The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 31 May, 2016 09:28 pm
The bible is a lie wrapped in even more lies. The stories in bible can be traced back to astrology. Even though early church leaders discouraged their followers from following astrology the church leaders continued to practice it. One of man’s earliest and enduring religions was in fact astrology. The earliest God was the sun, the life giver. Each year the sun died during the winter solstice and was resurrected on December 25th. Per legend many Gods were said to be born on the 25th day of December including Jesus. The fact that so many Gods share the same birth date is no coincidence. The odds of this happening by chance are more than astronomical. They have to have a common source and that source has been traced to ancient art of astrology.

Ancient people looked to the stars and imagine that stars formed Gods and legends much as we would look at today clouds and see clowns or lions but clouds do not remain the same year after year but stars move but remain. The stories of the stars became the legends of early mankind and religions needed to conform to those legends. The virgin birth first took place in the stars thousands of years before Jesus and other Gods claim to be born of a virgin. It like the resurrection was an astrological event.

“No matter who the plagiarists may be, the teaching now held to be divine was drawn from older human sources, and palmed off under false pretenses…. Nothing new remained to be inculcated by the gospel of the new teacher, who is merely made to repeat the sayings with a pretentious air of supernatural authority; The results being that the true saying of old are, of necessity, conveyed to later times in a delusive manner….The most important proclamation assigned to Jesus turned out to be false. The kingdom of God was not at hand; the world was not nearing the end; the catastrophe foretold never occurred; the second coming was no more actual than the first; the lost sheep of Israel are not yet saved.”

From the “The Christ Conspiracy”
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Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2016 08:57 pm
The saying “Garbage in garbage out” is an accurate statement. But religions continue to inject volumes of garbage into our society everyday. If we did the same thing to our computers none of them would work. “The truth is out there” but very few our interested in looking at it and most look for ways to block it out. The biggest fraud every perpetuated on mankind resides on every other corner in America. It is a known fraud, as religions have been researched more than most subjects. But still people want to “believe” and “none are so blind as those who refuse to see.” In our time outlawing abortion was the first thing that the religious community sought to impose by secular law. As of now they have not been successful but they have made abortions almost impossible to get in some states by imposing unusually rigid requirements on abortion clinics that do not apply to clinics performing operations of similar difficulty. In each of the last 9 presidential elections the anti-abortion vote has obscured other important economic issues. The garbage in garbage out syndrome has resulted in a decline of the middle class life style in America.

Many Americans Christians are marching to the tune of the “Egyptian Book of the Dead” and many other older religions without knowing it or wanting to know. If the specific passages that were lifted out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and put in the bible were pointed out to them would it make a difference? No. It has been done and they will find a way to rationalize it a way just as they rationalize away the serial killers and thieves that are their religious idols they worship each week.
“The ritual of the nativity, as it appears to have been celebrated in Syria and Egypt, was remarkable: The celebrants retired into certain inner shrines, from which at midnight they issued a loud cry, “The virgin has bought forth! The light is waxing!” The Egyptian even represented the new born by the image of an infant which on the birthday, the winter solstice, they bought forth and exhibited to the worshipers.”

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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2016 07:52 pm
What if suddenly one day you were accused of killing someone by an angry mob? What if the person you were accused of killing never really existed? The proof that this person never existed was widely available to everyone who took the trouble to look for it but the angry mob refused to believe it and decided to execute you anyway. So you are going to die for killing someone that never really existed. You say that could not possibly happen. Six million people were killed for that very reason, because at least in part their ancestors were blamed for killing a man that never existed?

They often say it is not written in stone but in this case the proof is actually written in stone. Most of the biblical stories can be traced back to much older religions. The story of Noah and his ark had many earlier telling in civilizations that were thousands of years older than Jewish or Christian religion. The story of the baby floated down the river so it will not be executed by the Evil King goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. This story was common to several cultures. But Christianity comes along thousands of years later and claims it as original story when everyone at the time knew it was a shared legend. The bible has much more in common with Grimm’s Fairy Tales then most would like to admit.

The proof that impeaches the bible as nothing more than a huge fraud is written in stone and after six million people were killed because their ancestors are suppose to have been responsible for killing and imaginary figure you would think there would be far more interest in looking at the actual proof.
“Obviously, then, Noah famous “ark” which misguided souls have sought on the earth, is a motif found in other cultures. As Doane relates, “”The image of Osiris of Egypt was by the priest shut up in a sacred arc on the 17th day of Arthyr (Nov 13th) the very day and month on which Noah is said to have entered the his ark. Noah is in fact another solar myth, and the ark represents the sun entering the “moon ark,” the Egyptian “argha” which is the crescent of arc shaped lunette or lower quarter of the moon. This “argha” of Noah is the same as Jason “Argonaut” and “arghanatha” in Sanskrit. Noah ark and the eight sailors are the equivalent to the heavens and the earth and the seven “planets,” i.e., those represented by the days of the week. As to the “real” Noah’s ark, it should be noted that it was a custom, in Scotland for one, to create stone “ships” on mounts as emulation of the mythos, such that any number of these “arks” may be found on earth.”

From the book “The Christ Conspiracy”
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Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2016 06:47 pm
Garbage in: A couple of thousands years of passing off an imaginary person as real.

Garbage out: Six million people killed in the most horrible ways like gas chambers because the Jews are blamed for an imaginary figures killing. When the Germans killed Jews in foreign countries they first had them dig mass graves and then shot them down in cold blood.

Many think today think Christianity is at best harmless but is it? The myth of the Jews being responsible for killing the mythical Jesus persists to this day and Mel Gibson movie “The Passion of Christ” drives the point home. Mel Gibson is known to go on hate rants about Jews. How long before we as a nation can admit that Christianity is nothing more than a myth, an not even an original myth at that?

The crucifixion like all other events in the bible never actually happened it was based on astrological event during spring equinox when the sun crosses the point where days once again become longer than nights. While the mythical figure Jesus did not die on the cross in the last century 6 million real people did in fact die at least in part because that evil myth persists as truth to this day.

“The Mosses tale was originally that of an Egyptian hero. Ra-Harakhti, the reborn sun God of Canopus, whose life story was copied by biblical scholars. The same story was told of sun hero fathered by Apollo on the virgin Creusa; of Sargon, king of Akkad in 2242 B.C.; and of the mythological twin founders of Rome, among many other baby heroes set adrift in rush baskets. It was a common theme.”

Moses’s flower rod, river of blood, and tablets of the law were all symbols of the ancient Goddess. His miracle of drawing water from a rock was first preformed by Mother Rhea after she gave birth to Zeus, and by Atalanta with the help of Artemis. His miracle of drying up the waters to travel dry-shod was earlier preformed by Isis, or Hathor, on her way to Byblos.

From “The Christ Conspiracy”

The miracles in the bible are only impressive if they are original. If they had been preformed by many Gods thousands of years before the supposed birth of Christ they are meaningless retelling of much older myths. If we decide, rightly so, that all of mythology is myth than it follows that Christianity was built on a foundation of myths and must be a myth also.
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Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2016 09:29 am
“Oh when the Saints coming marching in…” The Saints play a prominent an important role in the Catholic Church but not in more recent variations of Christianity. One of the complaints I often heard from Protestant friends about the Catholic Church was the worship of Saints. In Protestant view the very existence of Saints diminished God. If a Saint had the power to do miracles then they would rival God. If you could pray to a Saint and have your prayers answered the Saints would be on a level with God. Many of the early Saints were every bit as fictional as God himself. If your goal is to create a monotheistic religion why have Saints to share the stage with him? One of the purposes of creating a common religion was to consolidate the Roman Empire under one religion. Occupying Roman troops could only hold the empire together by force for so long but a common belief system could hold the Empire together for much longer.

“When the Saints came marching in…” They were simply the demoted Gods of other cultures. It was better if the exploits of the native Gods were attributed to a Saint then trying to convince the native population that their God never existed. That would be every bit as hard as trying to convince a conservative Christian today their God doesn’t exist. The manufacture of Saints provided a compromise position that gathered converts. The later forms of Christianity no longer needed the Saints by the time they were invented by then the earlier religions were considered nothing but mythology. The Saints were no longer necessary but when the Saints were invented they were both a vital and clever invention. The Catholic Church continues to invent Saints today based on real people but miracles are hard to find.

“St Josaphat "

"In one of the most obvious of Christian deceptions in order to convert followers of “Lord Buddha” the church canonized him as “St Josaphat” which represents a Christian corruption of the Buddhistic title, Bodhisat. As Wheeler says:

…the holy Saint Josaphat, under which name and due to an odd slip of inerrant inspiration, the Lord Buddha, “The Light of Asia, was duly certified a Saint in the Roman Martyrology."

From “The Christ Conspiracy
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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2016 08:58 pm
A reoccurring theme in science fiction movies of the 50s was an invasion of parasite from outer space that once they attached themselves to an unsuspecting human gained control of them. Often science fiction foretells the future but in this case recent scientific discoveries show that this has been happening all along in the animal community. A rat infected by a certain parasite looses its fear of cats. The parasite needs to be in the cat’s stomach for the next step of its life cycle. The study of how parasites affect their host’s behavior has become popular. What is now known is that the behavior of a host can change radically when infected and these radical changes are advantageous to the parasite. What appears to be going on is the parasite changing the host behavior for the parasites advantage.

There are all sorts of different parasites from worms to viruses that affect humans. There is no question that parasites affect the behaviors of humans, just ask anyone with the flu? This change in behavior benefits the flu virus. Once someone with the flu throws up in the street others that come in contact with it can catch the flu. Coughing also spreads the virus also as well as by touching things and infected person has touched so our behavior was changed to benefit the transmission of a virus.

There are viruses and parasites that affect different parts of the body. If there are virus that affect the body might there be virus that affect the mind? A rat that losses his fear of cats might have such a virus and the old science fiction movies don’t seem as far fetched. Scientists have now discovered many examples where the parasite seems to gain a reproductive advantage by altering the behavior of its host.
“Meme: an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.”

Internet search result

Religion meets the definition of a meme it is passed to one individual to another by nongenetic means. It could also be considered a brain virus along the same lines as a computer virus as it harms the individual innate programming. Religion like other life forms just wants to reproduce copies of itself in other individuals and demonstrates a will to live and will kill to survive. As a virus it would meet the definition of parasite infection that has changed mankind, like the rat who loses his fear of cats, how similar the suicide bomber who loses his fear of death. The parasite in the rat benefits the parasite by making it to the next step in its life cycle. With each suicide bombing the religious meme benefits in recruiting more followers. I wonder what the religious parasitic infection has in mind for the human race?
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2016 09:14 pm
Son of God or Sun of God? It seems religion can be traced back to sun worship. The sun was considered the ultimate life giver. If there was no sun there would be no life therefore the sun must be the life giver. Every reasonable person would agree with the statement if there were no sun there would be no life on earth. But here is where the supernatural departs from the natural. Intentionality, if the sun is responsible for life on earth than surely the sun must be capable of forming an intention to do so. For those who are saddled by magical thinking intention must always be the root cause. For the life giver to have just happened is not acceptable in magical thinking. Early man lived in world driven by intention. Is it any wonder that the sun was believed capable of forming an intention?
The sun soon had a whole cast of back up characters and the play in the sky was soon reenacted each year. The three wise men walked across the sky. The sun died at the winter solstice and was resurrected thee days later. The four horsemen in Revelations were in fact part of zodiac.
“Concerning the frightening “four horsemen” endlessly interpreted and expected for almost two millennia, Jackson says: in the Apocalypse we read about the four beasts, and the four horsemen: the beasts were zodiacal constellations and the horsemen were the planets…”

1) The first horseman was a conqueror armed with a bow, wearing a crown and riding a white horse. This was the planet Venus.

2) The second horse was red ridden by a warrior with a sword. This was the planet Mars.

3) The third horse black with rider holding a loft a pair of balances. This was the planet Saturn.

4) The forth horse was of pale-green or blue-green color, and his rider was death. This was the planet Mercury.

From the “The Christ Conspiracy”
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2016 08:47 pm
Ancient people once worship the sun now people worship the sun of God the more things change the more they remain the same. Some of the details in the story were changed but far too many remained the same. The sun died during the winter solstice and was resurrected on the 25 day of December and it seems the most common date for a god to be born was December 25th some might say it was a coincidence but the odds are astronomical for so many Gods to be born on the same day. In effect today the Christians are still worshiping the sun of God. Ancient Man looked at the sky and beheld the sun, as the days grew shorter he saw a dying sun and looked around and saw much of his surroundings dying also. Ancient man knew that he must do something to placate the sun and he began to worship it. Behold religion is born and we have not moved very far from that place today. Though the names have been changed to protect the guilty the roots of the biblical stories are obvious to anyone who cares to look.

When ancient man looked at the sky he saw one sun instead of millions. If ancient man had known that the sky was filled with millions of suns would even he have worshiped the sun? As man got more sophisticated and realized there were more suns in the sky he realized that people would no longer worship the sun and it was time to create a God in his own image but the stories of the zodiac were legends and far too good to give up.

As I came back around the lake from fishing yesterday evening about dark I thought I heard preaching. Then I noticed a lot of cars in the parking lot and sure enough there was a baptizing going on at the boat launch. I wonder how much the victim really knew about the cult they were joining? And I couldn’t help wondering if it would make any difference if they did?
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Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2016 08:23 pm
We all know that religion spawns some strange customs including human sacrifices but they get even stranger. It may be customary now to put your hand on a bible to swear an oath but it wasn’t always that way. If Jerry Falwell would turn over in his grave if he only knew that in order to swear an oath at one time you did it while holding the others guy penis. This is still practiced by the Arabs to this day. The origin of the word testament, testify and testimony can be traced back to this practice. Imagine the homophobic preachers if this practice returned to popularity today. Testimony in church would not be as popular as it once was. When they had to get up and testify many would just pass.

The conservatives Christians would not be as apt to tell so many lies if they had to swear an oath that way or maybe they would because they want to practice Christianity the old fashion way. If you’re in for a penny you might as well be open to a pound.

______________________________________________________”An Israelite who was swearing an oath would customarily solemnize it by grasping the penis of the man to whom he was making the affirmation… Before the death of Israel (Jacob), he called his son to his deathbed, and as Joseph grasped his father penis, Israel made his son promise that he would take his remains out of Egypt [Gen 47:29-31]…

From “The Christ Conspiracy”
Those homosexuals had no idea what the proper use of a penis was it was put there to swear oaths on. We could have saved a lot of bibles used in court of law if we had known that a penis would do. This really spotlights the absurdity religion and magic thinking. Did they really think this practice would stop someone from lying? That is magical thinking.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2016 09:09 pm
The older generations look at the world and wonder how it got so messed up. One has to wonder if the fault lies with the people or does it lie with religion. If a movie turns out bad, a bad script is often at fault. Religion is like a script for life but it seems no one has read the script but they all claim to be absolute authorities. It seems the people most likely to be called experts on religion know very little about the origin of their religion. The Preachers for the most part stick to a few bible stories and even their favorite bible stories when studied turn out to be plagiarized from much older religions. It is not enough that they lie to themselves they must continue to convince others. It seems they have taken a vow to spread ignorance throughout the world.

It would be refreshing if you could walk into a church and see the Preacher walk to the pulpit, raise the bible up and tell his flock that the bible was the biggest assembly of lies on the face of the earth. We cannot continue, the garbage in garbage out scenario. Generation after generation is inundated with garbage and we expect what? The religious just keep holding on. It is much like an old James Bond movie where the whole island is coming a part. As it crumbles all around them they continue to deny the obvious and as each new truth is discovered the island sinks further. At least in the bond movies the bad guys are trying to get off the island they are not denying the obvious. The more garbage in the more garbage out.

What did Jesus really have to say about homosexuality? His actions speak much louder than his words.

“And going near Jesus rolled away the stone from the door of tomb. And straightaway raised him, seizing his hand. But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into his house of the youth for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth came to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus for Jesus taught him the mysteries of the kingdom of God. And thence arising he returned to the other side of Jordan.

From “The Christ Conspiracy”

I don’t know if I have ever heard it put that way but I am sure many priests used that line. That what happens when your hero is not real and you have far too many authors.
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Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2016 08:44 pm
“Don’t follow me I am lost.” There is a lot of wisdom in that statement. I can remember being in Parkersburg for a 10K. I had run the race before but for some reason that town turned me around and I was lost. I looked behind me and there was car following me closely and making every wrong turn I made. The car finally pulled up alongside and asked if I was going to race? There was a running bumper sticker on my bumper. I affirmed that I was indeed going to the race but that I was lost also. They stopped for direction station and I followed them to the race. I have had the same problem in trail races. I am a mid pack runner and count on following the runners in front of me. But if a gap opens up I have been known to miss the trail marker and others will often follow. I was more than a mile off trail in Kanawha State Forest because I neglected to note the marker was on my right. But others made the same mistake and ran much further of course. To lead is one thing but there are dangers in following others.

“Don’t follow me I am lost.” The people leading the religious movements are far more likely to be lost than others. To be qualified to lead in a religious movement you should have a broad overview of the subject including a deep understanding of how religion originated but those who lead others in religious movements knowledge comes from the study of primarily one book, the bible. They would never look to see if in fact a biblical story was thousands of years older than the bible. In fact even though the story is written in stone they would claim that it was blasphemy and a plot from the devil. Not even hell or the devil belongs to Christians the angel had fallen thousands of years before the advent of Christianity.

I think preachers should be required to get a tattoo on their forehead saying “Don’t follow me I am lost” for they indeed are. In America they say everyone with a hammer and nail thinks he is a carpenter but everyone with a bible believes he is a preacher and knows the absolute truth.
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Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2016 01:40 pm
We saw the second most popular religion in America at work yesterday in Florida where over 100 people were shot and fifty killed. Of course the second most popular religion is phallus worship (worship of the gun). The gun has always been a phallus symbol and in no place is it worshiped as much as it is in America. Then we have the absolute audacity of religion, the belief that their religious belief should prevail and control others to the point of death. It is likely that the shooter was Muslim but the Muslim faith was derived from Christianity. We all know what caused the shooting. The shooter was gay but he had been taught to hate gays all his life by his religion. The supreme authority and judgment of the God had been visited upon shoulders. He could not be gay and remain in his family so he was laced with self-hatred so much so that he killed himself, he killed himself 50 times. Such is the nature of religion.

Why should religion concern itself with things it knows nothing about in the first place? Religion thrives on control and wants to control the even the smallest aspects of people’s lives even mandating that you ware magic underwear in some cases. If religion was a situation comedy it might be funny if it were not so tragic. Over the last decade or so the Christian right has been on tear trying to spread as much hate as possible against gays. The Christian right is busy now trying to change the laws in all 50 states to make discrimination against gays the law of the land. Never has their been such a prevailing climate of hate against gays as there is now it is no surprise that the record shooting of gays happened under this climate of hate. The rebel flag was blamed as hate symbol but in this case it in the Christian Church that stands as a symbol of hate to embolden even more hate crimes like these. Some people think that garbage in is harmless but garbage out is not.
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Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2016 06:06 am
The shooting in Orlando didn’t take place in vacuum the Christian right has actively been creating a climate of hate since before 9/11. When 9/11 took place the leaders of the Christian right were quick to point out that 9/11 was God retaliating for the recent rights granted to homosexuals in America.
God, he told Robertson, had protected America “wonderfully these 225 years. And since 1812 this is the first time we have been attacked on our soil and by far the worst results

Throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools,” he said. The abortionists have got to bear some of the burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million innocent babies we make God mad.

The pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way----all of them who have tried to secularize America.” Falwell continued, “I point the finger in their faces and say you helped this happen.”

Jerry Falwell

Pat Robertson said, “Well, I total concur”
America changes one funeral at a time, some us make this a better place by living and others make America a better place by dying. Lets all hope Falwell is burning in his imaginary hell.

It is said that to each reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. As the blacks pushed for equal rights the racist Southern became more violent, publicly lynching blacks and killing civil rights workers. But there was an important difference, America was repealing the discriminatory laws but during the push for equal rights for gays the movement across the country is to legalize discrimination against gays. No doubt the hatred of gays was only part of the motive in the shooting but it was an important part of the motive because it made them the target. The shooter grew up in a culture where the Christian Right made the gay community an object to direct hatred toward. Each new law passed by a back woods legislature makes the gays a target of hatred.

Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and every other Christian Right preacher, “I point my finger in your face and say you helped this happen.”
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Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2016 08:11 am
If you create an environment of hate out of ignorance you can convince an individual to hate himself. The recent shooting in Orlando at first glance appear to have its roots in religious terrorism but as the details emerge it is all to obvious it is about self loathing and the terrorism is just camouflage because the shooters was ashamed of his real motive. Even in death he needed to keep his real motive in the closet. The first thing his father stated might be his son’s motive is that he is deeply offended by seeing two gay men kissing in the park and later reports that the shooter with his small son witness some sexual interaction between two men in the park bathroom that enrages him at least this is his father’s version. The father believes that the evil homosexuals bought this down on themselves. As the facts slowly emerge we find out that the Omar Mateen, the shooter, had visited the gay club on several occasions. He also used a gay chat and dating app Jack’d and had messaged a man he had met at Pulse, the nightclub were the shooting occurred, for a year. Some made the remark that he was just casing the place for the shooting but for over a year and messaging another gay. Another gay confirms that Omar ask him out. Dose this sound like someone who was deeply offended by gays? The shooter’s dad was the one deeply offended by his son’s gay activities and tried to make his son’s crimes look like a hate crime. Omar may have pulled the trigger but his dad religiously driven hate and ignorance was responsible for the killing.

At one time or another Omar swore allegiance to three different terrorist organizations. Two of those terror organizations are mortal enemies of ISIS. Ignorance is not harmless, it is malignant, and hate is toxic and comes full circle. The Christian Right has spread ignorance and hate of homosexuals for decades and the Muslim community is no better. The sex drive is one of the strongest drives a human experiences just behind the drive to survive and the drive to eat. The sex drive is the species key to survival without mankind would cease to exist. What the Christian right will never understand is that there is a long way between the sex organs and the brain. The sex organs don’t control the brain the brain controls the sex organs. A brain like a computer is programmed, a computer can be programmed to launch atomic bombs or play video games. Neuroscientist believe that the sexual orientation is programmed by certain hormones wash at a certain time during pregnancy that program isn’t software that comes with the sexual organs and can be different. When the preachers go into the pulpit each week and spread 2,000-year-old ignorance it does untold damage to the innocent.

Omar’s father was bigot because of his religion and 50 people paid with their lives. Garbage in garbage out, all those killed and all those wounded demonstrate that religious garbage in is not harmless.
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2016 09:55 pm
We know what the motive was in the Orlando shooting but there is another important part to the shooting. What made the shooting possible was easy access to weapons of war. The AR-15 is a weapons of mass destruction intended to make mass killings as easy as one, two, three. The shooter only had the weapon a week and was able to easily kill 49 and wound 53. Think how many more people he could have killed if he learned to shoot the weapon. Omar killed far more people than the second biggest mass murder. These weapons were banned during the Clinton administration but the Baby Bush administration allowed the ban on assault weapon to expire and did not reinstate it. So far President Obama has been faced with 15 large mass murders. There are already many assault weapons in the hands of private individuals. What makes mass shootings so frequent is the easy availability of the weapons. A perspective mass murder can simply walk into the nearest gun store or pawnshop and buy the weapons to slaughter innocent people and no questions will be asked. See something say something? Not on your life is one of these sleazy gun shop owners going to say I just sold a nut enough ammunition to start a war. Because he knows the next nut will not buy from him if he rats the first one out. Even when a mass murder buys the weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammunition not one sleazy gun shop owner will say a word. If the mass murder could not buy weapons of mass destruction easily he might be discouraged from committing mass murder.

Most people are faithful followers of the PLR (the path of least resistance) they are easily discouraged if things become difficult. Most of the mass murders in America could be prevented if weapons of mass destruction could no longer be obtained as easily as buying popcorn at movie-theater. A mass murder that had to locate a private individual with weapons of mass destruction for sale would find it harder to do and he could not use a credit card to purchase them in a private sale.

The NRA will not be satisfied until every man woman and child in America is killed by gunfire. The NRA is wholly owned subsidiary of the gun manufactures. Gun manufactures exist for one reason only to make a profit. We now understand why psychopaths are so dangerous, the part of the brain that constitutes the conscious does not function correctly. The psychopaths thoroughly enjoys killing people the same way someone else might enjoy an amusement park ride. Psychopaths derive pleasure from fear and watching people die. The fact that people have to die so the psychopath can enjoy himself seems a fair trade off to the psychopath. Gun manufactures are like psychopaths with massive amount of political pull. They only have one concern making a profit. Like the psychopath they see their profit as far superior to lives of the people in mass shootings.

Trump met with the gun manufactures today and they have agreed to support a ban on selling weapons of mass destruction to known terrorists and those on the no fly list. A spokesman from the NRA said that they had only been concerned about the civil rights of the known terrorists and that is why they used their enormous political power to make sure all the terrorists in America were armed with the most modern and deadly weapons known to man. If you believe a word of that statement you might be a fool.

The NRA functions like psychopath and it has assembled enormous amount of political power. If a company making cars does everything in its power to sell the most cars we understand that is the nature of the beast but the NRA posses as your friend just preserving your constitutional rights while some nut blows your child’s head into small fragments with an assault rifle. The NRA is not your friend it makes no difference if 50 people die in Orlando this week and 100 die in New York next week the NRA will count their 50 pieces of gold and smile.
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Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 07:35 am
The gun lobby is the most effective manufacturing lobby of all times and is the primary reason that America has by far the highest murder rate in the civilized world. If the automobile manufacture’s association lobby had been near as effective we would all be driving Corvairs and cars that pollute our cities so bad that the smog never lifitted. For those to young to remember the Corvair it was GM first and last rear engine-designed car manufactured between 1960 and 1969. It was made to compete with the popular Volkswagen Beetle. By putting the motor in the back the front end was so light that the front end would lift at high way speeds and the car would roll over. One of my dad’s friends was insure adjuster and went to pick up a Corvair that had been repaired at a body shop from a previous roll over accident and he rolled the car again on the way to return it. The car manufactures association is a psychopathic organization just like NRA it has one reason to exist, to sell the most cars it can and to make them as cheaply as possible. The power full car manufacturers association tried its best to stop air pollution regulations but couldn’t. General Motors was the one of biggest and most powerful corporations in the world at the time.

Why is the NRA so much more effective than the automobile manufactures association? It understands the principal that all politics is local. Where the automobile manufactures association targeted Washington DC with massive amounts of money to stop air pollution regulations the NRA attacked politicians at their source spending their money in local elections to make sure only NRA owned politicians ever made it to Washington in the first place. That way when legislation was purposed in Washington to ban assaults weapons the politicians had already sold their vote to the psychopaths. If a politician owned by the NRA votes for an assault weapon ban or even speaks out in support of it he will be targeted by an army of NRA operatives armed with political assault weapons in the next election. He is going to take your guns away, he is going to take your guns away, he is going….If the Mafia had been half as effective as the NRA we would all be speaking Italian today and carrying Thompson sub-machine guns. That is the difference between top down political lobbying and bottom up political activity. It is much harder to buy a politician once he is in office than to own him before he ever makes it to Washington. The NRA makes it very clear to any politician that they back in an election that if he ever votes contrary to the psychopaths wishes he will not only lose their support and money but they will work against him in the next election. Ted Bundy and other serial killers would have liked to have a law made to make killing for fun and recreation legal, you know just for sh*ts and giggles and that is exactly why the gun nuts say we need assault weapons for. Bundy and the gun nuts have a lot more in common with each other than with the general population.
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2016 11:38 am
You can tell how politically powerful the Gun Manufactures Association (NRA) is when in the wake of the terrorist shooting in San Bernardino they defeated a law in congress that would have made it illegal to sell guns to known terrorists or those on the no fly list. Why would anyone want to sell guns to known terrorists? The NRA recently explained their position that they did not want to see anyone’s civil rights violated. Notice how quickly the NRA dawns the disguise of the hero defending the ordinary terrorist from the evil government. Of course it would not have anything to do with assault weapons being the most profitable guns they sell. We have no problem with taking the freedom speech away from someone yelling fire in a crowed theater. We simply weigh the right of free speech of the idiot against the lives of the people that would be killed in the stampede to get out of the theater. The domino theory that NRA uses to spread fear did not happen after yelling fire in a crowed theater our rights to free speech remained. The NRA’s theory that if any gun is banned all other guns will be banned is a lie to preserve a good profit at any cost. If the NRA sold fire extinguishers instead of guns they would want to defend the idiots right to yell fire in a crowed theater as freedom of speech. My question is why is the NRA not concerned about the right to live of thousands of people that have been killed by assault weapons now and will be killed in the future? In the NRA’s mind the right to live should only go to those that are well armed and shoot first.

America is changing one funeral at a time each time a gun nut is buried he is not replaced. Fewer Americans than ever before own guns or even want to own guns but the NRA political machine is still very effective. To change the status quo it must be done at the ballot box. Anyone that belongs to NRA or is endorsed by the NRA should be voted out of office. Politicians that see nothing wrong with arming terrorists in America with weapons of mass destruction must be voted out of office. There has to be a price paid for anyone that is an obvious lackey for the NRA. When the mass killing of 50 people was reported in foreign countries they reported it as just say it another day in America.

The family of the man, Eugene Stoner, who invented the AR-15 reports that he never used one to hunt with or protect his home. In fact he never owned one. He invented it as a weapon of war for the battlefield. When the ex-marine that invented the gun never even owned one it tells you how the NRA manipulates the public. The intended and only use for this gun is mass murder either on the battlefield or on the street. Stoner’s patents have expired and race for profits is on.

We are all in the theater now, except the idiot is no longer yelling fire. He has an AR-15 and chances are your child will not live to make it to the door. Our grandfathers dealt with the problem before they weighed the idiots right to yell fire to the right of others to live. This generation is facing the same sort of decision. The NRA will fight to the death for their right to put weapons of mass destruction in the hands of every nut case in America. What about those 20 first graders killed by a mass murder? That is not the NRA’s problem the Gun Manufactures Associations objective is to make the biggest profit possible. The NRA’s highest profit items are assault weapons. Those first graders should get their own guns and shoot back that way the NRA’s profit is even larger. The Gun Manufactures Association (NRA) is a psychopathic operation in pursuit of only one thing bigger and better profits.
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Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2016 09:26 pm
The old joke goes at least in part that one day Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were in the woods when they encountered a bear. Rumsfeld looked at Cheney and said I don’t have to outrun that bear, I just have to outrun you.

That is the way we have to look at the assault weapon problem. Assault weapons like bears are all over the country but we don’t need to make the problem worse. If we cannot fully ban these weapons of mass destruction we need to make it difficult as possible to own one. If we can’t kill the bear we at least need to outrun the terrorists and the nuts when it comes to the purchase of assault weapons. A reporter went into a gun store and purchased an assault weapon and enough ammunition to kill a hundred people in less than 15 minutes and there are gun nuts all over the country that can’t wait to do the same.
“However, the Act also contained a provision that banned the sale of machine guns manufactured after the date of enactment to civilians, restricting their sales of these weapons to the military and law enforcement.

The Fire Owners Protection Act (1986)
This Act passed during the Reagan Administration. This was a conservative President restricting certain weapons of war to the military and this bill passed with the support of the NRA. The gun Manufactures Association got several givemes including interstate sales of long guns and keeping ATF agents from checking Gun Dealers more than once a year. This Act also removed the requirement for recording keeping of non-armor piercing ammunition. The shipment through the mail of ammunition also became legal. This partially repealed the Gun Control Act 1968.

What does this tell us? The NRA has become much more radical since Reagan term in office. It tells us another important thing, weapons of war can be banned and that the NRA supported a bill banning weapons of war. The NRA’s current argument that the 2nd Amendment entitles everyone to weapons of war does not hold water.

In 1918 the Thompson Submachine was invented by General John T. Thompson as weapon for the battlefield but by Prohibition it was the preferred weapon of Gangsters and America streets echoed with gunfire. It was called the Chicago organ grinder. The Thompson was responsible for the first gun control Act, The National Firearms Protection Act of 1934. Jack Miller of the O’Malley Gang promptly bought a suit that went to all the way to the Supreme Court. The gangsters lost.

Weapons of war have been designated as such and banned in the past and they can be banned now.
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Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2016 07:52 pm
“The more things change the more they remain the same.” Or “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” When our Grandfathers witnessed the streets of America being taken over by gangsters with Thompson Machine guns, a weapon specifically designed as a weapon of war giving one man the ability to kill hundreds they didn’t say we cannot take these weapons of war from the gangsters it violates their second amendment rights. They didn’t tell the public you simply need to buy your own Thompson Machine gun to shoot the bad guys. They did not want their family living on a battleground. By the time the baby boomers arrived mass murder with machine guns were a thing of the past. They were not worried about violating anyone’s civil right by keeping the machine off the street. They banned machine guns in 1934 and the law stands today.

In August of 1966 Charles Whitman took his M1 carbine and other assorted guns to 27th floor of the University of Texas Tower. The M1 was a weapon of war, the standard weapon used during WWII. This was the first mass shooting to demonstrate how effective a semi-automatic is in the hands of a mass murder. Whitman gunned down 49 people and killed sixteen. Whitman went to a hardware store and bought the M1 and two extra magazines for the M1 and eight boxes of ammunition. He then went to Chuck’s Gun Shop where he purchased four more magazines for the M1 and six more boxes of ammunition. Then it was off to Sears to buy more guns. The pistols and shotgun would not be effective from the 27th floor but the M1 would efficiently slaughter unsuspecting people. Whitman purchased his arsenal with bad checks. Mass murders don’t even need any money

Whitman life had gone to hell and he was going to take as many people with him as he could. Just think how many people’s lives have gone to hell in America. If each of those people decided to get a semi-automatic and kill as many people as possible we would have several hundred thousand people killed. As union president I dealt with a lot of different kind of people. I got a lot people’s job back but you could not save everybody job. It is extremely hard to manage to be fired from a government job and even harder if it is a union job. In my 42 years I only encountered one individual who I considered would be the kind to come back and shoot people. You know the type, always in trouble and none of it was ever his fault. We tried to change his behavior but since it was never his fault he simply couldn’t change. He was angry all the time. He would deliberately try to cause accidents where others would be hurt or their safety placed in jeopardy. I warned the personal director that he was a ticking time bomb and that I had a really bad feeling that this guy might retaliate. It has been a couple of years but I would still not be surprised if he came back to City Hall and shot everyone in sight. We simply can’t continue to provide chronically angry people with easy access to weapons of mass destruction we are better than that.

America is now dancing to the tune of the Gun Manufacturers Association but it wasn’t always that way.
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 06:31 am
The CEO of NRA, Wayne LaPierre was on CBS’ Face the Nation yesterday and demonstrated the single minded psychopathic thinking the NRA is famous for.
“Laws didn’t stop them in Boston. Laws didn’t stop them in San Bernardino, where you had every type of gun control law that you can have. And they didn’t stop them in Paris, where people can’t even own a guns,”

Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the NRA

Sine when do Associations have CEOs, Gun Manufactures and other large corporations have CEOs. Associations have chairmen or presidents. I can agree with LaPierre that laws will never stop every instance of gun violence. There are laws against murder in every state in the union and they have failed to stop all murders even when the penalty was death. Murder is most often done with a passionate, single-minded, psychopathic focus that obscures the consequences. Laws were made to deal with the consequences after the act while the law against murder does have a deterrent effect no one believes it will stop every murder. If we use the psychopathic reasoning employed by the LaPierre we would do away with the laws against murder because they fail to prevent every murder. Imagine America without laws against murder. You could just murder the annoying guy at the office. Someone cut you off in traffic? Just take your sawed off shotgun and blow him away. Does anyone believe that eliminating the laws against murder would not result in an exponential increase in murder rate?

If we allow LaPierre argument that the gun control laws didn’t stop them in Boston, San Bernardino, or Paris. What is effective? Gun bans. None of those shooting were done with Thompson Machine guns banned in 1934 or with full automatic weapons banned by President Reagan. Not one killing was done with those weapons indicating gun bans are 100% effective far more than the laws against murder. Boston however was a bombing and Paris was a military operation by a foreign power who would have easy access to weapons of war.

So much for LaPierre’ arguments.

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