The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 12 Jul, 2024 08:37 pm
Trump is trying to pretend that he does not know anything about the Heritage Foundation or their Project 2025. Project 2025 is Heritage’s blue print for Trump’s next term. Project 2025 wants the FBI and Justice department defunded, our two most powerful law enforcements defunded. Why? Because they are prosecuting Trump. They would do away with the government ability to go after criminals to protect a criminal like Trump. The republicans are all for law and order as long as you don’t prosecute republican politcal criminals.

The Heritage Foundation was responsible for all three of Trump’s supreme court judges. They vetted the judges and were responsible for their appointments. Of course, Trump has no idea who the Heritage Foundation is, he has never heard of them but film of Trump addressing the Heritage Foundation has surfaced. In the video Trump is seen praising project 2025. Trump says, “it is pure disinformation.” After all who are you going to believe, Trump, or your lying eyes.
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Reply Sat 13 Jul, 2024 08:53 pm
Trump has been as advocate of political violence since he has been in office but Trump is a stupid man. Trump believed that he could make the political violence all go in one direction. Trump did not understand political violence is a double edge sword. If we know one thing for sure violence begets violence. Trump had no problem with trying to have his thugs kill Mike Pence. Trump enjoyed watching his thugs chant “kill Mike Pence.”

Trump tried to replace our constitutional election system with political violence. He fired up the Trump thugs by telling them they were going to lose their country if the did not fight like hell. In Charlottesville, when the Nazis and racists ended up injuring 30 people and killing one, Trump said there were “fine people on both sides.” I wonder if he thinks that the one who shot him today was one of those fine people.

Trump is a coward, coward who after he used up several draft deferments to keep from being shot at in Vietnam, after he could no longer get another deferment Trump found a doctor to claim he had heel spurs. Trump will have PTSD and every time he hears a firecracker he will hide behind his podium. When you court political violence, it will find you also.
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Reply Sun 14 Jul, 2024 08:34 pm
When Trump was president, he had a chance to ban assault weapons after Parkland High school shooting that killed 17 but after first saying he would ban assault weapons he got a call from the NRA who contributed $90 million to his campaign, and they told him he was going to no such thing. Now it is ironic that the gun his shooter shot him with was one of the guns he could have banned. Trump decided that the gun nuts right to use him for target practice was superior to his right to live. According to experts the AK-47 can be deadly for a mile.

Trump created the situation and now he knows how the school children at Parkland felt. Now the republican congressmen are blaming Biden for ordering a hit on Trump without any proof whatsoever. If Biden had ordered the hit, it would not have been a twenty-year-old republican kid, it would have been a professional assassin, and he would not have missed. Trump is simply reaping what he sewed. Trump’s lawyers tried to convince the supreme court that he should have total immunity from prosecution. The court granted official immunity to the president. One could make a case under that absurd ruling that Trump was a danger to America and our way of life and as such as an official duty of the president could have Trump removed as part of his official duties as president. You live buy the gun you die by the gun.
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Reply Mon 15 Jul, 2024 08:58 pm
What happens when Trump takes top secret material and spreads it among his friends to impress them. Trump refused to give back the top-secret material when the government asked to have it returned and tried to hide it. The judge Trump appointed, Aileen Cannon, who had little to no court experience, has now dismissed the case against Trump not because Trump is not guilty but because she put the special prosecutor on trial instead.

She says the appointment of the special prosecutor by U S Attorney General Merit Garland violated the appointment clause of the United States Constitution. The judge argued that "the Constitution requires that the Congress must pass a legislation allowing the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor or said individual to be nominated and confirmed by the Senate." We have had many special prosecutors and there was no question. Inserting politics into our law enforcement system would make it impossible to ever prosecute a politician as the vote to appoint a special prosecutor would always be along party lines and prevent a special prosecutor from being appointed.
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Reply Tue 16 Jul, 2024 08:41 pm
Project 2025 is planning to overturn all of the political progress made in the last century. Any non-partisan government employee who will not back the conservative political agenda can be fired. This is a turn back to the way government employees were treated in the mid-sixties. In order to get a state job, you had to first agree to work the next election for the party in power. If the party in power lost the election the party that won, the election fired all the government employees of the losing party.

I had a friend that worked for the county, the day after his party lost the election he was introduced to a man and was told to show him what he did because he was taking his place. Court decisions and unions put a stop to much of that practice. Now Project 2025 wants to bring back the corrupt past.

Project 2025 would also make it illegal to collect data on black employment and discrimination. If there is no data there is no problem. Project 2025 wants to put black people back in their place the 1960s. Trump is smiling in their faces all the while he plans to put a knife in their back.
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Reply Wed 17 Jul, 2024 08:32 pm
I wonder why Trump didn’t pick Mike Pence for his vice president. Pence is one who walks the walk, he, unlike Trump lives what he believes. Pence was a tremendous asset when it came to getting the Christian vote. Of course, Trump was upset that Pence would not overthrow the government of the United States. Trump wanted to make sure his next vice president would overthrow the U S government without question.

When J D Vance was asked if he would have thrown out the legitimate votes for president? Vance answered that he would have followed Trump’s order and made Trump president even though he lost the election. It is very clear that if you want the U S government overthrown Trump is your man.

The employees in the next Trump administration, if there is one, will have one qualification for their job and only one qualification will be their loyalty to Trump. The government employees will be purged based on whether they are sufficiently loyal to Trump. This will surround Trump with a Hitler style army.
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Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2024 08:40 pm
The company that acquired Trump’s social network is being sued for fraud, does that surprise anyone? Trump and fraud go together like love and marriage. The CEO of the company that acquired Truth Social had many meetings with Trump but never told the stock holders that any meetings were taking place. If the stock holders had known that the meeting were being held with the Fraud King they could have sold their stock. Getting involved with the Fraud King, you know you are going to get burned.

The SEC has already fined Digital World Acquisition Corp $18 million. Thiis is probably just the beginning of fines for fraud. Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure and Trump is the king of liars. Some people are known to cook the books but Trump vaporize them.
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Reply Fri 19 Jul, 2024 08:53 pm
Trump said that God saved him. The superstitious always believe that God is responsible for the good in the world and the devil is responsible for all the bad stuff. Trump should be thinking that it was actually God who sent the snipper after him Trump lived a life of crime and God is probably mad as hell that the snipper missed. Trump was trying to overthrow the government and that often ends in ends with a bullet in the head.

Trump says we had horrible, horrible results in the (last election) and we will never let that happen again.” There was never every one shred of evidence to support Trump’s lies and 60 courts of law threw out the cases because they had no proof. Trump is making it very clear that he fully intends to use his Trump thugs overthrow the government. That statement is a dog whistle to the Trump thugs. If Trump wins, he wins but if he loses, he still intends to be the winner. Why should Trump not overthrow the government nothing happened to him the last time. That why in most countries anyone that stages an insurrection is executed on the spot because if they don’t the insurrectionist will just try it again.
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Reply Sat 20 Jul, 2024 08:55 pm
“The greatest enemy of truth is very often not the lie-deliberate, contrived, and dishonest--but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears……. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

John Kennedy in an address to Yale graduates.

The power myth is stronger now then every before because the politicians have harnessed the power of myth for political gain. The founding fathers had gone to extremes to build a wall between church and state. Even as the constitution was being the churches wanted to stipulate that preachers would be paid by the government and that they would be given land grants to build the churches. The founding fathers rejected both ideas. All religions are the myths Kennedy refers to. The thing about myths is they can be made up out of whole cloth. The myth of the nation being founded by religion is just that a myth.
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Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2024 08:39 pm
Biden did the right thing and withdrew from the race, now it is Trump’s turn to withdraw. Trump made a big thing about Biden’s age but Trump is only 3 years younger and will be Biden age in 3rd year of his term of his next term should he be elected. Trump can’t have it both ways if Biden is too old than Trump is too old.

Trump and republicans are now demanding that Biden leave office now. While Biden may have decided that he might hurt the party’s chances in the next election but that has nothing to with his current term. Why would the republicans want Biden to quit now? The vice president has more or less a clean slate they need for her to be in charge so they have some negative things to say about her. Trump has made a number of senior citizen mistake, saying Niki Haley was in charge of security of the Congress, and at his rallies he rambles on about electric planes. Those are senior moments and there are a lot of them.
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Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2024 08:32 pm
Trump is now looking for a way to escape the second presidential debate. Trump wants it moved to Fox News in 2019 Trump was given the answers to the debate question by Fox News and that pretty much did away with Fox News chances of holding a presidential debate in the future. Trump has to be absolute terrified by the prospect of the next debate because his chances of having senior moments is increasing with each passing day.

Trump has a problem with women and likes to call them fat cows and other demeaning names. Kamala Harris is likely to be able to go toe to toe with Trump and anger him. Once Trump gets angry it is hard to tell what will come out of his mouth. Trump refused to debate any of his primary candidates. Don’t be surprised if Donald Duck doesn’t also duck the second presidential debate if Fox News doesn’t hold it and give him all the answers.
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Reply Tue 23 Jul, 2024 08:22 pm
Most of the religious believe that religion is the source for morality but nothing could be further from the truth. “It is life’s illusions I recall I don’t know life at all.” It is the illusion of religion. In states that are more religious, you have more crime, they have higher rates of poverty, you have higher rates of obesity, higher rates of infant mortality, higher rates of STDs, higher rates of teen pregnancy, the lowest rate of college educated adults, the highest rate of murder and violent crime.

If religion is the wellspring of morality this would not happen. It looks like a lot of America’s problem could be solved by simply having less religion. This also holds true for countries as well, the more religion the more problems. The religious are so concerned about abortion but religion causes higher infant mortality. It looks like the religious would want to do away with their religion to save the babies.

The statistics are from the book “The Founding Myth: Why Chistian Nationalism Is Un-American.“

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Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2024 08:59 pm
Most people ae familiar with the term meme. Most of us will occasional a have tune run through their mind. Those tunes and phrases that seem to stick with us are called meme. Richard Dawkins in his book “The Selfish Gene” postulates that God may in fact be a meme. The stories of God have been told and retold through out the centuries just as old tunes have been played and played.

Meme act very much like genes as they spread through the population though in a different way. Meme don’t have to be true to spread through the population. Everyone knows the story of George Washington chopping down the cherry tree when he was a child and when he was asked, he admitted he chopped it down. This story was not true it never happened. A textbook writer made the story out of whole cloth and included it in his text books. Every school child in America knew this story and believed to be true. This parable was meant to teach children honesty, but it was a lie. Meme are being generated today are just as dishonest.
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Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2024 08:29 pm
The founding fathers believed their morality came from their education and not the church, but they were unwilling to do away with religion altogether because they believed that it was of some good to the uneducated and ignorant. The basic selling point of religion is that mankind is bad and the church is good and the only way mankind can be moral is to follow religions rules.

The founding fathers were wrong about the source of their morality also. The source of mankind’s morality is genetic in nature. We do know beyond a doubt that psychopaths have a genetic bases. People who are born psychopath are said not to have conscious they follow no rules. What of the majority of us who has a conscious? Is that not the real source that our morality springs from we know those deemed mot to have conscious would gain nothing from religion. A conscious would be something that genetic would favor. A society of psychopaths would not last long. Genes that would favor a conscious would prosper in the gene pool while genes that make a psychopath would not prosper in the gene pool.
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Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2024 09:19 pm
Morality and its source have been debated for centuries. Christianity would have people believe that the cult was responsible for people being moral. If someone was not a Christian, he could not be moral. The church’s definition of morality is someone who follows the cult rules. As we learn more about the nature of man our understanding has taken leaps and bounds. The bible contains only the state of man’s knowledge as it was 2,000 years ago.

We not only can look inside the human brain, but we can watch it function in real time. The key to morality is empathy. Most of us have the capacity for empathy. We can literally feel other pain. We are able to pick up other people’s emotions. Many people can watch a tearjerker movie and cry when the hero dies. Empathy gives us, not only ability to experience other’s emotions but the ability to know how our future actions would affect others.

Without empathy you are Donald Trump you don’t care how your actions affect others. Do you think Trump is bothered by cheating an elderly couple out of their life savings by selling them a condo that was never be built? Trump is only worried about finding his next victim. We had a local heating and air contractor who would repair appliances on the side. He was called to fix an old lady’ refrigerator. Whie he was working on her refrigerator he disconnected the defroster motor knowing she would have to call him back in a couple of weeks. Sure enough, she did and he reconnected the defroster motor and charge her for a new defroster motor. The lady was poor and was crying when she wrote his check. He told her, psychopath that he was, just don’t get any tears on my check. This was a story he told bragging about it while he looked for another victim.
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Reply Sat 27 Jul, 2024 08:59 pm
Religion claims to make people who follow their cult rules moral, that is the illusion, but the reality is quite different. The recent scandals involving child molesters in different religious groups shows what the actual facts are. One would expect to be far fewer child molesters in religious group employees than the general public, but facts show preachers offend at the exact same rate as the general public. If churches had been the source of morality, you would expect they would offend far less than the general public.

The illusion that religion is a source of morality is just that an illusion, the reality is shown by the child molestation figures. I suspect other types of crimes if studies were done would yield the same results. There is no doubt that there are many good moral people in churches as there are many good moral people who don’t attend church. That would indicate it is the individual that is moral. Years ago, when I was working as a mechanic, we worked 24-7 on police cars. One of the mechanics on midnight would check for open work orders on cars that were finished and sign them and take credit for fixing the cars. That is what religion does it finds people that are moral and takes credit where credit isn’t do.
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Reply Sun 28 Jul, 2024 09:03 pm
Trump has solved the election problem. He told two of the Christian right groups, “Christians get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore…You got to get and vote. In four years, you don’t have again. We will have it fixed so good you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you are not going to have to vote again.”

Donald Trump

What Trump didn’t say was that you won’t be able to vote again. Trump will be dictator for life. Trump’s campaign tried to clean up Trump’s statement and say Trump was talking about prosperity. I don’t know about you, but I did not hear him say anything about prosperity. Will there be people who would vote for a dictator? Absolutely and there are a plenty of them.

Fox News polls show Trump is going down like the Titanic in polls in the battleground states. You can look to see a number of people fired at Fox News for hiring a polling service that tells the truth. Trump is known to pay people to fix polls to show him doing better than he is. It must be absolute torture for Fox News to have to publish polls showing Trump losing so badly.

Fox News Polls show:

Harris 57% and Trump 47% in Michigan.

Harris 51% and Trump 43% in Minnesota.

Harris 49% and Trump 47% in Wisconsin

Harris 49% and Trump 46% in Pennsylvania

Harris has been campaigning for less than a week
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Reply Mon 29 Jul, 2024 08:33 pm
Why does Trump think he is running against Nancy Pelosi? That was his dream opponent, talk radio and Fox News had been working on destroying her reputation for twenty years everyday just like they did Hillary Clinton. Trump first starting confusing Pelosi with Niki Haley during the republican primary. Trump said that Haley was in charge of capitol security during the Jan 6 insurrection. Trump is now confusing Vice President Harris with Nancy Pelosi. How far past senile does Trump have to go before those on the right admit how senile he is?

The governor of Maryland, when ask about Trump telling the Christian right groups that after this election they would never have to vote again, said it was just a Trumpism. Exactly what is a Trumpism? We all know that Trump did everything in his power to overturn the 2020 election after he lost it by millions. Trump learns by his mistakes and would make absolutely certain that he put key people in critical positions who would follow every one of his orders It is a truism alright it is absolutely true.
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Reply Tue 30 Jul, 2024 08:51 pm
Like I said before there are a lot of fine moral people in churches. What would happen to them if they suddenly stopped going to church? Would they suddenly become a Donald Trump type conman or would they remain moral people? My parents had been loyal Catholics for 50 years but as they got older, they found themselves disagreeing with the priest and dad stopped going to church for the last 20 years of his life and my mom still does not go to church to this day. When my dad lay dying no priest was called to give him last rites.

Stopping going to church did not change my parents a bit. My dad was a good carpenter and often helped neighbors out with home improvement projects and never took a penny. I t was very obvious that when he stopped going to church it didn’t change him. Church was not the source of his morality. As long as we continue to put garbage in, we will continue to get garbage out. Illusions can be manufactured easily.
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Reply Wed 31 Jul, 2024 08:44 pm
Things just aren’t going right for Donald Duck. Donald Duck had been courting on the black vote and wouldn’t you know it he ends up running against a black woman. What’s a Donald Duck to do? Donald Duck’s fallback position is always to lie his ass off. Trump claimed in an interview with black journalist in Chicago That Vice President only recently turned black that she had been following her Indian heritage. Harris’s father is Indian and her mother black. In America the law states that if you are even 1/16 black your race is black.

Trump is trying to divide and conquer the black vote by making the black community think Harris is not one of them. Trump is like a drowning man going down for the third time and is grasping at straws. After Donald Duck figures out that he is going to lose the election in landside it will be no more-mister nice guy. Trump will start claiming the election has been rigged two weeks before the election. America will witness the biggest temper tantrum in history. Trump will not leave the public stage quietly Jan 6th will pale beside Trump’s next tantrum.

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