The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 17 Jun, 2015 05:26 am

When I was a teenager one of the things that deeply bothered me about religion was the need of God to be worshiped. The constant need for worship from a superior being seemed to indicate a fatal personality flaw. Beyond any doubt man created God, God did not create man. The fact is that God was created in man's image. God has two arms and two legs is believed to look and any actor can portray him without the use of special effects. If man created God, and he did, what might we expect to find in the personality of God. God would likely have the same good personalities traits as the men who created him but he would also have the same bad personality traits as his creators as they would project their personality traits on to their creation.

It is obvious the men who first conceived God had narcissistic personalities and projected their character flaws onto their creation.


A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you are not given special favors of admiration that you believe you deserve.

Mayo Clinic

God is disappointed when he does not receive the admiration he deserves and destroys the world and all the creatures in it with the exception of Noah and family. God is a Jealous God and will have no other Gods before him he and he alone deserves admiration of the world if he doesn't get it he will destroy the earth. We are beginning to see glimpses of the little man behind the face of Great and Powerful OZ.
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Reply Thu 18 Jun, 2015 05:30 am

Most people believe that God is the supreme being that has achieved perfection but an examination of God's character through his actions in the bible shows him to be far from perfect in fact a forensic psychiatrist judging him from his actions would find him to be suffering from a major personality disorder. Why is it that the character of God has never been objectively examined? Rule 1 is that God is perfect and rule 2 is that if you ever doubt that God is perfect see rule 1. The religious righteously believe that you can never question God's perfection. Even when God is killing the whole population of the earth except for a few his actions should never be questioned.

Nine people were killed yesterday evening in a Charleston SC church the an all of America is upset by his actions but the nine people in church were worshiping a God that killed the population of the earth because he felt he was not being worshiped enough. The absolute horror of nine people being killed strikes home but the religious have no problem worshiping a God that would kills billions on a whim. There is a complete disconnect from reality when it comes to the violence done by God and done by man even though a murder victim is a murder victim whether he is killed by God or Man.

The religious absolutely can't wait for God's second coming where he will kill billions and rescue his true believers from a world gone bad. Of all the books ever written about murder there were more people killed in the Bible than in all the other books combined. When you main line this garbage and brainwash your children to believe in the nonsense you teach them that murder is acceptable way to modify people's behavior. Religion is pro religion and anti morality. Those at the prayer meeting were there to honor a fictional murder and came face to face with the stark reality of a real murderer. While killing is romanticized and justified in the bible the reality quite different. You can gather on Sundays to worship a murder and justify his actions but confronting the reality of murder is puts it on a personal level. Do you not think all the people that God killed for picking up sticks were without families who were just as upset as those in Charleston SC?
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Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2015 05:29 am

Many question how could a mass killing take place in a church? Churches are where you go to make heroes out of child killers and keep the violent past alive and real. God is the biggest mass killer of all time so churches are probably so churches would be much more likely to attract the attention of a sick mind. After all the sick minds who slaughter children in history are their heroes. Humans are the only species that kills for religious reason often to defend an imaginary figures honor.

Churches may be the new trend for spree killers at one time it was Post Offices than restaurants than schools. The woman that was responsible for sighting the killers car and calling police sighted God as directing her. If God did that why did he not stop the killings before the fact. Man is the one who has to do something after the fact. God can take preemptive action but never does. "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." Why is vengeance necessary when God could stop any evil action in the first place? It is man that is programmed to take vengeance because he is unable to stop it beforehand. What is attributed to God is simply the reflection of men.
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Reply Sat 20 Jun, 2015 11:58 am

It looks like the shooter in Charleston was just another gun nut wanting to use his gun for what it was designed to do, kill people. He first looked at killing people on a college campus and was discouraged by the security, he than considered a shopping center before he finally settled on the church to see how many people he could murder with his gun. He carried plenty of ammunition and reloaded his gun five times pumping many bullets into each victim. His kill rate was much better that the average shooter he left only one person wounded.

What is unique about this killer is that he sat with his victims for an hour before he started killing. Many people will wonder why of all places did he pick a church? If you think about a church is where most of us first learn about murder and the motives for murder. First there is that traumatic story of a father who is going to kill his son because God told him to kill him. This story is designed to put the child in his place and make him understand the order of things even though God calls off the killing at the last minute the child knows that if God commands his father to kill him that he will do it. This has to be very traumatic to a small child but two ideas are firmly established in child's mind, one that murder is alright if a disembodied voices tells you to do it,Dan and Ron Lafferty understood this lesson well. The second lesson is that religion is the highest power in the universe and you are to follow religious leaders.

Moses slaughtering children teaches the children the morality the religion is peddling is a farce the religious kill, steal and rape all for the greater glory of God. It isn't a wonder that the killings in Charleston took place in a church it is a wonder that the killing don't take place in churches as an ordinary event. That where children learn about real murder not the fictional type on television.
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Reply Sun 21 Jun, 2015 11:32 am

The story of Abraham and the story of the Lafferty brothers are the same story with the same motive. God told Abraham to make a burnt offering out of his son. The Lafferty brothers got written orders from God himself to decapitate the 18 month old baby. Abraham order to kill his son was just verbal. The story of Abraham is one of the most popular stories in all of Christendom. Why? Because it demonstrates cult loyalty should be above all else. Your prime directive if you are Christian is to obey the cult.

The Lafferty brothers are nothing if not modern day Abrahams why are they not Christian heroes?. Was the source of their instruction to kill not the same? God directed them both to kill. Who is to say that God directed Abraham to kill his son and did not direct the Lafferty to kill? The mentally ill in Abraham time were not treated as they are today. Those that hear voices were treated as special they were believed to have access to unseen dimensions that no ordinary man could access. If Abraham heard a voice it was not the voice of God but the echoes of his own sick mind. No one would believe for one minute that the Lafferty brothers actually got a revelation from God telling them to kill. But the same people would go to church on Sunday and religiously believe the story of Abraham.

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Reply Mon 22 Jun, 2015 05:26 am

The Christian religion comes to us from a people who believed in human sacrifice. Abraham gathered all the material necessary to make a burnt offering out of his son. He took his son and his servants to a mountain to make the sacrifice. If a man took his son to a mountain today to make a burnt offering out of him, what would happen to him? Would he be stopped by authorities? In case of the Lafferty brothers many people knew that the sacrifices were planned and Lafferty brothers had a driver and another accomplice. But the Lafferty brothers' sacrifices were not granted freedom of religion status by authorities. You would think that God would be extremely offended because his disciples had been punished for doing the Lords work.

If Abraham had had sacrificed his son today authorities would arrest and convict of murder. I know it was a different time but it wasn't a different religion. What is wrong today was just as wrong 2,000 years ago. Morality is not a recent invention. Imagine a society that believed that sacrifices must be made to God and than imagine a modern society that believes these people knew the gospel truth. Why are not burnt offerings still not offered to the Gods today? The image of human sacrifice lingers in are consciousness today because Christianity sanctioned it at one time.
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Reply Tue 23 Jun, 2015 05:28 am

When someone murders a child and claims that God commanded him to do it how can we determine if in fact God commanded the killings? Can you imagine any case where God commanded me to do it would be successful defense? Even thought the Lafferty brothers had God's orders in writing the court had no trouble rejecting their defense. You might swear on the bible to tell the truth but God wil never be declared a reality in a court of law. Any time that God is declared a co defendant in a court of law he will be treated as a figment of the imagination of the defendant. If God had ordered the Lafferty brothers to decapitate the 18 month old and kill the child's mother in ritual murders should God not be convicted as a co defendant? Of course he would have to be convicted in absentia. For all legal purposes God is treated as an imaginary being under the law if he were not considered imaginary by courts of law it would be impossible to enforce the law. The devil (God) made me do it defense would be the most popular defense in court. When a child was killed no reasonable human being would believe that God commanded it.
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Reply Wed 24 Jun, 2015 05:30 am

Religion is an effort to impose order on a disordered world by supernatural means and it is not just ordered world but a special type of order called a "Just World." In a Just World there are rewards for those who deserve them and punishment for those who don't. In a religion God is the desider, he decides who should be rewarded in life and who should be punished. Randomnous plays a large part in our world a baby gets cancer and dies while another child get rich and famous. In creating a "Just World" people justify the world as it is so that they can believe the world is just. In studies of a just world subjects are show different pictures and given life stories of the people some have good things happen in their life others had bad things happen in their life. But stories and the pictures are changed for different groups. The people that had bad things happen in their life are rated far lower than the people that had good things happen but when the stories are switched the rating reverse. Justice it seems is in the eye of the beholder.

Studies of religion in over a 150 countries now show that religions appeals most to those who have the least control over their lives. They look to God to make the world just. If you don't live in a Just World at least you can justify the world as it is by using the supernatural. Many in the world not await their marching orders from God to make the World Just. Like Ron and Dan Lafferty they have decided to become the arm of God and impose God's will on others. The world's religions are becoming a explosive mixture, the right mixture of psychopaths and the supernatural is setting the world on fire.
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Reply Thu 25 Jun, 2015 05:28 am

A hundred years from now when historians look back at our time they will list the 9/11 attack as the beginning of World War III. The people living at time that WWI began didn realize a world war had begun. The third world war will be a war that knows no boundaries but at the same time involves more countries than any previous world war. The third world war is a religious war involving the three major religions that evolved out of the Middle East. Since it is a religious war it easily permeates the boundaries of countries. War and techniques of war change throughout history. The Great armies of the world marched on to battlefields and fought until one side was annihilated but the American Revolution saw the advent of Guerrilla Warfare where a small band of men would engage a much larger force by ambushing them and using hit and run tactics. The 9/11 attack showed us how are own airplanes could cause large amounts of casualties.

The Muslim religion is growing in poor countries where religion is seen as a way to a Just World. The religious believe that whatever God they believe in will provide that Just World. Of course the will of God is no more than a projection of the will of the subject who believes in God. God had nothing against the niece of Ron Lafferty but Ron held his sister-in-law and her child responsible for his divorce. He simply disguised his will as God's will. Ron's belief gave him the courage to kill. The power of belief is more powerful than any atom bomb ever invented. Belief has caused millions to kill and be killed and millions more will die before the Gods of war are finally buried by reason.

To die for God is considered a great honor. The terrorists of the 9/11 will always be considered great religious heroes in much of the Muslim world.
"Analysis of data from societies around the world has revealed that the extent to which people emphasize religion and engage in religious behavior could indeed, be predicted with considerable accuracy from a society's economic and other development."

From the book "The Age of the Atheists. "
The perfect religious storm is now forming and set to engulf the world in a great conflict it lacks only a great leader that all the Muslim people of the world will respect and follow. This is a great vacuum and it will eventually pull the right individual into place.
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Reply Fri 26 Jun, 2015 05:31 am

If 9/11 was the beginning of WWIII the Boston Marathon Bombing was an important escalation. Bush like Ron Lafferty believed that he was acting on God's will. Bush believed that God wanted him to spread freedom throughout the world and he did not care how many men women and children he had to kill to do "God's Will." Bush decided to attack Iraq in retaliation for the 9/11 attack een though there were no Iraqi involved and he knew that. While Ron Lafferty only killed one baby and its mother Bush killed a 150,000 Iraqi men women and children in Iraq in an effort to "free them." Of course like Ron Lafferty Bush had an underlying agenda of stopping Saddam from black marketing Iraq oil and driving the price of gas below a dollar a gallon in America. Ron Lafferty blamed his sister-in-law for his divorce.

The Boston Marathon Bombing is important because the Bush killings of 150,000 Iraqi is not seen so much as an attack on Iraq but as an attack by a deluded Christian on Muslim. The Boston Bombers were not from Iraq they were from Russia. The attack on Iraq is seen by Muslim world wide as an attack on all Muslims.

Religions were once from certain regions. "Christianity is no longer exclusive to Europe and the Middle East, Hinduism is no longer confined to India, Islam is no longer confined to the desert heartland." Globalization has led to the deterritorialization of religion. One group of deluded men in America who, like Ron Lafferty, believed that they knew the will of God have set the stage for WWIII.
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Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 09:56 am

In his revelation from God, Ron Lafferty told his brother Dan that he was the mouth of God and that Dan was to be the arm of God. In other words it was Dan that God wanted to do the killings. The Christian right convinced Bush that he was not elected by the American people but had been appointed president by God. Generals in army repeated this like it was the truth. Surrounded by the Christian right, Bush, a born again alcoholic and drug addict, soon began to see himself just like Ron Lafferty saw himself, a man on a mission from God. This was reflected in his speeches and it frightened the hell out of other world leaders. The man in control of the largest army in the world now believed that God was talking directly to him. Ron Lafferty believed that his brother Dan was the arm of God. Bush's arm of God was the United States Military and he would use it to lose hell on earth.
On January 20, 2005 in his second inaugural address, George W Bush declared that the new central aim of American foreign policy would be to abolish tyranny and spread freedom around. Global freedom had long been the nation's ideal. Now Bush was saying it was also "the urgent requirement of our nation's security and the calling of our time.

From the book "Daydream Believers" by Fred Kaplan
This Bush statement comes on the heels of invading Iraq to establish a Democracy. Bush stated many times through his presidency that, "freedom was not America's gift to the world" but rather "God's gift to humanity." Now it seemed that God had declared that Democracy was not only the preferred type of government but a form of government mandated by God and the Christian right. Bush saw himself just like Ron Lafferty saw himself on a mission for God. Ron Lafferty mission ended after only two killings but Bush killed over a 150,000 Iraqi men women and children and would have killed millions more in his effort to shove democracy down the throats of other countries the radical right had targeted. Ron Lafferty killings horrified America but the Bush killings didn't bother anyone. There were no doubt babies blown apart as massive amounts explosives that were dropped on Baghdad. Why? America wanted revenge for 9/11 and they didn't care what type of Arabs got killed as long as Arab blood was spilled. Ron Lafferty would refer to it as Blood Atonement" a very Christian principal.

The Christian Right is waiting in the wings to once again to grab control of the largest Army in the world. There will be many Christians like Bush who will talk with God daily and know exactly what God's horrific will is.

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Reply Sun 28 Jun, 2015 01:06 pm

Don't think we are engaged in the WWIII? This week there were terrorist attacks carried out on three continents. All the terror attacks are believed to have been carried out by ISIS or groups affiliated with ISIS. The ability to wage a war on three continent in a week shows how rapidly ISIS is gather strength. While al Qaeda was a primarily a political organization ISIS is primarily a religious organization. The Tsaraev brothers that were responsible for the Boston Bombing had immigrated from Russian but they didn't identify themselves so much as Russians as they did as Muslims. The Boston Bombing was a continuation of the war in Iraq. It was retaliation for Bush and the neocons killing a 150,000 Muslims in Iraq.

There was an attack on an American Gas manufacturer in France this week leaving a severed head on top a fence. Thirty-eight tourists were gunned down on a Tunisian beach and they blew up Kuwaiti Mosque. Abdu Mohammed al-Adnani had called for Ramadan to be a month of "calamity for the infidels."

ISIS is recruiting a steady stream of follower from all over the world. They identify themselves as Muslims not as residents of the country they came from. The power of the religious right to murder is beyond imagination. The religious right has sent missionaries all over the world to try and spread their version of the kingdom of God. Other religions and religious artifacts have been blatantly destroyed so the religious right could propagate their version of religion.

The globalization of religion is redrawing ancient battle lines and the art of war is changing faster than we can imagine. There will be no such thing as a civilian in WWIII everyone in every corner of the world will be considered a fair target.

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Reply Mon 29 Jun, 2015 10:05 am

One lone terrorist in Tunisia killed 39 people and injured 37. How could one man possibly kill so many? Simple the terrorist had a weapon of mass destruction. The NRA has been making sure America is absolutely full of these weapons of mass destruction. The lone terrorist in Tunisia was like Ron Lafferty, he was on a mission from God. In third world war assault rifles will be the primary weapon of mass destruction. The terrorist father says he can't imagine who influenced his son to do such a thing. You can bet the father was very religious and taught his son to believe in a God that enjoyed killing people. (If God didn't enjoy killing people he would not do so much of it.) You can bet the terrorist's father is responsible for opening the door to the occult, a door to a higher power. "When do I obey God, father?" When he speaks to you, you must obey." God spoke and as is often the case his orders were to kill.

The third World War will change the American way of life people will shun large crowds as the attacks become more common. America, thanks to the NRA, America has enough weapons to kill every living American ten times. The NRA would gladly sell its soul for a few dollars more. All the easily available weapons of mass destruction that are already on the streets in America will make the terrorist's job easy. In the Third World War there will be no uniforms and the order will be given by God. Of course in this war anyone is free to imagine any God they please. God is on the internet and he will recruit his followers there. They will be fierce warriors because they know they can't die as long as they believe in God they have eternal life.

How long before an ISIS inspired gunman kills 50 people on an American beach or a shopping mall near you? In the third world war there will be no invading armies the army is already here and it is well armed because no country in the world has so many weapons of mass destruction on the streets. Go into any pawn shop in America and ask them which gun would be best if you wanted to kill a hundred people and they will fix you up with the gun and a few hundred round clips.

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Reply Tue 30 Jun, 2015 10:08 am

Was Jesus Christ a God that became a man or was he man that became a God? There is no doubt in my mind as to which came first. Like a role in a play there was a vacuum and somebody was bound to step into that vacuum. During the time of Jesus Christ the world was literally crawling with Gods. Today there are thousands who will tell you they are the second coming of Jesus Christ, thank heavens most of them are locked safely away. Contrary to the movies the Jesus cult had only a 100 followers at the time of his death about the same numbers of followers as the Charles Manson cult.

The question is why did this one insignificant religious cult gain traction while others didn't? Jesus' death made him a legend and tall tales get taller with every telling.
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Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2015 09:07 am

The term is "existential security" if you have it you are less likely to be religious but if you don't have it you are far more likely to be religious. Per capita income is a predictor as well as the rate of HIV/AIDS, the number of doctors per hundred thousand, and access to clean drinking water. Religion in third world countries tends to have absolute and rigid rules while in more affluent societies can and do tolerate more religious ambiguity and there is less of a need for ridgid religious rules.

Religion is effort to gain control over a world where random events can changes one's life in an instant, to make order out chaos. Those who most need to gain control over life are those whose life has the most chaos. The more rigid the religious rules the better, remember the object is to achieve order. Religious ritual is the very example of order. Religious rituals are repeated millions of times the same way at the same time. Catholics made the sign of the cross much the same way Nazis saluted Hitler. The Catholic Church at one time demanded that the faithful eat no meat on Fridays. They finally abandoned the no meat on Friday ritual. More advanced societies are moving away from the more rigid and ritualistic rules of religion but the third world societies are looking to religion for their salvation. But their salvation as always is up to the interpretation of man. The salvation that the religious seek is always the salvation of armageddon where they will be whisked away to Heaven or comet like Heaven Gate Cult.

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Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 09:00 am

Civilized societies have been moving away from belief in God for more than three hundred years. In England recent surveys show that more people believe in ghosts than in God. In Britain a survey of adults showed that 55% believed in ghosts, 51% believed in Aliens but only 25% believed in God. In fact more people believed in angels (27%) than God. Religion may not be the mark of the beast but it is becoming the mark of the ignorant and those who refuse to use the reasoning part of their brain and continue to rely on the on their emotional mind. A poll of Anglican clergy showed that one in fifty believe that God is a man made construct. Sixteen percent of the Anglican say they are unclear as to what to think about God.

Mathematic clearly demonstrates that children raised with existential security are far less likely to be taken in by the God illusion. God is the Savior so it seems that those who need saving the most would be more likely to be attracted to God illusion. Much like Superman or Batman God will be there to save those who are most vulnerable to nature's pitfalls so they are the most vulnerable to the Illusion of God. The very idea that someone or something's purpose in life is to save you from the pitfalls of life is like the Siren's song and will lure mankind to crash upon the rocks of ignorance.
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Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2015 09:15 am

Pattern repeat in nature, one only has to look at the biggest objects in the universe as the planets orbit the sun or the smallest atoms as the electrons orbit its the nucleus. The pattern of a nuclear family also shows up in religion where God is considered the father figure. Which came first? No doubt the nuclear family came first and that pattern was later projected onto God after man created him. The father figure as an archetype is the protector and the provider exactly the same qualities attributed to God the Father. God was suppose to protect his children from the dangers of nature but he doesn't. We can look all around us and see those that die in natural disasters but we console ourselves that it is a just world and the reason we are safe is that we are special in God's eyes deserving his grace.

Evil has always been a problem for the religious philosopher. If God is the father and the protector how could he let a drug addicted father shake his baby to death? Surely God has shirked his responsibility as the protector in not stopping the father from killing the child. In just world the baby's death must be rationalized as the child having committed some act that it deserves to die but even people who believe in a just world have a problem swallowing that, an older child might be capable of causing the anger of a parent. Now how can the religious justify what is not justifiable? Simple God has decided to call the baby home to his side in heaven or the child's life was sacrificed to teach the drug addicted father and mother a lesson. In this version the child is not a real player in this drama he is only a pawn.

If God is the father and the protector and provider he has a responsibility but yet 10,000 of thousands of his children starve to death in a world of plenty. If a father let his children starve to death while he had plenty to eat we would try him for murder. Yet we can look into the faces of the world starving multitudes and tell them God is their father and he will provide if only they believe. Are the people in million dollar mansions in America any better people than those that are starving to death in Africa? No in fact those in the million dollar mansions are no doubt far worse they use their political power to augment their vast fortunes. God is not a just God in fact the world looks exactly like what it would look like if no God existed at all.

Religion is used to make an irrational world seem to be rational. Man's rational mind can never rationalize a world where the difference between life and death is a second at an intersection but the emotional mind will believe in anything from God's to ghosts and it can rationalize even the most absurd happenings. The current model neurologists accept is that people have three brains, a reptilian brain, that controls automatic body functions like digestion and body temperature. An emotional mind that controls the fight or flight response along with the emotions and last to develop was the rational brain. The rational brain provides your higher brain functions and problem solving abilities but because you have a rational mind does not mean that you are required to use it.
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Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2015 10:09 am

In the late 1800s Nietzsche declared that God was dead and that man had killed but he was wrong for God had to be alive in the first place and God was never more than a construct of man without life there can be no death. Tens of thousands of Gods were constructed by man. Over time God was constructed and reconstructed thousands of times. In order for God to stay relevant to each new generation he needs to be reinvented or reinterpreted. The face of God is ever changing. God is an ever changing illusion and as long as man has an imagination Gods will dwell there.

Religious philosopher have always been perplexed by the problem of evil in the world. Religion needs evil to exist in the world just as Batman needs the Riddler, to be a hero you need a villain. If you are going to save someone you must have something to save them from. The devil was invented as God's arch enemy and Satan preys on those who stray from God's flock. With the advent of the devil God had someone to save his faith followers from.

But the problem of evil is small compared to the problem of random bad events, our world is never as ordered as we would like it to be. If the world was run by a compassionate, all seeing, all knowing God there would be no random bad events. A world run by super intelligent being would run like a well oiled machine and random bad events would simply never happen. This is a far bigger problem for religious philosophers than the problem of evil. A tidal wave or earthquake kills thousands if God is running the world he is responsible. If God is not running the world they are simply random events that happen.

What religious philosophers are left in the unenviable position of trying to justify a random world and rationalizations are the paint brushes that they use to block out reality. It is easy to say that your neighbor that was killed by lightning must have been molesting his daughter or something equally as bad but it is far harder to get people to believe that the 2,000 people killed in a tidal wave were molesting their daughters. A tornado wipes out a town destroying certain houses and leaving others unharmed was this God picking and choosing or was the pattern random? If you are religious you see the hand of God at work if you are not it is simply a random event like a lightning strike.
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Reply Sun 5 Jul, 2015 08:13 pm

A thousand years from now sociologists will label the time period we live in as being at the end of the "Age of Make Believe." Religion will never vanish completely there will always be believers but we are fast approaching the tipping point. Once the tipping point is reached there will be a big decline in the number of people who believe in God. In Britain a recent poll showed that only 25% of population believes in God but 55% believe in ghosts. Britain is already well into the tipping point. Can America e far behind? Regular church attendance in America is down to 17%.

All one needs to do is look at world full of random events. A woman is passenger in car driven by her husband as they drive along on a city street a limb falls out of tree and goes through the car's windshield and impales her. This event actually happened a few years ago. Now we have a random event that might as easily happened to the car in front of her or the car behind her. Why her? The rationalization start she must have been a bad person? If her picture was shown to a class and the story of her death told to class the class would rate her as a bad person because it is obvious she was punished by God. If her picture was shown to a class and they were told she won $20 million in the lottery she would be rated as a very good person because God rewarded with vast riches. This process is so ingrained in our personality we don't even notice it. We expect the world to be "Just."

If the world was like the religious would have you believe, it would be like one of B F Skinner experiments we would peck in a certain place and be rewarded if we pecked in the wrong place we would receive an electric shock. If God was running the world there would be no random events life would be like a controlled experiment. If we behaved as God wanted we would be rewarded if we did not we would be punished. But that is not what happens in the real world. How do you rationalize the family in New England where the girls were murdered raped and set on fire? Some preacher will tell you that it is God's will, after all if religion was true it would have to be God's will would it not?

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Reply Mon 6 Jul, 2015 05:25 am

Sigmund Freud provided one of the best explanations for the existence of religion. The fact that human children have such a long period of helplessness in childhood makes them dependent on the family for their existence. Once the child has reached adulthood and has left the family he looks to a larger family model for protection from a random world. He was protected as a child why should he not be protected as an adult? Is psychology protection better than no protection? Retreat into make believe is not a solution it is only a form of refuge.
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