The republicans have bankrupted America to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy have now turned their attention to social security. The republicans have long understood the way to away with entitlements was to bankrupt the country. Then they could say the country is bankrupt and we can't afford the entitlement. The same holds for social security. The republicans have proposed doing away with taxes on social security. This is a double edge sword and will make social security go broke in the near future. The tax on social security is paid back into social security and some with high income pay 85% tax on their social security. Those who jointly earning over $44,000 are subject to a tax of 85%. If you have no income other than social security, you pay no income tax. The cut on social security, like other republican tax cut, would go to the rich and bankrupt social security in next few years and then they could take the republican chainsaw to social security. If this happens you will get only 75% of your social security check.