The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
Since I was child I have always had a natural curiosity about how things worked. It was never enough to know they worked I needed to know how. By the time I was in junior high I could explain to the class how the internal combustion engine worked and powered cars. As young adult I read a lot of true crime books looking for an answer of how people could torture and kill other people. In books by FBI profilers the word psychopath was often used to refer to serial killers like Ted Bundy. These killers didn’t kill to protect their family or in the commission of a crime they killed because they genuinely enjoy the act of killing. How could they be so different from the general population? Where the psychopaths first victims of cruelty of others? Did being a victim cause them to become a victimizer? There seemed to be no clear answers.

Later in life I read every book I could find on psychopaths in pursuit of an answer. There had to be an answer. “Psychopath Whisperer: The Science of Those Without Conscience” by Kent A. Kiehl, PhD detailed the most recent discoveries about psychopaths. For years people said that psychopaths don’t have conscience. The latest research on psychopaths has proven that statement to be correct. The part of the brain, the paralimbic region, that is the seat of the conscience when studied in psychopaths is atrophied even in teenage psychopaths. Psychopaths are born predators.

Serial Killers are only the tiny tip of a very large ice burg the vast majority of psychopaths don’t go around killing people in their spare time but you can still recognize them. When someone actions in the work place leads you to observe that person doesn’t have conscience you may just be right and you may be dealing someone that scores high on the psychopath scale. There is another way that gives a psychopath away they are said to have dead eyes; their eye movements are different because the changes in brain structure. Most of us will never encounter a serial killer but we will still have to deal with psychopaths in our daily life, he may a thief, conman, preacher or your boss. Only 1% of America population are psychopaths but 20% to 30% of the prison population are psychopaths.

In my job I have dealt with many psychopaths, most were conmen, who victimized the elderly they were usually just out of prison. I helped put many of them back into prison. But the most dangerous psychopath I encountered was in a position of power, one where they could damage many lives. Usually I am a good judge of character and can size people in a few words or actions but psychopaths are masters of the art of manipulation. Usually I approached conmen from their actions and only dealt with them personally when I went to prosecute them. I always tell the victim of conman the first mistake you made was assuming he was just like you. You’re honest and believe that others are also honest but nothing is further from the truth. I just never understood how different psychopaths really are, “they really do sleep all night long and perfect well.”
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Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 06:32 am
If someone came to an old ladies door, who monthly income was just $400, and told her if she didn’t give him 10% of her meager income she would burn in Hell for all eternity he could be charged with fraudulent scheme. But if the local preacher or a televangelist does the same thing the same thing takes it considered religion freedom, the freedom to steal. Far more people are taken by this scam than any other scam. Every time I pass by the million-dollar mansion of a local preacher I see the faces of his elderly victims. No matter how he smiles and pats you on the back, I see him for what he is a psychopath. Just good ol boy taking everything the law will allow.
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Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2014 06:30 am
I have encountered all kinds of conmen and all kinds of crooked schemes but none even comes close to the church scam. If conman knocked on your door and told you if you did not give him 10% of your income he would see that after you died he would see you burned in Hell for all eternity you would throw him off your porch. No conman I know would even attempt such an obvious scam so why does this scam work? It works because it is built on a lifetime of brainwashing. The victim is taught as a child that it his obligation. When I was child I received offering envelops from the local Catholic Church. I was expected to put money in each envelop for every service. Meticulous Records of contributions were kept and the totals each member contributed were published in a book at the end of the year. My allowance was only 50 cents a week and the church was not going to get my nickel.

When televangelists like Jim Bakker come into the homes of his via television some of his victims have been primed for this scam for over 60 years and it is as easy as shooting fish barrel. No conman is able to groom his victim in a scam for that long. Just as a child molester grooms his victim churches groom their victims. At one time churches just sold heaven but they found that was not enough and invented hell to terrorize the doubters. The churches set examples by burning people wit green wood at the stake and said if you think that’s bad we will burn you for all eternity. Why burning for an eternity because that was the most painful death they could imagine. Terrorism and churches have long standing relationship.

The concept of Hell does not occur in the bible and doesn’t appear until second century AD. Hell was derived from the Greek Philosophy not divine inspiration. Conmen throughout time have been kicking themselves for not coming up with this con they have just resigned themselves to joining in.
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Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2014 06:48 am
If you were 70 something sitting at home and contemplating death what would be more likely to motivate you send 10% of your social security to a televangelist, the promise of heaven or the prospect of avoiding the everlasting torture in Hell? Certain words create very vivid emotion reactions and most people have experienced at least minor burns. Burns are extremely painful and all the memories of being burnt are conjured by the very mention of the word. The recall maybe in the subconscious mind or conscious mind but the reaction of the emotional mind can be measured with an fMRI. The very thought of burning for an eternity would terrify anyone but it especially terrorize the elderly they imagine themselves even closer to the gates of Hell.

Even many Christian organizations are ready to admit that Hell is merely a simple mistranslation of the Hebrew word “sheol.” In the New Testament the word “sheol” is translated as “grave” 31 times and as “Hell” 31 times. Lets face it you can get many more people to fill the churches with the threat of eternal damnation than the promise of Heaven. What an opening for a conman, the scam is ready made just add a liberal amount of fools and the first thing you know even your dog is living in a gold doghouse.

The gospel of Hell and damnation was big in the twenty century and will no doubt continue to keep televangelists in the style to which they have become accustom.
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Reply Sun 23 Nov, 2014 08:39 am
Religion claims to be the source of morality. Most of the religious bible thumpers will tell man is evil by nature and only God can save him from a life of crime and debauchery. But is there any creditable evidence to support their “belief?” Too many people don’t know the difference between “belief” and “facts.” In America you can believe in anything you wish. You can believe that a huge Bunny Rabbit delivers candy to children on Easter Sunday and to be sure most children do get candy but that is not proof the then Easter Bunny exists. The candy is given to the children to support a childhood fantasy. The religious organizations simply cannot support their illusionary promise that they in fact are the wellspring of morality. In fact new studies show exactly the opposite. The more religious areas of America and around the world have more not less, murders, rapes, drug abuse, and abortions. It seems Red America is in trouble. If churches were in fact the wellspring of morality this would not happen. The same pattern occurs all over the world. The elephant the religious are selling is an illusionary pink elephant.
“Statistics of course are not facts but they can be used to debunk lies and illusions. The Red States in America are primarily red because of the influence of the Christian right. If morality is what the Christian Right is selling morality is what we should see in the Red States. Of the 25 most dangerous cities in America 76% of them are in red states 24% are in blue states. Of the 25 cities with the lowest rate of violent crime 62% are blue states and 38% are red states. Three out of the five most dangerous cities are in the pious state of Texas. The twelve states with the highest rate of burglary are red. Twenty of the twenty-nine states with the highest rate of theft are red. Of the twenty-two states with the highest rate of murder seventeen are red.”

Source from “A Letter to A Christian Nation” by Sam Harris

Gregory S Paul, in the “Journal of Religion and Society” compared seventeen economically developed nations, and reached the devastating conclusion that higher rates of belief and worship of a creator correlates with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion, in prosperous democracies.

Religious groups are spending millions to prove that statistics don’t matter and neither does proof.

The driving force that has perverted politics in America has been abortions and as I suspected it is being driven by the guilt of those who had abortions and not the concern for future abortions. Nothing is ever as it seems.
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Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2014 06:32 am
The big lie has always been religion. Religion takes credit where no credit is due. Not only is there absolutely no positive correlation between religion and morality there is in fact a negative correlation. In other words the larger the concentration of churches the worse the morality of the area affected. Church organizations are spending millions to try and spin the facts. After all who would want to allow another church in town if you knew the result would be that it would bring more murders, rapes, drug abuse and abortions?

It doesn’t matter what type of religion, what made up God they chose to worship, what part of the world the affect of religion is the same. Why? There is one thing common to all religions world wide, they are a lie. At some level, these people realize that they are being lied to even if it is at a subconscious level. Religion is destroying the world, as we know it. It has no reason to exist other than to enshrine the ignorance of the ages. Religion promises immortality but delivers only immortality to the ignorance of the ages. Like Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
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Reply Tue 25 Nov, 2014 06:33 am
To be sure there are many good people with good intentions involved in religious but good people with good intentions cannot make a lie a reality. If the facts show, and they do show beyond any reasonable doubt, that religion and religious groups have a negative effective on morality of a community why do they continue to exist? Religious groups have never been able to explain away the negative effects of religion on community morality. They don’t have to provide and explanation because they control perception. When perception and reality collide, perception governs. People are far less concerned about the reality of religion than their perception of religion. Everything in our culture is designed to enhance our perception of religion as a force for good, a super parent that we can turn to in times of trouble. God is the ultimate superhero, he sees all and he knows all, and not even superman can raise the dead. Society shapes and individual to believe in the supernatural, children are indoctrinated long before they have the ability to reason.

The fact that religion has a negative impact instead of a positive one on morality will fall on death ears because perception is far more important than reality. The community as a whole can only clearly see the devastation caused by the most extreme religious cults. It is always the other fellow’s religion that they see as a cult.

An old saying is, “There are no atheists in fox holes.” Which no doubt is another lie spun for the religious. Now there is a new saying, “That there is another place you won’t find an atheist, in prison.” It seems the prison population is nearly all religious. That would seem to indicate that atheists have far better morals than their Christian brethren. It seems atheists don’t have to kill abortion doctors or crucify homosexuals to enforce their so-called morals.

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Reply Wed 26 Nov, 2014 06:36 am
According to studies a higher percentages of abortions would have taken place in red states because higher rates of abortion can be positively correlated with higher rates belief in god. These are the very states that have changed the political landscape of America from a broad based middleclass economy to an oligarchy based on wealth. Life seems far different depending on your perspective. The baby boomer generation was the first generation that had access to low cost legal abortions. A baby may just be an unwanted burden for a teenager or young adult. But later in life as adult or grandparent your perspective changes. A baby is more like a precious gift. Many look back at the decisions they made as a young adult with regret. Those that had abortions or their girl friend had abortions now regret the decision but they now see it from a different perspective. This guilt has been harnessed used to change the outcomes of important elections. During the 2004 presidential election when President Bush came to Huntington he was accompanied with panel trucks with pictures of the remains of an abortion on its side. The manipulation was obvious. The path to Hell is indeed paved with good intentions.
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Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 06:57 am
Even religious apologists cannot dispute the fact that religion correlates negatively with community morality independent of the type of religion practiced. If air bags caused more deaths than they saved not only would a study be done to find out why but the use of air bags would be discontinued. The study of religions has showed they do work but no study has been done to show why they damage community morality. Religions are complex and are different from each other so any study would first have to find what they have in common. What most religions have in common with each other is belief in a supernatural super hero who is responsible for regulation the world. In any religion if you displease this supernatural superhero you will pay the price but the religious believe the inverse is also true that if you get cancer, your house burns down, or your child dies it was the supernatural superhero retaliating for your bad behavior. Religions transform the belief in a Just World into a supernatural superhero capable of making the world just. We would all like a just world but sooner or later we have to accept the fact that the world is not just. We can do what we can to strive toward a just world with are courts and fair treatment of others but we will never achieve superhero status. Children will die of cancer, earthquakes and hurricanes will continue, airplanes will crash.
If you try to resolve these misfortunes in your mind as punishment from a supernatural superhero you have created a conundrum for yourself that will damage not only physical health but your mental health. We can only go so far in trying to create a just world we cannot control the weather, or even a single cell in our body from becoming cancerous. So religions created supernatural superheroes to do it for us but like their comic book counterparts they can never cross the boundary from fantasy to reality. Those who live their lives waiting for superman to save them are ultimately disappointed which is tragic but their misguided lives make the world far less just.

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Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2014 08:28 am
When I was a child both the movies and television were dominated by westerns. For the most part these were morality plays where the hero in the white hat rode into town and either ran off or shot the villains in the black hats who had corrupted the town. The message was clear there might be injustices in the world but someone could stop them and restore a just world. The same theme occurs again and again throughout world literature it is so common it would constitute an archetype. It is called the hero story. The hero story no doubt predated organized religion but no doubt became a template for organized religion. Organized religion created the ultimate hero who held the power of life and death over all of creation. A hero so fearful he could and would destroy all life on the face of the earth save a few followers. If the world was not just he would destroy it. But god would wash away the evil world and restore a Just World in its place. When God destroy the world in a flood it is because the world was no longer just. When he destroys Sodom and Gomorrah it was because it was unjust. When 9/11 happened Pat Robertson insisted it was God’s wrath over recognizing homosexual rights. When Katrina destroyed much of New Orleans Pat Robertson is said to have attributed the destruction to fact that it was the home of a particular lesbian comedian. Robertson reasoning is laughable that a just god would kill thousands just to even the score with one person. But remember Pat Robertson ran for president of the United States and he knows the bible and God.

The hardest things for clergy to explain away are obvious injustices to their flock. If one is faithful to their religion and contributes 10% of their income how could God allow their five-year-old child to die of cancer? What if your children were killed by Katrina because of god’s wrath for one comedian? Pat Robertson sees the death of thousands as only collateral damage. In Pat Robertson mind there can be no just world as long as this lesbian comedian exists on the face of the earth. What do you want to bet that Pat Robertson was the butt of many of this lesbian comedian jokes? Pat Robertson knows the bible and he knows that destroying the many to destroy the bad apples is acceptable. Of course Pat Robertson and other preachers would offer the parents of the dead children rationalizations for their death as god took your children so you would learn from the experience or the ever popular God works in mysterious ways.

The creation of a supernatural deity to impose a Just World is a form of wish fulfillment but when wishes became reality the trouble started. Religion today is much like when a child believes he is superman puts his cape on and jumps out a second story window, we have jumped out the window and are heading toward the ground. What happens when we hit the ground will determine man’s fate. The ground can bring us back to reality or we can rationalize why God wanted us to hit the ground.
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Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2014 08:27 am
“The danger of religious faith is that it allows otherwise normal human beings to reap the fruits madness and consider them holy. Because each new generation of children is taught that religious propositions need not be justified in the way that all others must, civilization is still besieged by the armies of the preposterous. We are even now killing ourselves over ancient literature. Who would have thought something so tragically absurd could be possible?”

Sam Harris from his book “The End of Faith”

The armies of the absurd are gathering strength today. Recruits are coming into the Middle East from all over the world. After WWII the first state based on religious affiliation was formed by the United Nations. Israel was created as a place of refuge for Jews from all over the world. More than 6 million Jews had been killed during WWII. In America and other parts of the world at the time Jews were just a little more popular than blacks. Now that one country was created in the twenty century with the objective of preserving and perpetuating a religious sect it was only a matter of time before other religious sects wanted the same deal. Glen Beck loves Israel but the very idea that another religious sect should get the same deal that Israel got scares Beck to death. Once you start creating religious states instead of political states where will it stop?

The army of the absurd, ISIS, is being accused of genocide, where would an idea like that come from? The good book of course, when it comes to genocide Mosses was an absolute master. When Mosses got to the Promised Land there was a problem other people with other religions already lived there. But that was not a problem a sword could not solve. At least five other tribes were wiped off the face of the earth killing all but the young women they want to rape. It seems like rape is a sanctioned biblical sport also. Killing and rape are fine with God as long as it is not practiced on the out-group.

Good old Joshua, his praises are still sung today. A man who was an expert at genocide, when walls of Jericho came tumbling Joshua and his men went on a killing spree that even Hitler would have to admire, they killed everything that lived, men, women, children the elderly, ox, sheep, and ass.

By indoctrinate children with religion it makes genocide for religious reasons seem like an acceptable if not reasonable idea. The religious indoctrination in the Middle East is far more forceful and the Muslim religion foundation is the stepped in both the old and new testament. When will the majority that has been silenced speak out against the absurdity of religion?

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Reply Sun 30 Nov, 2014 08:49 am
If you were Hitler or Saddam Hussein and you wanted to give your children a book that would justify genocide, what book would it be? The bible of course it is a written history of genocide at God’s request. The bible makes no apology for genocide. Killing every living thing is treated as a normal everyday activity. The biblical heroes have no problem killing children. Hitler, raised in the Christian tradition understood the key message of the bible that there was nothing wrong with killing and taking the land of others. While many people may have misunderstood the bible Hitler clearly understood. God did not give the Israelites the Promised Land they had to steal from others by killing all of those the land belonged to. There is no story on earth quite as evil as the bible it is a story of rape and murder of children. The only turn the other cheek was when you were turning your sword to the other side to take the head off a six year old.
“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tell us how the lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out the of the Temple the brood of vipers and adder. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousands years, with deepest emotions I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.”

Hitler from a 1922 speech
Hitler’s vicious mind was incubated in the caldron of Christianity and a 2,000 year old blood feud.
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Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 06:30 am
It is indeed hard to reconcile the bible’s pro-genocide stance with the churches current stance on abortion. These anti-abortionists believe in a God said go and kill everything that breaths what part of that would make you believe that God believes life is sacred?
This is the same God that destroyed all life on earth save a few with water. Does that sound like god would be concerned with abortion? Preachers are noted for picking one small section of the bible and giving a sermon based on that one small paragraph. What if Saddam Hussein gave a sermon based on God’s orders to commit genocide before he killed the Kurds. “ Low and behold God said go and kill everything that breaths and the Israelites went and killed everything that breathed.” Does the bible justify genocide? The bible has justified genocide for 2,000 years. There is of course an in-group and out-group dynamics going on. The same in-group and out-group dynamics made burning people at the stake so much easier a few centuries later.
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Reply Tue 2 Dec, 2014 06:28 am
Christianity in America had moderated by the middle of the twenty-century but a fundamentalist backlash soon began to gather momentum. The fundamentalists took the position that the bible was literal. Religious authorities had began to accept the idea that many of the stories in bible were just stories to get a point across they were never meant to be taken literally. But the fundamentalist insisted every statement in the bible to be cold hard fact. By end of the twenty century some groups of fundamentalists began calling themselves the American Taliban no doubt a reference to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Religious movements can catch fire and spin out of control faster than most people realize.
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Reply Wed 3 Dec, 2014 06:28 am
Can you imagine what life in America would be like if the American Taliban gained political power? These nice moral people are already discussing who they would have executed when they got political power. Abortionists are high on their list it doesn’t bother them that abortion is legal. The American Taliban believes they can execute anyone that breaks God’s law. Many Americans will write the American Taliban off as a group of extremists but one must remember the Taliban in Afghanistan got control of a country.

A charter member of the American Taliban is Ann Coulter who wants to invade the Arab countries kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity, no doubt at the point of a gun. Faith is such a nice thing there is not much the threat of death or execution won’t accomplish. Coulter wants these countries carpet-bombed. I think we should send her over to direct the bombing on the ground a miss might do wonders for America.
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Reply Thu 4 Dec, 2014 06:23 am
One of the stories on the Internet this morning reported that 100 brains were missing. After reading statements made by members of the American Taliban I would start looking there, as it is obvious by the statements they made that there may be some missing brains from their members.

“Being nice to people, is in fact, once of the incidental tenets of Christianity, as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of “kill everyone who doesn’t smell bad and doesn’t answer to the name of Mohammed.”

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter has only a passing acquaintance with reality. Had Coulter lived a couple of hundred years a go those nice Christians would have burned her at stake or gouged her eyes out and then burned her at the stake. Coulter as part of her “being nice” has absolutely no problem with killing people as she has advocated “kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”

What Ann Coulter and other members of the American Taliban do is demonstrate to the Muslim world that the narrative that Osama bin Laden has been trying to sell is correct, that this is a religious war to wipe out the Muslim religion. Of course there are more serious members of American Taliban that are willing to go to war and fight along side their Muslim brothers. But in the end the blonde air-head does far more damage.
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Reply Fri 5 Dec, 2014 06:30 am
What makes religion so dangerous is the concept that there is man’s law and God’s law and that if there is a conflict between the two God’s law supersedes any law made by man. What is the problem with that? God is imaginary and therefore God’s will can be determined by the imagination of anyone who decides to imagine what God’s will is. Many will hear a voice in their head and imagine it is the voice of God much like Baby Bush. When religion is deemed a higher authority then government the religious need no longer follow the laws of mere men. The abortion opponents fully believe they have a God given right to bomb and kill those who operate those clinics. They believe they have the right to impose their religious views on others by death if necessary. When any religion believes they have a right to kill to impose their religious beliefs on others we have a problem.

While it is only led by the extreme right wing fringe that beliefs killing doctors is the only way to stop the “killing” of a mass of cells the right wing fringe is supported by the more main stream religions. All religions unfettered by civil law would gladly claim the right to impose their religious views on others. Why? Because they just know it is God’s will and they are out to “save” the un-indoctrinated. Religion is not about “saving” people as it is about control. The anti-abortion debate is like rape it is about power and control. It is about controlling the reproductive process of all citizens of the United States. When 17.7% of the people can dictate to the majority that they we have a problem.
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Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 09:29 am
The argument of nature vs. nurture has raged for centuries and the front has shifted from almost all nature to nurture. In the 19th century it was believed that a man’s character was determined by his genetics, his ancestors determined character. A man whose parents cane from prominent families was said to be a product of good breeding. By the last half of the twenty-century the argument had shifted dramatically toward the nurture end of the scale. The genetic contributions were not considered near as important as nurture even homosexuality was thought to be caused by overprotective mothers. Breeding was no longer considered the main contributor toward character. In the twenty-first century the pendulum is swing back toward nature with current explanations of homosexuality being that sex and sexual orientation are determined at different times during pregnancy with a hormone wash determining the sexual orientation later during the pregnancy. Other explanations pivot on the presence of an extra chromosome.

As an examples fish and turtles are born from eggs and have no parenting there whole survival code is genetically encoded in the genes. When the turtles are born on the beach they instinctively head toward the safety of water. Baby fish know to stay hidden when larger fish approach. Man’s vanity long ago separated himself from comparisons to the animal kingdom but we all know that the eye of a dog, frog or turtle serve the same purpose as our eyes. We need to realize we share many things in common with the animal kingdom when a baby bird first takes off we realize that it is not trial and error learning it is a genetic program.

I remember working with the early Apple Computers that the operating system had to be loaded before they could be used. Now the operating system is loaded automatically when the computer starts up. A computer without an operating system is useless as would be a person without a genetically programmed operating system. None are so blind as those who refuse to see. Man is superior to animal kingdom and the very idea that we could be dancing to our own genetically programmed programs is unacceptable. A genetic program that makes a baby turtle head toward the water is one thing but being genetically program to establish a Just World is quite another. A turtle has to coordinate all four legs to make progress toward the water something that would be complex skill to learn by operating one leg at a time. The baby turtle’s program is needed to survive and just as our brains are far more complex our genetic survival program are far more complex.

But survival programs depend on input and the input affects output. The turtles survival program depends on the light of the moon to orientate the turtles toward the ocean but the turtles will go toward artificial light away from the ocean. Beech houses must be kept dark when the sea turtles are hatching to keep from altering the turtles survival program. Man’s survival programs can also be defeated and altered. Like a flashlight can be used to lead the baby turtle away from the ocean. Religion was used like a flashlight to lead mankind away from his Just World programming. The Just World programming in man just like the baby turtles programming serves to ensure our survival. The first objective of religion is to convince man that he is basically bad and needs religion to be a moral person. The perversion of the Just World programming becomes not about the survival of man but the prime directive becomes the survival of the religion. Mere men are but pawns used to ensure the survival of the religion. In the Middle East the killings are to insure the survival of the religion. A genetic program that was intended to ensure man’s survival has been hijacked by religious perversion of the program and now serves as the reason to kill men it as if we located a huge spotlight on the beech the turtles were being hatched on.
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Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 06:27 am
Organizations are much like people in that the prime directive is to survive. People have a will to live and organizations like churches also have a will to live. One of he few things that can override the will to live is the will to protect children or other family members. The survival of the group is paramount to the survival of the individual. Originally this protection extended to family members or tribe members but as society became more complex it was extended to countries. This protection is not only extended to countries but social institutions as well. It extends to philosophies as well, much of the killing in Middle East is because the residents of the Middle East believe that their religion is under attack by the west and may not survive. The terrorists will protect their religious philosophy like it is a living thing and will gladly lay down their lives so that the Muslim religion will survive. Like the baby turtle that heads for the light of the beech house instead of the moon light over the ocean man heads toward the false light of a religious philosophy. An inborn survival program has been perverted by the imagination of a relative few.
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Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2014 06:30 am
Mankind has been sacrificed on the altar of religion. Religion claims to be the source of morality but at the same time religion sanctions the most immoral acts on the face of the earth. Religion has no problem with using mass murder and torture to preserve and perpetuate their religious philosophy. To believe in a religion you must first accept the foundation premise that mankind is bad by his very nature and can only be saved by religion. We have only to look around and realize that the majority of people we encounter are moral by their very nature. To be sure there are immoral people but they are a small fraction of the population. The fact that religious leaders could always find some bad people to point to and use them as example let them convince the majority that they would be as immoral without religion. The fact is most people believe that the world should be “Just” and realize in order for that to happen that they must be just in dealing with others.

There are bad people but leaping from some people are immoral to all people are memorial is equivalent to jumping the Grand Canyon. It would be like reasoning that there are retarded people, so therefore Einstein must be retarded. The fact is this maybe close to truth. The recent research on psychopaths show beyond a shadow of doubt that the gray matter that is responsible for moral action is far less dense in psychopaths and may be in fact a form of moral retardation. Where the intellect may be impaired in the retarded the moral intellect is retarded in a psychopath.
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