The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:48 pm

Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk who has defied a federal court remains in jail. I have always believed that people who have a problem with homosexuals are latent homosexuals themselves. They are running from themselves. Most churches believe that homosexuality is a choice if it is just a choice it is a choice they could make which tends to support the latency theory. The judge was careful to keep Kim Davis isolated from the general population in jail. Had she been part of the general population it is likely some of the other inmates may have taught her what she didn't know how. Or maybe she does and going to church may be Kim's way of keeping her urges under control.

Religions may not be the source of moral purity in our society but they certainly play that on television. Religion evolved to gain moral control of society. People who are struggling with an alcohol or drug problem often turn to religion seeking a moral policeman to keep them in line. When Kim Davis decided to give her life to God it was no doubt to keep her immoral urges under control, whether that was because she had homosexuals leanings or just couldn't keep her legs together we will never known but her mother-in-law certainly did and made it her dying wish that Kim joint the church and be saved.

There are people who need a moral policeman in their lives, but once they have got a moral policeman in their lives they feel qualified to become the moral policeman in other people's lives. Kim Davis is asserting her right to become the moral police in Rowan County by using her government office and the religious community is outraged that the government will not allow her to impose her personal version of morality on all the citizens of Rowan County. Why are the religious in Rowan County so outraged? Because they have been routinely allowed to use government to impose their religious view on everyone else for hundreds of years.

In actuality government guaranteed freedom of religion ends at the church doors you have the right to worship the god or lamp post of your choice but you do not have the right to use a government office impose your religious views on the community. Religion and movies are similar you could watch the new Square Bob Square pants movie and give yourself to the Lord SquarePants and decide to live by SquarePants philosophy and actually this would be preferable to Christianity that commands you to kill, witches, homosexuals, adulterers, and people who work on the Sabbath among others. The biggest lie in our society is that religion is all about morality, that without religion there would be no morality. Religion is not moral in fact when you join religion you check not only your good sense at the church door you also check your inborn morality at the door. Religion needs any enemy to exist and there will always be out groups like homosexuals to use as tackle dummies Sunday morning.
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Reply Mon 7 Sep, 2015 09:37 am

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is on his way to Rowan County, Kentucky for a Tuesday rally for Kim Davis. Huckabee is a preacher and he knows the bible well. He knows that the bible says that you not only don't tolerate homosexuals you murder them. So the Prince of peace is coming Rowan County to spread his message of hate. We should all be beware when anyone comes to town who is a true believer in a book that advocates murder as a way to control people's actions. The frightening part is this man is running for president and is in Kentucky to advocate taking away the rights of others away as an expression of their religious freedom. Huckabee hopes to use that good old time Kentucky bigotry to pole vault into the lead in the Presidential polls. Time will tell and homosexuals have been a favorite target of Republicans generating many Republican votes.

Religion has existed as a co government through much of recorded history. Early religion was conceived by government as a way to control and unify a people. Belief in a common God help hold a country together that might otherwise splinter into smaller groups. It was not uncommon for a King to declare himself a God and build temples to himself. It was common for government to hold the power of life and death as a way to control society but for a religion to hold the power of life and death over its subjects was also common when the bible was written. Religions will always aspire to that level of power even though will never attain it in most civilized countries they still believe it to be their birthright that they are directed by a "higher power." The power to take the civil rights of a minority away is nothing compared to the right to murder but the power of the religion to control and direct the social life of America has been shrinking for years now the religious want to show they still have some share of power.

If you don't think religion still has a honorary place as co-government go to any sporting event from the Indianapolis 500 to Super Bowl and two institutions are always honored the playing of the Star Spangled Banner and the prayer. At the same time we honor our country and gross ignorance a book that advocates murder. Before there was Hitler's Final Solution there was the Christian Final Solution for adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, and working on Sabbath. Was Hitler's gas chambers any worse than Sodom and Gomorrah? In Hitler's case their crime was that they were Jewish, in Sodom and Gomorrah case the crime was they were gay and the punishment has been handed down to all gays since that time. They may have closed down Hitler's gas chambers but there are still many Kim Davis' to hand down God's punishment and they have the divine word of God to prove their case. It is a good thing Hitler never declared himself a God.

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Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2015 05:26 am

The bigots are crawling out of the woodwork in Rowan County Kentucky. This morning on local television one bigot called for judge Bunning to be held in contempt in God's court. Better yet why not just have him murdered like the bible prescribes for other violations of their bigoted beliefs? The Christians could bury him with only his head above ground and stone him to death. Think they wouldn't? The only thing keeping them from doing it is the moral laws of secular government that would make them pay with their lives. Why not just have God strike Judge Bunning dead? Oh right, God is imaginary and cannot strike anyone dead.

The Christian according to their "Good Book" claim it is their right to kill others for not following the tenets of their religion. This is the world upside down where murders can claim they have the right to kill and say, "their death be upon them." A 2,000 year old book about mass murder and ignorance has been preserved and made into a religion. It would be like being in a bad science fiction movie if it were not happening. Imagine an intelligent being actually believing they have the God given right to murder others because they do not live according to their religious view. Of course murders other than crucifying homosexuals are almost unknown in the more civilized countries of the world. But why do not the faithful commit murder after murder today as they did when they controlled a share of government power? Not because the morality of the "Good Book" improved in anyway it stopped because government, the voice of the people, made religion behave morally, religion did not make mankind moral, mankind made religion behave morally. But keeping religion moral will always be a problem because all of the immorality of religion is written in stone and considered to be divine in nature.

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Reply Wed 9 Sep, 2015 05:31 am

Judge Bunning let Kim Davis. the Rowan County clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, out of jail yesterday and she, "promised to follow her conscious, which means it will be business as usual when Kim gets back to work. With two presidential hopefuls, Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee, visiting her in jail. The incident turned into a political rally for Cruz and Huckabee. Wind-up Kim up and watch the bigot go.

The crowds at Kim rally are the same ones that stood outside the Universities and schools to block the black children and save their rights to keep all white schools, The same ones that pushed for a civil war to keep "their right" to hold slaves. They ran the gas chambers in WWII Germany to save "their rights" to a racially pure Germany. The faces are different but the people are the same, It is always about "their rights."

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Reply Thu 10 Sep, 2015 05:29 am

Kim Davis has not returned to work yet but when she does you can bet that she will order her deputy clerks to stop issuing marriage licenses. Judge Bunning has told the deputy clerks that they will be held in contempt of court and jailed if they refuse to issuing marriage licenses. Davis will no doubt fire them if they issue licenses. Kim is now a legend in her own mind she believes she is a national hero fighting the good fight and not the ugly bigot she is in reality. Suddenly she was famous or infamous depending on your point of view.

Huckabee and Cruz both need for her to continue refusing to issuing marriage licenses to call attention to their support of the Christian right. It has moved from a local issue to a national political issue. America has to confront religious freedom at some point and religious freedom has defined properly as it was intended by the founding fathers as the right to believe in any God one chooses but not the right to force others to believe as you do by deed or action and certainly not by use of political office. All PRAYER at public events other than religious events should be banned because it gives religion a counterfeit legitimacy it should never have had in the first place. If you want to hear prayers to a make believe God go to church.
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Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2015 05:27 am

The editorial cartoon in Tuesday paper had Kim Davis issuing a liquor license but it was good only for communion wine. She then issued a fishing license but it was good only to catch the Christian fish symbol. When Kim was asked to issue a driver license she refused on the grounds that "Jesus walked." Sounds outlandish doesn't it? In the tri state area we have many Amish communities and it is against their religion to drive anything other than a horse and buggy. If we had an Amish county clerk in one of the counties with a large Amish population why could he not refuse to issue driver licenses? It is the same type of religious accommodation that Kim Davis is demanding for herself. The religious accommodation Kim is asking for is to change the world to suit her religious views. If it were the Amish refusing to issue drivers licenses the out cry from the public would be tremendous. How could a religious sect change the world to meet their beliefs. The Amish have good reason not to issue driver's licenses the speed threatens people in Amish wagons because of the speed difference.

The difference is that gays are a minority but the majority of the people drive. Also the Amish are not considered a fringe religion while the religious right sect Kim belongs to is considered a more mainstream religion. But the principle is the same if we let one person use political office to dictate her personal religious beliefs we open the door for many others who would also like to use political office to dictate personal religious beliefs.

I have dealt with the Amish for many years. When they came town they fully expected to be exempt from any and all laws that applied to other contractors. I spent a lot of time running them out of town. If they successful in getting religious exemptions from contractor law they would have had a huge competitive advantage over other contractors. They said they could not buy worker's compensation it was against their religion. They could not buy the required liability policy because it would involve them in the court system. According the world had to change to suit their religious beliefs. According to them they should be given special treatment. The world should change to accommodate their religious beliefs. Does that argument sound familiar?
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Reply Sat 12 Sep, 2015 06:08 am

Kim Davis will return to work Monday and this may put her deputy clerks between a rock and hard place. If Davis orders her deputy clerks not to issue marriage licenses and they continue to issue them she can fire them for insubordination. If they follow Kim's orders Judge Bunning will put them in jail. Kim refused to let her deputy clerks issue marriage licenses to gays before she went to jail and now she believes that she is a conquering hero because of all the attention from the Christian right. Every nut case from a 200 mile radius showed up in Morehead for Kim's release from jail. In Kim's mind she is a hero that was publicly crucified for her beliefs. Kim became famous for her stand against gay marriage. It is unlikely she will change her position.

This will be a good case to decide whether a person owes obedience to higher power when it is in conflict with the law of the land. Every religious person could claim that they did not have to obey the law because a higher power had directed them that law was an affront to their religion. When stopped for speeding one could use the defense in court that God had ordered you to get to church on time and no one should interfere with anyone trying to worship their higher power. We could have counties where no cars were permitted because it offended the Amish's religious concepts. When you got to the county line you would have to rent a horse and buggy at Avis Rent a Buggy. The real world would have to be changed so the religious could cling to their fantasy.

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Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2015 07:03 am

Sunday is the day that people across America gather to study the Great Book of Ignorance, sometime know as the bible. Like gold miners they mine the ancient book for jewels of wisdom. If the bible had been a gold mine it would have been closed down because there was so little gold to be found. The religious sift for gold along the river of life and when they find a nugget they believe they believe they have found a river of gold. They convince others that they have found the river of gold but when it may take days sifting through the bible to find even a tiny nugget. In the movies you see the miners finding nuggets of gold in river in reality most gold is found in gold ore where the actual gold content may be so small as not to be visible. Even this must be mined out of hard rock. Christians have mined the bible for thousands of years and claim to have found a city of gold but in reality they only have found a few nuggets of wisdom and even those were stolen from earlier religions.

In Morehead Kentucky, the hometown of Kim Davis, a billboard shows a cow and three goats. This according to the bible was the price you were entitled to if you sold your daughter to be married. It has been rumored that the price of cows and goats has more than doubled in Rowan county in anticipation of strict adherence to biblical teaching by the Christian right. If the bible says it, after all it is gospel truth. The billboard reads: Dear Kim Davis, "The fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow means that you have already redefined marriage."

The war on ignorance in our society is only just beginning it will be fought in the hollows of the Appalachian Mountains and the ghettos of New York, it will be fought in the great Cathedrals and the tiny churches and the Pope is right in the end it will collapse like a house of cards. The enormous weight of ignorance will crush the life out of it.
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Reply Mon 14 Sep, 2015 05:28 am

A local was asked about the billboard taken out to send a message to Kim Davis and he said it was a waste of money. The billboard showed the price of a wife according to the bible was three goats and a cow. In the bible you simply sold your daughter like she was any other beast of the field. This is the actual state of knowledge in the bible. The gentleman being interviewed was at least 60 and he is right it is a waste of money on him. He has been intellectually dead for at least twenty years and no amount of facts will ever change his mind but there are young people in Rowan county and when they see the biblical ignorance splashed across billboards it will make them think. The young will realize that the preachers have deliberately hidden a mountain of biblical ignorance and shined a light on a tiny fraction of the bible.

As most people grow older they spend very little time thinking but spend most of their time rationalizing what they already believe. Being intellectually lazy becomes a habit as people grow older. They no longer entertain the possibility that what they believe could be wrong but they work overtime generating endless rationalizations as to why they are right. The fact that the bible not only tolerates slavery but specifies rules for slavery should be enough to impeach as a source of knowledge. The bible also specifies that you can not only buy and sell slaves but women are a commodity to be bought and sold. How can anyone believe that the bible is divine knowledge when it specifies that over half of the world's population can simply be sold like cattle? Is this the reasoning of a superior intelligence or simply the recounting of the rules of an ancient world?
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Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 05:27 am

Kim Davis decided she did not want to go back to jail and she did not interfere with her deputy clerks issuing marriages licenses. Davis' lawyer promised to continue the battle in court. Davis is awaiting special accommodations from the state legislature that will allow her to be paid for a job she cannot do because of religious objections. Meanwhile Davis has decided that anyone applying for a marriage license in Rowan County must bring three goats and a cow to show their good intentions. No word yet as to whether gay animals will be accepted as the price of a woman's hand in marriage.
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Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 05:29 am
Kim Davis lost in court again yesterday as she sought to further delay the issue of marriage license from her office. The spotlight has focused on Kim religious rights without pointing out that it is Kim's effort to violate the rights of thousands of others. Without marriage gay couples have no rights to property, health insurance. Inheritance of property. Rights heterosexuals take for granted. It Kim that is trying to take the rights of others away. Kim is not the victim here she is the victimizer and she is trying to use the court system to establish her and the Christian right's right to take the rights of others away because their belief in a fantasy. We all know that our rights are limited when they deprive others of their rights. We no for instance that our freedom of speech does not allow us to yell fire in a crowded theater because it would cause a panic where others might be injured. Our rights will never allows us to deprive others of their basic freedoms. As long as the focus is kept on Kim's rights we will miss whose actual rights are being violated. The people in 60s Mississippi believed they had a right to kill the civil rights workers because the civil rights workers were violating their 'rights" to lynch blacks to keep their black population under control. Only when the focus of whose rights were being violated shifted from the rights of the southern bigots to the rights of the black population did actual change take place.
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Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 05:29 am

The hard fact of the matter is that religion does not change the world, the world changes religion. When religion was practiced freely they had a practice of burning people who disagreed with them at the stake. Governments decided that religious organizations would no longer have the right to execute people and religion was forced to change by the force that is the true voice of morality in society. When slavery was common in America the Southern Baptist Convention was formed to support the institution of slavery and show that the bible endorsed slavery as the normal state. A great war was fought to defeat the biblical forces that supported slavery. Once again religion had to change this time at the cost of 620,000 American lives.

Now the religious right has declared war on homosexuality and is fighting desperately to prevent government from encoding homosexual rights into the law. Once again religion is losing the battle. The head of the Southern Baptist Convention now acknowledges the fact that their position against homosexuals is damaging their movement and no longer wishes to make that a focal point of his religious movement. Once again religion is faced with a choice between religious dogma and the reality that ignorance is not as marketable as it was 20 years ago or even 10 years ago.

Religions seeks to convince the world that the world of 2,000 years ago had reached the zenith of morality and seeks to recreate the moral code of that era in today's world. Throughout history the world has moved away from ignorance and immorality toward knowledge and morality. Religion claims that ignorance is divine and as such should still be practiced today.

One of the most important realization about morality is that the application of principal of interchangeable perspective is essential. This principal is lacking in many of the biblical position. The Christians that burned witches need to be able to put themselves in the shoes of the person being burnt. The Christians who advocated slavery needed to put themselves in the position of the slave. Kim Davis needed to put herself in the position of the people she denied a marriage license. Religion is one dimensional and the ability to reason by interchangeable perspective shows there is nothing divine about religion.
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Reply Fri 18 Sep, 2015 05:24 am

Religion is a force for immorality in our society simply because it replaces the foundation of all morality, interchangeable perspective, with a ancient rule book written for a world gone 2,000 years ago. Most people believe that religion was a moral force in American history but one need only look at America prior to the civil war. If slavery was looked at through interchangeable perspective no one could justify slavery. There was not one slave owner who could truthfully say that he would want to change places with one of his slaves. But interchangeable perspective was not considered by southerners instead they had a 2,000 year old rule book that endorsed slavery as normal and instructed people how to buy and sell slaves. This resulted in 620,000 people dying, in effect the good book resulted in the murder of 620,000 people and the mutilation of hundreds of thousands more. The Civil War was driven by belief in God. The belief in God strips a man of his basic moral instincts and makes him less moral not more so.
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Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2015 06:02 pm

Kim Davis lost another appeal she wanted to confine the marriage license she had to issue by court order to those that filed suit. Her court case will continue but the court order for her office to issue marriage's license remains in place.

Kim Davis does not have to worry about interchangeable perspective because the bible has directed her to kill homosexuals. She has been relieved of having to think, the Bible tells her what she must do but yet she does not kill homosexuals but she must extract some sort of price and that is not issuing marriage licenses.

The bible has allowed many to commit the most outrageous atrocities throughout history. "If man lies with mankind like he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them." Let's talk about abomination, burning a human being to death because of a bible passage is a real abomination. Tearing a human being apart on a rack is an abomination. Gouging someone's eyes out is abomination. Stoning people to death is abomination. All these things were done thousands of time because the bible instructed them to do it. The bible is an abomination.

The bible replaces rational thinking with 2,000 year old mob justice. The bible prevents people from using their natural moral instincts and encourages the most atrocious forms of violence. We have to use our natural ability of interchangeable perspective to look the those slain because they were homosexuals, witches, adulterers or worked on the Sabbath and decide that it is the bible that is that was the real source of immorality. The bible says, "their blood shall be upon them." Let's put the blood where it belongs on the bible, it is indeed the bloodiest book ever written.
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Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 02:44 pm

The bible ties us to the morality of a 2,000 year old civilization at the dawn of time by declaring the bible to be divine knowledge of a God. History tells us during the time Jesus there were literally 100 of competing Gods many of them doing the same tricks as Jesus did healing the sick and rasing people from the dead. Yes there were conmem even then. Most people don't know that there were other so called "Gods" who raised people from the dead. Just as there are many different "faith healers" today, there have always been faith healers. One man who attended a faith healing service was asked by an usher, while he was standing, if he would like to take a seat in a wheelchair then the usher rolled him across the stage where the preacher declared him healed and those in attendance witnessed a miracle as the man stood and walked. The power of Jesus cured another healthy man.

The Roman Empire began to be a nation based on trade this created large cities based on trade that brought together peoples from all over the world to facilitate that trade. The cities had large numbers of foreigners who brought their native Gods with them. This was a cauldron where religions were mixing and mutating. This was not missed by the Roman rulers who realized an empire ruled by one religion would hold their subjects together. After all Kings could declare themselves Gods but they were still mortal. Kings did not last long and loyalty to a King could cause problems. After a king's death competing claims to throne could cause civil war but if a population was loyal to a God a subjects in a diverse empire would have something in common, some glue to hold an empire together. The extermination of the Gods began. The state would dictate the religion and no longer tolerate other forms of religion.

Apollonius was contemporary of Jesus, a miracle worker who healed the sick and raised the dead. Unlike Jesus, we know what he looked like because a bust survives to this day. Apollonius was a much better healer than Jesus he was known as the "son of God" or the "son of Zeus." It makes one wonder just how common the title "the son of God" was at that time. In the fourth century the Christians and the pagans were still arguing about who was holier man. The Stoic Hierocles argued that Apollonius was a much greater miracle worker.

Apollonius birth was foretold by a god according to his mother. Dose any of this story sound familiar? At an early age he was renowned for his learning. He had only seven apostles. He spent his days correcting the priests. Then he would go in pursuit of his followers and let them question him. After that he spent the rest of his time haranguing the public. It seems the Romans could of just as easily chosen another "son of God" but the difference was that Jesus had a much better public relation department. Paul was an extremely talented writer without him it is likely that nobody today would have ever heard of Jesus except historians.
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Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2015 06:43 pm

Every time a moral advancement was made in America the religious had to be dragged kicking and screaming through it. It was very difficult for the Christians in early America to make it because the government stopped them from burning the witches that they saw each night riding their brooms through the night sky. How terrified they must have been. The bible dictated that countries had to be governed by Kings through the divine right of Kings. In other words God himself appointed Kings but the founding fathers would have none of it. God was not able to chose a King for America he was simply written out of the process by the Constitution.

God, well he was always in favor of slavery and the southern plantation owners and the Southern Baptist Convention were happy to create God's Kingdom on earth in the old South. Slavery was practiced just as it was during biblical times. Women, in America were considered inferior just like the bible held them to be until a constitutional amendment in 1919 to allowed women to vote. The bible holds women to be inferior to men and allows them bought and sold like cattle. The treatment of women in the bible set women's rights back two hundred years in America.

The moral contribution of the bible is nothing more that the moral practices of a 2,000 year old civilization encoded into a book. The killings the bible specifies are sadistic at best and grant the right to kill not to government but to the mob. The mob had an absolute right to control everyone. How would it be today if the mob came to your door and drug your wife into the street and accused of adultery at which time they buried up to her neck and stoner her to death? Imagine how nice mob rule would be. Their death be upon them. In Muslim cities women can be killed for simply wearing a cape with a symbol on it. The mod dictates the dress code. The bible is not about morality it is simply a report of what was happening at the time the bible was written.
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Reply Tue 22 Sep, 2015 05:28 am
Kim Davis confiscated the marriage licenses issued to gay couples while she was in jail and replaced them with licenses that stated that they were not issued under her authority but were issued pursuant to a federal court order in effect invalidating those licenses. She also removed any reference to Rowan County, the county which they were issued in and any mention of a deputy clerk who issued them. I am not a fortune teller but I can see more jail time in Kim's future. All she had to do was not stop her deputy clerks from issuing the marriage licenses. She did not have to issue them herself. The fact that she confiscated and replaced government documents with altered documents for private reasons should be grounds to impeach her. The marriage documents are extremely important later in life. In order to submit an application for pension benefits I had to produce a marriage certificate I had heard of a marriage license but not a marriage certificate. Without the marriage certificate my wife may not have been entitled to my pension. I had to go to the county we were married in, and we were married out of state to get the marriage certificate. I decided not to retire but I learned those documents were extremely important. I had never been in possession of the marriage certificate.

Someone with a religious agenda to pursue could easily lose or alter documents to render them invalid. The "lost" documents would be impossible to replace 40 years down the road. Kim has clearly demonstrated she will go to great lengths to impose her religious views on others and cannot be trusted with precious government documents. She could make other peoples license disappear because they were adulterers there is no limit to the damage she could do to impose her religious values on the community as a whole.

Kim was interviewed on the local television station this morning and broke down into tears relating she had read posts about her saying her imaginary God did not even like her. The religious have long been able to impose their religious values on others in the community and when they can't impose their 2,000 year old religious morality on others they want "accommodations." We are a nation of laws, not a nation of superstition and ignorance. Every time someone wants "accommodations" for their ignorance we should do them a favor and lead them out of the darkness of their ignorance.

Kim looks close to a nervous breakdown after all imaginary Gods of different opinions surround her which one will she please?
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2015 08:28 pm
Nervous breakdowns caused by religion are far more common than many people realize. If Kim Davis has a nervous breakdown it will be understandable. She has many Gods to please not just one. Since God is imaginary everyone concept of God is different as Kim is finding out. Each concept of God acts as a separate God. When Kim read on the internet that God doesn't even like her she was absolutely devastated. It is one thing for God not to love you but to not even like you that is a true tragedy . Kim appears to have no self concept she is a true followers and will always go which ever way the wind is blowing.

Religions breeds followers not leaders. You are taught to always submit your will to the will of God. But what is the will of God? The will of God is whatever people tell you it is. If the preacher tells you that homosexuality is an abomination then he is speaking for God. If the preacher tells you slavery was good enough for Jesus than slavery is a good thing. If the preacher tells you must burn witches than he is speaking for God.

Religion tries to annihilate the individual and replace it with group think. Religion cannot tolerate independent thinking. But Christianity has degenerated into different tribes with slightly different Gods. Kim Davis is finding that out. Some churches God now openly embrace homosexuals Kim has to wonder if their God might be the one true God the one might and strong, No wonder she is heading toward a nervous breakdown.
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Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2015 05:29 am
Kim Davis lost yet another court battle yesterday. Judge Bunning refused to limit the number of marriage licenses Davis must issue to the four couples who sued her. If Davis had won she could have refused to issue marriages licenses until her case wound it way through the courts.

One must remember that God is a product of the collective imagination and the proslavery God of the Southern Baptist Convention was not the same as the God of the Quakers who opposed slavery during the Civil War era. Just as today the God of evangelistic sects is far different from the God of the Catholic denominations. The God of the Catholics on the west coast may be far different than the God of the Catholics on the west coast. Kim Davis is finding this out as she becomes a target of many different Gods. There is something in the bible for everyone to identify with, from the most devout to the most sadistic serial killer. A role model for every man.
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Reply Fri 25 Sep, 2015 06:40 pm
I don't believe that anyone would argue the point that mankind has access to far more knowledge now than mankind did 2,000 years ago. Knowledge is cumulative, understanding something complex is often dependent on understanding something less complex. Mankind's knowledge is like building blocks, each block dependent on the block below it. Buckminster Fuller created the "Knowledge Doubling Curve" he noticed the world's knowledge doubled every 100 years prior to 1900. By the end of world war II it was doubling every 25 years. Now human knowledge is doubling every 13 months. IBM projects that once the internet build out is complete that mankind's knowledge will double every 12 hours.
"I am not an advocate for frequent change in laws and constitution , but laws and institutions must go hand and hand with progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with change, with the change circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when he was a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

Thomas Jefferson
Religion prides itself on never changing. Religion is the coat Thomas Jefferson speaks of. You can clearly see that as Kim Davis struggles to wear that coat. Religion was born with the seeds of its own destruction. As religion declared its knowledge divine and unchanging it signed its own death warrant. The knowledge Doubling Curve is a fact of modern day life. Religion has lived far beyond its expected life time, it was like someone using the training wheels of their first bike on your motorcycle when you turn 25.
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