Why wouldn't the Christian Church do everything in its power to stop the witch burnings in Tanzania? It might call attention to the Bibles position on witches which says, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." The Christian church would like the public to believe that the witches they burned were indeed evil and consorting with the devil. Any campaign to stop the witch burnings by the Christians would put a spotlight on over a 100,000 witches burned at hands of the Christians in comparison burning 500 witches is nothing.
" At the height of the witch craze the Duke of Brunswick invited two learned and famous Jesuits---both of whom believed in witchcraft and torture as a means of eliciting a confession---to join him in the Brunswick dungeon to witness the torture of a young woman accused of witchcraft. Suspecting that people will say anything to stop the pain to stop the pain the Duke told the woman on the rack that he had reason to believe that the two men accompanying him were warlocks and that he wanted to know what she thought, instructing her torturers to jack up the pain a little more. The woman promptly "confessed" that she had seen both men turn themselves into goats, wolves, and other animals, that they had sex relations with other witches, and that they had fathered many children with heads like toads and legs like spiders. This was convincing proof to both of them that thousands of person had suffered unjustly: they knew of their own innocence, and shuddered to think what their might have been if an enemy instead of a friend had put such a confession into a criminal mouth."
From the book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds"
One of the Jesuits, Friedrick Spree went on to write a book "Cautio Criminalis" which exposed the horrors of false confession obtained under torture. This led to the elector of Menz, Schonbrunn, to abolish torture.
"If I can get you to believe in absurdities I can get you to do atrocities."
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Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:51 pm
Why is religion immoral? Religion is immoral because of the immoral acts religion caused it followers to commit. How could any human being burn another human being to death? It easy if you are under the influence of religion and magical thinking. Just as Charlie Manson could convince his followers to kill, the Christian church influenced its followers to kill.
On February 6th, 2013, a twenty year old woman and mother of two named Kepri Leniata was burned alive in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea because she was accused of sorcery by the relatives of a six year old boy who died on February 5. As in witch hunts of old the conflagration on a pile of rubbish was preceded by torture with a hot iron rod, after Kepri was bound and doused in gasoline and ignited while surrounded by a gawking crowds that prevented the police and authorities from rescuing her. "
From the book "The Moral Arc
In 15th century Europe religious thinkers associated events that were out of the ordinary such as the death of a child as being caused by witchcraft they simply did not believe that the death of child could be caused by natural causes likewise if they have a bumper crop they attributed to God's good will and prayer. In religious thinkers mind there is no such thing as a random event all events must have a supernatural explanation. If your six year old dies you look around the neighborhood and decide who would wish your family harm. Then since there must be a cause for every random event you decide like the bible says you cannot suffer a witch to live.
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Wed 29 Jul, 2015 08:46 pm
When bad things happen people look for a way to gain control of the situation. It is hard to control a random event the next best thing is the illusion of control over bad events and this is what religion does it offers the illusion of control. When someone is dying of cancer praying to the supernatural is busy work it distracts them from facing the ultimate reality. It gives them hope when there in reality is no hope. No matter how hard they try, no matter how badly they want it, they can't change the outcome but as long as they have the illusion that control is possible. They all hope for miracle and miracle is the opposite of a bad random event it is a good random event. Spontaneous cures are not unknown but just as they attribute bad events to the devil or a witch they attribute good random events to God. If you expect to see something you are far more likely to see it. If you believe in God you are much more likely to see the reflection of God in all things around you and in the events that took place in your life. If you start with the conclusion and work backwards with rationalizations you will find that you can rationalize the most absurd things.
In the supernatural world nothing is impossible, no laws of nature need apply. Gravity does not impede God from his duties, time and space are no problem, God can transverse any distance in an instant. The supernatural was invented to explain the random events in the real world. It was attempt to place a template over the real world and create order where no order was possible. Random events, both good and bad will always take place we can accept that or we can live in a world of make believe.
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Thu 30 Jul, 2015 05:32 am
It is absolutely unbelievable that in the year 2015 that thousands of people in the world are still burned to death as witches. But in America we teach are children that the bible is absolute truth, divine knowledge that should never be questioned and what does the bible have to say about witches? It says, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." If you believe the bible is in fact divine knowledge you have no choice in the matter you here in America should be killing witches they are evil according to God. We cannot teach our children divine ignorance as the absolute truth and be surprised when they kill witches or homosexuals. We cannot lead the world out of the darkness of religious ignorance and cling to the ignorance ourselves.
You might say it has been a few hundred years since witch burning was a popular pastime in America but it was not the churches who stopped it was the government that outlawed witch burning. Religion was the immoral force that mandated torture and witch burning it was the secular government that put a stop to the religious killing people for sill superstition. Religion is an immoral force that tries to impose a make believe world on reality. In New Guinea it was the government that tried to stop the witch burning not the religious, it was the superstitious who were committing the atrocity.
Think it would not happen in America today? If the government no longer prosecuted people for burning witches there would be Bishop like Okon Williams by some other name roaming America burning witches and what could we say the Bible say, "Thou Shall not suffer a witch to live." Witch burning would be so much easier today even the US Air Force recognizes Wicca as religion all one mad man would need is a list of people who openly declare that they are witches in one hand and the bible in the other hand.
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Fri 31 Jul, 2015 05:30 am
The witch burnings in the past didn't just happen, they happened at the direction of the so called "Good Book." The clergy that took such delight at burning witches did so under God's commandment. God told his followers, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." If you are a good Christian today you would do your duty and start burning witches. The Christian right believes that the bible should be taken literally, it seems they have absolutely no choice in the matter and must immediately get their torches and fire up their bonfires. Doesn't America have freedom of religion? If we do then should the government give the Christians the right to practice their religion as their God directs? No the government is a moral force and needs to keep the ignorant and immoral religions from committing the atrocities they have in the past.
If a philosophy is divine, and all religions claim their philosophy are of divine origin, then they cannot contain mistakes. If a philosophy' origin is not divine that we fully understand that it will contain mistakes and all the prejudices of the philosopher but a divine philosophy has no such luxury it has no tolerance for error and its followers believe it is the gospel truth. Those who believe in religion still have a foot in the Dark Ages before the Age of Reason or the Enlightenment. You can make superstition and ignorance your religion and you can put lipstick on it to dress it up but in the end it is still superstition and ignorance.
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Sat 1 Aug, 2015 07:34 am
By far the vast majority of Christians in America would no longer burn witches but there are some who would. But what worries them is not that God will send them to hell for not doing the heavenly duty, after all they are directed by God, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." They are worried about the more immediate problem of the secular government putting them in jail or executing them for murder and extreme cruelty. But what of their immortal soul? I know insubordination when I see it and this is a clear cut case of Christians being insubordinate to God. If I was a Christian, and I have not been since I was child, I would be worried the penalties for not following a direct order of God would be far more severe than taking the name of the lord thy god in vain.
What is a good Christian to do? Isn't obvious form an American Caliphate where Christians are free to practice their religion as it is by directed by their lord and savior. In the New American Caliphate Saturday night witch burnings will replace Big Time Wrestling. I wonder how many Americans Christians would want to live there? After all the supernatural world is malleable and is shaped by the imagination of the Christian Caliphate in other words anyone could be declared a witch and burnt in the new Christian American Caliphate. You and your children would be subject to the imagination of the ignorant. If someone accused of witchcraft you might be given a trial where a large stone was attached to you and you were thrown in the water if you sank and drowned you were officially declared innocent of witchcraft, you were of course dead but at least your relatives had the luxury of knowing you were innocent. If you floated you were a witch it seems you were dead in either case. Such is the mind at work of people who are under the influence of ignorance and superstition.
Those in America who have long tried to gain control of the government and establish an America Christian Caliphate have fallen short of their goal. They will declare America is a Christian country but are faced with the reality that America is not a Christian Caliphate established by God, even though America started out with witch burnings, it has a secular government but don't ever expect the ignorant and superstitious to stop trying to bring about a Christian Caliphate in America.
You say you have not seen a Christian burn a witch in over 300 years in America. So they have not invoked this obscure passage in years. The trouble is there are many obscure passages in the bible. Since the government has stopped the Christians from burning witches they have found other groups to attack. In early America blacks were a major target because the Christian church supported slavery because slaves were common in the bible, God had clearly spoken. Just like a big time wrestler needs an evil opponent to make him look good an ingroup always looks for an outgroup as opponent to make them look good in contrast. The current outgroup the Christians are attacking are the homosexuals by wrestling with the homosexuals they hope to make themselves heroes like a wrestling good guy.
America is beginning to look at Christianity through the rearview mirror. When America was established it started to depart from Christianity. The American Constitution rejected the Christian Gold standard of the divine right of kings to rule and directed that man would make the choice of who would lead America. The American government put a stop to witch trials and witch burnings even though God commanded that it be done. Next America fought a huge Civil War to reject the biblical concept that one man had the right to own another. Now the Christians are losing their battle on homosexual rights, only the most ignorant Christians can be mustered to fight against homosexuals having the same rights as they have. The darkness of ignorance is being replaced by the light of reason even though be it ever so slowly.
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Sun 2 Aug, 2015 01:24 pm
The trouble with Christianity was it was not happy to take control of Europe and America. Christianity,like all other megalomaniac philosophies wants to take control of the world. Religion acts like a bad James Bond villain in pursuit of world domination. The Christian church sent missionaries all over the world to convert the native population to Christianity. The more ignorant and superstitious a country is the more likely they are to be converted to Christianity and now in Nigeria thousands of children have been rounded up and torched as witches. A Bishop named Okon Williams has been charged with a 110 such murders. Once the Christians missionaries unlocked the doors to imagination land anyone can decide who the witches are.
The ignorance and superstition of Christianity added to the existing ignorance and superstition in Nigeria is like gasoline poured on a fire. Superstition always rushes in to fill the void not filled by reason. When man is ignorant supernatural explanations will abound. If a crop fails Bishop Okon Williams will be more than happy to point out the witches responsible and he will even help you burn those evil children, the witches, like Steven King's fictional children of the corn. All religions have a black and white concept of good and evil, the comic book version of good and evil but the comic book is already written but religion is being written each day by the user.
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Mon 3 Aug, 2015 05:29 am
I watched the video of an actual witch burning that took place in Nigeria this morning this my friends is the other face of Christianity the one they would rather you don't see. The video must have been about ten minutes long. Three people are seated and being harassed by a large crowd of course you can't understand the language but the actions are unmistakable the actions of the superstitious and the ignorant. The video can be found by googling "Nigerian witch burnings." The victims are beat senseless with sticks, kicked in the head and drug into a ditch where branches are set on fire. The two old ladies and one old man repeatedly crawl out of the ditch only to be drug back into the ditch or thrown back in. One victim watches as his clothes slowly burn off. Most of the large crowd does not participate but they do nothing to stop the attack.
Not only are witching burnings continuing today now they can be witnessed by the whole world. In the comic book version of good and evil for good to exist evil must exist and be dealt with. These ignorant superstitious people are just fighting evil and if there is no such thing as evil, only random events that are bad in nature, then they must create any enemy to kill, and effege to be burned. This is probably one of the worst possible examples of man's inhumanity to man. If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video is worth millions. This video show what the Christian Church did to helpless victims and remember the witch burnings done with the full knowledge and authorization of the head of the church.
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Tue 4 Aug, 2015 08:31 pm
I continued to read other articles on the search page that I found from googling Nigerian Witch Burnings and found that the root of the problem is "the book of evil," it also known as the bible. The evangelistic churches have spread fear and ignorance all over Africa. Most of the churches involved in the witch burnings are branches of American churches. The witch burnings are for the most part not being done by random mobs but by organized churches led by pastors. Of course the pastors are getting rich they offer to do exorcisms for a fee after they accuse a child of being a witch they offer to do an exorcism for a fee ranging of up to $2,000. Acid was used to perform an exorcism on a 9 year old boy. His father was instructed by the pastor to pour acid down his son throat to exorcise the evil witch. The child struggled and turned his head and the acid burned his face off and blinded him. The Child named the church where it took place as Mount Zion Lighthouse. Of course the African Church is a branch of the American church.
The Christian apologist will apologize for the witch burnings during the Dark Ages as an aberration that would never ever happen again but history is repeating itself in Africa. It is the same book and the same religion and witch burnings have become common in Africa. The only difference between Africa and America is the law in America is strong enough to stop the Christians from burning witches in America.
When the Christian God became a personal God evil became personalized also. When a person can talk to God he is also qualified to point out evil. There is really no difference between the power to do one and the power to do the other. The children in Africa that are burned as witches are often blamed for poverty. You can see that religion prevents the problem from being solved. Burning children as witches will not solve the problem of poverty. The ignorance and superstition of religion do not improve man's lot in life.
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Wed 5 Aug, 2015 05:31 am
The results of all the money and all the missionaries sent to Africa are producing results but not quite what the bible thumpers expected. Burning witches and pouring acid down children's throats in an attempt to drive evil spirits out of their children Christianity is being practiced in its purest form in Africa. The evangelical Christians taught the Africans to take the bible literally and that is exactly what they did. In America it is the strong government that keeps the immoral religion in check. In Africa superstition and ignorance cannot be kept under control by the government but at least it gives the world a look at what pure Christianity really looks like.
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Thu 6 Aug, 2015 05:30 am
The witch burnings in Nigeria have generated very little interest in America even though CNN and the AP wire service have covered them. If these witch burnings took place in America backed by the same Christian churches that have satellite branches in Nigeria that are involved in the witch burnings it would be front page news for weeks. There would be all kinds of analyzation by the news media which would point out that bible indeed does state, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live" ( Exodus 22:18) or "A man or also a woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:27). But the witch burnings are taking place in Nigeria thousands of miles away. Most Americans feel that they are safe, it won't be their wives or children burnt as witches but if it happens here things will change.
Of all the Christian missionaries who went to Nigeria and taught the native people these important bible verses none will take credit for being the proximate cause of the witch burnings. The witch burnings in Africa are easy to ignore if you are not likely to be burned to death as witch but the reality in Nigeria is quite different. In America no one wants to hear the real truth about Christianity that the Christianity as is now being practiced in Nigeria is far closer to the true practice of Christianity than how it is practiced in America. The Christian missionaries did their job well they indeed taught the natives what the bible is about.
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Fri 7 Aug, 2015 06:57 pm
Most Americans simply don't want to hear about the witch burnings in Nigeria and other African countries let alone put the responsibility on those Americans who are responsible for those atrocities. After all you convinced the Nigerians to believe in absurdities and when they did they committed atrocities just as Voltaire predicted. The responsibility for the thousands of Nigerian children being burnt as witches lies squarely on the shoulders the American do gooders, the Evangelical Missionaries, who taught the Nigerians that Bible is absolute and divine truth. Many of these American churches soon abandoned the Nigerian churches they sat up letting them run themselves. When you hand somebody a book that says "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." You in effect make witches a reality. The big book of evil created ignorance. The Bible when read literally creates a world ruled by the spirit world and the only way to fight evil spirits is to kill the human being that is possessed by the evil spirit. In the biblical world spirits rule and anyone is free to point out the evil spirits among them. It is hard to take responsibility for your lot in life and it is much easier to blame someone else.
In America when it comes to the witch burnings in Nigeria we are like the three monkeys, we see no evil, hear no evil and speak of no evil. On Sunday morning each and every congregation that taught the Nigerians that the bible was divine and supreme source of knowledge should have to set and watch the 10 minute video of the three Nigerian "witches" being burnt and imagine how they felt as they crawled from the fire only to be thrown back on the fire. I am sure they could take comfort in the bible instruction "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." All they need do to clear conscious is to convince that that these three old people were indeed "witches." After all in their hearts they know that God would not let this happen if they were not "witches."
Christian, you can thump that bible all you want but you better hope that Hell is not a real place because if it is it would be clear full of Christians.
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Sat 8 Aug, 2015 04:31 pm
"New Christian witch hunter-pastors and churches are emerging with force and ferocity. Another Kill the Witch miracle crusade has just been announced to take place next week. It will be held in Calabar, the capital of Cross River state in Southern Nigeria. "
From an article entitled "Witch hunts continue in Nigerian Pentecostal Churches" _______________________________________________________________
Ah, give me that good old time Christianity if it was good enough for the Dark Ages it should be good enough for today. "Calabar is the headquarters of Helen Ukpabio Liberty Gospel Church. Recall that Ukpabio was invited to a church in the Houston area in 2012 but was canceled due to the controversy over the witch burnings she endorses." I think the American Pentecostal Churches should have let the Right and Reverend Helen Ukpabio show them her witch hunting skills. In America you never know when we will need to start eliminating the"witches."
The government of Nigeria assures the world that witch burnings are against the law but the chances of being prosecuted are very slim. The article is accompanied by the picture of a large poster advertising the witch burnings. The poster proclaims in bold letters "The witch Must Die." It also says at 5:30 PM daily time I can only assume that is the time the witch burnings will take place. I wonder how many of the American Missionaries that taught these people the bible passage, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." would like to attend, you have to remember witches will be selected and burnt at random.
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Sun 9 Aug, 2015 12:41 pm
It is shame that the Pentecostal churches canceled the Right and Reverend Helen Ukpabio's visit it been a long time since America has had an accomplished witch burner on our shores. The Pentecostals could see what their money had been used to create.
I can see the church service now The Reverend Ukpabio is introduced to the congregation and she gets up to speak. She explains how difficult things are in Nigeria and how the evil witches have taken over. She tells the Pentecostal congregation that her church needs their contributions to buy more brush and gasoline to burn the witches. Then the Reverend Ukpabio tells the congregation that they have been infiltrated by witches. The Reverend Ukpabio points out the woman in the third row and tells the congregation that she saw her cavorting with the devil last night and the man standing in the back is a warlock and that they must take the bible literally and the bible says "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." The Reverend tells the congregation that many of congregation's problems can be traced directly back to witches and until they step up to the plate and take religious responsibility their problems will continue. The Reverend tells the congregation that witch burnings were once common in America till the liberals in America took religious freedom away from the religious. If there is religious freedom in America the religious have to be able to do what their Lord and Savior directs.
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Mon 10 Aug, 2015 06:21 am
Even Wikipedia has an article about contemporary witchcraft. Dr Leo Ruickbie, a United Kingdom researcher has found that the problem of witchcraft accusers is spreading from Africa into western countries with African immigrant populations. In Great Britain a 15 year old boy was drowned in a bathtub on Christmas Day 2010 after being accused of witchcraft. The boy drowned in an attempted exorcism. Of course this means the witchcraft has also likely spread to United States in African Immigrant communities. As long as superstition and ignorance are worshiped in America as divinely inspired knowledge the belief in witchcraft will persist. If the bible says that, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live." There can be absolutely no doubt in the mind of the believers that witches can and do exist the only problem for the religious is figuring out who the witches are. Who is sleeping with the devil?
The problem of witchcraft shines a spotlight on the nature of religious belief it defines the true nature of religious belief as superstition and nothing more. The bible impeaches itself by keeping the belief in witchcraft alive. The bible was written for a different culture and for a different time. By today's standards ignorance abounded 2,000 years ago and no one will dispute this until it comes to the bible which the religious claim holds all the timeless knowledge of the universe. The killing for witchcraft in Europe may have stopped but the belief in witchcraft is alive and well in our fiction and the reality of Africa. In American fiction we have romanticized witches as being the powerful ones and the crowd the witch's victim when in fact it was just the opposite it was not the evil witch but the evil ignorant crowd at fault.
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Tue 11 Aug, 2015 06:40 am
New Guinea actually had a law on the books passed in 1971 that allowed attackers to cite intent to combat witchcraft as a legal defense. The law was finally repealed last year after a 20 year old mother of two was burned as witch the previous year. The burning of Kerpari Leniata recievied limited worldwide publicity and that worldwide publicity shined a light on a law that protected those who burned "witches." Exactly how do pass a law to protect people who burn other people alive as witches? You get the bible out and point to the passage that says, "Thou Shall not suffer a witch to live." If God himself commands that "witches" be killed how can we prosecute the faithful that are just carrying out God's wishes?
If you believe the bible is literally true than witches are as much a reality as the stars in the sky. These evangelical churches that spread Christianity across the globe spread it as the gospel truth. Christian missionaries would have a hard time explaining to natives that the bible stories were not really true they were just allegories meant to communicate abstract ideas of morality. The natives would have astounded that the missionaries were trying to sell them lies.
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Wed 12 Aug, 2015 07:35 pm
The killing of witches is becoming an international problem according to Jeff Crisp, an official with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Researchers with the United Nations refugee and human rights agencies estimate that thousands of witches are killed each year.
In recent years there have been a spate of attacks of people accused of witchcraft in Africa, the Pacific and Latin America and even among immigrant communities in the United States and Western Europe.
From "The New York Times"
The Christians in America may be close to getting what they have wanted since 1691 the opportunity to burn witches once again. If you believe in God you must also believe in the devil they are siamese twins. If you believe in spiritual good than spiritual evil must exist also. In America since 1691 the Christian's hands have been tied when it comes to dealing with spiritual evil but with the immigrant communities now bring back that good old time religion I would not be surprised to see a Christian organize a KKK like organization complete with hoods to hide their identity and ride through the night burning witches in their wake, just doing the Lord's work.
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Thu 13 Aug, 2015 05:49 am
he good book besides instructing the faithful, "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live," instructs the faithful in the proper way to sell their daughters as a sex slaves. Can you even remotely imagine selling your daughter as a sex slave? The good book instructs you in the proper way:
"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but must treat her as a daughter." Exodus 21:7-11
Why is it that there are no modern day sermons on the proper way to sell your daughter as a sex slave? The modern church leaves so many things out. I know, I know it was a different time but it was not a different religion and Christians were not only allowed to sell their daughter as sex slaves but the bible instructed in the proper way. We would not want your daughter to think she would be freed after a mere six years as was required if Hebrew men were sold as slaves. Why would anyone look for moral direction from a religion that instructs you in the proper way to sell your daughter as a sex slave?Divine knowledge would have been perfect from its inception but the Bible reflects nothing but the version of morality in place at the time it was written.
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Fri 14 Aug, 2015 06:05 am
Christianity is responsible for keeping ignorance and superstition alive. Want to sell your daughter as a sex slave? The bible will tell you how to go about it. Want to kill your neighbor? The bible instructs you to simply declare that she is a witch and then everyone in the neighborhood can have a bonfire and throw her into it. The public face of religion is far different than the actual text of bible. Most churches cherry pick the bible and focus on less than one percent of the actual bible. Ninety-nine percent of the bible is ignored by the religious. After all how many Christians knew they could sell their daughters as sex slaves? One in a thousand? One in ten thousand? One in a hundred thousand? Let face it no preacher has ever preached a sermon about how to sell your daughter as a sex slave and they are not going to because it is morally reprehensible.
It is all about public image and selling your daughter as a sex slave offends most people. It is not the bible that makes people moral it is the people which keep the immorality of the bible from becoming fact. The people who wrote the bible accepted slavery as a moral practice they saw nothing wrong with one man owning another. If the bible were a moral well spring as it is portrayed on Sunday morning it would have spoken out against one of the most immoral and widespread practices on the face of the earth but not only did the bible not speak out against slavery it endorsed it numerous times.
"You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you."
Leviticus 25:44
You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them along to your children as a permanent inheritance.
It is likely that the common law in the Old South regarding slaves was derived directly from the biblical passage "You may treat them as your property." People that owned slaves could beat them, rape them or kill them at will and the preacher on Sunday would tell them it is God's will.
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Sat 15 Aug, 2015 07:43 pm
If we act on false information we cannot expect a good outcome. Much of the information contained in the bible is false information it reflected only the state of mankind moral reason at that point in history. By ordaining the bible to be divine in nature it cannot be updated nor can the mistakes be corrected. The vast majority of people no longer believe in witches. Witches are confined to fairy tales and horror movies. We no longer go to market to purchase slaves and most believe the practice to be immoral. No one doubts that as a philosophy the bible has some good points but when you buy into the bible you have to believe in all the socially wrongs things contained in the bible.
The religious are always in a state of cognitive dissonance they profess to believe one thing but really don't wish to sell their daughter as sex slave even though the bible instructs them how to do it. With most knowledge you are free to separate the wheat from the chafe but with the bible it is a package deal. The bible which advocated slavery prolonged slavery in America. Six hundred thousands Americans died to end the practice of slavery in America but the bible advocated slavery. If you don't think the bible is a source of evil think about 600,020 young men who died in the prime of their life to stop what the bible proudly advocated. If ISIS killed every man woman and child in Nashville to uphold their religion we would be outraged but it was be no different than what was done to stop slavery. Slavery was a religious position.