The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2015 07:43 pm

Religion always loudly proclaims to be responsible for morality in society but a closer looks shows that to be a lie. Religion since the beginning of time has been the cause of more immoral behavior than any other single source. Religion is made up of lies which is in itself immoral. Every Sunday morning preachers across America climb into the pulpit and tell one lie after another in the supposed interest of morality. The theory is that they are achieving the greater good and the ends justify the means which is sort of along Hitler's belief that the most savage means of war were the most humane because they ended the war sooner. Many preachers are like the Anglican preachers surveyed in Britain who admitted that they knew God was a man made construct, like an actor playing a role they do it for the benefit of their audience, for the greater good.

Michael Shermer in his new book "The Moral Arc" makes the point that is science that has improved morality not religion. Religion opened a Pandora's box of magical thinking. If you believe in God you have to believe in the devil and all sorts of evil spirits. The Christian church at one time relished burning witches at the stake. There is nothing more immoral on the face of the earth than murdering helpless women. Why was this done? Because of Christian inspired magical thinking. They believed these women were possessed by the devil. The Christian believed that witches cursed and killed the farmers crops and that they afflicted people with diseases. Magical thinking is bound only by the limits of one's imagination. Once science could prove that blight killed the crops not witches and that germs caused disease magical thinking wilted in the face of a rational explanation. Witches are no longer routinely burnt at the stake and it is not because of the morality falsely espoused by religion. Of course the eternal Christian excuse will always be it was a different time but it was not a different religion and according to Christian propaganda the Christian religion was born perfect directly from the word of god. Then how could it be such an accumulation of ignorance?
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Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2015 05:31 am

Those who believe in Gods also breath life into demons. Once one accepts a world of spirits the evidence for their existence must be evident in the real world. If a scientific answer had not been found for crop failures and disease the Christian church would still be burning witches to this day. Ignorance leads to more ignorance and magical thinking breeds more magical thinking. With magical thinking no evidence is needed . If your well went dry it must be the evil witch's fault. If your child got cancer it was the witch that cast a spell. Once a rational explanation is found the magical explanation evaporates like the morning fog. At one time Churches formed literal lynch mobs that killed thousands because of the magical thinking pushed by organized religion. Lynch mobs are ruled by the lowest common denominator meaning the psychopaths could easily gain control of the magical thinking.
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Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2015 05:28 am

True morality and magic thinking cannot coexist. True morality requires abstract reasoning and empathy. Abstract reasoning allows one to substitute himself for another in a social equation. Empathy allow one to truly understand what it would be like to be the other person. The Golden Rule asks us to treat others as we would like to be treated. When I was a teenager I pointed out to that all that was truly necessary for morality was the golden rule and that all the religious nonsense that surrounded it could be done away with without any lose. If you were solving math equation and someone gave you the wrong numbers you would never get the right answer. It is the same with a moral equation if you introduce false and misleading information into the moral equation you will get the wrong answer also. Religions introduce false and misleading information into our moral equations.

In the dark ages when crops failed or children died of disease religion was right there to introduce false information. Belief in the occult (belief in a higher power) allows one not believe in supernatural causes. It allowed you to believe that it is your neighbor who cursed your child and killed your livestock. In the typical moral equation you would not burn your neighbor at the stake but the equation was changed by false information introduced by religion and you believe that your neighbor to be a mortal threat to you and your family. Violation of the prime directive not to kill is overridden and killing becomes easy. The introduction of false and misleading information by religions leads to mass murder. Religions portrays others as threats and on 9/11 the power of religion's false information was obvious to the world.

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Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2015 05:29 am

When the burning witches at the stake is mentioned today many feel safe because it took place in the distant past but belief in the supernatural by a substantial portion of the worlds population is every bit as strong today, if not stronger, as it was when the witch burning were common. It is not the witches flying on their broom in the sky today that are killing the crops and killing the children, much of the world's population see Americans as infidels enemies of their God. The religious moral equation is every bit as distorted today as it was when witch burning was common. Three sound people were burned alive on 9/11 none of the religious leaders in the Dark Ages came even close to roasting that many people in a day. The 9/11 terrorist are as renoud as rock stars in their native country of Saudi Arabia and their families are celebrities.

Religion is a coiled serpent that lays in wait to strike. All that is necessary to distort a moral equation is to say that God wants this done or that done. There cruelty known to man that organized religion has not sanctioned or won't sanction in the future. All that is necessary for the bodies to start piling up is that some preacher or President declaring God is speaking to him and the killing starts. The world of make belief contains all the imaginable evil in the world.
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Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 09:32 am

Americans must now know how someone who was declared a witch felt. Religious zealots throughout the world have declared that Americans are infidels and as such should be terminated with prejudice. Instead of a witch hunt it is a hunt for Americans. No religion can criticize the supernatural beliefs of another religion without risking discrediting their own religion. How easy it is for some religion to claim that it is God's will to kill another.

The moral progress of mankind cannot continue as long as the immoral force of religion dominates the minds of so many. The death of religion will free up time for more productive use of that time. We do not need to kill God so much as we need to kill religious belief in the occult. Simply killing one God (who was never alive in the first place) does not solve the problem another God will simply rise up to take its place. The problem is belief in the occult, belief in a higher power, until the world of make believe can be completely discredited in most people's mind modern witch burnings will continue.

Studies at Princeton University of people reading fiction while their brains are being monitored show that as they read the book the same section of their brain light up. They experience the same emotions. Thus reading fiction is a way of syncing people's brains. Religious texts are fictional accounts and as they are read and studied by cult members they serve to sync their brains. This study has important implications as to why so many are so easily taken in by religious cults. If you can manipulate someone else's brain without them being consciously aware of it, it allows you to take at least a limited working control of that person.
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Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2015 04:32 pm

Mankind tends to invent things when there is a need for the inventions. Early governments realized that there were two options open to control the population, physical force or manipulation. Rulers realized it was impossible to come up with enough military force to control a large empire, like the Roman Empire with it diverse population. The Christian cult was only a small religious cult out of thousands of religious cults in the Roman Empire. The Christian cult only had about 100 members but it had something other religious cults didn't have, a master storyteller on par with a Stephen King today. Paul was a master spellbinder when he narrated a story he entranced those who listened to it.

Emperors realized that religion was the ultimate manipulation, emperors would come and go but the loyalty to a religion would supercede centuries. In Roman in the third century AD all kinds of diverse religions existed. The problem was to make one religion the official religion of the Roman Empire. Politicians realized the time had come to invent God. Many religions acknowledged and tolerated the existence of other Gods but not the Christian cult their God was a jealous God and would kill people that followed other Gods. The Romans realized that this was a key requirement in wiping out other religions and consolidating their power.

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Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2015 05:27 am

oman Emperors soon realized religions was the key to manipulating the population. Threats of violence are one thing, soldiers could be seen coming from a mile away but an eternity spent in a lake of fire was different matter. Missing out on heaven was one thing but the alternative was far worse. An unseen threat is far worse than one you can see. The emotional mind is responsible for managing the fight or flight response but how can it respond to an unseen threat? It cannot respond and the only path left open is the manipulation. The emotional mind doesn't work on percentage the way it is designed 1 chance of the hell being a reality in a thousand is too many. If you want to manipulate someone you never want to deal with their rational mind you want to engage their emotional mind.

Religion is not a product of the rational mind it is a product of the emotional mind. According to religion God is like Santa Claus, he is watching all the time, he knows when you are bad or good but he is not bringing toys if you mess up. God will reserve a place in hell for you. While religion is not a product of a rational mind the rational mind is used to rationalize religion, to justify the unjustifiable. For thousands of years men of intelligence have tried rationalize the irrational and succeeded for the most part.

The official religion of Rome not only raised manipulation of the population to an art form it provided other benefits as well. It gave diverse population a identity it created a classic "in" group dynamics. Citizens of the Roman Empire were not only citizens of Rome but Christians as well and the government controlled the church.
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Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2015 05:29 am
Sigmund Freud that religion was modeled after the nuclear family. A human infant is subject to such a long period of helplessness that it imprints its subconscious to point that it will seek protection from a makeshift religious family later in life. Freud also lectured that religion was a form of mental illness. In his paper "Obsessive Actions and Religious Practices" Freud stated:


"I am certainly not the first person to have been struck by the resemblance between what are called obsessive actions in suffers of from nervous afflictions and the observance by means which believers give expression to their piety."


Someone who is obsessive compulsive may have to turn the light switch off ten times each time he leaves the room. He then may have to wash his hands 13 time not 12 and certainly not eleven each time he leaves home. Most of us recognize obsessive compulsive behavior when we see it but religion is often based on rituals that are repeated over and over again without cause or need. Religions even prescribe that killing be done in a ritual way. The Lafferty brothers killed the 18 month old baby and its mother in a ritual killing. The Catholic mass is a ritual that demands kneeling at certain times during the mass. This ritual is repeated millions of times by millions of people each Sunday morning. Once a Catholic has gone to confession he is given penance of saying prayers the Priest might instruct the sinner to say 10 Our Fathers and 25 Hail Marys. How about working at homeless shelter for 40 hours instead. No the ritual is what is important. Rituals are meant to reinforce the religious cult and make it stronger. There is no difference between someone turn off a light switch 25 times when they leave room and another saying 25 Hail Marys. Freud stated, that both the obsessional neurotic and pious were unaware of what motivated their actions.
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Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2015 08:40 pm

Freud's father figure is an archetype. The father archetype is also referred as the caregiver or parent. Carl Jung believed there were twelve basic archetypes, The innocent, the orphan/regular guy or girl, the hero, the caregiver, the explorer, the rebel, the lover, the creator, the jester, the sage, the magician and the ruler. Jung believed these archetypes contained most of the motivating factors in human nature. The caregiver is extremely important to all human infants who are basically helpless and would perish without a caregiver.

The religious show not only a longing for the caregiver giver to protect them , but also the hero to look up to and most important the ruler who will show them the way and provide strict rules and rituals.Children are protected from all sorts of danger but the ultimate danger is death and a God is the only one who rules over death. Each person secretly longs to be protected and the physical expression of that longing is expressed as religion.
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Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2015 07:13 pm

Peter Pan was famous for saying, "he would never grow up," and many of our fellow human beings have made exactly the same the choice. They have made the choice to live in Never Never land forever. By never growing up I mean they have made choice to never live without a father figure, a protector. In an uncertain world they seek certainty. In a world made up of random events they seek order. In a world that is unjust they seek justice. They see the world as they wish it would be but use God to justify the world as it is.

In a world where a large portion of the population will never truly become adults is it any wonder there is so much killing? Each man pretends to serve his God but in the long runs finds out that he has only left himself open to manipulation by others who have motives of their own. Today in Chattanooga a man stepped forward to serve his God and killed four innocent people. This man belief in his religion made him vulnerable to manipulation of professional manipulators. There is no manipulator like a religious manipulator. The Manchurian Candidate was hypnotized and need only a code word to activate him belief in a religious candidate is every bit as deeply ingrained if not more so.They wait only for the right words to activate them. In America we are now surround by Manchurian Candidates who only await the words to send them rushing off to kill. Religion is a coiled snake laying in wait to attack. It may lay perfectly still for years and appear to be harmless but given the chance it will strike when you least expect it.
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Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2015 09:16 pm

The shooter in the Chattanooga killings has a lot in common with the Manchurian Candidate. Some may not be familiar with the 1962 Movie. Briefly the Manchurian Candidate was brainwashed by the Chinese and hypnotized to be a killer. He was scheduled to be awarded the medal of honor by the president. The sight of the Queen of Hearts is trigger the Chinese plan to kill the president.

The shooter in Chattanooga was brainwashed as a child by his devoutly religious parents all that was needed was a trigger. The trigger was supplied by ISIS. You have to remember that all religions are fantasies but they are open ended and active. In other words there is not an end to the fantasies it is still being written today. What God desires today he may not desire tomorrow. Once the brainwashing took place the shooter, Mohamed Youssef Abdulazeez, really had no more choice than the Manchurian Candidate. His parents had taught him he was here on earth to do the will of God. The trouble there are many who will tell you what the will of God is. God cannot speak for himself.

When you are brainwashed by religion you believe that this world is only temporary and the real life starts after you die, so killing is not permanent in only a transition to a far better place. The shooter believes he has nothing to lose and that the killings will make him a hero in heaven. Much of this world lives in the land of make believe. Mohamed Youssef cast himself as a hero in his world of makebelieve. Who is to blame? His parents who indoctrinated him while he was a small child an unable to reason on his own and a society that lionizes religious belief. One religion is not the problem it is only a symptom of a far bigger problem. If the tires on your car are worn out after a hundred miles replacing the tires will not solve the problem only replacing the worn out front end parts can solve the problem. The worn out tires are only a symptom the problem the problem is the worn out front end parts. Now the Muslim religion is highlighting the problem with religions but the real problem is with religion in general.
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Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2015 09:12 am

It use to be that soldiers died on the battlefield and were safe at home far from the battlefield. America is the new battlefield and soldiers can now expect to be attacked at any time and any place in America. Four Marines were killed in the attack in Chattanooga and a wounded sailor has since died of his wounds. Religious wars often pit fellow countrymen against one another. These type of religious wars have long been an accepted way of life in the Middle East but they are new to American soil. Religion has a long an inglorious past of warring religious sects now America will see the real face of religion, the bigoted killing and maiming of those who do not follow the one true God.

Yesterday in Huntington following the killings in Chattanooga on Thursday I saw Arabs in full native dress near their Mosque and wondered whether they were participating in some religious service but later I saw the same group at the downtown square in full Arab garb headdress and all. I wondered if they were not trying to provoke some sort of attack. This is redneck central and they don't need a reason to kill someone. Years ago I remember someone telling about being on Jury Duty with a black man in a small town 10 miles from here and the trial was running late and the judge instructed the jury to remain after dark. The black man on the jury was paralyzed with fear because blacks were instructed that you had better not let the sun set on your ass while you were in Wayne. Then you need only think back to Charles Manson who hoped to provoke a race war by the killings done by his followers. Revenge is a natural moral emotion and can be demonstrate even in infants. The Arabs in full native dress was meant to provoke an attack and make them martyrs or to cause terror among locals. At these times in group out group identification becomes more rigid and revenge becomes more attractive. I am frequently past the Mosque and this is the first time in my lifetime I have seen Arabs in full native dress we have a small Muslim population and Arab women with scarves are a common site. The only other times that I have seen Arabs in full native grab is on the evening news or movies.

The Arabs were engaged in what is "Conflict and Costly Signaling" or Pirate Morality. The pirates of old would hoist the Jolly Roger to let the ship they planned to attack know that they were about to be attacked by pirates. Why lay your cards on the table early? Easy it was intended to terrorize and intimidate their victims. It was less costly to pirates if victims just surrendered. To die for your God is an honor.

Muhammed Abdulazeez cast himself as the hero in his own imaginary play. As he drove to the military recruiting stations in his rented Mustang convertible he believed he was the cowboy in the white had avenging his God.
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Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2015 12:45 pm

The parents of the Chattanooga shooter have apologized profusely for their sons actions. They blame their sons depression for the killings but they never mention religion as a possible cause. Many people suffer from depression but it usually result in only a suicide. Depression can be a factor in spree killing but these killings had military targets. Computer hackers look for a flaw in a computer program that they can use to take control of the computer. ISIS uses the opening provided by religious upbringing to take control of an individual's mind. When you brainwash your children to believe in the occult (belief in a higher power) you have to realize that someone else is going to tell them what that higher power will is. Psychopaths rise to power in any organization including religious organization. Psychopaths are attracted to organizations where they have power over other people. Only a small percentage of psychopaths become serial killers the rest of them walk among us.

The leaders of ISIS have demonstrated beyond any doubt that they are psychopaths as they hack off peoples heads with a dull knife. If you want your child to be a puppet of these psychopaths the best way to do it is to make sure he is devoutly religious. Psychopaths are as qualified as anyone to tell your child what the true will of God is. If they say God want you to kill as many people as you can, your child will do just that after all God is the higher power. This applies to all religions, remember Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple where 909 Americans died all but two died of cyanide poisoning. Mothers fed their babies cyanide they were true believers in a higher power and Jim Jones was more than happy to tell them what God's will was. Muhammad only killed a tiny fraction of people compared to Jim Jones but the victims of religion add up.

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Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2015 11:52 am

Most of us are familiar with urban legends and how the occur in different towns across America often with different names put to them. In one urban legend a man meets a stranger in a bar who buys him drinks later he wakes up in bathtub full of ice with a note telling him to go to emergency room because one of his kidneys had been removed and sold on the black market. This particular urban legend was taken seriously and the National Kidney Association actual tried to locate victims none were ever found and it was written off as a hoax.

The origin of many of the key stories in the bible stories can be traced ancient Sumeria. The story of the flood and the baby being floated down the river were all original Sumerian stories. The bible was simply a collection of urban legends and folklore. Had the story of the stolen kidney been around it would have been incorporated in the bible also. So how does this consortium of ancient stories suddenly become sacred knowledge? The Jesus cult was only about a hundred people when he died no more than a the typical beginning religious cult today. The Romans already had the religious administrative machinery in place it was just a matter of switching brands of religion. The Romans had made Gods of men before, in fact that was the tried and true method of manufacturing a God.
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Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 05:47 am

An article on MSN this morning details how a West Point graduate and a former army helicopter pilot converted to Islam. Fifty year old Ian Benious explained that switching religions is like switching sports teams say one went from liking the Cowboys to liking the New York jets. If that statement doesn't scare you it should once you are brainwashed to accept the concept of God you are far more likely to accept other more radical concepts of God.

Ian was raised Methodist and sang in the choir. In his twenties he almost drowned body surfing, he was deployed to Panama, his house was robbed and burned, and his wife left him. Ian interpreted these misfortunes as God trying to get his attention. Ian is a practicing attorney as well as a practicing Muslim.

You can clearly see magical thinking in effect if something bad happens to me it is because God must be displeased with me. In a mind possessed by magical thinking there is no such thing as a random event. It is a just world and if a bad event happens to me it is clear evidence that the big guy in the sky is trying to even the score for something bad I did or for not worshiping him correctly. This type of thinking drives a lot of people toward religion. A tidal wave is as likely to spare atheists and kill the religious who worship every week as it is the other way around.

If a study was conducted of the victims of some of the world's greatest disasters was done there would be far fewer atheists killed then Christians because there are fewer atheists but even if the numbers were corrected for percentages we would in fact find that the chances of being a victim were random. If a God were in charge the evidence would be clear and convincing in a tidal wave all the criminals and atheists would be killed and those who worshiped a God would be saved but this is not what happens. The idea of a world filled with random events is not nearly as romantic as a system of rewards and punishments doled out by a supreme being. There will always be those who favor the romantic over the rational.

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Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2015 02:17 pm

It is easy to be taken in by magican's magic tricks where there does not seem to be a reasonable explanation. Our ancestors found themselves in a world where things happened that there seemed to be no known reasonable explanation. What they were able to observe was other creatures when those creatures did something they did it for a reason, a squirrel gathered nuts for the winter, a lion kills to eat and a bird gathers food to feed it young. Life was everywhere the earth was teeming with life and seemed alive. Faced with sentient creatures who went about the business of survival in rational ways. Sentient creatures cannot act in random ways and survive but the only model our ancestors had was intentional action.

While sentient creatures acts intentionally nature is not. Fires, floods and accidents pick random victims they're random. When a flood hit our ancestors community there seemed to be no explanation as to why some people died and others lived. The world our ancestors lived in was ordered and they understood order but nature was random. How do you impose order on randomness? You can't but if you create a God whose job it is to impose order on the world you can now rationalize randomness as intention. Believing in a God granted the illusion of an ordered world. Magic tricks are no more than illusions and some people are frightened of a random world and more comfortable with illusions.
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Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2015 09:28 am

Imagine that you lived a couple of thousand years ago and a tidal wave has just struck your village. You go through your village and find other survivors but you also see many dead people including your wife and children. Survivors guilt overtakes you and for the life of you, you can't understand why you lived and they died. Now you must try rationalize the irrational. The wave was not a living creature it was just water but you cannot escape the idea that you and your village came under attack. If you had been attacked by a wild animal you could have fought back. In your world things that attack have intent and a reason for their attack. If you were hit by an arrow you know someone did it. It is but a small step to believe that a god sent the tidal wave for a reason. The conclusion you draw is that your village displeased God, in some way maybe by granting rights to gays.

If that sounds strange in America after 3,000 people died on 9/11 attack very prominent and respected preachers immediately declared Falwell even stated that America deserved that it was God retaliating for America progress on gay rights. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, Christian Superstars quickly declared that God had lifted America's curtain of protection and allowed America's enemies to attack because of gay rights, abortions, pornography and feminists. Falwee even stated that America deserves far worse for offending God. You must remember God wants to keep women in their place. Falwell and Pat Robertson just repeated the rationalization of preachers from the beginning of time if something bad happened we must have done something bad to deserve it and it seems God is out to support the political agenda of some of the biggest bigots to ever walk the face of the earth.
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Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2015 09:34 am

George Santayana said that "Mysticism is a civil war of the mind" that ends in the extermination of all parties....Absolutism then tyrannously steps in to claim the superhuman spirit resolves the disharmonies that people cannot."

Even those that believe can never escape their doubt they barricade themselves into a world of absolutes. They forget that their absolute reality is no more than personal reality. Like the blind men who each touch part of an elephant and then try to describe the animal. One blind man who felt a legg describe the animal as being like a tree trunk, another who felt the tail describes an elephant is like a snake, a third blind man feels the tusks and says an elephant feels like a large tree limb. Each blind man would describe an elephant as different. The observer of reality is part of that reality and there is no such thing as an absolute reality. When you run into someone who declares his personal reality is the absolute reality you know that he has not only lost perspective but closed their mind to any other possibilities. Often they become very defensive of their view of reality sometimes willing to fight to the death over their God being "disrespected."

When you disrespect someone's God what you are actually doing is disrespecting their personal reality. For someone to function in the world their personal reality must approach the consensus reality or shared reality. If a person's personality deviates to much from the consensus reality we would term them odd or in more extreme cases crazy. As rule people believe that their personal reality is also the consensus reality while they notice the similarities they fail to notice the differences. People should realize that they have a a personal reality that is a result of a unique point of view. People are not only observers of reality but participants the very fact that they are participants alters their point of view.

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Reply Sat 25 Jul, 2015 09:01 pm

Anthropologist studying present day primitive tribes find that they often blame witches for various misfortunes of life. The Zande tribe of southern Sudan in Africa still believe in witchcraft and see it as active determiner in their everyday life.

"If a blight seizes the groundnut crop it is witchcraft. If the bush is vainly scoured for game it is witchcraft. If women laboriously bale water out of a pool and are rewarded by but only a few small fish it is witchcraft. If a wife is sulky and unresponsive to her husband it is witchcraft. If a prince is cold and distant with his subject it is witchcraft. If in fact and failure or misfortune falls upon anyone at any time and in relations to any of the manifold activities of his life it may be due to witchcraft."

From "Witchcraft Oracles and Magic Among the Azande
Another source that believes in witches is that vast storehouses of perfect knowledge the bible which states "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live."

Voltaire said that "People who believe in absurdities are more likely to commit atrocities"
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Reply Sun 26 Jul, 2015 02:52 pm

I was surprised to find that witches were still being burned alive in the world today the only difference is because of technology you need not spend a lot of time gathering sticks for the fire you simply doused the witch with gasoline and watch her burn. The World Health Organization reported 2002 that 500 elderly women are burned alive each year in Tanzania alone are killed for being "witches." They may be ignorant and superstitious but they have found a use for gasoline. How could this go on in the world today? Magical thinking persist in the world today. Before we start feeling superior to the more primitive societies on earth one must remember that prayer is a form of magical thinking.

Today, the witch theory of causality has fallen into disuse, with the exception of a few isolated pockets in Papua New Guinea, India, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Tanzania, Kenya, or Sierra Leone, where "witches" are still burned to death. In Nigeria children by the thousands are being rounded up and torched as "witches" and in response the Nigerian government has arrested a self-styled Bishop named Okon Williams, who is accused of killing a 110 such children."

From the book "The Moral Arc: How Science and Reason Lead Humanity Toward Truth, Justice, and Freedom" by Michael Shermer

__________________________________________________________________ Why is this not reported on the evening news in America? Because burning "witches" is considered the practice of one's religion and no other religion wants to challenge another religious belief system for fear that if one religion is found invalid then all other religions will be found invalid by association. If you are a magical thinker you must allow others to think just as magical. One of the most enduring images on the evening news during the Vietnam war was the Buddhist Monks pouring gasoline on themselves and kneeling quietly as they were consumed by fire. With all of these witches being burnt today there has not been one single report on the evening news. Thousand of children being rounded up in Nigeria and burnt for witches and yet the American news media remains silent. Silence is complicity. Religion is disease of the mind that slowly destroys a human ability to reason.
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