Trump has decided he will just taker Gaza. He says it will make a good place for a resort. Some developer could build a luxury hotel and put Trump's name on it like most of the other buildings that people the think belongs to Trump's because it has his name on it while the only thing belonging to Trump is his name on it. What to do with the people that actually own Gaza? Trump is going to force Egypt, and other countries to be forced to take the residents of Gaza. Trump says after the war in Gaza would be turned over to the United States by the Israelis. It is obvious that Trump can't wait to cause another 9/11. Illegal aliens are one thing but being forced by the United States to take 2 million aliens is another thing altogether. Trump is an idiot.
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Fri 7 Feb, 2025 09:45 pm
Trump went to the national Prayer Breakfast and said he was going to do away with anti-Christian violence. Is that a thing? I have not heard of any such thing outside of the mass murders and they are only looking for a crowd they don't care who catches the bullets. Mass murders don't really care about philosophy they only care about body count. How ever Christian violence was quite another thing where they bombed and murdered doctors at abortion clinics in fact Trump just pardoned a woman that led the attack on an abortion clinic. It shows that attacks on abortion clinics by Christians is a ok. Trump will allow the Christians to attack anything and just pardo them.
Pardons for most part are done at the end of a president's term, but Trump did it from day one imagine how many criminals he will pardon in 4 years. Now he has hired one of the "Proud Boys" to a spot in national security.
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Sat 8 Feb, 2025 09:37 pm
The confidence in the economy is falling like a rock as people realize who they elected. The polls are falling. They realize all Trump's campaign promises were just more Trump lies. I could never understand if you knew Trump had told 30,000 verifiable during his first term in office. Why in the hell would you believe that all of a sudden, he would tell the truth to you. Trump lies to get what he wants but that is not enough he has to find enough suckers to believe his lies again. Usually, campaign promises disappear slowly over a four-year term, but Trump was quick to point out he couldn't do anything about inflation, but not only that he couldn't stop inflation but added 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada and lied again telling people that if he added 25% tariff to the cost that the price would not go up. A National Wholsaler called Trump on his lies and sent out letters to 1,100 customers that the prices were going up 25% immediately. Trump paused his tariffs within 2 hours of the letters being sent. If you voted for Trump, you got what you voted for, he was a liar before .and he has got much worse after he saw how many people believed his lies.
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Sun 9 Feb, 2025 09:32 pm
Fox News came up with a poll that showed that 70% people believed that Trump has kept his campaign promises. Truup' two biggest campaign promises were to lower inflation and lower prices and Trump admitted after he was elected in an interview with NBC that he could not do anything for either. Now inflation is projected to go up instead of down. Inflation was the most import thing to Trump voters now they have completely forgot about it. Hitler observed,
"The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous."
The right has forgot all about inflation being Trump's number one campaign promise, and he has said he can't do anything about it now.
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Mon 10 Feb, 2025 09:31 pm
Trump continues to violate more and more laws each day, and the court cases are flying but the question is how do you stop somebody who the supreme court gave immunity? You can go to court but all they are going to tell you is that he has immunity. They can find Trump in contempt of court, but they can't put him in jail because he has immunity. Trump did away with the consumer protection agency today. Why would a conman want to do away with the Consumer Protection Agency? Because they have recovered $22 billion dollars from conmen like Trump. Another case must be taken before the supreme and Trump's immunity must be overturned. With that one decision by the supreme court, destroyed our government.
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Tue 11 Feb, 2025 09:26 pm
Trump is a chump; Netanyahu is playing him for a sucker. Who benefits from the United States taking over the Gaza strip? Isreal, who wants a buffer zone between them and the Arabs. Who would have to clean that mess up and rebuild it? That area has been in a constant and unending state of war for hundreds of years. Trump says no US troops would be necessary. Is he kidding all these wars have been about territory. No country can stand without an army to defend it. Why in the world would we involve ourselves in a war that has been ongoing for hundreds of years.? Netanyahu is laughing his as off thinking how stupid is that idiot Trump.
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Wed 12 Feb, 2025 09:31 pm
Why do we have a foreigner telling us how to run our country? It seems if you were going to make so many massive cuts in our government, we would at least have an American doing the cutting. Musk has a conflict of interest bigger than the empire state building. We should at least know how many hundreds of billions that have been paid directly into Musk's pocket for all his rockets that have exploded. Musk says he is worried about the deficit but that does not ring true. The man does not pay a dime in income tax as world's richest man you think he would at least pay the same percentage of income taxes as student working at McDonalds. If he is interested in paying down the deficit put his money where is mouth or shut up. The National debt was within a few years of being off when Reagan tripled it by giving massive tax cuts to the rich. We have a deficit because the republicans cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy to zero on foreigners like Musk and they are not through cutting taxes on the ungodly again.
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Thu 13 Feb, 2025 10:22 pm
Trump finally said that he would abide by the court decision. He doesn't abide by election results when sixty courts of law threw out what he said was evidence of election fraud he tried to go over their head. What did he do? Summonsed a mob to Washington to stage an insurrection. Do you ever believe a liar. I had one conman who was stealing from old ladies, and he would brag about it. He was charged with raping his stepdaughter. What did he do he blamed his son in one story in another he said his stepdaughter didn't want to do the dishes, so she had sex with him, so she didn't have to do the dishes. One day he told me he was dying with cancer, I didn't believe him till I saw his obituary.
Trump is a fellow conman, and he will only stop lying when he is cold and dead, and I still wouldn't trust him. He is going to abide by the court decisions, yeah right.
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Fri 14 Feb, 2025 09:44 pm
They say that history repeats itself and that is true. History books report the history that makes America look good and leave out the unpleasant facts. In the 40s many Americans were weirdly fascinated by foreign dictators (like Trump today) and the right-wing nuts wanted to install and American Hitler.
"And as far-fetched as that sounds, these belligerents were doing a lot more than flapping their lips. They had started stealing from federal armories, and had made their plans to raid them, with confederates on the inside ready to help. They had bought weapons by the hundreds and thousands and started building and stockpiling bomb."
from the book "Prequal: An American Fight Against Fascism" by Racheal Maddow
They had planned hundreds of simultaneous attacks across America to cause chaos. Sound familiar?
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Sat 15 Feb, 2025 09:47 pm
I often wonder what would have happened if Trump had lost the election. The 40s insurrection was triggered because Roosevelt won reelection The right was ready to kill thousands of Americans in an attempt to install an American Hitler. Had Trump lost the election the right would have repeated the history of the 40s. The right doesn't care how many people they have to kill to get their way.
The Nazis were spending millions to buy support from American Congressmen and religious leaders.
"The more incendiary fact was that these would-be insurrectionists enjoyed an astonishing amount of support from federal elected officials who proved willing and able to use their share of American political power to defend the extremists, to derail the justice department's effort to thwart or punish them, and to shield from potential criminal liability when they were found out."
From the book Prequel
If you would change the names history is repeating itself verbatim today.
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Mon 17 Feb, 2025 10:10 pm
My internet went down during the Daytona 500. This internet is supposed to be 99.9 % dependable. So much for that.
My sister went to the Daytona 500 and found like the 100,000 people that Trump ruined the Daytona 500 for most that attended it. She held the same tickets for several years and when they got to track, they just walked in with no problem. They got to the track 3 hours early to see the opening ceremonies and were met with huge crowds gathered at the few gates that were open. There was no lines just crowds. Every cooler and package had to be checked carefully. My sister family voted for the idiot and likely won't vote for him again along with 100,000 others. Trump has never bothered to go to the Daytona 500 before. Why now? To feed his enormous ego. He thought the crowd would fall to their knees and praise him.
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Mon 17 Feb, 2025 10:19 pm
My internet was down yesterday.
It seems that Trump got elected that we are seeing a plane crash every few days, call it the Trump effect and we are going to see much more of it as an idiot that knows absolutely nothing about government takes a meat clever to our government. Trump cannot do anything about Musk because Musk owns Trump. Musk bought Trump for $270 million. Talking about owing your soul to the company store. Trump could not pay it back in political favors in another 5 lifetimes.
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Tue 18 Feb, 2025 09:39 pm
The idiot and chief is at again he now says that on April 1 he will put a 25% tariff on all cars and drugs that people need to live. The last car I bought for my wife cost $45,000 if you put a Trump tax of 25% on it, the Trump would add another $11,500 to purchase price. That would make the cost of the car $56,500. I don't know whether it was made in this country, but a good percentage of "American" cars are made in Cannada you need to check the serial number to find out where it was made.
One of the drugs my wife must have cost $1,500 but add another Trump tax would add another $375 to the cost. That would make the cost of the drug$1,875. Nobody needs the village idiot to "save" us.
This tariff has already been tried with washing machines. When the tariffs went on the foreigner washing machines the American manufacturers quickly raised the price of their machines to match the price of the foreign washing machines. The village idiot says the pain will only be temporary, but this shows the pain will be permanent. The village idiot's tariffs will drive the price of American goods way up.
The village idiot says tariffs back to America, but it would take many years to design and build new factories and the increased cost would be permanent
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Wed 19 Feb, 2025 09:48 pm
In an interview Trump said that he will "love and cherish" social security, Medicare and Medicaid. At the same time Trump has endorsed a bill in the House that cuts Medicaid. One of the biggest users of Medicaid is the elderly in nursing homes once all their assets are gone Medicaid pays the $6,000 a month bill. Grandma and gramps will soon be coming home because the nursing home will soon put them out on the street. This of course will make sure that the world's richest man can continue paying not one dime in income tax. The republican party has one purpose to make sure the ungodly greedy get all of America wealth.
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Thu 20 Feb, 2025 09:33 pm
The rest of the republican party is only now beginning to see how damaging Trump's lies are. As long as Trump's lies benefited their reelection campaigns, they thought they were great. Trump could lie and claim to be superman who could singlehandedly stop inflation and end a war on the very first day in office. He would cut out income tax on tips, cut the income tax out on policemen and cut income tax on people in the military also. Has anybody heard anything about those lies since he won the election?
What happens when a liar is not called on his lies? He tells bigger and bigger lies because he believes there is no lie people won't believe. Now Trump is telling people that Russia did not start the war with Ukraine, and he tells it with a straight face. He repeats all of the Russian propaganda. Anyone knows that Russi invaded Ukraine twice first they took Crimea in Russia first invasion now they have taken 20% more of Ukraine. Trump owes Putin big time they were his biggest campaign contributor in his 2016 election campaign with all of the Russian propaganda poured into America.
Now some of the prominent Republicans are publicly calling Trump on his very obvious lies about Ukraine War, Lindsey Graham, senate majority leader John Thrun, John Kennedy, Mike Pence, and Niki Hayley.
Trump was always in Putin pocket, Trump publicly stated he wanted to be Putin best friend. Trump is like the little cartoon dog dancing around the feet of the big bulldog.
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Fri 21 Feb, 2025 09:57 pm
More and more republicans are now criticizing Trump. They are finally standing up they should have stood up to him a long time ago. He fired the military chief of staff and replaced with a retired three-star general that who is part of a venture capital fund. The more billionaires Trump can put into government the more trouble we are in. Remember that the cult Trump belongs to is deciding what to do "with all the useless people" Trump is not a human being, he is a psychopath who was born without part of his brain that is needed for empathy so he can never be fully a human being. Do you think for a minute that he cares that he is wrecking 100s of thousands of people's lives? Trump believed the conspiracy theory that it was the deep state that was after him in his first term not the stupid crap that he was doing. You do not want someone with no empathy deciding who will live and who will die.
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Sat 22 Feb, 2025 10:05 pm
The village idiot is doing what he did to his three casinos he built within sight of each other, he is going to bankrupt America with his huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and massive tariffs. Trump is putting tariffs from 60% -100% on China. That will double the cost of a car from China. How will that effect the price in America? Any company will charge the maximum the market will bear. This is what happened when tariffs were placed washing machines.
The village idiot says it will bring jobs back to America. How long does it take to build a factory, from planning to finishing construction? Five years, ten years? Once the factories are completed the tariffs will still be there and the prices won't go back down. If you listen to the village idiot, he talks like the factories could be built in a day. Nobody that has even a passing association reality can believe that. The village idiot is a complete and total stranger to reality.
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Sun 23 Feb, 2025 09:22 pm
On CNN they played Russia talking points about Ukraine and surprise, surprise, the talking points about Ukraine were almost word for word Trump's talking points that Trump has been pushing after his conversation with Putin. If Trump is not playing on Putin's team no one is. The Russian talking points were played for Trump's main negotiator. He could hardly talk after the clip of Russian TV was played for him. He would just go silent while Trump was being exposed. I never saw the subject of an interview lose it like this guy representing Trump. It been very obvious from Trump's first term that he is in the corner of our biggest enemy. Trump tried to kill the aid to Ukraine in his first term and the congress overrode is veto with a vote of nearly 100%. Later he withheld the aid for Ukraine and was impeached fo doing so.
Trump' representative tried to justify their efforts to end the war by saying a million and a half people have been killed in the war but few Russians. Most killed by Russians are civilians, women and children as they constantly bomb civilian sites. Trump's solution is Putin's solution reward the war criminals with Ukraine's land. That will ensure that Russia continues to invade other countries. The village idiot has to go. It is time to impeach him again. Third time is a charm.
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Mon 24 Feb, 2025 09:56 pm
Musk is running wild, and the village idiot owes him big time, $270 million that was used to buy the presidency for the village idiot.
'Have you ever witnessed SUCH ICOMPTENCE and CONTEMPT on how Your Taxes are being spent?"
Elon Musk
Musk has no dogs in this fight he is the richest man in the world and pays no income tax, but he does waste billions on rockets that blow up. Musk wastes billions of taxpayer dollars every year.
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Tue 25 Feb, 2025 09:26 pm
Putin and Trump are going to tag team Ukraine. Thieves one and all. Who said there was no honor among thieves? Putin is going to take Ukraine land and give the Trump the mineral rights. One thing for sure no one ever accused Trump of being honorable.
Trump was physically restrained by French President Macron from telling more lies. Trump was lying about France getting mineral rights from Ukraine in exchange for aid during the Ukraine war. When Trump started lying Macron grabbed his arm and disrupted Trump's lies. The village idiot cannot help himself he has been lying so long he would not recognize the truth if it was semi-truck.