God created the world on in 6 days and arrested on the seventh. Does anyone actually believe that? This is the foundation story of the bible if it fails the bible fails. To believe the biblical story of creation you have to believe archeology is junk science. All the fossil evidence we can see must be disregarded. In order to believe the bible we must reject any number of hard facts and opt for fantasy.
All religions have a creation story unfortunately they are all different. Religion seems to have evolved for just that purpose. Every human that walked the face of the earth at one time or another wondered how the world began. Most had very little access to all the fields of science that are necessary to understand how the world began. Where facts are short fantasy rushes in to fill the vacuum. But even when the void has been filled in with scientific explanations many cling desperately to fantasy and try to rationalize science away. Why? Because the fantasy offers a form of refuge. Christians have decided to always remain children. God will serve as their "father" there are advantages to playing the child role but there are disadvantages also. A child can hide from the responsibility of adult decisions but you can never really be in control of your own life.
Faced with the choice of being morally responsible for your own life or having a fantasy figure with a carrot and stick responsible for your moral actions you must decide what course to take. If you live a moral life the fantasy figures offers eternal life if you are not a moral actor the fantasy figure will burn you for all eternity. Being a moral actor is its own reward. Taking responsibility for your own life is more difficult, there is no golden book showing you the way go. No preacher to tell you the proper decision. You are pushed out of the nest and must learn to fly on your own.
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Mon 17 Aug, 2015 05:32 am
Most people still believe that the bible has been an overall force for good in our society and there are indeed good things in the bible. One must acknowledge that religion has accomplished some good things but one must also realize that organized religion prolonged slavery in America and it had to be ransomed at a cost of 620,000 lives. Women's rights were set back for centuries they had no more rights than cattle or other beasts of the field. The bible keeps the world of 2,000 years ago alive and relevant. When people in America first wanted to do away with slavery it was the preachers who pointed to the bible and the fact that the bible instructed how to purchase and treat slaves.
The bible's moral points reflect the state of morality at that time and it would freeze moral progress at that point in time. When the Declaration of Independence "All men are created equal" this was moral progress because in the bible all men are not created equal some are created to be the slaves of others. This created cognitive dissonance but all Americans wanted to be considered equal but some still wanted the world of the bible where you could have slaves.
Mankind has made leaps and bounds of progress in other fields but in field of morality mankind has remained tethered to a large boulder that keeps pulling us back to a world 2,000 years gone. Nobody believes that the biblical word of 2,000 years ago was the pinnacle of civilization and it was not the pinnacle of morality either to keep treating that way is a mistake. To keep looking for moral guidance in a world 2,000 years gone is a mistake. For mankind to advance he must be free to advance in the field of morality. Let's face it are world is far better than the world of 2,000 years ago we are far less violent than the primitive civilization.
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Tue 18 Aug, 2015 08:13 pm
Studies have shown the more religious a country is the more violent it is. No one would deny that fact when it comes to Muslim countries but it applies to America as well. Why does religion positively correlate with all sorts of violence? There is absolutely no doubt that it does but what is the explanation? Religion injects the morality of ancient warlords into the present day and it tells people that imagination land is real. When anyone can imagine that God almighty is speaking directly to them they become his avenging angel and set out to right the wrongs. Bush was absolutely sure God told him to attack Iraq. A million and thirty-three thousand people as a result of that conflict. If God had keep his mouth shut 1,033,000 people would be alive today.
"But if religion is such powerful force for societal health. Than why is America---The most religious nation in the Western world---also the unhealthiest on all these social measures? If religion makes people more moral, than why is America seemingly so immoral in its lack of concern for its poorest, most troubled citizens, notably its children."
From the book "The Moral Arc"
America has far more murders more than twice as many as the nearest competitor. America has 6.7 murders per 100,000, New Zealand has 2.8 America locks up three times more people than nearest competitor. America locks up 710 people per 100,000 while New Zealand locks 290 people. America has the most abortions it seems religiosity has a positive correlation with abortion. The more religious a country is the more abortions it has. It seems religion causes abortion. Closing churches might serve to slow the number of abortions. Their just say no to sex campaign isn't working out. Of those in the no to sex program .5% of the girls claim to have got pregnant without sex.
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Wed 19 Aug, 2015 07:47 pm
The most beautiful fantasy in the world is a poor substitute for reality. It is easy to make a fantasy desirable an attractive to many. You can literally make the most outrageous claims and pass them off as truth. You can tell all the people all they need is faith. If they believe it will be so. But in the end living a lie is just living a lie.
The proof is out there. America is the most religious country and suffers for more social ills than any other country in the study. The study was conducted on 17 prosperous democracies with a population of 4 million or more. "The study was conducted by social scientists Gregory S Paul. Paul studied 25 different indicators of social health and well-being including homicides, incarcerations, suicides, consumption, life expectancy, gonorrhea, syphilis, infections, abortions, teen births (fifteen to seven year olds), fertility, marriage, divorce, alcohol consumption, life satisfaction, corruption indices, adjusted per capita income, income equality, poverty, employment levels, and others on a 1-9 from dysfunctional to healthy." If you want to move to the back of the bus religion is the ticket. Why? Because it is living a lie.
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Thu 20 Aug, 2015 05:24 am
"Thou shalt not kill." Many people believe that is the bible's final word on the subject but actually follows a long list of people you should kill. The bible instructs you to kill homosexuals. The way to correct a disobedient child? The bible says don't bother just kill it. Cheating wife? There is no problem the bible can't solve just kill her that is the biblical solution. Non virgin brides should be killed according to the bible. If you are Christian woman today you might want to reconsider marriage the wedding night might not end the way you planned.
"Thou shalt not kill." Not really, in the bible killing is looked at as a one solution fits all problems. That commandment loses its impact in the face of all the people you should kill. Many cheating spouses are indeed killed each year in America and the bible justifies the killings. Usually in our society punishment for a crimes is left to the authorities but the bible makes you judge, jury and executioner.
Is anyone today really comfortable with a world organized by biblical principles? Do you really believe that non virgins brides should be killed? Killing disobedient children has been pretty much outlawed in America should we follow the bible and bring back capital punishment for children? The bible prescribes the death penalty for anyone working on the Sabbath. Is there anyone in America that has not worked on a Sunday?
Given the choice most Christians in America would not want to live under biblical rule. They would not want to kill their disobedient children, mon virgin brides or even their cheating lovers. True Christianity has been outlawed in America.
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Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:28 am
In addition to all the people the bible instructs to kill in yesterday's post you must also remember to kill the witches. It would be just as easy for the religious to focus on the people they should kill rather than focusing on those "thou shalt not kill." In fact being religious in some parts of the world entails killing people for some of those reasons. The Muslim in fact use the first two books of the bible and add a third and killings for the reasons listed in yesterday post are acceptable in their society. Those first books authorize the honor killings and make them the practice of religion as found in our "holy books."
They say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink but you can lead people to religion and they can't get enough. There is no amount of religiously inspired killings that ever discouraged anyone from believing in religion. In fact the religiously inspired killings set up a power dynamic that makes the religion seem all powerful and serves to attract more followers. Fear is the primary driving force behind religion, fear of death, fear of burning for all eternity. Much of the killing in the biblical times was not only to strike fear in its followers it was a form of entertainment where community could participate. They could put their skill for throwing stone on public display much the same way a modern day baseball pitcher would. The skill of killing a human being with a stone was much admired in that time period. The more people you could kill the more religious you were.
With all the killings going on for all the religious reasons it is evident that "Thou shalt not kill" was just a typo.
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Sat 22 Aug, 2015 11:56 am
The sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" should have been footnoted to list all the people "Thou shalt kill." Thou shalt kill non virgin brides, most of which would have been victims of child molesters or rapists. There is nothing holy or divine about victimizing the victim again. Divine retribution or religious bigotry? There is absolutely nothing divine or God like about killing helpless women who were already victimized. Again we will hear the statement, but it was a different time and it was a different time but it wasn't a different religious rule book. These "Thou shalt kill orders" remain part and parcel of the bible to this day.
It has been thousand of years since the punishment for being a non virgin bride has been death. The Bible gave the wronged husband the religious right to kill his wife if she was not a virgin. You may say this no longer happens in this country even if the bible authorizes the killing. But Adultery is another matter the killings for adultery continues, two people were stoned to death in Mali followed by two people stoned to death in Pakistan last year. Stoning people to death is still legal in Pakistan though it now requires sanction by a court of course there are still freelancers as was the case here. In America we no longer stone adulterers to death even though the bible says we should, high tech has taken over. Throwing all those stones requires a lot of effort with the couple buried in holes with only their head sticking out. There are bound to be a lot of near misses. Stoning requires a mob to control and bury the man and woman. In America a gun eliminates a lot of the effort and there is no need for a mob. But, hey you know what they say a bullet in the head is worth a hundred stones. The bibles today drives the idea home in America that you are entitled to kill someone for adultery.
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Sun 23 Aug, 2015 07:38 pm
Why does the bible authorize murder for so many different things and I believe that is the correct term? There is usually a motive for murder and in this case the motive was control. This was a way of gaining control and if the subjects couldn't be controlled they at least they could be murdered. Many will say the murders were God's will but who decides what God's will is?
The bible does not take responsibility for the murders it puts the responsibility for the victim's murder on the victim the bible absolves itself of any responsibility in the murders.
Witchcraft and wizardry "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." (Exodus 22:18) "A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit or that is a wizard , shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:27)
Homosexuality: "If a man also lies with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)
"Their blood shall be upon them" the bible that mandated their murder takes no credit.
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Mon 24 Aug, 2015 05:27 am
Throughout the last half of the twenty century and the first part of the twenty-first century the Christians have waged a cultural war against science, homosexuality and abortion. Now the leader of the biggest Christian organization in the world, the Pope, has called for Christians to stop waging the cultural wars and focus on the real mission of Christianity to help the poor and needy and homeless around the world. The Pope further stated that this misplaced morality threatened to bring down the church.
"The teachings of the church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time. We have to find a new balance otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards."
Pope Francis
Even the Pope is predicting the end of Christianity because of its entry into the political arena. As Christianity struggled to take political control of America they lost sight of their Christian mission. The mission of typical white conservative Christians in America has been to destroy the welfare programs and make the poor and needy even more so. Homeless? The Christians would be the first to eliminate housing subsidies. According to white conservative Christians there should be no government assistance the poor and the needy. The white conservative Christians believe the poor and needy are just lazy and government welfare is an incentive to stay that way. However they would make private donations that would be used to recruit new members to their cult. Most private charity has strings attached as those who accept it are subject to spiritual pressure to join the cult. They feel obligated because they have accepted help.
The Pope knows from history that all religions eventually collapse under the overwhelming weight of ignorance and that Christianity will follow the same path. The Pope can try and prolong Christianity's life but like a patient in intensive care even if he makes it his time is usually short.
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Tue 25 Aug, 2015 05:28 am
Even the Southern Baptist Convention has changed its position on homosexuality. The leader of the 45,000 church organization, Russell Moore, called for tolerance. "Love your gay and lesbian neighbors. They are not part of an evil conspiracy." What will the Southern Baptist Convention do for a boogieman? If they don't have a whipping boy to trot out each Sunday and use as example of a sinner won't attendance decline? The trouble attendance is already declining and like the Pope they realize that their church could collapse under the weight of bigotry. Moore's position is a departure from the previous leader of the Southern Convention, Richard Land, who warned of "a radical homosexual agenda."
Too many churches in America are graying, some have few members under sixty, the writing is on the wall and once again the religions must change to reflect society's view point or vanish from the face of the earth.
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Wed 26 Aug, 2015 08:31 pm
Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention reminded members "that the Southern Baptist Convention split from a larger denomination to defend slavery before the Civil War." "The fact that we were founded, at least partly, to justify man stealing, kidnapping and lynching—we stand only by God's grace and mercy. Of course Moore is drawing parallels between the Southern Baptists treatment of slaves a hundred and fifty years ago and its treatment of homosexuals today. The fact is religion lags behind the advance of morality in society and has to be dragged kicking and screaming into any advance.
The morality represented in the bible is atrocious. We no longer burn witches or stone adulterers to death but we would if we actually believed in the bible. If we killed all those who worked on Sundays a good portion of the population would be dead. The bible has never been the source of morality in society in fact it has been the source of immorality throughout history. The bible is morality as it existed 2000 years ago. Justifying the morality of over 2000 does not make us better people and trying to live past is a mistake.
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Thu 27 Aug, 2015 07:12 pm
Christians have waged war against homosexuals for the last 60 years since President Dwight Eisenhower's executive order established homosexuality as a grounds to be fired from government employment. "This resulted in several thousand of dismissals and the private sector followed suit." Government at that time decided that it had the right to determine what went on in the bedroom. Why are the evangelicals backing down now? For selfish reasons of course. There are clear and distinct generational differences in attitudes about homosexuality the millennials (those born after 1981) no longer believe that homosexuality is an abomination, or a disease that can be cured they accept the scientific evidence and look at the teachings of the churches as prejudices much like the previous generation prejudices about blacks. This is keeping many millennials from joining churches where they would be the backbone of those churches. Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention 16 million members is running up the white flag because knows if they lose the millennials they will lose the next generations also. Pope Francis said it right it will fall like a house of cards.
"Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the lord? You can't marginalize these people." Francis then added this observation which is more prescriptive than descriptive. In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexual persons who are "socially wounded" because they tell me that they feel like the church has always condemned them. But the church does not want to do this."
The church sanctioned witch burnings and secular authorities put a stop to it. The church sanctioned slavery and secular authorities put a stop to it. The church holds that homosexuality is a crime against God and secular authorities decriminalize it. Where oh where is Christianity moral authority?
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Fri 28 Aug, 2015 05:28 am
Christian leaders are terrified that the millennials generation (those born after 1981)is not going to church in the same number as past generations because churches depend on indoctrination of children to spread cult belief. If they cannot get them when they are children it will be much more difficult to get them believe that all of science is fiction and all of religious fiction is truth. Christianity has made its last stand against homosexuality and lost. The millennials accept that homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon. While the churches loudly proclaim God does not make mistakes. Of course God does not make mistakes he is a figment of their imagination. All they have to do is ignore reality. In fact birth defects are common and few perfect human beings are born. My mom was an RN and worked the nursery and far more babies were born with both sets of sexes organs than most people could imagine. Since this was kept quiet by the families and not discussed at church as "God's mistakes." Those born with both sexes are known are said to be intersex. One is born every 1,500 to 2,000 births giving the United States a population persons of intersex of 200,000.
People fail to understand that there are two components in sexual make up, the physical sex organs and the sexual software that runs it, like a computer you have hardware and software. The sex organs are the hardware but the software that runs the sex organs is installed later in the pregnancy by hormone wash. If children are born with both sexes what is their propr sexual orentation? Does God decide or ignorance rule?
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Sat 29 Aug, 2015 06:10 am
Religious leaders know that one of the most effective ways to spread religion is through indoctrination of children who have not reached the age of reason. If a child is allowed to reach the age of reason before being targeted by a religious cult he is far less likely to become a cult member. As millennial generation, those born after 1981, stop going to church because they no longer want to be associated with the bigotry of their elders their children are no longer being indoctrinated by the religious cults. This will give the millennial generation's children something the previous generations have not had the ability to think for themselves. They will reach the age of reason and be able to chose between the belief that homosexuality is an abomination that the community can punish by death or Lady Gaga's statement she was born that way. The scientific evidence on homosexuality can be balanced against 2,000 year old ignorance.
When those children encounter the bible passage "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." and wonder how they have not only the authority to judge other people but the authority to execute them as is now going on in Africa. Christian leaders can no longer afford to look into the future with arrogance. They can no longer target groups and make enemies. They have squandered much of their political capital targeting homosexuals and abortionists. When your religion is full of ignorance it is better to remain silent on those points then to boast of the ignorance and try to change the world to reflect that ignorance.
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Sun 30 Aug, 2015 08:15 am
The cultural wars have been spurred on by the Republican party and they helped elect a lot of people who should have never held public office. Baby Bush rode the abortion issue into office, subtract the abortion vote and Bush loses badly. Abortion had long been a Christian right issue. Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition were one of the main driving forces behind Bush's two elections. This bought the culture war to the forefront in American political with the success of the abortion issue Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition were posed to take other Christian cultural issues to the forefront in the political arena. The Christian Coalition believed that elections should not be about the candidates but about how they stood on Christian cultural issues. Churches across America became less about scripture and more about supporting a particular political agenda.
From abortion the Christian Coalition branched out into suppressing gay rights making a stand against gay marriage. Christians like wrestlers need an enemy to enhance their image. Armed with bible passages like "If a man lies with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:they shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them. " (Leviticus 20:13) and God 's destruction of Sodium and Gomorrah for homesexual activity. If people actually believed in the bible the Christian Coalition believed that defeating gay marriage would be easy but the courts soon derailed the Christian political agenda. There is more than one branch of government and controlling the judicial branch is much harder as they are not elected in most cases.
The Christian Coalition had not only lost but now faced a backlash from the younger members of their movement who no longer believe that homosexuality is "abomination." If you start to question one verse in bible you are likely to start to questions other bible verses as well. The millennials looked at the scientific evidence for homosexuality and the bibles explanation and made a choice. The biblical explanation was no longer sufficient and the biblical prescribed punishment was the abomination.By 2013 a survey showed that 78% of millennials supported gay marriage while only 35% of the silent generation (1928-1945) supported it. Support for gay marriage will continue to rise one funeral at a time.
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Mon 31 Aug, 2015 05:32 am
There have been 27 killings since 1972 in the Mormon church called blood atonement. One Mormon after another declares that he is the one "mighty and strong"here to reform the Mormon church. The similarities between the Mormons and the Mafia are striking. Synchronized killings were a trademark of the Mafia but the Mormons were able to pull off 4 synchronized killings with a precision that the Mafia would have to admire. The Mormons may believe that Jesus died for your sins but there are some sins so bad that they can be atoned with only with your blood. Failing to recognize the one "mighty and strong" is one such sin. Blood atonement can be triggered by adultery, lying or failure to worship among others. Sounds like good old fashion human sacrifice.
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Tue 1 Sep, 2015 05:29 am
One of the local county clerks in Rowan county Kentucky has refused to issue marriages licenses to gay or lesbian couples claiming religious objections.She has stopped issuing marriage to anyone in June as a protest. She was mandated by lower courts to issue the marriages licenses but continued to refuse and appealed the decision clear to the Supreme Court. She lost her appeal yesterday and faces large fines and jail time if she continues in contempt of the court decision. Why should one person's belief in ignorance and superstition be a defense for not doing their job? If you cannot do your job because of religious objections the solution is simple look for a job that you have no religious objections to. If you are deeply religious don't expect the world to conform to you, you simply need to find a place you fit in with your belief system. Issuing marriages license is a unique job and only a tiny percentage of people hold such a job. If you really want to protest why not quit your job. I am sure that would buy you 15 seconds of fame on the evening news and all your fellow church members would pat you on the back.
The trouble is people like Rowan county clerk, Kim Davis, are dangerously deranged and feel entitled to impose her belief system on others. Her belief system can be traced directly to a bible story of a massacre based on sexual preference and bible passage "If a man lieth with mankind like he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death: Their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)" This is what she really believes they should not just be refused marriages license they should be lynched that is what divine knowledge from her God tells her to do. Why doesn't she join others from her backwoods church get their capes and hoods and start lynching homosexuals? This is what her God instruct her to do. Because she is afraid of the real source of morality in our society, the secular government which is not bound by 2,000 year old ignorance, her punishment would not take place in some distant make belief afterlife but in her real lifetime. Kim Davis allows herself the luxury of not killing homosexuals in this lifetime as her God set such a good example but still insists on her piece of flesh.
Ignorance is ignorance and just because it is in the so called "Good Book" does not make it any less ignorant. If the statement: Homosexuals should be killed for engaging in homosexual activity were made today by anyone it would be publicly condemned by most people and just because it is made in the bible it should not be protected as divine knowledge.
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Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:24 am
Kim Davis, the Rowan County Kentucky clerk, making Custer's last stand against gay marriage in backwoods Kentucky when questioned responded "That she works for God." In that case let God sign her paycheck. She can work for an imaginary being and take home imaginary paychecks.
Many in America have a perverted idea of what religious freedom really is. When the founding fathers granted religious freedom the intent was to allow people to worship any sock puppet or other imaginary being they chose it was not meant to do what the purpose of religion is to control other people's lives according to your imaginary belief system. America had religious freedom to start with and they used it to burn to death people they didn't agree with. When America was founded they put a stop to religious freedom of killing whoever their imaginary God told them to kill but limited freedom of being able to worship a God, Devil, or a cloud remained but the freedom to force their beliefs on others did not. Religion needs new cult members all the time, it needs to demonstrate its control over not only its member but the community as a whole. It needs to grow or die.
The founding fathers knew life in America would be impossible if thousands of different religions tried to impose their religious beliefs on others and they were allowed only freedom of worship for good reasons. But words matter and the term "religious freedom" implies much broader freedom than the founding fathers ever intended. Religion evolved as a second government that enforced its version of moral beliefs on the community. The founding fathers wanted no shadow government in America and took steps to limit the power religion could exercise over the American population. American religion in its death throws is trying to claim what it believes to be its rightful birthright to control the general population.
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Thu 3 Sep, 2015 05:29 am
Kim Davis, the Rowan county Kentucky clerk, faces contempt of court charges a few miles away in Ashland, Kentucky today. Davis has repeatedly violated federal law and federal court orders by not issuing marriages licenses to homosexual couples. Currently large numbers of state, county, and city police cars are being sent to the Federal Courthouse as crowds are arriving at the courthouse including one man who told the local news, "That God awoke him this morning and told him to go to the Courthouse even though he was suppose to be at work." He said he didn't care if he lost his job, he had to follow God's orders. The traffic in Ashland is being rerouted away from the courthouse and streets closed. This drama is taking place in area where the number of guns far outnumber the population. No doubt those who represent the forces of "peace and love" will be armed to the teeth. An incident in the crowd or court ruling against Davis could spark an incident not seen since the Mormons' Mountain Meadows Massacre.
The question today is whether or not the court should grant special accommodations, not to the gays but to those "ignorant and stupid." It has long been a practice in America to grant special accommodations to those "ignorant and stupid" even though they are not a protected class under the law. While being Gay may not be a choice being ignorant and stupid is a choice and they work very hard to accomplish it. The result of giving ignorance and stupidity special accommodations is of course to encourage more ignorance and stupidity. We will see a lot of ignorance and stupidity on display in Ashland today.
I have no problem with freedom of religion, they can worship a cow if they like but when they come to work on Monday they must check the ignorance and superstition at the door, there should be no special accommodations for ignorance and superstition. A religion can literally be anything anyone can imagine. Someone could start a religion tomorrow that there religious dogma directed that only blue eyed people could be married. If one of that religion followers was elected county clerk of Rowan County she could state that it was against her deeply held religious belief to allow brown eyed people to marry. When you start to sanction ignorance in public places you only open a door to even more absurd ignorance.
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Fri 4 Sep, 2015 05:44 am
Kim Davis,the Rowan County Clerk who has refused to obey the law and issue marriage license to gay couples was jailed by a Federal Judge in Ashland yesterday. The judge asked the six deputy county clerks if they would issue marriage licenses to gays and five of the six and in a reversal of many of their previous position they said they would issue the license. In a further offer of compromise the judge aske Davis if she would interfere with the deputy clerks issuing of marriage license and she stated that she would. If she would not interfere she would have been released.
America was constructed as a nation of laws not a nation of make belief you can not have both. If everyone is free to imagine any God they can imagine they could simply refuse to obey any law of the land as freedom of religion. Law must apply to all people regardless of their imagination. You can worship earthworms if you want but you can't claim you are exempt from running red lights because your earthworm God told you it was against your religion. Religions would soon spring up to gain exception to every law. Some religion would claim that paying income tax was against their religion. Once you start to make exceptions to laws for religious reasons there will be no end to them. The rule of law would collapse under the rule of imagination.