The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2014 05:34 am
There are many factors that allow religious cults to prosper and grow. Recently commercials have appeared on television pushing air fresheners they show areas in house that are likely to have a bad smell to visitors but say that the residents of the house have gone “nose blind” to, in other words while the residents don’t smell the odor the visitors are overwhelmed by it. This is a great strategy for selling air freshener because it will sell air freshener not only to those that need it but those that don’t. This principal has been known for some time our senses are designed to pick out what is new or different in our environment not what is normally there. Our nose will quickly detect the odor of smoke which could be life threatening and is not a normal background smell. Are eyes are quickly drawn to motion even though most of our environment is not moving because motion may indicate a possible predator or a threat.

Religious cults take advantage of this principal also. Just like people in an odor filled house have “nose blindness” people in a religious cult suffer from “belief blindness” in the same way. From birth they have been surround by the religious cult’s belief system it is part of the ordinary background of their life they have come “belief blind” in the same way people become nose blind. I once knocked on the door of a house and when the door opened the odor was so strong it almost knocked me off the porch. One of the residents was in adult diapers and their sanitation was lacking. I wondered how the residents could possibly live in that house but what I smelled they didn’t that’s why they could live there. Our society has done that with religion the religious cult belief system would literally knock us off the porch but we as society have become “belief blind” and what has become damaging and harmful has become accepted if not mandated in some countries.
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Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2014 05:32 am
On NBC News last night they showed a summer camp for Israeli and Palestinians teenager in Massachusetts. Each Israeli had a Palestinian roommate what was missing was the hate and the will to kill each other. They saw each other as people instead of Jews and Muslims. When the teenagers were separated from their religious leaders it was easy to see the opposing side as just people. The religions in Middle East is responsible for keeping the hate alive, centuries of religious wrongs will never be forgotten and eye for an eye ends only ends when everyone is blind. If only those in the Middle East could see each other as the teenagers see themselves, just people not as avenging angels of an ancient religion.

One of the Israeli teenagers was 17 in year he will be required to join the military and kill Palestinians possibly even those he is in camp with. The damage religions do can never be undone no amount of blood will ever atone for it. The idea behind the camp is to teach the teenagers to see the others as people not members of a religious cult. Once one joins an organization, the grievances of the organizations becomes the grievances of the individual and the enemies of an organization become the enemies of that individual whether it is a ball team or a religious cult.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2014 05:38 am
There were no suicide bombers at the summer camp for Israelis and Palestinians teenagers, no one was being shot or stoned to death. They were learning to see each other, not as Jews and Muslims, but just as people, other teenagers who have much more in common than they realized. The religious cults will try to make killers out of them and their contemporaries.

If the purpose of religious cults was in fact to create a “just world” have they accomplished that? Or have they made the world more unjust? Those living in Israel or Palestine certainly haven’t achieved a “Just World.” It seems the idea of a God metering out punishment in the next life is not sufficient to achieve a “Just World” in this life. After all those who do not believe in God are not bound by his will and studies have shown that atheists are just as moral as the religiously devout and whole lot less likely to kill other people because of their beliefs. Religious cults realize that they are not achieving their goal of achieving a “just World” and solved this problem by promising a just world in the next where rewards will be handed out to faithful and punishment handed out to the wicked. Religion distorts the problem much like a Fun House mirror you realize that the image is yours but it is severely distorted. We can simply no longer afford a severely distorted reflection of what should be. Mankind must move on beyond learned ignorance and fantasy if we are to survive as a species.
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Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2014 05:37 am
Both religion and law are an effort to make the world just. Religion tries to impose a just world through fantasy while government uses the power of government to try and establish a just world. For our spices to survive it is necessary for us at least to strive for a “just world.” A just world is move toward order and an unjust world a move toward disorder. A king was the law in many early civilizations; he decided who was punished and why they were punished. Originally religions had multitudes of Gods but as monotheism developed it reflected its earth bound counterpart with one God deciding what would be punished and who would be punished. Fantasy simply became a reflection of reality. The so-called “God Gene” is nothing more than the inborn longing to establish a just world. The organization of government under kings predates monotheism. Religion is simply a reflection of our values.
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Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2014 05:28 am
Date Line on NBC reran a story about a Mormon religious cult that practiced plural marriage. The 86-year-old cult leader had 50 wives. The so-called profit had prophesied that he would live until the second coming of Christ. He didn’t make it. His son took over and they soon ran low on women for the plural marriages it is difficult to come up with 50 women per man even in a cult. Even with 50 children it was impossible to come up with enough females. So they began marrying off children. It is hard to believe that any parent would consent to their 14 year old marrying their first cousin but such is the power of cults as long as someone tells them it is God’s will. Myth is one of the most powerful forces on earth. As long as you believe in myth you are vulnerable to manipulation and there are any number of people who will manipulate you.

When myth comes in reason goes out the window. If there is a possible mythological destination people will set aside their ability to reason. Suspension of disbelief becomes the new normal. What the self-proclaimed profit says is never questioned if an 86-year-old child molester says give me your 14 year old to molest parents gladly give them up in an effort to get to a mythological destination called heaven. What’s wrong with this picture? If the profit says kill 3,000 people in a religious war he will never be questioned or doubted. Such is the power of the imagination.
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Reply Mon 11 Aug, 2014 05:34 am
Fear of death is one of the primary reasons that religions exist. We spend much of our time avoiding death. Religions allow us the fantasy of ultimately avoiding death. We fear death all our lives without the will to survive our species would not exist. The fear of death is necessary survival instincts all that live have a will to live. To die would be to surrender the will to live.

A conman often looks for something someone wants and offers them that, a stock with a $500% return or some other offer that is to good to be true. He asks for you to send him $10,000 so they can send your million-dollar prize. Conmen push people in the direction they already want to go. But the best offer of all is ever lasting life for you and your loved ones. Who would not take an offer of every lasting life? This is the biggest con in history and it has produced trillions of dollars for religious cult. Even science can’t give you ever lasting life but the preacher down the street can or at least the fantasy of it. Like the million dollar prize you will never see ever lasting life but in this con no one lives to know they were cheated.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2014 05:35 am
Imagination has provided us with millions of fictional books. Our imagination has taken us to Mars and to Hell and back. Imagination is a survival skill handed down from our ancestors. Under attack by wild animals our ancestors could imagine which path of escape was best and then take that path. It is one of our most powerful survival tool and it more than anything else is responsible for man’s technology progress. HG Wells imagined in his fictional book that we could go to the moon and this generation watched as men walked on the moon. There are man fictional books about life on Mars and we have landed unmanned crafts on Mars. But where many fictional writers saw monsters on Mars that would overrun the earth one day we found none when we arrived only a more or less dead planet.

The imagination can be driving force behind creativity or the driving force behind genocide. The spark that gave birth to the world’s religions was imagination it is as easy to imagine a benevolent, all seeing all, knowing God as to imagine Martians in flying saucers attacking the earth. The difference is once we go to Mars and find a dead planet we know that the Martians are not real but God’s live only in imagination land and we will never go there in a space ship. Most of our abilities can be used for good or bad, we can use our hands to create or destroy, to love or kill. Our imagination can be a survival skill or it can be used to destroy the world.

The religious always live in fear, fear that their religion is but a figment of their imagination. Their reason tells them that their religion is nonsense but their will to believe and fear of death soon overcome their reason and they will kill others who believe differently as going on in the Middle East now.
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Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:33 am
At some point in time religion will have to evolve to incorporate our current state of knowledge most major religions are thousands of years old and reflect the knowledge of that time. Slavery was an accepted practice when the bible was written. The bible never questions the morality of slavery it just accepts it as a normal part of life. In a “Just World” could one man make a slave of another? The Bible was used to justify slavery in the Old South. If slavery was good enough for the biblical figures it was surely good enough for America after all it was God’s will that some people were slaves and others were slaves owners. It was a “Just World” and God was simply punishing the evil and rewarding the good. Slave owners in the bible slept with and had children by their slaves slave owners in America also followed this practice, was this held up as immoral or unjust? The Bible simply reflects the morality, customs and knowledge of that time.

These practices and others are understandable in the context of their time but if the bible is of divine origin from an all-knowing God would not a God have pointed out that no man under any circumstance own another man. Why was this not at the top of list of the Ten Commandments? It was one of the world’s most unjust practices. But what was included in the Ten Commandments

“Thou hall have no other Gods before me.”

“Thou shall not take the name of the lord thy God in Vain.”

“Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image”

What? The Supreme being included these and left out slavery?

It is often what you don’t see that impeaches the source not what you see. What religious cults do best is to confine your attention to what they want you to see. How much longer can a world of intelligent people “believe as a little child believes?” The commandments above are all about creating a cult not about improving the morality of men or making it a more “Just World.”
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Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2014 05:32 am
Are religious cults responsible for a portion of the obesity epidemic in America today? In addition to the damage religious cults do to young peoples minds they do a lot of damage to their bodies as well. In our busy lives it is hard to find enough time to exercise. I have always found Sunday mornings to be an excellent time for swimming and biking. The light traffic on Sunday mornings makes the biking much safer and swimming before the beach gets crowed is much more enjoyable than trying to avoid a crowd. But many if not most spend their Sunday mornings sitting on their rear end getting fatter and not only are they getting fatter but their mind is getting fatter also as it is being fed a diet of junk ideas.

In church sits a woman of 300 lb listening to the preacher tell how her body will be uncorrupted in the next world. There is no need to do anything in this life when the next life will have streets of gold and you will finally meet the imaginary cult leader. Much of our out of control medical costs are being driven by the obesity epidemic and religious cults are doing their part in adding to the epidemic. What if people didn’t believe that they were going to heaven? That death was just an escape into the next world where they would be happy for eternity. If they realized their fantasy of an after life wasn’t real would they be more likely to take care of their health in this one?

ISIS continues to show the world what religious cults are capable of with massacres and beheadings. All the Christians will get on their high horse and point out that Christians would never do that. But history shows that Christians were one of the most cruel, viscous religious cults the world ever saw. True they weren’t big on beheading because it didn’t prolong the agony long enough for the faithful to enjoy. A person that is beheaded dies instantly but if you get green wood and burn someone at the stake that person will scream in agony for a prolonged time period. The preacher can than point out that this is what happens to sinners in hell. That is how they originally recruited their following. This is what Christians did to non-believers when they weren’t using other more creative forms of torture. Christians raised torture to an art form never has torture been so prevalent than when the Christians had government authority. Are the Christians any better than ISIS? No. The only difference is that ISIS holds government authority. If Christians could get control of our government the death penalty would quickly be restored for blasphemy. The religious cults say they about love and peace but in practice they are about hate and war.
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Reply Tue 19 Aug, 2014 05:32 am
The Mayor of Huntington has come up with a solution for the city’s drug problem. He is going to have the local churches pray it away. The mayor says you have no idea of the power of prayer. If prayer is so powerful Huntington should be the first drug free city on the planet soon. Why does this remind me of a witch doctor waving what ever they wave over a sick person who would recover anyway? The churches will band together and pray one day next month. They will pray for the police, the drug addicts and even the drug dealers. I am sure the intervention of prayer will instantly end the drug addicts’ drug addiction after all we have no idea the power of prayer. This is clear example of trying to solve real world problems with fantasy. You cannot wish drug addiction or drug dealers away neither can you pray them away.

The key to getting elected in Huntington has been the churches and each mayoral candidate courts the churches. The candidate who gets the majority of churches goers behind them is likely to get elected. The Mayors move panders to the churches. Remember the hero’s story? This allows the Church goers to cast themselves in the roll of heroes. The Mayor had also earlier announced that 10 more policemen would be hired to fight the drug problem. If the drug problem is reduced by increased enforcement it is the power of prayer that will be given the credit or at least share the credit. Superstition is alive an well in America today.

You can ask any Christian and they will tell you how they prayed for a certain sick individual and they lived. Just as a witch doctor can recount to you all the sick individuals that he saved the churchgoers can recount all those they saved. What is never remembered is all those that died after all the prayers. Only successes are remembered failures if acknowledged at all are counted as God’s will.

Physicists say that for every reaction there is an equal an opposite reaction and that can clearly be seen that the more mankind moves forward into the light of knowledge the more some try to drag mankind backwards into the blackness of superstition.
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Reply Wed 20 Aug, 2014 05:33 am
In our society we acknowledge that there are addictive personalities, those that easily become addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or even sex but we don’t acknowledge that people become addicted to religious cults. Even as it becomes obvious to those outside a religious cult that the cult is spinning out of control those inside remain oblivious even the killing and beheading of children becomes an accepted practice. Those within the cult rationalize the killings as necessary, God’s will. In our society one often finds people who have exchanged a drug or alcohol addiction for an addiction to a religious cult.

They go from place to place testifying how an addiction to a religious cult saved them from an addiction to a drugs or some other addiction. What they have learned is to replace one crutch with another. Fantasy is just exchanged for drugs. Many would say just live and let live but those in religious threaten not only our personal safety but also the very survival of mankind. Sure some religious cults are presently not as dangerous as others but as we found out during Baby Bush’s term in office some of the more extreme believers would like the death penalty imposed on any whom criticize religious belief. Is the true believer of ISIS any different than the true believer in America who asks for the death penalty for those who criticize religious cults? Is a state execution in America for criticizing religious cults any different than a beheading of non-believers by ISIS? There are social drinkers and social drug users who can use without become addicted as well as there are social religious cult members who do not become addicted to religious cults and the social religious cult member may even be the rule in America but the extremists are the one who gravitate towards leadership roles.

When the Christian cult unleashed hell across Europe they burnt those at the stake who didn’t believe as they believed is ISIS doing any thing the Christian cult didn’t do. There is nothing like widespread fear as a recruiting tool. Most people had no troubling deciding whether to become a Christian or be burnt slowly at the stake. Competing religions cults in Europe who didn’t burn people at the stake quickly disappeared. Why do those who loudly proclaim they are here to spread peace and brotherly love find killing is the best method to spread the word? The biggest threat to the spread of fantasy is truth. Since religious cults leaders cannot eliminate the truth the next best thing is to eliminate those who would spread the truth or at least put them in fear of spreading it.

Every Christian should gladly embrace their true heritage of murder and torture and realize that how their faith was really spread. The leaders of ISIS have no doubt studied history and are well aware of how the Christian cult spread so far and wide they see do difference in their beheading infidels and Christians burning members of peaceful nature cult called WICA at the stake and there really is no difference. Death and religious cults go hand and hand.
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Reply Thu 21 Aug, 2014 05:40 am
If there had been you tube when the Christians were burning people at the stake to spread the word of their God of peace and love would they now feel differently about the ISIS beheading? If they could watch as someone’s eyes were being gouged out because they didn’t not believe in the God of peace and love would they realize that religious cults are about spreading cult beliefs. Or is beheading much more humane than someone being torn apart on the rack because they refuse to believe? Christians have no right to be appalled at the beheadings in Iraq; their cult was built and spread on a mountain of dead bodies. The rock the Christian church was built on was that mountain of dead bodies. All to often religious cults are the refuge of the most evil and bigoted amongst us.
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Reply Fri 22 Aug, 2014 05:39 am
The drums of war are being beat loudly in America. The stocks of those who supply the war machine are going through the roof. On Monday in just one day the stocks of a friend went up $1700. Big business can hardly contain their exuberance. The three trillion dollar Baby Bush wars were not against a country but against “terrorism” which is a technique. This war will be the first war against a “religious cult.” There are cries already that we cannot just attack ISIS in Iraq we must attack them in Syria. How do you kill a belief? The only way to kill a belief is to kill every man, woman and child in that religious cult. At a million dollars a smart bomb is it any wonder that the stocks of the companies that specialize in killing people are going through the roof.

The “Just World” principal is being used by the military/industrial complex to manipulate the public. As each person beheaded video goes public in America the press outcry for “justice” is unmistakable and it is America who should be the instrument of that justice. In the office in the morning you hear how terrible it is that children are being beheaded in Iraq but when you point out how the Christian religious burnt people at the stake and this is just typical religious cult building and really no different than what the Christian cult did they say it took place 600 years ago. But there is an important difference this is the video generation almost from birth we witnessed history taking place before are eyes. We watched, as a President was assonated and a man walked on the moon. If there is no film of what took place it is not as real. There are no films of what the Christians cult did to Wiccans and other competing religious cults. If a picture speaks a thousand words a video speaks millions of words. A video of a person slowly being burnt to death with green wood and the prolonged agony would make an impact. Do you recognize that they were reenacting their vision of Hell where all non-believers would find themselves in the long run? Belief is a terrible thing whether you are a Christian or a member of ISIS.

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Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2014 05:34 am
Our wish for a “Just World” is the bases for much of our fiction and most of the world’s religions. It also is the main way that public is manipulated into wars. When we see a wrong because of our belief in a “Just World” we want it corrected. It is easy to push people in a direction they already leaning. The “Heroes Journey” which occurs over and over again in fiction from the beginning of time is about righting wrongs whether it is Superman, Batman, James Bond, Dirty Harry or Jesus Christ. They all see wrongs that are not just and right those wrongs. I grew up watching 100’s of Western were the cowboy in the white hat went into a corrupt town run by the cowboy in the black hat and righted the wrongs. The same basic story over and over again the actors changed and some of the story details were changed but the core story was always the same the hero made the world more just.

Now trillions of dollars are once again at stake and the military industrial complex wants that money. The way to get that money is to manipulate the public into a never-ending war. In times of war money flows easily and is not watched carefully after all what is a few million when trillions are being spent. A pair of enterprising sisters sold the Pentagon a package of washers and charged them a million to ship them. They found that shipping charges were never questioned. The sisters made millions before finally being caught. The manipulation started with those of other religions being beheaded then it was children being beheaded. The purge and killings of those of other smaller less organized religious cults has been historically standard operating procedure for religious cults, the Christians did it, and the next big religious cult will do it.

When the beheadings started many Americans were already climbing on their white horses to ride to the rescue or at least wanting others to do it. At one time America was the richest nation in the world now America is the biggest debtor nation in the world. We simply cannot afford to get sucked into another $3 trillion dollar war. Americans want to be the hero to the world. We want to ride out on our white horse six-shooter in hand and shoot all the bad guys in the world but in reality that is no longer possible without destroying America in the process. We can only buy so many trillion dollars in bombs.
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Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2014 05:34 am
“The Just World Hypothesis or Just World Fallacy is the cognitive bias (or assumption) that a person’s actions always bring morally fair and fitting consequences to that person, so that all nobles actions are eventually rewarded and all evil actions are eventually punished. In other words, the Just World Hypothesis is the tendency to attribute consequences to-or expect consequences as a result of –a universal moral force that restores balance.”

When Melvin J Leaner stumbled across the Just World Hypothesis in his 1960s experiment he had no idea that he had stumbled upon one of the core principals that made human life possible. Without the inborn drive to establish a Just World mankind might just be a few widely scattered isolated groups. It is hard to believe that scientist and philosophers had not found this principal years ago. You cannot look at the Wikipedia definition and not see the face of God. The reason the Just World Hypothesis remained hidden for so long was that it was hidden behind the face of God. Like the Wizard of OZ it was there along behind the noise and the flames.

The students in Learner’s experiment projected their concept of a Just World onto the pictures and backgrounds they were shown. It is our ability to project that jut world on the real world that moves us closer to a Just World not a cosmic force imposing that Just World on us. It took mankind thousand of years in Odyssian like journey into imagination land to over come the monsters, obstacles and gods and bring us full circle.
We must realize the driving force for a Just World does not come from without but from within us.
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Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 05:32 am
Religion was created in order to establish a “Just World” it was an imaginary solution to a real world problem. If people believed that an all seeing all knowing God was watching them every minute of the day and monitoring every thought people would behave Of course this ever loving God had another side and was worse than any serial killer ever conceived. Many serial killers will torture their victims until they finally kill them but at some point the torture ends, but not this God, he tortures his victims in the most horrible way possible for all of eternity. That has to make any serial killer green with envy. Just imagine billions of victims to torture for all eternity. These victims could be tortured for all eternity for simply not finding the one “true religion” out of hundreds of thousands. They could burn in Hell for all eternity for having false Gods in front of them or taking the name of God in vain. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Want to gather firewood on the Sabbath? Might want to reconsider in the bible people were executed for that.

What if mankind decided to come up with imaginary solutions to other real world problems? When it came to food production we could say a supernatural force will provide and not bother to plant crops. If people starved we would say it was the supernatural forces will. In fact in Ireland when landowner’s cash crops were planted instead of potatoes 100s of thousands died. From the pulpit across Ireland it was explained that it was “God’s will. Even though the rich knew that there was a blight on the potato crop and more potatoes needed to be planted they chose the cash over the horrible deaths of others but how fast the greed of some became the “will of God.” It seems the will of God is simply the rationalization of the will of man. When the will of man is mixed with the supernatural the distortions in man’s character is magnified many times over, a serial killer or sadist favorite activities suddenly become ‘the will of God.”

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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2014 05:41 am
Religious cultists are fond of saying that man was created in God’s image but it was God who was created in man’s image. God’s character can be defined by the commandment: “Thou shall have no other Gods before me.” What? Is God is admitting in his own ten commandments that there are other Gods? It seems God is a jealous God. Is not jealously one of the seven deadly sins of man? A perfect being would not suffer from petty jealousy but a God created in man’s image would. According to the bible in a fit of anger God destroyed Sodom and Gomorra and every man, woman and child there. Would anger be a trait of a perfect being or an attribute projected onto him by mankind. This was not the only instance of God anger documented in the Bible he destroyed the world with a flood. It seems he didn’t get it right the first time and needed a do-over. Perfect beings would not need a do-over but man often does.

When mankind gazes into the supernatural he sees his own reflection staring back at him somewhat distorted but always recognizable if you look close enough.
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Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2014 09:27 am
ISIS is trying to establish an Islamic country where religious cult will be the government. Does anybody really want to live in a country where God is the rule of law? After all it may be God’s will but remember it will always be man who implement God’s law. What was revolutionary about America was that is separated government from God and established a secular government that allowed people freedom of religion but allowed no formal role for religion in government. The founding fathers knew from experience how fast religious cults in America would start burning “witches.” America was created in the wake of a 100,000 people being executed for witchcraft and sleeping with the devil. It was obvious to the founding fathers that if religious cults held power the bigotry of religion would rule.

In America freedom of religion would not include the freedom to kill others that did not believe as you did. In fact laws in America soon prohibited burning people at the stake. One of the most popular arguments for religion is that it promotes morality while the actual facts are that it was secular government that dictated morality to religious cults. Religious cults in America needed to be restrained by the government from killing people. It was government that tamed the beast of religion not religion that spawned morality in government. ISIS is the unleashed beast of religion without the restraint of government.
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Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 05:34 am
A good deal of the industrialized country’s wealth has been transferred into the Middle East in the last half century, as gasoline became a primary energy source. Oil derivatives also provided us with many things made of plastic. With this huge transfer of wealth one would expect to see a lot of development in the Middle East but except for a few rare exceptions the Middle East languishes in third world conditions. Why? For centuries Religion has been used as a tool to keep the peasants in their place and make them content with their lives no matter how meager they may be. When one accepts a God one accepts the principal that, that God determines your lot and life and after all you would be ungrateful if you rejected or were unhappy with God’s gifts. As more and more western wealth permeated the Middle East their religion is becoming increasingly more violent. Their God not only wants the faithful but he wants his gospel of death an destruction spread throughout the Middle East he wants a never ending war waged.

Not since the French Revolution have so many been beheaded. Even though all forms of death result in the same end result nothing spreads terror like watching someone being beheaded the French guillotine stills makes us shutter today but beheading someone slowly with a knife radically ups the terror equation. In Frances only a limited number of people could witness a beheading space was limited. Now a worldwide audience can witness a beheading over and over. Religion is used by those with power and money as a diversionary tactic those that are busy with religious wars and forcing their concept of God on others are not worried about the vast disparity of wealth. A relatively few people in the Middle East have become rich beyond the imagination of most people on earth with oil money. At some point the Middle East would lurch toward a more Just World and leaders of the people would have pointed out that the oil was a natural resource and that the wealth should have been more evenly divided. The greedy rich are using religion in the Middle East as a diversionary tactic to keep themselves out of the cross hairs of discontent. Religion is used to make the world less Just not more so. By nature people are vulnerable to manipulation but the imagination and those that live there are far more vulnerable. What is God’s will? We can only imagine and with that door open the psychopaths rush and are all to willing to tell us what God’s will is.

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Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2014 05:34 am
Who knows the will of God? There are many religious leaders who will tell you know the will of God. ISIS leaders are absolutely sure they know the will of God and they are here to establish his kingdom on earth. Even other less extreme religious leaders are absolutely sure they know the will of God. God was created in man’s image not man created in God’s image and the “will of God” is always modeled off of the “will of men.” If God is imaginary and there is no doubt that he is, then the “will of an imaginary super being” is imaginary also and anyone who declares himself a religious leader can claim to know “the will of God” with equal validity.

When ISIS leaders claim to know that the “will of their God” is to behead their enemies and spread terror throughout the world it cannot be impeached because at the root of the problem is an imaginary super hero. “God’s will” is simply what any psychopath says it is. Any psychopath is free to imagine any method of torture or hideous act of murder and stamp it “God’s will.” To be sure there are also good people with good intentions involved in religious organizations but these good people hold the door open for the psychopath’s and the truly mentally disturbed among us to breath life into their vision of God as well.

In our society and others, religious ideas are given a profound and undeserved respect, which no other ideas are given. The most extreme religious views are often tolerated in society because to impeach the extreme religious views also impeaches the less extreme. The same core ideas lay at the heart of extremist religious cults lay at the heart of mainstream religion, God.

After hundred of centuries of searching for and ever changing God, when mankind finally gazes into the face of God he will see only his reflection and nothing more.
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