Trump is now the most unpopular president in the last 70 years, and it only took him a month. Musk took credit for shutting down the social security office in Logan WV. You don't need to have a social security office and when you plan to eliminate social security. What is the rush. The rich have been living off of social security for the last 50 years. Social security was designed as a system where the current workers paid the social security of those who- were retired. Reagan started running around saying the sky was falling and that he needed to raise social security 5 times during his term in office to create a social security trust fund to pay for workers who would retire 50 years later. At the same he was cutting the taxes on the richest Americans by 75%.
Where would the money come from for the humongous tax cuts for the ungodly greedy? Let's see social security taxes going up and taxes for the rich coming down. Do you think that is a coincidence. When we pay social security, the money we pay in is traded for US Treasury bonds the social security Trust Fund is held in US Treasury bonds all 2.852 trillion of it. Not one penny has ever been spent. The Ponzi Skeems set up by Reagan was intended to provide for even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy with the Trust fund never touched. Like all Ponzi sheems when the money must be paid back the problems start. The current says Social Security will need the trust fund to pay those current social security but President Bush said those US Treasury bonds are just "worthless paper.
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Wed 26 Feb, 2025 10:07 pm
Trump is now the most unpopular president in the last 70 years, and it only took him a month. Musk took credit for shutting down the social security office in Logan WV. You don't need to have a social security office when you plan to eliminate social security. What is the rush? The rich have been living off of our social security trust fund the last 50 years. Social security was designed as a system where the current workers paid the social security of those who- were retired. Reagan started running around saying the sky was falling and that he needed to raise social security 5 times during his term in office to create a social security trust fund to pay for workers who would retire 50 years later. At the same he was cutting the taxes on the richest Americans by 75%.
Where would the money come from for the humongous tax cuts for the ungodly greedy? Let's see social security taxes going up and taxes for the rich going down. Do you think that is a coincidence? When we pay social security, the money we pay in is traded for US Treasury bonds the social security Trust Fund is held in US Treasury bonds all $2.852 trillion of it. Not one penny has ever been spent. The Ponzi scheme set up by Reagan was intended to provide for even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy with the Trust fund never being touched. Like all Ponzi schemes when the money must be paid back the problems start. The current says Social Security will need the trust fund to pay those current social security by 2033, but President baby Bush said those US Treasury bonds are just "worthless paper. The taxes on the rich will have to be raised radically to pay the US Treasury bond held by social security. The republicans have a solution make a law that social security must be solvent till 2090 meaning we would have to pay the social security of those retiring in 2090 and the trust fund would not be touched. .
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Thu 27 Feb, 2025 09:28 pm
There needs to be a constitutional amendment that the only taxes can be cut can be granted if there is a budget surplus. It is physical suicide to grant $4.5 trillion in tax cuts when the country is already operating trillions of dollars in debt. The social security trust fund of $2.8 trillion needs to be managed like any other investment fund. The practice of using the social trust fund to give the ungodly greedy tax cuts must be stopped. The republicans are trying to make Baby Bush's words come true, the social security trust fund is just "worthless paper."
That $2.8 trillion in worthless paper is in Parkersburg WV and Musk fired 200 people that are responsible for keeping that $2.8 trillion safe. The $2.8 trillion in US Treasury bonds are protected by federal employees. How many employees are left to protect the $2.8 trillion? One, five, ten, fifteen. If you wanted to steal the trust fund what would be the best way. Firing the employees that protected it.
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Fri 28 Feb, 2025 09:20 pm
One country, I forget which, had a law that if a woman was being raped and if yelled, she was the one in trouble with the law. That is the way with Ukraine, Putin is holding her down and Trump is raping her. Today Trump was upset because Zelensky would not lay still and take it quietly.
America was a big lender during WWII we gave those countries years to pay back the loans and in some cases the loans were forgiven. To expect the Ukraine to pay the debt back while the war is going on is absurd. Trump taking Ukraine's natural resources in payment is as bad as Putin taking the land. Trump is a littler Hitler taking Poland.
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Sat 1 Mar, 2025 09:26 pm
Anybody that thinks all of the job that Musk is getting rid of are going to stay gone is in for a surprise. This is not about cutting down the size of government. This was planned long before Trump took office the 2025 plan written by the Heritage Foundation. Nobody like the plan so Trump distanced himself from it on the campaign trail, but it is now being in action right according to plan. The 2025 plan calls for replacing all public employees with those who will publicly kiss Trump's ass.
Trump needs to get around the civil service laws that say a civil service employee can only be terminated for just cause to protect them from political whims they can however be laid off if money runs short or downsizing. Currently there are 3,000 jobs that are political and exist at the will and pleasure of the president, but the others are protected by the civil service laws. Before we had civil service laws, when an election put in another political party all jobs were replaced with party loyalists. They would come in an introduce a new guy and say he is taking your place show him what you do. Down to the janitor and believe me political appointees don't do the job because they were given the job and if you try to make them work, they will make you aware they are connected and don't have to work. Imagine a million-government employee like that running our government. Patronage jobs were eliminated for good reason at the local, state, and federal levels. Trump and Musk are trying to build a 19th century political machine to stay in power.
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Sun 2 Mar, 2025 09:42 pm
Musk is an idiot; sales of his cars have dropped by 45% in Europe and his company's stock by 50%. When you are a businessman, the old saying is, 'the customer is always right." There is a reason for that if a businessman offends a customer, he not only offends him he offends his family and friends. One way to measure was to see how many people went to a person funeral. The average was over 100. So, most businessmen will go out of their way not to offend a customer.
What is the best way to offend the most people in the shortest amount of time? Go into politics that will make you the most enemies in the shortest time. Musk is not just offending Americans but all over the world with his Hitler like politics. In Germany Musk is pushing the radical right wing who could bring back a Hitler style government. Musk himself does not believe that ordinary American should be allowed to vote only the high-T men would be able to vote. The elite would govern and ordinary Americans could serve in an advisory role. Isn't that the formula for a Hitler style government?
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Mon 3 Mar, 2025 09:43 pm
Trump is using the excuse that both Canada and Mexico are allowing too much fentanyl into America for imposing the tariffs. Is there anyone in America believe that Trump cares about fentanyl? Trump is a psychopath and the only person that he cares about is Trump. Trump's brother died from being an alcoholic, why would he not stop the alcohol from coming into America? These tariffs will put 100s of millions dollar into Trump's pocket that he can spend to gather votes. That is what he did the first time took the money tariffs and gave to the farmers because China stopped buying from American farmers. Of course, that money came out of the pockets of hard-working Americans. In Trump's first term when fentanyl deaths were much higher, he was not concerned at all. The Devos cult that Trump belongs to is looking for a way to do away with "useless people" fentanyl sounds like the best solution you don't have to build gas chambers they will off themselves.
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Tue 4 Mar, 2025 09:26 pm
When Trump ran for president, he bragged that he had never been involved in politics. So, his biggest qualification was that he wasn't qualified. That is like going to airport and finding that your pilot has never flown airplane, but he has not learned any bad habits. Most politicians start from the bottom in local or state politics and work their way up and that is the way in most jobs. What happens if you get on the plane with a pilot who has never flown? You will be involved in plane crash and the same thing happens when you put a president with no experience in as president. The pilot could say he will learn on the job, but he may not live long enough to learn. America is in the process of crashing; the stock market is lower than when the village idiot took over. Trump may think he is John Gotti, but he is more like small sad Sam.
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Wed 5 Mar, 2025 09:31 pm
As the republicans try to figure what they can cutout Bernie Sanders and Elizbeth Warren summitted a bill to given everyone on social security a raise of $2,400 and at the same time fix social security funding problem. The fix has been obvious for a long time. Most Americans pay social security on 100% of their income the rich pay on less than 1% of their earnings. If all Americans have to pay social security on 100% of their income social security would be solvent for decades.
Social security is the highest tax working most Americans pay 6.2% of every dollar they earn, and their employer must pay an additional 6.2% in their name. Let's contrast that with what the republicans want to do, they want to give those who pay the least percentage of their income into social security a $4.5 trillion tax cut. The republicans know they can't possibly pay for such a huge tax and plan to run the deficit up. They are making some cuts and Musk claims to have made $55 billion in cuts but when his figures are fact checked in reality his cuts are only $2 billion. That is a tiny drop in the bucket compared with a $4.5 trillion tax cut for the top 2%.
Bernie's bill would benefit 98% of Americans, the republicans bill will benefit the richest 2% giving trillions in tax cuts to billionaires.
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Thu 6 Mar, 2025 09:31 pm
The problem in America today is not that Trump lies, it is that people believe his lies. During his speech Tuesday Trump bragged about a massive new Honda plant being built in Indiania. When Honda was contacted, they said no such plant was being built. Trump of course, claimed that it was his tariffs that were responsible. Auto plants take years to plan and years to be built. It is extremely easy for Trump to lie about everything, but most people believe him and never check to see if he was telling the truth. Trump's lies were told to shift public opinion about his tariffs. There is no lie Trump won't tell he is not going to change, the best we can hope for is to change the people that believe his lies. Each time Trump tells one of his big lies it should be pointed out enough times that his supporters have to acknowledge he lied and when they say everybody lies, point out that Trump lies all the time. Ask them if they think lies matter? If you decided to buy a used car that had 40,000 miles on Friday but when you came to get it on Monday it had 20,000 on it. Would you just say everybody lies and buy the car anyway? Or would you tell them to keep it?
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Fri 7 Mar, 2025 09:55 pm
It looks like Trump is reeling in Musk and letting his cabinet members make the decision on employees. Musk can serve in an advisor capacity. Trump is getting beat to death in court as judges are telling him there are laws governing civil service employees and he will have to follow them. The judges also told him he is not a king or dictator and advising what the job of the president is. The Trump appointed judges in the supreme court are now teaming up to vote against him. Trump is a victim of the idiot rule. In his first term he was surrounded by people that were competent and knew what they were doing now he has surrounded with idiots and yes men who have no more of a clue what they are doing than Trump.
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Sat 8 Mar, 2025 09:30 pm
Canada supplies a lot of electricity to towns in America that are close to the Canadian border in New York and other states. Canada has decided to raise their electric by 25%. Why would we make enemies out of our longtime friends? Trump's tariff policies are like a windmill, first they are on then they are off, then they are partially off. One has to check the morning news each day to know whether they are off or on. What does the tariff policy scream? Senile old president.
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Sun 9 Mar, 2025 08:34 pm
It looks Humpy Dumpty just fell off that brick wall now Ruporh Murdock's Wall Street Journal has come out against the village idiot's tariffs calling for someone to sue Trump to stop the tariffs. Normally it takes both Congress and the president to impose tariffs, but Trump is proceeding under a 1977 law that gives him that power under emergencies. What is Trump using as an emergency? Fentanyl that he claims as an emergency. This is just a concocted emergency. This is just beginning of a republican civil war when the biggest conservative news and then lays out the legal theory in detail it is obvious that they have removed Trump from their Christmas card list.
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Mon 10 Mar, 2025 08:55 pm
China just lowered the boom on Trump's increase in tariffs. China hit him right in the breadbasket China increased tariffs on American agriculture products. China is by far the most populous country in the world, and we were exporting a large amount to China. America is not the only country that China can buy from, and it is likely we will lose a lot of our exports to China. During Trump's first term China looked elsewhere for agriculture products and after the village idiot was gone, they continued to buy from other countries. Trump took the tariff money he collected and paid the farmers for not growing crops.
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Tue 11 Mar, 2025 08:37 pm
Trump bought one of Musk's cars today like that was the patriotic thing do. Trump says that it is illegal to boycott Musk's cars. Tesla stock is dropping like a rock. It is lost over 1/3 of its value. Musk did the same thing with advertisers when he started printing all the right wing lies on X and the companies boycotted by removing their advertising Musk though there should be a law that required companies to advertise on X whether it was all lies or not.
How does Musk expect the million or so federal employees he fired to buy his cars. They need a good job to buy a car. We were in the middle of difficult contract negotiating with the city when a group of local businessmen decided to get involved. They called themselves We Care. They wanted to take every benefit we had won over the last 20 years, and they wrote their own contract. They would let us keep the sick time we had accumulated but you could not use it. We put a picket line up around one of their restaurants the owner came out in tears and said he was not a member, but we pointed out his wife was, and she makes her living here.
I had held the pickets off a local garage because we had done business with him for years. When I took a car down to be aligned, I ask him if he was member of, We Care? He said no but they were a fine group of people. He should have left it at no. I proceeded to tell him that they were taking the food out of baby's mouths. I told him if you are going to put your hand in my pocket, I am going put my hand in yours. He lost his city contract and went out of business within a year. They tried to get me fired but that didn't work. It is still a free country we can still decide what type of car not to buy until Trump makes a law that you can only buy a Tesla.
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Wed 12 Mar, 2025 08:42 pm
Here is the trade, the rich will get a $4.6 trillion tax cut and we will get a 25% tax increase called tariffs. I can take my tax return and figure out what percentage of income tax I pay. You can look at your pay stub and know exactly what you are paying in income tax. With tariffs you will have no idea which products are paying tariffs. This hides the taxes as people will think oh the price was just raised. The taxes will be hidden in the price of the product. What happens with the products made in America? They will simply raise their price to what the cost of the foreign product costs plus the tariffs. This is what happened when tariffs were placed on washing machines. Trump will set off the worst inflation since Reagan but there is a bright side the rich will get a $4.6 trillion tax cut and we will pay for it through tariffs. Follow the money and the money is going to the $4.6 trillion tax cut. No matter what excuse Trump gives for the tariffs the reason is the $4.6 trillion tax cut.
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Thu 13 Mar, 2025 08:23 pm
Trump' people are telling the public that they are going to give a $5,000 rebate check to taxpayers from the savings from eliminating all those federal jobs. They will be lucky to give 10 cents checks after the courts get through with them. Everybody knows the savings will be used to fund the $4.6 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy.
Notice how Trump's team is conveniently forgetting about the inflationary effect of the covid relief checks in '20 and '21. (Which at least were issued for a legitimate social purpose during a public health crisis.)
I think the primary cause of inflation during Biden's term in office was the relief checks. Economics 101 is supply and demand. If you increase demand by injecting more money the result is inflation. Supply was also affected because so many businesses were closed.
A story about Honda dealer telling customers that they must buy a car before the tariffs go into effect next month, he said that a Honda Accord may increase by $12,000 because the parts go back and forth across borders. How is that for inflation in one month.
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Sat 15 Mar, 2025 08:16 pm
Trump is now using war time powers even though we are not involved in a war. If you give Trump an inch, he will take a mile. There is a reason that a president is given war time powers and that is there is a war is going on. For Trump to start using wartime powers without a war should be grounds for his impeachment.