Kim Davis was back in the news today, she is being taken back to court for altering marriage licenses and now another group just wanting their religious freedom beat a child to death and seriously injured another in a good old fashion religious beating in a church in New Hartford, New York. At least 38 members of the congregation took part in beating the teen to death and seriously injuring his brother. The
World of Life Christian Church members, like Kim Davis just want their religious freedom, they want to be exempt from laws for murder. The right to murder has been a historical right of religious organization. ISIS continues the proud tradition of religious murders today. The religious believe their religious freedom gives them the right to decide which laws they will obey. The people who will support Kim Davis for not doing her job will be less likely to support the religious freedom of the World of Life Christian Church but the issue is the same, religious freedom.
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Sat 17 Oct, 2015 09:52 am
There is nothing to bring out the sadist in people like the Good Book. The beatings at The World of Life Christian Church in Hartford, New York were not just ordinary beating they were sadistic, they were intended to inflict the maximum amount of pain possible. You better confess your sins or we are going to beat you to death. The beatings took place over a three hour period. "For several hours, into Monday morning, punches and kicks landed the brothers' stomach's, genitals, backs, and thighs as the "counselling session" turned into a case of manslaughter and assault." It was simply God the almighty will. Who can say he knows God's will? Any nut case that can start a religious cult. There is nothing on earth that attracts the mentally ill like religion. The boys parents and older step sister participated in the beatings. Imagine beating your child to death as they cried out in pain it takes a very godly person to do such atrocities, you have to have faith.
The Christian church turned sadistic torture into an art form during the Spanish Inquisition. The Judas Cradle was used to specifically to torture the genitals, a naked person was suspended with ropes over a sharp pyramid like object and were lowered over the object until it entered the vagina or anus of the victim. Weights were then attached to impale them further over the sharp object. Oh what fun they must have had. Lets kick those boy in the nuts for God. The religious are the most sadistic creatures that ever walked on the face of the earth. Only the religious or a serial killer are capable of such sadistic acts and in fact I don't know of even one serial killers in history that used Judas Cradle. Religion is way, not to light of knowledge but the darkness of sadism and ignorance.
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Sun 18 Oct, 2015 08:07 am
The crime that Lucas Leonard, the boy beat to death in church, committed was that he told his parents he no longer wanted to be a member of their church. Some of details that came out in earlier reports was incorrect the main details were correct, however, Lucas was killed and his 17 year old brother seriously injured. We now know that the beating started at 9 PM Sunday night and continued to 7 Am Monday morning. It takes a long time to beat the "devil" out of someone. At 19 Lucas was of age to decide what religion he wanted to belong to if any. An abuser often isolates his victim from family members and friends so he can abuse them. Lucas and his brother were isolated from others, home schooled and not allowed to do sleep overs when they were small, the church isolated children.
While killing people for leaving the Christian religion may seem extreme but it was the practice nearly from the start.
We command that that those persons who follow the rule [the decree that al imperial subjects should practice the Christian Religion] shall embrace the name of the Catholic Christians. The rest, however whom we adjudge demented and insane....shall be smitten first by the divine vengeance and secondly by the retribution of our own initiative."
Theodosius I, Roman Emperor, AS 380
The biggest empire on the face of the earth mandated that you be a Christian and if you did not divine retribution would get you and if it didn't the civil authorities and the church would.
Religion is about control and to control others extreme measures must sometime be undertaken. it is the moral choice of the train coming down the track that will kill 5 people but if you throw the switch to switch the train to another track it will kill only one person, most people will throw the switch. In this case the one person leaving the cult threatens the religions survival. Killing the one so the religion might survive is a simple moral choice to those who believe.
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Mon 19 Oct, 2015 07:13 pm
The real crazies came to Morehead, KY to confront the local crazies. The Westboro Baptist Church came to town to protest Kim Davis. Westboro Baptist Church hates gays for breathing but they believe Kim Davis had a duty to uphold her oath of office and issue marriages licenses to gays. It seems God also hates people who break their oath of office. So in effect one hate group is protesting another hate group. Westboro Church members also pointed out that Kim was an adulterer as only her first marriages is valid in God's mind. We all know what God instructs must be done to adulterers. Who among you will cast the first stone?
Who issued Kim a marriage license to live in sin anyway? Where was the local? Oh the preacher is divorced also.
If a member of the Westboro Baptist church had been the county clerk Kim would not have got the second marriage license let alone a third. Kim is get a lesson on how life would be if religious nut cases ruled the world. Every religious group picks out the parts of the bible they wish to follow and "disregard the rest."
"God hates oath breakers just like he hates adultery and he hates same sex marriage."
Shirley Phelps-Roper Wesboro Church member.
Phelps-Roper said, Kim Davis should protest on her own time. Stranger than fiction, one sign said Kim Davis caused fag marriage. We have an anti gay hate group protesting because Kim Davis didn't issue marriage license to gays. What? The enemy of my enemy..... nah.
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Tue 20 Oct, 2015 05:26 am
Kim Davis is getting a taste of how someone with even more extreme religious views her. To the Westboro Baptist Church members Kim is adulterer living in sin of course Kim church see nothing at all wrong with divorced people getting remarried even if it would be considered as adultery by a strict reading of the bible. The bible should be taken literally according to evangelical movement but just certain parts like the story of creation. There are way to many divorced evangelicals for them to take that section literally.
Speaking of divorce Nicole Kidman, who was married to Tom Cruise, daughter was married the other day but Kidman was not invited. Kidman is being shunned by fellow Scientology members. She should considered her self lucky she could have been a member of the World of Life Baptist Church and could have been beaten to death for attempting to leave the church, as a teenager was last week. Kidman dropped out of the Scientology after her divorce. Religious cults use shunning to kept people in the religious movement. Those who dropout of a more religious movement are punished, even their own family refuse to have anything to do with them. In the fundamentalist Mormon churches once a member has been shunned his wives and children are removed and given to another church member. Imagine talking back to a 95 year old preacher and finding that he has shunned you and given your wife and children away but evidently that is not adultery your wife is just serving God.
In a world gone mad on religion does any of this sound rational? There is nothing rational about religion you simply chose to live in someone else's demented nightmare.
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Wed 21 Oct, 2015 08:42 pm
Religious freedom sounds reasonable at first until the full scope is taken into consideration. Many people would find nothing wrong with Kim Davis refusing to issue marriage license to gay couples. If the government required that Kim Davis' church to marry gay couples in their church that would indeed be a violation of Kim's religious freedom but that is not what is being ask of her. Kim Davis is not even being asked to perform the marriage ceremony as part of the official duties, all she is being asked to do is to issue a license that may or may not be used.
The Catholic Church is against divorce. There are thousands of Catholic Judges. What if tomorrow all the Catholic Judges decided that they would no longer grant divorces for any circumstance? Kim would not be able to get a another divorce. Because Kim was a lone case but thousands of judges refusing to grant divorces would cause outrage in protestant America. You can bet granting dissenters "religious freedom" would not be the term used. The protestants would see it as attempt by Rome to force their religious values on others. One man's religion freedom is another man's prison.
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Thu 22 Oct, 2015 05:31 am
It is October and witches are once again threatening the good people in New England. One of the last witches executed in America was Mary Eastey in 1692 during the Salem witch trials in New England. But now once again the Christians are back to save us from the evil witches. The details of killings in the World of Life Church are beginning to come out in court hearings and the two brothers were being interrogated about their involvement in witch craft. The brother of the pastor of the church, Tiffanie Irwin, said Sunday his sister had accuse someone in the church of witchcraft. The victim that was beat to death is said to have admitted he wanted church leaders dead and said he had considered making a voodoo doll. No doubt church elders had been feeling ill lately and they just knew it was witchcraft. The bible says, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live"
The Police so far have said that the statements about witchcraft are just rumors but since the statements were made by the preacher brother who would have reason to lie for his sister it is unlikely he would make his sister look bad in public. The police may not believe witches but God does and that is all that is important to the religious. Ignorance and religion go hand in hand. In another article linked to the latest account of court action Tiffanie Irwin is said to have said at the end of her daylong church service that "someone in the congregation was practicing witchcraft" this directly the teen being beat to death. I am sure after they were told that the members of World of Life Church saw witches on broom sticks circling their church and closing for the kill. There is no end to what the ignorant will believe. They say you got to believe in something or you will fall for anything but if you believe you will believe in anything.
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Fri 23 Oct, 2015 06:19 pm
The Mormon church condemned Kim Davis actions, this coming from a church who stands by and watches as the Fundamentalists Mormons openly rape 14 year old girls, says something. The Mormons are still against same sex marriage but realize the rule of government is not possible when only part of the citizen's have to obey the law of the land. This is road that will lead only to anarchy. Dallin Oaks, a high ranking apostle in the Mormon church, said, that public officials like Ms. Davis, the clerk from Rowan County, Kentucky, had a duty to follow the law despite their religious convictions.
"Office holders remain free to dram upon their personal beliefs and motivations and to advocate their position in the public square," Elder Oaks said. "But when acting as a public official, they are not free to apply personal convictions--religious or other-- in place of the defined responsibilities of their public offices. All government officers should exercise their civil authority according to the principals and within the law and within the limits of the civil government."
Elder Oaks announced at a press conference that the Mormon Church will support legislation protecting lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people from discrimination. The Moron Church is changing just like America is changing. The question is what would Jesus do? We know the answer he would nuke the whole town in his ignorance.
Elder Oaks is former Utah Supreme Court Justice and clerked for Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren. This man is far to smart to belong to a religious cult founded by a lecherous conman.
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Sat 24 Oct, 2015 08:55 am
"The Moral Arc" is the title of Michael Shermer's book and the premise is that the moral arc was small at the beginning of time and included only those in the immediate tribal group, they were treated morally but those who were not under the "moral arc' were not entitled to the same treatment. When the bible was written it was written for a particular tribe. At that time the moral arc covered only their tribe and outside groups were not treated the same.
Some example of how an in group and out group worked when it comes to moral treatment would be when the Europeans first began to settle America their was a moral way to treat white people but it did not apply to the Indians. Also in old South it was possible to own a black person but not a white person. The moral imperatives simply didn't apply to the blacks. Indians and blacks now are under the moral arc and the moral arc is expanding again as even the Mormon Church is now supporting laws that would ban discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people. Every expansion of the moral arc has been opposed by religious groups their religions were designed originally to encompass only their tribal group. Religion impedes moral progress.
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Sun 25 Oct, 2015 02:40 pm
The first lesbian couple that got a marriage license in Rowan County, KY the county where Kim Davis is the county clerk, got married. She probably won't sleep tonight because she was not able to control other people's lives. Religion is all about controlling others. The object of government is to permit the population to have the maximum amount of freedom without harming or violating someone's else's freedom. We all know our freedom of speech does not allows us to yell fire in a crowded theater because a stampede to doors may resulting injuring or killings other. Religious rules on the other hand are not meant to limit harm or injury they are designed to take control of other peoples lives and prolong and propagate the cult. If religious cults, and all religious are cults to one degree or another, would only try to control their cult members it would be one thing but when the Kim Davis' of the world try to use public office to further their religious cult rules it is quite another.
Thou shall not have false Gods before me is a cult rule but when governments adopt this like the Roman Empire did it is quite another. Government requiring people to belong one religion violate the basic contract between citizen and government. In the American colonies people were required to pay taxes to support the church. That sounds like a bad idea but even today churches are tax exempt while others must pay taxes to pay for the government services provided to the church. If churches want religious freedom let them pay their fair share of taxes. Churches receive police protection and fire protection and use their money to fund political campaigns of religious extremists. It is time the churches get the freedom to pay taxes.
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Mon 26 Oct, 2015 05:25 am
Religion is about control and that is the very reason some people are attracted to religious cults, they actually are looking for someone else to direct their moral decisions. They feel inadequate and feel that others would do a better job directing their moral decisions. The trouble is that those who are directing those decisions are using a rule book written 2,000 years ago at the time when medical science directed you to rub sheep dung into open wounds. Thank heavens the sheep dung cure was not handed down as divine knowledge. The medical field didn't have knowledge handed down by a God so anything in the medical field was subject to impeachment by actual proof but that is not the case in the religious realm where every word spoken by a God is divine and can never be questioned.
If medical science had not advanced and after each operation doctors massaged sheep dung into the open wound many people would die because of the practice. Organized religion is responsible for the ruined lives and deaths, those who died at the hands of Jim Jones and David Koresh come to mind. In the medical field doctors can be sued for malpractice but that is not the case in the religious field as religious freedom gives them license to make any claim that is not subject to proof of any kind.
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Tue 27 Oct, 2015 05:27 am
Huntington is now the drug overdose capital of America with a 143 deaths for 100,000 people. I have been called to some of the locations after deaths were discovered. The way the drug addicts live are pretty much the same it looks like everything they wore in the last year is just tossed in the floor and walked on. This is a generation that is avoiding reality by using drugs. Where would they learn to avoid reality? Their parents, they avoided reality by using another drug know as religion. If reality is to hard to deal with you can make it disappear by simply deny its existence. If a child dies you can use religion to stop the pain. You can deny a basic fact of life and say that the child still lives in an invisible dimension. Many use drugs to stop the pain of reality, pain should not exist, no one should have to feel any pain in the era of chemical miracles. One of religion's purposes is to ease the pain of reality by creating a fantasy dimension where God's dwell.
In Huntington they held a pray out, they asked help from churches across the country to pray the drugs out of Huntington. Well I guess "some of God's greatest are unanswered prayers." Huntington retreated into the imaginary dimension to deal with the drug problem and as a result the drug problem got worse, much worse. We have an active drug unit and arrest are constant but you will never arrest your way out of the drug problem. Parents are found dead in front of their children with needles sticking in their arms, some children have saved their parents by calling 911 before it was too late. I have known for a long time that you don't change the underlying structure of thought by arresting people.
People use drugs to escape reality and people use religion to escape reality. Pain is hardwired into our bodies for a reason it helps us safely navigate life. It keeps us from playing in fire. Most drug addicts know that they are likely to die using drugs and when one dies the rest of the drug addicts seldom react badly because their religion teaches them they have simply gone to a better place with even better drugs.
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Wed 28 Oct, 2015 08:17 pm
The country is having a big problem with drug addiction as it is reaching an all time high. A local drug addiction stated that a drug addict had to go through rehab an average of 8 times before it worked. We know that drug addiction has a lot to do with the release of dopamine, a brain chemical associated with pleasure. Certain drugs trigger the release of dopamine. Dopamine also figures in other addictions like gambling and sex addiction. I suspect dopamine plays a role in addiction to religion.
If religious experiences cause a dopamine release it would explain how otherwise rational people will accept the most outrageous stories as the "gospel truth." Someone that is addicted to gambling will gamble everything he owns away in pursuit of that high. Rationally the gambler can't help but notice that he is losing everything but he continues to gamble just as the drug addict will preform any sex act on a stranger for a few dollars. The drug addict will steal from family and friends to get that high.
Dopamine plays a role in both the recruiting and keeping members in religious cults. When they try to deprogram someone that belongs to an extreme religious cult it is very difficult. Just like the drug addict the person that was deprogramed wants another high. Being addicted to religion or drugs clouds the mind. I wonder if 8 times would be enough to break an addiction to religion.
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Thu 29 Oct, 2015 05:26 am
The question is did religion change society or did society change religion? The fact is that in order for religion to survive it had to change. Religion can no longer claim that the earth is flat as it once did. Men have traveled into space and seen the actual shape of the earth. The church no longer tries to execute people for disputing the divine knowledge of God that the earth is flat as they once did. In fact the reference in the bible have miraculously disappeared. What God was edited? A 2,000 year old book needs editing if you want people to continue to believe it is divine knowledge. After all if God is heaven how could he possibly of made such a mistake. That mistake shows both that God didn't create the earth and his point of observation was not in heaven but here on earth.
Believe the bible is not edited? I argued with one local preacher on line for several months. I ran across a bible passage in a book that told followers that their true bliss lied in bashing their children brains out on the rocks. I took the numbers and tried to locate the verse in the bible and I couldn't not find it. My mom called her sister who is protestant and sure enough the verse was there exactly as it was in the book. The Catholic bible edited out the offensive verse but it remained in the protestant version. I have heard many explanations from preachers for the verse, from it was just a song, to it really meant the children of your enemies but it is one of the most brutal, disgusting things ever written. Only in Nazi Germany did they grasp small children by the feet and bash their brains out but they don't call it the good book for no reason.
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Fri 30 Oct, 2015 07:27 pm
You lean more about an author's position by watching not so much what he writes about but the relevant information he carefully avoids. An author trying to make a point will powerfully state the pro-arguments but carefully tiptoe around the arguments that would easily impeach his arguments. In the book "Religion and Politics in America" written by Robert Booth Fowler and Allen D. Hertzke they attempt to revise history by making the Civil War a religious war where the Christians unite to do away with the evils of slavery. He tries to avoid the fact that the Christian churches in the South supported slavery. The authors begrudgingly admits that there was some Christian support for slavery. But the authors completely ignore the elephant in the room, the fact that the bibles not only support and approves slavery but even direct Christians how to treat their slaves and who can be a slave and who cannot be a slave.
To be sure there were Christian denominations in the North who opposed slavery but in order to so they had to become less Christian and ignore what the book of evil would direct them to do. According to the biblical slavery rules blacks were eligible to be slaves. Of course it is not just the authors that ignore the truth about slavery, millions of Christians across the world completely ignore those biblical passages each week. To be a true Christian you must believe in slavery.
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Sat 31 Oct, 2015 07:07 am
A computer has no way of "knowing" what is true. The computer only knows what its programs tells it is true. The computer has no experience of the real world. If you ask the computer what 2 + 2 is it will tell you 4 because that is what the program directs it to do. But a program could just as easily be written that would tell the computer the answer is 6. No matter how many times you ask the computer the answer it would give you the wrong answer. Most people would know that 6 is the wrong answer to the equation 2 + 2. They know that because of real world experience. So we decide what truth is by real world experience or by a trusted source.
Since no one has direct experience of a spirt world we accept the word of a "trusted source." In some cases a trusted source has extensive experience in his field and is classified as expert in his field and as such has real world experience in that field. In the spirit dimension the expert has no real world experience of the spirit world his expertise comes from word of mouth of another so called expert who gained his knowledge from another. We are much like the computer who never experiences the real world but there is a difference we have the advantage of real world experience, we know what is possible and what is not.
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Sun 1 Nov, 2015 01:25 pm
It was just another Sunday morning, the Marshall Marathon and Half Marathon were held this morning so we got on the roads before the Sunday morning church goers got going. I suspect some of them got there late as a number of streets were closed or blocked. I am usually out on my bike Sunday mornings and the Sunday go to church crowd will run you over to make sure they are not late to church. This morning I noticed how full the Sevan Day Adventist's parking lot was on my way home. The Seven Day Adventist was a doomsday cult that after the world did not end on several predicted dates became a more main stream church.
The founder of the Seven Day Adventist church founder gave a date certain when the world would end and when it did not end on that date he did what all doomsday cult leaders do he gave another date. When it didn't end then he gave yet another day for the world to end. After many failures to predict the end of the world they agreed just to say the world would end "soon." Why would anybody believe in this nonsense? After the first couple of predictions failed it would be obvious that the leader did not know when the world would end. He was just another crazy gathering followers. Only in religion would this happen in other fields he would have been ignored. There is something that makes people weak minded when it involves religion. People want to believe in spite of the evidence to the contrary. it is the inner child who refuses to let go of fantasy.
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Mon 2 Nov, 2015 06:28 am
"Religion in America is like the proverbial prairie river it is a mile wide and an inch deep." In other words people give lip service to religion in America but they don't let it stop them from living their life the way they want to. Born again teenagers behave just like their peers. Dishonesty, tax fraud, sexual promiscuity, marital infidelity, cheating in school, family breakdown, crime, violence, and vulgarity go hand in hand with Christians. Let alone the fact that Christians no longer carry out their primary duties prescribed by their God, such as burning witches, stoning adulterers, killing those found working on Sundays and of course killing homosexuals like their hero, God.
When you first stray from the word of God and can't even remember when you stoned the your last adulterer you have started down a slippery slope. If you haven't burned a witch in the last year then you have decided Christianity is not a valid religion and you can simply pick and chose what parts are valid and you can ignore any and all when it is convenient. Most Christians are secretly glad they can go to Wal-Mart after church services. No one has attempted to kill any Wal-Mart employees for working on Sunday in recent history. The preachers should send out avenging Christians to Wal-Mart to put a stop to that evil practice of working on Sundays. When I was a child there were Sunday Blue Laws and if you opened a store on Sunday you were arrested and taken to jail.
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Tue 3 Nov, 2015 06:26 am
The Blue Laws indicate the absolute control that Christianity once held over government bodies in America. In a free country like America it is unimaginable that a religious cult could dictate when you could shop and when you could not. The religious cults had enough political power to get the Blue Laws passed in the legislatures and signed by governors but the courts would ultimately decide. The discount stores in the area made their stand they opened on Sundays and the State Police were sent in to arrest the evil doers. Sunday after Sunday they opened and were arrested again and again. Imagine being arrested for the simple act of being open on Sundays.
The church sermons at the time supported the Blue Laws. The religious cults believed it was their right to control not only their members but everyone else. The sermons in the Catholic Church I attended at the time (I had not reached the age of reason) railed against the evils of shopping on Sundays but reminded the congregation to go to the church bake sale next door in the elementary school. They made laws to close down the bakery and then held a bake of their own. Shopping on Sunday was bad at least if you were not shopping at the church.
The courts eventually overturned the Blue Laws and stores opened on Sundays and God did not destroy the world by fire, it was close but he decided to wait. The American Taliban was once very influential but as regular church attendance has declined to only 17% the influence of the churches has declined. The Idea behind closing the businesses on Sunday was to make sure people were in church on Sunday mornings, now many are in Wal-Mart Sunday mornings. The Sunday closings laws were a tribute to Mosses' murder of a man for picking up sticks on Sunday.
It is the belief that religious cults should be able to control others that makes them so dangerous. The American Taliban lies dormant, coiled and ready to strike. No religious cult in America would ever dare to question whether Mosses was wrong for putting someone to death for picking up sticks on Sunday as divine knowledge it can never be questioned. The Blue Laws were handed down from that murder in the bible. From that one wrong, thousands of other wrongs were committed.
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Wed 4 Nov, 2015 06:26 am
Christians just can't wait for the world to end. Many doomsday cults have predicted the end of the world and just as many have missed the mark. Science tells us that the world will end as the sun burns out and begins to collapse but this is not going to happen for millions of years. Almost as soon Christianity sprung up they believed the end of the world was just around the corner. They like to believe they are living in the end of days.
Some Christian sects believe that the second coming can't happen until the Christians gain control of the governments. In their fantasy a Christian caliphate, must be established on earth before Jesus Christ will return. A Muslim caliphate or a Christian caliphate, when religions rules ignorance prevails. I wonder how many people would really want to live in a Christian caliphate. There would be witch burnings on one corner and you could stone people to death on the other corner all while looking skyward for the second coming.