spiritual development.” This was the age of spiritualism were talking with the dead and disembodied spirits was an accepted practice. The Christian church taught that people survived death than there must be away to communicate with them and sure enough many people soon came forward claiming the ability to communicate with the dead. Reverend Spears was just one among many who claimed the ability to communicate with spirits. Soon he was approached by a group of spirits called the Band of Electricizers “This was a fraternity of philanthropic spirits run by Benjamin Franklin.” The Electricizers would direct the construction of the mechanical messiah from the other side via Spears.

No pictures of the mechanical messiah survived though there is an artist rendition but with Ben Franklin directing the construction how could it fail? Spears had no mechanical ability whatsoever which his followers considered a good thing. Spears followers believed that if Spears had any mechanical ability he might alter the Electricizers blue prints. The big day came when the mechanical messiah was to come to life and with all the magnets and different metals it did have some motion but not much. The believers still believed in Spears invention and decided the real problem was location so the mechanical messiah was moved Boston to New York where it was destroyed by nonbelievers.

It seems the fate of the mechanical messiah was no different than the biblical messiah. One thousand eight hundred and fifty years had passed and mankind had learned nothing.

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Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2016 09:29 pm
Bowling originated in cloisters of cathedrals in Germany. In the third century bowling was a religious ceremony. If a hit was scored it indicated the thrower was leading clean, pure life and was capable of slaying the heathen: If he missed it meant that a more faithful attendance at services would help his aim. The ball was smaller and the pins were the clubs carried by the people to protect themselves.

If you were a good bowler you were capable of “killing many heathens.” Even in the Christian games their thoughts seldom strayed from killing those who believed differently then they did. Somehow a cult that believes it has the right to kill others who don’t believe as they do, does not takes its cues from a superior being but from an inferior intelligence.
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Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2016 09:31 pm
Many believe that a country ruled by religion instead of secular government would be a utopia. A country ruled by spiritual ideals would surely be better than secular government. In the last century there was such a country, Tibet ruled by the Dalai Lama, it upheld the highest ideals of mankind or did it. The world’s perception of Tibet recognized the spiritual ideals but not the reality of Tibet. It is easy to romanticize religion but when you look below the shinny surface of the pond you find the feudal philosophy of the time when the religion was created. Prior to the communist take over Tibet was organized around feudal concepts thousands of years old. Religion needs to keep the past alive.

The Dalai Lama is a reincarnated ruler. Once a Dalai Lama dies they search the country for a child who they believe is the reincarnation of the Dalai. No wonder the country was so backward the same man has ruled it for thousands of years. They definitely need term limits. Let’s face it two thousands years is too long for anyone to be in office. How bad was Tibet? It was so bad that communism was a huge improvement. Religious rule had made Tibet one of the most backward and immoral countries on the face of the earth. People tend to think immorality more along the lines of sexual behavior but slavery is far more immoral than premarital sex and slavery was rule in Tibet into the twenty century long after it was banned in other countries.
“In the Dalai Lamas’ Tibet torture and mutilation including eye gouging, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation—were favored punishments inflicted on runaway serfs and thieves.”

An exhibition of instruments of torture in 1959 had ‘handcuffs of all sizes, including small ones for children, and instruments for cutting off noses and ears, gouging out eyes, and breaking off hands. There were instruments for slicing off kneecaps and heels of hamstrung legs. There were hot brands, whips, and special implements for disemboweling.”

“Give me that Good old time religion.”

From an article entitled: “Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth”
Instruments of torture sounds so much like the instruments of torture used by Christianity. There is something about religion that brings out the very worst in sadists.

The Dalai Lama and the monks had accumulated vast wealth while the serf had debt handed down through generations. Some men’s great visions of heaven end up being hell on earth.
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Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2016 09:07 pm
The parallels between the values of the Dalai Lamas’ Tibet and the values of the bible are unmistakable. Slavery is not only an accepted practice in both Buddhism and Christianity the religions sanction the practice with rules governing the practice. In Tibet when a rich property owner sold his property the serfs working the property were sold with it. The Drepung monastery in Tibet was one of the biggest landowners in the world with its 185 manors, 300 great pastures, 25,000 serfs, and 16,000 herdsmen. Slavery is one of the fastest ways to generate great wealth. The temptation to take what doesn’t belong, to you, including other people’s lives, is often hard for the religious to overcome since religions justify it. Religions were handed down from a time when slavery was considered an accepted and moral practice. After all the alternative to slavery would be to murder the people conquered during wars.

Of course one of the other parallels is how do you control people? The instruments of torture are comparable in both religions. The mechanical aspect of the torture instruments is not the worst part the worst part is the moral justification for using them on an animal let alone a human being. Imagine going to church on Sunday and watching as a preacher gouges a dog’s eyes out. There would be outrage throughout America and we would not wait for God to deal with that preacher he would answer to the law. Gouging the eyes out of an animal today would be seen as the actions of psychopath but when it comes to religion it was just God’s will. Any religious philosophy that can be used to justify the actions of psychopaths is one that should be avoided.

But who stepped up to the plate to defend this moral cesspool in Tibet, a country where the vast majority was enslaved? The United States rode in on their white horse to the rescue and to this day the American taxpayers are still paying the Dalai Lama a $186,000 a year since 1959. The CIA did everything in its power to keep the Dalai Lama in power. “The US congress continues to allocate $2 million a year to Tibetan exciles in India with addition millions for “democracy activities” in the Tibetan exile community.” If this is the CIA’s idea of “democracy” I don’t want any part of it.
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Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2016 10:02 pm
Religions claim to fame is that it is the moral force in society but religion is often the driving force behind the most immoral actions known to man. The Dalai Lama presided over a country where torture was an accepted way of life. Tibet considered one of the most religious countries on earth but once one looks behind the illusion it is hard to believe the harsh reality. If Buddhism was the exception to rule it would be one thing but the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam, has sharia law and in effect it is very similar to law in Tibet. The Christian implements of torture are also every bit as bad as those found in Tibet.

It is not religion that advances morality it is the secular governments who have been responsible for the moral advances. This fact alone should demonstrate that religion is not what it pretends to be. Immorality is encoded into all the major religions. The very acceptance of slavery is the acceptance of what is immoral. The morality in any religion can be traced to the time the religion was formed. The moral code in religion can never be beyond the moral code prevalent at the birth of that religion. Thus if slavery was an accepted practice at the time of a religion birth it will be accepted as normal by that religion.

The problem with religion is that it can never change. When the bible states, “You can never suffer a witch to live” that is what it means. When religions prescribe the death penalty for those who don’t believe it is only the secular government who stands in the way of mass murder. Religion as practiced today in the United States is restrained by rule of law and the Bill of Rights. When magical thinking prevails over the rule of law you are left with Tibets. Religion is a power structure that is easily corrupted. Now more than in past man rules religion instead of religion ruling man.
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Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2016 09:36 pm
H G Wells was a prolific writer who wrote, “The War of the Worlds,” The Time Machine, “The Island of Doctor Moreau,” and “The Invisible Man” among others. He wrote many different types of books including novels, history, politics, social commentary and textbooks but he will be remembered mostly for his science fiction.
But in Well’s last book, ”A Dream of Life and Mind at the End of its Tether” he takes on religion. Contemplating the end of his life he takes Jesus to task.

Wells lived at a time when blasphemy was taken much more seriously and he sat out to take on the Christianity. His method was to hold a discussion with Jesus. At one point Jesus advises Wells, “to never have disciples that it was his biggest mistake.” Jesus continues talking about his disciples, “And their stupidity, they would misunderstand the simplest metaphors. The kingdom of heaven is like so and so and so and so…in the simplest terms. They always get it wrong.

Wells was considered the “father of science fiction” and he was nearing the end of his life. By this time Wells had liver cancer and it was Well’s time to stare into the abyss. They say there are no atheists in foxholes but this is just another lie. Wells could have got religion at the end of life and try to bargain with God but instead he wrote his final book and filled it with blasphemy. It was his way of giving established religion the finger before he died.

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Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2016 09:44 pm
It is nearly Halloween the one night of the year devoted to the supernatural. In recent years some of the Christian churches have condemned Halloween as an evil holiday and forbidden the children of members to participate. Halloween is considered a pagan holiday that Christianity has not been able to eradicate.
When I was growing up no church ever even thought about condemning Halloween but now they have found an enemy they must defeat. Halloween was one of the most popular Holidays of the year and one that I always looked forward to. I had enough candy for weeks. How any preacher could find anything evil about such a harmless holiday is beyond me.

One preacher said, “setting aside a day to celebrate evil, darkness, witchcraft, fear, death and the demonic brings disdain to God.” Gee I wonder if they actually asked their imaginary God and got that imaginary answer. Evil is often like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder. What miserable people they must be to condemn a child’s holiday. The evil that haunts them is not in the external world it is within. Unable to separate reality from their imagination they inhabit a world where they are surrounded by evil and malicious spirits. One of the Christians writers explained some of the reasons she felt Halloween should be eliminated. One was that she had been delivered from “fear and panic attacks’ and we all know the site of a six year old in a Snow White outfit might bring them back. She asks herself, “Dose Halloween bring glory to God? What is a good Christian to do on Halloween? According to Jamie Morgan, the crusader against a child’s holiday, you should not leave home on Halloween to avoid the crowd and neither should you cower in the basement with the lights out. You should be on your porch with the lights on handing out bible passages to the heathen. I don’t know about now but if someone had handed out bible passage instead of candy there would have been a return visit for the trick part of Trick or Treat. It is a shame but this type of thinking has caught on at many fundamentalist churches in recent years.
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Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2016 09:49 pm
This is the night of the demon; the Christian fundamentalist must be having their panic attacks about now. They have personified evil into a creature known as the devil and surely the devil is about on Halloween. The devil was created to externalize the evil one did. If you beat your wife it wasn’t your fault it was the devil that had taken control of you. Wikipedia describes the devil as the “antithesis of Truth.” The bible really had no idea what “truth” is so defining the devil, as the antithesis of truth is somewhat ambiguous at best.

Christians believe the devil is always running around trying to tempt people to do the wrong thing. In fact Christ’s red badge of courage is that he spent 40 days in the desert and the devil could not tempt him. Now that they had created the devil to chase people into church someone would have to be the lion tamer. Evil spirits have been with us much longer than the devil. Evil spirits were blamed for disease and witch doctors were needed to expel the evil spirits. Now we have exorcisms to remove demons. The Vatican states that demonic possession is real and in fact Pope John Paul II preformed at least three exorcisms himself in 1978, 1982, and 2000. “You might be possessed if you have an aversion to holy water or crosses. “If you get a rash when you enter a church you might need an exorcist.” If the church catches fire when you enter you are beyond help. “If you exhibit super human strength you may be drawing your powers from the demonic dark realm.” We now know where superman got his strength.

In the year 2016 we are not much better off then savages 20,000 years ago many still believe in evil spirits. The witch finding manual Malleus Maleflcarum accurately describes the symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome of course their prescribed cure was burning at the stake and don’t haunt them in the morning.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2016 09:20 pm
Magical thinking had began to abate somewhat by mid twenty century and most churches accepted the bible as metaphor and not the literal truth but in the 60s magical thinking surged again with hippies and new psychedelic drugs. A new generation set out to find God. Most of the religious experiences in history can be traced to epileptic secures in a certain portion of brain but now with the new psychedelic drugs anyone could have their own personal experience with God. Just drop some acid and the world of religion opened up literally before your eyes. This spawned the new age movement and many gurus who could not wait to show the new generation the true path.

Horror and fantasy movie became popular especially the vampire movies where the mere sight of a cross could ward off vampires. This showed people that religion could protect you from evil at least in the movies and holly water was very powerful indeed. In the 70s the movie “The Exorcist” shocked and frightened a nation. The movie was said to be based on a real life exorcism. There was the proof the devil was right their in the movie theater you would have thought it was a documentary. When Hollywood say “based on a real life story” watch out because there is very little truth there. In this case the movie was based on an actual exorcism but that is where the fact end and the fiction began. The actual exorcism took place Garden City, Maryland and the subject did spit on the priest (he did not throw up on him) and the rest of the story was pure Hollywood special effects. That movie terrified my wife and twenty years after the movie she would turn the TV off if the theme song was played.

Where are the children of the 60s today? They are the elders in the fundamentalist movement. They actually experienced God on a level very much like Mohamed and other religious icons. The reality of religious experiences caused by drugs and those caused by epileptic secures of a portion of the brain are experienced as just as real. Religion had been trying to resolve its self with reality but in the 60s the pull of magic thing was just too strong for most of the baby boomer generation.
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Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2016 09:35 pm
“On January 19, 2004 Valerie Carey and her husband Christopher were found walking down an Atlanta highway with their two other children then 6 and 2 on their shoulders in freezing temperatures. Police found their daughter Quimani at a ghastly scene in a nearby motel. Christopher Carey had stabbed his daughter with a knife until it broke as she tried to fight him off. The mother then held Quimani down while her father broke both her arms. Once the girl’s limbs were limp, broken and unable to fend off her parent’s attacks. Valerie strangled Quimani to death. Blood soaked Bible pages were torn out and tossed onto and around the eight year old’ bleeding body.”
The question is did the devil make them do it? There are some things so evil that we can’t even blame them on the devil. What could an eight year old have done to possibly invite such savage treatment? According to her mother the horrendous act was done to drive the demons out of her daughter. When you decide to believe in ignorant superstitions you must believe in the evil as well as the good. When you believe in a world formed by magic you must accept that both white and black magic exist and are equally valid. Demons are every bit as real as Gods in that philosophy. How absolutely horrified and terrified Quimani must have been as her own parents broke her arms and killed her because she was possessed by evil spirits. But of course we know it was not evil spirits possession that caused this ghastly crime it was her evil parents mainlining religion. The blood soaked bible pages on her dead body say it all. I would have to wonder if one those pages was the one that says true bliss can be obtained by bashing your children’s brains out on the rocks. It would be of interest to see what pages of the bibles the Careys found guiding their actions.
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Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2016 09:29 pm
“In 2000 when police officers in Delhi, California found missing fifty year old Aurelia Lange, her teenage son David was next to her. David was naked, covered in blood, and reading the bible: he had hacked off his mother’s head with a kitchen knife and placed next to her.”

From an article named: “Legion’s Legacy: Possession and
Lots of people were beheaded in biblical times it looks like this teenager was just catching up on the most immoral book of our time. You don’t have to be inspired by the bible to kill and mutilate people but many people have been.

The question is how do you decide whether someone is possessed? Pray to God and wait for his reply? Do you think this might be a problem? Would you trust your next-door neighbor to pray to God and ask if your child was possessed by the devil? This worked out so well with witches. When the imagination spins things one way it is easier to accept. Joe had cancer but the church prayed to God and God answered their prayers and now Joe is cancer free. Of course all the doctors, the operation and the radiation had nothing to do with Joe getting better. If prayers are indeed answered and if you prayed that you wanted to know if your 8-year-old daughter was possessed by demons and God said yes. Demons are bad so killing your 8-year-old daughter might be a reasonable course of action. Who will judge who is possessed and who is not? Who speaks to God? Most Christians believe they can personally talk to God so as they listen to the long silence they can get any answer they like. You can’t ever have a coin with only one side there will always be the dark side.
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Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2016 10:09 pm
“Texas mother Andrea Yates drowned three of her children in an effort to exorcise the devil from herself in 2001,and in 2004 Donna Schlosser the arms off her eleven month old daughter while listening to religious hymns.“

From an article named: “Legion’s Legacy: Possession and Exorcism”
As society we have realize that magical thinking is especially attractive to those with major mental illnesses. All of the sadistic violence that covers the pages of bibles is more than real to those that suffer from mental illness and since their thinking is off to start with they take seriously all the stories of demons and possession in the bible. They accept these stories as true and it seems reasonable to them that an eleven month old can be possessed by demons giving it super human strength and making their own children evil adversaries.

Donna Schlosser had a degree in psychology from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY so she was not ignorant. As she confessed to cutting her eleven month old’ arms off to a 911 dispatcher over the phone the Christian hymn, “He Touched Me” played in the background. I would have to agree that God indeed touched her. She could ground her murderous thinking in the murky dark passages of the bible. Her daughter did die from her injuries. We have enough reasons to kill each other without adding superstitious nonsense from 2,000 years ago.

In court today a total gun nut was acquitted. A 21 year old who ingested mushrooms showed up naked, late at night knocking on the door of what could have been the local armory. They had over 6,000 rounds of ammunition and guns all over the house with small children. A glass panel was broken out of the door and the gun nut fired three shots through the door. The naked man wounded by three shots fled across the street and the gun nut followed him pumping three more bullets into him after he had retreated. An expert that testified in the Trayvon Martin trial told the jury that anybody that was bigger with or without a weapon could be considered dangerous and gun down in America today. The only test would be if you felt in danger. Now this has in effect become the law of the land as court decision. The “Castle Doctrine” says a man can defend his home and family but the gun nut became the aggressor when he went out the door and pursued and killed an unarmed man. The paranoid gun nut door was reinforced and there was no chance that it could be broken down by a naked man on mushrooms. I have no use for drug addicts or gun nuts but making murder legal is bad for everyone. The system usually works but it didn’t work today.

This happens just when we will be looking for the Trump supporters to riot after Tuesday’s election.
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2016 09:15 pm
In a court of law the gold standard has always been what would a reasonable man do but with the new “stand your ground laws” the standard has been changed to what would a paranoid gun nut do? The case that was decided in Huntington yesterday parallels the February 2012 Trayvon Martin case in Florida. Both involve a young black man in a white neighborhood at night. The black men are both named Martin in the Huntington case it is Joshua Martin who was 21. I lived in that neighborhood for close to 20 years and it was nearly crime free. In Florida case a 17 year old was involved in a physical assault on a person but in the Huntington case it was property damage. With six thousands rounds of ammo in the house the whole neighborhood was in danger if the shooters house caught fire. There should be a law where people with that much ammunition had to notify the fire department so they could be safe and stay at a safe distance and let the house burn to the ground.

The shooter wife was a doctor named Dr Mott and the shooter she was living with was named Micah LeMaster. The last four shots were fired while Martin was on the ground or bent over. The Defense Attorney Rick Weston said, “Citizens have the right to defend themselves and the jury courageous verdict confirms that.” After Martin was first shot he fled to back yard of the house across the street and where his retreat was blocked by a six foot privacy fence and a steep creek bank. The mad gun nut was in hot pursuit. Le Master had spoken to Martin when he was at his door and knew he was incoherent. Naked and incoherent in 20-degree weather in March would tell anyone that Martin was having a bad trip or mental problems.

A reasonable man would try to stop Martin from entering his home but once that threat was abated he had no right to police powers and even if the police had arrived on the scene and shot and killed an unarmed black man there would have been riots and outrage across America. Le Master had no law enforcement training and had no business doing Police work. I don’t think this is over and the next shooting LeMaster gets into, and you can bet gun nuts are always wanting to use their toys, won’t be with an unarmed naked black man.
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Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2016 10:06 pm
In the last few years the “Castle Laws” in most state in America have been modified to make it easier to kill people with no consequences. After the recent acquittal of murderer of an unarmed man in Huntington by a gun nut that hunted him down I wondered if the Castle Laws in West Virginia had been modified to legalize these types of murder and sure enough the West Virginia Castle Laws had been changed in 2008 to facilitate these types of murder. Then I wondered who was behind changing the laws. Sure enough the NRA (read that Gun Manufacturers Association) was responsible for pushing these changes in laws that had been on the books for ¾ of a century. Why fix something that obviously wasn’t broke? Simple really the more people that are murdered the more guns the gun manufacturers association’s sells. Let’s face it fewer and fewer people want anything to do with guns because they know statistic don’t lie and it is usually the gun nut his wife or his children that end up being the one that is injured or killed. Suicide by gun is one of the most popular forms of suicide. In fact suicide is by gun is the most popular means of suicide in America more than double the second which is hanging. Of course the Gun Manufactures Association is only concerned that the suicide victim paid for the shotgun before he blew his head off. But the real problem is after the gun nut blows his brains out or murders his wife and children he will never purchase another gun. With all the gun nuts kill themselves off and a new generation that wants nothing to do with guns the Gun Manufacturers Associations needed to create new markets for the death they are selling.

By creating an America where any unarmed person can be shot down in the street and when the family goes to court and is denied justice because our laws have been corrupted by the Gun Manufactures Association trying to make bigger and better profits the alternative to justice becomes the gun. When the law allows gun nuts to shoot and kill an unarmed man because he has an angry expression on his face and that is what Dr Mott gave as an excuse for shooting Martin. She testified she didn’t notice that Martin was naked and wounded but in the dark she could clearly see he was angry. So Martin family only path to justice is to buy a gun and confront LeMaster when he gets an angry expression on his face they can legally blow him away. If that is the legal standard that is the legal standard for all. Meanwhile the NRA is setting back counting their profits. The Gun Manufacturers Association longs for the old West where the gun was the only real form of justice and I suspect the Castle Laws changes the NRA is pushing came from that time period.

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Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2016 10:33 pm
In 2006 “Family Guy” ran an episode about ear sex was which seemed funny enough at the time. It seems the teenage daughter, Meg, takes an abstinence pledge. Meg and her boyfriend think they have found an acceptable way around the pledge by having ear sex, which catches on at her high school. I was surprised to find that that some of greatest religious minds in history had originated the idea of ear sex as to how Mary became pregnant. Her holy vagina could be defiled in anyway even by the Holy Ghost. So they decided that the Immaculate Conception was done via Mary’s ear. Really? A lot of time was spent figuring this one out. This absolutely screams of someone that is repulsed by normal sex. Many of the leading religious minds were priests and many of them would have been homosexual then as they are now. Normal sex would repulse them. So much so that poor Mary had to take it in the ear. It like when someone starts lying they are then obligated then to make up more and bigger lies to cover the first lies.

There is a deep an abiding phobia of sex running through Christianity like a river. To this day the traditional dress of nuns keeps their ears covered lest the Holy Ghost be about. I guess they take ear sex seriously.
“The centuries marvel that the angel bore the seed. The virgin conceived through her ear, and, believing in his heart, became fruitful.”

From a sixth century hymn.

“That the danger of this form of conception is regarded by Catholics as not having entirely passed is shown by the custom with which all nuns still comply by protecting their chastity against assaults by keeping their ears completely covered… This is the acme of chastity, for it protects against even the most innocent form of conception, one reserved for the most modest women.

Ernest Jones
In religion it seems the Holy Ghost’s semen only defiles Mary if it is deposited in her vagina. The obvious way for the semen to be deposited would be orally instead of through the ear but this never seemed to occur to the holy fathers. I guess that this picture might have been to graphic. While painting exists of May being impregnated through her ear, painting of her being impregnated through her mouth would cause wide spread panic in the religious community. It would be like saying sex was okay after all. Birds do it, bees do it, and even Gods do it.
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Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 10:23 pm
Religion has always had an unhealthy preoccupation with sex as in clearly evident to today in the antiabortion movement where the religious zealots seek to take control of the bodily functions of others. Sex is a natural and enjoyable part of life but sex according to the religious “defies” a woman. No God could ever be conceived born via such a disgusting process. Religion strives to control sexual activity by making it a disgusting activity. They also decided to sanction sexual activity through marriage. Marriage sanctioned by the church would be the only permissible place for sex. Sex outside of marriage was a sin. Not only was sex with another person a concern for the church but any form of sexual activity even with oneself was strictly forbidden and of course a sin. How concerned was the church with sexual activity? The following paragraph from a confession manual demonstrates the church’s concern for the sexual well being of girls.

“1. Given rise to impure orgasm by looking and touching themselves. (1) by lightly touching themselves on the vulva with the palm of the hand. (2) by lightly touching themselves with the finger inside the vulva on the clitoris, etc. (by inserting the finger into the vagina. (4) by inserting a piece of wood etc. within the vagina. (5) pressing one’s vulva against a table, wall, etc. sitting in a seat and pressing oneself against the seat. Sitting on the ground and pressing oneself against one’s foot. Periodically crossing the legs and pressing on the actual vulva by moving oneself gently, etc.

“2. Touching oneself shameless with one or several girls. Acting in a sodomitic manner with girls: from time to time with sisters, especially, when lying in the same bed at night, by now pressing the vulva with the foot, leg, of another and so defiling themselves.

“3. By mutual touching of the gentiles with a boy.

“4. Bestiality (1) by applying one vulva to some animal. (2) at times by inserting the comb of a cock or hen inside the vulva. At times placing saliva or bread in the vulva and forcing a dog to lick it. At times forcing the dog and inserting the dog’s genitals into her vulva.

Antonio Claret, then Arch Bishop of Cuba, 1860 was responsible for this manual. Manual
I guess these were things that girls would be questioned about in the confessional. There is over preoccupation with the sexual activity of members of religious cults.
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Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2016 10:23 pm
If the priests closely questioned young women about the tiniest details of their sex lives. What would you expect to happen? Let’s just say that one of the better-kept secrets during the Spanish Inquisition was that it wasn’t just witches and heretics that were burned at the stake. Many priests were tried for taking advantage of women who came to confess only to have another sin added to their total. The confessional box is a modern day invention. Confessions were heard anyplace in the church sitting side by side in pews. Of course as the pretty young things discussed the most intimate details of their sex life they would become excited along with the priests. Rome decided that it looked bad to the congregation if the priest was banging have the congregation. Official written records show that during the Spanish Inquisition between the years of 1723 and 1820 that 3775 priests were tried for solicitation.

What is refreshing about that is that the church actual went after the offending priests as opposed to what the modern day church did with the child molesting priests who were simply transferred to another parish to continue molesting children. In the medieval church there was only one transfer and it was to a stake with a blazing fire under it. The church wasn’t worried out about a scandal they were more concerned about making the randy priests an example to everyone. You can see from the paragraphs from the confession manual posted yesterday that the priests wanted to get into the details of the female’s sex lives. Sitting on one’s own foot with the foot touching the vulva was considered a sin. If the modern church had burnt the child molesting priests at the stake it might not have stopped the problem but there would have been thousands fewer children molested. It demonstrates a completely different approach to a similar problem. The modern church was blind to victims and instead saw itself as a perspective victim covering for the molesters seemed like the best solution for the church.
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Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2016 11:02 pm
For the second time in 16 years a republican loser claims the presidency after the majority of Americans voted for the Democratic candidate. We are still trying to clean the mess up that that the first illegitimate republican made. The cost of Iraq war is over $6 trillion and rising daily. The Iraq war was a wild goose chase and cost of breaking Iraq will go on for decades. Had the 2,000 presidential election been won by the candidate the majority of Americans voted for there would have been no Iraqi war. Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

The Electoral College was set originally set up in the 1700s with the intent to hold fraudulent elections. The old south was able to count all their slaves when it came to calculating how many electoral votes they were given even though the slaves could not vote. This meant the southern slaves owners votes counted far more than someone in north. In effect if a slave owner had 200 slaves he had 200 votes because the whites that voted also voted the slaves vote.

The other given reason was that if it were not for the Electoral College in the 1700s the information about candidates would not reach the outlying territories. Information about elections no longer travels by horse back it travels in instant to the furthest corner of the country.

Since owning slaves is illegal all of our elections should be determined by a simple majority of the voters. All other elections are determined by majority vote except one the most important. At one time senators were simply appointed by the governors of the states but it was changed and the world didn’t stop.

In effect the Electoral College makes some voters much more powerful than others. Democrats that live in red states that have been republican for decades need not ever bother to vote because it will never make any difference and the same holds for states that have been strongly democratic for decades. If you know your vote is going to be worthless why vote at all? A good percentage of voters both Republican and Democrat knew that their vote was meaningless in Tuesday election. The Electoral College disenfranchises a large percentage of the American electorate. In a majority rule election every vote has the exact same value but in the Electoral College system as was seen in Tuesday’s the majority of votes were absolute worthless.
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Reply Fri 11 Nov, 2016 10:40 pm
How many more illegitimate Presidents will the American people have to tolerate before they demand that the Electoral College be abolished?
“The phoney Electoral College made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!

Donald Trump on Twitter
Even though I disagree with most of the things Trump says I would agree whole-heartedly with that statement misspellings and all. Trump continued:
“The electoral college is a disaster”

Donald Trump on Twitter November 6, 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Trump was under the mistaken impression the Romney won the popular vote in the 2012 election and the Electoral College would make Obama president. Few realize that the Electoral College was revised after Jefferson-Adams-Burr election of 1800-1801. The Three-Fifths Compromise in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 allowed the southern plantation owners to count their slaves population as three fifths for purpose of determining how many electoral votes would be apportioned to that state. So where a white man was counted as one a black man was counted only as 3/5 of a man. Designing the Electoral College this way gave the southern a third more electoral votes than they were entitled to at the time. This also gave the southern states a third more seats in the House of Representatives. The Electoral College is glaring reminder of America’s racist past. The Electoral College was born of pure racism and that it survives today is a travesty. The Electoral College was an illegitimate product of a political compromise.

Petitions to abolish the Electoral College need to circulated and Trump should be more than happy to sign them since we know how he feels about the Electoral College.

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Reply Sat 12 Nov, 2016 10:11 pm
Most Americans don’t realize that in America you can’t vote for president you only vote electors who are in no way bound to vote for the candidate you voted for in twenty-five states. If your state voted for Trump you have not elected Trump only the republican electors who can cast their votes for whomever they chose in twenty-five states likewise if you are in a state that voted for Clinton you did not vote for her you voted for the democratic slate of electors.

Do you have any idea how powerful the electors must feel? These 538 people get to decide for the three hundred million Americans. Currently there is a petition that has over three million signatures to get the Trump electors to switch their vote. As the count stands now if petition convinces only 11 Trump electors to switch their vote Hillary will be elected President. Michigan and New Hampshire are still to close to call and may require recounts.

Even the prospect of Trump being elected president has thrown the country into chaos. Trump has not been elected President until the Electoral College meets and cast their votes December 19th. The racists are running wild in our schools chanting “white power.” On college campuses the bulletin boards are talking about “daily lynchings” the racists that have had to stay hidden in the closet for years now feel fully empowered. The white supremacists were huge supporters of Trump. There are now more protests going on in the streets of America then since the Vietnam War.

The Electoral College could still stop this travesty and vote for presidential candidate that the majority of Americans voted for. Will it happen? Not likely this time unless Trumps shows the country how crazy he actually is before Dec 19th this why the Electoral College should be eliminated before it sends the country down the drain. There was a reason people once got around in horse buggies and a reason they don’t anymore.
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