In 1986 when Ronald Reagan signed the bill that banned automatic assault weapons something strange happened the murders with these automatic weapons stopped. Remember this only banned their sale and didn’t remove those already on the street. Why would the killings stop? Simple, you could no longer buy them at your corner gun store when the mood hit you to murder a hundred people. It stopped easy access. Though one gun historians estimates 10,000 of these weapons remain in the hands of private collectors today not one has been used in a crime. The parts for these guns are hard to come by and they fetch $10,000 each now.
They say if you want more of something cut the taxes on it conversely if you want less of something tax it. A couple of thousands dollar of taxes on assault weapons should cut down the easy access. The $2,000 could be justified by the increased cost of law enforcement needed to deal with these weapons. The money could be used to hire more policemen and train them in how to handle mass shooting with assault weapons. This way the guns would still be legal and the NRA would have acknowledge the cost of gun violence and the Gun Manufactures would have to bear the cost.
Meanwhile in Washington the republican lackeys are still trying to make sure the terrorist in America have access to the best weapons of mass destruction. They now have decided to at least give lip service to the fact that known terrorists should not be able to buy weapons of mass destruction but it far more important that no terrorist be denied weapons of mass destruction without due process. When it comes down to thousand of innocent people being killed it is the possibility that one person be denied the right to kill a hundred people that worries the Republicans and the NRA. If a hundred thousand people were killed in mass murders next year the Republicans would still be more worried about the possible violation of one man’s right to own guns being violated.
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Wed 22 Jun, 2016 08:18 pm
It has been a while since I have heard of a sit-in be staged but keeping weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of terrorists is as good a reason as any. How long can the republican take political cover using the tired lie that they are worried about infringing on a terrorist right to slaughter Americans? If some gun nut cannot by weapons of mass destruction his rights have not been violated even Reagan banned weapons of war from being sold on the street. If you are denied the gun of your choice you can appeal the decision but if you are one of the thousands of victims of gun violence you cannot appeal your death.
The scales of justice are often featured at courthouses indicating that the balance must be weighed. On one side of the scales we have the thousands of victims killed with by gun violence on the other side we have the gun nuts right to own the weapon of his dreams. Do the scales of justice come even close to a balance? How could a republican believe they do?
America was designed to be run by a simple majority but rules in the Senate allow the minority to rule the majority. A vote of over 50% can pass a bill. But procedural votes are rigged to let the minority rule. In order to bring a bill to floor for a vote requires a 60% super majority and impossibly high bar on a hotly debated topic. Those rules are responsible for never ending gridlock on the major issues facing our country. If the majority rules in America, the minority should not be able to veto the majority. This is what happened with the gun bills that would prevent terrorist from going into the corner gun store and buying weapons of mass destruction.
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Thu 23 Jun, 2016 07:50 pm
If the NRA stood to make a profit off of someone yelling fire in a crowded movie theater they would insist it is wrong to violate the idiot’s right to free speech and they would claim he had an unlimited constitutional right to yell fire in a crowded theater. In effect that is what is going on with an assault weapon ban, according to the Gun manufactures Association a gun nut right to sh*ts and giggles is superior to the right of American citizens to live. After all that is all the idiot yelling fire in a crowed theater wants. When the idiots yells fire he thinks the sight of people falling over each other in a stampede to get out the door is the most hilarious thing he ever saw. When informed about all the people that died trying to get out of what they thought was a burning theater the idiot would just shrug his shoulders. When ask why he did it the idiot would reply, it was just about sh*ts and giggles.
The reason we don’t have idiots yelling fire in theaters is the idiots don’t have the NRA’s money behind them. The NRA tells the public that they are the heroes riding in to defend the workingman from the evil government. This narrative coincides with the paradigm that many people have. Everyone develops a life narrative. If in your life narrative you see yourself as victim who is at the mercy of forces beyond your control the NRA narrative that is an evil force out to victimize you as opposed to our government is government of the people, by the people, and for the people appeals to paranoid. Those who purchase guns in the first place see the world as an evil place that may strike them down at any instant and they can never purchase enough guns or ammunition to quiet their paranoid delusions. The Gun Manufactures Association is well aware of who and why people purchase guns.
The life narrative is made up of what we tell ourselves about ourselves and the world around us. In effect we create a role for ourselves like an actor in a movie. If we see ourselves as good guy we will try to live up to that script if we see ourselves as bad guys we will act accordingly. Advertising is the art of manipulation they want you to buy what they are selling or the message they are pushing, understanding personal narratives exist and how to exploit them is 90% of the game. The Gun Manufactures Association knows who their message appeals to and they work hard to exploit it. Of course we are all subject to paranoia to one degree or another but gun owners are at the top of that scale but the NRA message has found traction well beyond the survivalist.
From the time we get up in the morning till the time we go to bed someone is trying to manipulate us for their purposes, on the radio, on television, newspapers, magazines, internet, billboards, signs we live in a sea of predators trying manipulate us.
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Fri 24 Jun, 2016 09:16 pm
There is no other field where manipulation is as important as in politics and the NRA is one of the most successful manipulators in the history of Washington. Every one has a self-interest in government and would like to make government take care of their self-interest. In theory government should strike a balance between the self-interest of one group and the self-interest of other groups. But when one group has garnered an inordinate amount of political influence it knocks the system out of kilter. The self-interest of a tiny minority supersedes the self-interest of the vast majority. In an electric amplifier a small stream of electrons modulates hundreds of amps. The small signal from plucking an electric guitar string become so loud it is overwhelming. The Gun Manufactures Association has managed to amplify their voice far beyond what they should. The Gun Manufactures Association does not need to constructs their amplifier out of electronic components but never the less it magnifies their voice millions of times. The Gun Manufactures Association amplifier is constructed out of three components the first is a fully owned puppet organization called the NRA that dances to any tune the Gun Manufactures Association wants to play. The second is an organized political arm that is very effective at electing those that will do their bidding and eliminate those who vote for even the most trivial regulations on guns. The third is fear, no organization uses fear as effectively as the Gun Manufactures Association. During the 2004 presidential election the NRA spent millions on local television time to run half hour infomercials targeted at gun owners. You would have thought the sky had fallen after the infomercial was run several times. Gun owners were absolutely convinced that if they voted for anybody but baby Bush that their guns would confiscated the day after the election.
The fact that the Republican Party is ready and willing to make sure that terrorists have easy access to weapons of war shows how out of kilter the system is. America currently spends hundreds of billions on homeland security but will not take a step to deny any terrorist weapons of war because we are worried that we may violate someone’s rights is absurd beyond belief. Like it or not we are engaged in a war with an unconventional political ideology that knows no political borders. There are up to 1.5 million potential terrorists currently in America and Republicans want each one to have the best weapons money can buy. Why aren’t the Republicans just as concerned about the right to fly? Because it has nothing to do with anyone’s rights it has to do with the Gun Manufactures Association’s profits. Why does the airline industry not fight for the right of every terrorist to fly? They are losing millions in profits but they have better sense. The airline industry lacks the psychopathic focus on profits the Gun Manufactures Association has and they watched as 3,000 people died and they know if terrorist can fly it will happen again. The Gun Manufactures Association watched all the same mass murders we did but their profit is far more important to them. Maybe 3,000 is the magic number and if the next group of terrorists kill 3,000 the Republicans will finally stand up to the NRA and put them where they belong.
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Sat 25 Jun, 2016 08:23 pm
There is an old saying that goes, “With friends like that you don’t need enemies.” That is certainly as true today as when the saying was coined. The NRA claims to be a friend of the American people but in fact it is responsible for the vast majority of mass murders in America today. The victims of mass murder are just collateral damage in the NRA’s pursuit of bigger and better profits. It is not that the NRA set about deliberately killing people but they are the key to arming mass murders with weapons of mass destruction. If you take the NRA out of the political equation the assault weapons would be banned tomorrow just as the Thompson Machine Gun was banned in 1934 and fully automatic weapons under Reagan. No big deal those weapons were used to kill innocent people in large numbers.
Can a corporation be psychopath? There is no doubt that corporations are more likely to be psychopaths than people. For a corporation to exist it must focus on generating a profit. This evening there was a true story about a psychopath on Discovery ID, like a corporation he had a single-minded focus on turning a profit and didn’t care how he did it. He pushed his wife and five year old son off a cliff to collect their life insurance the life insurance was just profit. He of course told the Police that the boy slipped over and his wife tried and failed to save him losing her life in the process. He did not tell the police that he tried to hire a hit man to kill them. When he ran out of money he contacted someone to kill his parents so he could collect on their life insurance. He was turned in by the would be hit man, jailed and convicted of murder. The Gun Manufactures Association has that same single-minded focus. It wasn’t that psychopath was a bad guy he was just focused on making a profit. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his wife and son he just needed the money. His parents refused to believe their son would do such a thing even though they listened to the recording of their son planning their murder.
The NRA is not your friend if you can’t see the similarities to the NRA and the psychopath you must be blind. Some psychopaths kill for the sheer thrill of it to other psychopaths it is not personal it is only about the money.
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Sun 26 Jun, 2016 07:13 am
Psychopaths have been known to poison their whole family, one at a time to collect on their life insurance. It does not bother them that somebody died. They remain focused on the bottom line, profit. Studies of psychopaths with fMRIs show that psychopaths are not fully human their brains lacks any capacity for empathy. In life they lean to mimic the emotions of others so they don’t stand out but when an opportunity for a profit arises they are not restricted by emotional barriers that restrict others actions.
In America corporations were granted the same rights as individuals by the Supreme Court under the theory that corporations were simply a collection of individuals. When we look at other collection of individuals, like lynch mobs, we can easily see the remorseless action of a psychopath. Most of the individuals that participated in lynchings would not have acted that way on their own. What makes us most human can be easily divorced in groups. Groups like lynch mobs are formed with one purpose in mind and corporations are simply groups.
Members of the Gun Manufactures Association are well aware that it could have been their children that were at that club, college, Post Office, Mall or grade school but like the woman poisoning her children to collect life insurance they are willing to take the chance for higher profits. A child of an upper level executive will eventually be killed in one of these mass murders. If it hasn’t happened yet it will happen at some point in time. The executive will comfort himself by shifting the responsibility to others and tell himself he played only a small part in making sure weapons of war made the killing of his child possible just as the people cheering the lynching on believe that they were not responsible because they did not personally put the rope around the victim neck. The Gun Manufactures Association may not have put the rope around the 49 people’s neck at the Pulse nightclub but they supplied the best rope money could buy and made sure that it was easy to get.
The 49 people killed by weapons of war at Pulse are dead and nothing will ever bring them back. We can only focus on the mass murders that haven’t happened yet and try to stop them. Like Scrooge asked the spirit of Christmases to come as they stood over Tiny Tim’s grave, “Are these things the shadows of things that will be or are they the shadows of things that May be? For those killed at Pulse the question has been answered for the victims of mass murder future it is only a future that May be.
In science fiction films the question is often asked if we could go back in time and change key moments in the past we could change the future for the better. We now have that opportunity to change the future. It is time to expose the NRA for what it is. The Great and terrible OZ is not what it seems it is only a corporation like any other.
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Mon 27 Jun, 2016 09:16 pm
The military has a term for it; it is called “collateral damage.” In pursuit of military objectives often civilians are killed unintentionally they are referred to as “collateral damage.” The military didn’t intend to kill them but they were unable to avoid killing them. Most of the people who become executives in the major gun manufactures were at one time military officers. Both the Thompson Machine Gun and the AR15 were invented by active military personal. John Thompson was Army Ordinance officer and Eugene Stoner invented the AR-15. Stoner was in the Marine Corps and served in the South Pacific and China during WWII. Both these weapons were invented to wage war. Military officers and other military personal often find work in the defense industry where they bring their mind set from the military. In civilian life they have a primary objective which is making a profit and to them collateral damage is still actable.
That is why the NRA sees nothing wrong with the mass murders that are going on in America today. They might think that it is a shame that people are being killed but it is just collateral damage. To the NRA it is not like that mass murder was ever their objective. In war collateral damage is common and just a cost of waging war. In civilian life the NRA expects and accept collateral damage as a cost of securing a good profit but America isn’t a battlefield and civilian deaths in America are not acceptable here. Can we stop all gun deaths in America? No but we can prevent many of the mass murders or at least cut down the number of deaths.
Once you develop a mindset it is hard to change. I always hated to work with career military people because it was like they spoke a different language while those that only served a few years did not seem significantly different than others.
President Eisenhower warned about how powerful the military industrial complex had become and make no doubt about it the military industrial complex is on the other side of the gun issue. We must as a country change the prevailing paradigm that collateral damage is as acceptable in civilian life as it is in war.
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Tue 28 Jun, 2016 09:22 pm
If you are engaged in a war it is extremely important to know who you are at war with. The enemy would prefer to stay hidden in some cases because it gives them a strategic advantage. It is hard to fight an enemy who remains in the shadows. The NRA is nothing more than a front for the Gun Manufactures Association and the Military Industrial Complex. Up until now the American people who don’t want to live in battlefield have focused their fight on specific gun regulations without dealing with the real enemy who stays hidden in the shadows. It is time to out the real enemy and their motives for making America an active battlefield. The NRA’s tired argument that they are just protecting the right of every American to own an AR-15 that fires 700 bullets a minute. We all know that is a lie.
A man in Yellowstone Park got out of his car to feed a grizzle bear which worked fine until the man ran out of food to feed the bear. The man should not have run out of food because the grizzle was still hungry. The man was the next thing on the menu. President Eisenhower knew that we created a monster during WWII the defense industry consumed most of the GDP. Not only did America spend every dollar that they could get their hands on we went in debt for the next 50 years. This created a very hungry bear and once it had consumed all that we could borrow for 50years it began looking for more to eat. The US military currently has a strength 1,301,300 down from a high of 3,500,000. The gun manufactures can only sell so many weapons of war to the military but there are three hundred million Americans who the gun manufactures can market weapons of war to. This is a very lucrative market and losing this market upsets the bear. The product the gun manufactures sell is death so don’t expect them to be bothered when a few people die.
It is time to out them and drag their real motive out of the shadows. This is an argument about profits and until everybody in America understands this we will be living a lie.
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Wed 29 Jun, 2016 09:03 pm
How good a weapon of war is an AR-15? We need only compare the recent terrorist attack by terrorist in Turkey and the attack in Orlando nightclub. In the terrorist attack in Turkey we have three professionally trained terrorists with fully automatic weapons and three bombs. There are six times the number of targets with much more open spaces an fewer places to hide but after all three bombs were detonated they couldn’t kill as many people as one angry many with an AR-15. Three professional shooters armed with automatic weapons and three bombs the terrorists killed only 41 people while Omar Mateen killed 49. That is nearly 20% more killed by a single shooter. Three bombs in Turkey and one shooter in Orlando should drive home the idea how dangerous these weapons are. There are at least 10,000 Omar Mateens in America today that need only cross that line. Maybe he is the angry guy you work with or the angry neighbor down the street when he finally decides to act out if he can go buy an AR-15 at the corner gun store he will be more dangerous than three professional terrorists with fully automatic weapons and bombs.
Death and dying in the military way of life is acceptable and if one intends to live that type of life you have to rationalize death as acceptable. When these people transition back into civilian life and join corporation that make up the defense industry they still believe that a chance of death is acceptable and if AR-15s increase those chances so be it.
At one time in America anyone could go to the corner hardware store and buy dynamite. If you didn’t like neighbor you could put a bomb in his car and blow him up. You could put a bomb in his house and kill his whole family. If you were on strike you could blow up your employer’s facilities. The city of Huntington workers are represented by a AFSCME the city of Charleston 45 minutes away lost its union after they blew up the incinerator. It was easy for anyone to buy explosiveness. After enough innocent people were killed by bombs, Americans said enough is enough and stopped the general public access to explosives now we have guns that are far more efficient then explosives on the street. It time to do the responsible thing and ban weapons of war from the streets of America.
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Thu 30 Jun, 2016 09:52 pm
I am going to transition away from the problem with guns to what often motivates people to kill with guns. The terrorists in Istanbul didn’t target a gay nightclub they killed themselves and others for God. It has been years since so many people were sacrificed for God. The Jewish people were the last to stop sacrificing human beings to gain favors from God. In Mexico they took the human sacrifice up on the alter and cut their heart out and we know for a fact this act pleased God. How do we know because the religious said it did. That is why so many people know how to please God today, someone told them so. Is killing people with an AK-47 any different than cutting their heart out? One is just as dead as the other. When will the madness stop?
Archeologists have traced the stories that make up the bible way back in time thousands of years before Christianity. The same stories can be traced to Mexico and South America. Some archeologists believe that a great civilization once ruled the earth and that those religious stories originated from that civilization. The frightening part is that the civilization that spawned religion vanished and the virus that killed survived in tact. Might we meet the same fate? In another 11,000 years might future archeologists look for our civilization and not find a trace? History has a way of repeating itself if we fail to learn its lessons. Eleven thousand years ago the earth was a different place with the water level 300 feet lower than it is today this meant the cost line of America extended a 100 miles further than it does today as the ice melted many of the cities would have disappeared. Archeologists say that the advancing ice would have ground anything in its way to dust. How much of our civilization would survive a hundred years, 500 years or a 1,000 years? Judging from the recent flood in WV it would not take long.
Religion changes names through time but the same basic fables may have existed far longer than anyone has any idea. Born of a virgin, miracle worker who heals the sick, makes the blind see and the lame walk and rises from the dead. He also brings people back from the dead. When we first went into space we were worried that a returning spacecraft might bring back a virus from outer space that might kill mankind. We may have already come in contact a far more deadly virus called religion from an ancient civilization that might eventually cause us to vanish. Certainly in Istanbul 44 people have vanished because of religion.
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Fri 1 Jul, 2016 07:05 am
The terrorist attack in Istanbul was all about “religious freedom” the right of the religious to impose their religious beliefs on others by force. This has been a practice since the first man looked up in the sky and decided the sun was a god. He no doubt told the second man if he didn’t worship the sun he would beat him to death with his club. Things continued downhill from that point with Christians burning non-believers at the stake. But this would never happen in America would it? The religious in American don’t use AK-47s to impose their religious views on others they use the power of government to impose their religious views on others. After the Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage a tidal way of laws swept through state legislatures targeting gays. A Federal Judge in Mississippi, the most backwater state in America overturned Mississippi’ religiously inspired gay bashing law by framing it as pitting one set of religious views against others. These laws are used to specifically favor certain religious sect’ religious views over others.
US District Judge Carlton Reeves wrote in part that, “
HB 1523 favors Southern Baptist over Unitarian doctrine, Catholic over Episcopalian doctrine, Orthodox Judaism over Reform Judaism to name just a few.”
Solomon has spoken going to the heart of the problem. If government is going to be used to enforce religious principals which religion principals will it force down the public’s throat. Not all religions believe the same thing.
The Judge said the law was, “the state’s attempt to put LBGT citizens back in their place.” Back to the back of the bus for the LBGT citizens.
“The law sought to protect three beliefs: That marriage is only between a man and a woman; that sex should only take place in marriage; and that a person’s gender is determined at birth.”
Sex only in marriage? That one law would make criminals out of the majority of us. It is religious beliefs of some, mandated by force of law for all. ISIS is just trying to do the same thing with AK-47s that the Christian right is trying to with force of government in America. The more religion changes the more it remains the same.
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Sun 3 Jul, 2016 09:22 am
Another Sunday morning and more reports of people slaughtered for religious differences. Ninety-one people killed in car bombings as the Sunni Muslims targeted the Shiite Muslims. This dispute originated in the year 632 over who the rightful successor to Mohamed was. The Shiites, the minority, thought that a member of Mohammed family, a son in law named, Ali was the rightful successor while the Sunni believed the successor should be elected by the majority of community. Ninety-one people died today because of a religious dispute almost 1400 years old. Religious disputes don’t end they just go on forever and the fact is no amount of killings, bombings or beheadings will ever change history.
Human beings are not wild animals they have a rational brain. They have the gift of reason they should be able to tell the difference between what is real and what is make believe but religion has gained such authority over the human race we act as slaves to do its bidding. We willingly defer to even the simplest authority. If we encounter a sign pointing us to the right or left when entering a store the vast majority will follow that arrow. For years religions have served as a signposts pointing us in the direction of the supernatural explanations of life and fate. The majority will never question the reality of religion because they are swept along with the majority following the signposts erected by previous generations.
Believers and nonbelievers are all swept along captured in the current in an ancient drama dictated by astrologers who looked skyward and saw virgin births, and Gods who died and were resurrected. The tales are so ancient that their exact origin has not been found. Many Christians have the symbol of the fish on the back of their car and the fish is also the symbol for Pisces the astrological that is ending. The age of deceit, cheating and stealing is at an end and the Age of Aquarius will usher and age of peace and understanding. I hold little hope for this, as astrology is the bases for the Christian religion. In the end there is only hope for those who can escape “God illusion.” The hope for the world no doubts lies in the number people who can escape the God Illusion. You can look at the dying sun during the winter solstice and watch it resurrected three days later and know it was never a historical man. The Age Aquarius is to be the age reason.
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Mon 4 Jul, 2016 07:48 pm
It is the forth of July and we have fireworks all over the world, the trouble is many people are part of the explosions. ISIS idea of fireworks is much like the Christians idea of a bonfire. Without someone to roast in the fire it is just not a proper bonfire. If the Christians had explosives in the Dark Ages they would have used them. The technological advances in bomb making came along too late for the Christians to make use of them except in bombing abortion clinics. Don’t believe the Christians would use bombs to accomplish their political goals? You need only talk to the owners of abortion clinics that have been bombed.
How is it that religions which claims to be source of morality use the most immoral acts to impose their religious views on others? The religious can justify the cruelest forms of torture and the most outrageous types of murder. Many of those killed in Baghdad were children. Dose it bother the religious to kill children? Not when it comes to making a religious point. Religion has always proudly claimed to be the sole source of morality in society. In fact religion claims that without religion society would be totally immoral. What we do know is that during a Police strike in Canada criminal activity dramatically increased but the churches were all still open. That would lead us to believe that the Police department is far more likely to be the actual source of morality than religion. Most criminals are more worried about the here and now then being punished fifty years later for their criminal activity.
All religions carry with it a sense of entitlement. Ever since the creation of monotheism each religion claims the mantle of the one true religion. Somehow we have to break the link between religion and morality. This sense of entitlement of being the one true religion gives them the license to kill and torture. If in fact their religion is the one true religion they have a duty to impose their religion on others after all they are doing them a favor. The religious wars will go on for an eternity as long as long as the religious believe that they are following the one and only true religion. The child molester captures his victims by being nice and offering them candy. Religion captures it victims by being nice and offering the eternal life, at least the candy was real.
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Wed 6 Jul, 2016 01:13 pm
“As we saw several chapters ago, not every member of the langur society is happy about the state of affairs. In the jungle nearby roams a gang of postpubertal hooligans who have left home permanently to hang with toughs their own age. Their newly spurting sexual hormones have triggered the growth of horniness, muscle, and a cocky aggression. Periodically, the gang of youthful thugs advances on the territory where the well established elder sits in the midst of his large family. The hoodlums try to get his attention. They mock and challenge the patriarch. He sometimes sits aloof, refusing to dignify their taunts with a response. On other occasions, he ambles over to the periphery of his harem, then rears up and puts on a display of outrage that chases the young Turks away. But from time to time, the massed delinquents continue the challenge, the upstarts trounce their dignified superior thoroughly, chasing him from his comfortable home.”
“Then the newly triumphant members of the younger generation execute an atrocity. They wade into the screaming females, grabbing the babies left and right. They swing the infants against trees, smashing them against the ground, bite their heads, and crushing their sculls. They kill and kill. When the orgy of bloodlust is over, not an infant remains. Yet the females in their sexual prime are completely unhurt.”
From the book “The Lucifer Principal” by Howard Bloom.
What religion would sanctions such behavior? Would we find it in the bible? The particular part that refers to this activity has been edited out of the Catholic bible but remains in the protestant version. Of course Mosses ordered the murder of any woman who had known a man when they slaughtered their rivals. But the bible says in “Psalms 137: Happy shall he be who takes and dashes your little one’s head against the rock.” Various preachers have tried to rationalize this passage from just being a different time to simply being a song. But the historically record shows that this was a common practice in Christian warfare. Hugo Grotius wrote a book in 1625 to make Christian warfare more humane but he used this biblical passage to justify killing children. The Christian practice of killing children was as common as ever in the 17th century. These beasts of the field dictate morality to masses today.
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Thu 7 Jul, 2016 08:39 am
Moses the great biblical hero to the religious right was in fact Moses murder of women and children. In the great religious movies we see Moses leading the Israelites out of bondage and parting the red sea but what is left out of every religious movie is Moses ordering the slaughter of innocent women and children. When the Germans did the exact same thing during WWII we tried them for war crimes and executed them. What a difference a day makes, on Sunday we would worship a man that did the exact same thing. We killed the Germans that killed women and children on Saturday and worship a man as a great hero on Sunday that did the same exact thing. Why? Because the great and wonderful God ordered Moses to kill women and children.
“And Moses said to them, “Have you spared all of the women? 16 “Behold, these caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, so the plague was among the congregation of the Lord. 17 “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill ever woman who has known man intimately. 18 “But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.” (Numbers 31:15-18)
“The harsh command is what God told Moses to do.” “Take full vengeances for the sons of Midianites. Num.31:2.
When the world became aware of what was going on in Nazi concentration camps they were abhorred and cried out for vengeance but at the same time worshipped a God who did the same thing showing the absolute absurdity of religious faith. If it was wrong for the Nazis to kill innocent children it was wrong for any God to do the same. Would we worship a Nazi who grasp a baby by the feet and smashed it brains out on the rocks why worship a book that directs the faithful to do the same?
When it comes to rationalizing the actions of Moses this must be the mother of all rationalizations. But the preachers armed to the teeth with magical thinking will go where no rational man dares tread. The Midianites had to be destroyed because they served another God but wait wasn’t that the exact same rational in Nazi Germany, the Jews worshiped another God? The Midianite
Women were seducing the Israelites and diluting the messianic line and of course if the messianic line were diluted Jesus would never be born and in fact never was. But evidently sleeping with the captured women after killing the young women mothers, fathers, brother, and sisters would not dilute the messianic line. There is not one rational thought in the bible that was not lifted from somewhere else.
If killing children was wrong in Nazi Germany it was even more wrong for a religious icon. Basing a society on a nation of child killers is wrong also.
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Fri 8 Jul, 2016 10:04 pm
For those who chose to act like Moses we convened trials for war criminals. In Nuremberg they called them crimes against humanity, crimes like extermination, and genocide. The world found the Nazi’s crimes so horrendous that a world court was convened. Yet several of these people who would sit in judgment and issue death sentences for the Nazi’s would go to church on Sundays and be told what a great hero Moses was and see absolutely nothing wrong in their thinking as they admired a religious icon like Moses on Sundays and issued death sentenced to people on Monday who had done no worse than Moses. If it was wrong for a German officer to grasp infant by it heels and bash its brains out and I can still remember that vivid description then it was just as wrong for Moses to order the slaughter of the children.
The justification for Moses’ slaughter was that God told him to do it and if God said it any crime was permissible. Maybe it is God who should be tried for war crimes, convicted and executed. Certainly it is the crime that should be the deciding factor if the world is just. To say the murder of children is fine if the people are found whoring with another God but are hideous crimes when committed in war. If you mention Moses hideous crimes to a practicing Christian they will be quick to rush to their hero’s defense coming up with one rationalization after another. No one rushed to the defense of the German officers no one tried to rationalize away his crimes or make them less serious. “It was a different time,” however it was not a different religion. How can you worship a God that would order the slaughter of children? “God works in mysterious ways.” Really, you actually believe that? Those children would grow into adults and slaughter Moses and his merry band of killers. Maybe the Germans should have tried that one. We killed those children because when they grew up they might kill us for killing their parents. The Germans were simply acting in self-defense in killing those children. God and Moses pictures should forever hang besides Hitler’s picture in the minds of men.
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Sat 9 Jul, 2016 07:13 am
If in Nuremberg the Nazi’s had used as their defense that they killed the Jews because they were “whoring” with another God and the God of the Nazi’s had ordered them to kill the Jews would anyone even have considered that as a valid defense? I don’t think one of the judges at Nuremberg would have accepted that as a valid defense for killing women and children but many of those same judges would have accepted that exact explanation for Moses killing children in the biblical stories. If killing children because your personal God ordered it is wrong today it was wrong 2,000 years ago.
Why is this relevant today? Because once again God is up to his old tricks ordering the death of innocent women and children. Those religious Muslims see nothing wrong with the killing of 3,000 people on 9/11. Why? Because it was done under the authority of God and god is the ultimate authority in our society. Of course God does not send his orders in writing where they can be examined. God sends his orders to those with right lobe epilepsy, those that are subject to religious hallucinations. We should have a problem when any God orders the killing of innocent women and children not only now but in the past. Because what we find as acceptable in the past will be acceptable in the future. We cannot divorce the actions of one who murders children and says he was just following God’s orders and not invite the horrors of a 9/11 when others find their God has ordered them to do likewise. For thousands of generations religion has made a hero out of a monster and we have taught our children that murdering children is all right as long as someone with right lobe epilepsy tells us God ordered it.
When we accept in principal that whoring with other Gods is valid reason for genocide we summons the whirlwind. They did that in Germany and millions died. Once again the religious have summoned the whirlwind. In the past religions had been mostly regional but now mass media has spread once regional religions all over the world and the armies of God are making the world their battleground. Our children and the children in the Muslim world are taught from the time they are old enough to learn that killing for religious reasons is not only acceptable but is done in the service of God. Moral actions are moral actions and immoral actions are immoral actions no matter when they took place. To rationalize gross immorality as simply service to God is a mistake. We have to begin solving the religious slaughter by cleaning our own house we have to see religion plants the idea that evil is permissible in the service of God. Most Americans would never even realize that they are planting the same seeds in America that have taken root in the Muslim world.
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Sun 10 Jul, 2016 08:02 pm
In the movie about Moses a lot of attention was paid to Moses bringing the Ten Commandments down from he mountain. Chief among those commandments is: “Thou shall not kill.” But it is extremely obvious that this does not stop Moses from killing even for the most trivial reasons. If you are caught gathering sticks on the Sabbath Moses will have you put to death. Did the Ten Commandments stop Moses for ordering the slaughter of women and children? If the commandments kept Moses from killing anyone we aren’t told about. Moses was a murdering thug but every preacher will tell you he was a religious hero.
You would think that Moses would have wanted to be shining example and live the faith but he never let his faith get in the way of slaughter women and children. Why? As people divide themselves groups there is one standard for the people in the group and another for those outside the group. Those outside the group are considered less than human so killing them is not a sin. When Moses encountered a pagan he felt justified in killing them because they did not worship his God. The very existence of nonbelievers or those who believe in a different God is an affront to any religion. Their doubts are personified and that makes them very uncomfortable. There will always be doubts in the minds of religious. Is their faith the one true religion or is it another faith? Is God imaginary? When they have to confront that they are in cognitive dissonance. Currently in Bangladesh the Muslims are killing the atheist writers.
The Quran states: “If anyone has killed one person it is if he had killed the whole of mankind.” Why would the terrorists who claim to be religious ignore this commandment? The thing about religion is that you can pick and chose what parts you want to follow. The Quran tells us the Muslim God is kind and forgiving God. Which is just below number 5 that tells us: As for a thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands, after that you can ask for forgiveness. Lets hope the Christian right doesn’t get to do a rewrite of the bible they would prescribe cutting off another body part to solve their fear of homosexuality.
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Mon 11 Jul, 2016 06:33 am
Moses serves as a shining example of the worst possible immoral behavior and that is simply left out of movies meant to portray him as a superhero. Why did the filmmakers decide to leave out the orgy of death as innocent women and children were slaughtered for whoring with another God? Because this shows that the filmmakers knew the slaughter of the innocent for “whoring with another God” was both wrong and immoral. A scene that showed graphically correct slaughter would remind the public how the religion of peace and love was really spread. Moses and ISIS have a lot in common they both believe that religion should be spread at the point of their sword.
The world was absolutely abhorred as they watched film of people being beheaded by ISIS in an effort to spread their religion to others. You can bet that many of the women and children that Moses ordered slaughtered were beheaded, in any event they were every bit as dead. By one we are deeply offended but Moses is portrayed as hero and his actions rationalized. If we could go to U-Tube and see actual video of women and children being slaughtered by Moses men would it make a difference? I think if we had actual film of Moses’ monstrous actions it would change some minds. Moses is presented to us as a great hero who saves his people parting the red sea but the preachers don’t preach sermons telling how Moses slaughtered innocent women and children but it remains in the bible. When preachers are asked about Moses’ viscous murders they will simply say it was a different time.
Is it really a different time? ISIS can justify killing innocent women and children sighting the same passages in the bible.
Most Westerners don’t realize that, “Moses is the most frequently mentioned individual in Quran.” Moses is considered to be a prophetic predecessor to Mohammed and the tale of Moses as a spiritual parallel to the life of Mohammed. So in Quran Moses is even a greater hero and role model than in Christianity. When a child killer becomes a great religious role model and when murdering others for “whoring with other gods” is an acceptable religious practice is it any wonder that murder and mayhem is spreading around the globe? If we make heroes of murders our children will see nothing wrong with emulating them.
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Tue 12 Jul, 2016 09:04 am
In ancient Rome they had a saying about the Christians, “If they want to be deceived let them be deceived.” That saying is as true today as it was then. The politically active Christian right has inflicted a massive amount of economic damage to the middle class in effort to cram their religious philosophy down everyone’s throat. When the religious right chose to go hand in hand with the party of the multimillionaires (Republican Party) this gave the multimillionaires the means to achieve their political goals. But the goals of the religious right somehow were always kept at the back of the political bus. The Moral Majority helped give massive tax cuts for millionaires from 70% before Reagan to 28% after Reagan. The losers of course were the middle class, which saw massive tax increases of regressive taxes at the state and local level to offset the lost federal taxes. When taxes were cut for the millionaires it still took the same amount of money to run the country. So there was no tax cut just a massive tax shift from those with the most to those with the least. Like the old saying you can pay me now or pay me later. The baby boomers never saw what hit them because our tax system is so complex with so many different taxes.
The Republican Party and the Christian right have all but eliminated affordable college educations and private sector pensions. Many baby boomers can look forward to eating cat food or eating out of a trash can in their golden years because the 401k style “pensions” on the average only provided $50,000 at retirement which would amount to 2 years of a traditional pension. The baby boomers parents retired with good pensions and paid medical insurance. But the republicans and the Christian Right led the baby boomers down the garden path.
It is important that we know how the Christian Right became politically active in America. It began in Orange County, California with a group of sexually frustrated Christian housewives who were convinced secular humanism was corrupting their children. They began using microscopes to examine the textbooks in Orange County schools. With their microscopes they saw women with naked nippled breasts and men with enormous erections. (probably because they were not seeing that at home) they even succeeded in getting some of the illustrations changed from this the Christian Right realized it could achieve change. In America we now have a Christian Broadcasting Network, 221 fundamentalist TV stations, 1,370 fundamentalists radio stations. The Christian Right leaders declared America is a Christian country and believe only Christians should be eligible to hold political office in America.