The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2015 08:58 am
Myths have no reality or life of their own they draw it from those that believe in them. The more people that believe in a myth the more likely other people are to believe in that myth. One of the best recruiting tools a religious cult can have is to be able to point to a large number of followers. The number of people who believe in a particular religious cult lend a false legitimacy to that cult. It is as if most people believed that the earth was flat that it would make it a fact. If most people believed that the earth was the center of the universe it would make it so but the fact is it isn’t and no amount of belief will make it so. But with religious cults belief is the main ingredient it is the glue that holds them together.

We know from historical example that in case after case belief was not only wrong but also the vast majority of people held those beliefs. The number of people that believe is not a reliable indication of the truth and the fact that only a tiny minority disagrees doesn’t make them wrong. When the technology existed to demonstrate to the public that the earth was not flat minds the public changed their minds. When astronomers could show that the earth was not the center of the universe public opinion followed. But ancient ideas about the supernatural that existed at the same time that men believed that the earth was flat and at the center of the universe exist today as the gospel truth. Why? Because no counter proof is possible neither is there any proof that the supernatural exists. It is easy to believe in a supernatural that does not obey any laws of the known universe because we can look at pictures of the earth from outer space and see the earth is not flat. But the faithful will never concede that space ships orbiting the earth never managed to find any trace heaven. There are no pictures of God’s kingdom in sky. In fact not even nearly as many Christians gesture upwards to heaven as did in the 1950s. The turf of the supernatural shrank when we began to explore outer space. It is easy to imagine what might be in a place you never explored but when it is explored the supernatural must retreat.

If heaven existed as it was classically envisioned for thousands of years we are fully capable of visiting it. When men ventured into space and found absolutely no evidence of heaven you would expect a huge outcry from the faithful but there was none. You might even have expected a space mission dedicated toward locating heaven but there was none. The supernatural always shirks into the darkness before the light arrives.

If heaven exists there would be real location and tangible proof of existence but if heaven existed only in the minds of men it will never be found because it doesn’t exist in reality.
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Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2015 06:26 am
Where was the outcry from the preachers as man stood ready to explore heavens? Since the beginning of the Christian religious cult they have told heaven was above hell below us. As man began to orbit the earth you would have thought that preachers would have loudly protested that mankind was invading God’s domain. The astronauts were not instructed how to greet St Peter when they arrived at heaven’s gate. When no evidence of heaven was found no preacher seemed to be disappointed business went on as usual the faith was not shaken. Heaven was still there in the minds of the faithful if not in reality.

Blind faith is impenetrable by reason.
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Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2015 06:29 am
In the middle of the twenty century as man stood poised to venture into and explore outer space you would have thought the Christian religious cults around the world would soon have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt of their religious beliefs. Two thousand years ago when the fairy tale was manufactured the sky was out of reach mankind who knew what the sky concealed. Early theologians thought that locating heaven in the sky it would be a masterstroke forever beyond the reach of mankind’s prying eyes but nearly two thousands years later mankind could explore outer space. No heaven has been located yet and not even one mission has been dedicated to finding St Peter. There is no clamor from churches to mount a mission to locate heaven. I have never heard one explanation from any preacher as to why heaven was not discovered in outer space but I am sure that it will be a supernatural explanation when tendered as heaven is invisible and it will retreat further into imagination land.

The reaction of the faithful at the time to outright invasion of heaven territory was non existent and the reaction of clergy was just as muted instead of being overjoyed that man could now go heaven and not have to die to get there. The Christian world sat silent not expecting heaven and not protesting the exploration of outer space. There was and is a duality in the Christian mind that is petitioned off on one hand they believe that heaven is above us but on the other they realize that heaven does not exist as a reality. There is an ongoing suspension of disbelief a powerful desire to believe and belong to social organization of believers but still the rational mind cries out over the petition. When the rational mind of others joins the chorus of the believer’s rational mind the believer’s doubts can only be diminished extinguished by killing those who don’t believe as ISIS is doing today. The imagination is a harsh task manager forever shifting on lose and shifting sand.
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Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2015 06:30 am
One preacher told his congregation that heaven was just beyond the North Star because there were no stars beyond the North Star. Of course better telescopes have found stars beyond the North Star so heaven will have to be moved again. As man’s reach expands the supernatural recedes. One wonders why God would have located heaven so far away. The North Star 433.8 light years from earth I’ll bet that trip to heaven is a killer and looking down on earth from that distance must be difficult when that chariot comes to get you I hope the seats are comfortable. Angels evidently travel faster than the speed of light. Doesn’t it make you wonder how those feathers hold up at the speed of light?

An Internet search for the location of heaven returned very specific location. It seems heaven is where God is. The first sentence of the article assures the reader heaven is a real place. It sounds like the author is trying to convince himself. The other Internet most popular hit was a sight that had a debate about the location of Heaven that had 13 seasons of episodes it seems the location of heaven is quite controversial even in the Christian community. If God had just located here on earth it would have been simpler.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2015 06:31 am
It is always nice to observe someone with the spirit of Christ in them. I most often encounter them after some elderly couple has been ripped off. The first thing out of their mouth is what a good Christian they are but they will take every last penny the old couple has for a good cause no doubt. But there was a time when good Christians went about doing the work of God. Take Conrad of Marburg, a German preacher whose knowledge of Christianity was unsurpassed. Pope Gregory IX appointed him chief Inquisitor. Conrad went about doing God’s work and after all isn’t God’s work what you imagine to be? Conrad had one of hell of an imagination that seemed to originate from the depth’s of Hell. It is said he never encountered an innocent man each and every man who came before his court was found guilty. Conrad employees an assistant called John the One eyed who specialized in sticking red-hot iron rods into the rectums or vaginas of anyone who disagreed with Conrad’s interpretation of the gospel. You have to love that old time religion it was good enough for our ancestors and many can’t wait to bring it back. When good old John the One Eyed was warming up he liked to break bones or use hot oils most likely just past the boiling point to encourage repentance.

Christians believed they had an absolute right to control what other’s imagined just as they do today. Yesterday a Christian coalition pushed a bill through the state legislature that would make abortion illegal in West Virginia. Christian’s today believe they should have absolute and complete control of the sex lives of others there is not one shade of gray difference between Conrad and John the One Eyed mind set. If they can imagine it than other will obey or be jailed. In America today we are inviting the Conrad’s and John the one eyed back into Statehouses all across America. They imagine they know the way and know they are superior and appointed by God himself.
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Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2015 06:28 am
Conrad and his accomplice in crime John the One Eyed would be considered sexual sadist today but in their time they were admired as religious heroes doing God’s work. Conrad was appointed by the pope himself, God’s representative on earth, the most holy of the holy. Conrad at the time of his appointment already had quite a reputation for torturing people. Conrad was known to have kept a Hungarian Princes, Elizabeth of Thuringia virtuous by the use of rods. There is no doubt hat red hot rods up the vagina would vanquish any lustful thoughts.

The common thread that runs through most major religions is that they have an absolute right to not only control the actions of others but their very thoughts. We look at the Middle East and can’t believe that their women can only be seen through tiny slit that allows them to see. But in America the Christian right wants to control the most intimate of bodily functions. America women might be better dressed like women in the Middle East if they retained the freedom of their own reproductive organs. The Christian right in America is far more oppressive than many governments in the Middle East. Why are they never satisfied with their freedom no one makes them get an abortion? The religious always want control over others.
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2015 07:16 am
One has to wonder why the Christian religious cult has not mounted a mission into outer space to locate heaven. Space travel is expensive but well within their reach. One source puts the number of Christians at 72 million but another source puts the number at 6.9 billion. The higher figure is 100 times higher than the one and from “Christianity Executive” and we all know Christians would not lie to themselves. The other figure is from Google and is not attribute to a source. Of course there might be some valid grounds for disagreement but not by a factor of 100. It would be easy to raise money from true believers for a mission to find heaven and several countries are now capable of mounting missions into outer space. But the world of Christianity remains silent and there is no current fund rasing effort for a space mission. They could visit God on his own turf and see all their deceased relatives well maybe not all of them. But no mission will ever be mounted because they know heaven is no more than a fantasy from someone’s imagination. Locating heaven and proving it exists would put an end to age-old arguments but there are no Christians interested in proof because they don’t need any.
“For those believe no proof is necessary and for those who don’t know proof is possible.”
That of course is another Christian lie proof has changed minds all throughout history but I don’t think anyone has any idea how dangerous the first part of that statement is. “For those who believe no proof is necessary” This is the engine behind every religious cult from ISIS to Heaven Gate cult. When it comes to a religious cult no proof is necessary. This is the foundation that monsters like Conrad and John the One eyed stand on as they shove hot iron rods up vaginas and rectums.

We were all given eyes, ears, and the sense of smell so that we could know the world if the Christians won’t finance space missions that let’s look for proof closer to home. One of the tenets that their believe rests on is the existence of a soul. The existence of soul is simply and old wives tale told to control others. We know where the soul is located so we should be able to prove whether it exists or doesn’t exist. We have microscopes that can make the some of the smallest particles visible but still no soul. But more telling then that is there is no major effort by the Christian community to find the soul. Religious cults always like to play on their own turf and that turf is for those who believe no proof is necessary. Religious cults are not interested in proof that is why there is no major effort to find heaven or a soul.
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Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2015 08:06 am
We in America can’t look at the Muslim world without think their religious customs are ridiculous and the fact that they are often enforced by their governments makes it worse but at the same time religious cults in America are gaining more and more political power. No viable Christian organization is pursuing any proof that there is in fact a soul you have to remember no proof is ever necessary to believe any ridiculous religious cult belief. That is the tried and true standard from the beginning of time for religious cults if somebody can imagine it and say it others believe it is the gospel truth. In America the debate about abortion rages on and it is the Christian belief that the soul enters the body at conception that is driving the Christian armies to the poling place. The soul is simply an old wives tale that can never be proven. Our government is currently making laws to force the religious beliefs of a religious cult on others. So we have absolute no reason to feel superior to the Muslim governments who enforce Sharia Law. Darkness and ignorance do not take over a country overnight it is a slow process it is like the end of day a period of twilight ensues before the darkness takes over.

If we are going to make a law that directly affects half of the country’s population shouldn’t the people who would deny the right to control one’s own body have to present hard proof? If there is a soul prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt and also prove the time that the soul takes over the embryo. The religious cult’s answer will always be there is no proof necessary. Can America as we know it long survive if the standard of proof for laws is that no proof is necessary? The American Christian Taliban is every bit as intolerant as the Taliban in Afghanistan they advocate the death penalty for heresy like John the One Eyed they would have absolutely no problems shoving hot iron rods up vaginas and rectums for penance for heresy they would even whistle while they worked because it is the sworn mission of all true believers to make others believe what they imagine to be true. To make what you imagine to be true you need others to believe what you imagine is true also. Strength may be in numbers but so is belief. One man who imagines a supernatural superhero is a nut but a group who imagine the same supernatural superhero are a religion and should be respected.

“For those who believe no proof is necessary…” That simple statement opens Pandora’s box of evil. Why is proof not necessary for believer because the religious cult leaders know there is no proof possible not now and not in the future the true believers can only find proof in an imaginary future.

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Reply Mon 16 Feb, 2015 08:30 am
America stands at a crossroads we can decide to use our rational minds to determine the future or use our irrational emotional minds with it standard of proof being “no proof is necessary.” The anti abortion movement’s damage is not confined to just the abortion question. There is no proof of their argument that the soul enters the embryo at conception in fact there is no proof whatsoever for the existence of the soul in the first place. Laws made by government bodies in America ordinarily required a standard of proof. When the bases of making laws in America becomes the imagination of a minority America is going down a dangerous path. The anti-abortion movement is being unquestionably driven by the irrational emotional mind. What is next, the death penalty for witches who are killing these people crops certainly there is more proof for this than a soul after all the crops died.

Once the standard of proof for a law in America becomes “that no proof is necessary” all that will be necessary is that some cult leader imagine a reason a law should be passed. If the Christians want a law passed against abortion let them prove beyond any shadow of a scientific doubt that a soul exists. This should be easy as according to them everyone has one there are literally billions of subjects so if they have to kill a few along the way by separating the soul from the body it will be for a good cause.

Whenever an anti abortionists prevents a drug addicted prostitute from getting an abortion they should have to take full finical responsibility for their actions. It costs $300,000 today to raise a child to adulthood the antiabortionists should immediately be assessed the $300,000. They have to understand their actions have very real consequences and it is the very same people who will gripe about the number of people on welfare. They have met the real enemy and it is them because they have added millions to the welfare rolls in America. To mandate by law that drug addicts, prostitutes and those with no possible economic means to support a child keep popping out baby after baby for a lifetime is a form of shared economic suicide. The rational mind of an antiabortionist never interferes with the mission of their irrational emotional mind.
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Reply Tue 17 Feb, 2015 06:24 am
Once someone becomes addicted to drugs they will do anything to get their drugs. They will steal from relatives and have sex with any stranger that will give them the price of a fix. I watched a segment of Discovery ID where the drug addict killed an elderly woman just to get her prescription. There is nothing a drug addict won’t do to get their drugs.

But most people don’t realize there is another addiction that is every bit as destructive and it is not an addiction to drugs but an addiction to religious cult. One has only to look at the 20 men lined up with their executioners behind them getting ready to hack their heads off. At one time the executioners might have been reasonable people but under the influence of religion they will do literally anything. ISIS has spread into yet another country, Libya. There is only one choice join their religious cult or die. Religion is monster and may lie dormant for years but it is still a monster driven by the imagination of few. Religion is a shape shifter that can quickly change.
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Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2015 06:27 am
If we use the correct model we are much more likely to be able to understand extreme religion and correct model is extreme drug addiction. Drug addiction in its milder forms is not as noticeable just as religion in a milder form is not as dangerous. In fact in our society we have long tried to replace one addiction with an addiction to religion. Alcoholics Anonymous tries to replace an addiction to alcohol with an addiction to religion. We currently have a group setting up in Huntington that is trying to get drug addicts off of drugs so that they will mainline religion instead of mainlining drugs. Teaching the alcoholics and the drug addicts that they are powerless without god is damaging. It reinforces the already existing drug addicted (alcohol is also a drug) mindset that they are powerless in the face of their addiction. Creating a fantasy superhero to ride to their rescue works much like a placebo if the addict believes it will it may help in the short term but in the long term the addiction to a religious cult may be more damaging.

ISIS is the current extreme religious model. ISIS has publicly stated that anyone who is not Muslim must convert or die. Christianity was just as extreme once there were no unjustified deaths if hundreds of thousands had to die for Christ so be it. During the Middle Ages anyone who spoke out against the Christian lies was executed for heresy. The drug addict believes there is nothing more important than his next fiat. The religious believes there is nothing more important than their imaginary god. They have no problem with killing if it makes more people pretend to worship their god. Both drugs addiction and addiction to religion are dangerous replacing one with another does not solve the problem. The problem is addiction prone personality that uses drugs or religion as a crutch to avoid standing on their own two feet.
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Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2015 06:27 am
One of the most damaging concepts of religious cults in America is the concept that people are like damsels in distress, tied to a railroad track by Snidely Whiplash waiting for the superhero to rescue them before the speeding railroad train cuts them in two. We have all these members of religious cults running around saying “I am saved.” Are you saved? This is the same concept behind the religiously inspired drug and alcohol treatment centers they are going to have God save them. How an imaginary god is going to save anyone is beyond me of course there is the placebo effect. But what this mindset does is strip the addict of any personal responsibility or power to overcome his addiction. The addiction is all-powerful the individual is powerless.

In Huntington the mayor has decided that we can no longer arrest our way out of the drug problems it is time to look toward a higher power to solve our problem. Last summer a day of prayers was held to drive the drugs out of Huntington cult members in cities across the country prayed on the appointed day but Huntington is still on the railroad tracks waiting on the train. I saw no difference in the number of drug addicts in Huntington after the pray out but this was not considered proof positive that praying doesn’t work didn’t.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2015 06:25 am
The bible thumpers have taken over the state legislature in WV and are trying to turn the 85 years. They have repealed the prevailing wage law, which will have the affect of reducing all wages in WV. West Virginia has a very small percentage of Mexican but when you go to a non-prevailing wage construction job often 90% of the workers don’t speak English. This move effectively destroys the construction industry in WV for traditional workers. The Mexican work for $3.50 an hour and avoid the minimum wage laws by kicking anything over that back to the foreman who got them the job. At one construction job the Mexicans who were doing the electric work killed and ate pigeons for dinner. The Republicans argument was that it will save money and schools can be built cheaper and they can but you need a tax base to build schools and the Mexican construction workers from Atlanta won’t pay a dies taxes in WV. Kill the golden goose and it makes no difference how cheap the school is built there is no one left to pay for it.

Now the bible thumping holier than thou antiabortionists are after those on welfare, they want to spend millions to drug test welfare recipients. If they test positive they could not get welfare for two years. Of course this would starve and minor children in the household to death. The antiabortionist debate has never ever been about the sanctity of life it is about control about who controls women’s bodies. All these antiabortionists would gladly stand by and watch these helpless children starve to death all the time thumping their bibles and telling themselves how many embryos children they saved. The bible thumpers may specialize in saving embryos but when it comes to children they have no problem voting for them to just die and go away. But as always it is about contr
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Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2015 09:59 am
Drug testing is now a multi-billion dollar industry in America not only are the people who display obvious signs of using drugs tested but in most work places everyone subjected to endless random drug tests. The drug tests are both humiliating and demeaning. I have never ever used any illegal drugs or taken the first sip of alcohol but I have been tested three months in a row in what are suppose to be random tests. Now this multi-billion dollar industry is on the threshold of getting billions more in business if laws are passed to make drug testing a prerequisite to get a welfare check. Now in WV if the governor signs the drug testing bill into law any family getting food stamps and it is families for the most part that get food stamps will lose their benefits for two years. Under the new law if a parent tests positive for drugs the children will be punished by being starved to death. This will teach those evil doing drug users a thing or two and make the drug testing companies who make large political contributions millions.

What you won’t see is hundreds of crosses on lawns of churches for those children who starve to death however what you will hear from the church pulpit is about the evil of drugs. The children will be just collateral damage on the war on drugs much as the children in Iraq were just collateral damage during Shock an Awe, a bomb does not discriminate. Should drug use be a capital crime punishable by death? The bible thumper thinks so and it should not only be punishable by the death of the parent but also the innocent children involved. You have to remember these bible thumpers think anyone that criticizes their religion should be executed for heresy. Of course many of the Christian religious cults will offer hands out to those starving to death as tool to enlist more followers for their cults.

Baby Bush called them Faith Based Initiative were religious cults compete for contracts to administer social services. The religious organizations have a cult-based agenda to push and this would allow them to use taxpayer money to achieve their religious goals. Imagine if a Muslim religious organization that won the $40 million contract to administer social services to fight poverty in Detroit the screaming from the right would be heard round the world. With the $40 million contract the number of Muslims would increase by ten fold in Detroit. But yet the same exact thing was going on with Christian religious cults and you can bet that recruiting was their goal also. Bush said, “that local religious organizations are well suited to meet the needs of local individuals.” While by any measure Christianity is declining in numbers the Muslim faith is by far the fasting growing religious cult in America. Letting religious cults administer welfare programs is huge mistake no organization handing out government money for social services should have a religious cult agenda of any kind to pursue. The Christian religious cults were all for this as it would swell their numbers and it would convince the recipients of welfare that this came from the goodness of their god not the taxpayers who paid the bill. The Christians may not realize it but the Muslim in American have far more to gain than they do with Faith Based Initiatives.

Religion in America is fast heading toward the extremes and it is threat to everyone no matter how mild the corner church seems the objective is always the same to make everyone a believer of what ever imaginary supernatural story is trending by force of death if necessary.
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Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2015 08:24 am
The Christian right believed that they had gained at least a measure of control of the United States Government when they elected Baby Bush twice. Baby Bush pretty much ignored the requests of mainstream religions but he catered to the Christian right. The Christian right believed that they had scored a major victory with Faith Based Initiatives. This would allow the Christian right millions of taxpayer dollars to spread their sickness but as always the Christian right failed to look at the other side of the coin. The Christian right is desperate they know 83% of Americans find something else better to do on Sundays than listen sermons filled with hate for gays and blacks and of those who do attend the hate fests most are older with gray hair. Even in the bible belt many local established churches have closed their doors and some with large churches have only three members left. The day of grandiose church buildings has come to an end today they meet in old cookie factories, ice-skating rinks or old movie theaters. They can see the writing on the wall the old messages of hate and division just don’t carry the same impact they once did. The law of land in America is that we cannot discriminate on bases of religion and so Faith Based Initiatives will have to be contracted out Muslim groups as well Christian groups. Many in the inner cities have been joining Muslim groups since the sixties and these inner city areas will need the most government services.

What is needed in America to make religion viable is far more extreme religion one where you can behead someone for not attending church services. The Muslim religion already has 1.25 billion followers that is twenty percent of the world’s population. The Christian still have an edge with 1.4 billion or 33% of the world’s population but the Muslim world will quickly overcome that as by 2025 they are projected to have 24% of the world’s population. The Muslim population doubled between 1989 and 1998 in Europe. In Brussels 57% of the children born were Muslim. In the United States between 1989 and 1998 the Muslim population grew by 25% but after Baby Bush’s Faith Based Initiatives and the number of Muslim refuges admitted from Iraq and Afghanistan the growth rate is likely to be far higher.

The Christian message of brotherly love has always been laced with hate for out groups. One day with the help of the Christian right the Muslim will be able to loudly proclaim that America is a Muslim nation. You may be able to fight fire with fire but you can’t fight ignorance with more ignorance.
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Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2015 06:30 am
The Christian right in America is doing their part to make America a Muslim nation as it continues to push it agenda of controlling others through an accumulation of political power it legitimizes belief in supernatural ignorance. The Muslim religion even features some of the same biblical characters. Religious cults wage a perpetual war against the light knowledge and the Christian right and the Muslims are on the same side of the war against ignorance, they are allies, competitors but allies all the same.
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Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2015 06:27 am
We can no longer afford to set back any longer and silent watch as those who claim their authority has a supernatural source gain political power here and throughout the world. When the fact that only 17% of Americans now attend church regularly is taken into account it seems that there may in fact be a huge silent majority in America who are intimidated by the religious cults in America and afraid to speak out. There are many that give lip service to belief but at the same time do not wish to become a practicing cult member. There is a tidal wave of ignorance getting ready to sweep across America. We need positive role models for the next generation who are not intimidated by ignorance. The war for minds has been waged since the beginning of time but only between religious cults for turf, reason has set on the sidelines too long.
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Reply Wed 25 Feb, 2015 06:29 am
A 2012 Gallop survey placed the number of confirmed atheists in the world at 13% the irreligious at another 10 %–20%f the two now add up to the same percentage of world population as the biggest religious cult. Reason maybe actually gaining on ignorance and overtake in the not two distant future. But it how ignorance is distributed throughout the world that is troubling the North American is one of the most ignorant areas on the face of the earth with only 5% swearing off supernatural ignorance. Conversely 76% of the irreligious and nonreligious resides in Asia and Pacific and it is this very area that is leapfrogging over the Western world, which is steeped in ignorance. Europe has a better chance of adapting to changing world, as 12.5% of the European population is irreligious or nonreligious. Ignorance will take a country back to the Dark Ages we need only look at the world created by religious ignorance in the Middle East.

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Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2015 06:28 am
America has been working its way down the world food chain for the last 35 years. The Christian right with the aid of Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority became a major factor in the election of Reagan in 1980. The Moral Majority was formed as a political organization. Falwell went against the long standing Baptist principal that there should be a separation between church and politics. Though the Moral Majority came in with Reagan and dissolved when Reagan left office but it changed forever the belief that churches should not be political organizations. Preachers at one time tried to control members of their own church but once they realized they could gain and use political power to shove their religious agenda down everyone in America throats you could no longer keep them down on the farm (or church) any longer.

Falwell dad was an agonistic and his grandfather was a staunch atheist one of the strongest determinates of a person’s political and religious views is the religion of his father one has to wonder what went wrong. Falwell was certainly exposed to reason but choose superstition. Control of others has to be an issue. Power over other is always attractive to some. Some are drawn to power like a moth to a candle and there is no power like political power to control the lives of others. This country was built on foundation that prescribed a separation of church in state. When the U S Constitution was being written preachers in America were still looking for green wood to burn witches at the stake. There was a reason the superstitious were never intended to hold political power. The contrast of reason with vast ignorance was striking in early America.
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Reply Fri 27 Feb, 2015 06:28 am
The identity of Jihadi John has been revealed he was born in Kuwait but raised in London. John is the one seen hacking the heads off of helpless prisoners in ISIS propaganda videos. John was raised in the lap of luxury in London but he also wallowed in the ignorance of religion. Raised in a modern civilized, moral society John accepted religious law as superior to secular law. Religions create the classic in groups and out groups. Once you set up an in group you can justify doing anything to the out group to further the cause of the in group. Those in the out group are no longer fully human so there is nothing wrong with slowly hacking their head off with a dull knife after all it is God’s will.

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