The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2016 08:33 am
People refer to Jesus as “the light of the world” other Gods like Krishna were also referred to as “the light of the world.” Of course the real light of the world is the sun and betrays the real origin of Christianity as sun worship. We all know that the sun is the real light of the world and without it there would no life on earth. The saying, “the light of the world” predates Christianity by thousands of years but Christianity was quick to adopt it as uniquely theirs. Christianity real innovation was to make a God a mortal up until that point Gods had been primarily supernatural but by making their God a mortal they could point to a historicalized individual. Jesus of course is not an actual person but a composite character. By waiting more than a hundred years to commit the story of Jesus to writing ensured that there were no living witnesses to dispute any of the imaginary events. The writers of the bible were portrayed as being the disciples when in fact the disciples were long dead when the story was written down.

“If the Christians want to be deceived, let them be deceived.” This statement holds true for all religions the followers must be active participants for the fraud to take place. There is a mountain of absolutely undisputable evidence that Christianity is one of the most massive frauds in all of history but yet there are millions of people that just want to be deceived. Christianity is like a child’s security blanket that has been carried way too long. It is a defense against reality and responsibility. As long as the devil makes you do it and God died for your sins you are sure to be saved what could be a better security blanket? In the end any security offered by a security blanket is illusionary but the security blanket does provide and excellent defense against growing up and taking responsibility for one’s own security.

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Reply Fri 15 Jul, 2016 07:05 am
Yesterday in France we saw the “Moses’ Mentality” at work it seems the French people had been “whoring” with another God. Just as Moses felt justified in slaughtering innocent women and children the terrorists see nothing wrong with doing the same. When you make heroes out of monsters, monstrous actions seem reasonable. Moses is of course is a great biblical superhero and he is even a bigger hero to the Muslims. Moses personifies the idea that slaughtering people because they are “whoring” with other Gods is in fact God’s will. If Moses were alive today and slaughtered innocent women and children for “whoring” with another God he would be tried by an angry world and found guilty and executed.

Christian in this country of course saw nothing at all wrong with Moses killing people to further their religion but few Christians realized that Moses is also a superhero for the Muslim world. Islam was built on a Judeo-Christian foundation and incorporates many of the same first and second testament heroes. In fact Moses is by far more important to the Muslims as he is the most frequently mentioned character in Quran. If you went to a Christian church Sunday you would find no sympathy for those slain by Moses just as you will find no sympathy from ISIS for those killed in France yesterday it is God’s will and each man is free to determine “God’s will.”
“And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and woman: but come not near any man with the mark; and began at my sanctuary. Then they begin at the ancient men which were before the house.”

The terrorist could have memorized this verse and as he drove along crushing women and children he would be comfortable with his monstrous actions knowing he was doing God’s work. “Slay utterly the old and the young, both maids and little children and woman.” The fictional character James Bond had a license to kill but this is not a license to kill religion grants a franchise to kill under the imaginary authority of God.

Is the terrible passage from the Quran? No it is from the bible Ezekiel 9:5-6. When will the senseless killing stop? When people stop imbuing monstrous idea with supernatural authority. In our culture people literally worship these ideas and the monsters that carried them out. We cannot think the actions of the terrorists as evil and at the same time worship the same type people on Sundays. We keep the idea alive that killing for religious reasons is somehow noble and just.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2016 09:57 pm
Nothing dose more to create an us verses them mentality in today’s world than religion and religion has always served this purpose. When you think of the body immune system there has to be a way for the immune system to recognize invading viruses and not attack body’s healthy cells. When the immune system fails to recognize the body own cells and attacks them it is called an autoimmune disease and the immune system dose major damages the body. In the same way an army needs to recognize invading armies and at the same time not attack elements of its own army. Religion once served this purpose it was a way to tell one tribe from another. Now the world’s religions are being mixed in a blender and religion is no longer unique to a country or a tribe. Religion makes violence against outsiders acceptable for it is a major violation of religious to worship another God punishable by death. Just asked Moses.

A group of rats is able to tell the insiders from the outsiders by smell of the common habitat on them. In experiments if a rat is taken from the colony cleaned and given the smell of another colony his former friends will attack and kill him. Religion served the same purpose as the smell did for the rats it was a shared meme, a marker, a way of telling who belonged to the community and the penalty for not belonging was death in humans just as it is for rats. This gives us an idea as just how primitive and idea religion really is. It is something that we have in common with rats. The rats might be excused because they are dumb animals but we pride ourselves in our intellectual accomplishments but we still function on the level rats. We not only function on that level we go to church every Sunday and worship those same ideas and teach them to our children and than we tell ourselves that these are the ideas of a supreme being. One would think the most advanced creature in the universe would rise above the actions of rats but he didn’t.
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2016 12:32 pm
A mark, there needs to be a mark, so the insiders can tell which ones are the outsiders with the rats it was the smell of their bedding and excrement. With armies it is the color and cut of their uniforms. With men it is often the memes they believe in such as religion being a key meme. As ISIS went through Iraq killing and beheading the outsiders because they lacked the ‘mark” the mark of their religion. How similar it was to the rats tearing their former friend apart because he lacked the mark, the smell of the pack. The rat was now an outsider because he lacked the mark.

Much is made in Christian circles about the “mark of the beast.” But the real “mark of the beast” is likely to be religion. The mark of Moses that keeps alive the ideas of the beast. The basic idea that insiders should kill outsiders because they are not marked by the same beast is kept alive by religious belief. Is there anyone doubts that ISIS is a beast as it pursues its religious goals in the Middle East? Can anyone see any difference between killing and beheading of those who do not have the right religious mark and the rats tearing their former friend apart? There is no difference, religion not only keeps the beast alive it seeds the beast and plants those ideas in the minds of future generations. Not only are the ideas that the rats live by planted they are said to be divine and given the authority of the supernatural. Supernatural authority is the highest authority granted any set of ideas by man. When we can look at the vicious behavior of rats and see our own reflection we should also realize the supernatural is an illusion.
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Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2016 08:50 pm
Religion is the mark of the beast or at least the justification for the beast within. There are still primitive tribes that attack other tribes and slaughter the children just like Moses. What religion does is keep the beast alive in all of us. It justifies the actions of the beast as supernatural retribution. It holds the supernatural as superior to the right to life. Mankind has made major advances in morality and they have been encoded into law but the bible and other religious text anchor us to the ideas of the primitive beast. Slavery is supported by the bible instructing us who is to be a slave and who cannot be slave. But the laws of man have outlawed slavery in every country. The beast says let there be slaves and instruct us how they can be treated. The argument that religion is moral doesn’t hold water. Religions idea of morality is to worship whatever God they can dream up.

This century started with a religious blood bath as religion reared its ugly head. There are symptoms and there are the diseases that cause them. Treating the symptom does not solve the problem. We think of 9/11 as the disease but in reality it was just a symptom of a much greater problem. We destroyed Al- Qaeda but ISIS rose up to take it place. If we destroy ISIS another more terrible organization will replace it. If we cut the serpent’s head off the beast will grow another. The organizations are just symptoms of the underlying problem. While the beast has many faces they all share one thing a belief in the absolute superiority of the supernatural. In all of supernatural lore human life has no real value the supernatural can kill men on any whim that occurs to them. They can crush man like so many ants. Something displeases a God and he will flood the world killing every living creature.

The lesson ISIS has learned well is that human life has no value. This is the lesson of all supernatural stories. The God must demonstrate has vast superiority by killing the worthless humans. The bible teaches this life is only miniscule fraction of your eternal life. If you have an eternity what does matter if you lose a fraction that is too small to measure? Gods must always demonstrate their superiority by killing and their minions are all too happy to oblige. Of course the minions will always have to do killings because an illusionary God can’t.
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2016 06:47 am
The moral advancement of man has come a long way in the last few thousand years but it hasn’t been a steady trip forward as it has been punctuated by outbreaks of religious inspired mass murders. Even most Christians completely ignore or deliberately overlook many sections of the bible including the pro slavery aspects of the bible but continue to cling to other more harmful sections like a drowning man to a life preserver. While the bible’s direction that you’re your true bliss will be found by bashing a baby’s brains out on the rocks can easily be ignored. The major premise of religion cannot be ignored and that is that supernatural is superior to man and that man is only a puppet of the supernatural. Not only must man submit to the will of the supernatural he must accept that God speaks only to certain men and only they know the true will of God. These basic premises must be accepted by anyone that decides to have a relationship with a supernatural being. You must always be willing to subjugate yourself to the will of God.

What possible problems could this possibly cause? You are a young man in America in the year 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. You are a good Christian. As good student of the bible you know that it states that you cannot suffer a witch to live. You just know that the evil abounds in your community. You know what God’s will in the bible is extremely clear on this point. Your job is to be executioner and the bible clearly absolves you of any guilt as you murder 20 people. The executioner is just a cog in supernatural drama that depends on the supernatural for direction but it is other men who decide what the will of God is.

The year has changed and now you are young man from the Middle East the year is 2001. Again you are the executioner but instead of a rope to hang the evil ones you are at the controls of a huge airplane going hundreds of miles an hour. The evil ones you targeted have offended your God and you feel no guilt for deaths of 3,000 people you are about to kill. You did not hear the voice of God directing you to kill he only lets his will be know to the leaders of your movement but you know you are doing God’s will. How often has this same drama taken place in the past and how often will it take place in the future before the ghost of the supernatural vanishes from the minds of intelligent men?
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2016 08:48 pm
Some say prostitution is the oldest profession but I think that is highly unlikely after all it was hard to negotiate price with someone holding a club. The oldest profession was no doubt conman because once you could convince someone there was an invisible dimension with an invisible God and that God would tell them what to do but of course the conman would have to be the one to tell you what God said. At this point conman had discovered the ultimate scam. If anyone ask to see God the conman would point out that since God was invisible no one has ever see him. The scam is as old as time and it is universal with many variation.
“In the Nigiri hills of India, shortly before the Europeans came, there lived four tribes. One tribe, the Badaga, were farmers. Another, the Kota, were craftsmen. A third, the Toda were herdsmen. And the forth, the Kurumba, made and raised almost nothing at all. The Badaga, Kota, Toda, and Kurumba lived together in delicate harmony, each supplying a vital something that the other three needed and paying for this indispensable product of its neighbors with its own handiwork. But there was one form of merchandise for which the Badaga, the Kota, and the Toda were willing to pay far more than any of the others. Sometimes their need for this single good mounted to a hysterical level of hysterical panic; yet to us this commodity might seem the least essential of all.

From the book “The Lucifer Principal

Have you guessed what the Kurumba had to sell? The Kurumba claimed to have control of the invisible realm where all sickness originated. They could intercede with the Gods to save a sick individual. Since most people have a good immune system and recover on their own the scam is nearly foolproof. When someone did die the others never asked for their money back the Kurumba protector was offered sympathy for having to fight such a powerful enemy.

This of course would never happened in the modern world. The Catholic Church once controlled a major portion of the world’s wealth and all they had to do was take on Satan.
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Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2016 09:15 pm
“In the late 40s a German researcher, F Steinger put fifteen brown rats together who never met each other into a cage together. At first, the creatures cowered in the corners, frightened and apprehensive. If they accidentally bumped into each other, they barred their teeth and snapped. Gradually, however it dawned on some of the males that among this batch of strangers were attractive young females. The gentlemen rodents became Don Juans and went a courting.”

From the book “The Lucifer Principal
What do you think happened next? The first couple to mate teamed up like Bonnie and Clyde and became killers and killed the rest of the rats. Low and behold they found the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey. The two rat lovers looked at the other rats as just useless genetic material that might take vital resources from their future children. Killing the others helped insure the survival of their genes.

Howard Bloom, the author of the “Lucifer Principal” goes on to make an important point comparing Moses having to clear the Promise Land, of Jebusites, Canaanites, and Philistines. God like most Gods of the time was a tribal God like the rats he was only concerned about a specific gene pool. Evolution constructed the human brain out of the available genetic material and it is now accepted by many neurologists have in accepted the three brains model, a reptilian brain that does automatic functions, such as blood pressure and digestion, the limbic or emotional brain, and the rational brain. The emotional brain is sometimes referred to as mammalian brain also. So it is likely that we carry the genetic markers of all of natures genetic tinkering with us. In this case the bible justifies the same drama that are caged rats were engaged in. Moses’ slaughter of the innocent was not unique to the animal kingdom what was unique was using the supernatural to cover Moses’ animal instincts.
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Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2016 11:39 am
How did a small tribal God turn into a universal God? If God was the God of the Israelites and that God ordered that the Israelites to exterminate the rest of the rats in the Promised Land what would be his appeal to any other tribe? In the experiment the female rat became and excellent killer. She would wait as another rat munched on a piece of food and she would pounce on the distracted rat and biting through one of the major blood vessels. When Moses ordered the massacre of the innocent it is unlikely he was following the orders of an invisible supernatural being but that he was just following a genetically programmed imperative. The history of man is the history of warfare.

Like some mad German scientist looking to make “a master race” Mother Nature quietly goes about it business to accomplish same thing. In an old episode of the original Star Trek aliens pit different spices against each other in combat to ascertain which is best. In war Mother Nature pits different tribes or countries against each other in wars and the prizes is that the winners genes will be those that are passed on. We take ourselves way to seriously and while our focus is very myopic to the few years we live, Mother Nature sees the big picture. In each of us we carry the real Holy Grail our genes. Mosses made sure that when he slaughtered the innocent that the genes of the Jebusites, Canaanites, and Philistines would be terminated with prejudices. It is called genocide for a reason.

As far as Mother Nature is concerned if one army defeats another, the one that survive will be the father of the next generation. Mankind vanity creates Gods and blinds him to the big picture. The most important thing that we will ever do in our lifetime is to see that our genes are passed down to future generations. We can prove we are a successful experiment if we can pass the Holy Grail on to the next generation. That will be our genetic contribution to the master race.

As we look around us we can see we live in a giant copy machine where everything is continually in the process of being copy. In a few hundred thousand years we probably wouldn’t recognize our distant ancestors but a geneticist will still be able to trace the origin of some of the genes back in time to ourselves just as geneticists can trace the gene that contains cancer to a certain location or spreads it throughout the body to an ancient one cell creatures that congregated.

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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2016 09:21 pm
The Promised Land, really, it seems God had promised someone else’s land of milk and honey to the Israelites. God definitely wasn’t the God of the Philistines, Canaanites, or Jebusites. It seems God had decreed genocide as their fate. This would make God a tribal God and at best his only real concern was his tribe, the Israelites. Much of the Christian right recognizes that the Israelites are God’s chosen people even though they don’t believe in him.

Very few things escape the influence of politics and there is as much politics in religion as in the Democratic Convention this week. To go from a tribal God to a universal super hero was accomplished by politics. Most heroes are manufactured not born. Legends are carefully manufactured like fine set of clothing and as seen before many Gods were said to don the same accomplishments including the virgin birth and the many miracles. At the time that Christ was said to have lived the Roman Empire was the most powerful Empire on the face of earth but because of the vast Empire, which traded with many different countries there was a vast array of Gods and religious practices. As the Roman Empire begin to deteriorate the politician realized that Empire should have only one religion and that religion should be controlled by the Emperor. The Popes and bishops were already in place from another religions. Even temples were already in place and were simply converted. When some of the churches were remodeled they uncovered the astrological symbols of other religions. A religion that could be controlled by the Emperor of Roman was another tool to control the population. At first the bishops and Cardinals were appointed by the Emperor not the pope. Only after later popes became more powerful were they able to secure the power to appoint bishops and cardinals by excommunicating Germany. By this time the pope was more powerful then the Roman Emperor.

Why out of all the religions at the time was Christianity picked over all the other religions? It offered the power to manipulate the population. A God that would commit genocide was a God that an Emperor could admire.
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Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2016 09:00 pm
I once saw a picture of two big mouth bass that were approximately the same size. They were found flopping around on the surface of a lake. One of the bass had tried to eat the other and because the other bass was too big to eat and it was stuck in the bass’ mouth. This is pattern that began with microscopic life one amoeba will consume another if it can. This is the pattern seen in the bible when Moses slaughters the innocent to consume their goods and property.

The Israelites act as super organism just as our bodies are made of many cells super organisms are made up of many people acting as one. The Israelites consumed the Philistines, Canaanites, and Jebusites just as one amoeba consumes others. Super organisms are organized by memes. Memes are not biologically based but they are able replicate non-the-less. Christianity was a meme that began in the minds of a few but has spread into the minds of millions. People can replicate themselves but very slowly compared to meme that require no biological material to replicate. There is reliable evidence that a meme can reconfigure the minds of those who accept it. It is not just a way to think about something, the brain is actually reconfigured to accommodate the meme. If that doesn’t scare you it should. Christianity is often referred to as the “Body of Christ” you can see they have given their super organism a name.

Now you see we have amoebas trying to consume other amoebas and super organisms like Germany trying to consume other super organisms and religions trying to consume other religions. Are we just dancing to natures fiddle? Are good and evil simply hash tags we have made up? When Mohammed consumed all the kingdoms that he and his men overran was he just doing natures bidding? Are we cursed by nature to repeat endless cycles of violence?
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Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2016 08:43 pm
The same patterns repeat in the micro and macro we can look at the planets as they orbit the sun or a single atom with the electrons orbiting the nucleus. Life on earth began as a single cell but soon cells began to combine into multi-celled creatures and the contest began over the next few billion years competition would decide which genes would survive and which would not. The genes we now carry are the product of billions of years of competition between rival life forms. We look at ourselves and see one integrated whole and forget that we are a complex creature made up of billions of cells. It is very important that we use the correct model. At one time the prevailing model of the world was that it was flat. When that incorrect model was disregarded it changed the world.

Religion’s model of the world is quite different, theirs is a supernatural explanation of life. Each Sunday they sing their praises of a super natural creature that created the universe in seven days. If the model is wrong the outcome will be wrong also. These are competing memes and like amoebas one is always trying to destroy the competition. No one wanted to sail too far out to sea because you would sail off the edge of a flat earth. Religion is tearing the world apart because if you are a monotheist the very existence of another God is an affront. You can try to soft pedal it all you want but in the end if you are a true believer whatever the other religion believes is utter nonsense. Just as single cell animals competed to see which genes would survive the world’s religions are now competing to see which will survive. Religion is not only in a life and death struggle with the scientific explanation of the origin of life but with all other religions, which are memes also. This life and death struggle has been going on since man first looked at the stars and saw Gods. We see the radical Muslims killing people everyday and think how terrible it is but the Christians were far worse at one time. We must never forget that this is not a friendly competition this is a life and death struggle many will enter nature’s Thunder Dome and few will walk away. Religion has always been forged in the fire of superstition and ignorance but when it comes to memes they are a powerful force. Anyone that believes that religion is at worst harmless needs to watch the films of the twin towers collapsing. We are witnessing in real time two competing memes trying to destroy each other.
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Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2016 06:38 pm
Was Charles Manson the second coming of Jesus Christ? His followers had no doubt that he was. Most people think the Manson cult was just a band of criminals but it was a religious cult. Most people think the murders would disqualify Charles from being the second coming but would the murders really disqualify him? Yes Charlie ordered the death of innocent people but so did God. If Mansion follower questioned whether Manson was God because of the murders it would be a simple matter to get the bible out and show the killing of the innocents by Moses’ men. Both God and Manson didn’t like to get their hands dirty killing people they like to give the order though.

If someone ordered the killing of innocent women and children we would consider them a psychopath. Charlie certainly is psychopath so that is a common trait he shares with God. It is said when the second coming happens that no one will recognize God. God may just be spending his days in a California prison. We will know God by his actions and Manson’s action are certainly God like.

The children that became the Manson’s followers were sat up by their parents and the preachers. They were bought up to believe in an invisible world with an invisible God. They were awaiting the second coming and they were assured that it was coming soon. If you look hard enough for something you will find it. The supernatural can override any moral sense, as the authority of the supernatural is superior to any sense of right or wrong. The most dangerous thing about the supernatural is that someone under the influence of the supernatural loses any since of empathy. This is what psychopath is born without. The serial killer can commonly kill and torture victim after victim because he has no sense of empathy. A birth defect to be sure but religion allows people with well developed sense of empathy to override it and enjoy the screams of agony when someone flesh burns off their bones.

I nominate Charlie Manson for being the second coming because he has so much in common with God.
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2016 07:55 am
This generation lost many young men in the Vietnam War but lost far more to the invisible world. The 50s gave us a golden age of religion. On most Sunday mornings the vast majority of Americans were in church learning about the invisible world and pandering the idea that one day you too would be a part of that invisible world. The 50s were a time of innocence you did not question authority. If the preacher told you that Moses ordered the slaughter of women and children as the Israelites overran the Promised Land you knew that murder of women and children was just because God ordered it and no one dared question the great and terrible God’s actions. How could you a mere mortal question a God of the invisible realm? It just was not done but in the 60s the baby boom generation began to question everything.

The baby boomers questioned Vietnam War and challenged the military/industrial complex. The major battle of Vietnam War did not take place in Vietnam it took place on college campuses across America and the baby boomers won. A sexual revolution was also taking place in America and traditional values were under assault but there was also a spiritual revolution underway where tradition values were being questioned.

Charles Manson would not be the only man to tell his followers that he was the second coming. America was full of those who could rightful claim the throne of the invisible world because anyone who could quote scripture could claim to be the second coming. Charles Manson led his followers on a murderous rampage. Jim Jones led his followers to their doom. David Koresh led his followers to a fiery death. The Heavens Gate cult took cyanide and went off to ride the comet. The Moonies recruited former hippies and zoning laws were rewritten across the country to prevent communal living arrangements. The Hare Krishnas (many former street children from New York) built the Palace of Gold near Moundsville.

The hunger for and the belief in the invisible world were instilled in the baby boom generation by their parents. Just as a computer program has a vulnerability that allows it to be hacked this created a vulnerability. Is it any wonder that Manson’s followers saw nothing wrong with slaughtering innocent people when their parents saw nothing wrong with Moses hacking to death women and children? Moses genocide is even seen as heroic by followers.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2016 08:05 pm
If your children joined a religious cult and told you the leader of the cult was the second coming of Christ how would you go about proving he wasn’t? Since Jesus Christ is part of the invisible world you could not just go get him and have produce a driver license. Of course you could offer your personal opinion that he was an imposter but it would be seen by your children as just that your opinion. Your children religious upbringing makes them believe in the invisible world and believe the second coming is near. Conmen usually are responsible for coming up with their own story for a con but religion has already supplied a ready-made story for their con. When a David Koresh tells your daughter he is the second coming she is already conditioned to believe it.

One of things the conmen like most is that invisible world has absolute authority over the visible world. Disobeying a rule of the visible world may get you punished but disobeying a rule of the invisible world and you will spend eternity in absolute agony. When I argue religion with acquaintances you will encounter many who don’t believe but who say that they would simply not take a chance that religion is a fraud. If there is a one in a million chance that there might be a God that is good enough for them. In a religious cult the cult followers use the same type reasoning if there is a one in a million chance their cult leader might be the second coming they are quite willing to take that one chance. There is a wish fulfillment involved also imagine that you are one of the chosen few to have found the second coming of Jesus Christ. The ego also becomes involved.

The invisible world may be imaginary but its effect on the real world is very profound. In 1500 BC the Iranian barbarians overran and advanced civilization in India. The people of India could read and write and lived in elaborate cities for over a 1,000 years. The Iranians could not read or write and never saw a more complex building than a temporary hut. The Iranians used religion to take control of population. Hinduism specified the caste system and the Iranians made up the top castes. The native population was the lowest of the low the bottom caste. A superior population enslaved by the invisible world. The Iranians priests were the Brahmans. They made up the second caste. If you were of a lower caste and you bumped into a Braham in the street your arm was removed. If your foot touched him it was removed. Hitler tried to use guns and bombs to control other civilizations but 3,500 years ago a group of ignorant savages overran a superior civilization and used the invisible world to control them but the device of control remains in place 3,500 years later. Such is the power of the invisible world.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2016 09:09 pm
Religion and politics are closely linked and in some cases it is impossible to tell where politics ends and religion begins. Both religion and politics have the same objective the control of the population. Politics uses laws and a system of punishment to control the population. Religions uses fear of punishment from the invisible world and excommunications to control its members. Once one is a member of a religious cult it becomes the center of their life. If someone is excommunicated they are also cut off from their family and friends that form their support structure. They are often shunned by their family and former friends. This gives religious cults a virtual brickbat to control cult members. A majority opinion in religious cults also affords a measure of control.

For 200 years America prided itself on the separation of church and state but in the 80s the religious right declared that America was a Christian nation and as such the religious right decided it should run America. If the religious right had at one time given lip service to the principal that there should be a separation between church and state they would no longer pretend that there should be any separation. If America was indeed a Christian nation than the Christians should take over politics. The Moral Majority was an early attempt to take control of America politics. The religious right even tried to elect their own political candidates using the political might to run preachers like Pat Robertson and Mike Huckabee. Can you imagine a man who declared that 9/11 was punishment from God for America granting civil rights to gays? Pat Robertson did exactly that clearly showing that his God was a bigot extraordinary. Many American churches have become thinly veiled political organizations and their religion is now politics.

To pick one religion and declare it the religion of the land is exactly what the founding fathers had worked so hard to avoid. To give any one religion the power of government to impose its religious dogma on the rest of America violates the principals America was founded and prospered under.
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2016 08:46 pm
Throughout history the barbarians have conquered more advanced civilizations on a regular bases and the barbarians may be at the door once again. How can an inferior civilization destroy a more advance civilization? What barbarians have in common is that they have divorced themselves of the things that make them human. They live to kill to live and kill to live. When a civilization advances it does not only advance materially it advances morally but barbarians lack of moral scruples make them very effective killing machines.

How do you strip someone of their humanity? You use the invisible world of course you convince them that it is God’s will and because God is a higher authority there is no amount of beheading or witch burnings that will satisfy his blood lust.
There are those now who believe that the world belongs to their God and they are willing to die to establish his kingdom on earth. Many Muslims are moderate but there are far more extremists than we would be willing to admit. Even moderate Muslims who teach at leading American Universities see nothing wrong with a world ruled by Islam
“But there are Barbarians—people whose cultures glorify the act of murder and elevate violence to a holy deed. These cultures portray the extinction of other human bas a validation of manliness, a heroic gesture in the name of truth, or simply a good way to get ahead in the world.”

From the Lucifer Principal.
History does repeats itself.

______________________________________________________”The ground is ripe for Islamic fundamentalist expansion. Mohammedanism is currently the fastest growing religion on the planet. There are a billion Moslem—as many as Jews and Christians combined ---and the number is increasing daily. According to Cairo University’s Professor Ali Dessouki fifty countries are now Islamic. What’s more there are massive Mohammedan populations everywhere from Nigeria to Mongolia, the former Soviet Central Asian republics, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines. The countries with the largest Islamic bodies of citizenry are not even part of the Arab world----they are Indonesia and China. To top it off, Islamic public opinion, if the Arabs Iranians, and Pakistanis are an accurate barometer, is virtually anti American.

From “the Lucifer Principal
Currently China is worried that its large Moslem population will try and break away and form its own country. If only one in a hundred Moslems are extremists we will have to contend with ten million extremists. That is a lot of barbarians at the gate. How will we deal with them? Can they be converted to Christianity? Not likely if they are on a mission from their God that is who we will have to eliminate. This fight should have started 50 years ago. Anybody that doesn’t see religion is at the heart of this problem is blind. Replacing one God with another will only cause more problems.
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Reply Mon 1 Aug, 2016 07:10 am
God represents the darkest and most primitive part of the human psyche. In a court of law if the defendant is charged with murder and tried to use the defense that God made him do it a secular court would find him guilty. But in the court of religious opinion those that killed 3,00 people on 9/11 are not only not guilty of murder they are heroes for doing God’s work. September 11, 2001 provided a major paradigm shift for much of the world’s religious population. In America Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson looked at the smoke and death of the collapsing World Trade Center Towers and saw the avenging face of God smirking as they imagined him smirking as he looked at smoldering remains of Sodom and Gomorrah. No one could have been more self-satisfied than Robertson and Falwell after all hadn’t they told America what would happen if they didn’t wipe out homosexuality and now the hand of God had shown they were right.

The billion Muslims of the world also saw God in the smoking debris of the World Trade Center saw a different God an avenging God that had smote the unbelievers. This more than anything else in the twenty first century would affirm their belief of their great and terrible God. The twenty first century had started out, as had so many centuries before with God murdering men for misbehaving. Why do so many men in this country and other countries look for God’s face in disaster of 9/11? Why not see man’s handiwork? For Gods to continue to exist in the minds of men we need to see real and tangible proof of their existence and what better proof than the killings of a large number of men? We continue to believe in the caricatures of Gods such as those that dwelled on Mt Olympus, Gods moving men around like so many pawns on a chessboard. Why? Because if the killings are done at the bequest of God it absolves man of any responsibility or guilt. If the Muslims overrun America and make it a Muslim country they will inherit its great wealth and power but for those who fight and die it will be for the greater glory of God and those who actually inherit the wealth.

We can never rationally take on a God because Gods are not rational. The only hope for mankind is to take on the total irrationality of the existence of any and all Gods. Man’s greatest gift was his rational mind but man’s greatest downfall was ability to ignore it.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 08:27 pm
Those of us who have long seen the absurdity of religion can no close our eyes and ignore it as a harmless pass time. We have a responsibility to no longer remain silent. I was much more outspoken in high school in a group hand picked students. Our class would go long periods of time without a qualified teacher to teach the subject. We were left unsupervised and there were never any problems. But this gave us long periods of time to discus whether the invisible realm existed. I was army of one and I don’t believe I converted anyone but if anything I made them think. Later in life at work it was harder to argue but I did have a friend who had the same mindset and we worked on a couple of the secretaries who were very devout Christian right. But most people at work when they found out that I did not believe in an invisible world were shocked because I didn’t cuss, smoke or drink. I guess at that point it just felt hopeless but the Internet did allow a place to argue the point.

Why is religion not harmless? The field of computer science is giving us the answer. As more complex computer are designed scientist are striving to get closer to how the human mind actual handles information. A regular computer processes information in one potential at a time information is processed in a straight line as it is feed into the computer but the human mind is far more complex and handles information differently. A regular PC cannot see the big picture. Computer scientists have designed “connectionists webs” or “neural nets” Neural Nets are shaped like spider webs that process information in parallel. The travel salesman problem takes a very long time to solve on a regular computer there are a 181,400 possible solutions The problem is that the salesman must visit ten cities and what is the shortest route. The neural net is able to solve the problem quickly. But the neural nets like the human brain have a problem. The pathways that are used become stronger but the unused pathways become weaker. So if a person goes to church each week the pathways that lead to belief in an invisible world become stronger and they are reinforced by family, friends and society as a whole but the opposing pathways become weaker.
“Moslems have no alternative…to an armed holy war against profane governments…. Holy war means the conquest of all non-Moslems territories… It will… be the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for the war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put a Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other.”

Ayatollah Khomeini
This type of rhetoric is being pounded into the heads of millions of Moslems and as the neural networks do these pathways are being reinforced and the alternative pathways are growing weaker. The human neural network is designed this way. When you first learn to pitch a baseball your brain is active with each and every step but once you learn the skill is transferred to another part of the brain and you no longer need to think of each step of throwing the ball. When you first indoctrinated with religion you were likely to think about it now you just accept it without question.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2016 08:21 pm
As mankind hurtles headlong toward oblivion can man’s rational brain save him? The most recent evolutionary advance is the rational portion of our brains. Even now the forces of the invisible world are assembling their armies. All religions lay claim to the whole world. Since they believe that their God created the world as his followers they must claim it for him. If we were ask most of us would report that we had a rational brain in fact even those who seem to be the most irrational among us would self report a rational brain. The publicly accepted model for our brain is that of a fully functioning wholly integrated unit. But more recent discoveries show that our brains act more like modules that are responsible for different activities. Through the study of people who have brain injuries or strokes that injury certain parts of the brain we can tell what happens when specific regions of the brain stop working. The neuroscientists use the three brain model, that we have a reptilian brain, that is responsible for automatic functions like body temperature and digestion. The second in the evolutionary order is limbic system that is labeled the emotional mind. The last evolutionary addition was the frontal lobes or the rational mind. The emotional mind process information quicker and may color incoming information.

The neural net model shows that information can be processed in parallel so it is highly likely that incoming information is processed both by the emotional mind and the rational mind. When information about the existence of an invisible world is processed it already formed much stronger pathways then the rational brain has been able to form. The emotional mind was not designed to be rational and if you have ever argued with a woman who is highly upset you will have an idea how the emotional mind reasons.

If you watch a child try to lean how to ride a bike you can see just how difficult a task it is. But once the child learns it is second nature the child no longer teeters from side to side he just takes off. Once the child brain learned the task it had developed a program that could be easily accessed. When I did my first duathlon I had not been on a bike in 30 years until the week before the event but I could ride as good as I did 30 years before. My bike-riding program survived in tact. Religion forms a program in the mind the neural connections are very strong and it is highly unlikely that rational mind can undercut the religious programming. With all the religions believing they have a right to the world’s real estate millions more deaths may be unavoidable.
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