The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:36 am
Even Glen Beck tried to distance himself from the religious crazies in Pennsylvania who are out to put a teenager in jail for two years for posting a picture of himself on Facebook in a lewd pose with a statue of Jesus. Even though the teenager was fully clothed the reaction of law enforcement was severe. When Glen Beck speaks out against religious crazies it is saying something because he belongs to a religious cult founded by a convicted conman. After living life as a conman Joseph Smith found his calling conning the religious. Would anybody believe what a convicted conman had to say? There are now 11 million people who believe every word a convicted conman had to say. So when Glen Beck takes a stand against religious crazies it really says something after all Beck is living his life according to the word of a convicted conman. Beck compared the actions of the Pennsylvania authorities to the Muslim death threats to anyone making a cartoon of Mohammed. Same mind set different country.

There is a famous case in Texas where someone was charged with desecration of a venerated object in Texas it involved a flag burning during a demonstration. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court where the conviction was overturned. Burning the flag was considered free speech. Burning the flag was considered expressive conduct and the Supreme Court stated actions communicate ideas as clearly as words and as such are protected as free speech. The teenager’s posting of a picture on Facebook meets all the qualifications of free speech but the religious consider themselves a special case that exceptions can and should be made from free speech clause of the Constitution for religious organizations. Religious organizations believe anyone speaking out or communicating ideas against a religious organization should be prosecuted. Burning at the stake may be in order.
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Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 05:36 am
The Supreme Court overturned the conviction of “desecration of a venerated object” conviction in the case where demonstrators burnt a flag at the 1984 Republican convention in Texas. The venerated object was an American flag. In the Pennsylvania case the statue of Christ was not damaged and only a posed pictures was taken. That decision was 5 to 4 if one more justice had voted against we would have a much different country today. Today’s Supreme Court is much further toward the right and since the venerated object was a religious icon the results are likely to be far different. A statue of Jim Jones, a mass murder, could be considered “a venerated object” to members of the People Temple. If someone took a whiz on that statue would it be considered “desecration of a venerated object?”
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Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 05:34 am
On Glen Beck Show yesterday he was interviewing someone who had been in a situation where he were starving to death with others and had reached the point where they were considering eating those who died. At this point the man that Glen was interviewing said he remembered that his mom prayed and after praying he managed to catch a crow for food. Of course this was taken as proof positive of God’ existence. I didn’t catch all the details but it is a familiar story type. The man’s story was made into a movie shown on Blaze TV. Glen said he cried three times. These types of stories make excellent drama but do they provide proof of God?

In recent famine in Somalia 260,000 people died if 100,001 of those prayed to God and 1 lived and the other 100,000 died the one that lived would be proof that God answered the one person’s prayers. This is of course the typical inspirational story demonstrating beyond doubt that God exists. But what of the other 100,000 that prayed and died? There will be all kinds of rationalizations, it was God’s will, they were bad people, it is mystery, we can never know the mind of God, etc. The old saying is “For those that believe no proof is necessary and for those who don’t no proof is possible.” But it should be “For those who “believe” no amount of proof to the contrary is ever possible. Belief triumphs facts in every case.
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Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 11:04 am
Religion is a divider it divides people into often-different warring camps. Historically most wars are between countries with governments and well-defined borders. But America is currently involved in a war with a religion and that religion knows no borders. Muslims extremists all over the world and even in the United States have declared war on America. The conservatives had long been pushing for a second war with Iraq. They had a plan where the United States would first invade Iraq overthrow Saddam government and replace with a puppet government and then move on to other Middle East countries. They tried to get Clinton to invade Iraq but he refused. After Saddam invaded Kuwait a near total finical and trade embargo was imposed by the United Nations Security Council. Since Iraq primary export was oil and it could no longer be shipped by oil tankers Saddam built pipeline into neighboring countries and began black-marketed the oil. Iraq’s black-market oil was sold substantially under the oil cartel prices driving price of oil down all over the world.

The seven sisters (the seven big oil companies) literally bought the 2000 elections in America for Baby Bush pouring in over $400 million so that Iraq would be invaded and put a stop to the Iraq black market oil. The seven sisters got what they wanted baby Bush immediately went to work on going to war with Iraq. The first Bush Security Council Meeting was about finding an excuse to invade Iraq that the American public would buy. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld stated that they needed an “incident” in order to incite the American public to war. The ‘incident” of course happened later that year and even though Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 Americans wanted Arab blood and like and old fashion southern lynching they were not particular. The “incident” fell into Bush and the conservatives laps all they had to do was tell a few lies to convince a gullible American public that Iraq was responsible. Baby Bush was observed jumping for joy when the Iraq invasion started.

America had a legitimate reason to invade Afghanistan as many of those who were responsible for 9/11 were in that country. But soon much of military resources sent to Afghanistan were redirected to be used in the invasion of Iraq. Bush’s Secretary of State Colin Powel warned in reference to Iraq that, “If you break it you own it.”

However what was never foreseen was the effect of religion. Bush and the neocons believed the only enemies they would make invading Iraq would be the families of those they killed and mutilated but the Muslims saw the killings in Iraq as exactly what they were murder. It was murder to drive the price of oil upward. Muslims were being murdered for the greed of the Seven Sisters. When Saddam started black-marketing oil it didn’t just drive the price down in the Middle East it drove it down all over the world. The Seven Sisters just weren’t making enough money. Muslims all over the world believe America had murdered Muslims for the greed of the few.

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Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 05:35 am
Israel is a Jewish country set up after WWII by the United Nations it has been a constant state of war with neighboring countries. Glen Beck has traveled to Israel and often talks in support of Israel. He believes Israel is a great idea. ISIS objective is to create a Muslim country called a Caliphate. Glen Beck is terrified that a Muslim country might be established but thinks a Jewish country is just great. How can you believe that one religion should be able to take the land of a native population and give it to Jewish refugees and believe that other religions should not be granted the same privilege?

In actuality letting any religious group gain control of the government is a bad idea. When the Christians controlled most of the known world governments it was known as the Dark Ages for a good reason. There is no darkness as dark as superstition and ignorance. When superstition and ignorance got control of governments they burned people alive at the stake and tortured others who believed differently than they do. They gouged out eyes and put others on the rack and literally pull their body in opposite directions until every joint in their body was dislocated.

Since God’s will is a figment of the imagination of the religious it is only a matter of time before psychopaths begin to imagine the “will of God.” There are 500,000 psychopaths in America today and religion gives psychopaths the opportunity to determine what “God’s will truly is.” Whether it is a $200,000 salary or that only the leader of the cult can sleep with all the women in the cult “God’s will” will always be suspiciously close to the “psychopath will” running the cult. The only things that constrain religion in America today is not God’s law but man’s law, if they could kill and torture today some would. ISIS may have given us beheadings but maybe we should have the Christians burn a few of them at the stake and send them the videos. This would indeed terrorize the terrorists
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Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2014 05:31 am
Baby Bush was absolutely overjoyed when he finally got lied America into invading Iraq. The old chicken hawk led a whole flock of chicken hawks like Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh to incite a war against Iraq, a country that had nothing at all to do with 9/11. Cheney who stated, “he had other priorities other than military service” is instead said to have fought for “101 Fighting Keyboarders” here in the states. Now the world has to deal with what the non-fighting chicken hawks caused. ISIS started in Iraq and moved into Syria and then back into Iraq. Mass killings invite mass killings they don’t make for lasting friendships. The chicken hawks like Bush and Cheney had no concept what war was really like a few minutes on the evening news never comes close to conveying the absolute horrors of war. Mankind has certain inborn survival instincts one of them is revenge when your wife and children are blown to pieces by a foreign country half way around the world your life has one focus to extract revenge. This was pointed out by many at the time but the chicken hawks didn’t have a clue they spent their youth avoiding service in Vietnam. Now an army created out of righteous revenge rages over the Middle East and is poised to invade its third country.

The experience of waar is so profound that many truly never come home they are cursed to fight the war forever in their mind the horrors of war are with them all the days of their lives. We see them wandering the streets of America day homeless. War extracts a terrible price on all involved civilians as well as participants. The military even has a name for it they call it collateral damage when civilians are killed. America is very fortunate that a war has not been fought on our soil since the Civil War. Only a tiny percentage of Americans join the military now most Americans are Monday morning quarterbacks.

What makes this war different is that it is not that it is fueled for by a lust for revenge but it is a religious war not seen since the Crusades. It is an attempt to impose religion by force. In America our Blue Laws are attempt to impose the values of the Christian religion on all inhabitants regardless of how they believe. The religious always feel it is their mission in life to impose their religious views on others. After all they are just out to “save” you from yourself and your misguided ways. ISIS is simply going about “saving” souls in a more aggressive way. The religious always know they have your best interests at heart their imaginary God is always better than your imaginary God. In America each church would tell you they are the one true church and the rest of those poor fools attending other churches were going to hell. It just one-step farther for them to get their guns out like ISIS and tell you how to believe, after all it is for your own good.
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Reply Tue 14 Oct, 2014 05:37 am
It is nice to have Internet service back after a thunderstorm caused a weeklong interruption.

We all believe that, “we live in the sun lit world of reality.” But there is a “dark side.” What is reality and what passes as reality are two different. Reality is what we can see hear or touch are senses gives us direct evidence of its existence. But there is a dark side it is called consensus reality. In other words if enough people believe in something that there is no direct sensory evidence for than it takes on a counterfeit reality as if it were indeed real. When a man has a delusion it is clearly recognized as a delusion by others but when enough people accept his delusion as truth the delusion is known as a religion and becomes reality because it is a consensus of a group. Once his delusion reaches a “tipping point” it attracts others because of the shear number who believe in the delusion. What would easily be recognized as a delusion if only one person believed must be respected as a religion if a group believes in the same delusion.
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Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2014 05:35 am
Reality and consensus reality are treated much the same. If your daughter was being assaulted you would take steps to stop it, likewise many people will take steps to stop an assault on their religious beliefs including killing and torturing those who blasphemy their religious beliefs. In fact secular laws had to be put in place to keep the religious believers from killing others in this country. An attack on your daughter is an attack in reality an attack on your religious beliefs is an attack on your imagination. The world as a whole is terrified of religion. When the Muslims dare anyone in the world to draw a picture that represents Mohammed and the whole world falls to their knees and obeys the world pays tribute to their God. When the whole world is terrified by the imagination of the few we are indeed “living on the edge.” Most of the world’s population doesn’t even believe in Mohammed but religion is afforded a respect that no other philosophy is given. Any other philosophy can be openly debated but taking on a religious icon is forbidden.

Religion is the original model for a terrorist; you do as we tell you or God will burn you for eternity or some other gruesome threats. The terrorists in ISIS want to dictate the smallest details of how other people live. They truly believe they are on a mission from God and have been appointed to tell others that they must live by the dictates of their imagination. In America we still have Blue Laws where not only those who believe but those who don’t must conform to the dictates of religious believers. When you believe in a religion you live under the dictates of a terrorist if you break his rules he may strike you down or give your family cancer or some other gruesome fate. Religious leaders will tell you that if you live a certain way, dress a certain way, and pray a certain way you will be richly rewarded by their God but if you don’t the terrorist will decide your fate. Like a child walking into a dark building the slightest sound triggers our imagination and we run terrified from the bogyman. Walking into a religious philosophy does the same thing except we run into the arms of an imaginary god.
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Reply Thu 16 Oct, 2014 05:34 am
If ISIS got their hands on one of Russia missing atomic bombs and destroyed Baghdad and all the men, women and children living there because they were simply not living up to ISIS religious standards we would be outraged but this is not new story it is an ancient story. If you replace ISIS with God and Baghdad with Sodium and Gomorrah you have a bible story that we are all familiar with. In church preachers justify the terrorist’s actions, and you cannot justifiably use any other word but terrorist, as a religious action to purify the world of those who do not believe or do not follow God religious dictates. The bible message is perfectly clear if someone is not living up to your religious standards you have not only the right to kill them but a duty to kill them and destroy the city they live in and oh how the religious believers have killed and tortured others throughout history all in the name of God.

The Muslim religion is based on the two books of the bible with the addition of their third book. As children they are taught, as well as children in the Bible belt, that the killing of others for not following their religion beliefs is justified. When the preachers preach their sermons about Sodium & Gomorrah the congregations are not outraged by God’s murderous actions they instead identify with the “righteous” anger of the terrorist
s. In this tale the terrorist is not only admired but also worshiped for his actions. If you continually brain wash children from birth and feed them stories where the terrorist is their role model is it any wonder that ISIS or something worse comes along?

Terrorism is terrorism and whether you are terrorizing little children in church with stories of mass murder or behead people in Iraq the game is the same and terrorism is the name of the game. Religions since the beginning of time have been based on terrorism.

You may fight fire with fire but you cannot fight ignorance with more ignorance.
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Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2014 05:34 am
Most people in the Western world were horrified as they heard about or watched as the ISIS executioner beheaded Americans of course the correct word would be terrorized. Terrorism is not the illegitimate son of religion terrorism it is the legitimate and rightful heir of religion. The Muslim religion evolved from the Judo-Christian forerunners. They say there is nothing new under the sun and the beheadings are simply a rehashing of the Christian witch burnings and torture. The Christians have terrorized and traumatized thousands of generations by teaching small children that they would burn for all eternity if they did not accept and follow whatever brand of Christianity their parents followed.

Christians churches believe they have the authority to terrorize small children in order to make them believe in their religion, after all it is for their own “good.” It is only a short trip down that same path for Muslims to believe that they have the authority to kill and torture others to make them “believe “in their religion, after all it is for their own good.

When most people see a speed limit sign that says 55 mph they tend to drive 55 or somewhere close the reason that the sign conveys a certain amount of authority. Parents have authority over their children but in schools teachers have authority over children. Governments also have authority over their subjects. But religions also create authority figures over their members. Their authority comes from ”God” the ultimate authority figure. If God is the ultimate authority figure you need answer to no other authority. The faithful will do God’s will but since God is an imaginary being his will, will be determined by mere men. The members ISIS truly believe that beheading Americans is God’s will. Man’s imagination is truly unbounded free to imagine good or evil but mixed with the ultimate authority figure it is bound to lurch toward the dark side.

Psychopaths are drawn to power like moths to a flame. To be able to determine the will of the ultimate authority would attract more than a fair share of psychopaths and what some psychopaths would imagine as God’s will would shame hell but become the will of God.

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Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2014 05:32 am
A perfect storm is gathering. The two forces most likely to destroy mankind are converging into a perfect storm. Greed has been eroding America’s middle class gains for nearly a half century. The greedy few have already successfully stolen 90% of America wealth and use their massive wealth to rewrite the income tax laws that created the middle class in America.

The dark side of the imagination where Gods, demons and terrorism are the norm is undergoing a revival in America and the Middle East. The darker the religion the more attractive it is.

Nothing feeds greed like war; the greedy become far richer during wars. The United States has been in a perpetual state of war since 2001. Historically the greedy have always sold weapons to both sides, war is just good business to them. Now we no longer have “American” companies we have multi-national companies who will have no problem arming the enemy since they now are multi-national companies.

Middle East oil shifted a major portion of the west’s wealth to the Middle East and now it is time for the ungodly greedy to harvest that wealth.

Imagination is probably man’s greatest gift and the same time his worst enemy. If you exclude nature all the things that surround us once were no more than a figment of someone’s imagination, cars, airplanes, houses, TVs and the Internet. They were only possible because someone imagined them. But there is a darker side of imagination a serial killer imagines what it would be like to kill someone and than kills them. Someone imagines that God is real and the killing start. They must control when others can drink or buy cars or how they dress. They must cover every square inch of their women’s skin because God told them so. It is off to heaven on a comet or anything else that can be imagined in a sick mind. Say it is true and they will believe it.

Now in the Middle East greed and religion are converging into a perfect storm
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Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2014 07:16 am
There is nothing like war to exacerbate greed. The first fortunes made in America were made selling weapons during the Revolutionary War. Fourteen billion dollars were sent in one shipment to Iraq to bribe local politicians. Much of that money was stolen and some was shipped back to America in the bodies of dead soldiers. The neoconservatives absolutely could not wait to start a war in the Middle East. After the U S military overthrew the governments the neoconservatives would install puppet governments in their place bribing local politicians with billions of taxpayer money. But they underestimated one thing the power of religion to cross the boundaries of countries to unite countries against a common enemy. The neoconservatives wanted not only to conquer and occupy the countries of the Middle East but also to impose American value system. The Muslims were appalled and the religious organized a resistance to fight back.

Greed’s biggest downfall is its myopic view off the world. The greedy see the world and everyone in it as greedy. They believe the solution to every problem is in the amount of the bribe. The greedy fail to realize that not everyone has the same character flaw of greed that they do. In the Middle East greed and bribery were seen as the primary values at the foundation of American values. Harvard economists place the latest estimates for the cost of the Iraq-Afghanistan Wars at between 4 and 6 trillion dollars. How much of that was for military spending and how much went directly to bribes is unknown all we know for sure is that it was a failure.

It was easy for the radical Muslims to stir up the righteous anger of the native population because religion is suppose to be the rightful guardians of morals and values. Not only was their government under attack but their religion was also under attack. During WWII a Japanese Admiral said after Pearl Harbor that, “He was afraid they had not scored a great military victory but had only succeeded in awaking a sleeping giant.” Bush’s victory celebration on a navy ship was short sighted. In war money flows as freely as blood and the greedy love war for that reason.

The mix of American greed and Middle Eastern religion are converging into the perfect storm. When ignorance and superstition are mixed with liberal amounts of greed you have and explosive mixture.
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Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2014 05:33 am
Most people in America today believe that religion is relatively harmless and may even do some limited amount of good. Even after the People’s Temple mass suicide and massacre people didn’t fully realize that religion lay at the heart of the problem. The nation watched as after a long standoff with the FBI David Koresh and his followers were incinerated at Waco proving their belief was stronger than their will to live. Neither Jim Jones of the People’s Temple or David Koresh of the Branch Davidians had any trouble-recruiting followers. Now it is ISIS who is recruiting followers and using the Internet to do it. Slick Hollywood style recruiting films are being sent all over the world to recruit the faithful. Imagine how many followers Jim Jones would have recruited with the Internet. Many psychopaths are extremely charismatic and gather followers like snowflakes.

ISIS will covert many followers in the United States because so many are vulnerable because we tolerate belief in religion. In America we more than tolerate religious belief we encourage belief in the supernatural by not speaking out. This is what creates the doorway for ISIS, Jim Jones and David Koresh. We create a vulnerability and in our youth by encouraging belief in the supernatural. If you believe in the supernatural and encourage your children to believe you are creating a vulnerability. All of Jim Jones followers and all of David Koresh’s followers were successfully brainwashed as small children. Since there is no proof of any supernatural belief the beliefs of ISIS are every bit as valid as the church down the street. Young adults simply look at supernatural beliefs, as a cafeteria where one set of beliefs is no more valid than the other. Many American children are now choosing to follow the beliefs of ISIS.

When the catholic Bishop said after the World Trade Center that, “He recognized an old friend in that disaster, religion. The same old friend visited the Boston Marathon. When we tolerate ignorance we encourage ignorance around the world.

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Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2014 05:33 am
Even though only 17% of Americans now regularly attend church the majority of Americans profess to believe in a supernatural being. The majority has a way of squelching the minority viewpoint. Few people will speak out in a group when the majority holds an opposite opinion. Few people want to make themselves unpopular in a group by voicing opinions that are contrary to that of a clear majority. Recent figures show that 1 out of 4 people no longer believe in God. Even though there are more people who don’t believe in God than attend church regularly the believers in darkness and superstition keep the minority viewpoint in check.

Most people who don’t believe in God will keep their convictions to themselves as a rule they seldom voice their unpopular opinions in a group. While there are many positive role models for believers there are very few strong role models for those who don’t believe. The debate that should be taking place in our society about the supernatural is one sided because those who don’t believe don’t speak out. This similar to what happen in the Gay community years ago when most adult homosexuals stayed in the closet. They finally realized that they left the young gays with no positive role models. If the one in four who don’t believe in God would step up and express their opinions in public they would expose many of the young to a different way of thinking about religion.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

For all too many years that has been true. First if our ancestors spoke out about religion they were burned at the stake or tortured. After the balance of power shifted and strong governments outlawed the gross immorality of religions those that expressed negative opinions about religion were simply ostracized. There is safety in numbers and the numbers in America are beginning to shift. Jim Jones and David Koresh have came and gone but for every religious psychopath we bury there are more waiting to take their place.

Religion is simply a form of power, a philosophy that enslaves. The goals of ISIS are religious goals an attempt to create God’s “kingdom” on earth. The enslavement of religion is so complete that hundreds of thousands of ISIS members will gladly lay down their life to establish their Caliphate. It is no longer a question of will the United States be attacked by ISIS but when and where? It will not come like in WWII with waves of airplanes from Japanese Aircraft Carriers it will show up where large crowds gather with hundred of rounds of bullets fired from weapons of mass destruction the same weapons of mass destruction that NRA has pushed for years. The religious are subject to the will of ultimate authority or so they believe. The world the religious would create is a nightmare, the world they did create was a nightmare. When you dream or fantasize you are never far from a nightmare.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2014 05:28 am
Religion in America is not as popular as it once was those who attend church regularly is down to only 17% and what is much more alarming to church leaders is that those who are attending church regularly are gray headed. The darkness of ignorance is threatened more now than any time in American history but the question is what will replace it? America is at a cross roads and some Americans are choosing and even more brutal repressive religions. The power of life and death is alluring and a religion that has the power to execute non-believers seems to exercise the power of God. Some Americans will see the light of knowledge and swear off religious ignorance. But without strong role models who are willing to speak out about the ignorance of all religion the next generation may find ignorance a more attractive alternative.
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Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2014 05:39 am
What would turn Americans against Americans? The same thing that turned Canadians against Canadians yesterday, religion. Canada has had two attacks by Islamic terrorist in the last two weeks. These terrorists are different because they are not from the Middle East but are recent converts to the Muslim religion. The first Islamic terrorist attack in Canada occurred two weeks ago when another recent Islamic convert ran two Canadian soldiers down as they crossed the street, killing one of them. This will be the new face of terrorism in America also the loan terrorist attack does not require a large plot that might be uncovered but a single attacker who kills a few people.

There are degrees of authority in our society. Even a simple signs is obeyed, if someone sees a one-way sign on a street corner they do not go down that street. A policeman has authority to stop cars from traveling down a highway. At work there is a chain of command and you know who has the authority to direct what you do at work. Government has the authority to claim a portion of your earnings before you are paid. Government has the authority to send you off to war in a foreign country. Generals have the authority to send you into a suicide mission knowing you will not survive.

But the highest authority on earth is reserved for God an imaginary supernatural creation that dwells not in the heart of men but in their imagination. All men are free to imagine not only their God but also their God’s will on earth. Psychopaths are free to imagine what God’s will is and than use their followers to impose their God’s will on others. When our imagination has the ultimate authority we give a false legitimacy to psychopaths and the troubled youths. Most granted authority in our society legitimately earn it but religion is granted the ultimate authority by it followers.

“There is something wrong in the world today.” We are indeed “living on the edge.”
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Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2014 05:36 am
The religious attacks continued yesterday, this time in New York. A group of four rookie policemen were attacked by man with a hatchet. Two were hurt, one was critically hurt after a blow to the head, and a bystander was shot a half a block away. The Face Book page of the attacker shows him dressed as Muslim warrior and the picture is surrounded with a Muslim prayer. The Muslims are bound and determined to show us their imaginary god is the real god of peace and love and they don’t care how many people they have to kill to prove it. Sounds like the Christians during the witch burnings.

In other news the US has started its real mission in Iraq bombing the oil wells to drive the price of oil up. It seems ISIS is making a million dollars a day black marketing oil. They never learn Saddam black-marketed oil and had to deal with the full force of the United States Military. It seems you can kill 3,000 Americans but you better not mess with the price of oil. If you do the seven-sisters will send the United States Marines.
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Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2014 05:56 am
ISIS is getting most of the attention for a terrorist organization but the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world is the NRA (National Rifle Association) The NRA is directly or indirectly responsible for more deaths in America each year than in the entire Iraq War, in fact three times more than in 8 years of open warfare. The NRA killed three times more deaths than all the enemy’s guns, explosives, and IEDs. Why would they do that? The oldest motive for murder in the world greed they simply want what others have and will do anything to get it. Many think the NRA is an organization of local hunters protecting their gun rights. But in truth it is an organization of gun manufactures who have one reason and one reason only to exist, and you can bet your bottom dollar it is not to keep your family safe, it is greed, to make the biggest profit possible by selling more and more guns.

If the motive of selling guns was to keep their owner safe the NRA fails miserably over half of the 12,000 deaths a year are suicide or murder suicides. NBC News this morning asked why the teenager in Washington would want to kill his friends and relatives? Maybe we need to look at the more than 6,000 gun suicides that take place each year in America. There is an obvious common thread here it is the guns that make it possible. Why do people kill? To feel powerful, to see how it feels like to kill someone, because they are depressed, because they are jealous, someone made them angry. Sure you could jump off a cliff to commit suicide but it would be hard to take your friends and relatives jump with you unless you had a gun.

The NRA uses the illusion of the noble gun protecting your family but the NRAs guns kill many more gun owners and their wives, and children than bogymen. It is time the NRA is recognized for what it is one the world’s most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world.

A friend recently took care of a fifteen year old victim of the NRA she tried to keep him breathing as his brains oozed out of the bullet hole in his head. Just another victim of the NRA, there will be at least 6,000 more like him in the next year.
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2014 08:22 am
The forces of greed and religious extremism are finding common ground today. Religious extremism is the fuel that ignites war and war is an absolute bonanza for those who manufacture weapons of war. Once the greedy get millions they want billions and after they get billions they want trillions. In the not to distance future we will begin to see trillionaires who’s fortunes will be built on the bodies of others. The religious are ideal candidates for manipulation because their imaginations are fluid and there is no hard line between facts and fiction. Since no facts or solid proof are ever necessary for the religious to believe they leave themselves open to manipulation by psychopaths. History has taught us that one psychopath in a high office can bring the world to war and result in the deaths of between 65 million and 85 million people when all those who died as a result of the war are counted including civilians and military deaths due.

Psychopaths generally rise to position of power because they have no inner compass that requires them to play by the rules other must follow. Psychopaths can be unmasked in an ordinary setting but in a religious organization they have much more camouflage and will be simply said to be following God’s will. A gun manufacture never ran into a war that was not simply a marvelous opportunity to make a huge profit. The gun manufactures, religious, and greedy’s destinies are forever intertwined.
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2014 05:40 am
At one time horse drawn carriages were the mode of transportation for most people once cars were invented personalized transportation was revolutionized. There have always been suicides; there will always be people who are subject to major depressions and major depressions often ends in suicide. Mass killings and suicides are a more recent phenomenon and like transportation they are made possible by a new invention. A semi-automatic weapon in the hands of a depressed teenager is recipe for mass killings. A depressed teenager with a one shot rifle would have a much harder time killing large numbers of people. But if you have a pistol that will shoot 20 rounds in each clip it can be easily concealed and do maximum damage.

In horror movie spoof this morning they had a vending machine in High School that dispensed guns. The NRA realizes that they may not be able to go that far but they have made it possible for every depressed teenager in America to easily get their hands on the most efficient weapons of mass destruction. What does the NRA call a suicide and mass killing? A profit. In even the worst situations someone comes out on top and every mass killing in America one of the NRA’s gun manufactures made a handsome profit on the gun that made the killings possible.

The NRA is the biggest terrorist organization in America. They bribe and intimidate our politicians. The threats from the NRA are on a par with any terrorist organizations. If you don’t support more semi-automatic weapons for depressed teenagers you are an enemy of the NRA. The NRA believes it is more powerful than government and after all they should know they purchased it.
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TEA PARTY TO AMERICA: NOW WHAT?! - Discussion by farmerman
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