The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 28 Oct, 2014 05:36 am
A gun vending machine at high schools is not going to happen but the NRA manipulation of our political system has completely saturated America with guns of all types making guns every bit as available to teenagers as if they were in a vending machine. There was yet another threat of a school shooting at a local school this morning. A boy was overheard saying he was going to bring a gun to school and shoot his classmates. At one time Posttraumatic Stress Disorder was something soldiers got after being in combat but now high school students will be diagnosed with this disorder because each day they wonder which of their classmates has a gun and might kill them. The NRA wants us to live in a world where everyone has guns. Now in some small towns gun ownership is mandatory by law. The NRA wants to make sure every teenager has easy access to guns sort of like guns being in that vending machine isn’t it?

The NRA will be quick to point guns don’t kill people, people kill people, guns just make killing people easy. If the NRA could make gun ownership mandatory in America they would. Remember gun ownership is already mandatory in some small towns in America. The NRA will say what stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun. The NRA would recommend arming all the teenagers in high school so the good teenagers could shoot the depressed teenagers. The NRA believes the solution to our gun problem in America is of course more guns. It is not hard to notice the more and more gun solution results in skyrocketing profits for the NRA’s gun manufactures. The NRA is simply a mouthpiece for the gun manufactures and should have no say in our political system.
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Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 05:35 am
To many describing the NRA (National Rifle Association) as a terrorist organization might seem like a stretch but when you look at their methods of achieving more and more profits for gun manufactures you realize they are a terrorist organization. Terrorist organizations believe killing other people to achieve their goals is just. As the pile of bodies of America children continue to pile up higher because of the more and bigger profit agenda of the NRA’s gun manufactures. To achieve its goals of more profit the NRA threatens politicians with political death if they do not support the unhindered distribution of more weapons of mass destruction they face political death at the hands of the NRA.

The NRA spends tremendous amounts of money terrorizing the public and anyone who is running for political office in America. Where a political candidates might purchase a 30 second political commercial the NRA will purchase 30-minute TV infomercials and run them repeatedly before crucial elections. In the 2000 presidential election the NRA ran their infomercials repeatedly in WV. WV was a traditional democratic state with far more voters registered democrat than republican. Prior to the 2000 presidential election WV had voted 5 out of 6 times for the democratic candidate. After the NRA infomercials were run prior to the 2000 election all anyone could talk about was that the democrats were going tom take your guns away. According to the NRA America was now like pre WWII to Germany and the democrats were conspiring to take your guns away. WV has never voted for another democrat presidential candidate.

Baby Bush lied and led America into a $3 trillion dollar war with IRAQ and the gun manufacture gorged themselves on huge wartime profits. There of course was a mountain of 4,000 dead Americans but that is only collateral damage to the NRA. The gun manufactures have one reason and only one reason to exist and that is to make a bigger and bigger profit. You know what they say a about a certain hard part of a man’s antimony that it has no conscious and neither does the NRA.
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Reply Thu 30 Oct, 2014 05:38 am
The two terrorist organizations, ISIS in Iraq and the NRA in America may never join forces but the NRA Gun Manufactures stand to make huge profits as ISIS attacks in America become commonplace. The recent attacks in Canada and New York are ISIS inspired. The Internet is being used to radicalize lone wolf types and malcontents in America. A large terror attack in America requires time, many people, planning and materials and stands a good chance of being discovered before the attack. But lone wolf style attacks in Canada and England used a car to run over soldiers crossing a street. The attacker in New York used a hatchet to attack four rookie policemen. Even if the terrorists continue to use cars and hatchets the NRA profits will soar because nothing sells guns like fear. Even though you would not be able to get your gun out of your pocket before you were hit by a speeding car you didn’t see many people would still buy guns.

The Republicans called it “The Project for a New American Century” this was their plan for remaking the Middle East to invade Iraq and other Middle East countries and install governments more to the liking of conservatives. At least the Republicans had the name right it is a New American Century but not only have the Republicans destabilized the Middle East they changed life in America forever if you goggle terrorist attacks in New York you will find a long list of terrorists attacks since 9/11 many which never made the national news. After the government of Iraq was overthrown the Bush administration flew planeloads of money into Iraq to “buy” the election. Billions of American dollars in hundred-dollar bills were used in an attempt to buy the Iraqi election. There was little control over the cash and much of it was stolen by American soldiers and local that handled the money. What wasn’t stolen was handed out in bribes. Many of the soldiers were prosecuted for putting just below the $10,000 reporting limit in many banks after they returned home. Twenty billion in cash was shipped into Iraq and much of it was stolen or unaccounted for what did the Dick Cheney and the republicans learn? Nothing they would do it all over again but send $40 billion for bribes, $20 billion for "handling charges.”

The Iraqi theft is thought to be the biggest heist in history. The forces of greed and religion met on that battlefield and America lost far more than they ever realized.
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Reply Fri 31 Oct, 2014 05:32 am
Like a moth circling a candle flame mankind has circled the flame of religion. The moth is drawn to the flame by a flaw in its navigation system. The moth uses the light of the moon to navigate and the light of a candle distracts it. When I was a small child my family spent summer Friday nights at the local race tracks. The track lights were always surround by swarms of moths and other insects flying around the lights. Religion is a lot like those lights on the racetrack drawing swarms of people to orbit closely around different religions. Eventually the moth completes its death spiral into the flame and mankind may have already entered the early stages of that death spiral.

Somehow religion is a perversion of a natural survival instinct. There are many different ideas as to just which survival instinct have been perverted some believe the system that allows us to fall in love and raise children is responsible that many people literally fall in love with an idealized fantasy of a perfect man said to be a God. The same sort of brain chemistry takes place in those falling in love and in the religious. When one falls in love they fall in love with a their perfect fantasy that they have projected onto the other person when reality sets in they are often disappointed but in religion reality never sets in God can never leave the realm of fantasy.
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Reply Sat 1 Nov, 2014 06:38 am
Most people are susceptible to the falling in love mechanism. It is as inborn as our need to breath. In the animal kingdom we all have an inborn drive to survive and we will fight with the last breath to survive but we have a second stronger drive to prevent the death of for our species. Men will try to overcome their fear of death as they go off to war if they believe it serves to protect the lives of their friends and family. Those that fall in love are said to ware rose-colored glasses they cannot see their lover’s flaws no matter how obvious they are to others. Many times friends try to warn the smitten about serious character flaws of their lover but it falls on death ears. After marriage the lovers must learn to face the often all to unpleasant aspects of reality they had filtered out. But in most cases the falling in love mechanism achieved its purpose of propagating the species and many couples stay to together long enough to raise their children or go on to a second relationship and help raise their second lover children.

The explanation that religion is a simple perversion of the falling in love mechanism seems very likely. The similarities between falling in love and religion are many and obvious. Those involved in religion do indeed ware rose-colored glasses but they have no trouble seeing how absurd other competing religions are. A man carriers an image of his ideal lover that no woman he meets will ever live up to so he projects that image of an ideal lover onto the woman he falls in love with, likewise the woman does the same thing. Catholics nuns are said to have married Christ can it be clearer? Religions are homophobic at best what if you could show those bigots that for all practical purposes that they were in love with another man even if it was only a fantasy of another man. Religion carries all the markers of romantic love with the same or similar brain chemistry.

The lover’s have to ultimately face the reality that their lover is not their idealized lover but in religion the object of their loves has no flesh and blood and will forever remain the fantasy lover who answer every prayer and protects them as they walk through the valley of the shadow death. Their God will never cross the barrier between imagination and reality but he promises that they will cross the barrier between reality and imagination upon their death and in a way that is correct because they will become only a figment of someone else’s imagination. They have indeed joined God in imagination land and the faithful will imagine them there all the days of their lives.
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Reply Mon 3 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
One has to admit that there are many similarities between the structure of the family and the structure of religions. There is a reason that a priest in the Catholic Church is referred to as “Father.” In each religion the preacher is the father figure and church members are his children. Religious discussions are often prohibited at family gatherings because family members are quite often overly emotionally invested in religious philosophy. While the very same people are quite capable of holding a rational discussion of other philosophical ideas the emotional investment in religious ideas often prevents even a discussion. It is almost like family members were discussing the wife of a one of the family members, the love object. The husband would have a hard time listening to his wife being criticized by other family members even though the critics may be correct. They say love is blind and none are so blind as religious followers.

When a person’s religious views are criticized he reacts in a very similar way to his wife being criticized. His religion becomes his family and in more extreme cults members will kill at the direction of the cult leaders. We all know someone in love does not act rationally and may marry someone who is wrong for them. Religion is able to sustain this falling in love condition for a lifetime in some cases and the members will literally sacrifice their children on the alter of ignorance. Religion is a perversion of an existing survival program and like moths mankind continues to fly into the flame.
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Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 07:29 am
People have a natural tendency to divide up in groups. Where one individual might not be able to survive in a hostile environment a group of individuals such as a small tribe could survive. Those that joined groups were more likely to survive and have children that survived. Thus the tendency to join into groups was a successful survival strategy and one that was no doubt ingrained into our genetic makeup. In our modern day world countries provide the protection that primitive tribes ones provided their members. But the drive to join groups is still very much a part of our genetic makeup and like the moth we circle the candle’s flame.

The world changes far faster than our genetic make up and we struggle to survive in a world where our survival skills haven’t kept pace with the changing world. Mankind survived in tribes for 10s of thousands of years while large countries are only are relatively new in a historical context. As large countries began to take the place of thousands of different tribes something else occurred also, organized religion began to grow also. Belonging to a religious group and a local church fulfilled many of the psychological needs of belonging to a tribe. This allowed people to have an overall loyalty to a country but a more intimate connection with he local religious tribe. The development of large countries was no doubt aided if not dependent on the development of organized religion. Organized religion was able to control how the population thought about the country. After all if you could get the people to believe that a grandfatherly figure in the sky would be granting you eternal life after you died on the battlefield for king and country it would be easy to make a king popular or unpopular.

Then organized religion fragmented and when it fragmented it lost its control over government. England outlawed the Catholic Church and created the Church of England out of its assets. Martin Luther in Germany saw the corruption in the Catholic Church and set about burning other clerics. Humpty-Dumpty had fallen off the wall and all the Kings men would never be able to put him back together. The world had made another quantum leap forward but still the moths circled the flame.

Tribal organization of the Arab world has been a relatively recent reality. Tribes still hold much of the power in some Arab countries. The Muslim religion is forging tribes together to form workable countries. The religion helps create a national identity instead of tribal identities. But as we watch as the Arab World is forged in the blast furnace of ignorance and superstition we realize that no amount that will satisfy the God’s of darkness.

As a rocket soars into the sky it must jettison the first stages or it will fall to earth. Religion was just a stage that carried man skyward if we fail to jettison it we will fall to earth.

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Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 05:57 am
We know that only 17.7% of Americans attend church regularly and all time low. Between 4,000 and 7,000 churches close their doors each year. They expect 8,000 to 10,000 churches to close this year it seems bigotry just isn’t as popular as it once was. There was a time in America when you could lynch a black man on Saturday night and when his very pregnant wife protested string her up along side him, then take your knife out and rip her belly open and when her baby hit the ground crush its head under your heel. But come Sunday morning you can bet the whole lynch mob was in church after all church is for sinners isn’t. Churches members aren’t lynching many blacks anymore because the Federal Government put a stop to it. Local governments would not prosecute the pillars of community and church for the lynchings.

Once the good people of churches were prevented from lynching whoever they pleased their righteous anger was directed toward politics by Reagan who campaigned on State rights. After all if the citizens of the state decided they wanted to lynch their blacks what business was it of the Federal Government anyway? The churches were never able to stop the Federal Government from prosecuting the lynch mobs but the ungodly greedy recognized a political force that could be tamed and easily directed. Church members are confirmed followers in politics they are more valuable than gold the democrats had used federal government to finally put a stop to lynchings and make sure blacks could attend schools that were exclusively white. As soon as the ungodly greedy made the christen Church their bitch life oh how life in America changed. In 30 years after the Christian Movement became political the ungodly greedy income soared 600% and the average income went down overturning most of the gains made by the middle class in the 30 years after WWII. Welcome to the brave new world where the rich not only get richer but 6 times richer.

Many people believe that elections are won by majorities they are not they are won by minorities. Most elections are decided by only a few percentage points. If you can gain control of a minority and get them to vote as a block you can win almost any election. If the election would normally be won by a 55% to 45% majority and you controlled a 20% voting block and delivered to the losing candidate the election. It is very effective I have put together coalitions that elected 85% of the candidates we selected. Last night’s election was won by the descendants of those Saturday night lynch mobs. The ungodly greedy income only went up six times that is never enough and the first thing out of the winning republicans mouth was huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy of course there will be a few pennies for everyone else to offset the millions in cuts for the 1%. Greed and ignorance and ignorance are good bed fellows.
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Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2014 06:36 am
The Arab World was at one time the most advanced civilization on earth. They gave us many of the important mathematic concepts we use now were developed by their civilization. When our ancestors were burning books the Arabs preserved the Greek philosophers and other important books. But despite all the advances made by the Arab Civilization it became one of the most backward civilizations on earth. Why? A dark cloud of darkness and ignorance descended over the Arab World known as organized religion.

Yesterday in America the party of no was elected. The party of no social security, the Republican Party fought social security for twenty years when it was first enacted. Baby Bush famously posed beside the cabinet holding the $4 trillion dollar social trust fund and told the public that it was just paper. Of course the paper is $4 trillion in U S Treasury Bonds considered to be the widely considered the safest investment in the world. The party of no pensions, private sectors have all but been eliminated by Bush all that was necessary for billionaires to cheat their workers out of their pension was a personal decree from Bush and presto changeo your pension was gone and you now had a saving account worth less in most cases than three years of your former pension. The billionaires pocked even more billions. You need only listen Rush Slimebaugh who often repeats on his show that nobody should ever be paid a dime for not working. Rush thinks it is immoral to pay someone a pension while they are not working. Rush is the idol and the role model for many of the Republicans elected to office yesterday.

But the republicans can’t say no to everything. They say yes to bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. America is currently borrowing $1 trillion dollars a year to provide tax cuts to ungodly greedy based on the tax rate paid before Reagan took office. America could not afford the 60% tax cut Reagan gave the ungodly greedy in the 80s. To finance the huge tax cut Reagan raised social security 4 times and raised the maximum amount subject to social security and the issued U S treasury Bonds for the social security taxes paid in to the trust fund.

Why would anyone vote for anyone to eliminate their pension and social security. Welcome to the dark face of religion. A religious voter is an automaton who votes for one issue like abortion. This is how a once great civilization can be destroyed by darkness and ignorance. Yes, Virginia the minority can destroy everything you and your ancestors worked for because they cannot take away the most basic freedom of all the freedom a human being has over their own body. If you can take freedom over your own body away you can take all freedoms away. Because someone doesn’t ‘believe” you should have it.
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Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2014 05:53 am
One of people who worked the get out the vote operation in the this weeks election related that when he knocked on one union members door he was told by the woman who answered the door that she wasn’t voting for the anti-Christ. It seems the poor woman hadn’t been informed that the anti-Christ wasn’t on the ballot in this election. In all the recent presidential elections these backwoods preachers tell their congregation that whoever the democratic candidate for president is that he is the anti-Christ the sad part of it is that some of them actually believe it. If indeed Al Gore was the anti-Christ how could John Kerry be the anti-Christ? If the 2000 and 2004 democratic candidates were the anti-Christ how could Obama be the anti-Christ? Maybe the anti-Christ spirit can jump from person to person but just has a personal preference for democratic presidential candidates. It is sad to believe that anyone is so gullible.

Organized religion has been turned into a political machine that is harnessed by the ungodly greedy to destroy the middle class. The non- profit tax exemption should no longer be allowed for and church that openly becomes a political machine engage in politics. In fact no organization that engages in political activity should be allowed the non-profit tax exemption. Unions that engage in political activities are required to file taxes. However when the Koch Brothers pour billions into political organizations they are quickly designated non-profit which is a lie since studies show that every dollar spent on political contributions returns a $100 in benefits. Political contributions are in fact the most profitable enterprises in America. Can you think of any investment that returns a $100 for every dollar invested? Baby Bush idea was to pass out billions of dollars to churches and let them handle much of what is now consider welfare programs. The churches could then tie any help to families to belonging to their church. A brave new world indeed.
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Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2014 08:45 am
There can be no doubt that the United States has been in a downward spiral for the last thirty-five years. Greed and religion formed and unholy alliance that has resulted in a declining middle class standard of living. Our economy used to be supported by a large manufacturing base now we have less manufacturing than any time after the Industrial Revolution. By 2008 only 13% of our gross domestic product was in manufacturing. If other countries stopped shipping goods into the United States, our economy would collapse because we are no longer a self-sufficient. The move to ship our manufacturing overseas was driven by greed, the effort to get one dollar more. By moving our manufacturing to countries where unions are outlawed the greedy got far richer by exploiting foreign workers. This allowed them to use the extra money to corrupt our political system. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that any amount of money can be pumped into political contributions Corruptions has been become the rule not the exception. Political commercials usually started a month before the elections this year they started 6 months before the election because money was no object only available TV commercial time limited the amount of commercials. A congressional election that once took a few hundred thousand to win a few years ago now required over $8 million in political contributions with each large political contribution a politician takes on a political obligation to the donor.

When Don Blankenship of Massey Coal beginning purchasing the WV State legislature the legislatures said Blankenship would not influence them with his contributions. That is a lie one of the oldest and truest principals of human nature is that bribes of any kind do influence human behavior even small bribes of return address stickers result in much higher contributions to charities. Blankenship’s bribes worked no new mine safety regulations would be passed until after the death of 29 miners, just 30 miles from the State House. After the explosion was investigated 369 citations were issued for $10.8 million in fines. In 2011 a year after the disaster Alpha Natural Resources acquired Massey Energy and paid $209 million in criminal liabilities to the US Attorney Office. A fine of $209 million sounds like a lot money but large corporations routinely make political contributions this big and bigger in election years. Who do you think pays for all these political commercials that run non stop 24 hrs a day?

Before 1980 elections a balance of power kept massive greed in check but when the Christian right entered the political arena it tipped the balance of power toward the forces of greed. The ungodly greedy are few less, than 1% of the population but their money is liquid political power. Now after the Supreme Court rulings they are free to spend any amount of money to lie and completely distort every fact in elections.
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Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
Great civilizations are like people, they are born, grow into adults and ultimately age and decline. The aging process can’t be stopped in human beings and animals but the failure of a civilization is not a result of aging it is a result of changing values. At one time churches would have taken a stand against the ungodly greedy. “It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.” The new gospel of greed as preached in mega churches is that God wants everyone to get rich. They are called prosperity churches it seems god must have an over population problem in heaven. The question is who changed who? It seems strict Christian doctrine has now been altered to make the ungodly greedy heroes and role models. The Christian attitude in prosperity churches is who cares if you are going to heaven if you can get rich?

There really was a moral to that tale of Midas; greed ultimately corrupts everything it touches. We can stand by and watch as greed destroys America or we can do something about it. We may not be able to stop greed but we can tax it as other vices are taxed.
When the tax rate was 93% on all income over a $100,000 greed was kept in check and the middle class America expanded. America was both happier and healthier.

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Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2014 08:52 am
The gospel of greed or Prosperity Theology as it is more commonly referred to by those churches that preach it began to take hold in America in the 1980s. Televangelism bought the gospel of greed into America’s front rooms. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker not only became celebrities they got rich as they dipped their hands into the pockets of 12 million Americas. Not only did Jim and Tammy get rich they flaunted their wealth. Jim and Tammy found an elderly audience who had too much time to watch television and were contemplating death and beyond and message was clear it wasn’t too late to buy your way into heaven. Jim and Tammy were taking in $1 million dollars a week and built the third largest theme Park in the United States. They retained the initials PTL from Pat Robertson network where they got their start. PTL was often deemed short for Preachers The New Yorker said that that Jim and Tammy “epitomized the excesses of the 1980s, greed, love of glitz, and shamelessness.” But they did far more that; they became the role model for a new generation of prosperity preachers.

Before the 1980s preachers for the most part took a vow of poverty or decided live on a modest income. Those who took too much from God’s collection plate were viewed as not practicing what they preached. The obvious solution was to change what you preached. If God wanted everyone to be rich, wouldn’t he want the preacher to be rich also? Now in America you can become a fabulously wealthy preacher or a poor preacher. Fewer preachers every day are willing to take a vow of poverty. Now preaching in America is viewed like any other professions as a way to get rich. Even a preacher in a small town can make a six figures salary many times more than the average salaries of the members of the church. Under new the gospel of greed being poor or sick is viewed as a curse for not having the proper relationship with God. Atonement with God will alleviate the curse of poverty or sickness and of course liberal contributions to the church will help. How similar it is to the “Just World Concept.” If you are rich it is because you believe in God and are making large contributions to the church, if you are poor or have cancer it is because you didn’t give enough to the preacher. Those who believe in a Just World, and it influences all of us to a degree, look at the world as it is and rationalize it. If you believe in God, he is that instrument of rationalization. God allows us to look at the world as it is and rationalize every kind of injustice as God’s will.

Oral Roberts and Creflo Dollar (No one knows if he changed his last name to Dollar after he got rich) and many other prominent preachers were responsible for developing he gospel of greed. While church membership has been declining for years those reached by prosperity preachers like the Bakkers. Television and the ever-changing tenants of Christianity have allowed just one conman to reach 12 million viewers in their vulnerable years.
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Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
There was a major cultural shift in the 80s. The evil rich of 1920s suddenly became role models, which people aspired to. Becoming rich had become cool. The rich themselves were written about and admired on television as well as real life. According to the religious apologists religion is responsible for society’s values but in truth religious values are simply a reflection of society’s values. As the cultural shift began to shift toward the rich be admired role models the sermons about it “being harder for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to get through the eye of a needle.” At very least it received a new interpretation.

Jim Bakker received a $3.4 million bonus and that was when $3.4 million was real money in today’s dollars it would be $7.51 million. In our ancestor’s day a major cultural shift might not take place in their lifetime but in our lifetime mass media made cultural shifts common. The civil rights movement, the women’s right movement, the sexual revolution, the homosexual movement and the greed is good movement. The mass media was open to manipulation and cultural movements could now become self-serving. The prosperity church movement is not the church reformation it is only a reflection of what was going on in society. Organized religion is not a leader but a follower.
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Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
Car dealers sell cars, record stores sell CDs, and bookstores sell books. What do churches sell? For years if you gave your 10% before taxes you could hope to ascend into heaven but as people stopped going to church regularly the churches had a declining business model and a problem. They desperately needed something else to sell. What could they sell if people were no longer buying their promise of heaven? What would people be willing to pay for? Conmen and preachers are very close cousins and they decided if you could not sell a promise they could up the ante and sell people a promise of prosperity. If you gave to the church “God would take care of you.” The prosperity churches were born and they sold not only seats on the heaven bound express but they would also promise you that you would become rich. Most of the conmen were kicking themselves for not thinking of the idea first the other conmen were quickly becoming preachers.

Everyone wants to be rich and few had realized that it was as simple as joining a church. Usually conmen tell you they will send you the $2 million you won in Publishers Clearing House contest if you send them $10,000 to pay the shipping and handling expenses. Same principal different con, the Publishers Clearing House con is illegal but the beauty of the Prosperity con is perfectly legal. The victim of the Publisher Clearing House con will wait for his $2 million for a long time and may report it to law enforcement if they are not too embarrassed. The victim of the Prosperity scam will never say a word because the Preacher will blame the victim for not being right with God. The scam will never be at fault only its victims. Both send their money in exchange for something they are not going to get.

The prosperity movement attracts the gullible and the gullible are easily manipulated. Jim Bakker had 12 million views and almost as many contributors. A local landlord lost almost a million dollars in a contest scam but Jim Bakker scam was taking in a million dollars a day.

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Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2014 06:32 am
With regular church attendance declining to an all time low in America there is one bright spot prosperity churches, churches that preach the gospel according to greed, Prosperity churches. Christianity has declining attendance overall but Prosperity Churches are growing. It seems as older traditional churches that have not adopted the message that greed is good are closing at the rate of 7,000 to 10,000 a year. It seems Christians are voting with their feet. They turning away from the traditional Christian message that greed is a vice toward the Gordon Geko preacher model that says that to state simply that greed is good and God will provide many, many more times that you need.

Now more than any time in the past Christianity is cafeteria style you simply shop around for a Christian philosophy that conforms to your philosophy and greed is good is the message that rings true for many. At one time Christians may have aspired to never ending life but now their goals are more short term when they heard that God wanted them to be rich and greedy how could you keep them back on the farm. The Prosperity church message is that God not only wants you to be rich he is going to help you get rich. Christians voting with their feet help shape the greed message it is a feed back loop.
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Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2014 05:54 am
Prosperity preachers base their beliefs that greed is good on the Book of Malachi, “the doctrine views the Bible as a contract between God and human’s.” The Gospel of Malachi was big on animal sacrifices it seems Malachi found out that people just didn’t love God enough and he found out they were sacrificing blind, lame and sick animals to God when only animals “without blemish” were suppose to be sacrificed. The sacrifices seem like the script for a bad horror film but what is being sacrificed today is America Economic foundation on the alter of greed.

Malachi believed that people were short changing God they were not offering their full tithe to God. That of course would be 10% of their pretax income. Now you know why Preachers like Jim Bakker would base their prosperity movement on the Gospel of Malachi. Ten percent of 12 million people’s income is a tremendous amount of money and after all no one should short change God. Of course God never sees the money and Jim Bakker has to pay his prostitute over a quarter million in hush money. But when Bakker asks for money the faithful send it to him or other conmen that are as bad or worse. The price of heaven is steep but oh to walk down those streets of gold.

The conmen’s song will wreck mankind on the rocks of ignorance.

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Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2014 09:04 am
Malachi 3:10 “Bring to the storehouse a full tenth of what you have earned so there will be food in my house. Test me in this, “says the voice of the Lord All-Powerful. I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out all the blessings you need.
I have encountered similar variations of that statement from conmen for years. How can anyone believe that Malachi was anything but a first class conman? In the first place “a full tenth of what you earn” is not going to heaven it is going to Malachi or is confederates. If Malachi was right with God why didn’t God “open the window of heaven for him and pour out all the blessings Malachi needed.” Oh I see by having the others give a tenth of what they earned to Malachi was God’s way of opening heavens window and pouring out all the blessings Malachi needed. But wait a minute wouldn’t a tenth of everything a community earned be way too much for Malachi? It was for Jim Bakker.

Now you see what makes the Gospel of Malachi so appealing to televangelists. Jim Bakker may not have gotten a full tenth of the earnings of his 12 million viewers but he did get enough to become fabulously wealthy in a short period of time. The others could see the window of heaven was indeed open and pouring out all the blessings in dollar bills. Many watched live on television as Jim Bakker became a multi-millionaire and those blessings came pouring in not from heaven but from many elderly people who were contemplating death and whether they were right with God. Jim Bakker was selling heaven and everlasting life to those whose hourglass was nearly empty. A conman always sells something he doesn’t have.

What Bakker and others like him are doing is grievously evil and I suspect they know it but like other psychopaths they have a genetic advantage they have no conscious. Studies of psychopaths with the fMRI show that the paralimpic systems in the brains of psychopaths do not function correctly and by all indications this is the seat of the conscious. Many would say that psychopath is to strong a word to describe Jim Bakker and other preachers; sociopath may seem a more fitting description. But in fact sociopath is just a polite term for psychopath. While a Ted Bundy might be a ten on a psychopath ranking of 1 to 10 there are many others with less severe manifestations of the psychopathic traits. We all believe that if we had met Ted Bundy we would have known he was killer but for those that worked with him and knew him personally they thought him quite normal. From Malachi to Jim Bakker the game is the same the names will change but the game will be give me a tenth of what you earn.

Churches by nature are parasitic taking or attempting to take a tenth of the GNP.
But the real damage they are doing today is drastically altering the public perception that great wealth is a manifest destiny do to a good relationship with god. This perception has stymied the country’s ability to levy taxes on great wealth and maintain the economic health of the country. If in fact God has given them their great wealth they should give a tenth to God or Jim Bakker but not to Uncle Sam who had done nothing to deserve a cut.
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Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2014 06:32 am
Many would take issue with me referring to preachers as psychopaths and to be sure the vast majority may be people with good intentions. The Catholic Church had a very public scandal of priests molesting children. The news reports made it seem like there were far more child molesting priests than in the normal population. But when studied they found there was the same percentage of child molesters in other denominations and in the general public. The Catholic Church transferred the child molesting priests to avoid scandal and enabled those priests to molest more children.

Psychopaths occur at a certain percentage across the general population but are drawn to occupations they can do the most damage. A life as a criminal or a conman would be an attractive occupation to psychopath because of their lack of a conscious. Preaching would also be an attractive occupation to a psychopath because of the extensive opportunities to manipulate people. Further studies will need to be done to see if psychopaths are concentrated in certain occupations. We already know that psychopaths make up a high percentage of the prison population.

Studies of the brains of psychopaths show beyond a doubt that the brain density (gray matter) is far less in psychopath’s paralimbic brain regions. Psychopaths are born psychopaths it is a very distinct difference from normal human beings. Psychopaths are born predators it is not an acquired skill. You cannot decide to have an impaired paralimbic region. You cannot decide to eliminate your conscious.

Predators are a naturally occurring phenomenon in nature. You are born predator or prey. Predators like cats control the rodent population. Lions and tigers kill to live. Predators serve a purpose they weed out the weak and sick. They make the species stronger because only the strongest and fastest survive to reproduce. Psychopaths may serve the same purpose for the human specie. It seems humans are born either predator or prey. This would seem unusual to an ordinary human but in fact psychopaths often view themselves as predators. CEOs like Carl Icon can eliminate thousands of jobs to enrich themselves. They have no conscious to bother them. In grievance meeting I once asked a member of management that had cheated a life long employee out of a $600 bonus. How she could sleep at night? She replied that she sleep all night long and perfectly well thank you. I said, “I know and that is what bothers me. Her face became as red as her hair. I lost the grievance and the city manager upheld her.

The percentage of psychopaths in preaching may never be known as many would never submit for testing but I believe that there is a higher percentage in preaching than in the general population.
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Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 06:35 am
The latest scientific evidence indicates that psychopaths are born predators. The scale is shifting away from nurture and toward nature. The fact is the brain of psychopath is fundamentally different in the paralimbic region of the brain. Psychopaths make up a small percentage of the population and can be found in all walks of life. Conmen by nature tend to be psychopaths and have no conscious whether their victim is 85 or 25. They have no problem taking the last dollar of a widow on social security in fact they are proud of it. They will tell proudly recount stories of how they swindled people.

We known that the predator prey relationship is normal in nature and in fact our spices would be considered a predator. Predator prey relationships generally are cross species lines, cats vs mice, ect. But they may also take place in a species. Serial killers are widely considered predators and other humans are their prey. Many believe that predator/prey relationship is to provide food but it also serves natural selection as the fastest and the smartest survive. The predator prey relationship serves to make a species stronger and more viable. In our society those that learn to see through the conmen’s scams have a better chances of survival. The Prosperity Churches are like a vampire bat sucking the life’s blood out of its victims.

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