Mankind knowledge doubles ever few years now. All of the world’s knowledge by 1910 doubled by the 1960, it doubled by again by1980 or so now all of that knowledge is available to anyone world with a key stroke. But at the same time knowledge is expanding religious ignorance is exploding, many simply chose ignorance. In the Middle East the religious ignorance is being enforced with deadly force. You either believe as the ignorant believe or die. Ignorance hates ambiguity it threatens their world view. In America our secular government is the thin line that protects from the ignorance of religion. During the baby Bush administration members of the Christian Coalition had proposed a law that would mandate the death penalty for anyone who criticized religion in anyway. The fact that such a law could ever be proposed shows that the religious extremists are no more extreme in the Middle East than they are in America.
Iraq secular government kept the religious extremists under a measure of control until baby Bush overthrew Saddam government and replaced it with one set of religious extremists. Bush and his Christian Coalition saw nothing wrong with establishing a religious based government in Iraq after all that was the intent of the Christian Coalition in the United States. The religious extremists want control you can see that with abortion and gay marriage. They believe government should enforce their religious values next they will forbid women to go out in public without their faces covered.
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Tue 1 Jul, 2014 05:32 am
Another 300 troops were sent into Iraq yesterday this brings the total to 1,100 including 300 there to protect the US Embassy. The troop build up in Iraq has begun. There has been no official declaration of war but the United States now has enough troops in Iraq for a small offensive strike force. The stated reason for the additional 800 troops is to protect the Embassy and US interests in Iraq. Read US interests to be Exxon’s interests, the same Exxon that always claims to be a multi-national corporation when it comes to paying US taxes. Now our troops will be sent in to Iraq to fight to the death to keep Exxon’s billions in assets.
When trouble starts in the Middle East the price of gasoline soars but recently the price of gasoline has fallen 25 cents a gallon with Iraq on fire. Why? As ISIS takes control of the Iraq oil fields they are selling the oil black market for a tiny fraction of the oil cartel’s mandated minimum price the very same thing Saddam was doing before Exxon had him removed. The most damaging thing that ISIS could do to Exxon and the other 7 sisters is to under sell them. By now ISIS knows who their real enemy is; it is the Seven Sisters and their vast political control of the United States and other countries. Cheap oil will do major damage to the major oil companies because it cheapens all of the oil companies assets all over the world. When Iraqi oil is selling for $15 a barrel you can’t get a $115 a barrel for Texas crude.
Who wants to send their child to Iraq to die for mother Exxon’s profits? No one, so the manipulation begins. Now the war drums tell us about all the Iraqi civilians being killed in Iraq. Two thousand four hundred and seventeen killed in June and another 2,287 wounded. Sound familiar? Wasn’t Saddam killing all those Iraq civilians? The press releases must be done by Exxon’s press department and released to the media. It seems whoever is Exxon’s enemy is always America enemy.
If the Middle East countries hadn’t had any oil they would have been ignored after WWII just as we ignored the countries in Africa. The seven sisters cut the Middle East up like a birthday cake after WWII. The countries boundaries were redrawn with the intent to create political instability and make them easy to manipulate and control. There is one thing about history you can deny it happened but you can’t change the facts. The Seven Sisters left tracks in the sands of time like a murder with blood on his hands they can’t deny it.
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Thu 3 Jul, 2014 05:33 am
The Seven Sisters, the multi-national oil companies, didn’t see anything wrong with the United States spending $7 trillion to stop Saddam from selling black market Iraqi oil for $15 a barrel. ISIS has already taken control of oil wells at Ajeel and the oil fields at Al Omar. ISIS has also taken control of Iraq’s largest oil refinery plus many other oil fields in both Syria and Iraq. Does anyone believe this isn’t about oil? ISIS has taken a hundred foreigners hostage at the Iraqi oil refinery. I can hear it now we need to send the military into rescue the hostages if we just happen to take back control of the oil refinery the Seven Sisters would be grateful.
The Seven Sisters would like the United States to spend another $7 trillion to take back control of the Iraqi and Syrian oil fields and not one Republican will say a thing about running the national debt. According to the Republicans the country was drowning in debt but if it comes to war there is no limit. Where will the money come from? Social Security and Medicare the Republicans have been a long standing enemy of “entitlements” and social security is the mother of all entitlements. Republicans fought the implementation of Social Security harder than they are fighting “Obama Care.” If the republicans can spend the money for social security and Medicare on their favorite charity, the multinationals oil companies they will. No matter how many trillions are spent to take back or protect the seven sisters assets you will never hear a word about running up the national debt. You never heard a word when the first $7 trillion was spent but according to the Republicans entitlements are killing the United States but after all we have to protect “US interests” abroad.
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Fri 4 Jul, 2014 08:18 am
Many people carry the seeds of their own destruction in their genes. They are genetically programmed to self destruct. Breast cancer is an example; we now know certain women are genetically predisposed toward breast cancer. In construction we know that demolition often makes way for new construction. Mankind as a species may also carry the seeds of the destruction of the species. It is quite likely that mankind may not be the end product of evolution but just a step along the way. There are two leading candidates for the destruction of mankind; one is greed where a few feel entitled to all of the world assets. The second is indoctrinated ignorance, popularly known as religion. The world is now a walking contradiction, never has there been so much knowledge and never has there been so much ignorance. The fact that they can exist side by side and often in the same mind shows the human mind to be at best unstable and at the worst demented. Religious ignorance eats away at knowledge like cancer cells eat away the human body.
People in the Middle East are ready to lay their life down and more importantly kill others for some religious leader that was executed 1,500 years ago. But the United States lack the moral authority to tell those in the Middle East that religious ignorance is at the heart of their problems as long as the United States drapes itself in its own cape of religious ignorance. There has always been religious ignorance, people have always ridden into battle with the flag of their god proudly flying all to willing to kill those who believe in other gods but it seems to be intensifying and the available technology makes mass killings so much easier. Each side in a battle is sure their god will grant them victory but one side always loses.
Those in the Middle East have a world of knowledge at the finger tips but chose 2000 year old ignorance. Why? They cling desperately to the “just world fallacy” and their god is the personification of that fallacy the one who is responsible for making the world just. All forms of refuge have their price and the cost of hiding from personal responsibility is often death. All gods are an attempt to avoid personal responsibility. If there is going to be just world it won’t come from all seeing and all knowing god it will come from each person taking personal responsibility and doing their part.
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Mon 7 Jul, 2014 05:31 am
The “Just World Fallacy” is easily observable in laboratory experiments. Subjects are shown pictures of people and given a brief history some of the histories list the many good things that have happened to a person while other life histories list the misfortunes that have befallen that person. The students are than asked to rate the people that they were shown a picture and a life history, invariably those who had good things befall them were rated as far better people than those who had bad things befall them. Then the pictures and life histories are reversed and the next group of students rates the same people the opposite of the first group of students. When pictures and life histories are reversed the judgment about the character are reversed. Why? If it is “just world” as most people believe than the good people would be rewarded with for instance winning a lottery while someone who got cancer was obviously being punished for misdeeds. The Just World Fallacy is so deeply ingrained in mankind that we fail to even notice it in our attitudes about people. Why should the world be just? Why isn’t cancer as random event as winning the lottery. People are drawn to order and predictability. Random events are not predictable we would much rather believe that person that got cancer was being punished for something he did than it was just a random event. It protects us from believing it was random and could have just as likely happened to us. If we live a better life we believe we will be protected from random bad things that befall others.
After all isn’t that the foundation of all religion, that if you live a life according to religious belief that you will not only be protected from the random evils of the world but that you will be rewarded in this life and the next. At the heart of all religion lies the “Just World Fallacy” it is the stuff all gods are manufactured from. Mankind has been running scared from randomness since the beginning of time. He has wanted to impose order where no order could be imposed. The fact is some events will always be random, a tornado that wipes out the houses on one side the street and leaves the houses on the other, you can always that the people on the other side of the street were just better people and a just world sparred them but that is a fallacy. Just as it is fallacy to believe that those born into families with millions were just being rewarded for good deeds. The monsters that exist in the real world are far less dangerous than the monsters we breath life into with our imagination.
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Wed 9 Jul, 2014 05:33 am
What is religion good for? You can plainly see the peace and love religious style at work in the Middle East as both sides try to kill the more people than the other side. It is like trying to run the score up in a basketball game except the score is kept in dead bodies.
The religious have recently tried to convince people that there is a god gene. That people are born with a gene that makes them believe in gods. They point to the fact that religion of many different forms are almost universal. Joseph Campbell who studied world religions found they all have a common core, it is called the hero story. The hero more often than not is able to enforce a Just World. The same motifs appear in religions around the world whether it is Christianity, native American religion or island religions in the Pacific ocean. There are marked differences but the at core religion is a way to enforce Just World concepts.
The argument about personality traits is always about nature or nurture what was created by the environment we were raised in and what was ordained genetically. Survival skills in animals are handed down genetically. A kitten will quickly learn to hunt and kill small animals even though it never learned by watching another cat. Men come equipped with a fight or flight system that puts the body in high gear to escape enemies or fight to the death if necessary. These are necessary for our survival. The God gene may indeed exist but be misnamed. In order for mankind to survive in groups a "Just World" is necessary. A Just World will always be an ideal and never quite achieved but the ideal is necessary for survival of the species. In a world that is not just it is easy to imagine an avenging angel who rights all wrongs. A god that settles all scores. Superman is a hero who is trying to create a just world so is batman or Dirty Harry.
When we realize that man is genetically programed to try and achieve a Just World we begin to abandon the imaginary solutions of our primitive ancestors and put more effort into achieving a just world instead of waiting for a imaginary hero on a white horse to ride in an do it for us. A God Gene? No. A survival imperative, yes.
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Fri 11 Jul, 2014 05:35 am
Is there light at the end of the tunnel or just the eternal darkness of ignorance? Every once in a while a ray of light breaks through the darkness. One of the biggest Baptist churches in Huntington when I was a child recently bankrupted and was sold at auction to a local hospital. It was hard to believe that it had lost so many members that it could no longer afford to pay its bills. I talked to another member of another Baptist church which can no longer afford to pay the preacher salary do to lack of membership. I also talked to another church that was going to purchase the building next door but only has six members left. Is it a trend? Only time will tell but we know the world changes one funeral at a time. As the older people die the younger generation don't seem as likely to join or stay members of churches. Now only cult of the personality churches seem to attract and hold new members.
Many in this generation failed to have their children indoctrinated by the clergy and their children were even less likely to be indoctrinated by clergy. There is still an overreaching indoctrination by society as a whole but it isn't as effective. It can impose ideas but it does not generate the loyalty to one religious sect as it did in the past. I was careful not to impose my ideas about religion on my daughter when she was growing up and let her observe the world and decide on her own but on the other hand I didn't not let the religious sect impose their ideas when she was a child either.
Without the indoctrination and brain washing of those who unable to intellectually defend themselves religious sects are losing members. Religion in America is in crisis only the development of a new religion which takes into account the latest scientific understanding of the world will save it. While at the other end of the religious spectrum the religious extremists goal is to plunge the world 2,000 years in the past and impose it by death if necessary.
The clergy has always had one foot in reality and the other in myth. it was their job to blend the two and make it palatable to the ordinary man. The clergy claimed the power of the occult but could not change reality. Many of the religious right ideas have become politically distasteful. A vengeful god destroying a whole city because of their sexual habits makes God looks like the monster he is.
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Sat 12 Jul, 2014 05:00 am
It would be nice if there was a super hero in the sky enforcing a Just World but the very concept sounds ridiculous to those who have not been indoctrinated since childhood. One thing we know it is easy to shift responsibility so it is no wonder that the responsibility for a Just World was shifted so easily to an imaginary super hero who inhabits the sky. The idea that if a Just World could not be enforced in this world there would be retribution in the next has a way of making this world seem Just. But to impose a measure of order on this world every country has found that they needed a system of laws and people to enforce those laws.
If superman actually existed there would be no reason for law enforcement he would simply take care of the bad men. If we want a Just World, which no doubt is an important survival instinct in mankind that is just as important as our sex drive is necessary for the survival of the species, we will have to accept the responsibility for it and stop trying to shift it to the supernatural. The drive toward a Just World can be seen in every civilization since the beginning of time. It is a goal that will never be fully achieved, it will never be perfect, the world is not perfect but believing that a god will grant us what we can't achieve keeps us from achieving what is possible. As different super heroes give conflicting directions to different religious sects as how to achieve a Just World it is inevitable that disaster will follow.
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Mon 14 Jul, 2014 05:31 am
Can't you just feel the love in the Middle East as the rockets explode and the tanks get ready to roll. The Israeli Palestine war is called the eternal conflict. What separates these people is religion. The Middle East is the birthday place of many of the modern religions and with love of fellow man being the stated objective of those religions you would think the Middle East would be by far the most peaceful place on earth but instead it has bought nothing but eternal warfare. Why? All three of the primary Middle Eastern religions are monotheistic meaning they believe in one god, the very existence of another god threatens their world view. If one religious sect could eliminate the other religious sects they could eliminate doubt that their god is the one and only true god. So each religious sect's god rides into battle with them promising them victory over the infidels but there is never any victory just more dead children on both sides.
God dictates an eye for an eye and you can certainly see that in the Middle East now, Three Israeli children were kidnapped and killed by religious extremists and the eye for an eye begins and now over a 150 in Palestine have been killed in a quest for an eye for an eye, in a quest for a "Just World." Do you think a just god would count this way? Is religion creating a just world or an unjust world?
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Tue 15 Jul, 2014 05:32 am
It was John Lennon that in his song "Imagine" wanted us to imagine a world with "no religion too." All religions are a perversion of a survival instinct, just as child molestation and incest are a perversion of the sexual drive but what happens when perversion becomes mainstream? It is no longer considered a perversion. In some past societies child molestation was considered normal just as religion is considered normal today. Imagine the Middle East with no religion, there would be just people with no artificial lines to divide them. Imagine if there was no religion in pre World War II Germany. Who would Hitler have sent to the gas chambers? There would have just been Germans not Christians and Jews.
Religions creates chaos while the drive for a Just World was meant to diminish chaos. Imagination is mankind's greatest tool it allows to imagine that we could one day fly like a bird and then imagine how we might do that. We could imagine how we could fly to the moon and then build a space ship that took us there and we could imagine a vengeful and spiteful god that will rein death down on our enemies and then breath life into it in our imagination. Although our imagination is powerful we must be careful because everything we imagine is not real and no matter how hard we imagine we can not breath life into a God, an enforcer of a Just World. We will never use our imagination to bring a god to life, Gods will always inhabit the world of imagination they will never ride into battle with you and they will not give you 21 virgins for blowing people up. We can imagine a Just World but no god is going to do it for us like the Wright brothers we will have to build it for ourselves.
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Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:33 am
The religious war in the Middle East continues and the killings are religiously motivated. The question one would have to ask is if the purpose of religion is to create a "Just World" is it making the world more just or less just? Israel has killed more than 200 Palestinians in retaliation for the killing of three Israeli teenagers. Even in the eye for and eye teaching of the old testament this can't be considered "just." Religion is not a step forward but a step backwards away from a "just world." Religion has served to justify slavery, bigotry, and burning people alive because they believed differently definitely not a just world.
The world of imagination is easily perverted by those who seek power over others. It is easy to imagination what an imaginary God wants but when God wants and all to often that happens to be the same thing as the individual who believes in that God. It is often a wish fulfillment of the believer. So if you want to burn your religious competitor at the stake or kill 200 people in a neighboring country it becomes the will of God.
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Fri 18 Jul, 2014 05:30 am
Joseph Campbell called it the hero's story, no matter where he went from pacific island to Alaska the story of God was always the same, while the details varied the core story was the same, the heroes story. We need a hero, it seems we have always needed a hero, a role model. A God gene is the explanation the religious are pushing but that is an unlikely explanation for the core story. Stories of Heroes and Gods reverberate throughout history There are even heroes who took on gods and won but there can be no doubt that the heroes tale lays at the heart of all religions.
Tales of heroes seem to take on a life of their own whether it is James Bond saving the world or Hercules taking on Mt Olympus. Fictional heroes become almost real in the minds of some while mere men live and die heroes live beyond time. It seems we can never get enough of the heroes story, in movies or books heroes persevere and triumph. Whether it is Mosses or James Bond they always get the job done.
Joseph Campbell entitled his book "The Power of Myth" and indeed myth is powerful, the most powerful force on earth is not wind or water it is myth. Mankind has always breathed life into heroes and enhanced their legend, they are bigger than life characters for a reason, they are not made of flesh and blood.
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Sat 19 Jul, 2014 07:34 am
When one watches a movie one must employ what is called suspension of disbelief. If one employed rational thought many of the movies would be utterly ridiculous but week after week people watch movies that would be literally unbelievable without using suspension of disbelief.” But there is another group beside moviegoers who use suspension of disbelief each week except they go to churches instead of movie theaters. Each week they set aside any vestige of rational thought and accept as true the most fantastic tales ever told. But there is an important difference between the moviegoers and those who go to church; once the moviegoers leave the theater they realize that the movie was just a wild figment of somebody’s imagination and rational thought returns. They do look for or fear that Godzilla will harm them but those leaving church fully believe that God will harm them for even minor offences.
If the pursuit of a “Just World” is genetically engineered into us even to the point we would employ supernatural means to obtain a Just World or the belief it would be enforced in the next, where does the ability to suspend rational thought come from? We believe our ability of rational thought separates us from the beasts but at the same time we have the ability to set aside rational thought. Most of the abilities that are inborn in mankind have some survival value. The pursuit of a Just World has survival value as it is reflected in secular law but once it is pursued into the supernatural it becomes distorted. The suspension of disbelief must also have some survival value. The suspension of disbelief allows one to escape from the stresses of ordinary life but it is a short step from suspending one’s disbelief for a short period to suspending disbelief permanently. Once one suspends disbelief for small ideas it becomes easier to suspend belief on even bigger ideas.
It is the suspension of disbelief that robs the followers of the ability of rational thought, once you accept that your thoughts no longer have to be rational it is a short step to convince and manipulate followers to come to church each Sunday or blow themselves and others up to defend their make believe god. The greatest ability mankind has is his ability for rational thought, this is his greatest survival skill. When mankind willingly surrenders that he is unlikely to survive as a viable species and will end up as just another failed experiment in march of time.
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Mon 21 Jul, 2014 05:37 am
Children are not subject to the suspension of disbelief, as a child has not reached the age at which they are capable of rational thought. Children depend on parents and other adults to tell them whether a story is fictional. Many a child has been injured after donning a cape and trying to fly like superman. Children are told many stories some of the fictional stories are told to them as the truth, such as Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the tooth Fairy. When the child gets older he is finally told or realizes that these are fictional characters. Children are indoctrinated with religion at this time; they look to their elders to tell them whether religion is fictional or true. They have no ability for rational reasoning and will believe in the Easter Bunny, a rabbit who delivers chocolate candy. From there religion is no big stretch a God that dwells in the sky is just as reasonable as a large rabbit that delivers candy.
Many fictional characters from imagination land populate the child’s world none seem more fantastic than the other. Is it any wonder that the bible says, “You must believe as a little child believes.” In other words you should never try to apply rational thought to religious matters. The ability for rational thought is a product of millions of years of evolution. It is what made the survival of mankind possible but yet we are told we must abandon rational thought to make religion possible. With religion we separate into warring tribes. In the Middle East now the streets are running red with blood the people are genetically the same what separates them is religion. They don’t define themselves as people but as Jews and Muslims and the fight and the killings have raged throughout the centuries with no end in sight. And it will continue as long as we continue to indoctrinate children with the collective imagination and tell them they must “believe as a little child believes.”
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Thu 24 Jul, 2014 05:31 am
A child can be told the most fantastic tale and he will believe every word of it whether it is a man in a red suit that delivers toys to every child in the world over night and watches him every minute to determine if he was naughty or nice to see whether he will get his just reward or a bearded man who watches them every minute of their life and determines whether or naughty or nice to see if they will get their just reward. Wait don’t these to stories sound very similar, a super hero who watches every move, even every thought, and determines if you will get your “just” reward. Just being able to watch every move of every human on earth is a heroic task, let alone tabulate all this information and damn the sinners to hell.
When I was a child and found Santa Clause was just a fantastic made up story I waited patiently for the other shoe to fall after all one story was really no more fantastic then the other. Mankind has consistently employed the supernatural to explain things he could not understand. As rational explanations become accepted the supernatural explanations fall away. The question is why has organized religion survived when rational explanations are now commonly available? Cults, most organized religions not only resemble cults, they are cults that exercise control over their members. Cults hate rational thinking and employ magical thinking. It is very hard to argue with someone who employees “magical thinking” they are not bound by facts and can and will literally make it up as they go along. Cults are the driving force keeping ignorance alive in America.
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Fri 25 Jul, 2014 05:35 am
One religious group will have no trouble referring to another religious group as a cult but yet they are blind to the very same cult traits in their religious organization. Most people usually think of cults as the extremists fringe element of religions but a Baptists will often say the Catholic Church is a cult, or that Mormons belong to a cult. Cults are responsible for the spread and maintenance of religion; in fact cults make religion possible without the cult factor religions would only be practiced by a small fringe element today.
Like an interlocking block wall one believer reinforces and strengthens the other. When obvious flaws are pointed out in their belief system they quickly point to others that believe as they do and the strength is in their numbers any argument about the rationality of their believe is quickly shifted to the number of people and often to how intelligent other believers are like the Pied Piper these people are looking for someone or something to follow. They have picked a leader and the land of imagination can offer rewards beyond compare. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Religion would be of little concern except for the major damage it does. Religion sprang from mankind’s survival instinct for “Just World” but religion is a perversion of that instinct. One need only look at Israel killing over 700 Palestinians tin retaliation for the killing of three teenagers or the Catholic Church witch-hunts burning thousands at the stake. Throughout history members of one religious cult have no problem at all killing members of another religious cult as though exterminating the other religious cult will make their religious cult valid but no matter how many they kill they can never exterminate their doubt.
Think it couldn’t happen here? Baby Bush courted the extremist right religious organizations to get elected. After Bush’s election some of the leaders of more extreme religious right proposed a new law that would impose the death penalty on anyone who spoke out against religion. So much for a “Just World.”
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Wed 30 Jul, 2014 05:38 am
I watched Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” over the weekend and noticed the striking parallels between cults that have sprung up in our time. How similar the core tale of a Jim Jones or a rev Sun Myung Moon (Moonies) and many others in our time is to the core tale of Jesus Christ. First a group of followers form around a charismatic personality and the followers and the leaders feed off of each other’s fantasies of the super natural. When a savior is prophesied a savior will be found in fact many saviors will be found over a period of time. There will always be those who believe themselves to be the “savior” and there will always be a group of followers who want desperately to believe they have found the savior.
Had Jesus not been crucified and died at an early age the one cannot but wonder whether as he descended further into mental illness as he began to believe his followers fantasies would he have ended up like a Jim Jones killing all his followers. Jesus becoming a martyr was the key if he had lived his cult may have quietly died as thousands of other cults have throughout time.
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Thu 31 Jul, 2014 05:35 am
According to Wikipedia a cult is a religious or other social group with deviant and novel beliefs and practices. To be sure the mainstream Christian movement would not meet that definition today but when Jesus started the movement it was a cult. The Jewish movement in Egypt would have been rightly considered a cult before Mosses led them out and then the Christian movement was a cult in Israel. If these religious movements were cults to begin with and they were, why are they still not considered cults? The answer is in the definition when a cult gathers enough people it becomes mainstream, as the Jews did in Israel and the Christian cult in did in Western Europe and the Americas. But the fact is if the cults were deviant to start with and they were what changed was not the deviant belief system but the number of people who adopted the deviant belief system did not change the belief system they simply mainstreamed it.
The Arab world was at one time one of the most advanced on earth they gave us much of mathematics including the concept of zero. The Arabs saved and preserved much of the ancient Greek writings when our Christian ancestors were burning books and the knowledge of ages in them. But soon another religious cult took hold in the Arab world that would plunge deep into the darkness of ignorance. There are many people of Arab decent who are doctors and other professionals in America today but intelligence is no match for religious cults. People are basically herd animals and good sense and intelligence soon succumb to social pressure. If you can turn the lead cow in a stamping herd you can turn the herd if a government adopts a religious cult it soon becomes legitimate.
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Fri 1 Aug, 2014 05:36 am
There have been many millions of religious cults throughout history but only a relative few reach what Malcolm Gladwell calls a "tipping point." The "tipping point" is the point is the point from something that had been accepted by only a small minority begins to be accepted by the vast majority. There are a number factors that must come together for something to reach the tipping point from religious cults to venereal disease epidemic they follow the same basic steps. There are key people who hold tremendous influence over the opinions of others just as their opinions about venereal disease can be responsible for venereal disease outbreak they can just as easily spread religious cult beliefs and once the tipping point is reached the opinion of the majority becomes oppressive to the point of burning people at the stake for not believing in what once was a tiny religious cults beliefs.
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Sat 2 Aug, 2014 10:22 am
Religions also depend on “incestuous amplification’ to spread and prosper. “Incestuous amplification” is a military term that explains why many military disasters took place. Basically a general will surround himself with yes men, those that will reinforce his opinion or those that are to afraid to speak out and point out the flaws in the general battle plan. When the battle takes place the general is blind sided by what should have been obvious. Major religions are rife with incestuous amplification it is actually the lifeblood of religion. Religion naturally selects those who would be most likely to provide incestuous amplification to that religious movement. In the military there will always be a cross section of people with different opinions and a General has to work to surround himself with yes men but a religion is an organization that is built on incestuous amplification.
Every religious belief system is a structure of incestuous amplification by it very nature. If incestuous amplification provided us with some of the biggest military disasters in history, has it served religion any better? America stood by and watched live on television as religious zealots flew planes into the World Trade Center on a mission from God. Religious zealots in America immediately proclaimed that it was God’s revenge for granting homosexuals more rights. It seems according to the preachers a vengeful god had come to New York to stage a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah once again. The American preachers making these allegations were not religious extremist they were mainstream preachers with millions of followers. These people stood at the top of religions organizations with millions of followers, add incestuous amplification to the mix and we face almost as big a threat from the true believers in America as from the true believers from outside America.
America has a common enemy and that enemy is ignorance enhanced imagination.