The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2025 09:32 pm
When you are rich and you run out of things to buy, what do you do? The Good club and the club of Rome are made up of rich Oligarch who want to use their money to control the world. Bill Gates started the Good Club and other billionaires joined in. When America tax system was decimated by the republicans the fortunes of the rich became so large they had to do something with all that money and the IRS advised them to give it away. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other billionaires signed pledges to give away half of their fortunes in their lifetimes. The money is given to their foundations which they still control and is being used to create their vision of the future. Trump plans to give more and bigger tax cuts to the billionaires who already have so much money they don't know what to do with. The next round of republican tax cuts for billionaires should finish America democracy off.
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Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2025 08:53 pm
The oligarchs already control most of the world's wealth and they have been planning the future for the rest of us and that future is really bleak. Since they control most of the world's wealth, they believe the future is theirs to shape. They have decided that there will be no private or personal property in the future. Remember the John Lenon song "Imagine." Up until now the Oligarchs had to set on the sidelines and plan the future but finally now, they have been put in control of government, and they can finally begin to implement their future.
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Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2025 09:37 pm
Trump's inauguration had to be moved in because of the Polar Vortex. The weather will be the coldest in 40 years. Trump's inauguration will no doubt be the smallest in history. There are no buildings in Washington that can accommodate a 1/2 million people. Trump will be the first to claim it was the biggest in history because people in Russia are watching on television. That is what they did the in first term. When pictures showed that Obama crowd was far bigger Trump started to claim those at home had watched it on television. Trump was a loser then and a loser now.
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Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2025 09:23 pm
It looks like President Musk should have been paying more attention to his business Space X maybe his rocket would not have blown up if he had been minding the store. When you have a drug addict running a business it starts to go downhill. I wonder if Trump will let Musk put his hand on the bible beside his hand. Musk was responsible for Trump getting elected, so he earned that privilege.
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Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2025 08:49 pm
Reading the book "Controligarchs" the one name I did not think I would encounter was Trump. Trump is not rich enough fellow billionaires say Trump money is an illusion it is all borrowed. Each year the Oligarchs hold a meeting in Switzerland in a town called Davos. The Oligarchs gather to decide the future of the world. Trump attended two meetings during his first term in office. He plans to attend this year's meeting by teleconference. The conference is directed by a German whose father was a Nazi. The Oligarchs have decided that America's economic system has to be replaced with one designed for Red China by Schwab. Trump does not have to follow any of America's law and can implement a Red Chinese economic system with the help of his Oligarch friends. Today was by far the darkest day in American history.
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Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2025 09:25 pm
It used to be the billionaires' Boys Club but now the billionaires Boys are all grown up and they are Davos Men, anybody that does not believe this is a cult of billionaires is kidding themselves. They are currently deciding what our future will be, and we have no say they will decide. It costs $65,000 dollars to attend their cult meeting. It looks like 99% of the world's population will have no say in what the future looks like. Trump is not a leader in the cult, but he will take the orders from cult leaders. All classes should have a say in what the future is, but the billionaires have accumulated all the political power this is why you don't cut taxes out on billionaires to zero. Money is liquid political power once you have most of the world's money you have all the worlds political power.
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Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2025 09:06 pm
History always repeats itself we now have a brand-new Master Race and Hitler's master race never had a 1/10 of the political power. They are already trying to solve the problem of all these useless people. They are looking forward to the big reset where AI will put millions out of work. Putting them on drugs or having them play video games is being discussed. Since their leader Shwab is German, I am sure Gas Chambers are not out of the question after all what good are useless people. When billionaires like Trump begin to see other people as useless people we have a problem.
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Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2025 09:16 pm
Trump is full blown nuts. He called the prime Minster of Denmark and started threatening her if she did not sell him Greenland. Trump threatened to levy huge tariffs against Denmark and Greenland. Trump also refused to rule out a military invasion. Denmark is a NATO member and if they are attacked the other members of NATO are bound to defend them from the aggressor. Greenland has 57,000 people who would have no say in their government. Trump says that he will provide Greenland residents with "safety, security strength, and peace." When was the last time Greenland went to war? Trump says, "make Greenland great again." There is no difference between Germany overrunning Poland and Trump overrunning Greenland?
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Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2025 09:30 pm
If you asked the people that voted for Trump if they liked social security, they would say of course. But social security was a democratic program which the republicans absolutely hated. For 20 years after social security was passed the republicans did everything in their power to repeal that law. The republicans now have control of congress and the White House and guess what one of their first priorities? Cutting $1.5 trillion out of social security so they can give more tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. One hundred and seventy members of the Republican Study Committee voted for this cut in social security. When you vote, you should check to see what side your bread is buttered on, or you may not have any bread to butter.
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Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2025 09:20 pm
Trump is now out to rewrite the constitution. The constitution gave us birth right citizenship and Trump takes it away. Though a lower court has stopped Trump from taking away birth right citizenship the supreme court is in Trump's pocket. America is the only country in the world that is made up almost entirely of immigrants and if we traced our forefathers back most of our ancestors gained citizenship through birth right citizenship most of the first-generation immigrants would not have taken the citizenship test. Trump wants to raise the number of foreign immigrants he imports but wants to block any of his employee's children born in this country from becoming citizens. One has to wonder what other parts of the constitution Trump wants to change next. Trump will come after the second amendment next. He does not think anybody should say anything negative about him. Trump thinks there should be a law, and a free press should be a thing of the past.
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Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2025 09:48 pm
Trump has been in office a week and he is back to his old tricks breaking every law that he comes to. He can't be stopped because he is immune to prosecution per the supreme court. Trump is the most corrupt man in the world, and he now has immunity for "official actions." Even those on the right if they are honest know that Trump was guilty. Trump own words when he tells the Georgia secretary of state to just find 13,000 votes. Trump clearly was trying to fix the election.

Many people romanticize criminals, they have made several movies about Bonnie and Clyde, gas station robbers who killed people. The car they were killed in is treated like a shrine. John Dillinger is another criminal that was honored by Hollwood with movies. As long as someone else is the victim of the criminal's crimes it is alright to make them a hero. If you had been one of the wives of those killed by Bonnie and Clyde, they would not consider them a hero.

The crimes that Trump committed did not touch most of the American people, but they were real crimes and now Trump is firing the very people who were doing their job and banning them from employment in the Federal government. There is no difference in Bonnie and Clyde having any law enforcement officer that went after them fired and banning them from ever holding a job in law enforcement again, there is no difference.
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Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2025 09:27 pm
Thieves are only heroes when they are stealing from someone else. Once they start stealing from you your attitude changes. Trump's order to pause federal loans and grants is causing problems as people didn't know what all was included in Trump's order. Some believed that Trump's order included, social security and Medicare. University don't believe they will be paid. Bank robbers are smart enough not to rob banks that don't have any money. If Trump being the thief he, is he knows if all the federal money is spent there won't be any left to steal. He has immunity and can steal as much as he wants. That has to be a wet dream for every thief in America steal all you want, and no one can touch you.

Congress is responsible for federal spending not Trump. Trump can veto a spending bill but by law once it is signed it becomes law. Trump doesn't get two bites of the apple. Once it is signed it is a law. Trump tried this trick with Ukraine using the money to blackmail them. He got impeached for that.
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Reply Wed 29 Jan, 2025 09:38 pm
Trump's order to pause caused a shut down the Medicaid system in all 50 states. Many will say that was the medical program for people on welfare, but Medicaid pays for the medical care of most seniors in nursing homes. Medicaid pays for the healthcare of 72 million Americans. Most Americans cannot afford to pay $6,000 a month for nursing home care. Who is going to care if the welfare people lose their healthcare? Doctors and hospitals and the general public because the cost will just be passed on as a cost of doing business. The republicans have been honest they have told you that they want to eliminate entitlements, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid. The republicans fought social security for twenty years. These programs are paid for with taxpayer money. The republican never gave the working man one thing, they only give bigger and better tax cuts to the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Thu 30 Jan, 2025 09:36 pm
Trump was quick to blame the plane crash on diversity training when the total idiot has no clue, but he will repeat the lie continually. Reagan was at fault when he broke the air traffic controller's union. Unions help manage an organization they know far more about their job than management which changes continually. A union gives the employee a chance to participate in their job. The union contributes to an employe's mental health and wellbeing. In a union shop management could never make an employee do two stressful jobs as was the case in yesterday plane crash.

One of my friends that I grew up with was an air traffic controller and he burned out in his forties. I was a union member and union president. The first thing you learn is that management makes mistakes and will use their position to pursue petty grudges. When I had a new department head come in, he would tell me all the things he was going to do but I would stop him right there and explain we had a contract and whatever he did he would abide by the contract, or I would see him in the mayor office. There must have been 10 different departments heads in that job in the 40+ years I was there. The employees knew the job, but most department heads didn't have a clue. Without a union we would have had to repeat the same mistakes 10 times.

The air traffics controllers never recovered from republican's union busting and the near misses demonstrate that we could have had another twenty major plane crashes in the last 40 years because of Reagan.

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Reply Fri 31 Jan, 2025 09:26 pm
It seems there is going to be plenty of blame to go around for the plane crash. It seems senators like Ted Cruz demanded a direct flight to his hometown. The airport told them not to it. The airport was already too busy. The senators passed a bill that forced the airport to add the flights. The senators, of course, realized the airport could not just add a flight for the senators who may use it one or two days a year but would be flown every day. Looks like stupid Donald Trump was wrong again it had nothing to do with DEI.
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Reply Sat 1 Feb, 2025 09:21 pm
One of the goals of the Devos cult is to make oligarchs above the law. Making Trump above the law corrupts are entire justice system. Trump firing of six top FBI agents and many head of many of reginal FBI offices sends a message that you can never prosecute even the most corrupt man on earth. The FBI will simply turn their head when politicians commit crimes. They can sit in the office and pretend not to see the corruption in our government it pays just as much to sit in the office as it does to try and stop a corrupt public official why take a risk?

You can clearly see now why in most countries the people behind an insurrection are executed that day without question. You either control the situation or let the situation control you. In Trump's two first trials he was found guilty and would have been found guilty in the other trials. The only reason he was not found guilty was his attorneys tying up his cases in court. You may think it was nice that Trump beat the law but what if your neighbor was immune from the law. He could come over and rape your daughter (like Trump did) and when you went to the law, they would say we can't do anything because he has immunity. Your neighbor would be angry that you turned him in an burned your house down. Of course, you couldn't do anything about that either. Then he'd get you fired from your job because you turned him in again.

Is that really a world you would want to live in? This is the beginning of that world. It does not stop with one person being immune. We have a whole group of people, the oligarchs, that feel entitled to immunity, and they are actively pushing for it. Granting immunity to one is a slippery slope.
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Reply Sun 2 Feb, 2025 09:31 pm
Federal Employees are being asked "if they are mission-aligned which is the phrase being used by the transition team to mean that you will carry out the orders of the president regardless of whether they are lawful or not." It took hundreds of years and millions of Americans to bring America to be the greatest democracy on earth and one idiot destroyed it in less than two weeks. There is only one way to take that mission-aligned oath, Trump is making employees swear a loyalty oath to Trump in order to keep their job. They are not being asked to swear a loyalty oath to America. You know what that spells? Dictator.
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Reply Mon 3 Feb, 2025 09:30 pm
Trump continues to lie his as off and the idiots believe every lie he tells. Trump turned the water loose. They turned loose $5.2 billion gals. They turned the water loose from two different dams. The problem is the water is used for irrigation and that water can't possibly get to southern California from that water shed. It flooded the farmers dormant crops. Of course, Musk and Trump were taking a victory lap for "saving" southern California from the "fires" which are already out. The man is complete idiot, and it looks like Musk is as big a liar as Trump. The story was reported by a Fox News Chief National Security Correspondent, Jennfer Grifith on X. How long do you think she will have her job? There is an unwritten rule at Fox News, if you tell the truth at Fox News you will be fired.
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Reply Tue 4 Feb, 2025 09:33 pm
Reality set in for Trump. The Associated Wholesale Grocers sent a notice to its customers that prices would be going up 25%. They sent the notice to 1,100 customers. Thirty minutes after Associated Wholesale Grocers sent out the notice the president of Mexico sent out a notice that Trump had paused the 25% tariffs for 30 days. Cannada Prime Minster made a similar announcement later that afternoon. The idiot himself said prices won't go up when the tariffs are enacted. If you raise the cost of something by 25% the price goes up 25%. Only a fool would believe differently or Trump.
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Reply Wed 5 Feb, 2025 09:36 pm
Trump said prices won't go up when he imposes his 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada but the biggest grocery wholesaler had sent notice to 1,100 customers that prices were going up 25%. Who do you think knows what reality is? The wholesaler or the crazy politician who is determined to destroy America?
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