The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2014 05:33 am
Greed is one of mankind’s biggest vices it is responsible murders, thefts, poverty and wars. But few realize that greed is also key driving force behind religious. When greed comes to mind we generally think of money but greed also applies to other things such as food, sex and drugs. But it is the greed of life that drives the pursuit of religious cults because it is only religious cults that can promise never-ending life of course the body is still subject to physical death but according to religious cults the spirit lives forever. It is so easy to get someone to imagine what they would like to imagine anyway. Greed of life of course also entails the fear of death. Any living creature is programmed with the will to survive. If living creatures didn’t have a strong will to live not only would they perish but their species would also perish. We preprogrammed that death is our life long enemy. For all the days of our lives are spent avoiding death.

Is it any wonder that beating death once and for all in our imagination is such an appealing fantasy to so many? To be sure it would be the ultimate victory. All you need do is die to beat death. The art of manipulation is the art of pushing people in a direction they already have a tendency to go. Conmen know that if you can appeal to the greed of victim they can manipulate them. The victim gets a call that he has just won a Publishers Clearing House prize and that he needs to send them $5,000 to pay the taxes and handling. Many will send the $5,000. If religious cult, and they are all religious cults, tells the faith full that if you give your life to the cult you and your family will be rewarded with ever lasting life. Like the Publishers Clearing House prize you will be waiting for a lifetime. But the religious cult will be up front and tell you that you will indeed have to wait your entire life for your reward to arrive in fact you will have to die to collect.

Greed of life leaves you open to manipulation.
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Reply Sat 6 Sep, 2014 05:43 am
If you criticize religion in anyway you do so at your own risk you are not only taking the imagination of one person to task but the imaginary idol of entire organized groups. Those who criticized the Christian religion in the dark ages were simply burnt at the stake. There is nothing like torture and murder to silence decent. It may have been centuries since anyone was burnt at the stake but most realize if it was the will of God to burn non believers at the stake at one time it could be. The religious crazies joined forces to put the Baby Bush administration in power and actually asked to have a law passed that mandated the death penalty for those found guilty of blasphemy. Sound familiar? There are no bounds to people’s imagination or direction. The imagination can simply spiral out of control.

ISIS is currently an example of religious imagination spinning out of control. You are free to imagine what God’s will and if you happen to be a psychopath your imagination naturally tends toward the dark side. The beheadings in Iraq will attract psychopaths from all over the world like moths to flame. You can bet a Ted Bundy or a John Wayne Gacy would convert to the Muslim religion if they could kill at every whim.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” For centuries religious cults have used any method at their disposal including but not limited to fear, torture, and murder to enforce a respect of their religious beliefs. Now they enjoy an undeserved respect in our society and others around the world. Many who would quick to criticize other imaginary ideas will not publicly criticize religion. Religious cults are built on weak and shifting sand the imagination can quickly shift to cover a religious cult leaders newest perversion and religious will be forever insecure.

Religion philosophy is at the heart of ISIS. At one time wars were fought between countries this war knows no country it is a world war being fought over imagination land between different religious philosophies. No matter how religious there is always doubt about whether their religion is the one true religion and the way to quell that doubt is to kill those who believe differently. Religious philosophy is the enemy it entails and unleashes all the darkness in mankind. Darkness only vanishes with light, ignorance can only be drowned in knowledge.
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Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 05:36 am
Myth always rushes into fill the void that knowledge hasn’t filled. When mankind couldn’t explain the sun he gave birth to RA the sun god. When the booming thunder could not be explained it was obvious to the more imaginative among us that it was a God called Thor whose striking hammer that was responsible for that terrible noise. Where their isn’t knowledge there is only imagination and its is our imagination that ultimately leads us to the right explanation. We try and imagine how something works and we may well imagine thousands of wrong explanations but sooner or later it leads to right explanation that can be proved. There was supernatural explanation for most things at one time but as our knowledge expands the supernatural must cede that ground. No one believes any longer that Thor hammer is responsible for thunder we know that lightening causes the sound even a small spark causes a noise.

It is long past time for religion to evolve to account for our ever-increasing knowledge. We need a new religion one that won’t make us sick. We need a new religion one that will reflect the current state of knowledge. We need a new religion that cedes to the supernatural only what knowledge hasn’t explained. In fact we don’t need a religion but an evolved religion is a step in the right direction. There is now open warfare between the forces of darkness and superstition and light knowledge. Now religion has decided to no longer cede territory to our ever-increasing knowledge. Instead of retooling the religious explanation to account for new knowledge religion has decided to fight any new knowledge. The Scopes Monkey trial showed that the religious would simply no longer accept new knowledge safety it seems is in the past. Religion in the last century decided it would no longer move forward in fact it would move backward as both fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist Muslims now believed in the literal interpretations of the Bible and Koran instead of the symbolic interpretation. The past always provides and illusion of safety. In America the preachers now take their 2,000-year-old bible and go to war with any new knowledge. They want their followers to believe that the 2,000 state of knowledge is far superior to any new knowledge. Any thinking person knows how ignorant the people were 2,000-years ago and can see that ignorance reflected on ever page of the Bible but still many will not give up their illusion.

Religion should have evolved with the rest of the world but the religious bureaucracy has kept it not only standing but standing still or retreating into the past. Religious cults leaders have tremendous power over their followers and religious leaders are threatened by the future and knowledge like ISIS they have decided to make their last stand against the forces of light and knowledge. The internet is educating the ignorant and ignorance is no longer the most attractive choice.

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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 05:32 am
God is a reflection of how mankind sees himself and the world around him. As we understand more about the world around us religion must change to accommodate the new knowledge. At one time mankind believed and religion believed that the earth was at the center of the universe when astronomers discovered that the earth was not at the center of the universe the church response was to jail or execute the astronomers for blasphemy. After all church leaders knew the bible was the word of God and as God’s word should never be questioned. Even now religious extremists in America now religious extremists are pushing for the death penalty for blasphemy. One should never contradict the word of God but the astronomers did and the word of God was changed reference to the world being the center of the universe were simply edited out of newer versions of the bible. Religion simply had to reflect mankind’s state of knowledge. Would a perfect being need to be edited when new knowledge came to light? Obviously the mistake placing the world at the center of the universe was a typo.

Religion must eventually account for newly discovered facts. It can only defy gravity for so long. As more and more religious tenants are undermined by new facts a religion loses its relevance. The fundamentalist movements in both the Christian and Muslim movements in the last 100 years was meant to make the faithful take their religion literally that God’s word was true and the world and facts were mere fiction or major distortions of the truth. To the faithful religion is the one true thing and the world a mere distorted illusion but their effort to bring their vision of the Kingdom of God to earth they only succeeded in bringing Hell to earth.

The speed of knowledge has been accelerating geometrically in the last century all of mankind’s knowledge before 1913 had doubled by 1960 and doubled again by the 1980s. At that speed religions has no choice but to retreat into the good old days and take the faithful with them. They can no longer edit the books fast enough. At one time I tried to read a book a Christian friend gave me that explained that all of carbon dating was wrong and the dinosaurs lived in the last 5,000 years. This was an effort to show that the factual pillars of bible were correct but no one argues any longer that the world is the center of the universe and one day this other pillar of the bible will no longer be argued either. It is said the world changes one funeral at a time but ignorance takes a long time to bury.

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Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 05:34 am
The first time the military-industrial-propaganda complex tried to get us involved in the Syrian Civil War it was on the side of the poor Syrian rebels that were taking a beating by government forces. We saw endless pictures of children being killed and rebel forces trapped and being bombed by evil government forces. The American public resisted and refused to get involved in the Syrian civil war. What a difference a few short months make. Now America is going to enter the Syrian civil war on the side of the Syrian government. So now it will be America blowing up those poor children and rebels that were being portrayed as heroic rebels fighting an oppressive brutal government only a few short months ago. It doesn’t matter to the industrial/military complex which side they blow up as long as they can use million dollar bombs to do it.

How did the victims become the so-called villains so fast? When the Syrian rebels took control of Exxon/Mobil and the other seven sisters oil wells and the banks the script was in for a radical rewrite. The Syrian rebels had originally been cast as modern day incarnation of the original American Rebels fighting an oppressive evil government. But when they started taking oil wells and the banks of the evil rich that was another matter. The Military/Industrial/Propaganda complex soon realized crazed religious extremists would make much better villains than the tired stereotype of an evil government. Replacing the evil dictator Saddam proved to be a bad idea. The beheadings of two Americans was in end only two people being killed who knew what the risks were. They were no more dead than two mountain climbers who decided to take a risk. But the value of the beheadings to Exxon and the Seven Sisters was immeasurable.

I wonder if America had joined the side of the rebels when the military/industrial complex wanted us to where we would be today. After all they were the downtrodden victims just a few months ago. Nothing like a good religious war to make the rich far richer.

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Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 05:35 am
Religious wars are good recruiting tools for religious cults. The current conflict features the Christians versus the Muslims as in any war people will join to be able to participate in the conflict. Each side will see themselves as victims of the other. ISIS’ goal is the establishment of a Muslim country where no other religion will be tolerated. Even though the United States has a secular government most American Christian leaders loudly proclaim America to be Christian country and their attitude can best be summed by the Duck Dynasty star statement ”convert them or kill them.“ Historically killing anyone that believes differently than Christians has always been appealing to cult members. If the Christians that run the Inquisition could have bombed countries that didn’t believe as they did you can be sure they would have but they would have missed feeding their religious bigotry on prolonged agony and screaming of their victims as they roasted alive on slow burning green wood. ISIS beheads because it is more humane than others forms of execution the Christians burnt people at the state to prolong the agony of execution as long as possible. Just religion cults making the world a more “Just World.” Religion is not the path toward a more “Just World” it is a path away from a “Just World.”
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Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 04:59 am
Our imagination plays a key role in problem solving as we imagine one possible solution to a problem after another we eventually solve the problem. But when we imagine a God as a possible solution to our problems our imagination becomes distorted. Groups began to imagine what a God would be like and group imagination began to take over the concept. The Christian God became a vengeful God. It was bad enough that the faithful burned people at the stake a few hundred years ago one but who could blame them? They were only following the example of their God who was burning millions for a whole list of imagined offences for an eternity. If this was God’s justice why should it not be man’s justice? Group imagination quickly reflected what was worst in mankind it was left to government to control the religious zealots in the United States laws were passed that stopped the religious cults from executing people of different faiths. In fact the right of the religious cults to execute anyone for any reasons was soon usurped by government a right the religious cults would quickly reassume if they could. Religious cults have always been about murder and torture all the time proclaiming their God of peace and love. Each Sunday morning the faithful worship their loving God as they know full well he is torturing millions of souls in the most horrible way. This much like worshiping John Wayne Gacy and telling people what a fine many John really is if you just overlook his murdering ways after he dressed as a clown an entertained children in the hospital. When you focus on one character aspect you overlook other aspects.
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Reply Mon 15 Sep, 2014 05:35 am
Southern Baptist researcher, Thom Rainer, estimates that between 8,000 and 10,000 churches will close this year. Forty percent of Americans say they attend church weekly but in reality less than 20% actually do so. Of those who do attend church a disproportionately number are gray headed. Are ignorance schools in America simply going out of style? The younger generations are realizing that they have to make a choice between the darkness of ignorance and superstition and the light of knowledge. Religious consultants are racing to find a way to make ignorance and superstition more appealing to the younger generation. One idea to attract the millennial generation is to embrace the use of technology. During the sermon Millennial would be asked to text questions about the sermon to the preacher who would select the three best questions and answer those. In the 80s churches added big screen television and Christian rock bands to the service but still 8,000 to 10,000 churches closed a year. It seems organized bigotry and superstition are not as socially acceptable as they once were.

What is the advice of religious consultants to save Christianity in America? White people make people make up only 64% of America today in the next 30 to 40 years the white race will be a minority in America. It seems the birth control pill literally changed the face of America. The churches can simply no longer afford their former bigoted positions about other races. They will not only have to accept other races but actively recruit them if they are to survive. If you think about the new immigrants are likely to be the most ignorant and superstitious in America making them naturals for learned ignorance of churches. As minority recruiting goes up the older bigoted crowd will simply stop going to church and they are now the backbone of the Christian movement. Most traditional American churches while not openly endorsing the superiority of the white race from the pulpit did endorse it in the make up of the congregation.

Will these ideas reverse the decline in church closures? It is unlikely that rock music and cell phones will succeed in doing anything but driving out the older Christians. It is the eternal battle between the darkness of ignorance and superstition and the light of knowledge.
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Reply Tue 16 Sep, 2014 11:11 am
Will cell phones and text messages during the sermon drive up the number of people attending church regularly? Question and answering sessions during the sermons amounts to little more than a gimmick. Gimmicks may temporarily increase attendance at some churches but if the predominate group attending church now is gray headed, and that is the case, the change will likely drive many of them out the door. As people get older they like change less and tradition becomes more important. The last gimmick of adding rock music to services did not drive attendance up church attendance continued to decline.

With 8,000 to 10,000 churches closing there door each year and less than 20% of Americans attending church weekly it indicates there are severe problems. As the churches teaching fly in the face of known facts, the churches continues to teach that facts are lies and that superstition and ignorance are indeed superior to facts. The church has waged open warfare on facts in this last century and they are losing the battle. No longer does the American public believe that slavery is justified because slavery was the bases of life during biblical times. Churches no longer bother to make the argument but prior to the civil war the Southern pulpit was a fire that slavery was God’s will. Churches led America into the biggest Civil War America has ever known. The Churches would destroy America to prove that slavery was an acceptable way of life. No Christian would justify slavery today. But churches loses are forgotten in time and no history book gives the Southern Churches the credit they deserve for the Civil War.

The churches have demanded that schools teach magical thinking, calling it intelligent design, along side evolution. Wishful thinking is the only evidence of intelligent design while evolution has and undisputed fossil record but intelligent design is taught in many Christian schools as hard fact.

In the last few decades the homosexual question has taken center stage. The churches have taken a hard position that homosexuality is against God and man’s law. Man’s law is changing but the churches position is that God’s law is written in stone and impossible to change. As more facts come to light that homosexuality has a biological root and is not choice the bigotry of the churches became much more evident to younger generations who are much better informed than older generations and more accepting. Like the churches belief that slavery was a valid way of life the churches insistence that homosexuality is an abomination is less popular today. Bigotry always appeals to ignorant it makes them fell better about themselves but fewer people want to send Sunday morning with them.

Joining a modern church has much in common with joining a White Supremist group all you have to do is deny reality and live in your own little world. More and more people seem unwilling to do that theses days. The world is changing slowly one funeral at a time. As those gray hairs go to meet their maker or not, the world is changing.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2014 10:28 am
The actual figure of people who attend church regularly in America is 17.7% significantly less than 20%. The Evangelical Covenant Church began collecting data for the 2004 study in the 1980s. Another study published in ‘The Journal for the Scientific study of Religion” by C Kirk Hadaway and Penny Long Marler in 2005 confirmed the 17.7% number. All religious movements become insignificant over time. Just like people they are born, they live and they die. The Muslim religion is significantly younger in fact it is the third book in religious trilogy. The Jewish religion is based on the Old Testament, the Christian religion the New Testament and the Muslim religion on the third and most recent. Like a snake with three heads it has spread murder and malice throughout the world. The Muslim religion is suffering from growing pains and is by far the fastest growing religion in the world and especially in America. The Muslim religion has reached the stage of development that the Christian church reached during Inquisition when torture and burning people at the stake were considered legitimate and important recruiting methods.

In 1990 there were 935 million Muslims world wide by the year 2,000 there were 1.2 billion the more extreme the religious movement the more attractive it is to many. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America 80% of the 1,200 mosques in America have been built in the last 12 year. In contrast Christian’s churches are closing at the rate of 8,000 to 10,000 a year. The power of life and death is often referred as the power of god a religion that exercises that power seems to demonstrate it holds that power and it draws people like moths to a flame. It is time to recognize that the enemy is all religion.
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Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2014 04:49 am
It is believed that at least a 100 Americans have joined ISIS to fight in Iraq and Syria. Senate authorized funding to train Syrian rebels who are fighting ISIS in Syria yesterday. The United States is also going to bomb Syrian rebels with the Syrian government permission. It seems the United States has decided to enter the Syrian civil war on both the government and rebels side. Keeping track of “who” is on first in Syria is going to be complicated. ISIS is openly recruiting Americans to fight in Iraq and Syria. The religious cult members always believe that God’s law is higher and more binding than man’s law. When it comes down to choice between country and god religious extremists will always chose God no matter how extreme the interpretation of God’s will.

The religious crazies are about to make more blood run through the streets of America than any time since the civil war. As more and more of ISIS targets are bombed in Iraq it is only a matter of time before they bring the forefront of their terrorist war to America. IISIS has proved that recruiting Americans to fight with them in Iraq is easy recruiting them to fight in the streets of America will be easier. America lack of gun laws will allow the ISIS affiliated rebels to purchase the best military style weapons available in the world. Once weapons have been purchased and the would be god defender trained at the numerous gun ranges it will be off to unload their 100 round gun clips at the closest Mall or day care center to avenge their God. All in the name of their God, isn’t it strange how you always see man’s refection in God’s image? As long as America continues to wallow in darkness and superstition we invite the religious extremists to do what they will. The real enemy is the darkness and superstition of all religion. One religion breathes life into the other more extreme forms of religious darkness, it validates them.
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Reply Mon 22 Sep, 2014 05:34 am
Al Qaeda realized along time ago that the extreme right and the National Rifle Association have provided an opening for major terrorists attacks anywhere in the United States. Al Qaeda openly advertised in the Middle East for volunteers to immigrate to United States by the best semi-automatics military style weapons, which can be easily converted to fully automatic by anyone with moderate mechanical skills. Than they join a gun club with the rest of the gun nuts and make sure they can accurately hit many targets. After the NRA succeeds in arming the terrorist the best military style weapons of mass destruction they will look for the biggest crowds at malls, parades, shopping centers and schools. The terrorists are then instructed to kill as many Americans as possible.

The Al Qaeda attacks never took place but the terrorists are no doubt in place good dues paying members of the NRA defending the right of every terrorists to have weapons of mass destruction. I wonder how big a contribution Al Qaeda and ISIS send to the NRA each year I would bet it in the seven-figure range. Would the NRA take the terrorist’s money? No doubt. While Al Qaeda hasn’t been able to pull off a successful attack of this kind, ISIS, which is made up of religious zealots, will. The NRA will make sure every terrorist organization in the world can come to America and arm themselves with the best weapons of mass destruction. ISIS and the NRA are custom made for each other when people die in terrorist attacks in America the gun manufactures profits will go through the roof. Historically gun manufactures could care less who they sell the guns to as long as the sell lots of guns. The American people don’t realize the NRA is not their friend it is their enemy.
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Reply Tue 23 Sep, 2014 05:37 am
The National Rifle Association, the NRA, is in actuality the National Gun Manufactures Association. The public believes the carefully crafted public image the gun manufactures want to protect that they are just trying to protect the public right to own a gun but the reality is the Gun Manufactures, like cigarette manufactures associations and car manufactures associations have one purpose to exist and that purpose is to sell more of their products. Would a product association continue to promote and push it product if it knew it would kill members of the public? It is now a proven fact that cigarettes cause lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema attacking virtually every organ in the body. The Center for Disease Control states that smoking kills more people than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearms related accidents combined. But the cigarette association continues to push their product. Long after the Ford Motor company knew that their compact Pintos would explode on rear end impact and immolate their occupants they continued to sell Pintos to an unsuspecting public.

Capitalism has one driving force and it is not morality. The profit motive drives capitalism if morality or public safety are to be a consideration it must come form a different source. The National Gun Manufactures Association, like the cigarette companies, has know for years that terrorists have openly advertised for radicals to immigrate to America and purchase easily available weapons of mass destruction that can be converted to full automatic weapons by simply purchasing parts to switch them over. You can buy all the parts to make the weapon automatic by mail order but they must be bought from different venders. While frequent terrorist attacks in America would be bad for the American public it would be the best thing that ever happened from the Gun Manufactures Association perspective, more guns more profit. In the 1960s the Cigarette Companies tried to tell the public that cigarettes were safe and the evidence against them was just bad science but even after it is has been proven fact that cigarettes have killed 10 times more Americans than have been killed in all the wars in American history the cigarette companies continue pushing cigarettes.

When people began to die in terrorist attacks in America, the NRA, in reality the gun manufactures association, will deny, deny, deny. They will say the solution is for more and more guns. The NRA will point out that if the teenagers at the Mall had their own automatic weapons they could shoot back. Recently a teacher was shot with her own gun at school in an accident. Now teachers in some states are carrying their own guns in their pocket book. They showed one on NBC News last night that was 80 % accurate at 9 feet. At 9 feet she could hit an attacker in the head by throwing it. They filmed her shooting it as her hand shook widely. An America where everyone is armed with automatic weapons is a win, win situation for the Gun Manufactures Association.

As religion gets more and more radical the ISIS style groups will be more common. Their leaders will convince their followers they are on a mission from God and after all God would not have made weapons of mass destruction as easily available in America if he didn’t want them to kill the infidels and after it happens the Jerry Falwells and the Pat Robertsons of the American religious right will declare it as God’s will. A judgment executed on America for supporting the homosexual agenda.
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Reply Wed 24 Sep, 2014 05:32 am
God to drive the drugs out of Huntington. The Pied Piper did much better getting the rats out of town. So far it looks, as it is business as usually in Huntington. It looks like it God has chosen not to answer their prayers. They say unanswered prayers are some of God’s greatest gifts. God instead has decided to send drug addicts from all over the United States to Huntington. The a local church has teamed up with the Eddie James Ministry to create the Tower of Hope in an old 300 room downtown 1920s hotel. James will recruit the very worst drug addicts from all over the United States, those that have stolen their families blind and their families will have nothing to do with them. Once news reaches the drug dealing community that 300 of the most hard-core drug addicts in America are coming to Huntington every drug dealer in a hundred miles will set up shop in Huntington. It seems God has a sense of humor, Huntington prayed the drug out of Huntington and God sent them even more drug addicts.

The Eddie James Ministry has a solution to drug addiction you not only get the addict to stop using drugs you replace one addiction with another. The drug addiction is replaced with God addiction. From the article published in the paper the Eddie James Ministry has much in common with some of the most hard-core cult known in America. The Moonies, Jim Jones’s “People’s Temple” and David Koresh The Branch Dividians. The rags to riches story is always a popular fable in America but in churches the most popular fable is where the scum of the earth suddenly becomes the salt of the earth after god enters their life. No matter how many time it’s is told they never get tired of hearing this story of how God saved the drug addict, rapist, murder or shop lifter because it reinforce the fairy tale they believe. They believe it is tangible proof of God after all no human being could possibly change or alter his life without God.

If preachers hadn’t become preachers most would have made good conmen the requirements for the positions are the same all you need do is make people believe in something that isn’t true. Speculating about how an Eddy James gets over a friend it is not hard he simply tells you everything you want to hear. You are going to live forever and be reunited with your grandmother. No body ever dies. If a conman could sell a lie like this he could make millions and Eddie James is just asking for $5 million to remodel an old hotel and just remember what happened when the Pied Piper wasn’t paid the rats were turned lose on the city.
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Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2014 05:45 am
Horatio Alger book “Ragged Dick” a 1868 rags to riches story of a poor bootblack rise to middle class respectability story still has a tremendous effect on American Economic policies to this day. The story of “Ragged Dick” was a complete work of fiction but its real world effects continue to influence taxing policies to this day. It changed the perception that the rich took advantage of the poor to perception that it was only lack of hard work that kept anyone from being rich. Like the rags to riches story the story of drug addict to respectability has a tremendous effect also.

The Eddie James story is of course similar in that it panders to the public’s prejudices that the only reason people are addicted to drugs is that they have not dedicated their life to Jesus Christ and become a member of his religious cult. Of course Eddie James story of going from bad boy to soldier of Christ is hardly unique it is story the faithful never tire of hearing. James is credited only for his hits and not for failures. The faithful will always believe that a few drug addicts getting off drugs for a few years is proof positive of their beliefs but they will never believe that the failures of those who go back to drugs is proof that there is no God. The man who tortured his dog and kept the body of his dead dog in his house and prayed 5 days for it to come back to life believed it would be raised from the dead if he prayed. The parents of the drug addicts want to believe that if they pray and take their addict to a man of Christ they too will be raised from the death of drug addiction and some will but the problem is not in lack of belief in Christ but in lack of belief in their own ability to change but their will always be many praying for the dog to come back to life who will be disappointed. If your car broke down even most Christians would not decided to pray it back to good working order.

Religious Cults are dangerous but some are far more dangerous than others and those that use mind controls techniques to achieve their ends are the most dangerous.
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Reply Fri 26 Sep, 2014 05:33 am
It has been 19 days since the national day of prayer that was staged to pray the drugs out of Huntington. The questions are were all the drug dealers and addicts driven out of city Huntington or was even one drug dealer or addict driven out of the city of Huntington? Would it have been fair for God to drive the addicts and dealers out of Huntington into surrounding area? It is impossible to quantify the amount of drug dealer and drug addicts in Huntington prior to the day of prayer s in Huntington. It is also impossible to quantify the number of drug dealers and drug addicts after the day of prayer. The Mayor has certainly not proclaimed a great victory of prayer over drugs. If prayer did not prevail over drugs maybe drugs prevailed over God.

These type situations are the ideal situations for prayer only antidotal evidence will ever be available someone will know someone that stopped using drugs on that day at that time and they will get up and testify to how that day of prayer saved them from a life of drugs and sex. But what if a double blind scientific study of the power of prayer could be conducted in controlled conditions? Just such a study was in fact done. Millions of dollars were spent and those who believed just knew it would show the power of prayer and it did. The group that knew they were being prayed for actually got worse, so much for the power of prayer question. In the study the patients recovering from open-heart surgery were divided into three groups. One group was prayed for and the second group received no prayers but third group were told they were being prayed. None of the doctors and none of the people scoring the recoveries knew who was in the first two groups. There was no statistical difference between the first two groups but a significant negative difference in the third group. The result was unexpected as they expected to see a significant placebo effect. In others words those who expect to get better because of prayer would because they believed but in fact they got worse results. They eventually accounted for the effect by the fact that the patients were placed under stress to physically prove their beliefs and the stress made them worse.

You would think at this point even the religious would admit prayer to non existent God is nonsense and superstition but no, they explained that their God would never participate in any such study. The first rule of God is that anyone who needs proof of his existence is not worthy of his time. No one will ever be able to show any positive results for the Huntington Day of Prayer but the Churches of course will proclaim a great victory. In any other situation but this if a proclaimed solution did not solve the problem people would lose faith in that proclaimed solution but in this case they will look for rationalizations as to why God decided not to take the drugs out of Huntington.

For those who believe there is no proof to contrary that cannot be rationalized away. A willful god can change everything. He can even decide not to participate in any and all scientific studies. The proof that there is no God is not only out there it surrounds us everyday. If mankind sits back and asks a nonexistent god to solve his problems he only postpones the actual solution.
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Reply Sat 27 Sep, 2014 12:09 pm
The debate as to whether there is a God has raged throughout the centuries. The question is have we unconsciously resolved the debate without most of the population even noticing?

“For those who believe no proof is necessary for those that don’t believe no proof is possible.”

The use of language in that sentence is extremely important to resolving the question. Children in our society are often ask, “Do you believe in Santa Clause?” Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?” “Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?” As adults we are often ask if we believe in God?” But we are never ask if we believe in Atomic Bombs or battleships? There is no doubt they are indeed a reality. But the debate about God always comes down to do you believe. Life is breathed into Santa Clause by those that believe he exists his reality is based on those who believe. It is the same with the Easter Bunny he is real to children until they become older and realize he could not be real. Most people on earth have never seen an atomic bomb explode but they would never say, Do you believe in atomic bombs? God’s existence in our society and others is a result of believing that he exists. If the atomic bomb had never been invented we could not bring it into existence by simply believing in its existence.

The religious will always began by asking you if you believe in God. Their very starting point is an admission of their own doubt. It is said that words are both magic and powerful. They often leave our thoughts naked even when that was not our intent. When we set out to conceal our real intentions we are often betrayed not only by our words but how we use them. Each time the faithful ask you, Do you believe in God?, what they are really seeking is a reality for God based on consensus.

ISIS is no longer satisfied with seeking a consensus by spreading the good word their doubt about the existence of their God is so strong that they will use murder to make sure everyone believes in their God. Their own doubt is what drives religious torture and murder. Insecurity and doubt will haunt the most ardent believers all the days of their lives and drive them to do the most hideous acts in the name of God. It is their own doubt they strive to slay and no matter how high the body count their doubt will linger on till the day they die.

The darkness of religion has plagued mankind for thousands of years and until the veil of darkness is raised the religious will kill and torture because they are tormented by their own doubt. Our unconscious mind resolved the debate about God years ago it is only a matter of making our conscious mind realize it.
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Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 08:01 am
As human being we inhabit two different dimensions, one of reality and one of imagination. The same rules that bind dimension of reality do not bind the dimension of imagination. The interesting part is that some things that are imagined can cross the boundary between the two dimensions as long as they conform to natural law. The dimension of reality has rigid rules that we call laws. These laws cannot be violated. The imaginary dimension has no laws literally anything can be imagined from the Gods on Mt Olympus to a Unicorn. The Wright brothers imagined an airplane and they gave the world wings. Henry Ford imagined the automobile and changed the world. These inventions crossed the boundary between imagination and reality. But what of the God’s on Mt Olympus and the Unicorn? Does anyone today believe that the Gods on MT Olympus control their lives like pieces on a chessboard? The Unicorn and the Gods on Mt Olympus never crossed the boundary into the reality even though people at the time believed they had.

The Gods on Mt Olympus and the people that believed in them are long since dead but as one god dies they simply reincarnated into another vision of a more modern updated version. Both the airplane and the car have changed throughout time but a creator god would have never changed from his initial appearance. Not one god has ever been able to cross beyond the boundary of imagination dimension and none ever will.

Many men before the Wright Brothers imagined different ways to fly but these imagined methods were bound by the laws of the reality dimension if they didn’t conform to laws of reality they could not cross the boundary. We will always see the image of a man flapping wings that he constructed in an effort to fly. In his imagination he soared like an eagle but reality he went to the hospital. He did not to conform to laws of reality the Wright brothers did. Gods by their very nature do not have to obey the laws of reality. The very essence of God is that they are not bound by the laws of nature it is what makes them a God. We can clearly see that Gods retain all their imaginary powers and stay firmly rooted in imagination land.

The eternal question will always be do you believe in God? Because God derives his very existence from those who believes he existed in all his great and horrible ways. Once people stop believing in a God he vanishes never to be heard from again. The wind beneath a God’s wing is belief once it is gone… Gods haunt our days and nights because they are intangible specters from our imagination.
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Reply Mon 29 Sep, 2014 05:34 am
A clip on the national news showed a member of ISIS telling a woman in a car that she would need to cover up because ISIS would now dictate how she would dress. Religion is about control it is all about telling others how to live. An incident where an extremist religious cult dictates how women will dress seems far removed from the United States surely similar things never happened in America the land of the free. When I was a child in the land of the free I watched as people were arrested simply for opening their business on Sunday. They were called blue laws and they dictated that no store could open on Sunday in competition with churches for people’s time on Sunday. I watched on television as time after time storeowners were arrested and their stores closed down. In the land of the free the religious cults were dictating by force of law the will of the religious cults. While the churches were not dictating how women dressed in America they were dictating when they could shop.

Should some religious cults be able to dictate when you can shop? To this day retail stores don’t open until after church services on Sundays. With only 17.7% of Americans attending church regularly why shouldn’t stores open at the same time Sunday as other days of the week? The Catholic Church I attended as a child fought hard to keep the Sunday Blue laws in place. After each sermon about why we should keep retail stores from opening on Sunday they asked the congregation to stop by the church bake sale next door.

According to Wikipedia Blue Laws are designed to enforce religious standards. What? In a country based on religious freedom laws were passed to enforce religious standards of certain religious cults. While the laws against retails sales on Sunday were eventually over turned in court many Blue Laws remain in place. In WV laws that prohibit liquor sales on Sunday morning remain in place. Liquor cannot be sold until 1PM on Sunday afternoon. In 41 of WV 55 counties hunting is prohibited on Sundays. In Colorado car dealerships are not allowed to open on Sundays.

Many people realize the dangers of letting religious cults make the laws of the land reflect their particular religious cults views. The fact that religious cults were once able to pass laws in America that restricted the freedom of others who were not members of their religious cult is frightening. The fact that man of those laws remain in place is even more frightening. What is next? The law pushed by religious extremists during the Bush administration requiring the death penalty for blasphemy may have been closer to a reality than we may have realized. Who knows maybe they would have required beheading as the method of execution.
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Reply Tue 30 Sep, 2014 05:32 am
Many Blue Laws remain on the books in America today. These laws are meant specifically to enforce religious doctrine or policy on those who do not believe in the Christian Cult. How can there be religious freedom if a religious cult can use the government and make laws that take the freedom of others. Most people believe that the government of the United States is a secular government but the evidence proves otherwise. Why should I be kept from buying a car in Colorado because the churches don’t want a car dealership open on Sunday?

Now a teenager in Pennsylvania is facing two years in jail for posting a picture on Facebook. The picture is of a lewd pose with Jesus on his knees. The teen is being charged with “desecration of a venerated object.” The same pose with a scarecrow or a rag doll might have raised a few eyebrows by the older generation but would have been ignored. I guess scarecrows and rag dolls are not venerated objects. So again we have a specific law meant to force belief in a specific religious cult. What we are actually seeing is the effects of the extreme insecurities of those who belong to the religious cult. If their God was real he would have struck the teenager with lightning on the spot. This is just more proof positive that he does not exist.

This particular is a law is just another law against blasphemy. In United States we pride ourselves because we have a secular government but when you take a closer look it is not as secular as we would like to believe.
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