The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 07:14 am
The real threat we face in America is not from the extreme religious cults in other countries but those in America who identify with those extreme religious cults abroad. There always have been and always will be those who have been disenfranchised by society, those who never quite fit in. They lack the social intelligence to fit in this is especially true of recent emigrants from foreign countries who see themselves as outsiders and still identify with the culture and countries they came from. These people are attracted to the fringe elements and extremes of religion. The religious cults become a substitute family something that they must protect or avenge. It is surprising to me how easily religion can overcome man’s inborn moral code against killing his fellow men. If man had not had an inborn moral code against killing other men mankind would have never survived but by being motivated by a so-called higher power men have killed other men for imagined gods from the beginning of time and it looks as it will continue until there are no men left on earth.

Religion is not a moral force it is often an anti-moral force in society. Americans are more at pearl from extreme religious cults today than any point since the early Christian witch burnings in America. To link the killing to just one extreme religious cult underestimates the power of religion.
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Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 08:38 am
Many people would have a hard time understanding why the three girls from London would leave a comfortable life in England to go to a war zone in Syria where life at best is tenuous but it is a story as old as time. Those girls are going to serve their concept of god, a higher calling they call it but it isn’t it is a lower calling a calling of the primitive part of their mind their emotional mind. Religious cults build in groups they bind people together for good or bad. At one point in a primitive world binding of groups of people together over religion may have helped that group survive roaming bands of predators that as individuals they could not survive. Those who defended the group and knew they would more than likely die defending the group were told that they had eternal life and though they might be killed they would survive in some version of an afterlife. This gave them courage they might not otherwise possess. If they knew it all ended on the battlefield they would be far more likely to flee than fight as their fight or flight system kicked in.

In other words religious cults at one time had at least a limited survival value in a primitive world but as civilization progressed from roving groups or tribes to form countries military conquest which had always been about land and treasure began to be about spreading religion. War as often as not began to be about religion. There is nothing like the threat of death to make someone a believer. Religious recruits are coming from all around the world to join ISIS and fight for their concept of god. Religious conversions at one time were far more likely to be at the point of a sword that a religious revelation. Many today do indeed as Obama said “cling to their religion.”

We now stand on threshold of World War III a war that will be fought over the concept of what God is and what he wants done in the world. In the end the Christian concept of a God who destroys everything in his path and after all resistance has been overcome then murders the women and children and this is in fact God’s recounting of his actions in the bible is exactly the game plan that ISIS is following today. In fact the second of Muslim religion is the bible and it is very evident what god wanted done it was kill, kill and kill some more. God’s lust for blood was unsurpassed by any serial killer in history.

The religious cults pick a few passages from a book of hundreds of pages and base their worship on them while ignoring the vast majority of the biblical content, which is about killing and warring tribes. Why not pick as ISIS has the passages of killing every man woman and child. The bibles justify killing for even minor offences. Say your church goes to a neighboring town that deny you passage through their town according to God then it is your right to disembark from your church busses with your AK-47s and kill every man women and child, after all that is exactly what Mosses did. You can’t separate the documented killing and slaughter from the rest.

The path of God is the path of destruction that will destroy all life on earth. The third world war will be fought over imagination land and after he bombs stop falling and the killing stops there will be no victor only losers. All religions want to bring on Armageddon it is how it all ends.
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Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 06:24 am
If one is engaged in war it is imperative that we realize what is caused the war. A Catholic Cardinal in New York looked on as the twin towers fell and said, “That he recognized an old friend, religion. It was quite clear this war had everything to do with religion and nothing to do with anything else. The Middle East watched as westerners stationed in the Middle East either to extract oil or wage war in Iraq were changing their culture. The Internet also helped spread western culture and religion. 9/11 was the push back the defense of their particular form of ignorance. Religious cults always need to kill to stay in control.

The reaction in America was more extreme religion in America. Fighting fire with fire may work but fighting ignorance with more ignorance doesn’t work. We must realize this war is all about ignorance and ignorance can only be fought knowledge as much as many in this country want to cling to fairy tales it is time we public acknowledge what belongs in imagination land an what constitutes reality. If religion was wiped from the face of the earth, men would have one less reason to kill each other. Is the comfort drawn from a fairy tale worth the price we pay?
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Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 06:27 am
In 1993 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that animal sacrifice in a religious service was protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. If animal sacrifice is a protected by the US Constitution then human sacrifice must also be protected. Of course there are laws against murder but there are also laws against killing animals. Religious ignorance is protected by law in America. According to the US Constitution no law shall be made respecting the establishment of religion or impeding the free exercise of religion.

The US Supreme ruled in the case of Santeria (a form of Voodoo):
“Although the practice of animal sacrifice may seem abhorrent to some, religious beliefs need not be acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others to merit First Amendment protection.”

Santeria was portrayed in the movie “Angel Heart.” Lisa Bonet played a Santeria Priestess cutting the chicken head off and scattering the blood over the crowd. Mickey Rourke character has sex with her at the end of the film and kills her. Bonet character was his daughter in the film. In Florida to this day beheaded chickens are frequently found in secluded parks.

If ISIS came to America they could establish a religious cult under the full protection of the US Constitution. It doesn’t have to logical and we sure would not want any religion to be logical. ISIS’ religion might be abhorrent to some but that in itself is not enough to keep it from the full protection of the US Constitution. Preaching death to America is a protected exercise of religion.
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Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 06:28 am
“Religious beliefs need not be acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others to merit the protection of the First Amendment.”

Supreme Court 1993
That is probably the best definition of religion to date: it is not acceptable, logical, consistent or comprehensible to others” Do we really want to license any form of group insanity that anyone can imagine? Because that is exactly what the Supreme Court did. All religions are product of the imagination of one man or group of men. There is a church that regularly holds sex orgies because they believe that the only true path to god is through repeated cycles of sin and redemption. I don’t know but I’ll bet the sin part is a lot more fun than the redemption part. I will also bet this church needs many cycles of sin. If this catches on I would like to see the faces of the people who attend the local church when the preacher tells them to take their close off we are going to do something different this morning and have a sex orgy the new theory is that only through repeated cycles of sin and redemption can we truly be saved.

There is simply no idea too far out to base a religion on. Snake handling was once practiced as mainstream religious practice. After a number people were killed including one toddler who was submitted to snakebite by his dad the practice receded into more back woods settings religion need not be acceptable or logical. The founder of snake was a bootlegger who. The dad was nearly lynched but was never prosecuted because was trying to reform his buddies thought that he would rat them out and delivered the snakes to the church he was attending. Once the snakes were turned lose in church he caught them and a religion was born.
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Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2015 06:19 am
The church of the holy orgy may not be as extreme as it might seem after all aren’t these people just doing God’s will? The 9/11 terrorists killed 3,000 people because it was god’s will. So having sex because it is god’s will would be a definite improvement. If a consensus of preacher decides that god wants his parishioners to hold orgies in church the idea might catch on. I could se this being a good recruiting tool some that didn’t attend church regularly might reconsider their position. Of course some of the more extreme religious cults already accepted sex orgies as part of their religious practices. Sex has been used as a recruiting tool even for prospective college athletes.

How can any of us say that sex orgies are not god’s will? After all we accept the fact that suicide bombers are doing god’s will. God’s will is simply the imagination of the one who imagines it. I for one would prefer those who believe sex orgies are the true path to salvation to those who believe in killing anyone who does not believe as they do.

Religious cults tend to legitimize the beliefs of other religious cults. When I ran across a church that believed in orgies in church in the book “God’s Lunatics” I thought it might have been unique but a Google search for “orgies in church” produced many results. We may have reached a turning point. Sex and religion might prove to be an unstoppable combination.
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Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2015 06:26 am
The road to hell may have been paved with good intentions but for those seeking salvation there are literally thousands of choices the multiple orgy path is just one. The are you saved question may take on a whole new meaning. With thousands of choices how would one go about finding the one true path to salvation? Certainly the odds are against finding the one true path. But what if there is no true path? What if you are seeking a destination that exists only in the imagination of men? Those who write good science fiction realize that in order for their readers to enjoy their book that they need to make it easier for their readers to suspend disbelief by creating a location that not only does not exist but one that reader has no image of in reality. The vast majority of Star Trek episodes took place in space or on distant planets. Not only did they use fictitious places but it was based hundreds of years in the future.

There are a lot of people big on heaven but the exact location is of course somewhat vague. Not only is the location somewhat vague but the description of the place is in dispute. Fiction writers have produced many different vision of heaven in the movies but there is no consensus. When and where heaven was invented, and it was invented, may be lost in time but certainly the fiction writer that conceived heaven was certainly as good as those who later wrote Star Trek and employed many of the same techniques. The location of heaven is so obscure that no one has put together expedition to find it even though we are now capable of exploring the sky in detail, heavens supposed location.

We will never mount an expedition to locate Star Trek home base because we know it is fiction and by the same token we will never mount an expedition to locate heaven because in our hearts no matter how bad we want to believe it is true we know that heaven is as fictitious as Star Trek. Even though millions will never admit to it down deep they know the truth of the matter but the killings over belief system still plague the earth.

At one time mankind had a reptilian brain and emotional mind but the advent of our rational mind should have heralded the age of reason but it also heralded the advent of the super ego that could not only invent fiction but believe it to be true.

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Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2015 07:15 am
Religion offers an escape into madness an escape from a rational world into a fantasy world where all the laws of the known universe are suspended or superseded. We know that people as well as animals need to sleep and when they sleep they dream and dreams don’t recognize laws of the universe anything is possible in dreams and religion. Sleep lets us rest and removes stress. In an episode of the original Star Trek the population of a planet seemed peaceful, pleasant but almost zombie like but at night they went wild partying, drinking and fighting. The next morning they returned to their old mild selves. The violent cycles helped remove stress of reality. Religion indeed may serve the same purpose letting people escape into the madness of a world that is irrational. From sex orgies to torture and murder the religious look for that one true path that will take them to paradise.

Religion serves the same purpose in our society as fiction it allows us to escape a world bounded by reason. Many want to believe that boundary of reason is like any other boundary something must exist on the other side of that boundary. If no one has been beyond the boundary of death and returned to report what is there than it is open to speculation and that is what religions do best is speculate. Does the exercise of religion serve the same purpose as dreams play in sleep, removing stress? We don’t wake up from sleep and decide our dreams represent reality but many go to church and believe it is a real but separate reality. If I kill an enemy in a dream I don’t wake up and go kill him in reality but people do not awake from religious stupor when the preacher advocates killing their enemies as likely as not they will go kill them whether they are homosexuals or infidels.

Though fiction is not an accurate representation of reality but there are often parallels and our world seems to be reaching the after sundown point on the strange Star Trek world descending into madness.
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Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 08:13 am
God’s Lunatics continue to assert their control over government. The Supreme Court settled the abortion debate over a half century ago by legalizing abortion. Political debates are ended by the Supreme Court that is the way our system was designed. The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal. But when the question was settled God’ Lunatics began a campaign of terror much like their counter parts in the Middle East bombing and killing any doctor who preformed abortions. That is the way religious cults do it in the Middle East they use terrorism to enforce their particular brand of make believe. It’s the way the Christians did it just burn anybody at the stake who imagines a different god or none at all. Religious cults have a long and bloody history.

To his credit the governor of West Virginia vetoed the bill but a republican dominated Senate overrode the veto 27 to 5. These self-serving bigots were the same ones who voted to cut off welfare to any family that had a parent that tested positive for drugs. It seems God’s Lunatics want to make sure children are born so they can later starve them to death. Baby’s are cute they are like puppies but older children are not so cute let them starve to death, when there is no money for food in the house “let them eat cake.”

It is evident t the abortion debate is not about children it is about using the law to enforce religious cults current values just as burning people at the stake was once used to enforce their values. The new West Virginia Law has no exceptions for rape or incest and we should always force rape and incest victims to carry the baby to full term. Religion may be against termination of pregnancy but its prime directive is all about termination, it is about the termination of freedom of ones own body, freedom of thought and freedom of action.

In future historians will look back for cause of the fall of the American Empire an as its root cause they will see the victory of God’s Lunatics in the abortion debate as the initial triumph where darkness prevailed over reason. For over 200 years for the most part reason prevailed over darkness of ignorance at least in the halls of government. The founding fathers took us kicking and screaming away from those who burned witches at the stake but God’s Lunatics have now breached the walls of government and made ignorance the law of the land.
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Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2015 05:27 am
Just when I didn’t think anything could possibly top the church of the holy orgies along comes the religious sect that practices celibacy the hard way by removing the offending organs. In 1771 a Russian peasant, Kondratii Seliivanov castrated himself and talked thirteen other men into doing the same. He was convicted of persuading the other men into castrating themselves and sent to Siberia. When he returned he declared himself god of gods and king of kings and as always there were ten of thousands of followers who could not wait to follow this new god. It was known as the Skoptsy Sect. Kondratii was eventually locked up in an insane asylum but his cult prospered into the twenty century when the communists eliminated the religious nonsense.
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Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2015 05:26 am
The word Skoptsy in Russian is translated to “castrated one.” There were both greater and lesser Skoptics a lesser Skoptic had only his testicles removed while a greater Skoptic had both his penis and testicles removed. Women Skoptics had both breasts removed along with labia and clitoris. Imagine tens of thousands of people doing this. Why? Jesus said in the book of Mathew, “Eunuchs… have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The ones of you who can accept this should accept it.” Thus thousands of castration cults were launched with the same old message sex is bad god is good. Men had their penis removed in an elaborate religious ceremony where they wore an outfit that exposed their penis.

The Skoptic sect was at first made up of peasants but soon royalty and other prominent citizen joined. Eventually there were over 100,000 members of the Skoptic sect in Russia and Romania and this took place after the founder of the movement was locked up in insane asylum. The path to salvation may not be an easy one but the path to insanity surely is. Religion and insanity are closely related and sometimes they are indistinguishable. When will the madness end? Man’s emotional mind is in a never-ending battle with death and if death is inevitable it will manufacture a place to escape to. The fight or flight response requires a place to escape to and that place is the insanity of religion.
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Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2015 05:30 am
Imagine if Sunday you walk into your mega-church and the preachers tells the congregation that he has been rereading the bible and found this passage in Mathew that says god wants you to be eunuch because they have renounced marriage for the kingdom of heaven. Now would all you please demonstrate how much each of you loves god by stepping forward and having your penis and testicles removed? Ladies we will get to removing your breasts, labia and clitorises next week. Who knew it was this simple to please God and get into heaven. How many takers would step forward? All these Christian right groups believe in the literal interpretation of the bible. This is an offer they just cannot refuse. While most would not step forward to be mutilated over 100,000 did in Russia in the recent past. Religion is poison tree and any fruit of religion is the fruit of a poison tree.
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Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2015 05:27 am
Roberts was a respected preacher of national fame at the time of this outrageous claim. While Roberts saw the 900-foot Jesus no one else saw him. Since Jesus was as big as ninety story building you would have thought that somebody else might have noticed him, maybe even got a picture but alas cameras are never around when the UFO lands. Oral Roberts used the 900-foot Jesus incident to raise money for a faith healing hospital. Roberts established the City of Faith Medical and Research in Tulsa Oklahoma in 1977 with the millions raised from people who tuned to hear Roberts tale of his personal visit from the gargantuan Jesus. We all know that scientific studies of faith healing show that in fact the people get worse so 8 years later the faith healing fiasco closed it doors with many waiting for a miracle that never came. As for the 900-foot Jesus he has never been sighted by anyone else. The one thing that can be said about the ministry is that it provides gainful employment for the mentally ill.

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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 05:28 am
Even though Oral Roberts claim of a visit from the 900-foot Jesus was extremely profitable he never publicly claimed to have a second visit from the 900-foot Jesus but in 1983 Roberts disclosed to his television audience that God had told him that he needed to find a cure for cancer. This again was an extremely profitable enterprise as mountains of cash were sent to Roberts to find a cure for cancer. It might have been better if Roberts had asked his television audience to send their money to the American Cancer Society. It seems Roberts cure for cancer was as real as his 900-foot Jesus. Of course Roberts was not through in 1987 he told his television audience that Jesus was coming to take him away if he did not raise $8 million in the next few month. His television audience of shut-ins and invalids sent in $9 million. If I was Oral Roberts and actual believed in a 900-ft Jesus I would not have been worried about him coming to take me home but I would have been watching for a 900-foot Satan.
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Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 06:15 am
Most conmen can be prosecuted for defrauding the public but there is one exception the exception is of course conmen who camouflage their con in religion. When it comes to religion you can claim to see a 900-ft Jesus or a visit from the arc-Angel Michael. I am really surprised that most conmen don’t realize that any type of con no matter how outrageous receives government protection. I have put conmen in jail for obvious cons but I have never encountered one who was able to steal millions by claiming to have seen a 900-ft Jesus. The government was well aware that Oral Roberts was defrauding his audience out of millions but because of the separation of church and state. In the United States a conman can base a religion on a 900-ft Jesus or little green men from Mars They can have a cult that worships the sun, the moon, or the stars. In fact with religion the only limit of what to worship is the imagination.

Most conmen set out to defraud their victims and realize that they are breaking the law and subjecting themselves to jail time. Why take the risk? When you could just claim to have seen a 900-ft Jesus and tell your television audience to send you money. The government has to stand by silently as the conman rakes in millions.

Joel Osteen is the pastor of the biggest Protestant church with revenues of $75 million he has no formal theological training. So far he has not claimed to have seen a 900-ft Jesus. He has seven million weekly viewers and twenty million people in a 100 different countries around the world view his sermons monthly. The Osteen cult qualifies as a major religion on his own.
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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 08:11 am
The government knows that when it comes to religion it is impossible to draw a hard and fast line between what is fact and what is fiction. What is fact to one religion is ludicrous to another. The fact of the matter is all religion is fiction and the government because of the protection offered religion under Constitution cannot discriminate between the corner church and more obvious televangelist who ripping off millions weekly.
The mega preachers of prosperity churches live like rock stars on the money of the elderly who tremble at the prospect of their death that drawing ever closer.

What televangelists discovered was far more valuable than a goldmine, goldmines eventually are mined out but televangelist’s audience are constantly renewed as some die and other elderly discover their true path to salvation is to send their money to god (at the televangelist’s address.) It is a perfect storm for a conman victims that are hell bent to believe every word and his every con.

Most neurologists no longer adhere to the model that the human brain more like solo voice they now acknowledge that there are in fact three distinct and separate brains. The most primitive part is the reptilian brain that controls automatic functions like digestion, blood, pressure and body temperature. Next to evolve was the limbic or emotional mind that controls the fight or flight response and our emotions. The emotional mind is responsible for keeping us alive in the face of danger. It tells not us not to get to close to the edge of a cliff and run away from gunfire. The last part of our brain to evolve was the rational mind and our ego tells us that is who we are and we can ignore the other more primitive divisions of our brain but we are not capable of that.

Religion is not a product of the rational mind, it is born and bathed in the fear of the emotional mind. We spend all the days of our lives avoiding death in ways as simple as not crossing the street in front of traffic. The emotional mind wants to defeat death, literally its mortal enemy, in every encounter but the rational mind knows that in the end in the final conflict death will win. Most of us will not be killed by savage beasts or armed enemies but a single mutant cell may multiply and kill us. The emotional mind spends a lifetime planning how to win the final conflict and that is religion. Religion teaches us just at the point death when death wins the final conflict we will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and escape one final time into another dimension. Religion teaches us we in essence cheat death a message we would all like to believe and nothing makes a believer like the will to believe. Religion preserves the ego of the emotional mind from its ultimate failure and we all know our ego is important.

The government knows that when it comes to religion it is impossible to draw a hard and fast line between what is fact and what is fiction. What is fact to one religion is ludicrous to another. The fact of the matter is all religion is fiction and the government because of the protection offered religion under Constitution cannot discriminate between the corner church and more obvious televangelist who ripping off millions weekly.
The mega preachers of prosperity churches live like rock stars on the money of the elderly who tremble at the prospect of their death that drawing ever closer.

What televangelists discovered was far more valuable than a goldmine, goldmines eventually are mined out but televangelist’s audience are constantly renewed as some die and other elderly discover their true path to salvation is to send their money to god (at the televangelist’s address.) It is a perfect storm for a conman victims that are hell bent to believe every word and his every con.

Most neurologists no longer adhere to the model that the human brain more like solo voice they now acknowledge that there are in fact three distinct and separate brains. The most primitive part is the reptilian brain that controls automatic functions like digestion, blood, pressure and body temperature. Next to evolve was the limbic or emotional mind that controls the fight or flight response and our emotions. The emotional mind is responsible for keeping us alive in the face of danger. It tells not us not to get to close to the edge of a cliff and run away from gunfire. The last part of our brain to evolve was the rational mind and our ego tells us that is who we are and we can ignore the other more primitive divisions of our brain but we are not capable of that.

Religion is not a product of the rational mind, it is born and bathed in the fear of the emotional mind. We spend all the days of our lives avoiding death in ways as simple as not crossing the street in front of traffic. The emotional mind wants to defeat death, literally its mortal enemy, in every encounter but the rational mind knows that in the end in the final conflict death will win. Most of us will not be killed by savage beasts or armed enemies but a single mutant cell may multiply and kill us. The emotional mind spends a lifetime planning how to win the final conflict and that is religion. Religion teaches us just at the point death when death wins the final conflict we will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and escape one final time into another dimension. Religion teaches us we in essence cheat death a message we would all like to believe and nothing makes a believer like the will to believe. Religion preserves the ego of the emotional mind from its ultimate failure and we all know our ego is important.
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Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 05:25 am
Philosophy is what we believe to be true about life, some branches of philosophy can be demonstrated to be factual while other branches of philosophy are fictional. Religious philosophy is fictional but as long as we act as if it is true it is just as effective. Xenophanes, was a Greek philosopher born more than 500 years before Christ. He was responsible for literally billions of deaths in the years since his philosophy. Xenophanes is given credit for philosophy of monotheism up until his philosophy changed the world polytheism was the accepted philosophy. Along with monotheism was born religious intolerance and killing to prove their god was the one true god.
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Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2015 05:24 am
Philosophy covers wide range of subjects and religious philosophy is a small subset of the overall field philosophy but religious philosophy is the only philosophy that mankind forms armies and kills millions over. All religious philosophies claim to be about peace and tranquility but always in murder and mayhem instead. The people who believe in Aristotelian philosophy simply don’t go to war over the difference with the people who believe in Nietzchean philosophy. Why does the killing always go hand with religion? In the end it is just philosophy, a belief about life. Xenophanes, a Greek philosopher born in the fifth century BC postulated a supreme god that always was and always will be. The very existence of another god is intolerable to a supreme god. With this one concept Xenophanes cursed literally billions of future men to death. Once religious groups adopted Xenophanes’ philosophy of one supreme god the belief in another became blasphemy punishable by death. The belief in many gods died each culture realized that if they were to compete in a primitive world they no longer needed a god of war like Mars but they needed a supreme god that would grant them to victory over their heathen enemies.

One man, one thought can alter the future of mankind forever so much misery, so much death for a simple idea. You would have to recognize Xenophanes’ idea that god always was and always will be. I have encountered that idea from the Christian right thousands of time it is the corner stone, it is the true rock their religion was built on. I wonder if they know from whence it came?
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Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2015 05:26 am
Christians believe the argument that god always was and always will be is the end all to ever debate about god. There can be no question about the origin of god. He simply always was. Xenophanes is also responsible for the concept of an “all knowing god.”

Like Santa Clause Xenophanes god knows whether you have been good or bad. He not only knows every minute detail of billions of people’s lives but will punish mankind for his sins. Xenophanes was a philosopher and his god was little more than an exercise in philosophy. But Xenophanes ideas spread like viruses and soon were incorporated into the Christian religion. Xenophanes also envisioned god as a nonhuman energy, in other words supernatural.

The transition from a philosopher’s thought into an idea that people would kill for took time but Xenophanes’ god that always was and always will be haunts us today. A simple thought from an ancient philosopher was more destructive than any atomic bomb ever conceived.
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Reply Thu 19 Mar, 2015 07:38 pm
To understand to why religion is so prevalent around the world we have to look backwards down the evolutionary ladder. Deep in the DNA of even very primitive creatures is the will to survive. On the racetrack you quickly understood that it didn’t matter how fast you went if you couldn’t finish you couldn’t win. Survival was and is the prime directive of all life. Even the juvenile sea squirt has the ability to recoil from danger the survivability of the individual is important to the survivability of the species. Once the sea squirt adheres to a rock it eats its own brain.

As man evolved we developed consciousness we are not only conscious of the world around us we are conscious of our future and most of all our inevitable aging and death it surrounds us all the days of our lives. We all have relatives that are aging and dying. Of all the species of animals on earth we are unique because we know that we will age and die. We watch our pets as they are playful pups and as they age and scream in pain as they struggle just to walk but they were never saddled with the foreknowledge of their aging and death as we are. They were never conscious of the lingering black cloud of their future death. All gifts have a downside Midas’s touch and the consciousness have much in common. Carlos Casteneda’s Don Juan saw death as personified stalking him all the days of his life and like Don Juan we all see our own deaths just out of sight.

Lightening flashes and a herd of cattle stampede over a cliff killing some of the herd. The cattle are escaping from a perceived danger only to die in certain danger. People are herd animals and will lynch or kill in a herd manner. Like Don Juan and the stampeding cattle, man escapes the remote but real danger of death by stampeding into the real danger of religion. Once man gets to the cliff he willing jumps and into the danger of religion like the sea squirts man effectively eats his own brain his ability to reason is gone. Now he can only rationalize by repeating endlessly that god always was and always will be.

There is no escape from death it is a harsh reality that we don’t want to accept. Death can come quickly in a sudden heart attack or slowly by being eaten alive by cancer cells but an escape into fiction is not a solution it has in effect been the real cause of death for billions.
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