The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 27 May, 2014 05:34 am
If you ask most people what weapon developed in the twenty century was the most powerful the answer would be the atomic bomb but the weapon the human race has the most to fear from is the refinement of propaganda. For thousands of years man explored the earth there was always a new frontier and when there were no new frontiers on earth man went into outer space to explore the universe but a few men decided to explore inner space the space between our ears. Many people drive cars without understanding how they work or why they work. Most people can operate a car but repairing a car takes an expert that understands how a car operates. Since the beginning of time people have operated the human mind with no real concept of how it worked. In the twenty century the journey toward the center of the mind began. If you understood how the mind worked you could influence people. If you could influence people you could wage war or sell tooth paste.

While the race into outer space got a lot of attention the race to inner space got little but it was the race to inner space that would have the most implications for the average man. In the twenty century we were unlikely to be bombed by space aliens but we were under constant bombardment by those who want to influence our opinions. After 9/11 Americans were bombard by a constant stream of propaganda implicating Iraq for participation in the 9/11 attack. All of the information coming from the White House was false just manufactured propaganda to incite a war of aggression against a country that was selling its oil for $15 a barrel instead of the $100 a barrel mandated by the oil cartel. The pursuit of bin Laden took a back seat to the war being waged against a dictator who was hurting the oil billionaires of the world. Major amounts of men and military equipment were pulled out of Afghanistan where al Qaeda was located to country where there were no members of al Qaeda. Documents were forged people that told the truth about the Whitehouse lies were intimidated and retaliated against. Propaganda had become as much a part of America under the commie/conservative administration of baby Bush as that of Hitler’s Germany.
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Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 05:36 am
It is no surprise that one of the first targets after Reagan and the commie/conservatives came to power was the “Fairness Doctrine.” The “Fairness Doctrine” was in effect an anti-propaganda law. After WWII many people had witnessed first hand the enormous damage that could be done by unregulated propaganda after all 6 million people had died in WWII due to propaganda. The Fairness Doctrine required that both sides of a political issue be aired on broadcast networks. Everyone knows if you listen to only one side of an argument you are likely to be prejudiced toward that point of view but if you hear both sides it gives you a much better understanding. In a court law you listen to the prosecution argument first and it seems reasonable but often the defense attorney can show glaring deficiency in the prosecution argument. If only the prosecutors argument could be heard many innocent people would be in jail today. That is exactly what the commie/conservatives wanted a captive audience who would hear only one sided arguments on important political issues. The downfall of America begins with the elimination of Fairness in broadcasting, Hitler’s and the commie/conservatives’ wet dream.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2014 05:32 am
The very last thing the right wants is “fairness” in any form. Political power is often derived from propaganda. The ideal situation for a politician is a world in which propaganda defines what “truth is.” In WWII Germany the truth was that Aryan Race was not only destined to but entitled to rule the world. It is easy to lead people in a direction that flatters their ego. It is human nature to believe that we are smarter, better drivers and better looking than the average man. In experiments where self reporting is involved most people rate themselves above average in intelligence. A majority clearly believe that they are above average drivers. Conman have long known that flattery is one of their best tools. Rush Slimbaugh flatters his audience by telling them that those who vote against the rights agenda are “low information voters” in other words if they had enough information they would vote for the commie/conservative agenda. What propaganda does is set up an in group and out group, an us and them mentality. In Germany the in group was the Aryans while the Jews and other minorities became the out group. Propaganda is a dangerous and short sighted path to political power.

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Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 06:43 am
The commie/conservatives use propaganda to create an alternate reality. Propaganda is not only about what they tell you but what they don’t tell you. Take the endless Benghazi investigations, to hear the commie/conservatives tell it you would think that that was the only time an embassy had ever come under attack with people killed. The truth is quite different there were thirteen attacks on American Embassies between January 2002 and September 2008 when the commie/conservative held power during baby Bush’s term in office. Ninety six people were killed during these attacks including one diplomat, who had been directly targeted, his name was David Foy but not one congressional hearing was held on any of these attacks.

A replacement commie/conservative host on Sean Hannity took this head on by saying that not one Ambassador was killed during all thirteen attacks, it seems diplomats and the other 95 people simply don’t count. Ambassadors for the most part usually buy their posts by making large political contributions and are members of the political donor class, the top 1%. It is simply unthinkable to the commie/conservatives that a member of the top 1% could be killed without thousands of ordinary Americans giving their life to protect them. The commie/conservatives see nothing at all wrong with all those that died in Iraq for the baby Bush lies but one Ambassador killed is a tragedy beyond belief. Ordinary American lives mean absolutely nothing to commie/conservatives.

Benghazi has been very effective propaganda for those who never heard of or don’t remember the other thirteen attacks on US Embassies during the baby Bush years. The commie/conservatives are exploiting one of Hitler’s main principals of propaganda “that “their power of forgetting is enormous.”

The commie/conservatives have been carefully studying Hitler’s propaganda methods for years and using them to bring their extremist political movement to power in 1980. When I came across the fact that the right had been quietly studying Hitler’s propaganda discoveries and putting them to use it tweaked my interest enough that I bought and read “Mein Kampf and was shocked to see Hitler’s methods were alive and well in the United States.
Jan 22, 2002 Calcutta, India, US Consulate attacked 5 people killed

June 14, 2002 Karachi, Pakistan US Consulate attacked 12 people killed by suicide bomber.

October 12, 2002 Denpasar, Indonesia US diplomatic bombed no fatalities

February 28, 2003 Islamabad, Pakistan attack on US Embassy kills two

May 12, 2003 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia al Qaeda terrorists storm diplomatic compound killing 36.

July 30, 2004 Tashkent, Uzbekistan suicide bomber kills two at US Embassy.

December 6, 2004 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia al Qaeda terrorists storm U S Consulate and kill four people

March 2, 2006 Karachi, Pakistan again suicide bombers kill four people including a US Diplomat named David Foy. This is the third attack in 4 years on what is considered American soil.

September 12, 2006 Damascus, Syria attack on US Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. The attack kills 4 and wounds thirteen

January 12, 2007 Athens, Greece the U S Embassy comes under rocket propelled grenade attack with no fatalities

March 18, 2008 Sana’a Yemen al Qaeda stages mortar attack on US Embassy killing two

July 9, 2008 Istanbul, Turkey four terrorist attack U S Consulate six people are killed

September 17, 2008 Sana’a Yemen again terrorists attack US Embassy with an arsenal of weapons, including RPGs and detonate two car bombs killing 16.

Why did the holier than thou republicans not investigate one of these attacks especially the repeat attacks? Politics and propaganda it seems Republicans employed Hitler as a political consultant long after he was dead. It is really no surprise as one of the founders of the conservative movement worked for Hitler during WWII and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom the highest honor that can be bestowed on a civilian by Reagan.

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Reply Mon 2 Jun, 2014 05:33 am
Propaganda is as much about what is not said as what as said. Benghazi clearly demonstrates that the lack of information is every bit as damaging to public opinion as false information. When the 4 killed in Benghazi is compared to the 96 killed at American Consulates and Embassies it seems insignificant. Benghazi has been one of the biggest news stories of the last two years but only recently have the real facts been published. The real lesson of Benghazi that of the 100 killings at Consulates and Embassies only Benghazi has had congressional hearings. Why? It is a form of propaganda that keeps Benghazi in the news.

This is exactly why America had the "Fairness Doctrine" and this is exactly why the extreme right killed the "Fairness Doctrine" as soon after they took power. When the initial Benghazi propaganda push began on Fox News if the "Fairness Doctrine" was in place Fox would have been required to give time to someone that could report that thirteen attacks on Embassies had taken place during the baby Bush administration making the Benghazi attack nothing more than one attack among many.
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Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 05:31 am
The commie/conservative argument to do away with the "Fairness Doctrine" was that there were more broadcast news media outlets. At one time there were only three television networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC although there were many radio stations many of them were also affiliated to national networks. As more television networks came on line it became the commie/conservative excuse to eliminate the "Fairness Doctrine." The theory was that since there were more television news sources were available to the public that each one could represent a different political point of view and the public could still be exposed to all sides controversial political issues. Many things that work in theory do not work in practice. Theory is limited in view an seldom able to foresee all the possible factors that will affect the outcome. To start with news in America is paid for by sponsors who pay the bills and want the news to reflect their point of view. Sponsors are generally members of the richest 1% and their point of view reflects their self-interest which is in fact to get richer so the political propaganda on all networks is to make the rich even richer. Since the "Fairness Doctrine" was eliminated the Average American has absolutely no voice on the public airwaves. This was an untended consequence of eliminating the "Fairness Doctrine" and in fact the rich have got 6 times richer since the elimination of the "Fairness Doctrine."
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Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 05:31 am
The United States now has one of the largest income gaps between the rich and poor of any country in the world the elimination of the "Fairness Doctrine played a large part in this growing income gap. The income gap in the United States has grown by leaps and bounds since the "Fairness Doctrine" was eliminated. In the thirty years that proceeded the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine the income gap had been shrinking. When we think of large income gaps between the rich and poor we think of third world countries like Mexico where very poor people barely exist on a few dollars a month and billionaires control the government. But the United income gap is far worse than many third world banana republics. How was this made possible? By the commie/conservatives elimination of the "fairness Doctrine." An informed public is the best defense against oligarchy based on wealth.

The elimination of the inheritance tax by the commie/conservatives during the baby Bush administration if it hadn't been overturned would have given the United States the biggest income gap in world between the rich and poor. A simple propaganda slogan made it possible by calling the inheritance tax a "death tax"' no one is taxed for dying but others do receive huge sums of income and it is this income that was being taxed.
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Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 05:32 am
Some situations naturally lend themselves to propaganda and the recent prisoner exchange gave the commie/conservatives right an opportunity to ratchet up their propaganda. The commie/conservative right would never like Bowe Bergdahl in the first place he did not believe all the commie/conservative propaganda that was spread to start a major war in the Middle East. Like many other Americans Bergdahl fully understood the commie/conservatives had been pushing for a war for over a decade to take working control of oil reserves and drive the price of gasoline up in America. The difference was that Bergdalh found himself in a position of dying for few dollars more for the rich. It is one thing to die protect the homeland it quite another to die to raise the price of gasoline from 92.9 cents to $4.29.

The military is traditional made up of automatons who think a like, dress alike and look alike for a reason. Soldiers are not entitled think or have an opinion their only function is to fight and die. If they have an opinion at all it will be dictated by the military and anyone who notices the obvious will be an outcast in the military. The illusion is that we went to war with Iraq to protect freedom in reality we went to war to stop freedom and preserve the right of the oil cartel to dictate world oil prices. Though Bergdahl was fighting in Afghanistan, Afghanistan was just the foot in the door to make war on Iraq which had been the real objective since baby Bush took office. The first policy meeting during the baby Bush administration was over how they could convince the American people to go to war with Iraq. Donald Rumsfeld, baby Bush's Secretary of State actually said if only there were an "incidence" they could spur the American people into a war with Iraq and just such an incidence happened 9 months later it seems both babies and political plots take 9 months to hatch.

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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2014 04:44 am
The public is often deliberately kept ignorant of what is going on for a reason. The real purpose of resent prisoner swap with the Taliban may have not been to get Bergdahl back but to free the five former terrorists. Stockholm syndrome is well known phenomenon where a kidnap victim or prisoner begins to identify with their kidnapper or captors. Patty Hurst is probably the best known example Stockholm Syndrome, a rich kid when she was kidnapped she soon started robbing banks with her captors. The length of time the 5 terrorists were held is bound to have changed them and no doubt they were worked on by professionals. They are perfect candidates to be double agents and may well have had tracking technology implanted that will allow the United States to track them back to the secret hideouts of high level al Qaeda leaders and drone strikes could follow. Invaluable information could be obtained. If the president shared this type of information with the public or congress the terrorists would be rendered useless. Sometimes there are good reasons why secrets must be kept.
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Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 05:31 am
I finished watching the last program in the "Cosmos: A Space Odyssey' last night and as the narrator, Neil Degrasse, summed up the ten episode series he told his audience to never blindly follow authority figures, to think for themselves. All of science is built by those who questioned authority who didn't accept much of what those who came before them believed. Science would not be possible by blindly accepting everything that those who came before us believed. At each turn those that questioned authority figures made advance in science possible. Think for yourself and don't accept something just because the established authority figures say it is so. If people hadn't question prevailing authority we would still believe the world is flat and be burning witches at the stake for crop failures. Ignorance always abounds and much of what passes for knowledge is ignorance disguised by authority.

How different Sgt. Bergdahl situation, he was never expected to think for himself or to question authority. The very things that make advances in science possible are forbidden to those in the military. Bergdahl's real sin is that he didn't believe the Bush propaganda even though we know in hindsight that the Bush propaganda was nothing but lies and forged documents. Bergdahl job was to maintain the validity of the Bush propaganda. Soldiers are simply functionaries that are there to die so the rich can get richer. The seven sisters have been looting the Middle East since WWII in fact the boundaries of Middle East countries were redrawn after WWII to make exploiting them easier. Each time the seven sister assets were threatened the US military was sent in as an enforcer to protect the seven sister assets. To be sure this is not the first time that ordinary Americans were sent to die to protect the assets of the rich and it won't be the last but what the right and the rich don't want is anyone that might shine the light on the truth.

the Surely
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Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 05:30 am
If the military had been in charge of science we would still believe the world is flat in fact we would be required to believe and those who did not would be shot. Whenever I have encountered career military people in civilian life they are far more likely to have a closed mind unwilling to try different or alternate solutions. They do not like to see their orders questioned even when it is apparent they are doing more harm than good. It is not as much about results as it is about method. I once had an engineering professor who was not as much worried about the results as how you arrived at the answer. I don't know whether he had a military background but he had a military mindset.

Whenever you encounter someone who cannot accept incorporate criticism you encounter a closed mind and when a mind closes many other doors close also.
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Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 05:33 am
If you ask the soldiers that served with Sgt. Burgdahl why they were fighting in the Middle East they would tell you that they are defending freedom but it is just another word to them. They have publicly decried Burgdahl's freedom to hold a different opinion than the theirs. It is ironic that those who see themselves as defenders of freedom would be first to deny freedom to anyone who thinks differently especially since the historical facts support Burgdahl's position. I guess no one wants to admit they were fighting to double Exxon-Mobil's profits but that is exactly what happened corporate profits soared to the highest point in 31 years. Exxon's profits went up 90% after Iraq was invaded and Exxon's profits went up 90% but Exxon's sales went up only 22%. Stopping Saddam from selling Iraqi oil for 15 a barrel made Exxon the most profitable corporation in the world with $22.5 billion in profits. A win, win situation for Exxon.
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Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 05:32 am
The tea party is beating their chest and claiming credit for Eric Cantor defeat, the first time a party leader has been defeated in a primary. But Eric Cantor was dangerous extremist who publicly stated he wanted to eliminate social security and Medicare.

Cantor made this statement about "entitlement programs "at the Hoover Institute March 21, 2011.

"We are going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want it to be."

Eric Cantor

One of the biggest most reliable voting blocks is those that are retired or soon to be retired. These people have paid into social security all their lives and now Eric Cantor tells them he wants to eliminate their social security and Medicare. This block is now reinforced by the baby boomers 10 thousand baby boomers are turning 65 today and 10,000 will turn 65 everyday for the next 19 years. The republican fought social security for 20 years just as hard as they are fighting Affordable Health Care Act. Ask yourself do you know anyone that is on social security who would vote for someone who would eliminate their social security and Medicare? The Baby Boomers watched as they were literally swindled out of their pension by Wall Street crooks and now those same crooks want their social security and Eric Cantor was going to do everything in his power to see the crooks got the social security also.

The tea party is taking credit where credit was not due. Cantor was just a dead man walking and breeze would have blow him over but the Pee Party always replaces political extremists with even more radical political extremists.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 05:30 am
None of the major News Outlets mentioned that Eric Cantor position that Social Security and Medicare "cannot exist if we want America to be what we want it to be." But again that is the official position of the Republican Party and they can continue to be elected even by the very people whose only income is social security. How do the Republicans continue to get votes from this block of voters? Divide and conquer, they tell seniors that they will continue social security and Medicare like it is for those over 55 but who haven't reached 55 would be free game. Medicare would be eliminated and replaced with a saving account that could be used to purchase "private health insurance" it doesn't bother the Republicans that the cost of a decent health insurance policy is now more than the average American income. A Health Insurance has went from $720 a year in 1976 to over $25,000 to day and continues to increase in cost at nearly 10% a year. You might be able to purchase two months worth of health insurance with you "saving account" after working for forty years. But that is what the free market is about, those who can afford it would have it and those who couldn't would simply do without. The Republicans would simply say too bad you didn't get rich.

Social security money would be gambled on Wall Street those that are making $5 billion a year now would make a hundred billion a year when social security is gambled on the market. There would be so many Wall Street billionaires getting a cut of your social security that you would be lucky to have 10% of the money you invested at retirement but the rich would get unbelievably richer as all manners of scams would be used to fleece the suckers.
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 05:30 am
The commie/conservatives were bound and determined to invade Iraq they made a big push to invade Iraq when Clinton was in office. Clinton knew better and refused to invade Iraq but when baby Bush was elected the first priority was to invade Iraq and keep Saddam from selling Iraqi oil for $15 a barrel undermining the price of American oil. Paul O’Neill, in his book “The Price of Loyalty” details how the Bush administration began planed the Iraq war from the first National Security Council meeting. The commie/conservatives fully realized that American public would not willingly send their sons and daughters to be blown to bits in Iraq if they told them it was so the price of gasoline could be increased 6 times so a climate of fear would need to be generated. Donald Rumsfeld, baby Bush Secretary of Defense, realized that it would take an “incident” to start a war with Iraq and said so in the first Bush administration National Security Council meeting and the n like a dream come true 9/11 happened. It didn’t matter that Iraq had nothing at all to do with 9/11 the Bush and Dick Cheney told lie after lie to convince that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attack even though the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.

With blood lust reaching a fever pitch in America lies and a few forged documents pushed the public into a war they neither wanted nor needed. Colin Powel, Bush’s Secretary of State, warned baby Bush “If you break you own it.” Now Colin Powel’s words have proved prophetic. The commie/conservatives destabilized a stable secular government and replaced with one made up of religious extremists like all religious extremists groups they are discriminating against the other religious extremists and civil war is sure to follow. There is only one solution for religious extremism that is for one extremist religious organization to kill the other religious extremists. This has been going on since the beginning of time since religious extremists are defending what they imagine to be true and the other religious extremists are defending their imagination there can be no resolution there is no right and no wrong just the deluded imaginings weak minded. Religious wars will go on till the last religious extremist kills the last opposing religious extremist.

At one time all the United States had to do was send the CIA into overthrow foreign governments by dirty tricks and death squads. The Shaw of Iran and other brutal dictators were installed and kept in power by the CIA. Those days are over. The Bush administration had to send the troops in to do what the CIA used to be able to accomplish. The objective was to destabilize the Middle East and install leaders that would be more favorable to the US. Baby Bush accomplished the destabilization part. Simply put the commie/conservatives “broke” Iraq.
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Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 05:35 am
The rebels have seized their first oil well in Iraq look for the drums of war to kick into high gear in America. Imagine what could happen if the rebels start selling Iraqi oil for $15 a barrel like Saddam did. Exxon and BP are fleeing Iraq as we speak. Exxon’s profits doubled after Iraq was invaded by the baby Bush Administration. The only way the ungodly greedy can kept the oil reserves of foreign countries is if the working poor are willing to fight and die for Exxon. How long before the American people tell them hell no I will not die for Exxon.

Dick Cheney wrote in this Morning “Wall Street Journal” that ”Rarely has a US president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” Of course he was referring to Obama but the statement is much truer of Cheney and Baby Bush. The commie/conservatives just had to go to war with Iraq they would have it no other way. The Project for a New American Century had planned to use the US military to destabilize many more countries in the Middle East. They were going “Nation Building.” Tearing down Middle East countries and rebuilding them in the image of Exxon so they could be more easily exploited by Exxon and other oil companies.

Talk about wrong the Bush Administration predicted the cost of the Iraqi war would be $14 billion we now know that the actual cost to be $7 trillion if I was Cheney I wouldn’t talk about anybody being wrong. All those that died and will die in the future in Iraq, both American and Iraqi died because of Dick Cheney and Baby Bush lies. A stable secular government was toppled and replaced with religious extremists. Thanks to Mr. wrong about everything Dick Cheney. He can try and blame others for the messy he made but history will ultimately be his judge.
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Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2014 05:33 am
The American military goes rushing in where the seven sisters fear to tread. Exxon and BP are staging a major retreat out of Iraq as the insurgents take control of the oil fields again. Exxon does not have its own security force to defend its assets in Iraq it depends on the US Military to defend its assets around the world after all Exxon is a multinational corporation. Exxon will be the first to tell you they are no longer a US corporation but a multinational that owes no allegiance to America but the most profitable multinational in the world fully expects the American taxpayer to foot the bill to protect its assets in Iraq and throughout the world. Exxon like other multinationals has off- shored their profits so most of multi billions in profit are no longer subject to taxation in America. Even though they pay taxes on only a fraction of their profits they fully expect ordinary American children to fight and die to keep what Exxon and the rest of the Seven Sisters have stolen abroad.

The Seven Sisters can bring tremendous political pressure in America they combined to contribute over a billion dollars in the last political cycle. They all but own senators, representatives and Presidents. The seven sisters hate to pay taxes but love to make political contributions. Political contributions buy influence taxes don’t. Studies have shown that the concerns of big political contributors are taken very seriously while the concerns of ordinary Americans are all but ignored by politicians. We now live in the most corrupt country on the face of the earth because of the unlimited influence of money in our political system. The commie/conservative Supreme Court decision has made sure that there is no limit placed on political bribes. The Supreme Court decision ruled that crooked political contributions are in fact “free speech” and political contributions would be covered under the bill of rights as free speech. This comes after a long string of Supreme Court decisions dating back to the 1800s endowing corporations with the same rights as individuals. Our constitution was written to grant specific rights to individuals not multinational corporations.

The president and his advisors have “decided” to stick it in Iraq but just a little bit. Yesterday it was no troops on the ground now it is just 300 political advisors. History repeats itself; does anybody remember how we got into the Vietnam War? This was a war between Vietnam and France when Eisenhower sent in American “military advisors” in to Vietnam. The Vietnam War became one of the longest and bloodiest in history and killed and wounded many of my generation. The Vietnam War never really ended for some we see the homeless Vietnam Vets still wander our streets talking to themselves. Each day as I go to work at the Police Station I pass a number of Vietnam Vets wander up the alley to the Veteran’s center, some talking and gesturing wildly. One has to wonder how their lives would have turned out if Eisenhower hadn’t sent American “military advisors” to Vietnam. France and Vietnam would have settled their differences and most American would not even have heard of Vietnam.

This morning American boots are on the ground in Iraq, and not just any boots they highly trained Special Forces. The war for Exxon assets has been joined and Exxon will do its part by doubling the price of gasoline in America to make more “campaign contributions.” If political contributions from corporations were outlawed prices in America would drop dramatically. We know how much the cost of steel costs in a car and how much the cost of health insurance is but how much is the cost of “political bribes” in a gallon of gasoline. We might be surprised to find out.
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Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2014 05:33 am
The baby Bushes chickens in Iraq have come home to roost well almost home. The corrupt religious government Bush established is with in days of falling the ISIS rebels are within 12 miles of Baghdad and even Republicans are hoping the Iraqi government is replaced by possibly a sectarian army. The current Iraqi government is as sure to fall as the statue of Saddam when our troops pulled it down.

The rebel group ISIS is so extreme that even al Qaeda has disavowed it. Not only is it the most extreme terrorist group ever but it is the riches. ISIS has taken two of the largest banks in Iraq along with a ½ a billion dollars including gold they captured. ISIS also has taken control of oil wells in Syria and now in Iraq. ISIS has now set up covert oil operations and is selling oil to fund an army of terrorist. Exxon and BP will no doubt be buy oil from ISIS soon.

The cost of the Iraq war has already been placed at $7 trillion dollars when all the costs of war are taken into account including paying a lifetime for the 30,000 Americans injured in Iraq both mentally and physically. Will the Iraqi army protect Baghdad? Not likely they will no doubt be the biggest supplier of military hardware to ISIS. The Iraqi have no illusions and unlike Americans they are not willing to die for Exxon. When confronted with ISIS they abandon their US military equipment and either join ISIS or run for their lives. The Iraqi army is so corrupt that the officers kick back part of their pay to junior officers.

If meteorites wiped the dinosaurs off the face of the earth religion will wipe mankind off the face of the earth. I can see it now the last two men on earth fight to the death over what they imagined their god had for breakfast. Religion is all about control, controlling what others think and what they believe.

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Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2014 05:30 am
Red neck right radio has grown suddenly very silent about Iraq it is a subject they would just rather not talk about now. Initially after ISIS began taking Iraq by storm Rush Slimbaugh thought he could make his audience believe that it was Obama fault for invading Iraq in the first place. The problem was even though “the masses power for forgetting is enormous” they still remembered it was baby Bush and neocons that were responsible for getting us into Iraq in the first place. The most important goal of the Bush administration was to figure out how to drag America, kicking and screaming into a war with Iraq. The commie/conservatives tried to convince Clinton into invading Iraq. Clinton flat refused to invade Iraq for Exxon. Big oil spent a ½ billion dollars in the next election cycle to make sure that Iraq would be invaded and they got what they paid for. The neocons not only wanted to invade Iraq but many other Middle East countries it was called “A project for a New American Century.” The idea was to invade the Middle East countries and install a puppet government that would do as Exxon and the other seven sisters commanded. Iraq was to be the prototype Cheney told the American public that our invading troops would be met by Iraqi throwing flowers at their feet.

Slimbaugh was all for the war in Iraq he beat the war drums the loudest. Slimbaugh is a typical chicken hawk he is one of the first to be for war as long as others will have to fight it but made sure he never had to go Vietnam by getting an exemption for a pimple on his ass. Slimbaugh tried to convince his audience that after spending $7 trillion on a failed mission in Iraq that Obama should keep a standing army in Iraq to prop up the Exxon’s corrupt puppet government there. Since the boundaries of Middle East were redrawn after WWII the United States and Exxon used the CIA to install corrupt dictators and removed them at will. As the people in the Middle East began to emerge from third world ignorance it became more difficult for the US trained and armed death squads to keep the dictators in power. No longer would a military coup be sufficient to overthrow a misbehaving dictator. When Saddam, who was no doubt installed by the CIA, began to misbehave and sell oil for $15 a barrel it would now take a full scale military invasion to fire. It is a good thing the neocons didn’t get to invade all the other counties on their list.
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 05:28 am
The public believes ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is invading Iraq from Syria when in fact ISIS began in Iraq as the Islamic State of Iraq. ISIS as the name tells us is a movement of religious extremists they intend to enforce their religious extremism at the point of gun. ISIS kidnapped a140 Kurdish school boys in Syria last month and began religious indoctrination. Who would take innocent children before their minds are capable of rational thought and indoctrinate them with religious extremism? This is the accepted practice of religions world wide without religion would cease to exist.

The internet and science have made it much harder for religious extremist to impose their religious ignorance on the general population the light off knowledge is the enemy of the darkness of religion superstition. Now the only avenue left open to the religious extremists to impose their religion is force and violence. The internet, like the wheel, changed the world; it puts all of mankind’s knowledge in reach of anyone in the world with an internet connection.

One of the most frighten things in the world is the concept of personal responsibility. In the Middle East not only is god under assault but the very ground they stand on is shifting. The very concepts that their world view was built is under assault. Those who believing in a god believe that there is a super being who decides their fate and meters out punishment for the wicked and rewards for the faithful followers if there in fact is no just world and god is the very embodiment of the just world concept, then there is only personal responsibility in a capricious world and myths have always protected from harsh realities without them we stand naked and alone.
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