The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2015 06:42 pm
Apocalypse now, so many people are fascinated by the subject. People have been fascinated with the end of world since the beginning of time. We know that anything with a beginning has an end and much of religious philosophy concerns itself with the end of the world. Religious philosophy concerns itself with the beginning of the world, it is the supernatural explanation of how the world came in to existence. Since religious philosophy provides a supernatural explanation for the beginning of the world it is obligated to provide an explanation for the end of the world. In America the "Left Behind" series has been extremely popular among Christians. The series deals with the faithful ascending to heaven and the sinners being left on earth. Talk to many Christians and they will tell you this is going to happen any day now and they ask, "Are you saved?" This fictional series is believed to be the gospel truth by many.

In the Middle East the followers of ISIS are also concerned by the end of the world. Visions of the end of the world dance in their head as they behead captives. The followers of ISIS also are very concerned with the end of the world but it is not a fictional set of books it is reality. They truly believe they can bring about the end of the world. They have found an ancient set of prophesies that tell the location of the final battle and are amassing an army to engage the enemy. And we all ancient prophesies have to be true, sheep dung anyone? The town is in the north Syria near the Turkish border, the town is named, Dabiq. The Final Battle has been the best recruiting scam the terrorists ever had. Many young Muslims can't wait to do their duty for God.

But what of the puppet master? He is much smarter than Osama bin Laden and more ruthless than Ted Bundy. He has a PHD in Muslim studies and you can bet he does not believe one word that he preaches. He is a master manipulator, a serial killer that uses people as weapons. Religion makes this possible. It shows people can be made to believe anything even the "Left Behind" series.
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Reply Thu 26 Nov, 2015 11:21 am
Last Thanksgiving ISIS was considered only a regional threat this Thanksgiving we have to acknowledge that ISIS is a global threat and growing. World leaders still won't acknowledge that this war is different than most wars, it is a war about monotheism, a cage match where two Gods walk in and only one God walks out. Osama bin Laden watched as his culture was disintegrating under a constant barrage of Western influence and he wanted to drive the westerners out of the Middle East but ISIS is a different animal they are on a religious crusade to establish a caliphate where religious leaders will rule instead of government.

Monotheistic God needs to triumph over all other Gods and since all Gods are only figment of the imagination of the believer this can never happen. The alternative is to kill all those who believe in another God. Christianity did its best to kill those who did not believe in their God during the Dark Ages. This is the path ISIS has chosen when it comes across those who believe in another religion it commits genocide.

Military leaders are ill equipped to fight a war over Religious Philosophy. Bombs may blow people apart but they don't change minds an only harden fixed philosophical positions. Even in country religion is given a respect it has neither earned or deserves, Christians were a murderous band of thugs who tortured and murdered people who didn't believe in their God. This creates an Achilles' heel and prevents us from attacking the cause of this war. We tell ourselves we must respect religion but religion never respected life. If a religion is made up whole cloth (and they all are) we must respect what ever wild ideas they can make up.

Instead of bomb we should be attacking the heart of the problem, their religious philosophy. We need to drop the truth instead of bombs, and targeted radio and TV stations, and internet programs with attacks on their religious philosophy. Dropping pictures of Mohamed would demonstrate that the shy will not fall when a likeness of Mohamed is distributed. It would not change all minds but it would reach some and cause dissension in the ranks. You can only fight the darkness of ignorance with the light knowledge. As long as we desperately cling to darkness of imaginary ideas it will make it more difficult to claim the light of knowledge as a force. Man's ability to work with abstract concepts is surpassed only by his ability to work with imaginary ideas.

Make no doubt about it this war is about religion and respecting the enemies religion will make matters worse.
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Reply Fri 27 Nov, 2015 07:55 am
How can we fight a war with our hands tied behind our backs? We are engaged in a war that is being driven by religious philosophy and at the same time our armies will be forbidden from attacking the religious philosophy that is causing it. Imagination land is motivating and driving force that causes ISIS terrorists to kill. But many in this country are also heavily invested in imagination land, not the same corner of imagination land but imagination land all the same. Any attack on any part of imagination land is seen as an attack on all of imagination land even if it is an attack on the most extreme corner of imagination land. You can attack any philosophical principal but you can not attack a religious principal. Religious principals need not meet any test, they need not be rational and logic does not apply to religious dogma.

Religions embraces the most irrational of ideas openly and one irrational idea begets even more irrational ideas. No matter how extreme or irrational ideas the faith is built on we can not attack the underlying philosophical ideas because it is not polite to attack the ideas someone's religion is built on. If we show how irrational their religion is we would have to accept the fact our religion is every bit as irrational. Religion as a whole has a united front and if the front is breached all religions will be damaged.

We can not expect to win a war where we can not attack the driving force. We can attacking them with all of the $250,000 missiles we can buy but missiles kill only bodies and they will not penetrate imagination land which will continue to generate more and more terrorists.

Our only real choice is to attack all religion in its homeland, imagination land. It is time the training wheels came off and the harsh realities of life are accepted not avoided by imagining them away. "Every sort of refuge has its price," and as the terrorists killed those in Paris we witnessed the true cost of our refuge from reality.
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Reply Sat 28 Nov, 2015 08:14 am
Even many Americans who don't believe in imagination land think it is a harmless pass time. We think that religious extremists are just from the Middle East and that religious extremism is confined to that area but the Republican presidential candidates in an effort to gain votes have been fanning the flames of religious extremism in America. There are those in America who say they believe in supernatural nonsense and because they believe in supernatural nonsense everyone else must believe in the same supernatural nonsense and if you don't they will kill you. Isn't this the exact same thing that is going on in the Middle East? To be sure on a smaller scale but Republican presidential candidates ignore the law of the land and continue to push a religious agenda.

Why spotlight a medical procedure that has been legal for more than four decades? To stir up those who live in imagination land. To stir them up into a frenzy so they will not only vote for a republican candidate but so they will work countless hours for their election. But as those who live in imagination land hear the gory details of abortions they are stirred up into a frenzy to kill those who are getting and providing abortions. All those that dwell in imagination land believe that God's law is the real law and man's law is subordinate. God is the true ruler of the universe.

When the Christian right found out they could not win in court or change the law of the land the began religiously motivated killings and bombing of abortion clinics in attempt to do exactly what is going on in the Middle East force people at the point of a gun to follow their religious beliefs, the only difference is in the scale. Do you think that Robert Lewis Deer, who attacked the abortion clinic in Colorado yesterday, would have had any problem beheading any of his victims? The antiabortionists in America would have no problem beheading their victims if they thought it would advance their cause after all they believe bullets and bombs are the way to make others live at the foot of the cross.

The Republican Party has actively courted the votes of religious extremists for decades including some who pushed for a law that called for the death penalty for blasphemy in America. It seems they are only pro life if you are not criticizing imagination land. When baby was Bush in town running for reelection in 2004 box trucks were driven through town with the results of an abortion pictured on the sides. This was done to insight the religious right. The republican party is creating a monster that may some day consume them.
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Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 08:59 am
The authorities tried to do their best to avoid saying the shooter's motive for shooting up an abortion clinic was in fact abortion. It finally came out that the shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, was quoted as saying, "No more baby parts." Prior to the shooting the abortion clinic was surrounded by 70 anti-abortionists demonstrators trying to pray those fetuses back inside the mothers. Where is Jesus when you need him? To anti-abortionist the next best thing is a Robert Dear. The fact that one abortion clinic was shot up will serve to frighten many other young women away from abortion clinics. Every body knows what the law of the land is but that never bothered antiabortionist they believe they have not only a right to control everyone else but a duty to control everyone else. It is their religious duty. This is the same obligation that members of ISIS feel. They must save the souls of others.

When the religious feel they have the right to replace the life choices of the individual with the life choices of their religious sect you are seeing the mind set of an ISIS. The idea that religion should control the life choices of the others is deeply ingrained in western society as well as Middle East. Even as America was founded on the rights of the individual there remained a deep undercurrent of religions right to control others remains in our society to this day. The religious belief that the church should be able to make life choices of the individual is based on the belief that the church will make better choices than the individual and of course those choices will be made on the bases of an ancient religious text that was written by people who believed sheep dung was best rubbed into open wounds. To be sure the right of religion to control people is not as strong as it once was, for instance witches can no longer be burned in the town square but people can be killed for providing abortions.

The religious need to lead by example not by AK-47s. Somehow the belief that the religious have a duty to control the actions of others must be erased from the nation's consciousness.
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Reply Mon 30 Nov, 2015 06:28 am
When is a mass shooting justifiable? When it is to enforce God's will, at least according to the Republican right. You can bet many religious right preachers were telling their congregations that the shootings in Colorado were in fact Gods will. After all if you are not willing to die for your faith, what kind of Christian are you?

The Republican presidential candidates did not respond to the shootings Saturday night, they needed time to customize their press releases to make it appear they were not pleased with the shootings. Making the next election about a single issue, abortion, would be a huge advantage for the Republicans. The shootings makes abortion the centerpiece of the next election. A good portion of voters vote based on the candidates position on abortion alone. The Republicans are secretly pleased to see the abortion question get so much attention in the media. The Republicans had been heating up the rhetoric about abortion in the debates and now the issue is front and center.
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Reply Tue 1 Dec, 2015 07:59 pm
Obama announced today that more special ops troops would be sent to Iraq to fight ISIS. The Iraqi government warmed the US about sending more troops into Iraq without their permission. The Iraqi are threatening military retaliation if more US troops are sent in. This would pit a small US military force against the Iraqi on one side and ISIS on the other. No matter how many people we send to be killed it won't solve the problem. Ignorance is the hardest thing to kill. Men have fought and died for Gods since they first imagined them into existence. As men's minds evolved they gained the ability to grasp abstract concepts but it also left a ghost in the machine. Man has not only the ability to grasp reality but imagine fictions. Many people make good living imagining stories and writing books. We are surrounded by fiction, books, television, and movies. Sometimes people get so involved in fictional stories they dress up like their favorite fictional character and go to conventions.

We seem to have a innate need for fiction in our lives, it allows us to escape a harsh reality. Escaping reality is a multi-billion dollar industry in America. If we could travel back in time to meet the first man that imagined a God, I wonder if he would tell us it was just another fiction, just another story and once he imagined a god others built on his imagination. At what point the fictional Gods became real in their inventors minds we will never know, in truth it likely never happened to the inventor, but those that heard the stories no doubt became convinced that Gods were real. The problem now is how do we undo the damage.

Many people carry the seeds of their destruction from their birth, a inherited genetic disease, a gene that mutates into cancer, or genes that set the pace of the aging process. Maybe God is in fact the seed of our destruction, a poison pill and inherited genetic disease that will lead to mankind's ultimate destruction. To be sure Gods have been handed down generation to generation. Fiction should fall to reason but still it does not. Fiction prospers and facts cannot penetrate fiction's armor. The final battle will be fought between fact and fiction and the outcome will determine the fate of mankind.

We will never battle against an enemy we refuse to acknowledge.
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Reply Wed 2 Dec, 2015 06:26 am
Cultural shock is a major factor in the Middle East. In the last 50 years the American culture has radically changed, the sexual revolution, computers, and cell phones changed life in America but most of all the speed of information and its availability to anyone is changing the world. People that never interacted before exchange ideas over the internet at speeds that could not be imagined a few years ago. Language barriers are broken down on the internet with what amounts to a universal translator, science fiction only a few years ago. While the United States changed rapidly but the Middle East is changing from an 18 century lifestyle to a 21st century one far faster. In a culture where God could not be criticized to one where young question his very existence. The backlash was predictable, those who still believe will try to kill off those who question God's existence and those who believe in another concept of God. It is desperation an attempt to cling to an illusion that is vanishing before their very eyes. Death and threats of death are not enough to hold off the informational revolution that the world is now undergoing. The more information someone has the more likely they will learn to think independently and the less likely they will let groups tell them what to think.
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Reply Thu 3 Dec, 2015 06:26 am
The terrorists say, "Allahu Akbar, (God is greater) lets grab our AR15s and go kill people for the greater glory of God." Isn't religion grand?
One of the terrorist in the shooting in California was from Saudi Arabia the very country that the majority of terrorists on 9/11 came from. The male involved was Arab-American and had met the female online. There is no doubt this was a terrorist attack, not a work place shooting. It well planed with military grade weapons and explosive.

This was yet another great victory for the National Rifle Association (National Gun Manufactures Association) they made a good profit on the AR15s and all that ammunition. In America we can keep the terrorists on a no fly list but thanks to the National Gun Manufacturers Association we have to sell the terrorists on this list all the weapons of mass destruction they can buy. The National Gun Manufacturers Association may not like what you do with your AR15 but they will fight to the death for the terrorist right to buy weapons of mass destruction. It is all for a profit and the more people that die with guns the more guns they sell.
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Reply Fri 4 Dec, 2015 06:46 pm
In history of the United States no political party has ever tried to insure that an enemy army had the best weapons of mass destruction but yesterday the Republican party voted a bill that would prevent known terrorists from buying guns that were designed for one purpose and one purpose only making war and killing the maximum amount of people. In country we can stop a known terrorist from getting on plane because we believe it is likely they would try to blow it up or highjack it an fly into a large building. But the would be terrorist can be consoled by telling him that we know that you are disappointed that you can't kill 300 people on plane but the Republican party has made possible for you to buy as many AK47s and AR15s as you like and of course pick up 10,000 rounds of ammunition to go with it.

In my opinion the Republicans who defeated the bill to stop the flow of weapons to army of terrorists in America has armed an enemy army and has such has clearly committed treason. They should be arrested for treason, tried and executed for the future murders of Americans all across America. The Republicans are clearly thumbing their nose at America. Yesterday the NRA showed how absolutely arrogant they can be. They used the many congressmen they own to insure they can sell weapons to terrorist. In one of the newspapers the head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre's picture was shown along with mass murders and terrorists he supplied with guns. He is an enemy of the American people and the number one terrorists. He dose not serve the God of ISIS he only kneels down to the God of profit. At some point the American people will have to deal with this man.

The NRA has reached the zenith of arrogance but America is changing under La Pierre's feet while there are almost as many guns as people in America, fewer and fewer people own guns, those who do own guns are far more likely to kill their family members or themselves than any imaginary boogieman they day dream of. Guns are good for terrorists but bad for most people. I worked wit a man who was a gun nut and when the NRA ran a 1/2 hour infomercial saying the Democratic candidate for President would take your guns away if elected. He was in a panic and voted Republican on that basses. The next year he was on vacation in Myrtle Beach when he got a call that his 21 year old son had went to his house and used his favorite shotgun to blow his brains all over the ceiling. Just as statics predicted. I wonder to this day if he still cherishes that gun. His son had a fight with his girl friend that evening an killed himself. He had been especially close to his only son and was never the same afterwards the shotgun killed two people with one shot but the good part was the NRA made a profit on the gun and the ammunition.
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Reply Sat 5 Dec, 2015 10:42 am

.The NRA (National Gun Manufactures) has reached the peak of arrogance by having the congressmen they have bought and paid for vote down a bill that would prevent known terrorist in America from purchasing weapons of war. Why would any person in their right mind want to arm the terrorists on American soil? If you are not a known terrorists it does not effect your right to buy gun. I know the argument if you take the right for known terrorists to buy automatic weapons it is a slippery slope and the first thing you know Joe Redneck won't be able to buy automatic weapons of war to kill his neighbors.

It is called a "tipping point" this is when the paradigm undergoes a major shift. The NRA does not realize that they have built an empire on weak and shifting sand. In 2004 a Harvard survey found that 38% of household owned a gun, the most recent survey by the General Social Survey found that now only 32% owned a gun or lived with someone who did. Since certain occupations require that you have a gun, like policemen or military the actually voluntary gun ownership is likely 20% or less, also people who live with people who own guns are counted as owning a gun. It seems that there are fewer Joe Rednecks everyday. America will undergo a major shift in the gun nut paradigm in the next decade, the writing is on the walls. The vast majority of the mass murders in the civilized world already take place in America because of the easy availability of weapons of mass destruction (weapons that are designed to kill hundreds of people at a shooting).

The vast majority of Muslims in America are not extremists and are not going to become radicalized just as the vast number of Americans will not become mass murders. The accepted figure of Muslims in America is 5 to 8 million if only one in a hundred thousand became radicalized that means that you could see up to 80 additional mass murders this year. Mass murder is rare but when you factor in religion it becomes an acceptable method of imposing your ideology on others. When terrorists buy weapons they buy vast amounts. This is what gun manufacturers dream of not only do you sell to terrorists huge amounts of weapons but a single terrorist attack will increase gun sales by double digit percentage for over a year. This is why the NRA had to make sure that the government can't block gun sales to known terrorists. The NRA need more mass murders and terrorist's attacks in America to convince people to buy more guns. It not personal it is just business.

America has two great threats to our existence one is ISIS the other is the NRA. The NRA and those running should be put on the terrorist watch list.
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Reply Sun 6 Dec, 2015 08:49 am
Bubba (Jerry Falwell Jr, President of Liberty College) gets up and tells his gun nut audience if more people had concealed carry permits they would have killed the terrorist in the California terrorist attack. This shows the rich fantasy life these people lead and that reality never intrudes on fantasy. Lots of gun nuts live their life with fantasies of rescuing the damsel in distress or others but reality is far different. When FBI agents first started coming up against bank robbers armed with assault weapons they quickly found they were out gunned out gunned often meant being dead. When I started working for the city all policemen carried revolvers but as criminals got weapons of mass destruction and they spread across America police departments had to rearm and all the revolver were replaced with semi-automatic needed to keep up in the arms race. The NRA wins again as they sold criminal assault weapons every law enforcement agency in America had to replace its weapons and they plowed that increased money into buying senators, congressmen and state politicians. Now most police forces in America now have to have automatic weapons to put them on an equal playing field. In California it took Police armed with assault weapons to take down terrorists with assault weapons. The first policeman on the scene in the final shootout was quickly wounded and had to retreat. Until other policemen arrived armed with assault weapons. Bubba fantasy of taking his six shooter and killing the villains with modern weapons of mass destruction is pure fantasy.

The other more likely scenario with a bunch of armed Bubbas in the room when the terrorists burst into a room with 300 people you would only hear gun shots and duck without seeing who is actually doing the shooting, every Bubba in the room gets out his gun and starts shooting. In this case you are limited in what you can see but Bubba number is seen by Bubba number two shooting. Bubba number two quickly assumes that Bubba number one must be the shooter and shoots Bubba number one. If we have 43 Bubba's armed with guns it is likely most of them will have shot each other while the terrorists appreciate the help. Of course all of the shots the Bubbas fire will not hit there intended targets and a number of bystanders will be killed also.
After the school shooting they discussed arming teachers at a local high school and the Policeman assigned to the school said he would run screaming from the school if they did. If I went to a Christmas Party with 300 people and knew there were 43 armed Jerry Falwells Jr in the room I would run screaming from the building. I would rather take my chances evading the terrorists at least I would know which direction the gun fire was coming from.

Bubbas armed with pea shooters don't stand a chance coming up against people with weapons of war except in their fantasies where they always Bruce Willis in the 50 rerun of Die Hard.
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Reply Mon 7 Dec, 2015 06:27 am
The National Gun Manufacturers Association (NRA) exists for one reason and one reason only, to make a profit. The best and most profitable scenario for the NRA is a full blown civil war in United States between Muslims and Christians. ISIS also realizes a civil war between in the United States in Muslims would help their cause. ISIS fully realizes the an ongoing war between Sunni and Shi'ites has made it easy to take control of much of Iraq. So the United States faces two enemies one domestic and one foreign. Gun sales will go through roof as lone wolf shootings inspired by ISIS rhetoric began to mount. NBC news is running a story this morning about guns flying off the shelf. Gun sales have skyrocketed since the ISIS inspired shooting and talks of gun control. Of course many of those guns will find their way into the next ISIS shooters hands as they will be bough and sold on the black market and the NRA will be counting its money and buying more Senators.
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Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2015 06:29 am
The first thing the father of the shooter in the California massacre said was, "My son was real religious." One of the first things the family of the shooter's female accomplice said was, "She was real religious." How can you look at those statements and not see the real problem. Both of the California shooters were deeply invested in imagination land and anyone that dwells in imagination land is dangerous, you start to imagine enemies of your God and soon you don't realize that God, not your fellow men is your real enemy. Billions of people have killed people and died in the name of one God or another since the beginning of time and still people believe God is their "savior." Religion has always defied reason, logic and good sense and still people believe in the most unbelievable things.

The father of the shooter also described his son as a religious conservative and himself as a religious liberal. We encounter the terms liberal and conservative frequently throughout our history. Conservatives are afraid of the future and seek to barricade themselves in the past. Liberals realize that change is the only real constant in mankind's history and embrace the future and try to improve it. America was built on liberal ideas and breaks from the past. The hold that religion once held was shaken as the religious concept of the "divine right of Kings" was eliminated by the constitution. No longer could a mere man claim the right to rule by the divine right of Kings, in America mere men would decide who would rule over them and God no longer claim that power. The break was just the first of many as America struggled to break the bonds of slavery to their imagination.
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Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2015 10:17 pm
What do religion and terrorism have in common? They both use fear to manipulate and control people. Many Christians when questioned will openly admit that the reason they are religious is they are scared they might go to Hell if they don't worship God. Even if the existence of God is only a one in a million chance they will spend a lifetime worshiping a imaginary being. Acts of terrorism are committed in hopes of taking advantage of the same principal. Terrorists killed 14 people in California but guns kill 30,000 people in America every year. The same people who are terrified of terrorists will do everything in their power to make it easy for terrorists to purchase guns.

The odds of being killed by terrorists in America are one in 22,778,571. The odd of being struck by lightening in America are one in 700,000. Forty eight people were killed by lightening in 2006. but only 15 were killed by lightening by July 14 this year. But the threat doesn't stop people from going out in a thunderstorm. It seems we have a terrible fear of terrorists but not of thunderstorms which are twice as likely to kill you.

To be sure the news media contributes to the fear but what if we took one day and did a story of all 30,000 people killed by gun violence in America during one year. It would take at least 24 hours. The terrorists are attacking the real life's version of South Park's imagination land. It is our imagination the terrorist are attacking the odds of being killed by a terrorists are negligible but a huge fortune is being spent to prevent it.
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Reply Thu 10 Dec, 2015 06:30 am
Fear God. I am a God fearing man. We hear these expressions all the time. If God is God of love why do we fear him? It is almost like an abused wife who says she loves her husband but fears his abuse. The brain has three separate and distinct areas, a reptilian brain, the brain stem that controls are automatic nervous system. The limbic system is the emotional mind that controls flight or fight response and processes an emotional responses. The final addition to man was the rational mind, located in the frontal lobes. The religious impulse is located deep inside the emotional mind. The classic illustration of the emotional mind at work is the man in a jungle who hears a sound in the bush. The sound could be a harmless animal or a man eating tiger. The emotional mind triggers the fight or flight response. The emotional mind doesn't wait for a preponderance of evidence it acts. This is why so many people are killed in highly emotional situations, like road rage or bar fights. When someone cuts you off in traffic your emotional causes an instant response, and it is not the flight response that is triggered you are ready to fight. Some road rage incidents even trigger shootings. There is no consideration of consequences, causing an accident that destroys two $25,000 cars and that will end up being your fault is a lose, lose proposition. The emotional mind may know that what you are doing is wrong but it just doesn't care. It has only one prime directive, survival. The emotional is primitive.

I raced cars when I was younger, 24 cars on a half mile track at 135 mph. After a bad collision involving several cars you were often if you were scared? My reply was always it takes time to be scared. At that speed on a small track wrecks happen so fast they are over before you had time to think. In a multi car wreck I have no doubt that my emotional mind made my response time faster than my conscious mind could have. You would not have time in pile up to calculate that car #10 it the wall at 110 mile an hour it is coming back across the track at a 45 degree. When I reach that point of the wreck the lower grove will be clear. I was always good at driving through pileups. I never killed a car in 20 years but I bent a few up.

Religion exploits the emotional minds survival response. God is the man eating tiger in the bush, he is the sound you hear in the dark of night. The emotional mind doesn't compute odds it doesn't take chances like the road rage driver that blow the other driver away he wants to make sure the other driver will not have another chance to endanger him. The lack of weighing the consequences makes for disastrous results for both drivers. The damage the emotional mind causes in our society is tremendous and how much control individuals have over their emotional mind varies.

You will never reason religion away because it does dwell in the rational mind. One could surely equate the religious response to road rage. Threats to religion are taken as threats to the individuals followers. When a religion feels threatened it will react as the individual reacts. Islam hears the noise in the bush and has decide to fight even though there was no credible threat. What we find in micro we find in the macro.
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Reply Fri 11 Dec, 2015 08:42 pm
Our distant ancestors who heard a twig break in the jungle and ran away were far more likely to survive and pass their genes down to future generations. Those who heard the twig break in jungle and thought it might be a rabbit instead of a tiger were right the vast majority of the time but unfortunately they were wrong on occasion and did not live long enough to pass their genes down. The modern gene pool is stocked by those who survived long enough to reproduce. Natural selection selected those who perceived danger even when it was not there. If the tiger was only there one time out of hundred those who survived were the ones who ran every time. A lot energy was spent running from rabbits but the alternative was disastrous.

When our ancestors heard a twig break in jungle they either ran or got their spear ready to kill the tiger. That is why most of us today have a well developed fight or flight response, maybe over developed for the world we live in. The trouble is that the only tigers are in zoos today, at least in America, but we still react to the perceived dangers as our distant ancestors. We all known of instances of people were killed for simply calling someone a name or insulting them. The person's emotional mind simply perceived that insult as a real threat and when fight or flight response kicked in the perceived attacker was killed as our ancestors dealt with the tiger. Road rage, bar fights, and domestic killings are the result of the emotional mind taking control. We will often hear an individual who say I lost control or did it in a blind rage and they did lose control, the emotional mind can over ride the rational mind for survival but remember the threat dose not have to be real it only has to be perceived as real by the emotional mind.

When I was first married a car cut me off almost causing an accident. I reacted instinctively, my emotional mind in full force. My emotional mind was back in jungle with the tiger coming after me. I returned the favor and ending up spinning my car out. I ended parked on the opposite side street against the curb. I have never parallel parked a car better in my life. That was the only time I ever spun a street car out. The next time that guy thought about cutting someone off I am sure he remembered what had happened. Once my rational mind regained control I realized how lucky I was. I was on a four lane road and my wife was in car. I covered all four lanes and I could have caused a very bad accident. It still bothers me when I am cut of in traffic but I no longer return the favor.

You can clearly see that my emotional mind reacted to perceived danger after the danger had passed. The emotional mind has tunnel vision it becomes very focused and considers no consequences only the danger or perceived danger often with disastrous results.

Two men arrived at a shopping center at the same time and tried to take the same parking place. There are hundreds of unused parking places but they both want that one specific place. A fight ensues and one stabs the other to death over a parking place. Their emotional mind took over and a fight turned into a struggle for survival. One died one went to jail but the tiger got away.

God is not in heaven he dwells in the primitive emotional mind. Of all the dangers in the world God is the most dangerous to those who believe. He threatens not only their survival but their immortal soul. Perceived kill far more people today than real ones. Millions in America go to church each Sunday and say they fear God. Why does it surprise us that someone who is devoutly religious would kill to protect his God? Or raise an army of terrorists to establish the kingdom of God on earth? Just as my emotional mind became focused on the driver who cut me off the terrorists' minds focuses on those who threaten their God. The world at large threatens their God. The terrorist's emotional mind is completely focused, consequences don't matter and death is a reward not a punishment. Their emotion mind has taken over, their rational mind has become the emotional mind's bitch.
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Reply Sat 12 Dec, 2015 07:28 am
Married couples know which buttons to push to set each other off. These so called buttons are the keys to trigger the other person emotional mind. Anybody that has been married very long knows at least a few zingers that will set their spouse off. The zingers are the equivalent of throwing emotional rocks at the other person and are meant to hurt. The vast majority of married couples don't escalate the fight to the physical level but when those that do reach that point chances are somebody will be injured or killed. Both parties are in fight or flight mode and they are locked in a battle for survival. Their emotional mind takes them back in time into a primitive jungle fighting a wild beast to the death if necessary.

An emotional attack is perceived by the emotional mind as no different than a physical attack. The pain may not be physical but emotional pain is just as real. Even a simple gesture may trigger someone emotional mind. I was finishing up a 26 mile bike ride on a section of highway when a car deliberately swerved toward me. Some of the red necks have been known to force the bikes off the road. At this point I let the driver know that he was number #1 with the appropriate finger. The car came to screeching halt and the driver in his early thirties came back down the highway toward me. Since I am in my middle sixties he thought he would make short work of me. We exchanged a few pleasantries and he told me I had no right to ride the bike in the road. I explained to him that a new law had been passed in the state just for idiots like him that made it a crime punishable by law to get any closer to a bicycle than three foot. Further pointing that I had a good reason to know that because I worked the police department. I would have hated to have to beat him to death with my bike, I liked the bike. After telling me I had no idea who he was he got back in his car and left.

That story illustrates how easily it is to trigger some red neck idiots emotional mind. He was prepared to die for a gesture he saw in his rear view mirror. He was fighting that tiger in the jungle all over. He was under attack his manhood threatened.

Now that brings to the point of those who know how to not only trigger someone emotional mind but direct it toward a target, like a guided missile, the manipulators. They use and direct the anger of others to achieve their objective. Most of us have witnessed a manipulator get two people to fight by egging them on. In the Middle East the manipulators are using the opening provided by religion to trigger the emotional mind of others. You no longer need to be in the room to manipulate someone, you no longer need to be in the same country. Like married couples they know all the right buttons to push but they also know how to direct the anger toward others.
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Reply Sun 13 Dec, 2015 08:39 am
Our emotional minds are like the opening in a computer program that allows a hacker to get inside the program and pervert it. We all have what are called mirror neurons. These neurons give us the ability to see the emotions of others on their faces and not only read them but actually experience the emotions of others. Everyone has had the experience of having are emotions manipulated by watching a tear jerking movie. The movie industry make 100s of billions each year by letting others experience the emotions of the actors. If you have ever watched a bad film where the so called actors just recited their lines you can appreciate good actors. Actors make millions by being able to express the right emotion at the right time.

But there are those among us who are as good as actors in expressing counterfeit emotions and this is not easy. They express these counterfeit emotion to manipulate others. An adult grandchild will act depressed and complain to his elderly grandmother on social security that his house needs repairs and he can not afford it even though he is making over $50,000 a year. She perceives his emotions as real and will gladly give him her small savings of course he will never miss a pro football game or a trip to Disney World.

Conmen are master of emotional manipulation they have mastered their mirror neurons and can detect the slightest emotional change in others. They know just which buttons to push to manipulate others, the opposite of the buttons married people push. It always surprised how likeable most of the conmen I investigated were if you didn't know what they had done to others. Emotional manipulation is a way life. I truly don't believe these people really don't experience emotion themselves but they learn as a child to mimic them by observing others. We all found out as a child that crying bought sympathy and often the toy you wanted. Anger is also used by throwing a fit got the child a toy. But as we mature those mirror neurons give as the ability not only to experience the other's emotions but put ourselves in their shoes. This is the key to all morality. There is actually an area of the brain that is different in psychopaths and others who emotionally manipulate others. It is not that they can't tell the difference between right and wrong they just don't care.

Most people experience of their brain as integrated organ that speaks with one voice even if evidence to contrary is all around us. We have all ran into people with superior intellects that have made a terrible mess of their lives. They may be brilliant but they are unable to get along with others and when the make a major life decision it often leads to disastrous consequences. They constantly feel slighted by others and blame others for the failing. A superior IQ should be an indicator of success in life but it is not. IQ is only one component in overall intelligence another is Emotional Intelligence, more commonly known as common sense. This allows us the ability to successfully integrate into the world around us. It allows us to understand the emotions of others and their motives. It allows to see in advance how our actions are likely to impact others and how they will react. No matter how intelligent you are without a good emotional IQ it is like going through life blind.

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Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2015 06:29 am
Ted Bundy was a master manipulator the Police knew that they had a serial killer working a particular beach and had several Policemen watching the beach. Ted Bundy abducted two women from that beach on that Sunday under the Policemen nose. He abducted them separately in plain view of the policemen without them noticing a thing. He would walk the beach with crutches clutching a few books and ask a young woman to help him with his books. Once they bent over to put the books in the car he shoved them in. He had VW Beetle with the passengers seat and passenger door handles removed. The victim was keep on the car's floor while she was abducted. It was the initial manipulation that led the victims to their death.

Religion is the biggest manipulator in our society. People are more than happy to give up 10% of their income and a couple days a week of their time if the preacher can keep them from going to Hell. This is sort of a reverse Ted Bundy instead of killing people religion offers not only life but eternal life for your money and your time. Religion is a powerful manipulator because it offers the emotional mind what it craves most, eternal life. The primary job of the emotional mind is survival, eternal life is a deal it can not pass up even if the odds are a million to one. A breaking twig in the jungle might be a tiger only a small percentage of the time but it takes only one time. An offer of eternal life is irrational at best but it is hard for the emotional mind to differentiate between a slight chance and no chance.

The drive to survive is one of every creatures strongest drives. If you don't survive to reproduce your genes will not be handed down. However there is a way to override the drive to survive. An animal mother will fight to the death to protect her young. When early men first began to form tribes individuals would sacrifice themselves in wars with other tribes so the group might survive. This is the principal that the manipulators in ISIS use to manipulate their followers into killing themselves in terrorists attacks.

Of course God and the survival of their religion overrides the individuals right to exist. Many were more than happy to go to their death for the greater glory of God and their are many more waiting to follow them. Like Bundy' victims they were all manipulated, they went to their death willingly. The manipulators are responsible. The more educated you are the less likely you are to be manipulated. Study shows that the more educated you are the less likely you are to be religious.
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