The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 5 Nov, 2015 06:27 am
There is a new governor elect in Kentucky who supported Kim Davis' actions. In Kentucky once the new governor takes office all public officials will report to their respective churches and let the churches decide which laws will be enforced and which will not, every official will be tasked with following their own religious beliefs. Public officials will be like cats heading in all different directions, if this happens the rule of law will be ignored in Kentucky.

The new governor and the republican dominated senate also has pledged to destroy the most successful health insurance exchange in America which insures over a half a million people. The governor has said they can not afford it but when those people no longer have health insurance they will continue to go to the doctor and the hospital and the cost of their care will be passed on to those who have insurance bring back double digit insurance premiums hikes. Health care is free market, you can decide not to buy a new television but you can't decide not to get health care for your dying child. This is simply a pay me now or pay me later proposition the cost does not go away when the governor ways his magic wand. The real cost is medical care and in the end someone is going to pay for it and a billionaire wants to make sure it is not him.
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Reply Fri 6 Nov, 2015 07:35 pm
First Kim Davis now Ben Carson. Carson is making Donald Trump look like a genius. Carson took on one of the seven wonders of the world at a commencement speech at a Seven Day Adventist Collage 17 years ago. Telling young and eager minds of the Doomsday cult that the Pyramids were built to store grain in. God tipped off Joseph of many colors that a famine was coming to Egypt and he helped Joseph build the Pyramids to store grain in.

Now this was 17 years ago and everybody can be excused for being totally ignorant at some point in their lives but Carson when asked about his pyramid theory doubled down on it and told the press he still believed it to be true and that people that believed in God simply believed differently. Electing Carson would be like electing Kim Davis. The pyramids are almost completely solid with a few passage ways and small chambers only a tiny fraction of the pyramid would be available to store grain. God may be imaginary but he ain't stupid he would not build a solid structure to store grain in. As for the bright young minds of the doomsday cult there is no word as to whether Carson's words of wisdoms helped them but after all it doesn't matter the world is going to end "soon" anyway.
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Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2015 07:38 am
Ben Carson is the Christian Right candidate for president. He is sticking by his theory that Joseph with Gods help constructed the pyramids as grain silos when it is very obvious that is nonsense. Even God himself did not claim in the bible to have constructed the pyramids, one has to wonder why God would not take credit for such an achievement after all he took credit for everything else. But the story says a lot more about Ben Carson than the pyramids, here is a man that will believe obvious lies and then believe the truth is lie. Carson believes the truth is created by the user not a fact that can be proved.

As more of Carson's self created "truths" come to light it is obvious why he would not only believe biblical "stories" but try to create new ones. He claims to have been offered a scholarship to West Point where there are no scholarships but the truth of matter was that a superior officer in his High School ROTC program told him he would be shoe in as candidate, not quite the same as being offered a scholarship.

Carson like God admits to having a violent temper, of course Carson can't destroy whole cities at least until he gets his hand on America's atomic weapons. So far the victims of his violent temper have been confined to his mother and associates. When childhood friends were asked about Ben violent temper they said they said he was mild mannered and it didn't sound like him. When Carson was asked about that he defended his version by saying that they would need to talk to the victims of his violent temper.
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Reply Sun 8 Nov, 2015 07:56 am
Ben Carson is getting increased attention from news media around the world now that he is the front runner for the Republican nomination. A spread in an English publication calls Carson's home a monument to himself. In that home hangs a painting of Carson and Jesus Christ and of course Caron is in the front of the painting with Jesus Christ backing him up. I don't know how common this is but I doubt many people have such a painting of themselves and their best bud. This has to frighten the hell out of the rest world the last time we had a president that Jesus spoke to he started the two longest wars in American history.

Carson had no problem letting the English press tour his home I am sure he thought everyone had a "me and Jesus" painting sort of like those velvet Elvis paintings that were so popular at flea markets. Some no doubt may even have photographs of course they may have been doctored. Even the head of ISIS doesn't have a painting of him and Mohamed, that's right they can't have an image of Mohamed, maybe that is a good rule. If you are going to have a God he shouldn't be a man.

The painting will make him the darling of the Christian Right but will put many who follow other religions off.

On a related subject most people think the atheists were responsible for taking prayer out of schools but it was actually the mainstream protestant religious groups who had a strong lobby in Washington at the time. They did not want their children exposed to other religions prayers.
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Reply Mon 9 Nov, 2015 06:27 am
Ben Carson claims to be the most honest man at Yale and claims to have taken a psychology test to prove it. There seems to have been a hoax at Yale the time but it is highly doubtfully that Carson was the most honest man there. Carson got one of the best educations America could provide and he still he chose ignorance over knowledge. When someone goes from church group to church group to testify the temptation is to lie and make up stories like you are the most honest man on earth.

Carson is a dangerous egotist who makes up lies as he goes along. The trouble is his lies involve other people and even after 50 years there are still other people alive that can show that Carson's stories were simply made up to impress ignorant Christian audiences but a Presidential campaign is quite different and people will be assigned to check each and every detail and I believe we are seeing only the tip of a very large iceberg. Lying or as known by some as "enhancing the truth" as become an engrained habit with Carson and it is doubtful he can tell the difference after he has told them so many times. People think of memories as written in stone and they are not. They are chemically encoded and change each time they are accessed. They do not stay intact and details change or are forgotten. Carson is a legend in his own mind and will enhance the truth at every opportunity in church groups everybody believes the lies but in the light of day the devil is in the details.
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Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 06:28 am
Ben Carson has managed to upset Egypt with his hair brain theory of why the pyramids were built. Carson believes more or less solid structures were built to store grain. Carson seems to have absolutely no concept of reality. It took 20 years to build the great Pyramid which would derail Carson's theory of it being built in 7 years to fend off a famine. The pyramid has 2.3 million stones weighing over a ton each. Joseph would have been awful busy cutting and shaping all those stones.

When Carson was asked about his hair brained theory he replied that it was just those who didn't believe in God that questioned his theory. Carson replied that God created the earth and if he created earth than he created the pyramids also. This is what passes for the truth according to Carson.

When I encounter someone that wears their Christianity the way others ware a coat I am always suspicious. In most cases this type turn out to be conmen and their Christianity is part of their scam. It allows them to get much closer to their victim when they seem to share a belief system. It is all about confidence and conmen learn to mirror their victim. But I will say that none of the conmen I encountered had a painting of himself and Jesus hanging on his wall but a photograph of the conman and Jesus would help.

In the last half century we have watched as those with strong belief in God have taken control of governments and terrorist organizations around the world and the results have been a disaster that has spawned the longest wars in American history. Ben Carson is man who would follow his belief system to a real world hell and take us all with him. Carson show the ability to completely set aside his logical mind and replace it with a 2,000 year old belief system when they believed rubbing sheep dung into open wounds was a cure.
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Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 07:32 am
Ben Carson has stopped answering questions about his autobiography. He no longer wishes to discuss his life story. He believes that if he stops talking about it the controversy will go away. I don't believe the American people will elect a man who tried to kill his mother with a hammer. In a story too strange to be true Carson went on Fox complaining that CNBC would not acknowledge that his story of trying to kill his mother with a hammer was true. Most people would not want to take credit for such and act but Carson sees that story as central to his life narrative it is what makes him who he is. CNBC also refuse to believe another story where Carson stabbed a relative over the changing of a radio station. The relative might have been killed but his belt buckle blocked Carson's knife. How different Carson's life would have been if he had killed his mother or relative.

Why would anyone in their right mind claim such horrible stories as true? Religion, in a religious narrative it demonstrates the power of Jesus Christ. You were a murderer, a drunk, drug addict, wife beater or child molester and the power of Jesus Christ saved you from a life of sin. These stories of redemption are popular in churches every Sunday. Carson has been following the church circuit trying to convert others for a long time. I for one would believe every word of him trying to kill his mother with a hammer and trying to kill his relative with a knife along with all the other people he injured with bats and rocks. The part I wouldn't believe is his illusion that he was saved by Jesus Christ. Carson is still the same person that tried to kill his mother with a hammer and tried to stab his relative to death, it may be under control but given the right set of circumstances he would not hesitate to kill if he thought he could get away with it. Jesus Christ never "saved" anybody. People made real life decisions to change their life but whatever you do don't change the radio station when Carson is around.
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Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 08:35 pm
The case of Ben Carson illustrates an important point about how someone convinces themselves that a god exists with wishful thinking and self fulfilling prophecies. The logic statements behind the God hypothesis are as follows

1) If God exists then make me a better man.

2) I am now a better man (I have not beat my mother to death with a hammer)

3) This proves that God not only exists but made me a better man.

When Carson gave his commencement speech to the doomsday cult this was skeleton of his talk that is repeated time and time again across America each week. I was a real bad dude but now I am saved and Jesus turned my life around. To start with this story suppose that you could never turn your life around on your own. The logic of that is absurd it assumes a cause and effect that is completely wishful thinking. Most convicts discover Jesus Christ in prison and are soon "saved" and are all different men.

Ben Carson business partner was convicted of defrauding the government out of $2 million by claiming to have done nonexistent oral operations Carson stated in his book that those who defraud the government should go to jail for 10 years and all personal assets should be forfeit. But Carson used his political influence to make sure his partner was given probation instead of jail time after all Carson assets were mixed with the thief's. But I suspect his partner was "saved" by Jesus and was a different man. It would be unfair to send a new man to jail.
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Reply Fri 13 Nov, 2015 09:53 pm
Paris was the battle ground tonight to prove whose God is strongest. The mass killings will not end until the last God on earth has been slain. Religion always professes to be about peace and love but it always ends in mass murder. The Christian cult always bellyached about how bad they were treated by other religious cults when their cult first began but after Christianity became the state religion it was far worse than any of the cults that proceeded it. Christianity, contrary to popular belief, became the most cruel murderous religious cult to eve walk the face of the earth. History was written by murders, dead men tell no tales.

The world wants to wallow in ignorance, illusions are always more seductive than reality. Illusion are created and can be any thing you want them to be. ISIS just wants caliphate where government is replaced by religion and God's law rules. The only problem is God's law will be enforced by self-interested men. All they want is to be able to practice the religion of their choice and they are willing to kill and number of people to get it.

There is no need to kill the people that just want to practice their religion we have to slay the God that is driving them to kill. In order to kill their God we must first kill ours. We can not continue to inflate our God and denigrate theirs. Mass ignorance has kept Gods alive from the beginning of time. Ignorance is the life's blood of Gods. Our society can no longer accept religion as superior form of knowledge that can not be impeached and need not be proved. Advocating slavery, burning witches, killing people who work on Sundays or because they are homosexual is every bit as bad as what happened in Paris tonight. ISIS is only a symptom, the belief in God, any God is the problem.

Slaying Gods is nothing new thousands have been slain since the beginning of time as men accept knowledge old Gods die and new modified Gods are born.
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Reply Sat 14 Nov, 2015 06:37 am
The original terrorist is God. He ruled by terror. He killed those who didn't believe, those who didn't conform to his teachings and those who didn't follow his sanctioned sexual acts. God terrorize small children with tales of Hell if they don't conform to his dictates. Anyone that doesn't realize God is terrorism is turning a blind eye. The terror spread across in the dark ages as the holy burned people alive and in some parts of the world it is still going on in the name of God. The excuse of ISIS terrorism is to "establish God's Kingdom on earth." Does that term sound familiar? It should, you will hear it from every church in America. They just want to establish God' Kingdom on Earth but since God is imaginary his Kingdom is likely to be the worst nightmare anyone ever imagined.

When you look into the face of terrorist your are gazing on the face of God. They both want to dictate the smallest detail of how you live. The concept of monotheist God pits all other Gods against each other in a cage match, in a fight to death and only one will survive. Of course the Gods will not fight their followers will do the fighting for them. As religion becomes more fundamental acts of terror are becoming much more common. Terror has left the fantasy stage of threats of hell and morphed into a real Hell on earth.

Studies of Religion in America show that the direction of flow is away from mainstream churches to the more fundamental and extreme religions. The more fundamentalist religions spawn even more extreme fundamentalist religions. Could it happen here? The Arab world was the most advanced on the face of earth at one time before monotheism lower the curtain of darkness over them.
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Reply Sun 15 Nov, 2015 07:42 am
Monotheist religions believe that there is only one true God and that is the God that they worship. If anyone else worships another God they are a heretics. How does religions solve its problems? The solution for heretics? It is the same solution that religion has for homosexuality, adultery, witchcraft, and working on Sundays, death by religious zealots.

The trend in America is, over the last 50 years, is toward ever more extreme religions. The mainstream Christian religions are losing members to religions that offer what many would say is more extreme interpretations of the bible. I would submit it is the proper interpretation, kill means kill it can not mean anything but kill. With the biblical mandate to kill goes the responsibility to kill for the sake and the good of religion.

The Muslim religion is the third book of a religious trilogy, the first book is the Jewish religion, the second is the bible. The number one commandment is that "You shall have no other Gods before Me." This is a religious problem that every religion faces. The religious solution to this problem is obvious kill anyone who has another God before them. This is true terrorism at work for those who are not killed will convert before they are killed. This is exactly what ISIS is doing, when faced with a religious sect that believed differently they killed them. Mass graves are now being unearthed in Iraq, the Yazidis once practiced an ancient religion, and they were killed for it.

ISIS is the real face of religion in the world being practiced the biblical correct way. Religion in America has been toned down considerably but if you read the words in the Bible literally there is no difference between the words in the bible and the actions of ISIS. ISIS is giving the world a look into religion as it was conceived and practiced.
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Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2015 06:59 pm
The Christian religion had its roots in the Middle East, from the same type of nomadic tribes that founded the Muslim religion. Now another religious abomination rears its ugly head. ISIS just wants it own country, a caliphate where religion replaces government. A country to rival other countries where you can behead a 9 year old boy. No doubt he was homosexual or working on Sunday. That is how God settles things.

In America God's orders to kill are just words, nonsense that no one pays attention to but to a religious fundamentalist every word is true. In America we cannot conceive of a religion that would kill but in other parts of the world God is taken seriously. Religion is built on ignorance and it attracts the ignorant. Even in America we are beginning to see religious inspired killings. The teenager beat to death because he was a suspected witch is a recent example.

It is surprising how many Americans can worship a God who advocates killing people to gain control of them. No one who believes in God sees anything wrong with God destroying a city because there were homosexuals living there. Does anyone really believe that only homosexuals lived in those cities? Best guess is that at least 90% of the people God wasted were straight. Of course the truth be known the whole story was made up to manipulate followers. Just another form of religious terrorism.

Why do the ISIS followers blow them self up? Why don't they mind dying? Because they are true believers and believe they are immortal and the more people they kill the more they will be rewarded in heaven. Religion is just slow acting poison. It rots the mind and destroys any inborn sense of morality.
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Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2015 06:28 am
Religion is based in terrorism, why should we be surprised when the followers of a religion emulate their God? In order to get someone to follow your religion you tell them they will burn in a sea of fire for eternity. That is a terrorist threat. Religion is about control and control is gained by terrorism. At one time the threat of burning someone to death for not believing in your particular type of religion was not a threat it was a harsh reality. A bullet in the head or slowly burning to death over a fire of green wood to prolong your agony which is worse? In both cases you are dead but in Christianity death was also staged as entertainment. At one time the Christians ranged across Europe murdering at will. They are both religions is there any real difference in their philosophy? No, they both used terrorism to recruit followers.
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Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2015 09:26 pm
Terrorism is now probably mankind biggest problem. How do you fight an enemy who wants to die? It is easy for most people to believe there is life beyond the grave. Not only do most Americans believe there is life beyond the grave but they also believe it will be a far better life. But if you truly believe that you are going to a far better place after you die why not hasten the trip? Most Americans still fear death, they may profess to believe but they will cling desperately every last second of life.

The terrorists on the other hand are true believers they just know that heaven is real, that they are going to a better place. They have been brainwashed to the point they no longer have any fear of death in fact they welcome it. An enemy that wants to die is a dangerous enemy indeed. How do you convince somebody that God is only a fiction and that when they die for God they are just dead? These people have been brainwashed their entire life. It may be that their death is the only solution but they will take many more lives to accomplish that. Religious cults have a terrible hold over their members. It is almost impossible to break.

Americans are religious but they have enough doubt that they don't want to die to go to heaven. It will be impossible to undo the brainwashing but introducing a reasonable doubt might be possible but we can't continue to cling to our fantasy of God and be able to discredit theirs.
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Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2015 06:27 am
The will to survive is one of the strongest drives in humans and other animals. Without a will to survive not only would the individual cease to exist but the species would vanish also. Thus the programing of a will to live is one of the most important parts of our programing. Religions easily over ride the fear of death by convincing the faithful that this life is only temporary and their real life begins at death. They can of course offer no prof of life after death and tell you that you must "believe as a little child believes." Of course a little child brain has not developed and they will believe anything they are told. I can see a conman telling his victims they must believe like a little child. Even the most gullible mark would see through the scheme but then off to church they go on Sundays and are proud to say they believe.

In America, for the most part, religion is benign but the tendency is toward the more extreme religion. The mainstream religions are losing membership and the more extreme evangelical religions are growing. The word evangelical means keeping with the gospel and we know that the gospel directs the faithful to kill, homosexuals, witches, adulterers and those who work on Sunday. Why are we surprised when those that follow other religions decide to kill us? If you oppose the spread of their religion you are an enemy worthy of death. You are an enemy of their God and they will defend their God to their death,

While people have a fear of death they will sacrifice their life in order to ensure the survival of the group. ISIS members are willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure their religion survives and spreads. If you don't believe in their religion you are a threat even more so than someone who works on Sundays was a threat to Mosses and you deserve your fate, "your death be upon you. "

We have met the enemy and we know it well, it is religion rearing its ugly head.
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Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2015 07:51 pm
Another day, another terrorist attack. An American hotel in Africa was visited by terrorists today. They yelled "Allahu Akbar " (God is Great) as they stormed the hotel to kill people. The terrorists in Paris were affiliated with ISIS and just shot everybody in sight but the African terrorist were affiliated with Al Qaeda and were more selective they gave each person a sporting chance they let each person have a chance to recite a passage from the Korean. If you failed to recite the passage from the Korean you died. This also happened in Africa when the mall was taken over last year. There is no doubt they intend to kill all those who don't follow their religion. This never happened before right? During WWII when the Germans overran a town they would round up the town's people and dug a large ditch. They would ask the people what religion they followed if you answered that you were a Jew you were shot and buried in the mass grave.

The terrorists are just history repeating itself. If you fail to learn from history you are cursed to repeat it. We failed to learn that a particular type of religion is not the problem, it is religion in general that is the problem. The Christian will always believe that the Jews killed Jesus. The very existence of another religion is offensive to other religions. The religious killing will never end as long as a religion continues to exist.
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Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2015 06:57 am
As I think back over the years it is the absolute arrogance of belief that made me realize as a teenager that religion was likely false. Arrogance is used as a defense against doubt. In fact it is used to block any and all doubt. When you believe in something unseen to the extent that you will kill other people because they don't believe in the same unseen entity you have reached the height of arrogance.

Different Gods in different countries worked for thousands of years because the interaction between countries were limited. Now information crosses borders in micro seconds. Information threaten cultures that are thousands of years old. The young are the most likely to access information technology and doubt erodes belief.

When a terrorist kills his victim he is snuffing out his doubts but no matter how many they kill the information continues to flow and the doubts only multiply. Their God and their way of life is under attack.
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Reply Sun 22 Nov, 2015 08:44 am
When Osama bin Laden's terrorists attacked the United States most Americans wondered why. America had not invaded Saudi Arabia, where Osama and almost all of the terrorist were from, we had not sunk their warships at sea and Saudi Arabia had no chance of over running the United States. In fact the United States had kept a rogue country, Iraq, from invading more Middle East countries. If anything the United States should have received thanks instead of having 3,000 people killed on 9/11. Of course the Saudi government did thanks us and could claim plausible deniability in the attack.

Osama stated reason was that the US military bases were corrupting their youth and destroying their culture. This may be the first of many wars fought to preserve a culture, a way of life. Osama blamed the military bases but there was an unseen enemy that Osama could not see, the Internet. The Internet was in its beginning phases but the world had changed, ideas could not be stopped at the borders, ideas could not be banned. The internet was Osama's real enemy, free thought is always the enemy of oppressive religious cults. Ideas and free discussion of those ideas travel across borders in micro seconds. The young Muslim is now exposed to ideas that have been repressed in their culture for a thousand years.

Terrorism has succeeded in putting the face of a religious zealot on the face of Middle East youth but the vast majority of Muslim youths no longer practice the extreme religion. When the very ideas that religious cults are founded come under attack they are ill equipped to fight for them on an intellectual plane. The real fight in the Middle East is not taking place on foreign soil it is taking in the Middle East. Like a cornered animal the Muslim religion is under attack from ideas from all over the world and like any animal in its dying throws it is lashing out killing to sustain control. Now the people of the Middle are fleeing the champions of their religion. Beheading 9 year old child can terrorize a community but it can no longer a believer make. These techniques may have worked a 1,000 years ago in a closed community but no longer.

Why a caliphate now? Because religion must have the power of government to enforce religious laws. The Muslim religion will have a hard time existing in a secular governed state, at least in its extreme version. The Osama attack, like Japan's before it was not a mighty blow that could turn the tide in the cultural war it was only the first volley in a long and bloody war that Osama never fully understood. A bomb, in fact no amount of bombs, can stop an idea. You can behead men but you can't kill an idea. A thousand years ago this type of murderous religious cult worked, look how well it worked for Christianity, but the old Gods have cancer they are rotting away.
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Reply Mon 23 Nov, 2015 06:26 am
When someone can not win an argument on intellectual level they often turn to violence to try to impose their will on others. ISIS realizes that they are losing the intellectual argument with the next generation and they have resorted to violence. ISIS believes that it can impose their fantasy of God at the point of a gun but intellectual arguments are never won at the point of a gun and their next generation is fleeing the country. The Internet more than anyone force has exposed members of closed societies to ideas they never entertained before, it opened a world of ideas that conflicted with their tradition values. Many like Osama don't want to see their world change and are willing to kill to stop the future. Violence may exert control for a time but in the end the future will not be stopped.
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Reply Tue 24 Nov, 2015 06:26 am
I would like to think that any religion that uses force to recruit and keep believers in line would not long endure but history shows us that the Christian religion's practice of torture and burning people at the stake eventually resulted in spreading Christianity not only across Europe but across the world, to be sure in time governments gained control over religion and stopped the religious motivated killings. Can ISIS expect similar results? The spread of ISIS has been remarkable indeed and rivals the initial spread of Christianity after the Roman Empire mandated it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Information technology has changed and bad information can be spread as fast as good information.

ISIS is telling recruits that they are engaged in the final battle and that they better be on the right side. It seems, and this is going kill Pat Robertson, that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth to fight this final battle on the side of ISIS against the infidels. No doubt it was the homosexual agenda in the Western World that changed his mind. Who knew that Jesus was a traitor? This type of nonsense seems like something you would see on a South Park episode but the end of the world has always fascinated religious followers who believe that there will be one last great battle when even Gods will join the field of battle. Most followers of religion carry a death wish not for themselves so much as for the world. The end of the world is prof positive of biblical predictions an affirmation of their belief system.
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